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Soil water purifying device


专利汇可以提供Soil water purifying device专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE: To ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of oxygen to the water to be treated with no reduction of the pH value and furthermore eliminate the installation of a precipitation bath for separation of the active sludge, by using in common both the exposure to air via the high-concentration oxygen gas and that via the air each.
CONSTITUTION: The duct 4 is provided to the bath 1 with part of the duct soaked into the solution; and the exposure-to-air sections A and B via the high-concentration oxygen gas and the air each are arranged at the sections partitioned with the cell 4a. Each mechanism of exposure to air consists of a pair of settlers 6 with the bubbler 5. The liquid in the bath flows into the bubbler 5 through the hole 41 to receive the exposure to air via the high-concentration oxygen gas and the air, and then goes up within the bubbler 5 and goes down slowly within the settler 6. The sludge liquid and the supernatant liquid are isolated from each other in the bath, and the supernatant liquid is extracted in the form of the overflow 3. In such way, the accumulation of the CO
2 into the liquid due to the circulating use of the high- concentration oxygen gas can be offset with the common use of the air, thus preventing the lowering of the function of the active sludge.
COPYRIGHT: (C)1981,JPO&Japio,下面是Soil water purifying device专利的具体信息内容。







