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The invention relates to a device for generating a magnetic field in a goal space, having at least two coils 100a, 200a disposed parallel to a goal surface defined by a goal 200, wherein a first coil 100a is provided in a region behind the goal 200, and a second coil 200a is identically provided in closer proximity to the goal 200 than the first coil 100a, or is provided with the goal 200, wherein the first coil 100a and the second coil 200a each have a coil impedance, wherein the coil impedance of the second coil 200a is adjusted such that a magnetic field of the second coil 200a generated by a magnetic field of the first coil 100a reduces the magnetic field of the first coil 100a by at least 20% at a point within the second coil 200a.
A sport ball arresting structure may be characterized in one aspect as including an inflatable quadra-pod mounted on a substantially rectangular flexible planar base for placement on the ground. The quadra-pod includes four legs formed, when the quadra-pod is inflated, by two criss-crossed inflatable tubes forming a dome. The tubes are criss-crossed at a vertex of the quadra-pod. Lower ends of the four legs are mounted to the four corners of the base, one lower end per corner. A flexible net is mounted within the dome so as to drape completely across the interior of the dome and parallel to an entrance to the structure defined by a front pair of legs and a front edge of the base.
303 SPORTS APPARATUS EP06726550.4 2006-03-29 EP1866040A1 2007-12-19 Nugent, Richard Joseph John
Sports practising apparatus (1) for practising close ball control, includes a plurality of generally planar elements (2) arranged in a generally circular array, each planar element (2) having thereon an impact face (3) having at least one target area (8) facing in a generally inward direction. The apparatus (1) includes means to selectively activate individual target areas (8) sequentially in a predetermined or random manner, the target areas (8) being responsive to being hit by a ball impacting on the target to de activate the target area (8) and to activate the next individual target area (8) in the sequence.
304 Trainervorrichtung EP07010595.2 2006-08-03 EP1837058A1 2007-09-26 Güttler, Christian

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Trainiervorrichtung zum Trainieren eines Benutzers der Trainiervorrichtung in einer Ballsportart mit mindestens zwei dem Benutzer zugewandten Ballempfängern (11) zum Wechselwirken mit einem Ball und mindestens zwei Ballgebern (11) zum Befördern eines Balls zum Benutzer. Mindestens ein optischer und/oder akustischer Signalgeber ist vorgesehen, der dem Benutzer durch Abgabe eines optischen und/oder akustischen Signals einen der Ballempfänger (11) als ausgewähltes Ziel zum Wechselwirken mit einem Ball anzeigt, den einer der Ballgeber (11) zum Benutzer befördert.

The invention relates to a method for coating a net (1) for sport and leisure activities, wherein said net (1) comprises a net body (2) provided with a plurality of meshes (4) delimited by net threads (6), wherein said net threads (6) to which a coating material, in particular a flock, is applied in the area (10) of the net body, thereby defining an optically visible character (8). The inventive method consists in arranging the net (1) on a surface (12), in orienting the net threads (6) on said surface (12) in such a way that the surface of meshes delimited by the threads (6) thereof in a stretched state (4) are reduced with respect to the surface of the net (1) meshes and in applying coating material on the net threads (6).
306 Golfsimulator EP01121880.7 2001-09-12 EP1293235B1 2007-06-20 Schwer, Anton
307 Gas turbine engine EP05250184.8 2005-01-14 EP1561928A3 2006-09-27 Reale, Michael Joseph; Wolf, David Paul; Joshi, Narendra Digamber

A gas turbine engine (10), including a first compressor (14), a second compressor (16), and a turbine (20), coupled together in serial flow arrangement. The operation includes channeling compressed airflow (53) discharged from the first compressor through an intercooler (50) having a cooling medium flowing therethrough, operating the intercooler such that condensate is formed in the intercooler from the compressed airflow, and channeling the condensate to an inlet (26,30) of the first or second compressor to facilitate reducing an operating temperature of the gas turbine engine.

308 Millenn golf EP02019236.5 2002-08-27 EP1405656B1 2006-05-17 Moore, Sherrod F.
The portable golf game equipment includes a golf club, a ball having upper and lower sections with vane members extending outwardly from them, an upstanding support, a lower dish-shaped net, and an upper dish-shaped net. The upper and lower dish-shaped nets are selectively collapsible with respect to the upstanding support. An opening is formed in the upper end portion of the lower dish-shaped net. The center of the lower dish-shaped net is mounted on the support. An opening is formed in the upper end portion of the upper dish-shaped net. The center of the upper dish-shaped net is mounted on the support above the lower dish-shaped net. The opening of the upper dish-shaped net has smaller diameter than the opening of the lower dish-shaped net.
309 Target apparatus EP05254311.3 2005-07-08 EP1614452A1 2006-01-11 Lane, Charles Steven; Brodrick, Alan

The invention relates to a goal or target apparatus including a frame which defines a plurality of target areas spaced around the apparatus and may also, in one embodiment include a centrally mounted target with an opening at a different orientation to the other target openings which typically depend down towards a supporting base. In a preferred embodiment a lip portion is provided at the bottom of said goal target openings which depend downwardly and the lip acts as a barrier for the ball from leaving the goal target once it has entered.

310 The golf short game training, practice and contest game kit EP02028832.0 2002-12-23 EP1323454B1 2005-08-17 Yong, Su Rhee
311 Gas turbine engine EP05250184.8 2005-01-14 EP1561928A2 2005-08-10 Reale, Michael Joseph; Wolf, David Paul; Joshi, Narendra Digamber

A gas turbine engine (10), including a first compressor (14), a second compressor (16), and a turbine (20), coupled together in serial flow arrangement. The operation includes channeling compressed airflow (53) discharged from the first compressor through an intercooler (50) having a cooling medium flowing therethrough, operating the intercooler such that condensate is formed in the intercooler from the compressed airflow, and channeling the condensate to an inlet (26,30) of the first or second compressor to facilitate reducing an operating temperature of the gas turbine engine.

312 GOAL DETECTION EQUIPMENT FOR FOOTBALL EP03797507.5 2003-01-22 EP1545721A1 2005-06-29 The designation of the inventor has not yet been filed
For the realization of the industrial project above mentioned, look at all the phases for creating the electronic bladder. Ten different versions have been invented to lodge the microsensors, up to the enough quantity, or the pressure system itself. Pictures (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), show how the electronic sensors of survey and transmission can be lodged. Pictures (9), (10), show the cobweb that can be created in the center of the bladder to lodge the pressure microsensors, the metallic surveying microsensors, or the infrared rays ones. Picture (11) shows the lodging of the electronic surveying system under the grass cover, that immediately transmits any signal noticed to the chronometer or bracelet in endowment to the central referee or to his collaborators. Always in the figure (11) the signs show as: (A) the electronic football is going to enter the goal line, (B) half of the electronic football over the goal line, (C) the electronic football has (B) gone beyond the goal line. The referee immediately receives communication of the happened goal.
313 RECREATION RANGE EP03739867.4 2003-07-29 EP1526899A1 2005-05-04 Clifford, Nicholas Guy
A recreation range system (10) including a field (11) and a rotatable range carousel (13).
314 A TRAINING DEVICE FOR BALL GAMES EP02800045.3 2002-10-01 EP1432478A1 2004-06-30 LANGHORN, Jesper,c/o Helle Baerentzen
A training device (1) for ball games comprises a first ring member (3) arranged in a first plane and a second ring member (2) arranged in a second plane substantially parallel to the first plane. A number of bars (4, 5, 6, 7) connected the first and second ring members to each other, so that a number of openings are defined between the ring members and the bars. The device provides openings defined by the ring members and the bars in all directions when the device is placed with one of the ring members resting on the ground. Thus it is possible for several persons to train at the same time since each person is allowed to use a respective one of the openings. The opening in the upper ring can be used by persons training to drop the ball through a horizontal opening.
315 Color sensing apparatus EP02020168.7 1994-10-12 EP1408316A1 2004-04-14 Kelly, Matthew, F.; Petermeier, Norman, B.; Kelly, Bryan, M.; Goodman, John, J.

A color sensing apparatus comprises a charge coupled device (74) including a plurality of color sensitive pixels (75), means (64a,b,c) for directing light to a subset of said pixels and means (86) for determining the predominant color of said light.

316 APPARATUS FOR DEVELOPING BALL SKILLS EP02737609.4 2002-05-30 EP1392403A2 2004-03-03 SHIRLEY, Vernon Ernest; VOSLOO, Wessel Johannes; RAPPAPORT, Sydney
An apparatus (10) for developing ball skills comprises a ball (12). The ball (12) is connected to an elastic link (16) by a first swivel (14) which is connected to the ball by a flexible member (50) anchored in the ball by a disc (56) located between a bladder (62) of the ball and a skin (60) of the ball.
317 Golf driving tee net EP02254005.8 2002-06-10 EP1371398A1 2003-12-17 The designation of the inventor has not yet been filed

A variable oscillating telescopic support structured net unit with pre marked pole settings that will accommodate variable cover materials and adapt to variable shapes.

318 BALL COLLECTION ARRANGEMENT EP01983707.9 2001-11-19 EP1333892A1 2003-08-13 Thirkettle, John Scott; Jolliffe, David Victor,World Golf Systems Ltd
A golf driving range target (112) comprises pockets (150, 183) suspended for cables (146, 176), the pockets feeding received golf balls to a common receptacle. Between the exits (166) of the pockets and the common receptacle, the balls, which are coded, pass code-reading devices for identification. The pockets have walls (162, 165) which are shaped to direct received balls quickly to theexit (166) and may have internal ball-directing baffle members (163, 167). The pockets may be arranged concentrically or in an array.
319 Golfsimulator EP01121880.7 2001-09-12 EP1293235A1 2003-03-19 Schwer, Anton

Die vorliegende Erfindung "Golfsimulator" dient zum Trainieren und Spielen von Golf in einer Umgebung mit eingeschränkten Platzverhältnissen, sowie zum Wettbewerb unter mehreren Spielern.

Beim Golfsimulator wird der Ball nicht wie beim realen Golf in die freie Landschaft geschlagen, sondern auf eine spezielle Prallwand (Abb.1(1)). Die Prallwand (Abb.1(1)) fängt den Ball ab und liefert im Ausführungsbeispiel mit Hilfe von in den vier Ecken verteilten Sensoren (Abb.2 (9)..(12)) Meßgrößen über den Aufprallpunkt und die Geschwindigkeit des Balles. Diese Meßgrößen werden in einem Auswertegerät (Abb.1(2)) zur Berechnung der Flugbahn herangezogen. Aus der Flugbahn lassen sich alle wichtigen Parameter des Golfspiels, wie z.B. die Weite des Schlages und die Endposition des Balles ableiten.

Der kompakte Aufbau der Prallwand (Abb.1(1)) ermöglicht einen schnellen Auf- und Abbau des Golfsimulators. Das Meßsystem ist unempfindlich gegen äußere Einflüsse. Es werden außer den in der Prallwand (Abb.1(1)) montierten Sensoren (Abb.2(9)..(12)) keine weiteren Sensoren benötigt. Der einfache Systemaufbau ermöglicht eine kostengünstige Herstellung des vorliegenden Golfsimulators. Durch diese Eigenschaften ist die Erfindung im Vergleich zu bekannten Systemen nicht nur zur Verwendung in geschlossenen Räumen sondern insbesondere für das Spielen im Freien geeignet.

320 Golf game apparatus EP01304464.9 2001-05-21 EP1157720A3 2002-01-30 Sugden, Benjamin

Golf game apparatus comprises a plurality of first balls (8) each at least partly covered with a Velcro-type material (9) comprising a plurality of hooks and a target mat (1) marked out as a target area and having an upper surface adapted to engage with the hooked-material on the first balls. A circular recess (12) is located towards the centre of the mat. The bottom surface of the recess (12) is at least partly covered with a Velcro-type material (9) comprising a plurality of hooks. A plurality of second balls (14) are each at least partly covered with a material (10) adapted to engage with the hooked material (9) on the bottom surface of the recess (12).
