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Treatment of waste water


专利汇可以提供Treatment of waste water专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE: To remove effectively NH
3 nitrogen from waste water by regulating pH value in the nitrification process by using an aqueous alkali solution treated with a CO
2 -containing gas produced in oxidative decomposition or/and denitrification process in the oxidative decomposition, nitrification, and denitrification processes for organics present in waste water.
CONSTITUTION: Waste water containing NH
3 nitrogen together with organics is charged into the pretreatment tank 1 to remove coarse impurities and then sent to the sedimentation tank 2 to remove organic flocs. Then, the waste water thus pretreated is introduced into the oxidative decomposition tank 3 to decompose organics present by oxidizing bacteria under an aerobic condition in order to lower BOD value, and then sent to the nitrification tank 4 to convert NH
3 nitrogen into nitric acid nitrogen by nitrification using nitrifying bacteria under aerating condition. Then, the nitrified waste water is sent to the denitrification tank 6 to reduce the nitric acid nitrogen to N
2 gas by denitrifying bacteria under an anaerobic condition. On the other hand, a CO
2 -containing gas produced in the oxidative decomposition or/and denitrification process is brought into contact with an aqueous alkali solution and then the liquid thus treated is used for regulating pH in the nitrification process, thus permitting the growth of nitrifying bacteria to increase and also its activity to maintain.
COPYRIGHT: (C)1980,JPO&Japio,下面是Treatment of waste water专利的具体信息内容。







