序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
101 Vehicle tie-down structure US5992760 1960-10-03 US3038740A 1962-06-12 BLUNDEN DONALD J
102 Railroad car US69575657 1957-11-12 US3009426A 1961-11-21 MICHAEL NAMPA SULO
103 Method and apparatus for protecting vehicle loads US85696359 1959-12-03 US3003436A 1961-10-10 PETERSON WILLIAM H
104 Cargo bracing structure US80554159 1959-04-10 US2988020A 1961-06-13 STOUGH GERALD D
105 Fluid suspension for wheeled vehicles US59903756 1956-07-20 US2967717A 1961-01-10 TRACK FRANK A
106 Snubbed strut US46366054 1954-10-21 US2966321A 1960-12-27 BLATTNER EMIL H
107 Systems of freight transportation US74777958 1958-07-10 US2949865A 1960-08-23 DE GRANDPRE ETIENNE
108 Railway vehicle US47834854 1954-12-29 US2926618A 1960-03-01 NELSON CORLESS B; SMIDL JOHN M
109 Freight air cushioning system US64434757 1957-03-06 US2856867A 1958-10-21 DASEY HOMER H
110 Dunnage bar US54165555 1955-10-20 US2821941A 1958-02-04 REED CLAIR S
111 Method of loading and protecting newsprint rolls during transit US29123552 1952-06-02 US2812727A 1957-11-12 DORSEY CHARLES A
112 Shoring construction US5142048 1948-09-27 US2674206A 1954-04-06 WILLIAM SCOTT CARL
113 Shock absorbing car structure US66412433 1933-04-03 US1940953A 1933-12-26 PLATTS KELLETT WILLIAM
114 Meat rack US55168631 1931-07-18 US1863714A 1932-06-21 GEIGER WILLIAM A
115 Valejstty wroclawski US1322212D US1322212A 1919-11-18
116 Shock-absorber. US23665118 1918-05-25 US1289122A 1918-12-31 CUTLER GEORGE E; MONESMITH BERT L
117 Shock-absorber. US7175716 1916-01-12 US1237088A 1917-08-14 PERVELIS HERCULES
118 Car. US1914834252 1914-04-24 US1152047A 1915-08-31 REYNOLDS MORLEY PUNSHON
119 Freight-car. US1913741506 1913-01-11 US1084477A 1914-01-13 PETERSON DAVID E
120 Freight-car. US1913789334 1913-09-11 US1081853A 1913-12-16 MILLER FRANK G