序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
201 Orthodontisches Werkzeug zum Öffnen eines selbstlegierenden Brackets EP14176360.7 2014-07-09 EP2823786A1 2015-01-14 Förster, Rolf; Wagner, Carsten

Die Erfindung betrifft ein orthodontisches Werkzeug zum Öffnen eines selbstligierenden Brackets, mit einem Körper (10), der an einem Ende einen Nocken (12) zum Verschieben einer Klammer (5) des Brackets aus ihrer Schließstellung in ihre Offenstellung trägt, wobei zwischen den Nocken (12) und dem Körper (10) zur Axialpositionierung des Nockens (12) in Bezug auf das zu öffnende Bracket eine Ringnut (13) ist, in die eine Oberkante des Brackets beim Verschieben der Klammer (5) aus ihrer Schließstellung in ihre Offenstellung eingreift. Die Erfindung betrifft zudem ein System mit einem solchen Werkzeug und einem selbstligierenden Bracket.

202 Orthodontic bracket and clip release tool EP03028121.6 2003-12-05 EP1428483B1 2012-05-23 Opin, Perry; Katayose, Shingo; Endo, Kousei; Orikasa, Masaaki
203 Verfahren zur Herstellung eines orthodontischen Brackets und einer Positionierhilfe für das Bracket EP06114810.2 2006-06-01 EP1728485B1 2010-03-17 Fornoff, Peter
204 METHODS AND ASSEMBLIES FOR MAKING AN ORTHODONTIC BONDING TRAY USING RAPID PROTOTYPING EP08730457.2 2008-02-22 EP2124806A1 2009-12-02 RABY, Richard, E.; KIM, Sunghan; CORPUS, Calvin, N.; LAI, Ming-Lai; CINADER, David, K., Jr.; CLEARY, James, D.; CHAFFEE, Matthew, D.
Indirect bonding trays for orthodontic treatment are made from a model of the patient's dental arch that is manufactured using digital data and rapid prototyping processes. The model includes one or more guides for orienting an orthodontic appliance in a desired position on a model tooth of the dental arch model. A holder is connected to the archwire slot of the appliance and is brought into contact with the guide in order to move the appliance to its intended position for subsequent manufacture of the indirect bonding tray.
205 ROBOTIC SYSTEM FOR FORMING FEATURES IN ORTHODONTIC ALIGNERS EP07861819.6 2007-11-08 EP2101674A2 2009-09-23 Hilliard, Jack Keith
A robotic system (9) for forming features in orthodontic aligners (18) includes a control system (8), a platen (13) for three-dimensional positioning of the aligner (18), a heating station (15) for selectively heating a small region of the aligner (18), and a thermoforming station (14) for manipulating the heated region to form a desired feature in the aligner (18). Optionally, a laser cutting and trimming station (16) can also be included to trim excess material from the aligner (18) or to cut features into the aligner (18). The control system (8) can include a processor with CAD software (11 ) to enable a user to design features for aligners (18).
206 Vorrichtung zur Entfernung von Zahnapplikationen wie Brackets EP05017008.3 2005-08-04 EP1639960B1 2009-05-27 Meissner, Rolf; Menne, Andreas
207 METHOD FOR LOCALIZED HEAT TREATMENT OF ORTHODONTIC WIRES EP07716243.6 2007-01-03 EP1978884A2 2008-10-15 Hilliard, Jack Keith
A method for localized heat treatment of a region of an orthodontic wire (20) employs a hot air source (30) having a maximum flow rate of approximately 6 - 10 liters per minute to selectively heat a small region of the wire (20) above a predetermined temperature to change its metallurgical properties while the wire (20) is held in a desired shape by an instrument (10) or fixture. After the wire (20) has been maintained at temperature for the required period of time, it can be released and allowed to cool. For example, these capabilities are well-suited for shape-setting localized regions of austenitic Ni-Ti wire and for stress-relieving and normalizing heavily-worked stainless steel wire.
208 Ensemble implantable dans l'os de la machoire et installation pour la pose d'un tel ensemble EP08100858.3 2008-01-24 EP1961397A1 2008-08-27 Bader, Gérard; Giquel, Loïc; Houard, William

L'ensemble implantable dans l'os de la mâchoire comprend :

a) une vis d'ancrage (8) comportant une partie inférieure filetée (2) pour l'ancrage dans l'os, une partie supérieure ayant au moins une portion de section polygonale (4) apte à coopérer avec un outil de vissage, et une partie intermédiaire (5) ayant deux faces d'appui supérieure et inférieure,

b) et au moins un élément fixable (14) apte à coopérer avec la vis d'ancrage (8), pouvant être fixé à la partie supérieure et/ou être appliqué sur l'une desdites faces d'appui (5) et qui est un élément pré prothétique ou orthodontique.

Avantageusement l'ensemble comporte une plaque d'adaptation (18) permettant le maintien de l'élément fixable (14), à une distance réglable de la vis d'ancrage (8), s'appliquant sur la face inférieure d'appui pour son blocage par coincement entre ladite face d'appui et la zone de la mâchoire dans laquelle la vis d'ancrage (8) est implantée.

209 DISPOSITIF DE CORRECTION ORTHODONTIQUE EP06726243.6 2006-03-13 EP1865879A1 2007-12-19 Clor, Charles
The invention concerns a self-ligaturing orthodontic correction appliance (1), comprising means for locking an arch wire (3) in the form of a bracket wherein is provided a groove (4) designed to co-operate with said arch wire (3). The groove (4) comprises means (8) for transversely locking the arch wire (3) from above; said means (8) are in the form of at least one pin (9) extending at least partly above the groove (4) at the opening thereof, while said opening (11) is configured to enable the pin (9) to be bypassed when the arch wire (3) is being inserted into the groove (4).
210 Orthodontic retainer elements EP06017642.7 2001-04-26 EP1723925B1 2007-09-12 Amundsen, Ole Christian
211 Träger für ein Befestigungselement, insbesondere ein orthodontisches Bracket, und Verfahren zur Herstellung desselben EP06114810.2 2006-06-01 EP1728485A3 2007-03-14 Fornoff, Peter

Bei einem Träger für mindestens ein zu bearbeitendes, eine Befestigungsfläche (4b) aufweisendes Befestigungselement (4), wobei der Träger einen Halteabschnitt (3) zur Befestigung in einer Aufnahme einer Bearbeitungsmaschine aufweist und wobei der Träger ein Trägerteil (2) für das Befestigungselement (4) umfasst, ist das Befestigungselement (4) zumindest teilweise derart in das Trägerteil (2) eingebettet, dass die Befestigungsfläche des Befestigungselements bearbeitbar ist.

Bei einem Verfahren zur Herstellung eines zu bearbeitenden Befestigungselements (4) zur Befestigung an einer individuellen Oberfläche wird anhand von Oberflächendaten der Oberfläche, an der das Befestigungselement (4) zu befestigen ist, die Kontur der Befestigungsfläche festgelegt und ein vorgeformtes, noch nicht individualisiertes Befestigungselement (4) materialabtragend bearbeitet und die festgelegte Kontur hergestellt. Weiterhin wird eine Positionierhilfe (21) mit einer Kontur versehen, welche die Kontur der Befestigungsfläche fortsetzt und ebenfalls anhand der Oberfläche festgelegt ist, an welcher das Befestigungselement (4) zu befestigen ist.

212 Orthodontic retainer elements EP06000861.2 2001-04-26 EP1658822A2 2006-05-24 Amundsen, Ole Christian

A dental retainer device for stabilization, so-called retention, of pairs of teeth or groups of teeth in a lower jaw and/or an upper jaw in orthodontic treatment. The retainer device is formed of a pair (2) of retainer elements, consisting of two preferably individual, but in the position of use cooperating, retainer elements (4, 6). Each of the retainer elements (4, 6) is formed with i.a. a retainer approximal surface (16, 18), the retainer approximal surfaces (16, 18) being formed complementary relative to one another. In use, one or more pairs (2) of retainer elements is/are positioned and secured with its/their individual elements (4, 6) preferably on the inner face of a tooth (20, 22) each of a pair of adjacent teeth, so that in the position of use the retainer approximal surfaces (16, 18) bear on each other and support, possibly lock, each other. Thereby pairs of teeth or groups of teeth are stabilized while it is possible at the same time to carry out normal dental hygiene by means of a toothbrush, dental floss or toothpicks, which is otherwise difficult to carry out when known retainers are used.

213 Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Entfernung von Zahnapplikationen wie Brackets EP05017008.3 2005-08-04 EP1639960A1 2006-03-29 Meissner, Rolf; Menne, Andreas

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zur Entfernung von Zahnapplikationen wie Brackets, wobei mittels eines Übertragungselements (4) eine Kraft auf die Applikation übertragbar ist, wodurch sich die Applikation vom Zahn löst. Das Übertragungselement (4) hat einen Impulsleiter (7) zur Übertragung eines Impulses und eine Austrittsgrenzfläche (6), die den Impuls auf die Applikation überträgt. Mit Vorteil wird der Impuls über eine Eintrittsgrenzfläche (9) des Übertragungselements durch eine beschleunigte Masse (2) eingekoppelt, indem die Masse (2) durch Beschleunigungsmittel auf eine vorbestimmbare Auftreffgeschwindigkeit beschleunigt wird und beim Auftreffen auf die Eintrittsgrenzfläche (9) den Impuls in den Impulsleiter (7) des Übertragungselements (4) einkoppelt.

214 Aesthetic self-ligating orthodontic bracket EP04250141.1 2004-01-13 EP1508310A3 2005-06-29 Farzin-Nia, Farrokh; Ruiz-Vela, Albert

A self-ligating orthodontic bracket for captivating an archwire with a tooth. The bracket (10, 110) includes a bracket body (12, 112) mountable to a tooth and a self-ligating mechanism (14, 114) having an archwire slot (38, 138) and a ligating slide (16, 116). The ligating slide (16, 116) is movable between an open position in which an archwire is insertable into the archwire slot (38, 138) and a closed position in which the archwire is retained in the archwire slot (38, 138). The bracket body (12, 112) may be formed from a non-metallic material, such as a polymer, a filled polymer composite, or a ceramic, and the self-ligating mechanism (14, 114) may be formed from a metal. The bracket (10, 110) may include a resilient engagement member (18, 118) with a detent (46, 176) positioned to engage an aperture or throughhole (58, 152) extending through the ligating slide (16, 116) when the ligating slide (16, 116) is in the closed position.

215 Aesthetic self-ligating orthodontic bracket EP04250141.1 2004-01-13 EP1508310A2 2005-02-23 Farzin-Nia, Farrokh; Ruiz-Vela, Albert

A self-ligating orthodontic bracket for captivating an archwire with a tooth. The bracket (10, 110) includes a bracket body (12, 112) mountable to a tooth and a self-ligating mechanism (14, 114) having an archwire slot (38, 138) and a ligating slide (16, 116). The ligating slide (16, 116) is movable between an open position in which an archwire is insertable into the archwire slot (38, 138) and a closed position in which the archwire is retained in the archwire slot (38, 138). The bracket body (12, 112) may be formed from a non-metallic material, such as a polymer, a filled polymer composite, or a ceramic, and the self-ligating mechanism (14, 114) may be formed from a metal. The bracket (10, 110) may include a resilient engagement member (18, 118) with a detent (46, 176) positioned to engage an aperture or throughhole (58, 152) extending through the ligating slide (16, 116) when the ligating slide (16, 116) is in the closed position.

216 DENTAL MARKING PRODUCT EP94906578.3 1994-01-10 EP0688191B1 1999-08-25 RAINS, Michael D.
A disposable dental marking product includes an elongated shaft (10) having a first end (15) representing a gripping area for a user's fingers and a second end (20) directly covered with a composition (25) of marking chemicals.
217 EP0902644A4 - EP96918138 1996-06-06 EP0902644A4 1999-03-24
A device and method for measuring force systems is provided. The device measures and displays one or more components of a force syystem generated by medical or dental appliances or body tissues. The invention provides a probe (10) or attachment device for engaging the structure to be measured, such as orthodontic springs, wires, and appliances; surgical fixation devices; and body tissue. The probe transmits the force system produced by the structure to a sensor bar (12) which is attached to the probe. The sensor bar resolves the force system being measured into electrical signals. A device (66) is used to display representations of the electrical signals.
218 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR MEASURING FORCE SYSTEMS EP96918138.0 1996-06-06 EP0902644A1 1999-03-24 Morton, John Y.
A device and method for measuring force systems is provided. The device measures and displays one or more components of a force syystem generated by medical or dental appliances or body tissues. The invention provides a probe (10) or attachment device for engaging the structure to be measured, such as orthodontic springs, wires, and appliances; surgical fixation devices; and body tissue. The probe transmits the force system produced by the structure to a sensor bar (12) which is attached to the probe. The sensor bar resolves the force system being measured into electrical signals. A device (66) is used to display representations of the electrical signals.
219 Corrosion resistant cutting tool and method of manufacture EP92300598.7 1992-01-23 EP0497508B1 1996-06-05 Cera, Jonel c/o E.T.M. Corporation; Kelly, John S. c/o Minnesota Mining and Manu.Comp.
220 DENTAL MARKING PRODUCT EP94906578 1994-01-10 EP0688191A4 1996-02-07 RAINS MICHAEL D
A disposable dental marking product includes an elongated shaft (10) having a first end (15) representing a gripping area for a user's fingers and a second end (20) directly covered with a composition (25) of marking chemicals.