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181 Anti-rotation device for use in a borehole EP03253477.8 2003-06-03 EP1371810A1 2003-12-17 Cargill, Edward-James; Vandenberg, Elis

In an apparatus (20) for use in a borehole of a type comprising a rotatable shaft (24) and a housing (46) for rotatably supporting the shaft therein, a rotation restraining device (252) is associated with the housing (46) for restraining its rotation. The device (252) includes a plurality of rollers (254), each having an axis of rotation substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the housing (46) and being oriented such that it is capable of rolling about its axis of rotation in response to a force exerted thereon substantially in the direction of the longitudinal axis, wherein at least two of the rollers (254) are spaced about a circumference of the housing (46) and axially along the housing (46) so that the rollers (254) are staggered axially along the housing (46). Alternatively, the device (252) includes a plurality of pistons (268), wherein at least two of the pistons (268) are spaced about a circumference of the housing (46) and axially along the housing (46) so that the pistons (268) are staggered axially along the housing (46).

182 DRILL STRING MEMBER WITH BEARINGS EP00964521.9 2000-10-06 EP1226329B1 2003-12-17 APPLETON, Robert, Patrick
A drill string member comprising a body (1), and bearing races (5) around the circumference of the member. In certain embodiment, the presence of spherical bearings (25) on the surface of the member reduces radial torque and vertical drag to enable easier operation of the drill string. Advantages of one embodiment includes a reduction in the wear or breakages of the components used in drilling.
There has been explained a method and an apparatus for use in the advancing of a rotating motorised downhole tool for carrying out operations in an oil/gas well, especially in connection with the drilling and milling away of casing/casing sections in a well, which is to be abandoned and plugged by grouting with a cement mixture, which will then reach the formation wall surface where the casing/casing portion was milled away and removed. The rotating tool and its driving motor are indirectly suspended on coiled tubing at the free end thereof. As the platforms used for carrying out these operations are normally without rigs, it is advantageous to use coiled tubing to advance the tool/motor. However, coiled tubing cannot absorb a sufficient torque from the tool/motor. Therefore the tool with its motor is connected to a carriage, a so-called 'rolling anchor' (1) which absorb torques that occur, and is connected to the end of coiled tubing through a swivel coupling (so that the torque will not be transmitted). Through the carriage (1) connected through the swivel coupling to the coiled tubing, a pull on the coiled tubing provides the tool and motor with advancing power for longitudinal movement, so that the advancing of the tool takes place from below upwards, whereby it has also been taken into account, that to the coiled tubing there cannot be supplied any particularly great downward forces.
184 Non rotating centraliser EP02102823.8 1996-04-16 EP1318269A3 2003-09-24 MURRAY, Geoffrey, Neil; FERNANDES, Denis, Robert

A fitting for engagement with a drill string or further fitting comprises an inner section (30) for securement to a drill string or further fitting, an outer section (31) for securement about said inner section and rotatable relative thereto, a bearing (36) located between the inner section and outer section, and seals (37,38) provided at either end of the fitting between the inner section and outer section. Pressure compensating means (39) are provided for maintaining the pressure within the bearing substantially the same as the external pressure.

185 DRILL STRING FITTING EP96912335.5 1996-04-26 EP0824629B1 2003-06-18 MURRAY, Geoffrey, Neil; FERNANDES, Denis, Robert
A fitting for reducing friction between a drilling string and the wall of a well. In a first aspect the fitting has recesses (6) provided along the bore of the fitting to lubricate the interface between the fitting and the drill string to minimise friction. In a second aspect a fitting is provided on a drill string having rotatable roller means (21) which can rotate about a point of rotation (23) so as to minimise both axial and rotational friction. According to a third aspect the fitting comprises an inner section (30) secured to a drill pipe (35) or other fitting and an outer section (31) rotatable about the inner section (30). Preferably a sealed bearing (36, 42-47, 37, 38) is provided between the inner section (30) and outer section (31).
A cut expansion joint (E) sealing device (J) for a concrete dam (B), including a tubular cell (10) made of a resilient material and provided at the upper and lower ends thereof with an upper rigid cap (16) and a lower rounded rigid cap (17) respectively. Two cables (36) are arranged between the upper and lower caps (16, 17) to prevent the cell (10) from being stretched lengthwise. The cell (10) includes two mutually-spaced longitudinal reinforcements (26) arranged opposite the cut to prevent the cell (10) from being deformed therein. A continuous peripheral gap is defined in the cell (10) between the lower ends of the reinforcements (26) and the top of the lower cap. Means are provided for positioning and fitting the sealing device (J) in the expansion joint (E). A method is also provided for fitting the expansion joint (E) in the concrete dam (B) by means of said sealing device (J), wherein the latter is fitted in a bore in the expansion joint (E) with the reinforcements (26) extending in the water flow direction. The cell (10) is then filled and tensioned by means of suitable fluids. An expansion joint is obtained by completing the cut.
187 A FRICTION REDUCING TOOL EP98951834 1998-11-03 EP1029146A4 2002-10-30 MURRAY GEOFFREY NEIL
A centraliser having a first group of rollers (5) for reducing friction between the centraliser and an oil field tubular (7) and a second group of rollers (4) for reducing friction between the centraliser and the wall of a well. The axles of the first group of rollers (5) are generally aligned with the axis of the bore (2) to reduce rotational friction. The axles of the rollers of the second group of rollers (4) are generally transversed to the bore (2). The arrangement reduces rotational and axial drag between an oil field tubular (7) and the walls of a well, particularly when initiating rotation of an oil field tubular.
188 DOWNHOLE DEVICE EP00981471.6 2000-12-04 EP1234091A1 2002-08-28 HALL, Robert Neil
A downhole device, adapted for use in wireline or stickline applications, is provided for incorporation into a downhole string and movement in a wellbore. The device comprises means to orient the device in a well-bore, and one or more conveying means arranged to engage the inner surface of the wellbore and reduce the frictional coefficient. It may also incorporate an eccentric weight and/or a vibrator.
189 AN AXLE, A FRICTION REDUCING FITTING AND AN AXLE INSTALLATION METHOD EP99937964.7 1999-03-04 EP1060321A1 2000-12-20 MURRAY, Geoffrey, Neil; FERNANDES, Denis, Robert; RADICH, Peter, James
A friction reducing fitting for downhole applications. The fitting has a body portion (3) for securement about a tubular member, the body portion having a pair of apertures (5, 6). A roller (1) is provided, and an axle (4, 11) passing through said roller and said apertures in the body at either end of said roller. The axle is deformed at at least one end to prevent movement of the end of the axle through the aperture in the body.
190 A FRICTION REDUCING TOOL EP98951834.5 1998-11-03 EP1029146A1 2000-08-23 MURRAY, Geoffrey, Neil
A centraliser having a first group of rollers (5) for reducing friction between the centraliser and an oil field tubular (7) and a second group of rollers (4) for reducing friction between the centraliser and the wall of a well. The axles of the first group of rollers (5) are generally aligned with the axis of the bore (2) to reduce rotational friction. The axles of the rollers of the second group of rollers (4) are generally transversed to the bore (2). The arrangement reduces rotational and axial drag between an oil field tubular (7) and the walls of a well, particularly when initiating rotation of an oil field tubular.
191 FRICTION REDUCING TOOL EP98911300.6 1998-03-11 EP0968352A1 2000-01-05 MURRAY, Geoffrey, Neil
A friction reducing tool for drilling applications having a plurality of rollers for about the periphery of the tool (3). The rollers (4) have extensions (7) which locate within cavities (8) to prevent the rollers from passing from cavity (10) to the exterior of the tool. The tool is formed in multiple parts (3a and 3b) having interengaging tongues (5 and 6) which are joined together by passing a rod (15) through bore (13). A groove (14) is provided in outer component (2) to enable rod (15) to be inserted in bore (13).
192 DOWNHOLE TOOL EP96903001.4 1996-02-22 EP0811111B1 1999-06-02 CHEVALLIER, Sebastien, Arnaud; FAURE, Alban, Michel; OOSTERLING, Peter
A downhole tool (1) for providing a thrust force to an elongate body (5) extending in a borehole formed in an earth formation is provided. The tool (1) comprises at least one rotable body (15) provided with a plurality of rollers (23), each roller being expandable against the borehole wall at a selected contact force between the roller and the borehole wall. The rollers (23) are oriented when expanded against the borehole wall so as to roll along a helical path on the borehole wall, and a motor (7) is provided to rotate each rotatable body (15). The tool further comprises measuring means (6) to measure the thrust force provided by the tool and a control system (37) to control the thrust force provided by the tool (1) by regulating the rotative torque of the rotatable body, in response to the measured thrust force.
193 DOWNHOLE TOOL EP96903001.0 1996-02-22 EP0811111A1 1997-12-10 CHEVALLIER, Sebastien, Arnaud; FAURE, Alban, Michel; OOSTERLING, Peter
A downhole tool (1) for providing a thrust force to an elongate body (5) extending in a borehole formed in an earth formation is provided. The tool (1) comprises at least one rotable body (15) provided with a plurality of rollers (23), each roller being expandable against the borehole wall at a selected contact force between the roller and the borehole wall. The rollers (23) are oriented when expanded against the borehole wall so as to roll along a helical path on the borehole wall, and a motor (7) is provided to rotate each rotatable body (15). The tool further comprises measuring means (6) to measure the thrust force provided by the tool and a control system (37) to control the thrust force provided by the tool (1) by regulating the rotative torque of the rotatable body, in response to the measured thrust force.
Improvements in casing installation components are described. The modified construction comprises radial support pedestals (2) incorporating rollers (3) on the outside of said support pedestals so that the rollers reduce longitudinal friction between the component and the well bore. The improvements described may be adapted for use in the construction of casing centralisers, float shoes, float collars and similar equipment which is inserted into the well bore.
A down reaming apparatus (10) has an upper stabilizer (14) which supports the down reaming apparatus (10) in bored hole. A plurality of wheel assemblies (46) are radially attached to the hub (32) of the upper stabilizer (14). Each of the wheel assemblies (46) has rotatable tires (54) oriented against the bored hole wall, and a rotatable overload wheel (60) which contacts the tunnel wall upon compression of the tires (54). A weight assembly (90) comprising a plurality of stacked plates (16) is secured to the frame of the down reaming apparatus (10) and has manways (108) therethrough. A lower stabilizer (30) provides additional support for the down reaming apparatus (10). A plurality of wheel assemblies (130) are radially attached to the hub (122) of the lower stabilizer (30). Each of the wheel assemblies (130) has a rotatable wheel (144) pivotally attached to the lower stabilizer hub (122) and spaced therefrom by a compressible bumper (138) which reacts against the bored hole wall to stabilize the down reaming apparatus (10).
196 STABILISER FOR A DOWNHOLE APPARATUS EP94930292.0 1994-10-21 EP0723622A1 1996-07-31 Anderson, Charles Abernethy
A downhole apparatus, such as a stabiliser, having rotary bearing members in the form of bearing balls (36) which are each mounted for omni-directional movement within a bearing assembly (20) mounted on the body (12) of the apparatus. Each bearing assembly (20) comprises a housing (22) containing a plurality of circulating balls (28) confined to the interior of the housing and forming a supporting bed for the bearing ball (36).
A cut expansion joint (E) sealing device (J) for a concrete dam (B), including a tubular cell (10) made of a resilient material and provided at the upper and lower ends thereof with an upper rigid cap (16) and a lower rounded rigid cap (17) respectively. Two cables (36) are arranged between the upper and lower caps (16, 17) to prevent the cell (10) from being stretched lengthwise. The cell (10) includes two mutually-spaced longitudinal reinforcements (26) arranged opposite the cut to prevent the cell (10) from being deformed therein. A continuous peripheral gap is defined in the cell (10) between the lower ends of the reinforcements (26) and the top of the lower cap. Means are provided for positioning and fitting the sealing device (J) in the expansion joint (E). A method is also provided for fitting the expansion joint (E) in the concrete dam (B) by means of said sealing device (J), wherein the latter is fitted in a bore in the expansion joint (E) with the reinforcements (26) extending in the water flow direction. The cell (10) is then filled and tensioned by means of suitable fluids. An expansion joint is obtained by completing the cut.
198 Apparatus for orienting perforating gun EP91303209.0 1991-04-11 EP0452126A2 1991-10-16 Jordan, John Wesley; Gilbert, Gregory Norman; Tomek, Martin Leslie; Grigar, Larry Lee; Slagle, Terry Lee

A downhole perforating tool (20) includes a perforating gun container (47) and at least one eccentrically mounted rotatable weight member (36,56). The weight members and the gun can be releasably coupled at any desired angular orientation by releasable coupling means (40,55). The tool further includes at least two spaced circumferential sleeves (30,60) to contact the borehole wall. Upon lowering the tool into a deviated well with the gun and weight member coupled at a predetermined angle, the weight member turns under the influence of gravity to adopt a lowermost position, so also rotating the perforating gun. The gun is thus positioned at the desired angle in the well borehole.

199 WELLBORE LOGGING TOOL ASSEMBLY US16027113 2018-07-03 US20180328131A1 2018-11-15 Stephen Peter McCormick
A logging tool assembly comprises an elongate sensor assembly, a plurality of sensor transportation apparatuses for transporting the elongate sensor assembly through a wellbore, and an orientation structure. The sensor transportation apparatuses are spaced apart along the elongate sensor assembly. Each sensor transportation apparatus comprises an engagement structure to connect the sensor transportation apparatus to the elongate sensor assembly and prevent relative rotation between the sensor transportation apparatus and the elongate sensor assembly, and one or more pairs of wheels arranged to rotate on an axis of rotation substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the elongate sensor assembly. The axes of rotation of the pairs of wheels of said transportation apparatuses are parallel. The orientation structure is connected to the elongate sensor assembly to prevent relative rotation between the orientation structure and the elongate sensor assembly. The orientation structure comprises at least one radially extending orientation projection. In a transverse outline of the logging tool assembly a said orientation projection extends between the pair of wheels so that the shortest distance between a centre of gravity of the elongate sensor assembly and the wellbore wall is when the pair of wheels of the transportation apparatus is in contact with the wellbore wall.
200 Ultra-slim nuclear magnetic resonance tool for oil well logging US15270319 2016-09-20 US10048401B2 2018-08-14 Arcady Reiderman
NMR properties of earth formations are determined using a logging device movable in a borehole. The logging device includes a magnet assembly to generate a static magnetic field and an antenna expandable from the surface of the magnet assembly into the borehole toward the borehole wall to increase the magnetic dipole moment of the antenna. The logging device can be lowered or raised through a drill pipe with the magnet assembly being configured to generate no magnetic field while the device is conveyed within the drill pipe. The logging device may also include a side-looking sensor to acquire fast relaxation component of the NMR signals.