首页 / 国际专利分类库 / 物理 / 乐器;声学 / 管风琴;簧风琴或类似管乐器(口琴入G10D7/12;手风琴入G10D11/00;自动乐器的特征入G10F1/12;扩音器,拾音器或放大器与乐器的结合入G10H;电子管风琴入G10H7/00)
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81 Verfahren und Steuervorrichtung zum Steuern einer Orgel EP09178464.5 2009-12-09 EP2209109A2 2010-07-21 Renkens, Stephan

Offenbart ist einerseits ein Verfahren zum Steuern einer Orgel (5), wobei mittels einer Steuervorrichtung (1) aus einer Datenbank eine Begleitung eines Gemeindelieds ausgewählt und der Orgel (5) eine Steuersequenz übermittelt wird, mittels derer die Orgel (5) auf einen Steuerbefehl aus der Steuervorrichtung (1) die Begleitung wiedergibt, andererseits eine Steuervorrichtung (1) zum Steuern einer Orgel (5) mit einem Auswahlmodul zur Auswahl einer Begleitung eines Gemeindelieds aus einer Datenbank und mit einem Wiedergabemodul zum Übermitteln einer Steuersequenz an die Orgel (5) zur Wiedergabe der Begleitung.

Um die Steuerung flexibler zu gestalten wird vorgeschlagen, einerseits dass die Steuervorrichtung (1) nach Eingabe einer Liedkennung des Gemeindelieds eine Suchanfrage an die Datenbank generiert und dass die Datenbank die Begleitung anhand der Liedkennung auswählt und mindestens eine Teilsequenz der Steuersequenz bereitstellt, andererseits ein Suchmodul vorzusehen zum Generieren einer Suchanfrage betreffend eine im Auswahlmodul eingegebene Liedkennung an die Datenbank und durch ein Empfangsmodul zum Empfangen mindestens einer Teilsequenz der Steuersequenz von der Datenbank.

82 Windregler für Orgeln EP01103075.6 2001-02-09 EP1164572A3 2007-06-20 Wetzel, Otto

Ein Windregler für Orgeln, der zwischen einem Orgelgebläse und dem im Gebläsekanal nachfolgenden Balgsystem angeordnet ist und durch das Balgsystem zum Öffnen oder Schließen eines Ventils verstellt wird, ist erfindungsgemäß zur Vermeidung von Geräuschen am Ventil, bei geringem Windbedarf wie etwa nur bei minimalem Windverschleich dahingehend weiterentwickelt, daß der Windregler einen schallgedämmten Schleichkanal für einen auf den Windverschleich der Orgel ausgelegten Winddurchsatz aufweist, der im Luftweg des Windreglers parallel zu einem Durchgangskanal angeordnet ist.

83 Portable air musical instrument provided with keyboard EP01830061.6 2001-01-31 EP1122714A3 2006-06-14 Tononi, Guido

Portable air musical instrument (1) provided with keyboard (40), comprising a resonance box (5) with ventilation openings (47) and at least one portion (6) with keyboard configuration (40), a compartment (15) for the accumulation of pressurised air inside the resonance box (5) that communicates with it by means of cells (18) provided with at least one inlet (19) intersected by a vibrant reed (20) and at least one outlet (21) for the passage of pressurised air to the resonance box (5) and a sequence of keys (40) cinematically connected by means of a small arm to a pad (45) designed to open or close an air outlet. The instrument is also provided with adduction means of pressurised air to the accumulation compartment (15) that can be connected to at least one external source of pressurised air to cause the vibration of one or more reeds at a time, each of them generating a different musical note when the corresponding key is pressed.

84 A system for controlling the movement of sliders in musical instruments with pipes and the like EP04011017.3 2004-05-10 EP1480197A3 2005-11-23 Ramondetti, Silvio, Eltec Automazioni S.n.c.; Galiasso, Giovanni, Eltec Automazioni S.n.c.

The system comprises:

  • an air-fed organ case (4) and comprising orifices (5) which communicate with a chamber underlying the musical pipes (3), whose foot is engaged in a hole provided in said chamber,
  • sliders (6) that control the flow of air through each orifice (5), while at least one slider (6) is actuated with the aid of a respective key (7),
  • first position sensor means (14), arranged to sense the travel of each key (7),
  • second position sensor means (12), arranged to sense the travel of each slider (6),
  • and electrical / electronic circuit means (25, 26, 27, 49), which establish a correspondence between the displacements of the first position sensor means (14) and those of the second position sensor means (12) and, with the intermediary operation of respective actuator means (11) move at least a corresponding slider (6). According to the invention, said actuator means (11; 68) comprise a movable member (21, 23) which is driven to perform reciprocating movements proportionately to the movements of the respective key (7) and controls, directly and in correspondingly proportional fashion, the movement of at least a respective slider (6) both in its opening travel and in the closing travel with respect to the corresponding orifice (5).

85 Portable air musical instrument provided with keyboard EP01830061.6 2001-01-31 EP1122714A2 2001-08-08 Tononi, Guido

Portable air musical instrument (1) provided with keyboard (40), comprising a resonance box (5) with ventilation openings (47) and at least one portion (6) with keyboard configuration (40), a compartment (15) for the accumulation of pressurised air inside the resonance box (5) that communicates with it by means of cells (18) provided with at least one inlet (19) intersected by a vibrant reed (20) and at least one outlet (21) for the passage of pressurised air to the resonance box (5) and a sequence of keys (40) cinematically connected by means of a small arm to a pad (45) designed to open or close an air outlet. The instrument is also provided with adduction means of pressurised air to the accumulation compartment (15) that can be connected to at least one external source of pressurised air to cause the vibration of one or more reeds at a time, each of them generating a different musical note when the corresponding key is pressed.

86 NOUVEL INSTRUMENT DE MUSIQUE A TUYAUX, TELECOMMANDE EP97947103.4 1997-11-20 EP1008135A1 2000-06-14 Dupont, Jean-Francois
The invention concerns the creation and adaptation of pipe organs so that the organist does not directly hear the sound of the organ pipes, but only the relaying of this sound, all this being carried out instantaneously. When the organist plays at A, he operates by remote control on the instrumental part located at B. The sound produced by the pipes at B is picked up by microphones and relayed at A by loudspeakers. The device is more particularly useful for using the pipe organ in a more mobile manner and for modifying the relayed sound relative to the original sound.
87 Zungengenerator EP93117778.6 1993-11-03 EP0596462A3 1995-10-18 Zacharias, Ernst

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Zungengenerator mit einer in einem Schlitz (5) angeordneten, durchschlagenden, gegebenenfalls an einer Stimmplatte (6) befindlichen Tonzunge (7) zur Klangerzeugung mittels Luftströmung für Musikinstrumente. Um eine Tonerzeugung mit einer in weiten Grenzen wählbaren Klangfarbe zu erlauben, ist vorgesehen, die Tonzunge (7) und der zugehörige Schlitz (5) im seitlichen Bereich eines kopfseitigen Abschnitts eines länglichen, fußseitig offenen und kopfseitig geschlossenen, einen Resonanzraum (1) bildenden Resonanzhohlkörpers (2) derart angeordnet ist, daß die Anregung der Tonzunge (7) durch Blaswind entgegen der Eintauchrichtung im Schlitz (5) erfolgt und eine den akustisch hörbaren Ton darstellende Kopplungsschwingung erzeugt wird, die näher am Eigenton des Resonanzhohlkörpers (2) als am Eigenton der Tonzunge (7) liegt.

88 Pedal board for a musical instrument EP91301986.5 1991-03-11 EP0447147A3 1993-06-16 Rohde, Mark Waldo; Kirkwood, George Thomas; Schalk, Dick Gerret; Brown, Roger Thomas; Smythe, Robert Lewis

A pedal board for musical instruments. Pedal mounting, guide, and electrical switch mechanisms are provided in a pedal board for an electronic organ. Each pedal (50) is mounted by a cylindrical pin (54) attached to the back end (56) of the pedal and to the base (52) of the pedal board by an interference fit. A similar, guide pin (60) is attached to the front end (62) of the pedal by an interference fit. The guide pin fits loosely in an aperture which limits lateral movement of the pin and, thence, of the pedal itself. The lower end of the guide pin actuates an elastomer electric switch (68) when the pedal is pressed down. The elastomeric electric switch is mounted on a printed circuit board (114), and includes a chamber (102) having a bell-shaped wall (104) attached to a support strip by weakened edges (126) and may be enclosed at the bottom by a diaphragm (124). The wall carries conductive elements (122). The conductive element shorts contacts (118) on the printed circuit board when the chamber is compressed by the guide pin. Pedal board tension and resiliency is providing by the mounting pin and/or by a bias spring (148).

89 Bausatz einer mechanischen Rückstellhilfe für die Tastatur von mechanischen Tasteninstrumenten, insbesondere Orgeln mit einer Anordnung zum Ein- und Ausschalten dieser Rückstellhilfe EP91106104.2 1991-04-17 EP0459129A3 1993-03-17 Göckel, Karl

Bausatz einer mechanischen Rückstellhilfe für die Tastatur von mechanischen Tasteninstrumenten, insbesondere Orgeln, mit einer Anordnung zum Ein- und Ausschalten dieser Rückstellhilfe, der aus einem über den Arbeitsweg eines, in einem Gehäuse (2) integrierten, pneumatisch betriebenen Arbeitsbalg (3) und über die Schließ- und Öffnungsbewegung von Sperrventilen (4,5) aktivierbaren Hebelgelenk (6) sowie Steuernocken (7) besteht, und hierbei das Hebelgelenk (6) einen die Tastatur (11) in Ausgangsstellung bringenden Zug (8) aufweist und unterhalb des Arbeitsbalgs (3) ein mit dem Ventil (4) in Verbindung stehender, durch dieses und durch das Hebelgelenk (6) verstellbarer Steuernocken (7) vorgesehen ist, wobei unterhalb des Gehäuses (2) ein mit der Tastatur (11) in Verbindung stehender, das Ventil (5) aktivierbarer und mit einem Zugarm (10) in Eingriff bringbarer Hebel (9) angeordnet ist.

90 Pedal board for a musical instrument EP91301986.5 1991-03-11 EP0447147A2 1991-09-18 Rohde, Mark Waldo; Kirkwood, George Thomas; Schalk, Dick Gerret; Brown, Roger Thomas; Smythe, Robert Lewis

A pedal board for musical instruments. Pedal mounting, guide, and electrical switch mechanisms are provided in a pedal board for an electronic organ. Each pedal (50) is mounted by a cylindrical pin (54) attached to the back end (56) of the pedal and to the base (52) of the pedal board by an interference fit. A similar, guide pin (60) is attached to the front end (62) of the pedal by an interference fit. The guide pin fits loosely in an aperture which limits lateral movement of the pin and, thence, of the pedal itself. The lower end of the guide pin actuates an elastomer electric switch (68) when the pedal is pressed down. The elastomeric electric switch is mounted on a printed circuit board (114), and includes a chamber (102) having a bell-shaped wall (104) attached to a support strip by weakened edges (126) and may be enclosed at the bottom by a diaphragm (124). The wall carries conductive elements (122). The conductive element shorts contacts (118) on the printed circuit board when the chamber is compressed by the guide pin. Pedal board tension and resiliency is providing by the mounting pin and/or by a bias spring (148).

91 Vanne à papillon pour accordéon et enclenchement dynamique de celle-ci avec la touche EP84830233.7 1984-07-31 EP0169957A1 1986-02-05 Crucianelli, Mario

Vanne à papillon pour accordéon et enclenchement de celle-ci avec la touche.

Dans un petit châssis rectangulaire appliqué sur la caisse de résonance (CA) en correspondance d'un seul orifice continu (2) est entablé un papillon (3) pressé en position de fermeture étanche par un ressort (7). Un bloc de glissement (9), poussé en avant par le bras du levier d'une touche blanche (B), appuie en coulissement par son plan incliné (10) sur un téton (8) du papillon (3) d'une vanne quelconque commandée par une touche blanche, en provoquant son ouverture.

Une touche noire (N) agit directement sur un téton (8') du papillon (3') d'une vanne quelconque commandée par une touche noire, en provoquant son ouverture.

De cette façon on élimine la main-d'oeuvre spécialisée, on réduit les temps d'assemblage de 50%, on améliore considérablement la tenue des vannes et le son de l'instrument.

92 Koppelsystem für eine Orgel EP82107600.7 1982-08-19 EP0073983A2 1983-03-16 Behringer, Klaus, Dr. rer. nat.

Es wird ein Koppelsystem für Orgeln mit mehreren, jeweils Tasten für verschiedene Tonhöhen aufweisenden Klaviaturen, mit mehreren Werken vorgesehen. Das Koppelsystem soll derart ausgebildet werden, daß eine möglichst vielfältige Koppelungsmöglichkeit zwischen den einzelnen Klaviaturen und den Werken auf einfache Weise hergestellt werden kann. Dies wird dadurch erreicht, daß jeder, einer vorbestimmten Tonhöhe zugeordneten Taste einer Klaviatur ein bei Betätigung der Taste über einen Schalter schließbarer elektrischer Schaltkreis zugeordnet ist, daß jeder Schaltkreis mit jedem Werk zur Ansteuerung der entsprechenden Tonhöhe in diesem Werk über jeweils einen ersten Eingang eines UND-Verknüpfungsgliedes verbunden ist, und daß jeweils alle zweiten Eingänge der von einer Klaviatur zu demselben Werk führenden UND-Verknüpfungsglieder einer gemeinsamen Koppel verbunden sind, über die diese zweiten Eingänge wahlweise auf einen ersten oder zweiten Spannungspegel legbar sind.

93 Organ stop control apparatus EP80304626 1980-12-19 EP0032302A3 1982-09-29 Davis, Lanny C.; Anderson, Roy A.

Stop-control apparatus for an organ includes a latching circuit for each stop and an etongate support panel (12) on which modular groups of touch-sensitive switches (50, 52, etc.) are disposed in pairs (50,52) with an indicating lamp (34) disposed between the switches of each pair, wherein the switches of the pair cause the latching circuit to actuate and de-actuate a given stop while the lamp indicates whether the stop is actuated. The touch-sensitive switches are usually overlaid with a flexible front surface layer (16) through which the switches are operable by touch of the layer and through which the indicating lamps are visible only when energised. The lamps extend through holes (18) in the support panel and corresponding holes (58 or 53) in the switch membranes (14), the arrangement being such that either two stops or one stop are controlled in a given column, and the control panel is universal for organs with different stop combinations. The surface layer has printed thereon a plurality of colour- contrasting outlines (60), each positioned to circumscribe a different pair of switches and associated indicating lamp to facilitate stop selection, the surface layer otherwise having a "dead front" appearance.

94 전자-궤도식 스피커에서 셀레스트를 위한 장치 및 방법 KR1020157012874 2013-09-13 KR101692655B1 2017-01-03 문,낸시,다이안
예시적인실시예들은음향수정시스템, 및보다큰 스피커시스템에관한것이다. 상기시스템은악기또는다른음향원의출력을나타내는신호상에진폭, 주파수및 지연변조를부과할수 있고, 또한청취자에게음향의이동감을부과하면서, 음향의고조파성분의주기적인변화를부여한다. 또한, 상기시스템은진폭, 주파수, 변조의지연및 공간감각, 또는변조의다른느낌없이도음향신호들을동시적으로증폭할수 있다. 이시스템은다수의음향변환기, 다수의증폭기및 신호처리기들을조합하여, 유연하고이동성이좋으며실용적인음향수정및 증폭시스템을제공한다.
95 피아노 건반 프론트홀 조정장치 KR2020140007281 2014-10-07 KR2020160001252U 2016-04-18 조현석
본고안은다수개의건반들로이루어진건반틀전체를피아노에서분리하지않고유격이(흔들림)많은건반만들어올린상태에서건반의프론트홀조정할수 있도록한 피아노건반프론트홀조정장치를제공한다. 이를구현하기위한본 고안은건반틀을구성하는건반들중에서유격이많은건반만들어올려상기건반의프론트홀조정하는피아노건반프론트홀조정장치에있어서, 위, 아래로배치되며서로힌지결합된상태에서상기힌지를기점으로오무려지거나벌어지는동작을수행하는상, 하부레버, 상기상, 하부레버의선단에구비되며상기건반의상면과바닥면에위치한상태에서상기상, 하부레버의오무려짐동작에따라상기건반의상면및 바닥면을각각가압하는상, 하부가압대, 상기하부가압대에부착되며상기건반의바닥면에접촉된상태에서상기하부가압대의압력으로상기건반의바닥면을가압하여건반프론트홀을 조정하는조정팁을포함하여구성한것을기술적요지로한다.
96 대나무를 이용한 플루 파이프 및 이를 사용한 파이프 오르간 KR1020140095679 2014-07-28 KR101568015B1 2015-11-10 최영진
본발명은대나무를이용한플루파이프및 이를사용한파이프오르간에관한것으로, 보다상세하게는플루파이프에이용되는관체를중간에마디막이있는대나무를이용하여제작함으로써대나무의마디막을발음에그대로활용할수 있고내부공명을통해대나무특유의울림을낼 수있는플루파이프를제공하고, 나아가대나무관내부에간극으로공기의흐름을유도하는에어가이드를구비하여중공원통형의대나무를관체로이용하면서도원활한소리의발생이가능한플루파이프및 이를사용한파이프오르간에관한것이다. 본발명에따른대나무를이용한플루파이프는, 관체의일측단내부로유입된공기가외면에형성된아랫입술부와내부에구비된설부의상단과의간극으로흐르고, 상기간극으로흐른공기가외면에형성된윗입술부에부딪혀발음되며, 그발음이내부에서공명되는플루파이프에있어서, 마디막에의해내부공간이양측으로구획된대나무재질의관체로서, 상기마디막이상기설부의형상으로가공되고, 상기마디막을기준으로양측으로각각외면이상기아랫입술부및 윗입술부의형상으로절삭가공되며아랫입술개구공및 윗입술개구공이형성된대나무관과; 상기아랫입술개구공을커버하도록상기대나무관에결합되는아랫입술판과; 상기윗입술개구공을커버하도록상기대나무관에결합되는윗입술판을; 포함하는것을특징으로한다.
97 시각장애인을 위한 연습용 건반 구조체 KR1020140086785 2014-07-10 KR101559493B1 2015-10-13 최승복; 오종석; 정제웅; 한성민
본발명은각각의건반을누르는반력을용이하게조절가능하여시각장애인의취향에맞게건반의반력을용이하게조절할수 있는시각장애인을위한연습용건반구조체를개시한다. 본발명은시각장애인을위한연습용건반구조체로서, 다수의건반몸체; 상기건반몸체의단부에상기건반몸체가선회되도록장착된반력감지부재; 상기건반몸체와상기반력감지부재를연결하여상기반력감지부재에서상기건반몸체가일정반경으로선회되도록하며, 상기건반몸체의누름력에따른상기반력감지부재의데이터와제어부에기설정된기준데이터를비교하여상기건반몸체의누름반력을조절하는반력부여부재를포함한다.
98 건반 악기 KR1020140118936 2014-09-05 KR1020150029584A 2015-03-18 가도오다다하루; 사카이도시로오
어쿠스틱 피아노, 또는 어쿠스틱 피아노와 마찬가지인 외관 의장을 갖는 전자 피아노 등의 건반 악기에 있어서, 건반 덮개는 수지제의 판상체로 이루어지고 이 판상체의 내부에 공동부를 갖는 건반 악기를 제공한다. 또한, 판상체는 판상의 수지 발포판부를 포함하고, 공동부는 수지 발포판부의 내부에 포함되는 다수의 기포로 이루어진다.
99 수동 및 자동겸용 에어 공급을 이용한 멜로디온 KR2020080010297 2008-08-01 KR2020100001508U 2010-02-10 김기동
본 고안은 발판을 발로 압압하거나 또는 압축기로 공기가 멜로디온내에 충입되어지도록 하며 에코사운드를 구현할 수 있으므로 사용의 편리함은 물론 다양한 음향을 즐길 수 있는 수동 및 자동겸용 에어 공급을 이용한 멜로디온에 관한 것이다. 이를 위하여 본 고안은 다수의 건반(11)이 부설된 멜로디온(1) 일측에 호스(2)가 연결되어지되 상기 호스(2) 끝단부에 발판(3)이 형성되어지며, 상기 멜로디온(1)에 공기를 자동으로 주입시킬 수 있도록 호스(2) 중간부에 압축기(4)가 연결되어지고, 상기 멜로디온(1)과 압축기(4) 사이의 호스(2)에 상기 발판(3)이나 압축기(4)로부터 발생되는 공기를 모아놓을 수 있도록 에어 박스(5)가 형성되어지며, 상기 멜로디온(1) 내부에 상기 발판(3)이나 압축기(4)에서 발생된 공기로 멜로디온(1)을 연주시 멜로디온(1)에 형성된 홀(12)을 통해 에코 사운드를 구현할 수 있도록 에코 사운드 발생수단(6)이 형성되어짐을 특징으로 한다. 멜로디온, 발판, 압축기, 에어 박스, 에코 사운드 발생수단, 변속모터, 회전통
100 에어 파이프를 이용하여 전자 오르간을 튜닝하는 방법 KR1020087011588 2006-01-23 KR1020080064158A 2008-07-08 루치아니,로란도
The present invention refers to a method used to automatically tune, thanks to the presence of a suitably designed electronic device, an electronic organ with the air organ pipes associated with it; it being provided, in particular, that the said operation is performed based on the tuning variations detected in real time on the air pipes based on parameters referring to the frequency of the emitted sound and to environmental temperature.