序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
141 Filter-free wavelength converter US10334937 2002-12-31 US20030151796A1 2003-08-14 Jong Hoi Kim; Kwang Ryong Oh; Yong Soon Baek; Hyun Soo Kim; Kang Ho Kim
It is necessary to use the continuous wave (CW) light and the optical input signal in the same direction in order to improve the conversion speed. Furthermore, in order to simplify the configuration of the optical transmission system including wavelength converters, the function capable of separating or removing the optical input signal should be included. Filter-free wavelength converters for separating and rejecting the optical input signal are being developed using the multimode interference semiconductor optical amplifier (MMI-SOA). The gain or phase modulation of the CW light is caused in the MMI-SOA. Furthermore, the CW light and the optical input signal are separated in the MMI-SOA in which the output port depends on the input port. Therefore, no optical filter is required for rejecting the optical input signal, and it is possible to converse to the same wavelength. Owing to filter-free wavelength conversion, the use of a tunable light source is available so that the configuration of the wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) network system can be small-sized and variably employed, thereby the performance and the capacity of optical communication system can be improved.
142 Raman optical converters US09957842 2001-09-21 US20030058522A1 2003-03-27 Andrew V. Maroney; Vincent Handerek
An optical converter 1 has a light source 2 producing light of one wavelength and an optical fibre 4 in which light from the source 2 is converted by Raman scattering from the one wavelength to another wavelength. The light of the another wavelength is output from the fibre 4. The fibre 4 is doped with deuterium which has a relatively long Stoke's shift such that the minimum number of shifts are involved in the conversion from the one wavelength to the another wavelength. The doping is achieved by saturating the fibre 4 with deuterium which is fixed by exposure to UV light.
143 Wavelength converting apparatus using optical source having fixed wavelength and an optical cross connect system adapting thereof US10201811 2002-07-24 US20030030887A1 2003-02-13 Jaemyoung Lee; Byoung-Whi Kim
The present invention provides a wavelength converting apparatus and optical cross connect system using the same. The wavelength converting apparatus includes a plurality of optical sources of fixed wavelengths, a switching means, and at least one wavelength converting means. The optical sources with fixed wavelengths provide probe beams with fixed wavelengths, the wavelength being different each other. The switching means selects at least one beam of a wavelength corresponding to a wavelength conversion request of a transmission signal among a plurality of beams inputted from the fixed-wavelength light sources, and provides the selected beam as a probe beam. The wavelength converting means receives the transmission signal and the probe beam from the switching means, and converts a wavelength of the inputted transmission signal through cross gain modulation, cross phase modulation or optical-to-electrical-to-optical (O/E/O) conversion of the transmission signals and the probe beams.
144 Method and system for optical wavelength conversion and regeneration US10194552 2002-07-12 US20030011858A1 2003-01-16 Libero Zucchelli; Aritz Suescun Sanchez
An on/off switchable source (2) of a continuous optical signal at a respective wavelength (null2) is provided to be turned off when the wavelength (null1) of the modulated incoming signal (IS) corresponds to the respective wavelength (null2) generated by the source while turning said source (2) on when the wavelength (null1) of the incoming signal (IS) differs from the source wavelength (null2). A Michelson interferometer (10) is provided adapted to receive the incoming signal (IS) and the continuous optical signal generated by the source (2) to produce an output signal (OS). The Michelson interferometer (10) is adapted to give rise to destructive viz. constructive interference when the incoming signal (IS) has first and second logical values, respectively. When the wavelength (null1) of the incoming signal (IS), which is not generally known a priori, corresponds to the source wavelength (null2), the source (2) is switched off and the output signal (OS) is a replica of the incoming signal (IS) regenerated at the interferometer (10). When the wavelength (null1) of the incoming signal (IS) differs from the source wavelength (null2), the source (2) is switched on and the output signal (OS) is a replica of the incoming signal (IS) regenerated at the interferometer (10) and wavelength converted to the source wavelength (null2).
145 Polarization-insensitive integrated wavelength converter US10027813 2001-12-19 US20020179912A1 2002-12-05 Robert G. Batchko; Larry R. Marshall; Rostislav Roussev
A polarization-insensitive integrated wavelength converter system includes polarization-separating, polarization-rotating and wavelength-converter structures integrated into a monolithic optical structure. In one embodiment, a lithium niobate waveguide structure includes an integrated polarization separator which comprises two coupled Zinc-diffused and annealed-proton-exchanged waveguides, an electro-optic quarter-wave retarder, a mirror structure and a quasi-phasematching structure. In another embodiment, an electro-optic half-wave retarder and bent waveguide are used in place of the electro-optic quarter-wave retarder and mirror structure. In a further embodiment, an optical circulator is used in conjunction with the waveguide structure in order to discriminate between input and output optical signals.
146 All-optical logic with wired-OR multi-mode-interference combiners and semiconductor-optical-amplifier inverters US09681964 2001-06-29 US06462865B1 2002-10-08 Tzu-Yih Chu; Shyang Chang; Chi Au; Abraham C. Ma
A novel semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) can operate as an optical inverter as well as a power-restoring device. Together, an optical-OR and the optical inverter can provide a wide variety of high speed optical logic gates and functions. The optical inverter uses cross-gain modulation (XGM) to invert a modulated signal on a first input, to produce an inverted output. The inverse of the modulation is transferred from a first wavelength of the modulated first input to a second wavelength of a continuous-wave second input. A filter can then block the first wavelength, allowing the inversely-modulated second wavelength to be output as the inverted output. The first and second wavelengths are swapped in alternate inverters in a logic path. The Y-junction can be implemented as a Multi-Mode Interference (MMI) device.
147 Optical fiber type wide bandwidth wavelength converter and wavelength converting optical fiber used therefor US09656755 2000-09-07 US06459525B1 2002-10-01 Osamu Aso; Shu Namiki
A wavelength of pump is set to an anomalous dispersion area of an optical fiber for wavelength conversion and pump power is set to be larger than a predetermined threshold of MI so that wavelength conversion capable of flattening conversion efficiency spectrum within a wide bandwidth is permitted. A pumping source can oscillate a lightwave having a wavelength in the anomalous dispersion region of the optical fiber for wavelength conversion and intensity which can flatten the conversion efficiency spectrum over the wide bandwidth. By causing the DFWM by setting the wavelength of the pump to a wavelength &lgr;p with respect to an optical signal having a center wavelength &lgr;s, the optical signal is converted to a wavelength &lgr;c=(&lgr;s·&lgr;p)/(2&lgr;s−&lgr;p), and by previously seeking the wavelength &lgr;s of the optical signal before conversion and the wavelength &lgr;c of the optical signal after conversion, the wavelength of the pump is set to the wavelength &lgr;p=2(&lgr;s·&lgr;c)/(&lgr;s+&lgr;c), and the wavelength of the pump can flatten the conversion efficiency.
148 Optical converter with a designated output wavelength US10003146 2001-11-15 US20020135865A1 2002-09-26 Michael M. Tilleman; Avigdor Huber
An optical wavelength converter that includes an optical sum frequency generator (SFG) and an optical difference frequency generator (DFG). The SFG receives part of both an input beam and a continuous-wave (CW) beam. The DFG receives part of the input beam as well as the output of the SFG. The output of the DFG represents the signal of the input beam modulated or carried on a beam having the frequency of the CW beam. Both single-channel and multi-channel configurations are integrally realized in similar numbers of components.
149 Optical wavelength-division-multiplexed cross-connect incorporating optically controlled optical switch US09435325 1999-11-05 US06445839B1 2002-09-03 David A. B. Miller
A semiconductor device for modulating an optical power light beam with an optical signal light beam contains a detector diode for absorbing the signal beam and a quantum well modulator diode for absorbing the power beam. Both diodes are reverse biased, allowing for absorption of the power beam at photon energies below the band gap energy of the quantum well layer. Absorption of the signal beam creates carriers that screen the field in the detector diode, lowering the bias voltage. Because top and bottom layers of the entire structure are made to be highly conductive, overall voltage is fixed, leading to a simultaneous change of voltage in the modulator diode, altering absorption by electroabsorption mechanisms. In a first embodiment, the diodes are oriented such that decreased voltage in the detector diode leads to decreased voltage in the modulator diode; the device is used as an optically controlled optical switch. Alternately, the voltage in the modulator diode increases, and the device is used as a gated photodetector. The optically controlled optical switch may be incorporated into an optical cross-connect for use in wavelength-division-multiplexed systems. The cross-connect contains an array of switches, and can transfer signal information between beams of different wavelength. A given set of input signals can be selectively switched to a given set of output signals of different wavelength.
150 Wavelength converter with an impedance matched electro-absorption modulator pair US09996165 2001-11-27 US20020085266A1 2002-07-04 Xiaotian Steve Yao
A wavelength converter including a chip having formed therein a first electro-absorption modulator biased as a photodetector, and a second electro-absorption modulator biased as a modulator electrically coupled to the first electro-absorption modulator. The first electro-absorption modulator detects an input signal at wavelength null1 and generates an electrical signal to control the second electro-absorption modulator's modulation of light from a wave source at wavelength null2.
151 Semiconductor integrated circuit US09971713 2001-10-09 US20020053678A1 2002-05-09 Kazuhiro Shiba; Kenichi Kobayashi
A semiconductor integrated circuit which has a wavelength converting function and a wavelength demultiplexing function is made up of a relatively small number of parts, allows parts to be integrated easily, and can be manufactured at a relatively low cost. The semiconductor integrated circuit includes an MMI waveguide for converting an optical signal having a second wavelength into an optical signal having a first wavelength, a first input port mounted on an entrance end of the MMI waveguide, for being supplied with the optical signal having the first wavelength, a second input port for being supplied with the optical signal having the second wavelength, and at least one output port mounted on an exit end of the MMI waveguide, for extracting the optical signal having the first wavelength. The MMI waveguide has a refractive index variable depending on the intensity of the optical signal having the second wavelength.
152 Optical decision circuit and use thereof US09141458 1998-08-27 US06366382B1 2002-04-02 Geert Morthier; Roel Baets
An optical decision circuit, based on gain clamped semiconductor optical amplifiers, is disclosed. This optical decision circuit can be used for 2R signal regeneration in optical communication systems. By adding a clock signal to the input of said optical decision circuit, said circuit is also suited for 3R regeneration. Such a circuit can easily be implemented as an integrated circuit or an OEIC.
153 Optical NRZ-RZ format converter US09852175 2001-05-10 US20020018612A1 2002-02-14 Alexandre Shen; Fabrice Devaux; Michael Schlak; Tolga Tekin
Converter of an NRZ signal with a bit duration T comprising an interferometric structure (10) with two arms (9, 11) equipped with a medium (13, 15) with an index that varies depending on the optical power passing through the said medium. The NRZ signal to be converted is input into each of the arms (9, 11). The output signal (7) from the structure is reinput through a means (16) introducing a delay of T/2 in one of the arms (11). The signal at the output (7) is then the NRZ signal converted to the RZ format.
154 Optical wavelength converter US09809401 2001-03-15 US20020003652A1 2002-01-10 Juerg Leuthold
A wavelength converter with a monolithically integrated delay loop in a delayed interference configuration that needs only one SOA or other non-linear optical element coupled to the input fiber, a first coupler to arranged to split the output of the SOA or other non-linear optical amplifying element into two paths having controllable delay and phase shift characteristics, and at least one output coupler to combine the signals present on the two paths to provide the converter output. Unlike prior-art hybrid wavelength converters, one embodiment of the invention has a monolithically integrated delay loop utilizing an asymmetric coupler that can be either the first coupler or the second coupler, or both. Another embodiment of the invention has a coupler that does not require an asymmetric splitting ratio, and has either a gain element in one of the paths, an attenuation element in one of the paths, or both. If desired, yet another coupler can be added to the wavelength converter to couple out part of the light in one of the paths, thereby obtaining a better extinction ratio.
155 Wavelength converter US09067191 1998-04-27 US06282015B1 2001-08-28 Yoshiyasu Ueno; Kazuhito Tajima
A wavelength converter which has simple configuration and can be easily controlled and operated with stability, and used for a long-distance mass optical communication, comprises a waveguide for causing a change of a nonlinear refractive index. The converter includes a delay interference circuit having two optical paths and of different optical path lengths. A CW light source is input into the waveguide. A coherent length determined by a spectral line width of CW light output from the CW light source is longer than an optical path difference between the two optical paths in the delay interference circuit.
156 Method and apparatus for wavelength conversion of signal light US09258580 1999-02-26 US06271960B1 2001-08-07 Yukio Michishita; Satoshi Ishii
A signal conversion device comprises a light source for emitting continuous wave (CW) light at a predetermined wavelength &lgr;, an optical element having a saturable absorption function, and a wavelength demultiplexing circuit for separating signal light at a desired wavelength from signal light outputted from the optical element. A threshold value for optical transmission and absorption of the optical element having the saturable absorption area is set to a level such that applied signal light at a wavelength &lgr;s and the CW light outputted from the light source are absorbed at a light intensity level of either of the two lights, and are transmitted at a light intensity level of a total of the two lights.
157 Optical wavelength converter US09564500 2000-05-04 US06259552B1 2001-07-10 Pierpaolo Boffi; Lucia Marazzi; Mario Martinelli
There is provided an optical wavelength converter which allows the rapid and efficient shifting of information modulated on a light signal of one wavelength to a light signal of a second wavelength without the negative effects of noise and other disturbances which have proven to be problems in the prior art. The device splits a CW probe signal of a first wavelength into two components, which propagate with opposite orientations through a Kerr leg. Also propagating in the Kerr leg is a modulated drive signal at a second wavelength. These signals interact in the Kerr leg, and are recombined at an output coupler so as to create interference between the two probe components. An intensity modulated probe signal is output.
158 Wavelength converter US09045532 1998-03-23 US06256137B1 2001-07-03 Kazuo Hironishi
A first polarizer separates an input light of the wavelength &lgr;2 into an X polarized wave and a Y polarized wave normal to each other. The input light of wavelength &lgr;2 is a linearly polarized wave. The X polarized wave is input to the second polarizer after passing through a semiconductor optical amplifier. The Y polarized wave is led by a reflecting device to the second polarizer. The refractive index of a waveguide of the semiconductor amplifier changes depending on the intensity of an input light. A signal light which is intensity-modulated according to a transmission signal and has the wavelength &lgr;1 is input to the semiconductor optical amplifier. The second polarizer couples the X and Y polarized waves. The third polarizer receives and outputs an output light from the second polarizer.
159 Optical component based on semi-conductor optical amplifiers having a reduced number of independent electrodes US09443454 1999-11-19 US06215935B1 2001-04-10 Beatrice Dagens; Christopher Janz
The invention relates to an optical component based on semi-conductor optical amplifiers in which the number of independent electrodes is reduced. The component has different regions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) with the same vertical structure wherein an active waveguide (20) is buried between the upper and lower buffer layers. These regions each have lower and upper electrodes (10, E2, E4) for the purpose of injecting into them equal or different values of current density. This component is characterized in that at least one (10) of the said electrodes covers a number of regions (1, 3, 5) and has distributed resistivity which is adjusted depending on the region under consideration.
160 Wavelength converter US09082822 1998-05-21 US06208455B1 2001-03-27 Yoshiyasu Ueno; Kazuhito Tajima; Shigeru Nakamura
Disclosed is a wavelength converter that is appropriate for long-distance large-capacity optical communication, a wavelength converter according to the present invention includes: waveguides 1 and 2 for producing nonlinear changes in refractive indices; light interaction circuits 3 and 4; and light delay circuits 9 and 10. When an input signal pulse interval is denoted by To and a speed at which signal pulse light proceeds through a delay circuit is denoted by vg, a difference &Dgr;Ld for optical paths in the light delay circuits satisfies a relation &Dgr;Ld=vgTo/2. As a result, when there is an interaction involving two sequential light beams, the phases of which are demodulated by the input signal pulse, the wavelength chirping affecting the light beams is canceled out.