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Automatic analysis device for blood cell


专利汇可以提供Automatic analysis device for blood cell专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE: To enable lessening of manpower and improvement in reliability of an operation for inspecting blood by providing an automatic blood cell classifying system and an automatic blood cell calculating system.
CONSTITUTION: A blood from a blood test body is smeared on slide glass and is dyed to prepare a dye specimen. The blood cells on the specimen 18 are magnified by an optical microscope and are taken as a three-color image by a camera 20. Said image is stored via an analog-to-digital converter 24 in a memory 25. The specific quantity of the blood cells is calculated from the blood cell image by a characteristic extraction circuit 26 and is classified by a microcomputer 27. The white blood cells are inspected and are classified to the assigned blood cells by a white blood cell detector 21, a controller 22 and a microcomputer 23. On the other hand, the respective detection pulse signals for the hemoglobin concn., white blood cells, red blood cells and plateles analyzed and detected by an automatic blood cell classifying system are passed through an amplifier 31 and the sizes of the signals are analyzed, screened and counted by a pulse analyzer 32. The calculated value of the white blood cells and the blood cell classification are printed out from a printer 34 via a controller 29 and the count value of the abnormal cells, etc. are outputted from a calculator 36 for the abnormal test body exceeding the normal range programmed and set preliminarily in a microcomputer 33.
COPYRIGHT: (C)1985,JPO&Japio,下面是Automatic analysis device for blood cell专利的具体信息内容。







