序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
1 Mediated electrochemical oxidation of organic waste materials US10493500 2004-08-04 US20040256247A1 2004-12-23 Roger W. Carson; Bruce W. Bremer
A mediated electrochemical oxidation process is used to treat and destroy organic waste materials. The materials are introduced into an apparatus containing an electrolyte having the oxidized form of one or more redox couples. The oxidized couples oxidize the organic waste materials and are converted into their reduced form. The reduced forms are reoxidized by electrochemical anodic oxidation in the anode compartment of an electrochemical cell or reaction with the oxidized form of other redox couples. The redox cycle continues until the desired degree of oxidation is reached. The process takes place at temperatures between ambient and approximately 100null C., to avoid the formation of dioxins or furans. The oxidation process may be enhanced by the addition of reaction enhancements, such as: ultrasonic energy and/or ultraviolet radiation.
2 Mediated electrochemical oxidation of organic waste materials US10493500 2002-10-22 US07611620B2 2009-11-03 Roger W. Carson; Bruce W. Bremer
A mediated electrochemical oxidation process is used to treat and destroy organic waste materials. The materials are introduced into an apparatus containing an electrolyte having the oxidized form of one or more redox couples. The oxidized couples oxidize the organic waste materials and are converted into their reduced form. The reduced forms are reoxidized by electrochemical anodic oxidation in the anode compartment of an electrochemical cell or reaction with the oxidized form of other redox couples. The redox cycle continues until the desired degree of oxidation is reached. The process takes place at temperatures between ambient and approximately 100° C., to avoid the formation of dioxins or furans. The oxidation process may be enhanced by the addition of reaction enhancements, such as: ultrasonic energy and/or ultraviolet radiation.
3 Verfahren zum katalytischen Umsetzen von Schadstoffen mittels eines Plasmas EP00123040.8 2000-10-24 EP1097729B1 2006-03-29 Elsner, Peter, Dr.Ing.; Ota, Michitaka, Dr.rer.nat.; Kaiser, Mathias, Dr.; Emmerich, Rudolf, Dr.; Urban, Helfrich, Dr.
4 Verfahren zum katalytischen Umsetzen von Schadstoffen mittels eines Plasmas EP00123040.8 2000-10-24 EP1097729A3 2003-08-13 Elsner, Peter, Dr.Ing.; Ota, Michitaka, Dr.rer.nat.; Kaiser, Mathias, Dr.; Emmerich, Rudolf, Dr.; Urban, Helfrich, Dr.

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Umsetzen von gasförmigen, flüssigen und/oder festen Schadstoffen in schadstofffreie oder -arme Zersetzungsprodukte vorgeschlagen, indem die Schadstoffe mittels eines Plasmas angeregt, gegebenenfalls vorzersetzt oder chemisch umgesetzt und katalytisch zersetzt werden. Erfindungsgemäß werden dem Plasma Ausgangsstoffe zur Bildung eines in dem jeweiligen Plasma aktiven Katalysators, insbesondere eines von dem jeweiligen Plasma aktivierbaren Photokatalysators kontinuierlich zugesetzt, der Katalysator in dem Plasma in situ aus dem Ausgangstoff gebildet und aktiviert und werden die Schadstoffe und/oder deren Zersetzungsprodukte an dem Katalysator im wesentlichen vollständig zersetzt. Als in situ gebildeten Photokatalysatoren kommen vornehmlich Metalloxide oder -sulfide in Frage.

5 Verfahren zum katalytischen Umsetzen von Schadstoffen mittels eines Plasmas EP00123040.8 2000-10-24 EP1097729A2 2001-05-09 Elsner, Peter, Dr.Ing.; Ota, Michitaka, Dr.rer.nat.; Kaiser, Mathias, Dr.; Emmerich, Rudolf, Dr.; Urban, Helfrich, Dr.

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Umsetzen von gasförmigen, flüssigen und/oder festen Schadstoffen in schadstofffreie oder -arme Zersetzungsprodukte vorgeschlagen, indem die Schadstoffe mittels eines Plasmas angeregt, gegebenenfalls vorzersetzt oder chemisch umgesetzt und katalytisch zersetzt werden. Erfindungsgemäß werden dem Plasma Ausgangsstoffe zur Bildung eines in dem jeweiligen Plasma aktiven Katalysators, insbesondere eines von dem jeweiligen Plasma aktivierbaren Photokatalysators kontinuierlich zugesetzt, der Katalysator in dem Plasma in situ aus dem Ausgangstoff gebildet und aktiviert und werden die Schadstoffe und/oder deren Zersetzungsprodukte an dem Katalysator im wesentlichen vollständig zersetzt. Als in situ gebildeten Photokatalysatoren kommen vornehmlich Metalloxide oder -sulfide in Frage.

6 화생방전용 제독 장치 KR1020000073934 2000-12-06 KR1020020044511A 2002-06-15 박영찬
PURPOSE: A detoxification apparatus for neutralizing an area or object poisoned by chemical warfares during chemical and biological warfare is provided. It is simple in construction and reduced in volume and weight because it does not need a water pump, electric generator and engine on each main treatment unit for area and equipment. CONSTITUTION: This detoxification apparatus comprises: a water tank(10); a main treatment unit(30,40) for area and equipment containing a powder inlet apparatus and an emulsifier inlet apparatus to form a neutralizer; a drive unit(20) containing a water pump, electric generator for supplying electric power to the water pump, powder inlet and emulsifier inlet and an engine for driving the electric generator; and a pretreatment and posttreatment unit(50,60) connected to a water tank for performing the pretreatment and posttreatment of detoxification working by the main treatment unit.
7 오염물 제독장치 KR1020110006506 2011-01-21 KR1020120085091A 2012-07-31 이선두; 양연군; 왕경영
PURPOSE: A contaminant neutralizing apparatus is provided to prevent sterilizing liquid and contaminants from remaining. CONSTITUTION: A contaminant neutralizing apparatus comprises a waste water tub(112), a shower head(130), and a separation tub(120). The waste water tub collects water and contaminants. The shower head is provided with an antiseptic solution contained in a water tank using a pump(113), sprays the solution to contaminants and collects the contaminants. The separation tub collects contaminants and separates air from the contaminants. In the shower head, a nozzle and a collection port are equipped. The separation tub is equipped with a separation unit.
8 감귤류 껍질 추출물을 이용한 다염화비페닐의 처리방법 KR1020090057562 2009-06-26 KR1020110000171A 2011-01-03 고성철; 황경숙; 한송이; 소재성
PURPOSE: A processing method of polychlorinated biphenyl is provided, which is economic and environment-friendly using remains of plant and complex microorganism. CONSTITUTION: A processing method of polychlorinated biphenyl is constitutes as follows. A citrus peel extract containing a polychlorinated biphenyl decomposition complex strain 1-2Mix separated from polychlorinated biphenyl pollution area, a Comamonas testosteroni 1-2T, and plant terpene are used to decompose polychlorinated biphenyl. The mixed strain is vaccinated under the presence of a substrate.
9 거품관창이 부착된 이동식 소형 포말 발생기 KR2020060003392 2006-02-07 KR200424474Y1 2006-08-25 오재성
본 고안은 화재 발생시나 악취발생시 화재나 악취의 근원지를 덮음으로서 화재나 악취를 용이하게 차단할 수 있는 이동식 소형 포말발생기에 관한 것이다. 본 고안은 기존의 압력캔이나 소화기와 같은 소형압력용기의 분사구에 거품관창(Foam Nozzle)을 부착하여 용기내의 용액이 밸브에 의하여 외부로 분출하기 전에 거품관창을 통해 거품으로 변하여 분출되도록 하고자 착안된 것이다. 본 고안에 의한 이동식 소형 포말발생기는 유독가스나 악취물질이 대기중에 노출되었을 시 또는 화재의 초기 단계에서 간편하게 이동하면서 화재를 진압하거나 악취나 유독가스의 확산을 차단할 수 있는 편리성을 제공한다. 본 고안에 따르면, 이동식 압력용기내 액체질소나 액체공기에 의해 압력이 유지되고 압력용기내 액제가 기포를 발생할 수 있는 계면활성제 용액이 들어 있는 경우 거품관창을 이용하여 거품상태로 액체를 방출함으로서 적은양의 액으로부터 넓은 면적의 대상근원지를 이동하면서 덮을 수 있는 효과를 이동이 가능하면서 간편하게 제공할 수 있다. 포말기, 포말소화기, 포말발생기, 악취방지, 확산방지, 유독가스, 간이소화용구, 액체소화기, 거품발생기,
The invention relates to means and methods for integrally degassing, disinfecting, disinsecting, decontaminating and screening fields and volumes where the presence of virulent toxic agents, poisonous substances, chemical weapons, pathogenic microorganisms, toxic products an the live activity thereof, insects, including human and animal disease infected insects, radioactive substances is detected or supposed to be detected. The inventive means and methods are also used for extinguishing flammable liquid fires or for preventing the fire of the spills thereof. The inventive composition contains an active agent in the form of a didecylmethyl-ammonium halogenide clathrate with carbamide. Said invention makes it possible to ensure the integral action of the foam compositions, i.e. degassing, disinfection, disinsection, decontamination and screening, wherein the didecylmethyl-ammonium halogenide clathrate is used in the form of an active agent exhibiting polyfunctional properties and a foam former. The invention can be used for eliminating effects of mass destruction weapons, technogenic accidents and emergency situations and for extinguishing and preventing fires by treating with foam territories, areas or volumes which are contaminated with toxic chemical, biological and radioactive agents or in the case of flammable liquid spills