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Silicon pressure transducer circuit


专利汇可以提供Silicon pressure transducer circuit专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且A remote coupled transducer circuit having a pair of conductors extending to the remote location from which the pressure transducer circuit is energized and to which an output current signal proportional to the pressure applied to a diaphragm of semiconductor material is transmitted on the pair of conductors. The transducer circuit includes an L-type resistance bridge formed of a piezoresistor and a second resistor diffused into the diaphragm, and the piezoresistor is linearly pressure sensitive while the second resistor is pressure insensitive. The resulting change of resistance in the piezoresistor due to pressure applied to the diaphragm is voltage amplified in a differential amplifier. The pressure transmitter circuit is temperature compensated against the effects of temperature variations of the resistance bridge. The output signal from the differential amplifier is used to proportionally change the output current signal. The output current signal controls a feedback transistor in the transducer circuit which rebalances the differential amplifier while sustaining the output current signal at the value proportional to the applied pressure.,下面是Silicon pressure transducer circuit专利的具体信息内容。

1. A transducer circuit for converting the pressure applied to a diaphragm of one type semiconductor material into a linear proportional electrical output signal, comprising: a resistance bridge having a corner and two outer ends and including, a piezoresistor of the opposite type semiconductor material diffused into the diaphragm, said piezoresistor having a resistance characteristic which varies linearly with the applied pressure; a second resistor, of the same type semiconductor material as said piezoresistor, diffused into the diaphragm so as to have a resistance value which is substantially insensitive to pressure variation, said piezoresistor and said second resistor being connected to form the corner of said bridge; circuit means, connected between the corner and outer ends of said bridge, for amplifying the difference signal which is generated between the outer ends of said bridge when pressure is applied to the diaphragm and for proportionally changing the output current signal resulting therefrom to provide a measurement of the applied pressure; and, feedback circuit means, responsive to the output current signal, for rebalancing said amplifying circuit means while sustaining the output current signal at the value proportional to the applied pressure.
2. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 1, wherein said amplifying circuit means includes output current regulating means and a pair of conductors connected thereto which extend to a remote location from which said pressure transducer circuit is energized and to which the output current signal proportional to the applied pressure is transmitted on said pair of conductors.
3. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 2, additionally including circuit means for temperature compensating said amplifying circuit means so that the amplified difference signal is substantially independent of the resistance variations caused by temperature changes of said resistance bridge.
4. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 3, wherein said temperature compensating means includes a resistor Rx connected in electrical series with one of said diffused resistors, said piezoresistor RP having a temperature coefficient KP and said second resistor RT having a temperature coefficient KT, said resistor Rx being substantially temperature insensitive with respect to said diffused resistors, said resistor Rx being series interposed between the outer end of said bridge associated with the one of said diffused resistors having the larger temperature coefficient with respect to the other of said diffused resistors and said amplifying circuit means so that said resistor Rx tends to reduce the effects of temperature coefficient inequality of said diffused resistors and also tends to reduce the zero range shift effects of said amplifying circuit means within a predetermined temperature range.
5. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 4, wherein said resistor Rx is connected in electrical series with said second resistor RT, corresponding to KT having a greater value than KP, the resistance of said resistor Rx approximating the value determined by the expression Rx (KT/KP - 1) RT in order to reduce the effects of temperature coefficient inequality of said dIffused resistors.
6. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 4, wherein said resistor Rx is connected in electrical series with said piezoresistor RP, corresponding to KP having a greater value than KT, the resistance of said resistor Rx approximating the value determined by the expression Rx (KP/KT - 1) RP in order to reduce the effects of temperature coefficient inequality of said diffused resistors.
7. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 3, wherein said temperature compensating means includes a third resistor diffused into the diaphragm, said third resistor Rtc being substantially insensitive to pressure variation and having a temperature coefficient Ktc, said resistor Rtc being connected in circuit with said piezoresistor RP so as to substantially cancel the effects of changing temperature on the incremental increase in resistance Delta R with pressure variation of said piezoresistor RP, the resistance R having an effective negative temperature coefficient Kr with respect to the temperature coefficients of said diffused resistors RP, RT and Rtc, the temperature coefficient Ktc of said resistor Rtc approximating the magnitude determined by the expression Ktc Kr/(1- Kr).
8. The transducer circuit of claim 7, wherein said temperature coefficient Kr is small relative to unity and Ktc is approximately equal in magnitude to Kr.
9. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 8, wherein the circuit connection for said resistor Rtc includes circuit means for passing a substantially constant current through said resistor Rtc and means, connected to said resistor Rtc, for voltage tracking the range shift effects of said amplifier circuit means with a change in temperature so that the difference signal amplified by said amplifier circuit means is substantially independent of temperature changes.
10. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 3, wherein said amplifying circuit means comprises: constant-current differential amplifying means including, means for passing a first constant current through said piezoresistor, independent of the pressure applied to the diaphragm, and for passing a second constant current through said second resistor, means for balancing said current passing means so that the difference signal generated between the outer ends of said bridge is zero; second means, connected to the outer ends of said bridge, for amplifying the difference signal to control the output current signal, said second differential amplifying means connected to said feedback circuit means with appropriate electrical phasing to rebalance said second differential amplifying means to sustain the output current signal at the value proportional to the applied pressure.
11. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 10, wherein said second amplifying means includes means for adjusting the output current signal to a predetermined minimum value.
12. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 11, wherein said feedback circuit means includes means for adjusting the span of output signal current between the minimum value and a predetermined maximum value for the maximum applied pressure.
13. The transducer circuit of claim 3, wherein said amplifying circuit means comprises: differential amplifying means including, means for passing a first constant current through said piezoresistor independent of the applied pressure, means for passing a second current through said second resistor so that the difference signal generated between the outer ends of said bridge is zero, at least one of said current passing means being connected to said feedback ciRcuit means with appropriate electrical phasing to rebalance said differential amplifying means while sustaining the output current signal at the value proportional to the applied pressure.
14. The transducer of claim 13, wherein said amplifying circuit means includes second differential means, connected to the outer ends of said bridge, for amplifying the difference signal to control the output current signal, said differential amplifying means including means for adjusting the output current signal to a predetermined minimum value when the pressure applied to said bridge is a reference value.
15. The transducer circuit as set forth in claim 14, wherein said feedback circuit means includes means for adjusting the span of output signal current between the minimum value for the reference applied pressure and a predetermined maximum for the maximum applied pressure.






