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Direct lift, drag and heading improvement for multi-lift aircraft control system


专利汇可以提供Direct lift, drag and heading improvement for multi-lift aircraft control system专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且A single load is suspended from vertical cables extending beneath each of two direct lift type of aircraft, the cables being separated by a spreader bar. A trailing, slave aircraft flys behind, above, and to one side of a leading, master aircraft, with the spreader bar extending at an angle to the heading of the aircraft, in a plane below them. The lead pilot control provides overall, or outer loop control of the lead aircraft, and the controls of the lead aircraft are electromechanically coupled to operate the controls of the trailing aircraft, whereby the lead pilot controls the outer loop of both aircraft. The inner or stability loop of the controls of each aircraft are modified so as to utilize inputs from the inertial system of the related aircraft and inputs relating to the manner in which the load extends below the aircraft, to both stabilize the load with respect to each aircraft, and to maintain the trail aircraft in a proper position with respect to the lead aircraft and the load. Specifically, the cables from each aircraft supporting the spreader bar are maintained substantially perpendicular with respect to the spreader bar thereby to maintain substantially equal loading of each aircraft; pitch and roll inertial sensors in each aircraft, and the angle of each cable with respect to its aircraft in both the pitch and roll directions, are utilized in the respective aircraft to stabilize that aircraft with respect to the load, thereby to prevent pendular oscillations of the load; the heading of the load itself and of each aircraft, together with desired formation inputs, are utilized to control the heading of the trailing aircraft, and to provide pitch and roll inputs to control relative position of the trailing aircraft with respect to the leading aircraft so as to maintain a desired formation in flight.,下面是Direct lift, drag and heading improvement for multi-lift aircraft control system专利的具体信息内容。

1. A control system for controlling a plurality of aircraft supporting a common load, each aircraft including an inertial system and an outer loop control system in which motion of manually movable controls alters the position of control surfaces of the aircraft causing positional response in the aircraft, and each including an inner loop control system responsive to the related inertial system for automatically stabilizing the related outer loop control system, comprising: means coupling the manual controls of a first one of said aircraft to automatically move the manual controls of a second one of said aircraft in response to motion imparted to said first aircraft manual controls; a load support cable extending generally downward from each of said aircraft for supporting said load; means on each of said aircraft for sensing and generating signals relating to the relative angle in the lateral direction and the relative angle in the longitudinal direction of the related one of said support cables with respect to the reference platform of the respective aircraft; means in each of said aircraft connected to respective ones of said sensing means and responsive to said angle signals to respectively modify the lateral and longitudinal outer loop control system of said aircraft in response to functions of the related angle and the integral of the related angle.
2. The system according to claim 1 wherein said functions of the angle ( theta ) include the difference between the angle (K theta ), and the angle-limited integral of the angle (K theta /ns+1) thereby providing a lag filter, to permit stable drag of said load with respect to said aircraft.
3. A control system for controlling a plurality of aircraft supporting a common load, each aircraft including an inertial system and an outer loop control system in which motion of manually movable controls alters the position of control surfaces of the aircraft causing positional response in the aircraft, comprising: means coupling the manual controls of a first one of said aircraft to automatically move the manual controls of a second one of said aircraft in response to motion imparted to said first aircraft manual controls; and means connected to the inertial systems of said first and second aircraft and responsive to the difference between the inertial heading of said first aircraft and the inertial heading of said second aircraft for modifying the outer loop control system of said second aircraft to maintain the heading of both said aircraft substantially equal.
4. A multiple aircraft load lift system comprising: a plurality of aircraft, at least a first one of said aircraft having a direct lift capability and a related control system therefor; a support cable extending downward from each of said aircraft; a spreader bar connected to the downward end of each of said support cables; means for sensing a first angle between said spreader bar and the one of said support cables relating to said first aircraft; and lift means responsive to said angle sensing means for inducing a change in the direct lift of said first aircraft in response to said first angle, said change in direct lift causing motion of said first aircraft in a manner to tend to drive said first angle to 90*.
5. A control system for controlling a plurality of aircraft supporting a common load, each aircraft including an outer loop control system in which motion of manually movable controls alter the position of control surfaces of the aircraft causing positional response in the aircraft, comprising: a plurality of electromechanical position sensors disposed in a first one of said aircraft, each sensor responsive to a motion of said manually movable controls relating to a given positional response of said aircraft, each for generating an electrical signal manifestation of the related motion, one of said positional responses comprising direct lift; a plurality of electric signal coupling means extending from said first aircraft to a second one of said aircraft, each relating to a corresponding one of said signal manifestations; a plurality of electromechanical actuators disposed in said second aircraft, each connected to a respective one of said electric signal coupling means, each disposed relative to the manually movable controls of said second aircraft and responsive to a given signal manifestation in the related coupling means so as to cause motion therein to induce a motion in said second aircraft controls of the same type and substantially the same magnitude as that in said first aircraft which causes said given signal, whereby manual operation of said first aircraft is electromechanically coupled to correspondingly operate said second aircraft; a spreader bar, said common load supported by said spreader bar, said spreader bar having a point relating to each of said aircraft, each of said aircraft including a support cable extending generally downward therefrom and attached to the related point on said spreader bar; a cable angle sensing means disposed to sense the angle between said spreader bar and the one of said cables relating to said second aircraft, said angle sensing means developing an electrical signal manifestation of said angle; and electrical signal combining means connected to said angle sensing means and connected in series with the one of said electrical conducting means relating to said direct lift response and jointly responsive to signals thereon and to said angle signal manifestation to operate the related one of said electromechanical actuators, whereby direct lift in said second aircraft is controlled not only in response to direct control motion in said first aircraft, but also in response to the angle between the support cable of said second aircraft and said spreader bar.






