首页 / 国际专利分类库 / 物理 / 核物理;核工程 / 从放射源取得能量;放射源辐射的应用;宇宙射线的利用(核或辐射测量入 G01T; 聚变反应堆入G21B; 核反应堆入G21C;对电磁和粒子辐射敏感的半导体器件入 H01L31/00)
序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
101 JPS6133808B2 - JP11708876 1976-09-29 JPS6133808B2 1986-08-04 MANFUREETO SHUMITSUTO DONKERU; UORUFUGANKU GUREPU
102 JPS6132290B2 - JP2402779 1979-03-01 JPS6132290B2 1986-07-25 KURINTON FUREDERITSUKU RADOTSUKU
A closed container for producing, on introduction of a solution of technetium-99m as pertechnetate, technetium in a form suitable for diagnostic scanning, contains under sterile conditions tin or a tin-containing alloy as a reducing agent for the pertechnetate and a complexant for the reduced technetium, the contents of the container being present in a dry state. In the method, the pertechnetate solution, suitably the eluate in isotonic saline from a technetium-99m generator, is added to the container and the complex recovered therefrom.
103 JPS6010257B2 - JP10148873 1973-09-08 JPS6010257B2 1985-03-15 MORITA MASATO; OTOARI KYOTERU; MORITA REIKO
An improved technetium-99m labeled colloid and method of preparation comprising reducing technetium-99m with stannous oxalate and stabilizing with sodium phytate. This radiodiagnostic agent is useful in the scintigraphic examination of the recticuloendothelial system, particularly the liver. In addition, by autoclaving this product with saline, it becomes a superior bone marrow scanning agent.
106 JPS5717920B2 - JP12770174 1974-11-06 JPS5717920B2 1982-04-13
107 Method of and device for fabricating diagnostic scan agent JP2402779 1979-03-01 JPS54126597A 1979-10-01 KURINTON FUREDERITSUKU RADOTSU
A closed container for producing, on introduction of a solution of technetium-99m as pertechnetate, technetium in a form suitable for diagnostic scanning, contains under sterile conditions tin or a tin-containing alloy as a reducing agent for the pertechnetate and a complexant for the reduced technetium, the contents of the container being present in a dry state. In the method, the pertechnetate solution, suitably the eluate in isotonic saline from a technetium-99m generator, is added to the container and the complex recovered therefrom.
108 JPS5325515B2 - JP6308173 1973-06-06 JPS5325515B2 1978-07-27
109 Composition for making technetium radiation diagnostic agent JP11708776 1976-09-29 JPS5244243A 1977-04-07 MANFUREETO SHIYUMITSUTO DOUNKE; BOORUFUGANKU GUREPU
110 High sensitivity metal vavor detecting method and system for carryin out the method JP7797876 1976-07-02 JPS5214483A 1977-02-03 KUAN HAN SUN
111 Shinkinahyoshikishokubutsuyuno seizohoho JP12770174 1974-11-06 JPS5153507A 1976-05-12 OKAMOTO HIROYUKI; TSUDA YOSHIO; YOKOYAMA KAZUMASA
112 Shirikonnodoopinguhoho JP8047875 1975-06-27 JPS5140073A 1976-04-03 YOAHIMU BURUCHAA; ERUNSUTO HAASU; YOAHIMU MARUCHIN; KONRAATO ROISHERU
113 JPS5053094A - JP10148873 1973-09-08 JPS5053094A 1975-05-10
114 JPS4935592B1 - JP4872466 1966-07-26 JPS4935592B1 1974-09-24
115 JPS49100996A - JP5818373 1973-05-23 JPS49100996A 1974-09-24
116 JPS4995879A - JP3341673 1973-03-23 JPS4995879A 1974-09-11
117 JPS4970676A - JP5545173 1973-05-18 JPS4970676A 1974-07-09
1414527 Utilizing energy of radiation BULOVA WATCH CO Inc 17 May 1973 [18 May 1972] 23678/73 Heading G6P In a nuclear pulse generator (Fig. 2) a radioactive source 14 provides #-emission which is detected by a solid-state detector comprising a main detector area XII permanently connected to a terminal T 1 and subsidiary detector areas I-XI which are selectively connectible to the terminal T 1 through switches S 1 -S 11 so as to enable adjustment of the output pulse rate from the detector. In a practical construction (Fig. 3) the subsidiary detector areas are indented into the edge of the main detector area to define a rectangle overlaid by the source 14 which may be Pu-242 U-233 or Np-236. The detector is a solid state device. Each area of the detector leads to a respective conductive strip C1-C12, the latter having permanent connection via rivet 19 to a metal base 18, and defining terminal T 1 . Selected ones of the strips C1-C11 are connected to the base 18 by screws S1-S11 acting as switches. The subsidiary detector areas are related in binary fashion, so as to give incremental adjustments of 100 p.p.m. in the output pulse rate.
118 JPS4953867A - JP7336173 1973-06-30 JPS4953867A 1974-05-25
119 JPS4883794A - JP796273 1973-01-19 JPS4883794A 1973-11-08
120 高エネルギー光子から電気へのエネルギーの変換 JP2017204520 2017-10-23 JP2018028552A 2018-02-22 タジマ トシキ; ミヒル ビンデルバウアー