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Seismic playback system


专利汇可以提供Seismic playback system专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且Hereinafter disclosed is methodology and apparatus for converting wide dynamic amplitude range digital data recorded in floating point digital word form, comprising a binary coded mantissa and a binary coded exponent, to an analog signal or visible display, such as an oscillogram of selectively compressed dynamic amplitude range. The digital word occupying a number of binary bit positions is, in algebraic form, + OR - AG E; wherein A represents the mantissa or argument, G represents the base or radix of the number system used and E represents the exponent. Since the base G is constant (at for example 8) the only binary bits that need to be recorded are those representing the mantissa A and the exponent E. In reconverting the digital data to analog form for making an oscillogram, wiggle trace or other visible display, the invention contemplates selectively compressing the dynamic amplitude range of the analog signals and at the same time avoiding the introduction of serious distortions.,下面是Seismic playback system专利的具体信息内容。

1. In a system wherein each analog signal, among a wide dynamic amplitude range of analog signals, is represented by a corresponding digital word in the form of digital signals representing the algebraic equation of ein + OR - AG E wherein ein represents the amplitude of a particular analog signal in said range, A represents a mantissa, G represents a radix of the number system used, and E represents an exponent, and wherein some of said digital signals represent A and some represent E, the method of making, from said digital signals, an analog signal eout suitable for making a visible display, comprising: transferring the digital signals representing A to a digital-toanalog converter; transferring the digital signals representing each exponent E to a decoder unit to develop a voltage representative of said exponent; transferring said voltage representative of said exponent E developed by said decoder unit to means including weighting and integrating networks for developing a voltage level representing GEave according to the average seismic record energy decay; generating an analog reference voltage Vref from the last mentioned voltage level, wherein Vref GEave; applying said reference voltage Vref to said digital-to-analog converter to develop an analog output voltage eout which is a function of Vref and the mantissa A; processing said analog output voltage eout to develop a signal voltage Vplayback; and visIbly displaying said signal voltage Vplayback.
2. The system in accordance with claim 1 wherein visibly displaying said signal voltage includes making an oscillogram of sais signal voltage.
3. The system according to claim 1 wherein G 8.
4. The system in accordance with claim 1 wherein Vplayback + or - (1 + A)2 E(Vref).
5. In a system wherein each analog signal, among a wide dynamic amplitude range of analog signals, is represented by a corresponding digital word in the form of digital signals representing the algebraic equation ein + or - AG E wherein ein represents the amplitude of a particular analog signal in said range, A represents a mantissa, G represents a radix of a number system used and E represents an exponent, and wherein some of said digital signals represent A and some represent E, apparatus for forming from said digital signals an analog signal eout suitable for making an oscillogram, comprising: means for transferring the digital signals representing A to a digital-to-analog converter; means including a decoder unit for developing a voltage representative of said exponent E; means including weighting and integrating networks for developing a voltage level representing GEave according to the average seismic record energy decay; means for generating a reference voltage Vref from the last mentioned voltage level, wherein Vref GEave; means for applying said reference voltage Vref to said digital-to-analog converter to develop an analog output voltage eout which is a function of Vref and the mantissa A; and means for processing said analog output voltage eout to develop a signal voltage Vplayback.
6. The system according to claim 5 further comprising means for visibly displaying said signal voltage Vplayback.
7. The system in accordance with claim 6 wherein said means for visibly displaying said signal voltage includes means for making an oscillogram of said signal voltage Vplayback.
8. A method of making minimally distorted compressed dynamic amplitude range analog signals, suitable for making oscillograms from wide dynamic amplitude range analog signals, comprising: a. converting each said wide dynamic amplitude range analog signal to a plurality of digital signals representing a digital word, said digital word, in turn, representing the mathematical relationship ein + or - AG E wherein ein represents the amplitude of each said wide dynamic amplitude range analog signal, A represents a mantissa, G is a constant and represents a radix of the number system employed, E represents an exponent, and wherein some of said digital signals of said digital word represent A and other represent E; b. storing said digital signals representing A and E; c. decoding the stored digital signals representing E and providing a first analog signal representative of Eave wherein Eave represents the average value of E, including the energy decay thereof; d. generating, by weighting and integrating, a second analog signal Vref defined by the mathematical relationship Vref (GEave/B) wherein B represents a compression factor; e. converting the stored digital signals representing A to a third analog signal VD-A representative of A; and f. combining said second and third analog signals to provide a fourth analog signal Vplayback defined by the relationship Vplayback (F+A)((G/B) EVref wherein F is a translation factor.






