首页 / 国际专利分类库 / 作业;运输 / 输送;包装;贮存;搬运薄的或细丝状材料 / 运输或贮存装置,例如用于装载或倾卸的输送机;车间输送机系统;气动管道输送机 / 用浮动物料,或气流、液流,或泡沫流通过槽、管道或管子输送散状物料(与装载或卸载有关的流体化入B65G 69/06;干草或谷类的装载机入A01D 87/00;用于包含粘土或粘结材料的混合料的卸料入B28C7/16;便于大型容器装料或排空的流体化装置入B65D 88/72;制糖业中物料的洗涤或切割和输送机的联合装置入A23N、C13C;疏浚入E02F;从淤积沉淀中提取物料入E21C 45/00;液压或气动矿井充填机械入E21F 15/00;流体动力学入F15D){通过另一种流体的直接作用泵抽流体入F04F}
序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
81 Conveying apparatus for powdered cement US72348158 1958-03-24 US2946627A 1960-07-26 EMILIO POLZINETTI
82 Pneumatic conveying method and system US66422757 1957-06-07 US2919159A 1959-12-29 SERAPHIN LACROIX
83 Means for conveying powdery material in fine distribution, particularly for use in flash die casting US56672556 1956-02-20 US2825605A 1958-03-04 HANS BIEL; RUNWALT KUHFUSS; WALDEMAR RASCHKE
84 Arrangement for controlling the throughput of a fine pulverulent material through a port US47959755 1955-01-03 US2817561A 1957-12-24 PLANIOL RENE JACQUES HENRI
85 Blower guard US45917454 1954-09-29 US2800369A 1957-07-23 SNOW RAYMOND M
86 Apparatus for feeding pulverulent material US41355954 1954-03-02 US2742328A 1956-04-17 JENS SYLVEST KARL
87 Portable materials collector US23726951 1951-07-17 US2708489A 1955-05-17 JAMES STOKOE
88 Materials moving apparatus US23063151 1951-06-08 US2679973A 1954-06-01 BERG JOHN W
89 Pneumatic conveyer system US311448 1948-01-19 US2634170A 1953-04-07 SMITH BENJAMIN F
90 Pneumatic elevator and conveyer for pulverulent material US75576647 1947-06-19 US2544534A 1951-03-06 REGINALD JACKSON
91 Material feeder US68693746 1946-07-29 US2518514A 1950-08-15 ANDERSON WILLIAM E
92 Unloading and loading apparatus US57365845 1945-01-20 US2417700A 1947-03-18 MCCARTY EVERETT B
93 Forced draft conveyer US56856744 1944-12-18 US2381762A 1945-08-07 MCCONKLE CHARLES C
94 Grain blower attachment US49232743 1943-06-25 US2363589A 1944-11-28 JOHN HOLLAND-LETZ
95 Pneumatic conveyer US42158641 1941-12-04 US2301350A 1942-11-10 WHITFIELD JOSEPH E
96 Means for handling material US33942640 1940-06-08 US2274708A 1942-03-03 KENNEDY JOSEPH E
97 Handling pulverized coal and the like US21021827 1927-08-03 US1970405A 1934-08-14 THOMAS JOHN W
98 Apparatus for conveying sugars and other granular or comminuted materials US65807033 1933-02-23 US1957224A 1934-05-01 NEUMAN JACOB J; NEUMAN HARRY G
99 Material handling apparatus US64625032 1932-12-08 US1928632A 1933-10-03 GWYNN ROBINSON EVELYN
100 Material handling apparatus US51146231 1931-01-27 US1922330A 1933-08-15 ROBINSON EVELYN G