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Traveling wave tube power supply


专利汇可以提供Traveling wave tube power supply专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且A traveling-wave tube power supply utilizes a single high voltage power transformer. A full-wave bridge rectifier arrangement is connected to the high voltage secondary winding which together with a filtering capacitor provides the requisite potential between the TWT cathode and the slow wave structure. A ''''depressed'''' cathode/collector potential is obtained across one output side of the bridge rectifier and a center tap of the high voltage secondary. This arrangement provides a high voltage, low current cathode/slow wave structure potential, and a lower voltage (by approximately 50 percent) high current cathode/collector potential. In a preferred embodiment, the filament power supply may share the same transformer primary winding as the high voltage power supply since the filament and cathode are connected to thetube''s modulation anode during tube warm-up.,下面是Traveling wave tube power supply专利的具体信息内容。

1. In a depressed collector power supply suitable for use with a traveling-wave tube having a cathode, a slow wave structure and a collector: a power transformer having a high voltage secondary winding with a center tap; a high voltage circuit comprising: a full wave bridge rectifier connected across said high voltage secondary, said bridge rectifier having negative and positive output terminals, and means for connecting said negative and positive output terminals respectively to the cathode and the slow wave structure of said traveling wave tube; a depressed collector voltage circuit comprising: a center tap on said power transformer secondary winding, and means for connecting said center tap and said bridge rectifier negative terminal respectively to the collector and the cathode of said traveling-wave tube.
2. The power supply of claim 1 wherein: said high voltage circuit further comprises a first filter capacitor across said bridge rectifier output terminals; and said depressed collector voltage circuit further comprises a second filter capacitor between said secondary winding center tap and said bridge rectifier negative terminal. 3 The power supply of claim 2 wherein said high voltage circuit includes means for regulating the voltage potential between said cathode and said slow wave structure.
4. The power supply of claim 1 wherein: said traveling-wave tube includes a modulation anode; said power transformer further Includes a low voltage filament secondary winding; and said power supply further includes means for shorting said modulation anode to the traveling-wave tube cathode during initial cathode warm-up.






