首页 / 国际专利分类库 / 作业;运输 / 输送;包装;贮存;搬运薄的或细丝状材料 / 运输或贮存装置,例如用于装载或倾卸的输送机;车间输送机系统;气动管道输送机 / 用浮动物料,或气流、液流,或泡沫流通过槽、管道或管子输送散状物料(与装载或卸载有关的流体化入B65G 69/06;干草或谷类的装载机入A01D 87/00;用于包含粘土或粘结材料的混合料的卸料入B28C7/16;便于大型容器装料或排空的流体化装置入B65D 88/72;制糖业中物料的洗涤或切割和输送机的联合装置入A23N、C13C;疏浚入E02F;从淤积沉淀中提取物料入E21C 45/00;液压或气动矿井充填机械入E21F 15/00;流体动力学入F15D){通过另一种流体的直接作用泵抽流体入F04F}
序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
181 Method of conveying fine granular and pulverous material by gaseous means US60466666 1966-12-27 US3395945A 1968-08-06 HERMANN-JOSEF KOPINECK; HERBERT MUSZKIEWICZ; CLAUS SCHLOTTER
182 Permeable diaphragm pump US61424167 1967-02-06 US3391963A 1968-07-09 WEEKS WYATT J
183 Receptacle vehicle for bulk material US47877265 1965-08-10 US3374910A 1968-03-26 WILHELM HERMANNS
184 Automatic feeder for pneumatic conveying lines US54688366 1966-05-02 US3372958A 1968-03-12 BLACK ROE R
185 Pneumatic handling system for particulate material US55845566 1966-06-17 US3366277A 1968-01-30 BARBER EDGAR A
186 Apparatus and method for discharging receptacles US42296765 1965-01-04 US3316027A 1967-04-25 LLOYD ROBERT D
187 Method and apparatus for pneumatically conveying finely divided solids US46232865 1965-06-08 US3295895A 1967-01-03 LATHAM JR BURTON F
188 Means for handling material US47488065 1965-07-26 US3288537A 1966-11-29 HITCH ROBERT A
189 Conveying device and method US43860265 1965-03-10 US3285670A 1966-11-15 HUBBARD ELBERT G
190 Pneumatic conveyor US35394264 1964-03-23 US3279864A 1966-10-18 WEEKS WYATT J
191 Apparatus for transporting solids US35933264 1964-04-13 US3258297A 1966-06-28 MCCLURE WILLIAM L
192 Particulate material feeding US29760463 1963-07-25 US3249263A 1966-05-03 HOWARD ALLEN C
193 Method and apparatus for handling pulverulent material US34836364 1964-03-02 US3226165A 1965-12-28 KARL-HEINZ OEHLRICH; RUDOLF SCHMIDT KARL
194 Pneumatic conveyor US31309863 1963-10-01 US3206255A 1965-09-14 GRAY RONALD E
195 Conveyors US24383862 1962-12-11 US3205016A 1965-09-07 PANNING MARTIN H
196 Particle-from-gas separators US83588659 1959-08-25 US3199268A 1965-08-10 KARL-HEINZ OEHLRICH; HANS ZENNECK; HANS-GUNTER HEITMANN
197 Pneumatic elevators US30256363 1963-08-16 US3193331A 1965-07-06 CRAIG BRIAN W
198 Article manipulator apparatus US21662662 1962-08-13 US3182813A 1965-05-11 GOODELL JOHN D; JOSEPH NAZALI; TENGSATER TORSTEN N
199 Silo unloader connection US26614063 1963-03-14 US3181715A 1965-05-04 OLSON EARL G
200 Portable pneumatic conveyor US18594562 1962-04-09 US3155431A 1964-11-03 BALDWIN CHARLES A