序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
301 Systems and methods for sorting, and collecting data pertaining to recyclables at a material recovery facility EP05254327.9 2005-07-11 EP1616636A1 2006-01-18 Bohlig, James W.; Duffy, Sean P.

Systems and methods for collecting data pertaining to glass, plastic and/or paper composition within an input stream that includes recyclable material. The data collected can pertain, for example, to the weight and/or volume of the glass, plastic and/or paper within the input stream. The data can be certified for use a third party.

302 SEPARATION OF FINE GRANULAR MATERIALS EP02765072.0 2002-10-03 EP1432508A1 2004-06-30 KING, Peter, John; SWIFT, Michael, Robert; BURTALLY, Nasreen
This application concerns the separation of fine granular mixtures that may occur when the grains are suitably vibrated within fluid. In particular, the present invention provides a method of separating a particulate mixture comprising different particle types, comprising subjecting a supported particle bed comprising a fluid and said particulate mixture to a vibration thereby to effect separation of the particulate mixture into strata each of which is preferentially rich in substantially one particle type. Apparatus for effecting the above method also provided.
The invention relates to an installation and method for separating substance mixtures containing constituents which have different densities using a liquid separating medium in which light fractions rise and heavy fractions sink. The invention is characterized in that a first and a second guiding plate (4, 5) are provided in a separating container (1). Said guiding plates are horizontally arranged, accommodate cones (6, 7) between them, and form a flow chamber which is provided for the exiting mixture and which is pointed laterally outward. The invention is also characterized by a device for selectively controlling the quantity of the mixture which consists of heavy fractions and of a separating medium and which is withdrawn per unit of time through the lower outlet line (12).
304 Method for reblending sand EP01308888.5 2001-10-19 EP1245287A2 2002-10-02 Soldwish-Zoole, Trenton L.; Squires, Franklin E.

A method of reblending sand in a classification tank (10) having multiple stations (14A-J) and discharge valves (16A-C) within each station includes the steps of delivering sand to the tank (10); calibrating the tank to analyze the raw feed material and develop discharge rates, flow multipliers, and a mathematical model of the tank; and inputting a specification or quantity and sieve size distribution for a reblended sand product into a computer (20) for controlling the tank (10). Then the tank (10) is operated in a production mode and the discharge valves (16A-C) at each station of the tank (10) are adjusted by the computer (20) for percent open time and discharge rate. With one algorithm, the computer (20) identifies which station (14A-J) has the most of a sieve size that is out of specification and diverts material at that station by closing the appropriate discharge valve(s) (16A-C). In another algorithm especially adapted to minimize fines, the computer (20) begins with the station (14A-J) most remote from the inlet and diverts material by repeatedly reducing the valve (16A-C) open percentage of the appropriate valve (16A-C) at that station (14A-J) by a given amount until the specification is met or the valve (16A-C) is always closed. Once the valve (16A-C) is always closed, the computer (20) moves a station (14A-J) closer to the inlet and repeats the process. Once a primary product is being produced to specification, the same algorithm can be used to control the production of a secondary product.

305 Method for assembling granular mixtures of predetermined specifications, starting from granular starting material EP98200591.0 1998-02-25 EP0864366B1 2002-05-15 Kuiters, Willem Julius
The invention relates to an installation and method for separating substance mixtures containing constituents which have different densities using a liquid separating medium in which light fractions rise and heavy fractions sink. The invention is characterized in that a first and a second guiding plate (4, 5) are provided in a separating container (1). Said guiding plates are horizontally arranged, accommodate cones (6, 7) between them, and form a flow chamber which is provided for the exiting mixture and which is pointed laterally outward. The invention is also characterized by a device for selectively controlling the quantity of the mixture which consists of heavy fractions and of a separating medium and which is withdrawn per unit of time through the lower outlet line (12).
307 Method and system for reclaiming aggregate from concrete waste material EP96300192.0 1996-01-10 EP0722778B1 2000-05-03 Isaji, Kazutoshi
308 MULTIFLOW PRESSURIZED DE-INKING APPARATUS EP98910438.5 1998-03-17 EP0975834A1 2000-02-02 HEBERT, Richard, P.; GRIMES, David, B.
A mixture of air and paper stock (36) made from recycled paper from which the ink particles have been chemically released is injected into a cylindrical processing vessel (22). Added surfactants create a foam (40) from the air as it rises through the stock (36) and cause the ink particles to adhere to the air bubbles, resulting in a foam containing a concentrated fraction of the ink particles with some included fibres. The foam rises to the top (43) of the vessel (22), and carries with it ink particles. Additional air injection ports (53) can be used to increase the amount of foam generated and the amount of ink removed. Flow of stock (36) and foam (42) from the vessel (22) can be controlled by adjusting valves (70) on the stock (34) and foam outlets (44, 56). Flotation sensors (60) allow the foam head to be maintained at the stock level by controlling the rate at which foam (42) is withdrawn through the foam outlets (44, 56).
309 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum kontinuierlich Herstellen von Granulatmischungen EP98202801.1 1998-08-20 EP0909585A1 1999-04-21 Melis, Wilhelmus, Jacobus, Maria

Es wird ein Verfahren zum in einem kontinuierlichen Prozeß aufeinanderfolgend Herstellen von Granulatmischungen, insbesondere Sandmischungen, mit einer unterschiedlichen vorgegebenen Zusammensetzung, beziehungsweise Partikelgrößenverteilung, beschrieben, bei dem ein rohes Ausgangsgranulat, wie eine Sand- und/oder Kiesmischung, gefördert wird, das Ausgangsgranulat in Fraktionen unterschiedlicher Partikelgrößenverteilung getrennt wird, gewünschte Fraktionen dosiert, zusammengefügt und gemischt werden, wobei eine Granulatendmischung mit vorgegebener Zusammensetzung, beziehungsweise Partikelgrößenverteilung gebildet wird, und bei dem die Granulatendmischung schließlich an einen Behälter abgegeben wird. Zum Herstellen einer zweiten Granulatendmischung mit einer anderen Zusammensetzung, beziehungsweise Partikelgrößenverteilung, wird, im wesentlichen ohne Unterbrechung des Verfahrens, die Dosierung der zweiten Endmischung geändert und die auf dieser Weise gebildete zweite Granulatendmischung getrennt von der ersten Granulatendmischung abgegeben.

Relatively heavy contaminants are separated from a contaminated pulp suspension by pumping the latter through a multihydrocyclone unit (6) having a multiplicity of hydrocyclones. Each hydrocyclone is provided with turbulence creating means adapted to counteract the formation of fibre network in radially outer liquid layers in the hydrocyclone. The pulp suspension separated from heavy contaminants is dewatered in a pulp wet machine (2). According to the invention, the fibre concentration of the pulp suspension which is fed into the multihydrocyclone unit (6) is at least 0,9 %.
311 Method for assembling granular mixtures of predetermined specifications, starting from granular starting material EP98200591.0 1998-02-25 EP0864366A1 1998-09-16 Kuiters, Willem Julius

The invention relates to a method and a device for assembling granular mixtures of predetermined specifications from granular starting material without interim storage. The device comprises two or more classifying devices (1) which, with the aid of water, divide the starting material into a plurality of grain fractions.

The grain fractions are taken out of the classifying devices (1) in batches. The volume and weight of each batch is determined, thus allowing the weight of dry matter in the batch to be calculated. The Tromp curve associated with the process conditions prevailing in a classifying device (1) provides information on the relative composition of the grain fraction divided off by the classifying device in question. This information makes it possible to formulate a number of equations which allow the composition of the starting material and the composition of each grain fraction to be calculated. The grain fractions can then be mixed directly in the correct ratio in order to obtain the end product.

312 Method and system for reclaiming aggregate from concrete waste material EP96300192.0 1996-01-10 EP0722778A1 1996-07-24 Isaji, Kazutoshi

A method and system for reclaiming aggregate from concrete waste material (B) includes crushing step and means (14,74) of compression-crushing lumps of concrete waste material into a crushed mixture, and sorting (22,82) the crushed mixture by size thereof, grinding step (24,26,84,86) and means of rotating the crushed mixture sorted to grind it with a grinding member (94) which rotates in an opposite direction to the rotating direction of the crushed mixture sorted, thereby peeling mortar from gravel, crushed stones and sand of the crushed mixture to obtain a mixture of gravel, crushed stones, sand, cement and mortar, and product separating step and means (46,110) of separating the mixture of gravel, crushed stones, sand, cement and mortar into gravel and crushed stones (J), sand (N), cement and mortar (M).

313 Pressurized, sparged flotation column EP95307671.8 1995-10-27 EP0709121A3 1996-05-08 Hubred, Gale L.

A method for removing residual oil from oily water under pressure is provided. The method comprises flowing a liquid stream of an oily water downward through a vertically extended zone to remove the residual oil. A gas is injected into the lower end of the zone and at a rate sufficient to generate bubbles of a predetermined volume in the liquid stream. A sufficient pressure is maintained in the zone to control the rate of expansion of the bubbles to a volume compatible with oil droplets in the liquid stream during upward migration of the bubbles and the oil droplets. The rate of flow of the liquid stream from the lower end of the zone and the rate of flow of the gas from the upper end of the zone are regulated to collect residual oil from a quiescent volume within the upper portion of the zone.

A device for separating organic and inorganic material in a fluid has a round container (1) having in its upper region a centrically arranged feed device (19) with a spinning chamber (22), a gravity pipe (23) and a trumpet-shaped diffuser (24) to introduce the fluid into the container (1). In the lower region (7) of the container (1) there is an extractor device (32) for the inorganic material and a device (29) to discharge the organic material and the fluid. In the lower region (7) of the container (1) there is a fluidised sand bed (14) which is kept in motion by an upward flow distributed via a perforated base (8). In addition there is a by-pass (38) to transfer part of the sand in the sand bed (14) into the extractor (32) in the lower region of the container (1).
A tank (12) receives raw water for clarification by flotation. An array of lamellae (28) define a set of generally vertically oriented channels (30) with solid sidewalls. Flotation occurs in each channel. The channels are preferably inclined. With a round tank, a frame rotates an interlocking array of radial (28r) and concentric (28c) lamellae. A stationary raw water inlet distribution box (18) fills the channels with raw treated water. An aligned clarified water collection box withdraws clarified water. A stationary skimmer (42) directs floating sludge to a removal conduit (50) with a variable pitch screw conveyor. Sliding seals on the lamellae isolate individual channels or groups of channels as they move through the tank. The channels lock and move columns of water through the tank with substantially no turbulence.
316 A method and plant for the screening of especially stone material EP94610011.2 1994-03-01 EP0613723A1 1994-09-07 Kvejborg, Jens Erik

By a method and a plant according to the invention for the specific-gravity screening, especially of stone materials (12), the material (12) is dosed to the sieve (1) in such a manner that the heavy fraction (14) removed constitutes a predetermined part of the supplied material (12), and with an overflow plate (4) which separates the light fraction (13) together with the flushing water, and with a bulkhead (5) for the determination of the level of the water (15) in the vessel (6), specific-gravity screening can be carried out with a hitherto-unknown high degree of precision, and this is achieved even though the differences in the grain size and/or the specific gravity of the component parts are minimal.

Aggregate material can hereby be screened for concrete mixtures which are completely free of the quality-decreasing types of flint which are of lower specific gravity than the preferred types of stone, and which can thus be screened out by means of the plant.

317 SEPARATOR EP89905134.0 1989-04-25 EP0414740A1 1991-03-06 MARRIOTT, Paul Allan
Un séparateur à gravité pour séparer des particules plus lourdes de substances résiduaires plus légères comporte un empilement de tabliers (4) montés en vue d'un mouvement oscillatoire résonant à l'intérieur d'un cadre de support (1). Un moteur (9) fait osciller les tabliers à leur fréquence de résonance tandis qu'un système de distribution (6) fournit à la surface des tabliers une charge se présentant sous la forme d'une boue. A mesure que les secousses se poursuivent, les particules plus lourdes à l'intérieur de la boue sont graduellement séparées des particules plus légères. Une séparation optimale est assurée par un système de régulation qui, s'il y a lieu, modifie automatiquement l'amplitude d'oscillation et/ou la synchronisation des étages, en cours de séparation, par exemple en réponse aux signaux produits par des détecteurs qui mesurent la fréquence d'oscillation et l'énergie consommée.
318 Verfahren zur Regelung einer Flotationsanlage EP90102757.3 1990-02-13 EP0391042A1 1990-10-10 Ortner, Herbert, Dr.; Pfalzer, Lothar, Dr.

Wird bei einer Flotationsanlage die erzeugte Schaummenge erfaßt und abhängig davon werden Prozeßparameter, die die erzeugte Schaummenge unmittelbar oder mittelbar beeinflussen, je nach erzeugter Schaummenge in ihrer Menge herabgesetzt. Dies ge­schieht durch Reduzierung bestimmter Stoffströme, als auch sol­cher Stoffströme, die im Kreislauf in einer Flotationsanlage geführt werden. Zur Verdünnung eingesetzter Fabrikationswässer werden durch Frischwasser teilweise ersetzt. Es wird dadurch verhindert, daß eine zu große erzeugte Schaummenge Schwierig­keiten im Betrieb einer Flotationsanlage herbeiführt.

319 Mineral processing installation EP84305916.3 1984-08-30 EP0139418A1 1985-05-02 Lees, Jeremy James; Pryor, Murray Howard

A method and installation for mineral processing adapted to form a slurry from an intermittent supply of a particulate mineral and to feed the slurry selectively to one or more mineral processing devices such as spirals, cyclones, sieve bends or the like in accordance with the pulp density of the slurry.

The method comprises feeding the particulate mineral at an irregular rate to a slurrying vessel where the mineral is slurried with water, conveying the slurry to metering means, sensing, directly or indirectly, the pulp density of the slurry being conveyed and adjusting the metering means to return the slurry to the slurrying vessel and/or to direct the slurry to one or more mineral processing devices in accordance with the pulp density of the slurry. An installation for carrying out the method is described.

320 Sand classification plant with process control system EP83302739 1983-05-16 EP0095293A3 1985-01-09 Casey, Paul George; Dawson, Robert Frank

Disclosed is a sand classification plant dynamically controlled to divide feed material from a primary and a secondary source among several stations by particle-size and to blend the station contents in selected ratios to produce one or more controlled products having respective particle-size distributions and one or more uncontrolled distribution by-products. The invention includes automated features such as regulating the ratio between two or more controlled products to optimize the use of feed material, regulating source material feed and water flow rates to optimize production, combining two or more stations to make up for the missing output of an empty one, and controlling the flow rates from the individual stations in accordance with changes in feed particle-size distribution and in particle-size distribution of the output from each individual station.
