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Sampling system for video signal


专利汇可以提供Sampling system for video signal专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE: To obtain a sampling without damaging the resolution of a video signal by generating a pulse string, phase-locked with a picture element clock signal and having the frequency of 1/N-fold, generating N-set of pulse strings in which each phase is shifted by the frequency of integer-fold and sampling them in N times.
CONSTITUTION: Color video signals R, G and B outputted from a CRT display 1 are sampled at the speed of 1/N of the frequency against an original picture element clock signal synchronized with a recovered horizontal synchronizing signal HSync, and the same horizontal synchronizing section is sampled with sampling clock signals Sp
1 , Sp
2 and Sp
3 which are the N-set of pulse strings in N times at the phase shifted by the frequency of integer-fold against the original picture element clock while shifting a sampling position equivalent to the share of the frequency of the original picture element clock signal, and transferring them in order to a buffer memory 3. Thereby, despite the sapling at a sampling rate is slower than the rate of the original clock signal, a picture data having the same resolution as sampled by the picture clock signal itself can be obtained.
COPYRIGHT: (C)1987,JPO&Japio,下面是Sampling system for video signal专利的具体信息内容。







