序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
The invention relates to a process for the production of a food product comprising milk protein. Provided is a process for the production of a food product comprising a milk protein, comprising subjecting said milk protein to an enzymatic deamidation procedure, formulating the deamidated milk protein into a liquid food product, followed by either heat sterilization of the food product or concentration and spray drying of the food product into a powder. Also provided are products obtainable by the method.
122 DAIRY COMPONENTS EFFECTIVE FOR FAT LOSS PCT/US2005010098 2005-03-29 WO2005097146A3 2006-04-13 ZEMEL MICHAEL B
The present invention relates to methods comprising administering to an individual regulating body weight calcium-containing whey products in an amount effective to maintain muscle mass, induce weight and/or fat loss, prevent weight and/or fat gain, and/or increase the metabolic consumption of adipose tissue in the individuals.
Provided are microvesicles isolated from milk, compositions thereof and uses for the preparation of milk formulas. Further provided are microvesicles, including exosomes and/or fat globules which encapsulate various miRNA molecules and uses thereof, as exemplified by supplementing milk formulas.
The present invention provides a method of producing a liquid dairy concentrate, the method comprising: mixing cream and micro-filtered milk to form a liquid dairy ingredient, wherein the liquid dairy ingredient has a fat content of at least 30 wt % and a fat to protein ratio of from 5:1 to 15:1 by weight; concentrating the liquid dairy ingredient by ultrafiltration and, optionally, diafiltration to obtain a concentrated liquid dairy ingredient as a retentate; adding sucrose and/or trisodium citrate to form a modified retentate; adding one or more further ingredients to the modified retentate to form a liquid dairy concentrate; cooling the liquid dairy concentrate to at most 8° C.; filling the cooled liquid dairy concentrate into a beverage container; and sealing and retorting the liquid dairy concentrate in the beverage container.
125 COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING A CASEIN AND METHODS OF PRODUCING THE SAME US16002818 2018-06-07 US20180271111A1 2018-09-27 Ryan Pandya; Perumal Gandhi; Shaowen Ji; Derek Beauchamp; Louis Hom
Disclosed herein are methods and compositions including casein, and methods for making these compositions.
126 READY-TO-DRINK BEVERAGES WITH IMPROVED TEXTURE BY CONTROLLED PROTEIN AGGREGATION US15749559 2016-08-03 US20180220667A1 2018-08-09 Alexander A. Sher; Virginie Kapchie; Veena Prabhakar; Madansinh Vaghela; Phillippe Rousset
The present invention relates to ready-to-drink beverage products. In particular, the invention is concerned with a protein system induced by controlled aggregation of milk proteins which imparts outstanding sensory attributes and improved physical stability of the beverage product, in particular when containing low fat and/or low sugar. A method of producing such beverage and the products obtainable from the method are also part of the present invention.
127 Process and system for preparing dry milk formula US14782140 2014-04-03 US10021890B2 2018-07-17 John Tobin; Jitti Chiaranaipanich; Rudolph Eduardus Maria Verdurmen; Antonius Hendricus Janssen; Olivier Bertrand Rabartin; Raoul Charles Johan Moonen; Martijn Johannes Van Der Hoeven
The invention relates to a process for treating animal skim milk and sweet whey and/or acid whey, having: (a) ultrafiltration (UF1) of a first liquid composition including animal skim milk with 70-90 wt % casein and 10-30 wt % whey proteins, based on total protein, over a first ultrafiltration membrane having a molecular weight cut-off of 2.5-25 kDa using a volume concentration factor of 1.5-6 to obtain a retentate (UFR1) and a permeate (UFP1); (b) ultrafiltration (UF2) of a second liquid composition including sweet whey and/or acid whey over a second ultrafiltration membrane having a molecular weight cut-off of 2.5-25 kDa using a volume concentration factor of 2-15 to obtain a retentate (UFR2) and a permeate (UFP2); and (c) mixing the UF retentate originating from step (a) with the UF retentate originating from step (b) to obtain a mixture of UF retentates.
128 MILK CONCENTRATES WITH IMPROVED MOUTH FEEL US15538135 2015-12-21 US20170367363A1 2017-12-28 Markus Kreuss; Nicole Rohrer; Christophe Joseph Etienne Schmitt; Eric Kolodziejczyk; Madansinh Nathusinh Vaghela
The present invention relates to a milk concentrate comprising caseins and whey proteins in the ratio of 90:10 to 60:40, wherein the caseins/whey protein aggregates have a volume based mean diameter value Dv50 of at least 1 μm as measured by laser diffraction. The invention also relates to a process for preparing a milk concentrate comprising the steps of providing a liquid milk concentrate, adjusting pH to 5.7-6.4, heat treating for 3-300 s at 80-150° C. and cooling to <70° C. Also, the use of the milk concentrate for producing a ready-to-drink beverage, culinary sauces and concentrated milk concentrates is described.
129 BEVERAGE, AND METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME US15664450 2017-07-31 US20170326209A1 2017-11-16 Aiko OHMACHI; Hiroaki MATSUYAMA,; Yoshikazu MORITA; Yuko ISHIDA; Takayuki NARA; Ken KATO; Atsushi SERIZAWA; Hiroshi UENO; Hiroshi URAZONO
The invention relates to a drink includes angiogenin and/or angiogenin hydrolysate in an amount of more than 0.8 mg/1.00 ml and not more than 150 mg/100 ml, and cystatin and/or cystatin hydrolysate in the mass ratio to the angiogenin and/or angiogenin hydrolysate of 0.006 to 1.7.
130 DAIRY COMPOSITIONS AND METHOD OF MAKING US15369731 2016-12-05 US20170079297A1 2017-03-23 Shakeel Ur-Rehman; John M. Dunker; Michael J. McCloskey; Timothy J. Gomez; Richard J. Seguin
The invention relates to a method of separating components from milk and utilizing the separated components to form blended dairy compositions. The present invention relates to nutritional milk compositions and products which are designed to include per serving size a specified percentage range of one or more components separated from milk. The compositions of the present invention can optionally include non-essential but nutritionally functional components.
131 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING LACTOSE-FREE DAIRY PRODUCTS (I) US15196853 2016-06-29 US20170020152A1 2017-01-26 Sven-Rainer Döring; Jan Aschemann; Thorben Oehlckers
A process for producing lactose-free dairy products is suggested, comprising the following steps: (a) Hydrolysis of a starting milk while adding lactase; (b) Nanofiltration of the hydrolysis product for producing a first permeate P1 and a first retentate R1; (c) Reverse osmosis or nanofiltration of the first permeate P1 for producing a second permeate P2 and a second retentate R2; (d) Mixing the first retentate R1 with such an amount of the second permeate P2 and the retentate R2 that a standardized dairy product is obtained, the content of proteins and minerals of which correspond to the one of the starting milk.
132 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING LACTOSE-FREE DAIRY PRODUCTS (II) US15196748 2016-06-29 US20170020151A1 2017-01-26 Sven-Rainer Döring; Jan Aschemann; Thorben Oehickers
A process for producing dairy products with a defined lactose content is suggested, comprising the following steps: (a) Ultrafiltration of a starting milk for producing a first permeate P1 and a first retentate R1; (b) Nanofiltration of the first permeate P1 for producing a second perorate P2 and a second retentate R2; (c) Hydrolysis of the second retentate R2 while adding lactase; (d) Mixing the first retentate R1 with such an amount of the second permeate P2 and the hydrolysis product of step (c) each that a standardized dairy product is obtained, the content of proteins and minerals of which corresponds to the one of the starting milk.
133 Method of making dairy compositions US13952644 2013-07-28 US09510606B2 2016-12-06 Shakeel Ur-Rehman; John M. Dunker; Michael J. McCloskey; Timothy J. Gomez; Richard J. Seguin
The invention relates to a method of separating components from milk. The invention also relates to compositions prepared from the separated components. The present invention relates to nutritional milk compositions and products which are designed to include per serving size a specified percentage range of one or more components separated from milk. The compositions of the present invention can optionally include non-essential but nutritionally functional components. The complete nutritional milk compositions of the present invention can be provided as unflavored milks, flavored milks, ice creams, yogurts and milk powders.
134 BEVERAGE, AND METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME US14418271 2012-07-31 US20150343031A1 2015-12-03 Aiko Ohmachi; Hiroaki Matsuyama; Yoshikazu Morita; Yuko Ishida; Takayuki Nara; Ken Kato; Atsushi Serizawa; Hiroshi Ueno; Hiroshi Urazono
The invention relates to a drink includes angiogenin and/or angiogenin hydrolysate in an amount of more than 0.8 mg/100 ml and not more than 150 mg/100 ml, and cystatin and/or cystatin hydrolysate in the mass ratio to the angiogenin and/or angiogenin hydrolysate of 0.006 to 1.7.
135 BEVERAGE, AND METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME US14418261 2012-07-31 US20150343030A1 2015-12-03 Aiko Ohmachi; Hiroaki Matsuyama; Yoshikazu Morita; Yuko Ishida; Takayuki Nara; Ken Kato; Atsushi Serizawa; Hiroshi Ueno; Hiroshi Urazono
The invention relates to a drink includes angiogenin and/or angiogenin hydrolysate in an amount of more than 0.8 mg/100 ml and not more than 150 mg/100 ml, and lactoperoxidase and/or lactoperoxidase hydrolysate in the mass ratio to the angiogenin and/or angiogenin hydrolysate of 0.3 to 23.
136 PROCESS FOR THE HUMANIZATION OF ANIMAL SKIM MILK AND PRODUCTS OBTAINED THEREBY US14384654 2012-03-12 US20150093490A1 2015-04-02 John Tobin; Philip Kelly; Rudolph Eduardus Maria Verdurmen; Antonie Van Baalen; Roeland Van Eerten
The invention relates to a process for the treatment of animal skim milk and for the production of an infant formula base product from animal skim milk, which process is highly efficient and cost effective, as only membrane filtration techniques, such as microfiltration and ultrafiltration, are required. By carefully controlling the process parameters, a product is obtained in which most of the major components are within the desired range for an infant formula base product. The invention also relates to products obtainable by the process according to the invention.
137 DAIRY COMPOSITIONS US13655375 2012-10-18 US20140113043A1 2014-04-24 Shakeel Ur-Rehman; Timothy Peter Doelman; Sachin Harendrabhai Adhvaryu; Michael J. McCloskey
The present invention relates to low calorie and low carbohydrate nutritional milk compositions and milk products which are designed to include specific components of milk.
138 NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITIONS HAVING EXOGENOUS MILK FAT GLOBULE MEMBRANE COMPONENTS US14123700 2011-06-08 US20140105875A1 2014-04-17 Doug Bolster; Zamzam (Fariba) Roughead
Nutritional compositions including milk fat globule membrane components (“MFGM”) and at least one nutrient are provided. The milk-derived, bioactive lipids help to modulate conditions typically found in the elderly including, for example, low-grade inflammation, loss of lean body mass, skeletal muscle cell membrane instability, and joint inflammation. The nutrients may include, but are not limited to, whey protein micelles, citrulline, branched chain fatty acids, and a-hydroxycaproic acid (“α-HICA”). Methods for treating an individual having, or at risk of having, a medical condition are also provided.
139 MILK-BASED PRODUCT AND A METHOD FOR ITS PREPARATION US13985763 2012-02-16 US20140017332A1 2014-01-16 Reetta Tikanmäki; Olli Tossavainen; Matti Harju; Antti Heino
The invention relates to a whey protein product having a ratio of whey protein to casein in the range from about 25:75 to about less than 50:50, a total protein content of at least 20% on dry matter basis, and a protein content of about 2.5 to about 8% by weight, based on the weight of the product. The product has a favourable amino acid composition and is especially suitable for athletes. The invention also relates to a method for producing a whey protein product, using microfiltration and ultrafiltration. The whey protein product is composed of the ultrafiltration re-tentate and a casein-containing material at a ratio of whey protein to casein of about 20:80 to about less than 50:50 and a total protein content of at least about 20% on dry matter basis.
140 Method for producing a food product from a concentrated protein US10646852 2003-08-22 US08080276B2 2011-12-20 Stephen T. Dybing
Improved processes for manufacturing cream, plastic cream, cream analogs, milk, milk analogs, and other food products from concentrated and/or dried protein and a suitable fat source are provided. Preferably, the protein is treated to enhance its ability to emulsify fat.