Spraying apparatus


专利汇可以提供Spraying apparatus专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且In a spraying apparatus in which a liquid is atomized by a pulsating stream of combustion gases discharged through an elongated exhaust pipe from a combustion chamber equipped with a carburetor for use of liquid fuel, the exhaust pipe is equipped with at least two atomizing nozzles. One nozzle near the free orifice of the exhaust pipe is fed the active agent to be sprayed, and the other nozzle near the combustion chamber is supplied with water or similar cooling liquid which evaporates in the combustion gases and cools the same sufficiently to permit a dispersion of heat-sensitive insect pathogens, such as Bacillus thuringiensis, to be atomized at the nozzle near the exhaust pipe orifice.,下面是Spraying apparatus专利的具体信息内容。

1. In a spraying apparatus having a combustion chamber, carburetor means connected to said chamber for supplying the same with a combustible mixture of a liquid fuel with air of combustion, ignition means for igniting said mixture, an elongated exhaust pipe having two longitudinally terminal portions, one of said portions being joined to said chamber in a juncture for receiving a stream of combustion gas from said chamber, and the other portion having an orifice for discharging said stream, a plurality of atomizing nozzles in said exhaust pipe, a plurality of tanks adapted to hold respective liquids to be dispersed in said combustion gas, respective conduits connecting said tanks to associated ones of said nozzles, the improvement which comprises: a. one of said nozzles being located in said one terminal portion and substantially nearer to said combustion chamber than to said orifice, and b. another one of said nozzles being located in said other terminal portions and substantially nearer to said orifice than to said combustion chamber.
2. In a spraying apparatus as set forth in claim 1, a portion of the conduit connecting said one nozzle to the associated tank having a wall of thermally conductive material in common with said combustion chamber.
3. In a spraying apparatus as set forth in claim 1, sound damping means for damping the sound of the combustion gases being discharged from said combustion chamber into said one terminal portion, said sound damping means including a compartment enveloping said juncture and a body of liquid in said compartment.






