Video cross bar distributor


专利汇可以提供Video cross bar distributor专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且At the intersection of shielded input cross bars and shielded output cross bars variable gain amplifiers are provided whose gain is externally changeable from zero to a maximum. The variable gain amplifiers comprise a buffer stage designed to keep the input impedance constant regardless of gain changes, and a switching amplifier stage having the variable gain and having an output impedance which is low when the amplifier gain exceeds zero and high when the gain is zero. A mounting arrangement for mounting the components involved is also disclosed.,下面是Video cross bar distributor专利的具体信息内容。

1. Video cross bar distributor, comprising, in combination, a plurality of input lines; a plurality of output lines; and a plurality of miniaturized amplifier means each connecting one of said output lines to one of said input lines when its gain substantially exceeds zero and disconnecting said output line from said input line when its gain is substantially equal to zero, each of said miniaturized amplifier means comprising: a buffer amplifier connected to said input line; and a switching amplifier connected to the output of said buffer amplifier, said switching amplifier having a gain variable from zero to a predetermined maximum in response to an external control signal, said switching amplifier having a low output impedance when said gain exceeds zero and a high output impedance when said gain of said switching amplifier is substantially equal to zero, whereby application of said control signal to a selected one of said miniaturized amplifier means connects a selected one of said output lines to a selected one of said input lines.
2. A distributor as set forth in claim 1, wherein said miniaturized amplifier means comprise integrated circuits.
3. A distributor as set forth in claim 1, wherein said miniaturized amplifier means comprise miniaturized individual components.
4. A distributor as set forth in claim 1, wherein each of said switching amplifiers is a feedback amplifier.
5. A distributor as set forth in claim 4, wherein said means for varying the gain of said switching amplifier between zero and a predetermined maximum gain value comprise means for furnishing a variable voltage for each of said switching amplifiers.
6. A distributor as set forth in claim 5, wherein each of said switching amplifiers comprises a multi-stage differential amplifier; and wherein at least the input lines are arranged symmetrically.
7. A distributor as set forth in claim 6, wherein the output voltage of each of said amplifier means is substantially linear with respect to the corresponding input voltage, independent of the gain.
8. A distributor as set forth in claim 7, further comprising a plurality of input amplifiers, one connected in each of said input lines; and a plurality of output amplifiers, one connected in each of said output lines.
9. A distributor as set forth in claim 8, further comprising a plurality of mounting plates, each substantially rectangular in shape, each having a first and second long edge and a first and second short edge; wherein an input amplifier and the associated amplifier means are mounted on each of said mounting plates, connections for receiving the variable voltage for each of said associated amplifier means being mounted along said first long edge, the output connections of each of said amplifier means being mounted on said second long edge; a further mounting plate for mounting the output amplifiers; a base plate, all of said mounting plates being mounted substantially at right angles to said base plate on said base plate, said base plate further having connecting cables for connecting the outputs of the individual mounting plates to one another and to the corresponding output amplifiers.
10. A distributor as set forth in claim 9, further comprising a second plate, said second plate having the plugs for the inputs and outputs mounted thereon, said second plate being positioned within a short distance from said base plate and substantially parallel thereto.






