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61 СПОСОБ ТОЧНОЙ ПОСАДКИ БЕСПИЛОТНОГО ЛЕТАТЕЛЬНОГО АППАРАТА PCT/RU2017/050015 2017-03-17 WO2017160192A1 2017-09-21 ГЕРАСИМОВ, Павел Константинович; ГАМАЮНОВ, Александр Русланович; ЕГОРОВ, Дмитрий Александрович; ПРИТОЦКИЙ, Егор Михайлович; ХОДАК, Мария Сергеевна

Способ точной посадки беспилотного летательного аппарата (БПЛА) относится к способам посадки летательных аппаратов, применимых, в частности, в системах точной посадки БПЛА мини класса вертолетного типа, оснащенных бортовыми электронными устройствами наблюдения, навигации и автоматического управления полетом. Технический результат заключается в увеличении точности автоматической посадки БПЛА, а также в повышении автономности, надежности и безопасности эксплуатации БПЛА. Способ точной посадки БПЛА, в котором бортовой компьютер БПЛА, при помощи алгоритмов компьютерного зрения, обрабатывает временную последовательность кадров, закодированную в битовый поток, получаемую с оптической камеры, расположенной на БПЛА, содержащую данные об оптической метке, расположенной в точке посадки БПЛА, для определения, по меньшей мере, двух углов смещения. Бортовой компьютер БПЛА, получает данные от полетного контроллера, обработанные при помощи фильтров, по меньшей мере, о двух углах наклона (крен и тангаж) и высоте БПЛА. Бортовой компьютер БПЛА обрабатывает полученные данные о высоте БПЛА, углах смещения и наклона, и направляет сигналы управления при помощи пропорционально-интегрально- дифференцирующего (ПИД) регулятора на полетный контроллер БПЛА в автоматическом режиме с частотой не менее 10 Гц для корректировки траектории с целью увеличения точности посадки БПЛА.

62 SYSTEME D'ATTERRISSAGE AUTONOME ET AUTOMATIQUE POUR DRONES PCT/EP2006/069198 2006-12-01 WO2007063126A1 2007-06-07 GARREC, Patrick; CORNIC, Pascal

L'invention concerne un système de guidage pour l'atterrissage automatique d'aéronefs comportant principalement : - un dispositif électromagnétique de détection et de localisation, positionné au sol, - une première balise radioélectrique émettrice-réceptrice multifonction, embarquée sur chaque aéronef guidé et émettant en particulier une onde continue. Le dispositif de détection et de localisation exploite l'onde continue émise par la balise pour effectuer une localisation passive destinée à améliorer la précision de la mesure de la position angulaire de l'aéronef. Il comporte en outre des moyens pour élaborer et transmettre périodiquement à l'aéronef par l'intermédiaire de la balise des informations permettant au dit aéronef de rallier depuis sa position une trajectoire d'atterrissage optimale. L'invention s'applique plus particulièrement au guidage des aéronefs autonomes et automatiques tels que les drones en phase d'approche et d'atterrissage.


Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur automatisierten Be- und Entladung einer frei fliegenden autonom gesteuerten Drohne mit einem/von einem Objekt, umfassend: eine Landeplattform (101) für die Drohne, eine Lagereinrichtung (102) zur Lagerung von Objekten, einen Roboter (103), der dazu ausgeführt und eingerichtet ist, automatisiert Objekte aus der Lagereinrichtung (102) zu entnehmen und an der Landeplattform (101) für eine Aufnahme durch eine Drohne bereitzustellen, und automatisiert Objekte, die von einer Drohne an der Landeplattform (101) bereitgestellt sind, aufzunehmen und in der Lagereinrichtung (102) abzulegen, und ein Steuergerät (104) zur Steuerung des Roboters (103). Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin ein Fahrzeug, insbesondere ein Lieferfahrzeug, mit einer ebensolchen Vorrichtung.

64 Autonomous control of a parafoil recovery system for UAVs US09922167 2001-08-06 US20030025038A1 2003-02-06 Leland M. Nicolai; Douglas J. Robinson; William R. Ramsey JR.
A parafoil system for autonomously controlling the gliding descent of a payload/UAV from a launch point to a predetermined recovery area and manipulating the parafoil to execute a soft landing in the recovery area, a sensing means associated with the system for determining wind speed and direction, as well as altitude, heading and position of the system, a means housed within the system for processing information received from the sensing means to determine the gliding flight path from the launch point to a predetermined recovery area and the execution of a flare maneuver to achieve a soft landing, control surface means on the parafoil canopy, mechanical means coupling the information processing means with the control surface means for adjusting the control surface means to accomplish the steering to the recovery area during gliding flight and the flare maneuver during landing, and a power source in the payload/UAV.
65 Autonomous and automatic landing system for drones US12095768 2006-12-01 US08265808B2 2012-09-11 Patrick Garrec; Pascal Cornic
The invention relates to an automatic aircraft landing guidance system having an electromagnetic detecting and locating device, positioned on the ground and a first multifunction transmitting/receiving radiofrequency beacon, on board each guided aircraft and transmitting in particular a continuous wave. The detecting and locating device uses the continuous wave transmitted by the beacon to perform a passive locating intended to improve the accuracy of the measurement of the angular position of the aircraft. It also comprises means for generating and periodically transmitting to the aircraft, via the beacon, information enabling said aircraft to rejoin an optimum landing path from its position. The invention applies more particularly to the guidance of autonomous and automatic aircraft such as drones in the approach and landing phase.
66 AUTONOMOUS AND AUTOMATIC LANDING SYSTEM FOR DRONES US12095768 2006-12-01 US20090055038A1 2009-02-26 Patrick Garrec; Pascal Cornic
The invention relates to an automatic aircraft landing guidance system having an electromagnetic detecting and locating device, positioned on the ground and a first multifunction transmitting/receiving radiofrequency beacon, on board each guided aircraft and transmitting in particular a continuous wave. The detecting and locating device uses the continuous wave transmitted by the beacon to perform a passive locating intended to improve the accuracy of the measurement of the angular position of the aircraft. It also comprises means for generating and periodically transmitting to the aircraft, via the beacon, information enabling said aircraft to rejoin an optimum landing path from its position. The invention applies more particularly to the guidance of autonomous and automatic aircraft such as drones in the approach and landing phase.

The present invention relates to a folding propeller-hub assembly and applicable flight modes of the assembly. In particular, the present invention provides a folding propeller-hub assembly for VTOL aircraft and for improved aerodynamic properties of VTOL UAV (Vertical Take-off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) aircraft. The propeller-hub assembly according to present invention provides two modes of operation, vertical mode with only unfolded propeller blades and horizontal mode with both folded and unfolded propeller blades. The first mode of operation wherein a plurality of blades (31 ) are in an opened position, irrespective if a motor (60) is running or not. The second mode of operation when the motor (60) is not running wherein the blades (31) due to the air pressure are folded into a stowed position or when the motor (60) is running and blades (31) are in expanded position thus providing forward thrust. The propeller-hub assembly comprises of a plurality of propeller blades (31 ), a bedplate (10) operably associated with a propeller-hub (20) to fold or respectively unfold the propeller blades (31 ), the motor (60) arranged between the propeller-hub (20) and a rotating plate (70), a push rod (12) positioned in the axis of the propeller rotation along the propeller-hub assembly. An electromagnetic, pneumatic or hydraulic device or a compression spring (40) is arranged between the bedplate (10) and a spinner bottom (51) of the spinner (50), and is operably associated with the bedplate (10) to rotate the propeller blades (31). A restraint plate (80) by virtue of the push rod (12) is operably associated with the propeller blades (31 ) to rotate each propeller blade (31 ) about a propeller blade pin axis (33). The present invention is proposing the optimal design of an autonomous UAV VTOL aircraft for utilizing the said propeller-hub assembly. Claimed UAV VTOL aircraft has preferably three rotatable motors equipped with propeller-hub assembly according to the said invention.
