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序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
201 Card webber US270542 1988-11-14 US4944502A 1990-07-31 Kurt Platzer; Herwig Hirschek; Edwin Schaller; Helmut Holzinger
A card webber is disclosed including two rotating conveyor belts carried by deflection rollers and two folding carriages movable between a first position and a second position. Variable velocity actuators are provided, a first velocity actuator associated with the belts and a second velocity actuator associated with the reversibly movable carriages. The velocity actuators are settable such that the velocity of the belts and the velocity of the folding carriages may be adjusted at different velocities with the velocity of the belts being different from the velocity of the carriages.
202 Method and apparatus for orienting fibres US192234 1988-05-09 US4885823A 1989-12-12 Ernst B. Voellm
For the formation of fleeces or webs with parallelized, hooklet-free fibres for pattern production or for spinning mills, a raw material undergoes preliminary drawing in a preliminary drawing frame and is then supplied to a feed arrangement, through which the raw material is supplied to a clamping point of an extracting device formed of two clamping rollers. The clamping rollers running at a higher speed than the feed speed of the feed arrangement pull out fibre tufts disentangled and parallelized on one side. Then the tufts are fed to a suction drum for doubling purposes. From the suction drum the web formed with one disentangled side is fed into a further preliminary drawing frame, into a second feed arrangement, then into a further extracting device and thereafter into a further suction drum. As a result of this second extraction treatment the tangled fibres still present are drawn out, disentangled and parallelized, and a continual web suitable for further processing is removed from the second suction drum.
203 Batt stabilization in cross-lapped web manufacturing apparatus US148848 1988-01-27 US4830351A 1989-05-16 Peter P. Stanislaw
An apparatus for forming a layered, cross-lapped web of predetermined width from a strip of batt material is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a pair of transversely spaced frame members, a delivery conveyor having a web support surface thereon positioned between the frame members and movable longitudinally relative thereto, a cross-lapping carriage transversely reciprocatively movable relative to the delivery conveyor and adapted to deliver the strip of batt material to the support surface to form the layered cross-lapped web on the delivery conveyor, and shielding aprons carried by the cross-lapping carriage and statically juxtaposed above the layered web for shielding portions of the web adjacent to the cross-lapping carriage from air eddies caused by the transverse reciprocative movement of the cross-lapping carriage. The shielding aprons have variable length portions thereof extending from each side of the cross-lapping carriage to corresponding ones of the frame members during the transversely reciprocative movements of the cross-lapping carriage and they have essentially zero transverse movement relative to the portions of the layered web positioned therebeneath.
204 Apparatus for making a spun fleece from endless synthetic-resin filament US119197 1987-11-10 US4812112A 1989-03-14 Hermann Balk
A device for making a spun fleece has a spinning nozzle or spinneret system, a cooling shaft, a stretching gap, a diffuser shaft, a continuously moving fleece receiving conveyor and a device for feeding process air and for pulling or removing outflowing air through the fleece receiving conveyor. The cooling shaft has a shaft wall provided with a plurality of air orifices. Because of that process air required for the cooling is fed into the cooling shaft. The air flow at least partially is pulled through the fleece receiving conveyor and the spun fleece formed by the deposited endless filament loops. The deposited length of the endless filament loops is measured over the spun fleece width in the finished fleece. The measured value is compared with a predetermined set value. On deviation of the measured value from the set value the setting angles of the air control flaps pivotable about a horizontal axis which are located at the entrance of the stretching gap are changed. On a positive deviation of the measured value of the thickness from the set value the setting angles are decreased (deposited length larger than the set value).
205 Apparatus for the manufacture of fibrous webs with helical rotor US770949 1985-08-30 US4627806A 1986-12-09 Jeffrey J. Johnson
An apparatus for the manufacture of fibrous webs comprises a forming wire and a distributor for depositing dry fibers on the wire. The distributor comprises at least one cylindrical chamber having its axis extending transversely of and in a plane parallel to the wire. The lower semicylindrical wall of the chamber is perforate for distributing fibers on the wire and the upper semicylindrical wall includes a fiber inlet. A helically bladed rotor in the chamber has its axis substantially coincident with the chambers axis of curvature, and upon rotation operates to drive fibers through the screen while evenly distributing them across the wire. Disposition of a pair of chambers in tandem with a common central fiber inlet operates further to create a racetrack fiber distribution across the wire.
206 Control device for a periodically oscillating member US856943 1977-12-02 US4167694A 1979-09-11 Eduard Hille; Jurgen Andermann
A control device is disclosed for controlling the drive means and consequently the oscillation range of a periodically oscillating member particularly when it is necessary to maintain the speed of the periodic oscillation movement such that it corresponds to the average speed of another drive unit. Two movably mounted sensors are located near opposite ends of a predetermined oscillation range of the oscillating member. When either of the sensors senses the presence of the oscillating member beyond the predetermined oscillation range, a signal is generated by the sensor which is transmitted to control means adapted to adjust the speed of the drive means operating the oscillating member.
207 Method of forming a continuous fiber layer of constant weight per unit length and apparatus for implementing the method US880648 1978-02-23 US4153977A 1979-05-15 Robert Moser
A method of, and apparatus for, forming a fiber layer of substantially constant weight per unit length, there being provided supply means for supplying a fiber and air mixture onto a moving, fiber-separating, perforated surface. A suction opening is arranged beneath and extends over a certain zone or region of such perforated surface. The suction opening can be moved forward and backward with respect to the direction of transport of the fiber and air mixture by the perforated surface as a function of a measuring value which is representative of the thickness of the fiber layer deposited upon such perforated surface.
208 Fiber mat forming machine US758612 1977-01-12 US4122582A 1978-10-31 Raymond A. Van Vliet
A soft, loosely compacted mat of fibers is continuously formed atop a traveling conveyor. The fibers are deposited on top of the screen from an air-fiber flow within a suitably sized conduit having the same width as the desired width of the mat. A fiberizer is upstream from the mat-laying station and serves to fiberize sheets of incoming fiber. A plurality of sheets can be fiberized and as they are fiberized, the flow is entrained with air with differential pressures throughout the flow path from the fiberizing station to the conduit and mat-laying station. The structure of the fiberizer allows fiber sheets to be fiberized and then directs the fibers toward an adjustable diverging portion of the fiberizer shell from where the air-fiber mixture flows toward the mat-laying station. Variable mat widths can be formed by varying the conduit width and by varying the lateral dimension of the diverging portion of the fiberizer shell.
209 Web layering device US740213 1976-11-09 US4074395A 1978-02-21 Werner Frosch; Wolfgang Uliczka
In a web layering device composed of a series of conveyors disposed in sequence for conveying a web of textile fibers from a card and depositing the web in layered form on a transporting unit, at least some of the conveyors being mounted on carriages to undergo back and forth movement, the attainable web conveying speed is increased by disposing an air guidance member in the form of a plate at at least one region of transfer between two conveyors to create an air stream which travels substantially tangentially to the web travel path.
210 Apparatus for dry forming a layer of fiber US678600 1976-04-20 US4060360A 1977-11-29 Frederick Tapp
A distributor box for dry forming a layer of fiber on a forming surface spaced below it, wherein obturators, e.g. dependent flaps, are located around an air gap between the bottom of the box and the forming surface in pre-selected position to modify the lateral air flow induced into the air gap and so assist the formation of a layer with a uniform depth.
211 Apparatus for disintegrating fibrous material and for delivering disintegrated fibrous material US46686974 1974-05-06 US3913177A 1975-10-21 FEHRER ERNST
First and second carding units are provided. Each carding unit comprises a smooth feeder conveyor belt, a smooth covering conveyor belt extending over and parallel to said feeder conveyor belt to define a space therewith and moving in the same direction as the feeder conveyor belt, a carding drum for disintegrating fibrous material and for ejecting disintegrated fibrous material, and a pair of feed rollers for receiving fibrous material from said space between said feeder and covering conveyor belts and for feeding said fibrous material to said carding drum. The apparatus further comprises charging means preceding said covering conveyor belt of said first carding unit and adapted to charge fibrous material into said space between said feeder and covering conveyor belts of said first carding unit, and drive means for driving said feed rollers and for driving said feeder and covering conveyor belts of each of said carding units at a surface velocity which is higher than the surface velocity of the feed rollers of the same carding unit. The carding drum of said first carding drum is operable to eject disintegrated fibrous material onto said feeder conveyor belt of said second carding unit.
212 Smoothening device for cross-lapper US39472673 1973-09-06 US3903569A 1975-09-09 BRANDIS CURT
A cross-lapping device for cross-lapping pile or laying web to form fleece, according to which one or two rotatable blade wheels in addition to the cross-lapping means, preferably together therewith, are reciprocable in such a way that an air current is generated which is directed toward the lateral rim portions of the fleece to be cross-lapped.
213 Webbers for the textile industry US48092774 1974-06-19 US3877628A 1975-04-15 ASSELIN ROBERT; ASSELIN PIERRE
A webber for folding a fleece delivered by a card to convert it into a web of different thickness from the fleece comprises a fleece feed system, first and second main carriages provided with rollers carrying two endless guide belts adapted to receive the fleece therebetween and move it along a loop-like path, drive means for linearly reciprocating the main carriages in parallel directions, drive means for moving the guide belts relative to the main carriages, a delivery belt for receiving the fleece leaving the guide belts, and drive means for driving the delivery belt along a linear path substantially perpendicular to the direction of movement of the main carriages. At least one auxiliary carriage is provided and comprises rollers carrying the guide belts, such auxiliary carriage being reciprocated in a direction parallel to the movement of the main carriages.
214 Method of aerodynamic formation for a fibrous layer from fibers treated on a carding machine and apparatus for performing this method US45015374 1974-03-11 US3867741A 1975-02-25 FROLOV VENIAMIN DMITRIEVICH; YATSENKO FEDOT EVDOKIMOVICH; PERTSEV VIKTOR VLADIMIROVICH; RUBTSOV VALERY DMITRIEVICH; BELYANKIN VITALY ALEXANDROVICH; MATVEEV VIKTOR VASILIEVICH; BERNSHTEIN MAX KHATSKELEVICH
A method of aerodynamic formation of a fibrous layer and an apparatus for performing same are adapted for joint operation with a carding machine wherein fibres are doffed off the main drum of the carding machine in at least two points at different speeds and in different directions by means of doffer rollers rotated at different angular speeds in opposing directions. The fibres doffed in these two points are conveyed in separate air streams produced by rotary air blowers mounted internally of the respective condensers from the points of doffing toward these condensers. On the latter, the fibres from layers, and the orientation of the fibres in one layer are different from that in the other layer. The two layers thus formed are combined into a single common layer on a delivery conveyor which carries them away for subsequent treatment.
215 Apparatus for transferring and compacting fiber material US3766607D 1971-08-24 US3766607A 1973-10-23 JENDE W; KROSSWANG K
The upper and lower walls of the air duct which conveys fibers from the lickerin to the condenser in a machine for forming random fiber webs are serrated; and the forward side of each serration is provided with apertures through which jets of air operate to compact, stabilize, and advance the airborne fibers which pass through the duct. The jet openings on the forward sides of successive serrations or teeth are preferably arranged in staggered fashion relative to one another.
216 Textile processing equipment US3750235D 1971-08-04 US3750235A 1973-08-07 WISE C
An improved web former for feeding a fiber web of uniform density and thickness to subsequent processing equipment. Also disclosed is the combination of the web former with various types of subsequent textile processing equipment, and a method of operating the web former alone, as well as in conjunction with the subsequent processing equipment. A feature in the construction and operation of the web former resides in the realization that a fiber web of improved density and thickness uniformity is obtainable if the air within the shaft in the former is removed or pressed out through perforations in one of the sides of the shaft while the shaker plate, which forms one side of the shaft, is oscillating.
217 Method and apparatus for bias crosslaying a fiber web US3682734D 1969-07-18 US3682734A 1972-08-08 BURGER WILLIAM H
A method for bias crosslaying fiber webs is disclosed. This method includes the use of a pair of endless belts between which a fiber web is imprisoned as it is advanced toward a carrier sheet moving at right angles to the belts. Each belt has an end roller which defines a nip from which the fiber web is discharged and the end rollers are journalled in a support element mounted for reciprocation transversely over and across the moving carrier sheet to crosslay the fiber web thereon at a resulting bias angle. A second pair of belts may be provided parallel to the first pair to bias crosslay a second fiber web on the carrier sheet in substantially edge-to-edge relation to the first web. In the preferred embodiment additional webs of material may be deposited on the carrier sheet in longitudinal relation and bonded to the bias crosslaid components. The edges of the composite material may also be cut and stripped away.
218 Hydraulic control system for crosser machine US3636817D 1969-08-14 US3636817A 1972-01-25 SHAPIRO SUMNER
An improved crosser machine is provided including a continuous apron driven by two spaced-apart reciprocating arms that are adapted to move together through the action of separate hydraulic cylinders. The crosser includes a control mechanism for maintaining the alignment of the apron including valve means adapted to bleed small quantities of hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic lines as required to bring the arms into alignment in the event one arm leads the other, and sensing means to determine the relative positions of the arms and to control the valve means. The crosser serves to lay alternate layers of a web back and forth over itself to build up a thickness of the web material.
219 Automatic damper mechanism for baling staple fibers US3442204D 1966-04-04 US3442204A 1969-05-06 MCCANLESS STUART D; PLOWDEN IRVIN V
220 Methods and apparatus for producing fibrous webs US71399458 1958-02-07 US3066359A 1962-12-04 FRANK KALWAITES