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381 Thermal activated self-releasing seal for boiler US325676 1994-10-19 US5577740A 1996-11-26 Gregory W. Purdom
A thermally activated self-releasing seal for a thermal mass container comprising (a) seal support located on the exterior of, separate and detached from, the container; (b) a fusible seal, attached to the seal support, to form a one piece seal when combined with the seal support; and (c) apparatus for attaching the fusible seal portion of the one piece seal to the container to cover the aperture, wherein the apparatus for attaching is located on the exterior of and is separate from the container. According to a preferred embodiment of the invention the apparatus for attaching is an adhesive, such as a room temperature vulcanizing rubber (an RTV), a two part epoxy, or the like; having the property that heat is not required in order to accomplish the attachment of the fusible seal portion of the one piece seal to the container. The invention is particularly useful in sealing smooth walled thermal mass containment vessels, joining fusible seals to containment vessels made of incompatible materials from a bonding point of view, etc. Furthermore, the invention is useful for sealing thermal mass containers incorporated into state of the art flight data recorders, which use the thermal mass to protect sensitive electronic components from fire damage.
382 Identification of ground targets in airborne surveillance radar returns US892053 1986-08-01 US4758850A 1988-07-19 Anthony Archdale; Julian H. Thomas
A method and apparatus are described for use during testing of air-borne ground surveillance radar installations to provide positive identification of targets and other ground features in the recorded or displayed radar returns. The apparatus includes a first imaging system, such as a film camera (6), arranged to film an area (3) on the ground ahead of the aircraft (1) which is also surveyed by the surveillance radar (2), a second imaging system, such as another film camera (7), arranged to film an area on the ground directly below the aircraft and a synchronisation unit (9) operating in dependence of the aircraft's ground speed (V) and either marking or labelling the films and the radar returns or controlling the timing of operations of the camera (6 and 7) and a radar return recorder (4) so that images produced by the second camera (7) are correlated with the image and the radar return stored and recorded by the camera (6) and recorder (4) respectively to facilitate analysis of test data relating to the performance of the radar installation.
383 带图形用户界面的电脑(无人机地面站) CN201930278021.3 2019-05-29 CN305670251S 2020-03-31 李彦明; 史海庆; 王宜东
1.本外观设计产品的名称:带图形用户界面的电脑(无人机地面站)。 2.本外观设计产品的用途:用于控制无人机。 3.本外观设计产品的设计要点:在于显示屏中的图形交互界面的内容和布局。 4.最能表明设计要点的图片或照片:主视图。 5.俯视图为惯常设计,省略俯视图;仰视图为惯常设计,省略仰视图。 6.图形用户界面的用途:产品的图形用户界面为无人机地面站软件的图形用户界面,用于无人机的任务规划、飞行状态数据的监视、飞行轨迹的显示、图像显示、数据记录和指令控制。 7.图形用户界面的人机交互方式:主视图为交互的主界面,为无人机地面站启动后的界面,主界面的右侧上方为地面站功能菜单栏(包括通过串口号连接无人机、设置界面、飞行日志回放功能、任务规划功能、上传航点、下载航点、保存航点、打开航点文件、放大地图比例、缩小地图比例);功能菜单栏的左侧为信息显示区(包括飞控状态信息:显示飞控异常状态报警信息;指令信息:显示地面站发送的指令与飞控针对该指令的应答信息);功能菜单栏和信息显示区下方的区域为地图显示区(主要显示无人机的飞行轨迹,同时也是无人机的任务规划操作区);主界面的左侧从上到下依次为无人机机载传感器状态显示区(包括数据链、导航、GPS、气压计、磁计、记录仪、遥控器和电池)、地平仪显示区(显示无人机的姿态数据、飞行数据等)、无人机飞行数据显示区以及最下方的指令操作区(用于给无人机发送任务指令、动作指令)。 8.图形用户界面的变化状态说明:界面变化状态图1‑6为点击主视图右上部的“连接”后,无人机地面站与无人机连接进行参数对比时依次显示的界面;界面变化状态图7为参数全部一致时显示的界面;界面变化状态图8为参数不一致时显示的界面;界面变化状态图10为点击界面变化状态图9中的“任务规划”后在地图上选择第一个航点位置后显示的界面;界面变化状态图11为在界面变化状态图10的地图上选择第二个航点位置后显示的界面;界面变化状态图12为在界面变化状态图11的地图上选择第三个航点位置后显示的界面;界面变化状态图13为在界面变化状态图12的地图上选择第四个航点位置后显示的界面;界面变化状态图14为在界面变化状态图13的地图上微调第四个航点位置后显示的界面;界面变化状态图15为在界面变化状态图14的地图上第二个航点位置双击鼠标后删除第二个航点后显示的界面;界面变化状态图16为在界面变化状态图15的地图左下勾选第一个航点和第二个航点后单击鼠标右键后显示的界面;界面变化状态图17为点击界面变化状态图16中的“删除航点”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图19为点击界面变化状态图18中的“上传”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图20为界面变化状态图19中成功上传航点后显示的界面;界面变化状态图22为点击界面变化状态图21中的“下载”后显示的航线下载成功的界面;界面变化状态图24为点击界面变化状态图23中的“保存”后显示的界面,航线保存后弹出窗口关闭;界面变化状态图26为点击界面变化状态图25中的“打开”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图27为界面变化状态图26中选择保存的航线后的界面;界面变化状态图29为点击界面变化状态图28中的“启动”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图31为点击界面变化状态图30中的“起飞”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图32为在界面变化状态图31中确定起飞后显示的界面;界面变化状态图33为在界面变化状态图32中无人机已经起飞后显示的界面;界面变化状态图35为在界面变化状态图34中点击“悬停”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图37为在界面变化状态图36中点击“航线”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图38为在界面变化状态图37中设置飞行速度后,点击“上传”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图39为在界面变化状态图38中设置飞行高度后,点击“上传”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图41为在界面变化状态图40中点击“返航”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图43为在界面变化状态图42中点击“降落”后显示的界面;界面变化状态图44为某一时间点地平仪状态检测数据界面;界面变化状态图45为某一时间点地平仪视频监测界面;界面变化状态图46为无人机飞行数据部分显示“简要”数据页面的界面图;界面变化状态图47为用鼠标双击界面变化状态图46中某个状态数据后显示的界面;界面变化状态图48为在界面变化状态图47中用所需选择的状态数据替换前面双击的状态数据后的界面;界面变化状态图49为点击界面变化状态图48中的“详细”后显示“详细”数据页面的界面图;界面变化状态图50为点击界面变化状态图49中的“其他”后显示“其他”数据页面的界面图;界面变化状态图52为点击界面变化状态图51中的“飞行日志”后显示的界面图;界面变化状态图53为点击界面变化状态图52中右下部的“打开”按键后显示的界面图;界面变化状态图54为回放界面变化状态图53中选中的飞行日志的界面图;界面变化状态图56为点击界面变化状态图55中的“设置”后显示的界面图。