首页 / 国际专利分类库 / 人类生活必需 / 鞋类 / 制鞋或修鞋的机械、工具、设备或方法 / 粘合鞋部件的装置 / .涂敷粘合剂于鞋部件上的装置(A43D25/20优先;一般涂敷液体或其他液态材料于表面入B05)
序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
121 Method of dispensing cement and melting pot for use therewith US6854660 1960-11-10 US3169078A 1965-02-09 BAKER ALAN G; KAMBORIAN JACOB S
122 Processing of shoe soles US17555362 1962-02-26 US3147500A 1964-09-08 TREVOR RALPHS GEORGE
123 Thermo-cementing and folding machines US24090562 1962-11-29 US3121242A 1964-02-18 LONGVAL WILLIAM B
124 Adhesive dispensing apparatus US4728460 1960-08-03 US3091233A 1963-05-28 DUNLAP ROBERT B
125 Method of preparing a shoe for lasting US13813561 1961-09-14 US3079618A 1963-03-05 KAMBORIAN JACOB S
126 Adhesive coating apparatus US85305259 1959-11-16 US3023726A 1962-03-06 KAMBORIAN JACOB S
127 Apparatus for melting adhesive US77299858 1958-11-10 US3011042A 1961-11-28 KAMBORIAN JACOB S
128 Thermoplastic polyamide-epoxy adhesives US42830454 1954-05-07 US2867592A 1959-01-06 MORRIS THOMAS C; CHAPLICK ADOLPH M
129 Impact extruder for jet of adhesive US35880953 1953-06-01 US2778530A 1957-01-22 SILLARS FREDERICK S
130 Spraying apparatus for cement lasting US35100853 1953-04-24 US2772658A 1956-12-04 GERMANY NORMAN V; MAKOVSKI STEPHEN A
131 Device for applying liquid adhesive to workpieces US76356147 1947-07-25 US2516110A 1950-07-25 ELLIOTT HARRY D
132 Apparatus for use in stiffening uppers of shoes US61011045 1945-08-10 US2406738A 1946-09-03 BROPHY JOHN J
133 Heel gluing machine US43553342 1942-03-20 US2378256A 1945-06-12 THUM WALTER A
134 Machine for operating upon shoes US47546743 1943-02-11 US2340614A 1944-02-01 PRUE WALTER W
135 Cementing machine US35850840 1940-09-26 US2326249A 1943-08-10 NOKES ERNEST S
136 Upper-trimming means US44309742 1942-05-15 US2324512A 1943-07-20 BERNHARDT JORGENSEN
137 Machine for use in the manufacture of shoes US37734741 1941-02-04 US2324509A 1943-07-20 BERNHARDT JORGENSEN
138 Machine for coating channels in shoe parts US36664540 1940-11-22 US2307793A 1943-01-12 IOANNILLI JOSEPH R J
139 Coating method and apparatus US35061640 1940-08-03 US2291832A 1942-08-04 OLSON FREDERICK F; DAVIS HERBERT L
140 Machine for applying marginal coatings to articles US34790940 1940-07-27 US2268420A 1941-12-30 POLLEYS HERBERT R