序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
221 Methods and apparatus for increasing and extending oil production from underground formations nearly depleted of natural gas drive US10317009 2002-12-11 US06808693B2 2004-10-26 Johnny Arnaud; B. Franklin Beard
Methods and apparatus employing inert gases injected into the lower level of sloping underground oil-bearing formations as a driving mechanism and water injected into the upper level of the formations as a gas blocking mechanism for increasing and extending the production of oil from underground formations is described. Also described is an inert gas oil production system comprising an exhaust gas processing system, a well inert gas and water injection system, an oil production well system, and a fuel gas generator. A hydraulically operated crude oil pump is also described.
222 Method and apparatus for froth flotation US10306131 2002-11-27 US06793079B2 2004-09-21 Latif A. Khan; John Lytle; Ken Ho
A process of separating a desired constituent from a mixture of particulate matter including the steps of: conditioning a liquid mixture of particulate matter with a frothing agent to create a pulp; aerating the pulp to generate a float fraction of froth supported on the surface of a non-float fraction of pulp; separating a portion of froth from the float fraction; draining the separated froth; washing the separated froth with a liquid to dislodge particles comprising one or more of non-selectively attached, entrained, and entrapped particles; and recovering the washed froth, is disclosed herein. Also disclosed herein are a froth cleaning apparatus and a froth flotation apparatus for separating a desired constituent from a mixture of particulate matter. The froth cleaning apparatus includes a hood including a lower peripheral edge for interface with the top of a froth flotation cell; a discharge orifice disposed in the hood; a froth support in communication with the discharge outlet for receiving and supporting froth; and a wash sprayer disposed upstream of the discharge orifice. The flotation apparatus includes: a wall defining a flotation cell; an aerator for aerating a mixture of particulate matter to produce froth; a feed opening for introducing a mixture of particulate matter and/or froth into the cell; a discharge orifice in a wall of the cell; a froth support in communication with the discharge outlet for receiving and supporting the froth; and a wash sprayer disposed upstream of the discharge orifice.
223 Device for aerating dispersions US09776123 2001-02-02 US06585854B2 2003-07-01 Bernhard Scherzinger; Helmuth Gabl
A device and process for aerating dispersions, particularly for flotation of pulp suspensions, in a de-inking process where the pulp suspension containing dirt particles is sprayed into a tank together with air. The air is injected at a minimum of two successive points and mixed with the suspension.
224 Froth flotation process and apparatus US10203987 2002-10-07 US20030106843A1 2003-06-12 Graeme John Jameson; Noel Wiliam Alexander Lambert
A froth flotation process typically used to separate particulate materials such as coal, has a mixed size feed (1) separated in a sieve bend (2) into a stream of relatively fine particles (3) and a stream of relatively coarse particles (14). The fine particles are fed to a flotation cell (7) in the normal manner, while the coarse particles are mixed with wash water (16) and distributed onto or into the froth layer (10) by wash water distribution apparatus (19, 20). Alternative variations of wash water distribution apparatus able to handle coarse particles are also described.
225 Flotation cell fluid level control apparatus US10234003 2002-09-03 US20030047213A1 2003-03-13 Robert D. Cook; Jerry W. Hunt
A fluid level control apparatus for selectively controlling the movement of liquid flowing out of a flotation cell is described. The fluid level control apparatus is significantly reduced in size in comparison with the flotation cell or cells to which it is connected which enables less expensive construction and reduced operating costs in terms of both the equipment and the plant as a whole. The fluid level control apparatus comprises a vessel having a valve positioned therein which includes a valve body structured with a curved surface which provides selective and finite control of fluid flowing through the vessel of the control apparatus. In one embodiment at least one of the inlet and outlet of the control apparatus exhibit a cross-sectional area taken transverse to the intended fluid flow therethrough having a substantially horizontal dimension which is greater than a substantially vertical dimension.
226 Flotation and cyanidation process control US09305787 1999-05-04 US06234318B1 2001-05-22 Yves Breau; Martin DeMontigny; Eric Levesque; Jacques McMullen; Dany Pelletier; Pierre Pelletier
A method for controlling a froth flotation system in a mineral processing operation for recovering metal from a metal source. A rule-based expert system adjusts performance of the froth flotation system.
227 Device for automatic regulation of the process of separating froth concentrate from gangue in a floatation machine US586259 1990-09-21 US5578198A 1996-11-26 Fedor A. Chumak; Vladimir N. Cherednik; Mikhail N. Zlobin
The automatic regulator device comprises a channel for measuring the level and density of pulp in the chamber of a floatation machine, in which two bubbling pipes are in communication with a differential pressure pickup connected to the input of a frother flow-rate regulating channel and to one input of a correction unit whose other input is connected to a pressure pickup communicating with one of the bubbling pipes. The output of the correction unit is connected to the input of a circuit designed to regulate the rate of flow of water with frother in a pulp level stabilizing channel, the output of said circuit being connected to an actuator valve installed on a pipeline feeding water with frother and furnishing a control signal with respect to a pulp level deviation from a preset value. A water-and-frother flow transducer is connected to the input of a circuit designed to regulate the gangue discharge rate in the pulp level stabilizing channel, the output of said circuit being connected to the drive of the actuator valve installed on a gangue discharge branch pipe, said output developing a control signal with respect to a deviation of the water-and-frother flow rate from a preset value.
228 Device for automatically controlling the process of separating froth concentrate from gangue in a floatation machine US586261 1990-09-21 US5368166A 1994-11-29 Fedor A. Chumak; Vladimir N. Cherednik; Mikhail N. Zlobin
The automatic control device comprises a channel used to measure the level and density of pulp in a chamber of a floatation machine, in which two bubbling tubes communicate with a differential pressure transducer connected to the input of a frother flow control channel and to the input of a correction unit whose other input is connected to a pressure transducer communicating with one of the bubbling tubes. The bubbling tubes are installed in hydrostatic tubes located outside the chamber and communicating therewith at different levels relative to the pulp level. The output of the correction unit is connected to the input of a circuit designed to control the flow rate of water and frother in a pulp level stabilizing channel and having its output connected to an actuator valve of a pipeline feeding water and frother. A water and frother flow transducer is connected to the input of a circuit designed to control the gangue discharge rate in the pulp level stabilizing channel and having its output connected to the drive of an actuator valve of a branch pipe used to discharge gangue.
229 Column flotation method US967197 1992-10-27 US5332100A 1994-07-26 Graeme J. Jameson
A method for the beneficiation of mineral ores by the flotation method whereby a slurry is introduced under pressure into the top of a first column through a downwardly facing nozzle, and air is entrained into the slurry forming a downwardly moving foam bed in the first column. The foam bed passes from the bottom of the first column into a second column where the froth and liquid separate, the froth carrying the values floating upwardly and over a weir and the liquid being drained with the gangue. The liquid/froth interface level in the second column is kept above the bottom of the first column, and the air flow rate into the top of the first column is controlled to keep the first column substantially full of foam.
230 Apparatus for mineral matter separation US519889 1990-05-07 US5167375A 1992-12-01 Rabinder S. Datta
A combination of raw coal and water is introduced as a slurry into a vessel. Chemicals are introduced at a feed inlet. The mixture is reduced by interaction with a bed of agitated grinding balls. Air is introduced into the lower portion of the vessel and forced upwardly through the circuitous passages among and between the grinding balls. The rising air bubbles carry the more hydropholic product upwardly into a froth compartment of the vessel and through a discharge outlet of the vessel. Wash water is introduced into the upper portion of the vessel and descends through the froth and the ball passages carrying entrained and less hydrophobic particles into the grinding chamber. The non-floatable material flows downwardly from the grinding chamber to a refuse zone for discharge as refuse from the vessel.
231 Froth level measurement US551595 1990-07-11 US5073253A 1991-12-17 Marshall D. Bishop
A wire guided float level measurement system includes a float, a nozzle and an ultrasonic level detector which are attachable to an open frame. The float, which is supportable on a froth, is slideably attached to te frame via one or more guide wires, and the nozzle and ultrasonic level detector are fixed near the top of the frame. In operation the frame, with attachments, is disposed in a flotation cell in an upright position so as to traverse a froth layer which is formed in the cell. The float, while supported by the froth so as to follow the froth level, serves as a target for pulses transmitted from the ultrasonic level detector, and the detector continually measures the distance to the float which is an indirect indication of froth level. Any mineral accumulation on the float, which would interfere with its buoyancy, is washed off the top of the float by spraying wash water through one or more nozzles.
232 Method of separating mineral particles by froth flotation US287457 1988-12-21 US5019244A 1991-05-28 Howard W. Cole, Jr.
A device for controlling the flow of foam which uses a piston-cylinder arrangement to receive foam at the rapid flow rate of a foam generator until the cylinder is substantially full of foam and then to dispense the foam at a lower flow rate by using the piston to gradually push the foam out of the cylinder.
233 Combination feedforward-feedback froth flotation cell control system US562056 1990-08-02 US5011595A 1991-04-30 Gary F. Meenan; Hayward Oblad
A control system having optoelectric detectors responsive to different solids concentrations and character of the solids of a slurry, the signal of the detectors being input to a process controller which adjusts the rate of addition of chemicals to the feed stream of a froth cell to control the separation of solids from impurities. The impurities pass out of the cell as tailings. The controller calculates a feedforward output from the signals from detectors sensing different slurry conditions in the process feed stream, and the controller output adjusts the addition of different chemicals (additives) to the processing cell. The controller also calculates a feedback output after receiving a signal from a third detector in the tailings which monitors the extent of separation and recovery of solids from the processing cell.
234 Method and apparatus for mineral matter separation US392701 1989-08-11 US4964576A 1990-10-23 Rabinder S. Datta
A combination of raw coal and water is introduced as a slurry into a vessel. Chemicals are introduced at a feet inlet. The mixture is reduced by interaction with a bed of agitated grinding balls. Air is introduced into the lower portion of the vessel and forced upwardly through the circuitous passages among and between the grinding balls. The rising air bubbles carry the more hydropholic product upwardly into a froth compartment of the vessel and through a discharge outlet of the vessel. Wash water is introduced into the upper portion of the vessel and descends through the froth and the ball passages carrying entrained and less hydrophobic particles into the grinding chamber. The non-floatable material flows downwardly from the grinding chamber to a refuse zone for discharge as refuse from the vessel.
235 Column flotation method and apparatus US100956 1987-09-25 US4938865A 1990-07-03 Graeme J. Jameson
A method and apparatus for the benefication of mineral ores by the flotation method whereby a slurry is introduced under pressure into the top of a first column through a downwardly facing nozzle, and air is entrained into the slurry forming a downwardly moving foam bed in the first column. The foam bed passes from the bottom of the first column into a second column where the froth and liquid separate, the froth carrying the values floating upwardly and over a weir and the liquid being drained with the gangue. The liquid/froth interface level in the second column is kept above the bottom of the first column, and the air flow rate into the top of the first column is controlled to keep the first column substantially full of foam.
236 Separation process for a liquid phase dispersed in a continuous liquid phase US237622 1988-08-24 US4900452A 1990-02-13 Michel Angles; Jean Blazejczak; Henry Roques; Yves Aurelle
A process and apparatus for separating a liquid phase dispersed in a heavier continuous liquid phase, such as a hydrocarbon dispersion in an aqueous phase, of the floatation type, wherein gas bubbles are generated in the continuous phase to assure ascending entrainment of the dispersed phase, the gas bubbles being formed from a mixture of at least one base gas which is only slightly soluble in the continuous phase, and at least one transfer gas with a higher solubility in the continuous phase, such as instance ammonia, thereby significantly improving the separation yield and efficiency.
237 Method for removal of organic solvents from aqueous process streams US141736 1988-01-11 US4874534A 1989-10-17 James L. Sorensen; Mark D. Yarbro; Charles A. Glockner
An improved method of separating organic solvents from aqueous process streams is disclosed in connection with a copper solvent extraction/electrowinning process. An aqueous solution having droplets of an organic solvent entrained therein is admitted to the upper part of a vertically extending vessel, and air bubbles are passed therethrough from an air inlet near the bottom of the vessel. The aqueous solution is continually removed from a point at the bottom of the vessel beneath the point at which the bubbles are admitted, such that countercurrent flow of the bubbles and solvent occurs. The bubbles bind the droplets of organic solvent and can be controlled to form a froth on the upper surface of the solution within the vessel. The froth can readily be collected and the organic solvent condensed therefrom.
238 Column flotation US162457 1988-03-01 US4804460A 1989-02-14 Michael H. Moys; James A. Finch
In the froth flotation of ore in a column, the froth/pulp interface level and the efficiency of the froth washing operation are controlled by determining a profile of temperatures measured in the froth layer and slurry below the interface. Temperatures are measured with temperature sensing elements immersed in the froth layer and extending to below the interface level. The measured profile is compared with a target profile and deviations are corrected by changing the tailings flowrate or the washwater flowrate to return a measured profile to the target profile. An inflection point in the profile occurs at the interface level. The inflection point in a measured profile is compared with a level set point, and a deviation from set point value is corrected by increasing or decreasing the flow of tailings whereby the interface level returns to its set point. The washwater rate is controlled by measuring the slope or the position of a measured temperature profile and comparing the measured slope or position with the slope or position of a target profile, i.e. slope or position set point, and a deviation from set point value is corrected by increasing or decreasing the flow of washwater. The washwater distribution is controlled by measuring the concentrate temperature at a plurality of points at the concentrate overflow, comparing each measured temperature with a set point value, and a deviation from set point value is corrected by adjusting the distribution of washwater. A programmed computer may be used for calculating profiles, comparing measured values with set point values and sending a signal for controlling washwater rate or distribution or tailings flow when the deviation of measured values exceeds set point values by a predetermined amount.
239 Method and apparatus for controlling a flotation cell US117264 1987-11-06 US4797559A 1989-01-10 Hayward B. Oblad; Michael G. Nelson; Thomas D. Sandbrook
A method and apparatus for determining the reflectivity of the tailings from a coal flotation cell to optimize the cell operation. A photoelectric detector determines the coal content of the tailings and through a process controller; frother and collector addition to the cell is monitored. An ultrasonic energy vibration is periodically transmitted to the detector to remove deposits on the detector to optimize detector operation.
240 Method of removing dissolved oil from produced water US939865 1986-12-08 US4752399A 1988-06-21 Carrol L. Viator; Glenn E. Gilley; Dennis Gracy
A process for removing dissolved and undissolved oil and chemical additives from waste and/or produced water streams involves contacting a first gas with the produced water stream, the first gas utilizing hydrogen bonding and dipole interactions with the contaminants to remove them from the water. The rise rate of the first gas is accelerated by mixing a second, more buoyant gas with the first gas. The first gas and second gas are recovered by the application of a vacuum to the waste stream after treatment. The first gas is separated from the second gas by compressing and cooling the combined gas stream, venting the majority of the second gas stream while the first gas is liquified, then expanding the first gas before returning it to the flotation vessel. The first and second gases are mixed with the contaminated water stream at line pressure so that mixing is intimate and flotation is accelerated.