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Mode shifting method for multifunction electronic clock


专利汇可以提供Mode shifting method for multifunction electronic clock专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE:To improve the controllability of a multifunction electronic clock by shifting a plurality of display modes circularly and enabling each of these display modes to be shifted from any other mode. CONSTITUTION:A reference time display mode, a year, month and data display mode, an alarm time display mode, an other-clock time display mode, and a timer display mode are assembled by a closed loop system. These display modes are adapted to be shifted clockwise in order evey time the first switch S1 is depressed. An emergency mode, for example, a mode of chronograph, is combined with the above display modes such that each of the display modes can be shifted to the emergency mode relative to each other. When the second switch S2 is depressed, a display mode in use can be shifted to a mode of chronograph. When the switch S2 is depressed again, the mode of chronograph can be returned to the display mode which had been used before the mode of chronograph.,下面是Mode shifting method for multifunction electronic clock专利的具体信息内容。







