序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
61 Procédé d'entraînement pour la chasse aux mines EP94402376.1 1994-10-21 EP0649784A1 1995-04-26 Certenais, Joel; Posseme, Gilles

L'invention concerne les procédés d'entraînement des équipages des chasseurs de mines.

Elle consiste à utiliser un module (105) distinct de la mine et comportant les mêmes organes de détection que pourrait contenir cette mine (102). Le module est situé à proximité, ou même sur la mine. Il transmet au chasseur de mines (101) les données détectées au moyen de ses capteurs.

Elle permet d'utiliser un module de petite taille facilement récupérable, de simuler en temps réel un grand nombre de mises à feu de mines, d'évaluer la performance du chasseur face à ces mines ou d'évaluer la performance d'une mine face à une cible.

62 Shallow-draft watercraft EP92850121.2 1992-05-27 EP0571699A1 1993-12-01 Strifors, Hans Christer; Söderqvist, Rolf

The invention relates to a shallow-draft watercraft having the ability to withstand impact stresses caused by upwardly travelling water movement corresponding to a shock factor (CF) of up to about 1.5. The watercraft comprises at least one superstructure, which is intended to be located above the surface of the water, at least two pontoons which float on the water, and devices for supporting the superstructure. The watercraft is characterized in that the pontoons are gas-tight and gas-filled and of a substantially cylindrical and elongated configuration. The pontoon walls include several layers of material, of which at least one layer inwardly of the outermost layer is a reinforcing layer. The reinforcing layer includes threads which are wound in at least three directions, wherein the material layers are disposed so that the pontoons are rigid with regard to bending, transversely acting forces and axial rotation, provided that an overpressure prevails within the gas-filled pontoons. The superstructure supporting devices rest on the pontoons, essentially transversely to the longitudinal axis of the pontoons.

63 Method and apparatus for removing navigational hazards in water EP92104957.3 1992-03-23 EP0494092A2 1992-07-08 Manthy, Robert S.; Daniels, Kirk; Wells, Anthony R.; Keeler, Norris R.; Renehan, Patrick L.

An underwater maneuverable vehicle (10) is presented which carries an explosive charge and can be used for immediate removal or destruction of various menaces to navigation and other underwater hazards (58). The battery powered vehicle (10) is air dropped from a platform (12) which carries an imaging lidar system (36) for detection and is operated and navigationally controlled in conjunction with an imaging lidar system.

64 Performance monitor apparatus EP88307071.6 1988-08-01 EP0353354A1 1990-02-07 Jarman, Leonard Bruce

A performance monitor apparatus for a minehunting operation, the apparatus comprising means 1, for gathering environmental data relevant to minehunting performance, first data storage means 15 for minehunting performance prediction algorithms, second data storage means for system/ship/mine target parameters, and performance prediction means capable of providing an output signal relevant to expected minehunting performance. This gives increased efficiency in the searching operation.

66 Minehunting and disposal system EP81302320 1981-05-26 EP0040988A3 1981-12-09 Warren, Nigel Farr

The present invention relates to minehunting and disposal systems. Known methods of minehunting and disposal comprise the deployment of several relatively large ships each having a crew of the order of thirty personnel. The known ships are expensive since they have to be specially fabricated so as to present a low magnetic signature and low noise generation.

This invention provides a system comprising a parent ship providing support facilities for a plurality of operational craft (10, 12, 14, 16), the operational craft (10, 12, 14, 16) being relatively small and being provided with known mine detection and destruction equipment (34). The parent ship is preferably designed and equipped so as to be capable of carrying the operational craft (10, 12, 14, 16) on board, such that the operational craft may be transported to the area of deployment. The operational craft (10, 12, 14, 16) preferably have hulls (16) providing a substantial portion of its buoyancy submerged together with a relatively small water plane area, for example a Small Water Plane Area Twin Hull type craft.

This system reduces the number of personnel exposed to a single risk and the operational craft present a low magnetic signature and low noise generation due to their size and these endowments are particularly enhanced if the preferred form of hull (16) is utilised.

67 Minehunting and disposal system EP81302320.7 1981-05-26 EP0040988A2 1981-12-02 Warren, Nigel Farr

The present invention relates to minehunting and disposal systems. Known methods of minehunting and disposal comprise the deployment of several relatively large ships each having a crew of the order of thirty personnel. The known ships are expensive since they have to be specially fabricated so as to present a low magnetic signature and low noise generation.

This invention provides a system comprising a parent ship providing support facilities for a plurality of operational craft (10, 12, 14, 16), the operational craft (10, 12, 14, 16) being relatively small and being provided with known mine detection and destruction equipment (34). The parent ship is preferably designed and equipped so as to be capable of carrying the operational craft (10, 12, 14, 16) on board, such that the operational craft may be transported to the area of deployment. The operational craft (10, 12, 14, 16) preferably have hulls (16) providing a substantial portion of its buoyancy submerged together with a relatively small water plane area, for example a Small Water Plane Area Twin Hull type craft.

This system reduces the number of personnel exposed to a single risk and the operational craft present a low magnetic signature and low noise generation due to their size and these endowments are particularly enhanced if the preferred form of hull (16) is utilised.
