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1 以磷脂为基础除去脂肪和油中甾醇的方法 CN98802080.7 1998-01-14 CN1244890A 2000-02-16 D·R·科达利
2 以磷脂为基础除去脂肪和油中甾醇的方法 CN98802080.7 1998-01-14 CN1083482C 2002-04-24 D·R·科达利
3 Phospholipid-based removal of sterols from fats and oils US791915 1997-01-31 US5880300A 1999-03-09 Dharma R. Kodali
Disclosed is a method for reducing the sterol, for example cholesterol, content of sterol-containing substances such as fats and oils. The method provides an efficient and cost effective process based on the affinity of cholesterol and other sterols for phospholipid bilayers. Phospholipid aggregates are contacted with, for example, a sterol-containing fat or oil in an aqueous environment and then mixed. Following adequate mixing, the sterol-reduced fat or oil is separated from the aqueous separation mixture. Alternatively, the correspondingly sterol-enriched phospholipid also may be isolated from the aqueous separation mixture.
4 Process of refining mixtures obtained from treatments of fatty media with cyclodextrin and containing complexes of cyclodextrin with lipophilic compounds US647051 1991-01-29 US5304546A 1994-04-19 Serge Comini; Leon Mentink
A process of refining mixtures obtained from treatments of fatty media with cyclodextrin and containing complexes of cyclodextrin with lipophilic compounds, characterized by the fact that the said mixtures are washed with at least one anhydrous polar solvent, whereby at least partial dissociation of the complexes of cyclodextrin/lipophilic compounds is brought about, and the lipophilic compounds which are not included are released from their connection with cyclodextrin.
5 Butter extract US60584445 1945-07-18 US2404035A 1946-07-16 BUXTON LORAN O
6 Enzymatic modification of sterols using sterol-specific lipase US10240546 2003-06-05 US20040105931A1 2004-06-03 Sobhi Basheer; Dorit Plat
The invention relates to a process for the selective alcoholysis of a free sterol, by contacting said free sterol with a fat-based product, optionally with the addition of carboxylic fatty acid(s) and/or ester derivative(s) thereof that are not derived from said fat-based product, in the presence of an immobilized lipase complex which may optionally be surfactant-coated, which complex possesses a high level of sterol-specific alcoholytic and/or esterfication activity and minimal acidolytic and transesterification activities. The fat-based product is a nutritional product or food, particularly butterfat, or a cosmetic or cosmetic or cosmetic-related product. The process may be used for preparing substantially cholesterol-free fat-based products, particularly products containing butterfat, by selectively esterfying any free cholesterol contained therein by the immobilized, preferably surfactant coated lipase. The invention also relates to a process for the in situ enrichment of a fat-based product with esterified phytosterol ester(s). In this process, the esterification of the phytosterol is simultaneously accompanied by esterification of any free cholesterol present in said fat-based product.
7 Removal of sterols from fats and oils US09557367 2000-04-25 US06303803B1 2001-10-16 Dharma R. Kodali
Disclosed is a method for reducing the sterol, for example cholesterol, content of sterol-containing substances such as fats and oils. The method provides an efficient and cost effective process based on the affinity of cholesterol and other sterols for amphipathic molecules that form hydrophobic, fluid bilayers, such as phospholipid bilayers. Aggregates of amphipathic molecules are contacted with, for example, a sterol-containing fat or oil in an aqueous environment and then mixed. Following adequate mixing, the sterol-reduced fat or oil is separated from the aqueous separation mixture. Alternatively, the correspondingly sterol-enriched fraction also may be isolated from the aqueous separation mixture.
8 Preparation of low cholesterol oil US886266 1992-05-20 US5436018A 1995-07-25 Cecil Massie; Jeffrey B. Fine; Steven Marschner
A process for the continuous removal of cholesterol from a feed oil which comprises (a) wet milling a raw oil having an elevated cholesterol level with an extraction oil whereby there is formed a mixture of the raw oil and extraction oil; (b) centrifuging said mixture to yield a first fraction low in cholesterol, said first fraction being suited for incorporation into a foodstuff, and a second fraction which is an oil feed having a high level of cholesterol; (c) introducing said oil feed at a temperature of at least about 400.degree. F. at an upper portion of a countercurrent thin-film steam stripper while simultaneously introducing steam at a lower portion thereof, wherein said countercurrent thin film steam stripper is internally configured with sufficient active surface area so that it is capable under appropriate operating flow conditions of temperature, pressure and steam flow rates to remove at least 65% cholesterol from a cholesterol containing oil, said countercurrent thin-film steam stripper being continuously maintained at a pressure of at least about 1 mmHg and a temperature of at least about 400.degree. F., whereby there is produced a two phase exit flow therefrom comprising a liquid phase containing oil with reduced level of cholesterol and a vapor phase rich in cholesterol; (d) and recycling said liquid phase as an extraction oil for said wet milling.
9 Aqueous process to remove cholesterol from food products US980981 1992-11-24 US5370890A 1994-12-06 Esdras Sundfeld; John M. Krochta; Thomas Richardson
The present invention relates to a process for the removal of cholesterol from a processed food or unprocessed food (dairy) product, which process comprises: (a) obtaining a processed or unprocessed food product containing cholesterol; (b) contacting the food product at a temperature of between about 35.degree. and 80.degree. C. with an amount of saponin effective to bind up to about 90% or more of the cholesterol present in the dairy product; (c) contacting at a temperature of between about 35.degree. and 80.degree. C. the product of (b) with an effective amount of diatomaceous earth; d) separating the insoluble diatomaceous earth containing the cholesterol:saponin complex by decanting, filtration, or centrifugation; and (e) recovering the food product having a reduced content of cholesterol. Preferably, after contacting a food (dairy) product such as butter or butteroil with an aqueous saponin solution at elevated temperature, the aqueous phase containing the cholesterol-saponin complex is removed by centrifugation or decanting and the resulting fat phase is washed with water. No adsorbent is used. The process is without adsorbent particularly useful wherein the food product is a dairy product selected from raw cream, pasteurized cream, butter, butteroil or anhydrous fat. The dairy product having a lowered cholesterol level is useful as a food to reduce cholesterol intake in human beings.
10 Process for the production of low cholesterol butterfat or butter US117547 1993-09-07 US5340602A 1994-08-23 Hermann Hoche
A process for the production of low cholesterol butter fat or butter by steam treatment, wherein the fat is treated with steam in one or more horizontal or slightly inclined reaction pipes at a temperature of from 195.degree. to 250.degree. C. and at a pressure of from 0.5 to 5 mbar, the steam is injected from one or more steam pipes arranged parallel with each other which extend through the layer which conducts the liquid fat (oil) along the entire length of the reaction pipe and having boreholes in the pipe wall as outlet apertures for the steam, into the oil stream flowing in the reaction pipe axial direction, the vapors are separated and the fat is cooled, to which optionally fat recombination substances may be added.
11 Process of refining mixtures obtained from treatments of fatty media with cyclodextrin and containing complexes of cyclodextrin mainly with lipophilic substances other than fatty acids US647059 1991-01-29 US5304547A 1994-04-19 Leon Mentink; Michel Serpelloni
Process of refining mixtures obtained from treatments of fatty media with cyclodextrin and containing complexes of cyclodextrin substantially with lipophilic substances other than fatty acids, characterized in that the said mixture is successively subjected to a heat treatment in the presence of a solvent system containing water, the mixture thus treated is separated into different raffinates and the raffinates are recovered.
12 Process for the preparation of an oil-in-water emulsion US691539 1991-04-25 US5268190A 1993-12-07 Hup Gerhard
A process for the preparation of a fat emulsion, which comprises emulsifying an oil or a fat in an aqueous phase, wherein by using an aqueous phase containing 0.1 to 3 wt. % of predominantly undenatured whey protein, the calcium content of which, expressed in percentages of the whey protein present, being 0.2-3 wt. % and the total content of minerals based on the whey protein being not more than 15 wt. %.
13 Process for manufacturing dairy products with a reduced sterol content US785161 1991-10-31 US5264241A 1993-11-23 Jean Graille; Daniel Pioch; Michel Serpelloni; Leon Mentink
Process for manufacturing products with a reduced content of sterols and particularly of cholesterol, characterized in that the starting material is composed at least in part of dairy cream and is in the form of an oil-in-water emulsion, and in that it consists essentially of:contacting the starting material with a sufficient amount of cyclodextrin to form inclusion complexes with the sterols present in the fat, so as to render them extractable;inverting the oil-in-water starting emulsion into a water-in-oil emulsion;extracting the complexes formed in whole or in part.
14 Process for reducing the content of cholesterol and of free fatty acids in an animal fat US821898 1992-01-15 US5232725A 1993-08-03 Hubert Roderbourg; Daniel Dalemans; Robert Bouhon
Process for reducing the content of cholesterol and of free fatty acids of an animal fat material, consisting of placing the fat in contact with cyclodextrin, under stirring and in the presence of water, the ratio by weight water/fat, the temperature and the stirring being regulated so that a fine emulsion of the "oil in water" type is formed, and separating the cyclodextrin-cholesterol and cyclodextrin-free fatty acid complexes so formed.
15 Process for the elimination of steroid compounds contained in substance of biological origin US707959 1991-05-22 US5223295A 1993-06-29 Jean-Pierre Maffrand; Jean Courregelongue
The present invention relates to a novel process for the elimination of steroid compounds contained in a substance of biological origin by complexing the steroidal compounds by means of a cyclodextrin, in an aqueous medium, under agitation at a temperature between 20.degree. and 80.degree. C. and then separating the complexes so formed.
16 Process for the removal of cholesterol and/or cholesterol esters from foodstuffs US465032 1990-01-16 US5061505A 1991-10-29 Jan Cully; Heinz-Rudiger Vollbrecht; Erwin Schutz
The present invention provides a process for the removal of cholesterol and/or cholesterol esters from foodstuffs by extraction with compressed carbon dioxide, whereina) the cholesterol-containing extraction material is treated with compressed carbon dioxide at a pressure above 100 bar and at a temperature of from 10.degree. to 90.degree. C.,b) from the carbon dioxide stream loaded with cholesterol and/or cholesterol esters, as well as with further lipophilic components, the cholesterol components are selectively removed by adsorption on a solid adsorption agent or by adduct formation andc) at least a part of the carbon dioxide current substantially free from cholesterol components is again passed over the treated extraction material and/or used for the extraction of untreated, cholesterol-containing extraction material.
17 Production of low-cholesterol milk fat by solvent extraction US346576 1989-05-02 US4997668A 1991-03-05 Bobby R. Johnson; Joseph A. Conte, Jr.
A process for the production of low-cholesterol milk fat wherein the milk fat is separated into at least one aqueous fraction and a cream fraction. The cream fraction is washed and reseparated a plurality of times to provide a washed cream fraction containing substantially undisturbed milk fat globules and substantially intact milk fat globule membranes. Cholesterol is preferentially extracted from the milk fat globule membranes with an organic polar solvent and without substantial loss of the solid milk fat. Solvent-free, low-cholesterol product is recovered from the reseparated, washed cream fraction. This low-cholesterol milk fat product has composition and organoleptic characteristics substantially similar to those of natural milk fat. The invention also relates to a low-cholesterol milk fat product having composition and organoleptic characteristics substantially similar to those of natural milk fat and produced by the method of this invention.
18 Process for eliminating cholesterol contained in a fatty substance of animal origin and the fatty substance with reduced cholesterol obtained US73458 1987-07-15 US4880573A 1989-11-14 Jean Courregelongue; Jean-Pierre Maffrand
In a process for eliminating cholesterol from fatty substances of animal origin used in human diet, the liquefied fatty substances is put into contact with a cyclodextrin, this contact is continued under stirring for 30 minutes to 10 hours at a temperature between the fusion temperature of the fatty substance and 80.degree. C. in such a way as to allow the formation of complexes between the cholesterol and the cyclodextrin, after which the complexes are separated by entrainment in water and separation of the aqueous phase.
19 Process of extracting butter US60584645 1945-07-18 US2404037A 1946-07-16 BUXTON LORAN O
20 Production of butter extract US60584545 1945-07-18 US2404036A 1946-07-16 BUXTON LORAN O