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Calling method by radio


专利汇可以提供Calling method by radio专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE:To secure a simple and assured control without using the microphone by distributing the transmitter and the push-button to the table for the customer in a restaurant or the like along with the billboard displaying the numbers installed in the manager's room and at the same time making the waiter carry both the receiver and the transmitter with him. CONSTITUTION:Both transmitter 2 and push-button 1 are installed to table 1 where the customer is seated, and billboard 8 is provided in the manager's room to display the indication symbols or numbers 9. At the same time, receiver/transmitter 4 containing handle 5, display unit 6 for symbols or numbers and transmission button each is carried by the waiter walking round among tables 1. Thus, the customer can call the waiter by actuating receiver 4 and billboard 8 through operation of push button 3. When the calling is over, the waiter operates button 7 to erase number 9 of board 8. In such way, the calling can be recognized by both the manager and the waiter at one time.,下面是Calling method by radio专利的具体信息内容。







