序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
221 ACOUSTIC SEPARATION OF PARTICLES FOR BIOPROCESSING US15965368 2018-04-27 US20180313816A1 2018-11-01 Jason O. Fiering; Kenneth T. Kotz
A method for separating particles in a biofluid includes pretreating the biofluid by introducing an additive, flowing the pretreated biofluid through a microfluidic separation channel, and applying acoustic energy to the microfluidic separation channel. A system for microfluidic separation, capable of separating target particles from non-target particles in a biofluid includes at least one microfluidic separation channel, a source of biofluid, a source of additive, and at least one acoustic transducer coupled to the microfluidic separation channel. A kit for microfluidic particle separation includes a microfluidic separation channel connected to an acoustic transducer, a source of an additive, and instructions for use.
222 Mineral recovery in tailings using functionalized polymers US14119013 2012-05-25 US09943860B2 2018-04-17 Paul J. Rothman; Mark R. Fernald; Francis K. Didden; Christian V. O'Keefe; Alan D. Kersey; Douglas H. Adamson
An apparatus and method for collecting mineral particles in the tailings is disclosed. The apparatus may take the form of a filter, a conveyor belt, a collection plate or an impeller configured to contact with tailings of a flotation process, before and/or after the tailings are discharged into a pond. The filter, conveyor belt, collection plate or impeller has a collection area or surface made of, or coated with, a synthetic material having a functional group, e.g., having an ionizing bond to attract the mineral particles of interest. Alternatively, the synthetic material has hydrophobic molecules to render the collection area hydrophobic. When the mineral particles of interest in the tailings are combined with collector molecules, the mineral particles of interest may also become hydrophobic. The hydrophobic mineral particles of interest are attracted to the hydrophobic collection area or surface. The filter, conveyor belt, collection plate and impeller may have a plurality of passage ways or synthetic beads in order to increase the contacting surfaces.
223 Cleaning and Dewatering Fine Coal US15786079 2017-10-17 US20180036741A1 2018-02-08 Roe-Hoan Yoon; Mert Kerem Eraydin
Fine coal is cleaned of its mineral matter impurities and dewatered by mixing the aqueous slurry containing both with a hydrophobic liquid, subjecting the mixture to a phase separation. The resulting hydrophobic liquid phase contains coal particles free of surface moisture and droplets of water stabilized by coal particles, while the aqueous phase contains the mineral matter. By separating the entrained water droplets from the coal particles mechanically, a clean coal product of substantially reduced mineral matter and moisture contents is obtained. The spent hydrophobic liquid is separated from the clean coal product and recycled. The process can also be used to separate one type of hydrophilic particles from another by selectively hydrophobizing one.
224 Mineral separation using sized-, weight- or magnetic-based polymer bubbles or beads US14117534 2012-05-25 US09827574B2 2017-11-28 Paul J. Rothman; Mark R. Fernald; Francis K. Didden; Christian V. O'Keefe; Alan D. Kersey; Douglas H. Adamson
Apparatus for use in, or forming part of, a separation process to be implemented in separation processor technology, the apparatus comprising synthetic bubbles or beads configured with a polymer or polymer-based material functionalized to attach to a valuable material in a mixture so as to form an enriched synthetic bubbles or beads having the valuable material attached thereto, and also configured to be separated from the mixture based at least partly on a difference in a physical property between the enriched synthetic bubbles or beads having the valuable material attached thereto and the mixture.
225 Method for separating a defined mineral phase of value from a ground ore US14770059 2014-12-15 US09718066B2 2017-08-01 Werner Hartmann; Theresa Stark; Sonja Wolfrum; Hermann Wotruba
A defined mineral phase is separated from a ground ore having several chemical phases and being present in a heterogeneous particle size distribution by classifying the ore according to a defined particle diameter into at least two fractions, a first fraction having particles essentially larger than the defined particle diameter and a second fraction having particles essentially smaller than the defined particle diameter, and the defined mineral particles of value being present in both fractions, floating the first fraction having the greater particle diameters and selecting the defined mineral particles of value in a flotation concentrate, selectively admixing the defined mineral particles of value in the fraction having the smaller particle diameters with magnetizable particles, applying a magnetic separation process to the second fraction having smaller particle diameters, and separating a concentrate with an enrichment of the defined mineral phase of value.
226 Method of separating and de-watering fine particles US13915428 2013-06-11 US09518241B2 2016-12-13 Roe-Hoan Yoon
A process for cleaning and dewatering hydrophobic particulate materials is presented. The process is performed in two steps: 1) agglomeration of the hydrophobic particles in a first hydrophobic liquid/aqueous mixture; followed by 2) dispersion of the agglomerates in a second hydrophobic liquid to release the water trapped within the agglomerates along with the entrained hydrophilic particles.
227 Mineral separation using functionalized filters and membranes US14118984 2012-05-25 US09302270B2 2016-04-05 Paul J. Rothman; Mark R. Fernald; Francis K. Didden; Douglas H. Adamson
An apparatus for collecting mineral particles in a slurry or the tailings is disclosed. The apparatus may take the form of a filter, a conveyor belt or an impeller to be used in a processor to collect mineral particles in the slurry, or in a tailings pond to collect mineral particles in the tailings. The filter, conveyor belt or impeller has a collection area made of or coated with a synthetic material having a functional group, either anionic or cationic to attach to the mineral particles. Alternatively, the synthetic material has hydrophobic molecules to render the collection area hydrophobic. When the mineral particles in the slurry or tailings are combined with collector molecules, the mineral particles also become hydrophobic. The hydrophobic mineral particles are attracted to the hydrophobic collection area. The filter, conveyor belt and impeller may have a plurality of passage ways in order to increase the contacting surfaces.
228 MINERAL RECOVERY IN TAILINGS USING FUNCTIONALIZED POLYMERS US14119013 2012-05-25 US20150209799A1 2015-07-30 Paul J. Rothman; Mark R. Fernald; Francis K. Didden; Christian V. O'Keefe; Alan D. Kersey; Douglas H. Adamson
An apparatus and method for collecting mineral particles in the tailings is disclosed. The apparatus may take the form of a filter, a conveyor belt, a collection plate or an impeller configured to contact with tailings of a flotation process, before and/or after the tailings are discharged into a pond. The filter, conveyor belt, collection plate or impeller has a collection area or surface made of, or coated with, a synthetic material having a functional group, e.g., having an ionizing bond to attract the mineral particles of interest. Alternatively, the synthetic material has hydrophobic molecules to render the collection area hydrophobic. When the mineral particles of interest in the tailings are combined with collector molecules, the mineral particles of interest may also become hydrophobic. The hydrophobic mineral particles of interest are attracted to the hydrophobic collection area or surface. The filter, conveyor belt, collection plate and impeller may have a plurality of passage ways or synthetic beads in order to increase the contacting surfaces.
229 Apparatus for separating particles utilizing engineered acoustic contrast capture particles US13295934 2011-11-14 US08863958B2 2014-10-21 Gregory Kaduchak; Michael D. Ward
An apparatus for separating particles from a medium includes a capillary defining a flow path therein that is in fluid communication with a medium source. The medium source includes engineered acoustic contrast capture particle having a predetermined acoustic contrast. The apparatus includes a vibration generator that is operable to produce at least one acoustic field within the flow path. The acoustic field produces a force potential minima for positive acoustic contrast particles and a force potential minima for negative acoustic contrast particles in the flow path and drives the engineered acoustic contrast capture particles to either the force potential minima for positive acoustic contrast particles or the force potential minima for negative acoustic contrast particles.
230 TECHNIQUES FOR TRANSPORTING SYNTHETIC BEADS OR BUBBLES IN A FLOTATION CELL OR COLUMN US14119048 2012-05-25 US20140190873A1 2014-07-10 Paul J. Rothman; Mark R. Fernald; Francis K. Didden; Douglas H. Adamson
Apparatus featuring synthetic bubbles or beads and a flotation stage. The synthetic bubbles or beads are configured with a polymer or polymer-based material functionalized to attach to the valuable material in a mixture to form at least some enriched synthetic bubbles or beads having the valuable material attached thereto, and also configured to be transported through the mixture based at least partly on a characteristic of the synthetic bubbles or beads. The flotation stage has the mixture containing valuable material, and is configured to receive the synthetic bubbles or beads and to provide the at least some enriched synthetic bubbles or beads having the valuable material attached thereto based at least partly the characteristic of the synthetic bubbles or beads.
231 Apparatus for separating particles utilizing engineered acoustic contrast capture particles US11784928 2007-04-09 US08083068B2 2011-12-27 Gregory Kaduchak; Michael D. Ward
An apparatus for separating particles from a medium includes a capillary defining a flow path therein that is in fluid communication with a medium source. The medium source includes engineered acoustic contrast capture particle having a predetermined acoustic contrast. The apparatus includes a vibration generator that is operable to produce at least one acoustic field within the flow path. The acoustic field produces a force potential minima for positive acoustic contrast particles and a force potential minima for negative acoustic contrast particles in the flow path and drives the engineered acoustic contrast capture particles to either the force potential minima for positive acoustic contrast particles or the force potential minima for negative acoustic contrast particles.
232 METHOD FOR SEPARATION US12299191 2007-05-04 US20100006501A1 2010-01-14 Lars Thomas Laurell; Filip Tobias Petersson
The invention relates to a method for separation of elements from a fluid using affinity-bearing particles suspended in the fluid and using ultrasonic standing waves and micro-fluidics. The method includes the steps of: mixing said fluid mixture with particles (10) having affinity to at least one element (9) to be separated; allowing the element (9) to be separated to bind to said affinity-bearing particles (10); subjecting the fluid to an ultrasonic wave field resulting in forces on the affinity-bearing particles (10) but substantially no forces on elements not bound to affinity-bearing particles; and allowing said forces to move said affinity-bearing particles (10) to a portion of the fluid thus obtaining a locally higher concentration of affinity-bearing particles. The method may be performed in a process with continuous flow.
233 Apparatus for separating particles utilizing engineered acoustic contrast capture particles US11784928 2007-04-09 US20080245709A1 2008-10-09 Gregory Kaduchak; Michael D. Ward
An apparatus for separating particles from a medium includes a capillary defining a flow path therein that is in fluid communication with a medium source. The medium source includes engineered acoustic contrast capture particle having a predetermined acoustic contrast. The apparatus includes a vibration generator that is operable to produce at least one acoustic field within the flow path. The acoustic field produces a force potential minima for positive acoustic contrast particles and a force potential minima for negative acoustic contrast particles in the flow path and drives the engineered acoustic contrast capture particles to either the force potential minima for positive acoustic contrast particles or the force potential minima for negative acoustic contrast particles.
234 Separation process for carpets US10466667 2002-01-10 US07152742B2 2006-12-26 Roland Donaj; Wolfgang Dilly-Louis; Rudolf Kämpf; Norman Schnittker; Reinhard Wolf
Comminuted carpet pieces are fed to a first stirred tank together with an aqueous solution containing separating salt, to form a first suspension, which is fed to a first mechanical separating stage. A first high-solids phase, a second high-solids phase containing polymer fiber material, and a liquid phase are obtained therefrom. The second high-solids phase is mixed with a water-containing separation solution in a stirred tank, to give a second suspension, which is fed to a second mechanical separating stage. A third high-solids phase, a polymer fiber material-rich phase and a liquid phase are withdrawn therefrom. An acid which is stronger than H2CO3 is introduced into the stirred tank together with the water-containing separation solution, and the pH of the liquid in the stirred tank is adjusted to 2–6.
235 Method of separation by altering molecular structures US10092281 2002-03-06 US06905028B2 2005-06-14 Durham Russell Maples
Method of separation that uses at least one organic chemical reaction to alter the molecular structure of a substance or substances (102) so that a mechanical method of separation can be used to cause the separation of one or more substances from one or a group of substances (104). The organic chemical reaction alters the molecular structure by adding at least one atom to the molecular structure or by subtracting at least one atom from the molecular structure. The mechanical method of separation uses the differing physical characteristics of substances to physically change the place or position of substances to remove or isolate the substances from a combination or a mixture absent any chemical reaction. The organic chemical reaction and the mechanical method of separation are used in combination to cause the separation of substances that otherwise could not be separated by the mechanical method of separation alone.
236 Method for separating a machining suspension into fractions US10130768 2002-07-18 US06821437B1 2004-11-23 Peter Eisner; Andreas Malberg; Michael Menner; Axel Borcherding
The present invention relates to a method of separating a machining suspension into fractions including abrasive grains and attrition material, such as a suspension produced in the course of the mechanical machining of silicon, quartz or ceramic material, from a cutting fluid in which abrasive grains and the attrition material are dispersed that originates from the machined material and from the machining equipment. In the method, the suspension is separated by means of wet classification, with the liquid used for the sizing process being selected in such a way that it can be mixed with the used cutting fluid and with the mixture so formed, which contains the attrition material originating from the machined material in particular, forming a stable suspension.
237 Separating system for carpeted floor US10466667 2004-01-16 US20040094457A1 2004-05-20 Roland Donaj; Wolfgang Dilly-Louis; Rudolf Kampf; Norman Schnittker; Reihard Wolf
Comminuted carpet pieces are fed to a first stirred tank together with an aqueous solution containing separating salt, to form a first suspension, which is fed to a first mechanical separating stage. A first high-solids phase, a second high-solids phase containing polymer fiber material, and a liquid phase are obtained therefrom. The second high-solids phase is mixed with a water-containing separation solution in a stirred tank, to give a second suspension, which is fed to a second mechanical separating stage. A third high-solids phase, a polymer fiber material-rich phase and a liquid phase are withdrawn therefrom. An acid which is stronger than H2CO3 is introduced into the stirred tank together with the water-containing separation solution, and the pH of the liquid in the stirred tank is adjusted to 2-6.
238 Method of separation by altering molecular structures US10092281 2002-03-06 US20030168384A1 2003-09-11 Durham Russell Maples
Method of separation that uses at least one organic chemical reaction to alter the molecular structure of a substance or substances (102) so that a mechanical method of separation can be used to cause the separation of one or more substances from one or a group of substances (104). The organic chemical reaction alters the molecular structure by adding at least one atom to the molecular structure or by subtracting at least one atom from the molecular structure. The mechanical method of separation uses the differing physical characteristics of substances to physically change the place or position of substances to remove or isolate the substances from a combination or a mixture absent any chemical reaction. The organic chemical reaction and the mechanical method of separation are used in combination to cause the separation of substances that otherwise could not be separated by the mechanical method of separation alone.
239 Process for removing impurities from kaolin clays US09818693 2001-03-27 US20010022282A1 2001-09-20 D. R. Nagaraj; Roderick G. Ryles; Alan S. Rothenberg
An improved process for the selective flocculation of impurities from clays is disclosed. The process comprises blunging the clay in the presence of dispersing agents, conditioning the blunged clay with aliphatic or aromatic hydroxamic acids, or salts thereof, flocculating the impurities with a high molecular weight polymeric flocculant, particularly polymers containing hydroxamate groups, and removing the flocculated impurities from the unflocculated clay. The use of hydroxamic conditioning agents improves the removal of impurities from the clay, thereby providing a clay product having high brightness and low level impurities. The hydroxamic acid conditioning agents may advantageously be used in combination with other conditioning additives and with a wide variety of polymeric flocculating agents.
240 Treatment of waste material US737081 1996-10-30 US06070733A 2000-06-06 Dirk Osing
Shredder waste light fraction is converted into injectable material by being comminuted to an appropriate size. The copper and/or silica is then separated by magnetic separation so that the material may be injected into a metallurgical furnace or cement kiln.