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Winch apparatus for faired towline


专利汇可以提供Winch apparatus for faired towline专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且To protect a faired towline against adverse loading, a winch apparatus is provided with a helically grooved drum which is mounted on an assembly that can rotate automatically about a vertical axis upon command from a towline fleet angle sensor means. The helical drum groove has a cross-sectional configuration which allows for lateral bending of the towline, tangentially away from the groove within a predetermined arc, which feature, in combination with the fleet angle sensor control, will minimize lateral loads to the towline during towing and winching procedures.,下面是Winch apparatus for faired towline专利的具体信息内容。

1. A handling apparatus for a faired towline with adverse towline loading protection means, comprising: a. a winch apparatus carrying said associated faired towline; b. a platform carrying said winch apparatus; c. a power means; d. said power means connected to said platform for turning said platform about a vertical axis; e. a towline fleet angle sensing means; f. said towline fleet angle sensing means linked about said towline at a predetermined distance from said winch apparatus for sensing towline fleet angle variations information, and g. control means connected between said fleet angle sensing means and said power means for receiving said sensed fleet angle variation information and for activating said power means for turning said platform carrying said winch apparatus about said vertical axis so that said fleet angle variation is eliminated.
2. A handling apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein said winch apparatus has a drum provided with a helical groove for supporting and nesting said towline.
3. A handling apparatus as claimed in claim 2 wherein said helical groove comprises a cross-sectional configuration of a substantially corrugated shape and wherein said drum surface inner portions between two of said drum surface consecutive outer portions or amplitudes of said corrugated shape has a smooth concave curvature which complements said towline nose section for achieving said nesting feature and wherein said amplitudes describe a convex curve compared to said concave curvature.
4. A handling apparatus as claimed in claim 3 wherein said convex curve determines a predetermined curved surface to said groove outer portion for supporting said towline about a predetermined radii when said towline departs substantially transversely from said groove.
5. A ship towline handling apparatus having means for preventing adverse loading to a faired towline during winding, unwinding and towing procedures comprising, in combination, a. a platform mounted for rotation to said ship''s deck; b. a winch apparatus including a towline drum mounted on said platform; c. said drum provided with a helical groove having towline complementing supporting features; d. a fleet angle sensing means, said fleet angle sensing means linked about said associated towline at a predetermined distance from said drum for sensing said towline fleet angle information; e. a control means connected to said fleet angle sensing means for receiving sensed fleet angle variation information; f. a power means mounted on said ship and connected to said rotational platform for rotating said platform about a substantially vertically extending axis, and g. said control means connected to said power means and adapted for activating said power means upon receipt of said angle variation information so that said platform turns and said drum groove aligns itself longitudinally with said towline leaving said drum, whereby said fleet angle is being eliminated.
6. A ship towline handling apparatus as claimed in claim 5 wherein said fleet angle sensing means comprises an arm having a first and second end, said first end pivotally and rotationally mounted to said control means, and said second end provided with a means loosely engaging about said towline at said predetermined distance from said drum.
7. A ship towline handling apparatus as claimed in claim 6 wherein said control means is slidably mounted along a bar arrangement mounted to said winch and extending parallel to said drum axis and wherein said control means is provided with a follower member contacting said helical groove for moving said control means freely along said bar arrangement so that said control means and said pivotally and rotationally mounted arm of said sensing means are in substantial alignment with said towline departing said drum groove.
8. A ship towline handling apparatus as claimed in claim 7 wherein said control means adapted to receive fleet angle variation information is provided with potentiometer means for converting said variation information into a signal for subsequently energizing said power means for rotating said platform about said vertical axis an equal distance in an opposite direction to said received angle variation so that said fleet angle variation becomes nullified.
9. A ship towline handling apparatus as claimed in claim 8 wherein said helical groove comprises a cross-sectional configuration of a substantially corrugated shape and wherein said drum surface inner portions between two or said drum surface consecutive outer portions or amplitudes of said corrugated shape has a smooth concave curvature which complements said towline nose section for achieving said nesting feature and wherein said amplitudes describe a convex curve compared to said concave curvature.
10. A ship towline handling apparatus as claimed in claim 9 wherein said convex curve determines a predetermined horizontal curved surface to said groove outer portion for supporting said towline about a predetermined radii when said towline departs substantially transversely from said groove.






