首页 / 专利库 / 信号处理 / 时钟树 / Diagnostic circuit for lsi

Diagnostic circuit for lsi


专利汇可以提供Diagnostic circuit for lsi专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE: To decrease the number of test patterns by inputting shift data from an input pin for diagnosis and collecting outputs of FFs of a final stage together into one by an exclusive OR circuit through tree type shift registers consisting of FFs.
CONSTITUTION: At the time of test mode, a select signal is inputted from a mode switching signal input 15 to the select signal line 12 of the selector 7 of a selector FF 30 and the input of the FF 3 is switched from the normal operation signal line 8 of the FF 3 at the time of normal mode to the diagnostic data line 9 of the FF 3 at the time of the test mode and also from the normal clock signal line 10 of the FF 3 at the time of normal mode to the diagnostic shift clock signal line 11 of the FF 3 at the time of the test mode. In this test mode, 'H'- or 'L'-level test data is inputted from an input pin 5 and a shift clock is inputted from an input pin 14 is inputted; and then the test data is transmitted from the front stage of the tree type shift registers to the FFs 3 of the rear stage and the outputs of the FF 3 in the final stage are passed through the exclusive OR circuit 13 to output an 'L' signal to an output pin 6 when none of the FFs 3 has a fault.
COPYRIGHT: (C)1989,JPO&Japio,下面是Diagnostic circuit for lsi专利的具体信息内容。







