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261 DRILLING AND LINING METHOD USING A SPOOLABLE TUBING EP01954136.6 2001-08-01 EP1305498B1 2013-06-19 PIA, Giancarlo
262 DRILLING A BOREHOLE AND HYBRID DRILL STRING EP10795013.1 2010-12-22 EP2516789A1 2012-10-31 BLANGÉ, Jan-Jette
Method of drilling a borehole into an object, the method comprising providing a first borehole section (5) extending into the object from its surface; running a first drill string part (3a) including a fluid jet drill head (10) in the first borehole section, wherein the first drill string part comprises a length of flexible tubing; generating fluid jet so as to blast with an erosive power on an impingement area of the borehole, thereby deepening the borehole to provide a second borehole section (5a), and assembling a plurality of jointed pipe elements (11) forming a second drill string part (11a) to the top of the length of flexible tubing in the course of providing the second borehole section; and hybrid drill string (16), comprising a length of flexible (3) tubing as well as a plurality of jointed pipe elements (11), and further comprising a bottomhole assembly comprising a fluid jet drill head (10).
263 AN UNBONDED, FLEXIBLE PIPE EP10837066.9 2010-12-13 EP2513543A1 2012-10-24 CHRISTENSEN, Claus Dencker; PROCIDA, Inger-Margrete; CHRISTENSEN, Martin Damgaard
The invention relates to an unbonded, flexible pipe having a length and comprising from inside out, a tubular inner sealing sheath, at least one metal armor layer and an outer sealing sheath of a sealing material. The unbonded, flexible pipe comprises at least one stiffened length section comprising a stiffening cover partially or totally surrounding the outer sealing sheath in the stiffened length section. The stiffening cover comprises a layer of a stiffening material having a flexural modulus which is higher than the flexural modulus of the sealing material, wherein the flexural modulus is determined according to ISO 178.
264 Flexible Drill Shaft EP07106674.0 2007-04-20 EP1983148B1 2011-04-06 Teixeira, Jose
265 Three dimensional steerable system EP09178856.2 2000-12-14 EP2175100A1 2010-04-14 Eppink, Jay M.; Odell, Albert C.; Estep, James W.; Terry, James B.; Wilson, Thomas P.; Trainor, William F.

The steering assembly (20) includes upper (26) and lower (28) tubular housings connected by a universal joint (30). An angle cam is disposed on the end of the lower housing and projects into the upper housing. A plurality of wedge members (90) extend axially from the upper housing and into engagement with the angle cam (80). Drive trains are connected to the wedge members to move the wedge members toward and away from the angle cam so as to pivot the lower housing at the universal joint and change the angle and azimuth of the lower housing with respect to the upper housing. The lower housing is connected to a bearing pack (16) supporting a drill bit (12) such that upon changing the angle and azimuth of the lower housing, the direction of the drilling of the drill bit is also changed. The steering assembly being connected to composite tubing having conductors in the wall thereof for conducting data and commands between the steering assembly and a processor at the surface and for providing power to the steering assembly. Data on the position of the bit is transmitted to a processor which determines the direction of drilling and selectively transmits commands to the steering assembly to change the bend angle and direction of the drilling of the bit.

266 REINFORCED POLYMERIC SIPHON TUBES EP07838533.3 2007-09-19 EP2084367A1 2009-08-05 MESTEMACHER, Steven A.; FISH, Robert B.; MAURER, Heinrich F.; VAN DER LELIJ, A. Joop
A siphon tube having a polymeric material into which at least one continuous reinforcing agent is embedded, and wherein the at least one reinforcing agent runs substantially the length of the siphon tube. The polymer material can be one or more polymers selected from one or more high density polyethylenes, one or more polyamides, and one or more fluoropolymers.
267 CAPILLARY INJECTOR EP07842464.5 2007-09-13 EP2061948A2 2009-05-27 VYAS, Manish; REID, John; DONALD, Ian
Provided is a mineral extraction system, including a branch having a branch passage, a diverter coupled to the branch passage, and a capillary injection conduit disposed inside to the branch passage. Further provided is a method of injecting chemicals, including injecting a chemical into a capillary injection conduit disposed internal to a production passage, wherein the chemical injection capillary conduit comprises an inlet and an outlet configured to terminate proximate a well formation.
268 Three dimensional steerable system EP07121620.4 2000-12-14 EP1903178A2 2008-03-26 Eppink, Jay M.; Odell, Albert C.; Estep, James W; Terry, James B.; Wilson, Thomas P.; Trainor, William F.

The steering assembly includes upper (26) and lower (28) tubular housings connected by a universal joint (30). An angle cam (80) is disposed on the end of the lower housing and projects into the upper housing. A plurality of wedge members (90) extend axially from the upper housing and into engagement with the angle cam. Drive trains (250) are connected to the wedge members to move the wedge members toward and away from the angle cam so as to pivot the lower housing at the universal joint and change the angle and azimuth of the lower housing with respect to the upper housing. The lower housing is connected to a bearing pack (16) supporting a drill bit such that upon changing the angle and azimuth of the lower housing, the direction of the drilling of the drill bit is also changed. The steering assembly being connected to composite tubing having conductors in the wall thereof for conducting data and commands between the steering assembly and a processor at the surface and for providing power to the steering assembly. Data on the position of the bit is transmitted to a processor which determines the direction of drilling and selectively transmits commands to the steering assembly to change the bend angle and direction of the drilling of the bit.

269 Methods and apparatus for wireline drilling on coiled tubing EP06291008.8 2006-06-15 EP1867831A1 2007-12-19 Cooper, Iain; Kotsonis, Spyro; Zemlak, Warren

Apparatus for drilling an underground borehole, comprising:

- a tubular conveyance system (18) including an electric cable and a supply of drilling fluid, the supply of drilling fluid being arranged in use to pump fluid from the surface down the inside of the tubular conveyance (18) so as to return to the surface via the annulus between the outside of the tubular conveyance (18) and the borehole;

- a drilling system (20) comprising an electrically powered pump (28) and a drilling motor (22), the pump (28) being arranged in use to pump fluid from the borehole outside the drilling system (20) up through the inside of the drilling system (20);

- a connector (30) connecting the drilling system (20) to the tubular conveyance system (18), through which the pump (28) and motor (22) are connected to the electric cable, and

- a flow diverter at which flow down the inside of the tubular conveyance system (18) is diverted into the annulus, and flow up the inside of the drilling system (20) is diverted into the annulus.

270 PIPE ASSEMBLY EP01960919.7 2001-08-22 EP1311739B1 2007-03-21 TYRER, Andrew Charles Ratcliffe; GIBSON, Robert; HEPWORTH, Richard
A pipe assembly comprises a flexible insulating material (16) in contact with the outer surface of the pipe (10) and a plurality of discrete spaced apart buoyant bodies (14) embedded in the flexible insulating material around the pipe. The flexible insulating material preferably forms a continuous layer in contact with the pipe and the buoyant bodies preferably comprise tubular bodies regularly spaced along the length of the pipe assembly. The provision of discrete buoyant bodies embedded within the insulating material allows relative movement between the bodies and enables the pipe to flexible without damaging the buoyant bodies.
271 Tubing string for injection into wellbores EP01304391.4 2001-05-17 EP1167684B1 2006-08-09 Rosine, Randy S.; Martin, John R.
An offshore floating platform for the drilling and/or production of petroleum products from the seabed includes a production deck and a buoyancy apparatus vertically guided and restrained within the platform. The buoyancy apparatus includes a well deck on its upper surface on which are mounted at least two surface trees. At least two vertical risers are supported by the buoyancy apparatus and are attached to the well deck. Each of the risers is connected to one of the surface trees and extends down through the buoyancy apparatus for connection to a seabed wellhead. At least one tendon assembly secures the buoyancy apparatus to the seabed. The tendon assembly is constructed with at least two concentric tubular tendon elements, and it is attached to the well deck and extends along the vertical centerline of the buoyancy apparatus. A manifold on the well deck is fluidly coupled to the surface trees through a pressure reduction choke, and a low pressure jumper fluidly couples the manifold to petroleum handling apparatus on the production deck.
273 Corrosion inhibitors EP01301638.1 2001-02-23 EP1130214B1 2005-05-11 Nettleship, Christopher; Hopkins, William
274 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DIRECTIONAL DOWN-HOLE DRILLING EP03705624.9 2003-02-24 EP1488071A1 2004-12-22 EGERSTRÖM, Fredrik
The invention concerns a method and a device for directional drilling of a hole (3), in particular when drilling curved holes for mining, drift mining or similar, whereby a drill support (4) is used in the form of a flexible continuous drill tube with a proximal end and a distal end, that at the end of the drill support distal end is connected a down hole assembly (5) comprising a drill bit (13) for forming a drill string, which is fed into the gradually forming hole. To avoid and minimise the occurrence of “stick slip” during directional drilling, according to the method, the drill support (4) while drilling is taking place is held fixed at its proximal end against rotation outside the borehole and the rotating motion for indexing the drill bit (13) around an axis extending in the direction of drilling is performed in the area between the drill support’s distal end and the drill bit while drilling is in progress.
275 FLEXIBLE SINKER BAR ASSEMBLIES EP98955012.4 1998-10-21 EP1032748B1 2004-09-01 Cooper, Larry V.
Apparatus for recovering logging tools and the like from a wellbore as part of a drilling operation such as for oil wells, irrigation systems and the like. The apparatus comprises the use of a flexible connector member (44) in the form of a flexible wire rope, or strand, or cable which is provided with socket members (46, 48 or 146, 148) attached with resin (54) or by being swaged or crimped to the flexible member (44). The apparatus takes the place of the conventional rigid sinker bar assembly that causes safety concerns when used with a top drive housing.
276 RELEASABLE CONNECTOR EP00950095.0 2000-08-04 EP1409837A1 2004-04-21 BAKKE, Stig
A connector (10) with an axial bore (12) therethrough has a connecting end (22) for coiled tubing, and a connecting end (20a) for a downhole tool, and is arranged to be released and divided into two sleeve-shaped parts (14 and 16, 20). In a spring chamber (44) for a piston body (23, 23a) and with the purpose of delaying release, there is filled lubricating grease, for which extrusion channels are provided. The lubricating grease must first be forced out of the spring chamber (44) by means of the piston body (23, 23a) before the spring (42) thereof can be fully compressed and allow displacement of the piston body into its end position to release an expandable locking ring (17) and release the connector. Because of the delay achieved, the interconnection of the two parts (14 and 16, 20) can be restored, if an unintentional pressure build-up inside the connector ceases before the locking ring (17) has been brought completely out of its active position.
277 Underground apparatus for directional drilling without earth removal EP96119056.8 1996-11-28 EP0812976B1 2003-10-29 Kabeuchi, Teruo, Kubota Corp., Res. And Dev. Sect.; Hattori, Masaya, Kubota Corp., Res. And Dev. Sect.; Togawa, Takashi, Kubota Corp., Res. And Dev. Sect.; Yamada, Yukishige, Kubota Corp., Res and Dev Sect.; Okuyama, Shigeaki, Kubota Corp., Res and Dev Sect.; Nakagawa, Masao, Kubota Corp., Res and Dev Sect.; Sugiyama, Siro, Kubota Corp., Res and Dev Sect.; Mukuno, Katsuhiko, Kubota Corp., Res and Dev Sect.; Tsujimoto, Kazunori, Kubota Corp, Res and Dev Sect
278 PIPE ASSEMBLY EP01960919.7 2001-08-22 EP1311739A1 2003-05-21 TYRER, Andrew Charles Ratcliffe; GIBSON, Robert; HEPWORTH, Richard
A pipe assembly comprises a flexible insulating material (16) in contact with the outer surface of the pipe (10) and a plurality of discrete spaced apart buoyant bodies (14) embedded in the flexible insulating material around the pipe. The flexible insulating material preferably forms a continuous layer in contact with the pipe and the buoyant bodies preferably comprise tubular bodies regularly spaced along the length of the pipe assembly. The provision of discrete buoyant bodies embedded within the insulating material allows relative movement between the bodies and enables the pipe to flexible without damaging the buoyant bodies.
279 A MILL AND A METHOD FOR MILLING EP99907728.2 1999-03-02 EP1070194B1 2003-02-12 ROBERTSON, Robert; BLIZZARD, William, Alan, Jr.; WILSON, Timothy, Lee; CARTER, Thurman B., Beamer; JOHANTGES, Paul, Jeffrey; MCCLUNG, Guy, LaMont, III
A mill comprising a body (12) and milling material (20), characterised in that said body (12) is flexible. A method of milling using said mill, the method comprising the step of lowering said mill into tubulars in a wellbore across an offset portion thereof, operating said mill to mill at least a portion of said tubulars.
A sectional drive system for transmitting power linearly or in a curved path to an output, which system includes multiple tapered and splined, interlocking driving segments (17) which are nested and stacked as a segment string (10) that is rotatable in a guide path. The top one of the segments cooperates with a drive mechanism (12) to effect rotation of the nested segments in concert and the bottom one of the segments connects to a suitable output such as drill bit (42). Articulation of the segments with respect to each other due to matching asymmetrical splines (19) and companion spline slots (24) facilitates dampening of drive vibration and bending of the segment string in the guide path in any desired direction to facilitate transmitting power in a curved path of desired magnitude from the drive mechanism to the output. In a typical application the interlocking driving segments are incorporated in a downhole drilling apparatus designed for insertion in a well bore to facilitate drilling holes at selected angles in an uncased hole or through the well casing (7), cement sheath and producing interval to enhance well production. The driving segments and bit will continue travelling in a straight line and continue on the same path presented when existing the guide path from the downhole drilling apparatus.