序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
81 Downhole tools having circumferentially spaced rolling elements US343478 1994-11-28 US5649603A 1997-07-22 Neil Andrew Abercrombie Simpson; Paul Raymond Coey
A downhole tool for providing rotary support of a downhole assembly in which the tool is incorporated, the tool also converting rotary contact with the wellbore to a longitudinal force tending to propel the assembly along the wellbore. The tool resembles a roller stabilizer in which the roller axes are skewed to be tangential to a notional helix, such that the natural (non-slipping) paths of roller contact with the wellbore have a longitudinal component in addition to the usual circumferential path. The tool can be used on drill strings and in downhole motor assemblies. The invention has particular advantage in highly deviated wells since it simultaneously compensates for increased bore friction and dynamically enhances weight-on-bit.
82 Method and apparatus for downhole sand clean-out operations in the petroleum industry US245572 1994-05-18 US5447200A 1995-09-05 Garth Dedora; James F. Wilkin; Michael Wawrzynowski
A device to be connected to the lower end of a tubing string for removing sand or other debris from oil producing formations below a surface, the device comprising a combination of a thrust and rotational bearing assembly, a rotationally driven downhole pump comprising a rotor and a stator to provide hydraulic energy to lift fluid to the surface, a transfer chamber secured to the pump providing fluid communication between the pump and the tubing string to direct fluid from the pump to enter the string, a nose section secured to the pump rotor and constructed so that sand is mixed with wellbore fluid, a guide to take the mixture to the pump and an anti-rotation device secured to the pump constructed so as to prevent rotation of the pump stator while allowing axial movement of the pump.
83 Wireline supported perforating gun enabling oriented perforations US582575 1990-09-13 US5211714A 1993-05-18 John W. Jordan; Gregory N. Gilbert; Martin L. Tomek; Larry L. Grigar; Terry L. Slagle
A perforating gun assembly is set forth. It incorporates a swivel connected with a cable head assembly and a navigation system for determining the instantaneous angle of the tool with respect to a vertical reference. There are first and second spaced cages formed of sleeves supported on bearing assemblies. The sleeves support free wheeling rollers which engage the casing when the tool is in the slant hole region of the well. There is an eccentric which falls downwardly, i.e., pointing toward gravity, and thereby defines a vertical reference and hence a horizontal reference. This eccentric mounts an elongate tubular housing for the shaped charges. Initially, the angle of firing of the shaped charges is adjusted at the time of installation with respect to the horizon and that in turn is correlated to the formation of interest in the well borehole which is then perforated with perforations which are parallel to the formation bedding plane.
84 Dry pneumatic system for hard rock shaft drilling US718531 1991-06-19 US5125692A 1992-06-30 Kirk M. Sinclair; John R. England
A dry, vertical shaft drilling system including an inverted raiseboring cutterhead fitted with air nozzles and vacuum pickups. Weights are detachably stacked above the cutterhead. Cuttings are extracted through the weights into a swivel circumscribing the drill string. The swivel is a transition from the rotating cutterhead to the stationary extraction riser pipes disposed above the swivel. Non-rotating stabilizers stabilize the drill string.
85 Rotary drill bits US616636 1990-11-21 US5109935A 1992-05-05 Leslie R. Hawke
A rotary drill bit comprises a bit body having a shank for connection to a drill string and a passage for supplying drilling fluid to the face of the bit, which carries a plurality of polycrystalline diamond preform cutting elements. In order to reduce bit whirl, the cutting elements are so disposed as to apply a resultant lateral force to the bit as it rotates during drilling, and the gauge of the bit body is provided with low friction bearing means to transmit said resultant force to the sides of the borehole. Each low friction bearing means includes a roller mounted on the bit body for rotation about an axis parallel to the axis of rotation of the bit, each roller being so disposed that its periphery bears on the formation as the bit rotates.
86 Sucker rod centralizer US364130 1989-06-12 US4913230A 1990-04-03 Olegario Rivas; Alejandro Newski
The present invention relates to a device for centralizing at least one sucker rod within a production pipe and for reducing frictional forces between the pipe and the sucker rod(s). The device comprises an elongate, substantially cylindrical body member, a plurality of slots within the member and a rotatable member in each slot. Each rotatable member is formed from a metallic material having a hardness of at least about 50 Brinnel Hardness, less than the hardness of the material forming the production pipe tubing. In a preferred embodiment, the slots and the rotatable members are in a helical array.
87 Method and apparatus for removal of oil well paraffin US183780 1988-04-20 US4911239A 1990-03-27 Elmer Winckler; James W. McManus
A method and apparatus for reducing the accumulation of paraffin within an oil well that includes forming an electric circuit contact between the oil well sucker rod and tubing and connecting a power source to the sucker rod and tubing. An electric current is applied to the sucker rod in order to generate heat thereat. Preferably a rolling circuit contact is offset from the sucker rod to form a moving contact between the sucker rod and tubing, and in a preferred form a section of the sucker rod and pump is made of a material having a greater electrical resistance to increase the heat generated in a region of high paraffin accumulation. In another embodiment circuit assemblies are provided in the production string to alter the region being heated as the sucker rod reciprocates.
88 Sucker rod centralizer US98929 1987-09-21 US4871020A 1989-10-03 Olegario Rivas; Alejandro Newski
The present invention relates to a device for centralizing at least one sucker rod within a production pipe and for reducing frictional forces between the pipe and the sucker rod(s). The device comprises an elongate, substantially cylindrical body member, a plurality of slots within the member and a rotatable member in each slot. Each rotatable member is formed from a metallic material having a hardness of at least about 50 Brinnel Hardness, less than the hardness of the material forming the production pipe tubing. In a preferred embodiment, the slots and the rotatable members are in a helical array.
89 Profiled body roller-reamer stabilizer US125717 1987-11-25 US4793425A 1988-12-27 Kenneth M. White
A roller-reamer stabilizer having a plurality of roller cutters mounted in recesses in the supporting body such that each roller is free to rotate in its own bearing blocks. The cutters and bearing blocks are provided with air bleed lubrication and cooling from a central bore in the supporting body as is common and well known in the art. The present invention deals with the supporting body of a roller-reamer stabilizer of the near bit type and in particular one that would be used in the mining blast hole drilling industry. This supporting body is characterized by having a profiled lower end having maximum diameter outer surfaces separated by minimum diameter relief areas. The maximum diameter surfaces are, respectively, aligned with the cutters and extend upwardly from near the lower surface of the body to encompass the lower bearing blocks. The minimum diameter relief areas extend further up the body and terminate level with the upper bearing blocks. This configuration reduces the wear experienced in the vicinity of the lower bearing blocks.
90 Reversible roller stabilizer extensions for earth boring head US909273 1986-09-19 US4697652A 1987-10-06 Howard J. Walk
The stabilizer extensions are brackets with rollers employed for stabilizing a large boring head when drilling a bore hole in the earth. A hub is provided for attachment to the head. The hub has a plurality of mounting plates located around its axis and radially outward therefrom. Each of the brackets has a bracket mounting plate at one end and a roller mounting plate at the other end. A roller is attached to each of the roller mounting plates for engaging the earth for stabilizing the head. The axis of each of the rollers defines a scalene triangle with two side edges of the bracket mounting plate of its extension bracket. The bracket mounting plate of each of the extension brackets is adapted to be attached to any of the hub mounting plates in a first position or turned 180.degree. and attached thereto in a second position such that the axis of its roller is parallel to the axis of the hub and is located either on one side or the other of a plane extending from the length of the axis of the hub outward and bisecting the bracket mounting plate between its two side edges when the bracket mounting plate is attached to any of the hub mounting plates in said first or second positions.
91 Roller reamer with rotatably positioned bearing block US663301 1984-10-19 US4583604A 1986-04-22 Richard L. Greer
A roller reamer for an earth boring tool is provided in which rollers are carried by shafts in pockets in the reamer body. The shafts are supported in bearing blocks which have segmental cylindrical surfaces at their widths, and a relatively shorter length as measured along the axis of the opening in the block for the shaft. The bearing blocks are passed through an entryway communicating the pocket with a recess adjacent the end of the pocket. The bearing block is passed through the entryway in a position transverse to its operative position and into the recess, and is then rotated in the recess, by cooperation of the cylindrical walls of the bearing block and mating cylindrical walls of the recess, to the operative position. The movement of the bearing block is readily achieved since it has a clearance fit with the recess to permit free assembly and disassembly of the bearing block.
92 Zero deviation drill bits US624402 1984-06-25 US4580642A 1986-04-08 Mark A. Gosch
Method and apparatus for drilling a straight borehole in all types of geological formations by the provision of a drilling tool that maintains a constant hole angle respective to the vertical as the borehole is formed. The apparatus includes a bit to which there is rotatably secured a plurality of cones. The cones are mounted to a cutterhead, with the cutterhead being attached to the lower marginal end of a shank. The cutterhead is placed at an incline respective to the shank whereby a plane passing through the cones of the bit lies obliquely respective to the axial centerline of the shank. When the bit weight is applied, the oblique angle between the cones and the shank causes the drill string weight to be transferred unevenly to the cones, whereupon a significant radial force is effected on each of the individual cones. This resultant radial force is always directed in the same direction respective to an outside edge of the rotating bit, whereupon a specific part of the bit is forced towards the outside of the hole as the bit rotates through one revolution. A plurality of radially spaced rollers located immediately above the cutterhead stabilize the shank of the drilling tool.
93 Bore control device US36980164 1964-05-25 US3303900A 1967-02-14 KLOESEL JR JOSEPH A; DIXON JAMES W
94 Drill stem supporter and stabilizer US50742655 1955-05-10 US2783028A 1957-02-26 JAMISON JR THOMAS E
95 Apparatus for drilling boreholes US18200550 1950-08-29 US2701123A 1955-02-01 MOORE THOMAS V
96 Combination paraffin scraper and sucker rod guide US54623244 1944-07-24 US2466239A 1949-04-05 HOLCOMBE SAMUEL M
97 Antifriction sucker rod guide US21859738 1938-07-11 US2198720A 1940-04-30 EDGECOMB CLARK R; PATTERSON EDGAR W
98 Antifriction coupling for drill stems US46631030 1930-07-07 US1923328A 1933-08-22 REED CLARENCE E
99 Drill pipe protector US44184230 1930-04-05 US1905158A 1933-04-25 EDWARD CRAIG; COOPER WILLIAM O
100 Tool joint US23049227 1927-11-02 US1852844A 1932-04-05 GREVE EDGAR E