首页 / 国际专利分类库 / 电学 / 基本电气元件 / H01R 线路连接器 集电器 / 旋转式集电器、分配器或继续器(凸轮操作的开关入H01H19/00;集电器与电动机或发电机结构上的联结或者在电动机或发电机中的配置入H02K13/00)
序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
181 Metallic wool pellet brush assembly for slip rings,commutators or the like US3448312D 1965-11-22 US3448312A 1969-06-03 MASHBURN WILLIAM H
182 Slip ring assembly and process of manufacturing same US3435402D 1966-03-30 US3435402A 1969-03-25 SMITH HERMAN E
183 Bearingless slip ring assembly US62122167 1967-03-07 US3416121A 1968-12-10 NEALON EDWARD W; YEUTTER LEO D; CAHOON DICK B; BRASHER THOMAS F; MOORE JOHN P
184 Electric cable reel US57510766 1966-08-25 US3400230A 1968-09-03 BECKER ROGER T; BECKER WILLIAM K
185 Devices of moving connections between two fixed electric windings US56677866 1966-07-21 US3376535A 1968-04-02 PAUL GOUT
186 Slipring assembly and method of making US52686166 1966-02-11 US3370263A 1968-02-20 RAINER SCHREIECK
187 Electric contact brushes US56987866 1966-08-03 US3349210A 1967-10-24 DERCK APPLETON ANTHONY
188 Swiveled electrical connector US40259264 1964-10-08 US3336559A 1967-08-15 LAUBI JENNIE M
189 Multitrack slip-ring and brush assembly US43497665 1965-02-24 US3329923A 1967-07-04 CARL DAVIS JAMES
190 Rotatable electrical connector US40570564 1964-10-22 US3321729A 1967-05-23 PHILLIPS HERMON E
191 Floating-brush contact assembly US30576063 1963-08-30 US3297973A 1967-01-10 WENDELL GEORGE E
192 High impedance, high frequency slip ring US37619864 1964-06-18 US3223949A 1965-12-14 LAPHAM CHARLES J
193 Rotary electric multi-switch with adjustable movable contact wiper US28769463 1963-06-13 US3213216A 1965-10-19 BECK FREDERICK R
194 Collector ring assembly US21119362 1962-07-20 US3197578A 1965-07-27 BECKER ROGER T; BECKER WILLIAM K
195 Brush and holder assembly US14338461 1961-10-06 US3188407A 1965-06-08 COSTAS AVGERINOS
196 Weatherproof take-up reel US15469761 1961-11-24 US3167161A 1965-01-26 APPLETON ARTHUR I
197 Electrically heated roll with electrical circuit US29218063 1963-06-03 US3166667A 1965-01-19 NORTON WILLIAM H
198 Roller contact device for electrical coil US24212262 1962-12-04 US3166368A 1965-01-19 HIGGINS EDWARD C; PEARSON ALBERT E
199 Alternating current 180 electrical degree synchronous switch US17781362 1962-03-06 US3134863A 1964-05-26 BRADY JOHN F
200 Large diameter rotating blade and contact assembly US23617362 1962-11-07 US3132218A 1964-05-05 LARSEN LUDOLPH M