Document Document Title
US09576047B2 Method and system for preparing a playlist for an internet content provider
A computer implemented method is for generating a media playlist including a plurality of tracks to be played on a listener's mobile or stationary client device with Internet radio capabilities, the client device intended to be connected to the Internet. The method comprises: obtaining, as a listener's input into the listener's client device, a playlist definition; selecting, from a plurality of tracks, tracks meeting the playlist definition to form the playlist, wherein the playlist is formed by playlist entries that include track identifications referring to selected ones of the plurality of tracks; tracks present in a remote master media inventory, tracks present in an Internet-based cloud memory environment, and tracks present in a local media content inventory of the listener's client device form the plurality of tracks; selecting tracks that meet the playlist definition includes comparing the playlist definition with entries for tracks in a metadata encyclopedia which includes metadata derived from a master metadata encyclopedia referring to the tracks present in the remote master media inventory and the tracks present in the cloud memory environment, and the local media content inventory kept in the local listener's client device; the metadata encyclopedia is kept locally in the client device; and each entry in the local metadata encyclopedia refers to a respective track and includes at least one track descriptor and at least one similarity data descriptor; and providing the playlist to the listener's client device for obtaining the tracks indicated on the playlist for playing the tracks in the playlist in an order defined in the playlist.
US09576046B2 Methods for integrating semantic search, query, and analysis across heterogeneous data types and devices thereof
A method, non-transitory computer readable medium and data management computing apparatus comprising searching across a plurality of different heterogeneous data indexes based on portions of one or more search keywords in response to a received request. A result set for each of the plurality of different heterogeneous data indexes is obtained based on the searching. Further, one or more facets to each of the obtained results sets are added. Furthermore, a plurality of visualization techniques are automatically identified for each of the obtained results sets based on the facets in each of the obtained result sets and a model entity type associated with each of the plurality of different heterogeneous data indexes. Finally, each of the obtained results sets with the added facets and the identified one of the plurality of visualization techniques is provided.
US09576043B2 Access and presentation of files based on semantic proximity to current interests
A computer program product for managing and rendering one or more information nodes relative to a current focus. The computer program product receives one or more principal topics from an analysis of the information nodes. The computer program product determines a topic vector from a similarity of a first information node to each of the principal topics and a map from the topic vector to a storage location of the first information node. The computer program product determines one or more current topics from a second information node that has been recently accessed by a user and a current focus vector from a similarity of the one or more current topics to the one or more principal topics. The computer program product renders the current focus vector and the first information node according to a rendering algorithm that is applied to the current focus vector and the first information node.
US09576042B2 Categorizing search terms
A system and method are disclosed for categorizing search terms. The system accesses search history for the search terms. The system also categorizes each of the search terms based on the number of times that the respective search term appears in the search history. If the number of times the search term appears in the search history exceeds a first threshold, a search result of the search term is determined and the search term is categorized as a type that is provided for registration to a user with recognized association with the search term or a type that is excluded from registration, where the categorizing based on a ratio of a number of times the search result was selected subsequent to receiving the search term to the number of times that the search term appears in the search history.
US09576038B1 Consistent query of local indexes
A distributed database management system may comprise a plurality of computing nodes. A request to update an item maintained by the system may be acknowledged as durable and committed once an entry corresponding to the request has been written to a log file and quorum among the computing nodes has been achieved. Improved consistency may be achieved by maintaining snapshots of committed item states within queryable in-memory snapshot data structures. Range queries may be performed by merging a secondary index with the snapshots and applying filters. Projections may be completed by retrieving additional data from an item collection maintain on one or more storage devices.
US09576036B2 Self-analyzing data processing job to determine data quality issues
Techniques are disclosed to determine data quality issues in data processing jobs. The data processing job is received, the data processing job specifying one or more processing steps designed based on one or more data schemas and further specifies one or more desired quality metrics to measure at the one or more processing steps. One or more state machines are provided, that are generated based on the quality metrics and on the data schemas. Input data to the data process job are processed using the one or more state machines, in order to generate output data and a set of data quality records characterizing a set of data quality issues identified during the execution of the data processing job.
US09576031B1 Automated outlier detection
An automated outlier detection system implements an unsupervised set of processes to determine feature subspaces from a dataset; determine candidate exploratory actions, where each candidate exploratory action is a specific combination of a feature subspace and a parameterized instance of an outlier detection algorithm; and identify a set of optimal exploratory actions to recommend for execution on the dataset from among the candidate exploratory actions. Outlier scores obtained as a result of execution of the set of optimal exploratory actions are processed to obtain one or more outlier views such that each outlier view represents a consistent characterization of outliers by each optimal exploratory action corresponding to that outlier view.
US09576030B1 Keeping up with the joneses
Consumers often desire to compare themselves to other individuals. Disclosed herein are systems and methods of generating and displaying comparison information to users so that they can determine if they are “keeping up with the Joneses.”
US09576027B2 Generating a query plan for estimating a number of unique attributes in a database
In a method for generating a query plan for estimating a number of unique entry counts of an attribute in a database, a sample of entries in the database is identified, at least one of a sampling percent and a coefficient of variance of the entries in the sample is identified, and a skewness of the entries in the sample is calculated. In addition, at least one of a plurality of estimators is selected based upon the skewness of the entries and at least one of the sampling percent and the coefficient of variance of the entries in the sample. Moreover, a query plan is generated from the selected at least one of the plurality of estimators. A query optimizer for performing the method is provided.
US09576024B2 Hierarchy of servers for query processing of column chunks in a distributed column chunk data store
An improved system and method for query processing in a distributed column chunk data store is provided. A distributed column chunk data store may be provided by multiple storage servers operably coupled to a network. A storage server provided may include a database engine for partitioning a data table into the column chunks for distributing across multiple storage servers, a storage shared memory for storing the column chunks during processing of semantic operations performed on the column chunks, and a storage services manager for striping column chunks of a partitioned data table across multiple storage servers. Query processing may be performed by storage servers or query processing servers operably coupled by a network to storage servers in the column chunk data store. To do so, a hierarchy of servers may be dynamically determined to process execution steps of a query transformed for distributed processing.
US09576023B2 User interface for summarizing the relevance of a document to a query
According to an aspect, summarizing relevance of a document to a conceptual query includes receiving the conceptual query, accessing concepts extracted from the document, and computing a degree to which the conceptual query is related to each of the extracted concepts. The computing is responsive to a metric that measures a relevance between the concepts in the conceptual query and the extracted concepts. An aspect also includes creating a summary by selecting a threshold number of the concepts having a greatest degree of relation to the conceptual query, and outputting the summary including the selected threshold number of concepts.
US09576019B2 Increasing distributed database capacity
Disclosed are various embodiments for increasing distributed database capacity by adding new nodes while minimizing downtime. A database is partitioned among multiple nodes in a cluster. Each node stores a respective portion of the database. The portions of the database are replicated to corresponding physical standbys. For each portion, a first portion is mapped to an existing node, while a remaining portion is mapped to a physical standby. The cluster is updated to include the physical standbys as additional nodes among which the database is partitioned.
US09576018B2 Revision deletion markers
A method begins by receiving a delete data object request within a dispersed storage network (DSN). The method continues by determining a set of dispersed storage (DS) units within the DSN that store a set of encoded data slices associated with the data object. The method continues by determining a revision number of the set of encoded data slices. The method continues by sending a delete marker and write command to the set of DS units for deletion of the data object. The method continues by receiving at least one receive write acknowledgement from at least some DS units of the set of DS units to produce the deletion. The method continues when a write threshold is met, by sending a commit command to the DS unit storage set and receiving commit acknowledgments from the DS units and sending a finalize command to the set of DS units to delete the data object.
US09576016B2 Targeting stories based on influencer scores
A story describing an activity performed by an interacting user is distributed to viewing users according to the influencer scores for the viewing users. Each influencer score can be calculated based at least in part on the influence of a viewing user on those users connected to the viewing user, and on the influencer scores for the users connected to the viewing user. Based on the determined influencer scores, at least one of the viewing users can be provided with the story describing the activity performed by the interacting user.
US09576007B1 Index and query serving for low latency search of large graphs
A search index for searching a graph-based data store can include triple entries, each triple entry having a posting list value, at least one intersection identifier associated with the posting list value, and at least one result identifier associated with the intersection identifier. The index may also include search entries having a posting list value that corresponds to a text search aid. The search index may also include pre-computed path entries, such as chain path entries and converge path entries. The index may also include bucket posting lists representing ranges of object values for a particular predicate and proximity posting lists that include one or more entities and the areas of a location hierarchy with locations within the proximity of the entity. Queries for the data graph may have at least two stages, each stage being associated with a posting list from a graph index.
US09576004B1 Free space management in databases
Managing free space in a relational database. A data statistics history for the relational database is received, including a distribution of index key columns for a clustering index. Based on the data statistics history, increasing index key columns are identified. A rate of increase of the increasing index key columns is measured. Based on the measured rate of increase and on an estimate of database reorganization frequency, free space for the increasing index key columns is reserved.
US09576003B2 Providing unique views of data based on changes or rules
In one embodiment, a method comprises creating and storing, in a revisioning database, one or more data objects; wherein a first plurality of the data objects is associated with a base realm representing data shared across all users of the database; wherein a second plurality of the data objects is associated with one or more child realms, wherein each of the child realms represents data local to a project, wherein each of the users is associated with one or more of the child realms; wherein the revisioning database associates each data object to a realm identifier value and to a version identifier value for a plurality of versions of the data object, wherein each of the versions represents a change to the data object by any of a plurality of users; receiving a request from a first user to view a third plurality of data objects in the revisioning database; selecting, based on the base realm, the particular realm, the version identifier value for the data objects in the third plurality, and one or more rules associated with the particular realm and the first user, data objects in the third plurality that can be viewed by the first user; creating a particular data view that includes only the selected data objects; and providing a display of the particular data view to the first user.
US09576001B2 Content optimization system and method
Disclosed herein is a statistical approach, a win share approach, used to assign a win share value to content items. User interaction with content items is tracked, and a win share value is assigned to content items in response to a “winning” action performed by a user. Win shares associated with content items are used to identify content items that are to be presented, and can further be used to identify an optimal presentation, e.g., layout, presentation frequency, etc., of content items that is to be presented.
US09576000B2 Adaptive fragment assignment for processing file data in a database
Scheduling mechanisms for assigning data in a distributed file system to database workers are provided. In one embodiment, a method of and computer program product for assignment of data blocks to database workers are provided. A request for table data is received. Metadata for a plurality of blocks in a file system is retrieved from a metadata store. Each of the plurality of blocks contains a subset of the table data. A request for work is received from a requestor. An assignment of one or more of the plurality of blocks is provided to the requestor.
US09575999B2 System for managing address reflectors
A system is disclosed for managing address reflectors. In one example, the system discloses a reflector storage 108, 116, 124, 608, with a set of reflector members 304 associated with a set of reflector names 306. The system also includes a computer 100, 604 programmed with executable instructions 500, 610 which operate a set of modules. The modules includes reflector management module 106, 114, 122 which, receives a character-string from user input 104, 120, and identifies the reflector names 306 whose reflector members 304 are partially defined by the character-string.
US09575995B2 Image processing methods
An image recognition approach employs both computer generated and manual image reviews to generate image tags characterizing an image. The computer generated and manual image reviews can be performed sequentially or in parallel. The generated image tags may be provided to a requester in real-time, be used to select an advertisement, and/or be used as the basis of an internet search. In some embodiments generated image tags are used as a basis for an upgraded image review. A confidence of a computer generated image review may be used to determine whether or not to perform a manual image review.
US09575992B2 Presentation of a digital map
The invention relates to a method, a map providing device, a computer program and a computer program product for presenting a digital map via a map presenting unit of a user terminal. An object (01) and a first position (P1) of this object are obtained together with a digital map (M1) comprising a reference position (RP) and the first position (P1). A line (L1) is determined, which at one end is to be connected to the reference position and at another opposite end to the first position. Then a geographical area (A1) of the digital map including the reference position is presented. If the first position (P1) is outside of the geographical area then a part (L1A) of the line stretching through the geographical area is presented. If not no line is presented. The appearance of the line when presented is dependent on the distance between the reference position and the first position.
US09575989B2 Method for file handling in a hierarchical storage environment and corresponding hierarchical storage environment
A method for file handling in a hierarchical storage environment includes receiving a new document for storage, and triggering and/or initiating a new document notification process upon receipt of the new document. The new document notification process includes scanning the new document for a set of keywords and/or references; creating enhanced metadata for the new document, wherein the enhanced metadata includes the set of keywords and/or references from said scanning; storing the enhanced metadata in a file system; and evaluating the enhanced metadata via a relationship analyzing process to produce a priority list defining a likelihood of possible access. The method also includes storing the new document in a storage tier of a hierarchical storage environment according to the priority list.
US09575988B2 Extensible file system
An extensible file system format for portable storage media is provided. The extensible file system format includes the specification of primary and secondary directory entry types that may be custom defined. The primary and secondary directory entry types can be further classified as critical and benign directory entries.
US09575985B2 Distributed lock administration
Apparatus, systems, and methods may operate to grant a renewable lease synchronization lock to a node for a file having copies distributed among a group of nodes that is unsynchronized and for which no write lock has already been granted. The synchronization lock disables modification of the file, and enables synchronization of a file copy on the requesting node to a synchronization master copy on another node in the group. A renewable lease write lock can be granted to a node in the group when the file is synchronized and when the write lock has not already been granted. The write lock disables granting the synchronization lock, and enables file modification. The synchronization lock and write lock are maintained until their respective leases expire. Additional apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed.
US09575982B1 Size targeted database I/O compression
Solid-state storage devices may be employed to store data maintained by a database management system, but may have characteristics that reduce the efficiency of interactions between the database management system and the device. A storage subsystem may receive information indicative of internal boundaries within database data. A segment of the database data may be selected for compression, wherein the size of the segment is based at least on one or more the internal boundaries, the memory page size of the solid-state drive, and a predicted rate of compression. The compressed segment may be stored if it has a size less than the memory page size of the device. If it does not, compression may be retried with a smaller segment of data or a portion of the data may be stored in uncompressed form. Additional segments of the data may be stored on the solid-state drive in a similar manner.
US09575969B2 Systems and methods for generation of searchable structures respective of multimedia data content
Methods and systems for generating concept structures from signature reduced clusters (SRCs) are provided. The method includes retrieving at least one SRC including a cluster of signatures respective of a plurality of multimedia data elements (MMDEs); generating at least one metadata for each signature of the cluster of signatures; identifying a number of repetitions of a metadata of the at least one generated metadata; and determining whether the number of repetitions of the metadata exceeds a predefined repetition threshold; upon determining that the number of repetitions of the metadata exceeds the predefined repetition threshold, identifying the metadata as representative of the SRC; comparing the representative metadata to metadata that is representative of at least one previously generated SRC to determine a metadata match; and upon determining the metadata match, identifying the retrieved SRC and the matching previously generated SRC as a concept structure.
US09575965B2 Translation assessment based on computer-generated subjective translation quality score
A system and method for assessing translation quality are disclosed. In one example, a computer system receives data associated with a translation from a first text in a first natural language to a second text in a second natural language, wherein the data comprises a first value that is based on one or more semantic errors of the second text, a second value that is based on extraneous content in the second text, and a third value that is based on missing content in the second text; and determining by the computer system, based on the first value, the second value, and the third value, a score that quantifies translation quality of the second text with respect to the first text.
US09575958B1 Differentiation testing
Differentiation testing is used to determine the usefulness of a term on a single-term basis or within a set of terms. Differentiation testing is performed by comparing an input against other input or a comparison set.
US09575956B2 Enhanced predictive input utilizing a typeahead process
Particular embodiments may retrieve information associated with one or more nodes of a social graph from one or more data stores. A node may comprise a user node or a concept node. Each node may be connected by edges to other nodes of a social graph. A first user may be associated with a first user node of the social graph. Particular embodiments may detect that the first user is entering an input term. Predictive typeahead results may be provided as the first user enters the input term. The predictive typeahead results may be based on the input term. Each predictive typeahead result may include at least one image. Each predictive typeahead result may correspond to at least one node of the social graph.
US09575955B2 Method of detecting grammatical error, error detecting apparatus for the method, and computer-readable recording medium storing the method
An apparatus for detecting grammatical errors includes a sentence analyzer to break up a sentence into units of morphemes, tag the morphemes with parts of speech, and analyze a syntactic structure of the sentence based on the tagged parts of speech; a first error detector to generate part-of-speech sequences using n-grams of the tagged parts of speech, and detect first grammatical errors by analyzing the generated part-of-speech sequences based on grammatical rules; a second error detector to generate morpheme sequences by binding the morphemes in a preset window (n-window) size, and detect second grammatical errors according to frequencies of appearance of morpheme sequences identical to the generated morpheme sequences by searching examples from an example-based index database (DB); and an integrated error detector to determine final grammatical errors in the sentence by combining the detected first grammatical errors and the detected second grammatical errors.
US09575954B2 Structured dictionary
A dictionary data structure is described. The data structure is made up of first, second, and third tables. The first table is comprised of entries each representing a natural language term, each entry of the first table containing a term ID identifying its term. The second table is comprised of entries each representing a definition, each entry of the second containing a definition ID identifying its definition. The third table is comprised of entries each representing correspondence between a terminate definition defining the term, each entry of the third table containing term ID identifying the defined term and a definition ID identifying the defining definition. The contents of the data structure are usable to identify any definitions corresponding to a term.
US09575953B2 Natural-language processing system and dictionary registration system
A natural-language processing system includes a registration-candidate storage section that stores therein registration-candidate dictionary data, a judgment means that compares input data against the registration-candidate dictionary data to thereby judge whether or not the input data includes a word corresponding to the registration-candidate dictionary data, an inquiry means that inquires to a user whether or not corresponding dictionary data is to be registered in a dictionary storage section to accept a user's instruction if it is judged that a corresponding word exists, a dictionary registration means that registers the corresponding dictionary data in the dictionary storage section based on the input instruction, and a natural-language processing means that executes a natural-language processing onto the input data by using the dictionary data registered in the dictionary storage section.
US09575943B2 Dynamic context-based content generation
A system and method for providing context-appropriate information in a computer-user interaction. A method includes receiving, by a data processing system, a request object from a user in a user session, the request object associated with data requested by the user. The method includes initializing dynamic context data according to the request object and dynamically creating customized content based on the user, the user session, and a page flow of the user in the user session. The method includes sending the customized content to be displayed to the user.
US09575942B1 Expanded icon navigation
Aspects of expanded icon navigation are described. In one embodiment, one or more marked locations are registered, for example, as bookmarks, during navigation of network pages or files. A hierarchical structure of at least one location associated with the one or more marked locations is indexed to generate a marked zone hierarchy. Further, a collection of accessed locations is assembled according to traced access across the indexed hierarchical structure, network pages, or files. The access across the indexed hierarchical structure, network pages, or files may be traced over a period of time. In other aspects, the one or more marked locations are categorized among the collection of accessed locations to provide an assimilated set of locations, and one or more anchors are established. Further, at least one branch of the one or more anchors is populated.
US09575934B2 Systems and methods for adaptive content distribution
An application displaying primary content, such as a webpage, may include unused space. The unused space may exist within the application displaying the primary content (e.g., within the browser window) or on other portions of the display (e.g., outside of the browser window). The unused space is identified and leveraged to display secondary content on the client display along with the primary content. The secondary content may be adaptable to conform to different sizes and/or configurations of the unused space. The secondary content may be updated as the user interacts with elements on the client display.
US09575932B2 Flexible block ILU factorization
Systems and methods for flexible block ILU factorization that will support sparse blocks with variable sizes.
US09575927B2 RDMA-optimized high-performance distributed cache
A server and/or a client stores a metadata hash map that includes one or more entries associated with keys for data records stored in a cache on a server. Each of the entries stores metadata for a corresponding data record, wherein the metadata comprises a server-side remote pointer that references the corresponding data record stored in the cache, as well as a version identifier for the key. A selected data record is accessed using a provided key by: (1) identifying potentially matching entries in the metadata hash map using the provided key; (2) accessing data records stored in the cache using the server-side remote pointers from the potentially matching entries; and (3) determining whether the accessed data records match the selected data record using the provided key and the version identifiers from the potentially matching entries.
US09575926B2 System and method for optimizing secured internet small computer system interface storage area networks
A network device includes a port coupled to a device, another port coupled to another device, and an access control list with an access control entry that causes the network device to permit log in frames to be forwarded from the first device to the second device. The network device receives a frame addressed to the second device and determines the frame type. If the frame type is a log in frame, then the frame is forwarded to the second device and another access control entry is added to the access control list. The second access control entry causes the network device to permit data frames to be forwarded from the first device to the second device. If not, then the frame is dropped based upon the first access control entry.
US09575919B2 Information system capable of expanding drive and bus number allocation method of the information system
In a storage device applying PCIe to a back-end network connection, in order to be capable of allocating bus numbers and making a PCIe switch expanded afterwards usable, it is necessary to once reset all PCIe switches. To dissolve this necessity, PCIe switches of the back-end network of the storage device are connected in series, a range of continuous bus numbers that are managed and stored in bus number management table is allocated for the back-end network connection, and when expanding the PCIe switch, the bus numbers are allocated in ascending order from a minimum value of the allocatable bus numbers to each of a link between the PCIe switches and to a virtual PCI bus within the PCIe switch, and the bus numbers are allocated in descending order from a maximum value of the allocatable bus numbers to the link between the PCIe switch and a drive.
US09575916B2 Apparatus and method for identifying performance bottlenecks in pipeline parallel processing environment
A system identifies a performance bottleneck status in a parallel data processing environment by examining data flow associated with the parallel data processing environment to identify at least one operator, where an operator type is associated with at least one operator, at least one buffer, and a relationship that the buffer has with the operator, where the relationship is associated with the operator type. The system monitors the buffer to determine a buffer status associated with the buffer. The system applies a set of rules to identify an operator bottleneck status associated with the operator. The set of rules is applied to the operator, based on the operator type, the buffer status, and relationship that the buffer has with the operator. The system then determines a performance bottleneck status associated with the parallel data processing environment, based on the operator bottleneck status.
US09575914B2 Information processing apparatus and bus control method
An information processing apparatus includes: a plurality of memories; a plurality of buses each connected to each of the memories; an input/output device configured to make access to the plurality of memories; a processing unit configured to alter a mapping of a logical address and a physical address of a memory area used by the input/output device; and a switch configured to transfer access from the input/output device to any one of the plurality of buses based on the mapping, whereby the performance deterioration due to bus conflict is suppressed.
US09575908B2 System and method for unlocking additional functions of a module
A system for interfacing with a co-processor or input/output device is disclosed. According to one embodiment, the system performs a maze unlock sequence by operating a memory device in a maze unlock mode. The maze unlock sequence involves writing a first data pattern of a plurality of data patterns to a memory address of the memory device, reading a first set of data from the memory address, and storing the first set of data in a validated data array. The maze unlock sequence further involves writing a second data pattern of the plurality of data patterns to the memory address, reading a second set of data from the memory address, and storing the second set of data in the validated data array. A difference vector array is generated from the validate data array and an address map of the memory device is identified based on the difference vector array.
US09575906B2 Method and system for process working set isolation
Embodiments of systems and methods disclosed herein may isolate the working set of a process such that the data of the working set is inaccessible to other processes, even after the original process terminates. More specifically, in certain embodiments, the working set of an executing process may be stored in cache and for any of those cache lines that are written to while in secure mode those cache lines may be associated with a secure descriptor for the currently executing process. The secure descriptor may uniquely specify those cache lines as belonging to the executing secure process such that access to those cache lines can be restricted to only that process.
US09575904B2 Memory data security
A memory module secures data stored on the memory module. A request for the data from a computer system is received by the memory module. A verification key from the computer system is also received by the memory module. A reference key is retrieved by the memory module, the reference key is stored on the memory module. A comparison status is generated by the memory module by comparing the verification key with the reference key. A response is sent to the computer by the memory module that is dependent upon the comparison status.
US09575899B2 Synchronizing a translation lookaside buffer with page tables
The translation lookaside buffer (TLB) of a processor is kept in synchronization with a guest page table by use of an indicator referred to as a “T” bit. The T bit of the NPT/EPT entries mapping the guest page table are set when a page walk is performed on the NPT/EPT. When modifications are made to pages mapped by NPT/EPT entries with their T bit set, changes to the TLB are made so that the TLB remains in synchronization with the guest page table. Accordingly, record/replay of virtual machines of virtualized computer systems may be performed reliably with no non-determinism introduced by stale TLBs that fall out of synchronization with the guest page table.
US09575898B2 Implementing coherency with reflective memory
Techniques for updating data in a reflective memory region of a first memory device are described herein. In one example, a method for updating data in a reflective memory region of a first memory device includes receiving an indication that data is to be flushed from a cache device to the first memory device. The method also includes detecting a memory address corresponding to the data is within the reflective memory region of the first memory device and sending data from the cache device to the first memory device with a flush operation. Additionally, the method includes determining that the data received by the first memory device is modified data. Furthermore, the method includes sending the modified data to a second memory device in a second computing system.
US09575897B2 Processor with efficient processing of recurring load instructions from nearby memory addresses
A method includes, in a processor, processing program code that includes memory-access instructions, wherein at least some of the memory-access instructions include symbolic expressions that specify memory addresses in an external memory in terms of one or more register names. Based on respective formats of the memory addresses specified in the symbolic expressions, a sequence of load instructions that access a predictable pattern of memory addresses in the external memory is identified. At least one cache line that includes a plurality of data values is retrieved from the external memory. Based on the predictable pattern, two or more of the data values that are requested by respective load instructions in the sequence are saved from the cache line to the internal memory. The saved data values are assigned to be served from the internal memory to one or more instructions that depend on the respective load instructions.
US09575892B2 Replaying memory transactions while resolving memory access faults
One embodiment of the present invention is a parallel processing unit (PPU) that includes one or more streaming multiprocessors (SMs) and implements a replay unit per SM. Upon detecting a page fault associated with a memory transaction issued by a particular SM, the corresponding replay unit causes the SM, but not any unaffected SMs, to cease issuing new memory transactions. The replay unit then stores the faulting memory transaction and any faulting in-flight memory transaction in a replay buffer. As page faults are resolved, the replay unit replays the memory transactions in the replay buffer—removing successful memory transactions from the replay buffer—until all of the stored memory transactions have successfully executed. Advantageously, the overall performance of the PPU is improved compared to conventional PPUs that, upon detecting a page fault, stop performing memory transactions across all SMs included in the PPU until the fault is resolved.
US09575886B2 Methods and apparatus for storing data to a solid state storage device based on data classification
Systems and methods for storing data to a non-volatile storage device are provided. A request to store data to the storage device at a given address corresponding to one of a plurality of regions of the storage device is received. A region classification map associated with the storage device associates a classification with each of the plurality of regions. A determination is made based on the region classification map as to which classification is associated with the one of the plurality of regions corresponding to the given address. The data is stored at the given address in response to determining that the one of the plurality of regions is associated with a first classification. The data is stored to an alternate location in response to determining that the one of the plurality of regions is associated with a second classification.
US09575877B2 Method and system for testing control software of a controlled system
A method for testing control software of a controlled system is disclosed. The method may involve providing control software code data for each of the one or more electronic control units. The method may further involve providing simulation code data for the controlled system. The method may further involve providing verification requirement information data that indicates one or more verification requirement conditions corresponding to a respective control error situation. The method may further involve creating a system model based on the provided simulation code data and the provided control software code data provided for each of the one or more electronic control units. The method may further involve creating an executable program based on the created system model and performing a software verification process on the basis of the executable program.
US09575875B2 Computer implemented system and method for indexing and annotating use cases and generating test scenarios therefrom
A system and method for indexing and annotating use cases and generating test scenarios using in-memory processing from the corresponding use case model includes a use case model creator to create/build an in-memory use case model for the use cases created by a user; a predetermined structural format, according to which the steps of the use cases are organized by an editor; an indexer to appropriately index the steps of the use case(s) in the use case model; a generator which facilitates extraction of the indexed steps from the use case and identification of at least one ordered set in which the indexed steps can be assembled; and a test scenario generator to generate a test scenario having the indexed steps arranged according to the ordered set identified by an identifier and being validated by a validator according to pre-determined validation criteria.
US09575864B2 Function-level dynamic instrumentation
Methods for dynamically instrumenting a program while the program is executing are described. In some embodiments, profiling hooks may be selectively inserted into and removed from a program while the program is running. The hooks may gather profiling information, such as the frequency and duration of function calls, for a selected set of functions. The hooks may be inserted into the program without requiring a special build or modifications to the binary by modifying machine-level instructions for the program stored in system memory. The ability to selectively insert instrumentation into the machine-level instructions stored in the system memory allows a set of functions to be selected during execution of the program and hooks for each function of the set of functions to be dynamically inserted or removed during execution of the program to precisely capture profiling information for the set of functions.
US09575863B2 Apparatus of wireless gigabit display extension (WDE) device
In accordance with some embodiments, a DisplayPort control plane may be supported over a Wireless Gigabit Alliance or other wireless air interface. Some embodiments may efficiently optimize the amount of wireless bandwidth needed to accomplish tasks.
US09575862B1 Integrated circuits with error handling capabilities
A logic design may include control and datapath circuitry. The datapath circuitry may be implemented in a double modular redundancy arrangement that generates respective first and second data signals. The control circuitry may be implemented in a triple modular redundancy arrangement. Storage circuitry may be used to buffer the first and second data signals. Real-time error detection circuitry may perform real-time error detection operations on the first and second data signals. Background error checking circuitry may perform background error checking operations such as cyclic redundancy check calculations on configuration data. In response to an error detected by the real-time error detection circuitry, the circuitry may select between the buffered first and second data signals to produce the output data signal. The selection may be performed based on the background error checking operations and may be delayed relative to the real-time detection of the error.
US09575859B2 Method for fault recognition in a system of systems
A method for fault recognition in a distributed real-time computer system comprising fault containment units (FCUs), which has a global timebase, wherein the fault containment units communicate by means of messages via at least one message distribution unit, wherein a commitment time is associated with a message formed by a fault containment unit, and wherein a message distribution unit that receives a message relays the message to one or more fault containment units operating in parallel, and wherein a processing fault containment unit (VFCU) does not transmit or use any of its results that are influenced by one or more of the received messages to the environment of the processing fault containment unit or before the commitment times associated with the received messages.
US09575858B2 Dynamic protection of storage resources for disaster recovery
A recovery manager discovers replication properties of datastores stored in a storage array, and assigns custom tags to the datastores indicating the discovered replication properties. A user may create storage profiles with rules using any combination of these custom tags describe replication properties. The recovery manager protects a storage profile using a policy-based protection mechanism. Whenever a new replicated datastore is provisioned, the datastore is dynamically tagged with the replication properties of their underlying storage, and will belong to one or more storage profiles. The recovery manager monitors storage profiles for new datastores and protects the newly provisioned datastore dynamically, including any or all of the VMs stored in the datastore.
US09575852B2 Failure recovery apparatus of digital logic circuit and method thereof
Exemplary embodiments of the present invention relate to a failure recovery apparatus of digital logic circuit and method thereof when a fault occurs in the digital logic circuit. A failure recovery apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises: a fault detection block configured to determine fault occurrence by comparing output results of a plurality of digital logic circuit which perform the same operation using a clock having a first cycle; and a failure recovery block configured to perform a failure recovery operation of the plurality of digital logic circuit by using a clock having a second cycle which is longer than the first cycle when it is determined as that a fault occurs. According to exemplary embodiments of the present invention, when a fault occurs in digital logic circuits due to external factors, it provides high reliability in failure recovery of the digital logic circuits.
US09575850B2 Method and device for synchronously running an application in a high availability environment
A method for synchronously running an application in a high availability environment including a plurality of calculating modules interconnected by a very high-speed broad band network, includes: configuring the modules into partitions including a primary and a secondary partition and a monitoring partition; running the application on each running partition, inputs-outputs processed by the primary partition transmitted to the secondary running partition via the monitoring partition; synchronizing the runnings via exploiting microprocessor context changes; transmitting a catastrophic error signal to the monitoring partition; continuing the running by switching to a degraded mode, the running continuing on a single partition.
US09575844B2 Mass storage device and method of operating the same to back up data stored in volatile memory
A mass storage memory device is disclosed. The device includes a nonvolatile memory, a volatile memory configured to store logical to physical (L2P) data associating logical addresses of data stored in the nonvolatile memory with physical locations of the nonvolatile memory at which the data is stored, and a controller. The controller writes L2P data in the nonvolatile memory so the L2P data can be preserved through a power failure. The controller also writes L2P data stored in the nonvolatile memory to the volatile memory to rebuild the L2P table.
US09575843B2 Managing back up sets based on user feedback
The management of backup sets based on user feedback techniques include a method, and a system. In some embodiments of these techniques, the method includes receiving an update to a backup set from a first client device. The method further includes analyzing the update made to the backup set. The method further includes updating a default backup set stored in a storage device based on the update to the backup set. This Abstract is provided for the sole purpose of complying with the Abstract requirement rules. This Abstract is submitted with the explicit understanding that it will not be used to interpret or to limit the scope or the meaning of the claims.
US09575839B2 Data storage device and operating method thereof
A data storage device includes a nonvolatile memory apparatus including a memory block including a plurality of pages; and a processor suitable for writing write data in target pages of the memory block, and backing up special management data of the write data in at least one backup page of the memory block.
US09575837B2 System and method for introducing functionality to an application for use with a network service
A computing device operates an application to receive and implement new functionality from a network service. If the new functionality causes the application to fail, the application can automatically discard or ignore the new functionality when the application is re-launched.
US09575836B2 Temporary pipeline marking for processor error workarounds
Embodiments include a computer system for temporary pipeline marking for processor error workarounds, the computer system having a processor configured to perform a method. The method includes monitoring a pipeline of the processor for an event that is predetermined to place the processor in a stuck state that results in an errant instruction execution result due to the stuck state or repeated resource contention causing performance degradation. The pipeline is marked for a workaround action based on detecting the event. A clearing action is triggered based on the marking of the pipeline. The marking of the pipeline is cleared based on the triggering of the clearing action.
US09575833B2 Controller, semiconductor memory system and operating method thereof
An operating method of a memory controller includes performing a soft read operation to read data stored in a semiconductor memory device using a soft read voltage, performing a soft decision ECC decoding operation to the read data based on a first log likelihood ratio (LLR) value, and performing the soft decision ECC decoding operation to the read data based on a second LLR value when the soft decision ECC decoding operation based on the first LLR value fails. The first and second LLR values are selected between a default LLR value and an updated LLR value. The updated LLR value is generated on a basis of numbers of error bits and non-error bits of the read data, which are obtained through the soft decision ECC decoding operation to the read data.
US09575832B2 Systems and methods for soft data utilization in a solid state memory system
Systems and methods relating generally to solid state memory, and more particularly to systems and methods for recovering data from a solid state memory. An example data processing system includes a first circuit operable to yield a modified soft data set from a data set accessed from a solid state memory device, and a second circuit operable to apply a data decoding algorithm to the modified soft data to yield a decoded output.
US09575830B2 Run-time error repairing method, device and system
Various embodiments of the present disclosure describe a method, device, and system for repairing run-time errors. The method includes at a client side, obtaining dump file information and version information of an application where a run-time error occurs; calculating the obtained dump file information and version information according to a preset algorithm to get an error identification associated with the run-time error; sending an error report carrying the error identification to an error information acquisition server; receiving a repair application issued by the error information acquisition server according to the error identification; and activating the repair application to perform repairing. When embodiments of the present disclosure are employed, the time required for repairing application run-time errors can be reduced.
US09575828B2 Correctly identifying potential anomalies in a distributed storage system
A method for assisting evaluation of anomalies in a distributed storage system is disclosed. The method includes a step of monitoring at least one system metric of the distributed storage system. The method further includes steps of maintaining a listing of patterns of the monitored system metric comprising patterns which previously did not result in a failure within one or more nodes of the distributed storage system, and, based on the monitoring, identifying a pattern (i.e., a time series motif) of the monitored system metric as a potential anomaly in the distributed storage system. The method also includes steps of automatically (i.e. without user input) performing a similarity search to determine whether the identified pattern satisfies one or more predefined similarity criteria with at least one pattern of the listing, and, upon positive determination, excepting the identified pattern from being identified as the potential anomaly.
US09575825B2 Push instruction for pushing a message payload from a sending thread to a receiving thread
A processor core of a data processing system receives a push instruction of a sending thread that requests that a message payload identified by at least one operand of the push instruction be pushed to a mailbox of a receiving thread. In response to receiving the push instruction, the processor core executes the push instruction of the sending thread. In response to executing the push instruction, the processor core initiates transmission of the message payload to the mailbox of the receiving thread. In one embodiment, the processor core initiates transmission of the message payload by transmitting a co-processor request to a switch of the data processing system via an interconnect fabric.
US09575823B2 Recording unstructured events in context
Recording an unstructured event in context can include detecting a first occurrence indicative of a start to the unstructured event utilizing a sensing feature of a client device. Upon detection of the first occurrence, device activity data associated with the client device is tracked. A second occurrence indicative an end to the unstructured event is detected utilizing the sensing feature. Following detection of the second occurrence, an event object for the unstructured event spanning between the first and second events is presented. The event object includes or is otherwise associated with the device activity data tracked during the timespan.
US09575822B2 Tracking a relative arrival order of events being stored in multiple queues using a counter using most significant bit values
An order controller stores each received event in a separate entry in one of at least two queues with a separate counter value set from an arrival order counter at the time of storage, wherein the arrival order counter is incremented after storage of each of the received events and on overflow the arrival order counter wraps back to zero. The order controller calculates an exclusive OR value of a first top bit of a first counter for a first queue from among the at least two queues and a second top bit of a second counter for a second queue from among the at least two queues. The order controller compares the exclusive OR value with a comparator bit to determine whether a first counter value in the first counter was stored before a second counter value in the second counter.
US09575821B2 Method and device for preventing window's lagging
The present application provides a method and a device for preventing window's lagging, and relates to the field of computer technology. The method comprises: when a child window is created by a thread, a middle window being firstly created in a thread different from the thread in which each child window of a window system is positioned, wherein the middle window is the parent window of the child window currently created, the parent window of the middle window is a frame parent window, and the thread in which the child window currently created is positioned differs from the thread in which the frame parent window is positioned; if window's lagging of a child window occurs, a window's lagging message of the child window in which window's lagging occurs being sent to the thread in which the corresponding middle window is positioned; and the middle window and the child window in which window's lagging occurs are separated from a window frame by the thread in which the middle window is positioned. By the present application, the middle window corresponding to the child window in which window's lagging occurs can be separated from the window system; the window's lagging state of the integral window system caused by the window's lagging of the child window is avoided; and the window's lagging problem of the integral window system caused by the window's lagging of the child window in the windows system of the Windows is solved.
US09575820B2 Client control in a distributed strict queue
Methods and systems for implementing client control in a distributed strict queue are disclosed. A plurality of messages are distributed to a plurality of queue servers based on strict order parameters for the messages. Messages that share a value for the strict order parameter are distributed to the same queue server. The messages are enqueued at the queue servers. Messages that share a value for the strict order parameter are enqueued in a strict order based on the time of receipt at the queue server. A control message is sent from the queue servers to one or more queue clients. The control message causes modification of a configuration at the queue clients. The queue clients are configured to process the messages based on the configurations.
US09575816B2 Deadlock/livelock resolution using service processor
A microprocessor includes a main processor and a service processor. The service processor is configured to detect and break a deadlock/livelock condition in the main processor. The service processor detects the deadlock/livelock condition by detecting the main processor has not retired an instruction or completed a processor bus transaction for a predetermined number of clock cycles. In response to detecting the deadlock/livelock condition in the main processor, the service processor causes arbitration requests to a cache memory to be captured in a buffer, analyzes the captured requests to detect a pattern that may indicate a bug causing the condition and performs actions associated with the pattern to break the deadlock/livelock. The actions include suppression of arbitration requests to the cache, suppression of comparisons cache request addresses and killing requests to access the cache.
US09575812B2 Classification based automated instance management
Systems, apparatuses, and methods for classification based automated instance management are disclosed. Classification based automated instance management may include automatically commissioning an application instance based on a plurality of classification metrics, and automatically monitoring the application instance based on the plurality of classification metrics. Automatically monitoring the application instance may include identifying a plurality of instance monitoring policies associated with the application instance based on the plurality of classification metrics. Automatically monitoring the application instance may include automatically suspending the application instance plurality of instance monitoring policies and automatically decommissioning the application based on the plurality of instance monitoring policies.
US09575806B2 Monitoring accesses of a thread to multiple memory controllers and selecting a thread processor for the thread based on the monitoring
A method of an aspect includes running a plurality of threads on a plurality of thread processors. Memory accesses, of a thread of the plurality that is running on a first thread processor of the plurality, are monitored to both a first memory through a first memory controller and a second memory through a second memory controller. A second thread processor of the plurality is selected for a thread based on the monitoring of the memory accesses of the thread to both the first memory and the second memory. Installation of the thread, for which the second thread processor was selected, is initiated on the second thread processor. Other methods, apparatus, and systems are also disclosed.
US09575805B2 System and method of providing system jobs within a compute environment
The disclosure relates to systems, methods and computer-readable media for using system jobs for performing actions outside the constraints of batch compute jobs submitted to a compute environment such as a cluster or a grid. The method for modifying a compute environment from a system job disclosure associating a system job to a queuable object, triggering the system job based on an event and performing arbitrary actions on resources outside of compute nodes in the compute environment. The queuable objects include objects such as batch compute jobs or job reservations. The events that trigger the system job may be time driven, such as ten minutes prior to completion of the batch compute job, or dependent on other actions associated with other system jobs. The system jobs may be utilized also to perform rolling maintenance on a node by node basis.
US09575803B2 Determining an ordering to use to open and close programs that call other programs
Provided are a computer program product, system, and method for determining an ordering to use to open and close programs that call other programs. A dependency file indicates for each calling program at least one called program called by the calling program, wherein a called program that calls another program also comprises a calling program. The dependency file is processed to determine an order in which the called programs are called by the calling programs. A determination is made from the order the called programs called by an invoked calling program. The determined called programs are invoked according to the order. The calling program is invoked in response to invoking the determined called programs. The order indicates the order in which the calling programs and the called programs are invoked so the called programs are invoked before invoking the calling programs that invoke the called programs.
US09575801B2 Advanced processing data storage device
The disclosure is related to systems and methods of using a data storage device's processing power to perform mathematical operations on data within a data storage device. The mathematical operation may be done independently of a host system and the data storage device may provide a calculated result to the host system instead of providing stored data. In a particular embodiment, the data storage device may perform a convolution operation on data received from a host, compare the result of the convolution operation to data comprising a set of potential matches previously stored on the data storage device, and select at least one of the set of potential matches to provide as a result to the host.
US09575798B2 Method of managing tenant network configuration in environment where virtual server and non-virtual server coexist
A non-virtual server and a virtual server make up the same tenant in an environment, in which virtual servers created by dividing a single physical server into a plurality of computer environments coexist with a non-virtual server that directly uses a single physical server as a computer environment without using server virtualization. A management computer is provided with virtual switch management information that shows a correlation between the virtual servers and an internal network to which a relevant virtual server connects, and physical switch management information that shows a correlation between the non-virtual server and an internal network to which the non-virtual server connects. The management computer creates a virtual server that belongs to the same tenant as a physical instance, identifies a first internal network to which the non-virtual server connects, and configures the tenant so that the relevant virtual server is connected to the first internal network.
US09575794B2 Methods and systems for controller-based datacenter network sharing
A method of allocating network bandwidth in a network that includes several tenant virtual machines (VMs). The method calculates a first bandwidth reservation for a flow between a source VM and a destination VM that are hosted on two different host machines. The source VM sends packets to a first set of VMs that includes the destination VM. The destination VM receives packets from a second set of VMs that includes the source VM. The method receives a second bandwidth reservation for the flow calculated at the destination. The method sets the bandwidth reservation for the flow as a minimum of the first and second bandwidth reservations.
US09575793B1 Identifying kernel data structures
Techniques for identifying kernel data structures are disclosed herein. A representation of memory location relationships between pairs of memory locations is created based on a virtual machine image. A virtual machine is instantiated based at least in part on the representation and based at least in part on the virtual machine image. The representation is validated based on confidence scores associated with correlations between one or more memory snapshots of the virtual machine and the memory locations, and the parts of the representation that are not valid are removed from the representation.
US09575792B2 Method and system for replicating virtual machines
Methods and systems for replicating a virtual machine and its associated data containers are provided. The virtual machine is placed in an inactive state and a replication directory is generated for cloning each data container from an active directory to the replication directory. The clone of each data container references a physical location where data associated with each data container is stored; and thereafter, the virtual machine is placed in an active state after the cloning is completed.
US09575791B2 Unified extensible firmware interface system management mode initialization protections with system management interrupt transfer monitor sandboxing
An information handling system includes a processor configured to trap system management interrupts (SMIs) via a system management mode transfer monitor (STM), a first system resource, a SMI handler configured to operate within the STM, launch a first system management mode (SMM) virtual machine, load first SMM code for a first driver into the first SMM virtual machine, and associate the first SMM virtual machine with the first system resource and not with the second system resource.
US09575788B2 Hypervisor handling of processor hotplug requests
A system and method are disclosed for determining whether to grant requests for additional virtual processors for a virtual machine (referred to as “processor hotplug requests”). In accordance with one embodiment, a hypervisor receives a request from a guest operating system of a virtual machine, where the request is for an additional virtual processor for the virtual machine. The hypervisor then determines whether or not to grant the request based on a policy.
US09575787B2 Managing device access using an address hint
Methods and systems for managing requests for access to devices managed by a hypervisor in virtualized computing environment. A hypervisor receives a request for access to a device from a guest. The hypervisor provides an address hint associated with the device to the guest and an association between the address hint and the device is stored in a reference table. Upon receipt of a subsequent request from the guest including the address hint, the hypervisor performs a look-up in the reference table based on the address hint to identify the device and establishes access to the device by the guest.
US09575785B2 Cluster system and method for providing service availability in cluster system
A cluster system and a method for providing service availability. The cluster system includes a first physical server having registered therein an active virtual machine; and a plurality of physical servers, wherein the plurality of physical servers comprises a second physical server having registered therein a standby virtual machine corresponding to the active virtual machine, the active virtual machine failing over to the standby virtual machine when a failure occurs in the first physical server, wherein each of the plurality of physical servers stores post-failure registration information when the failure occurs, wherein the post-failure registration information associates the active virtual machine with a physical server among the plurality of physical servers, and wherein the physical server is different from the second physical server.
US09575784B1 Method and system for handling storage in response to migration of a virtual machine in a virtualization environment
A method for handling storage in response to migration of a virtual machine in a virtualization environment, including receiving an I/O request for a virtual disk, determining that a service virtual machine which implements a storage controller is not registered as owner of the virtual disk, obtaining ownership of the virtual disk by the service virtual machine, the service virtual machine handling the I/O request after obtaining ownership of the virtual disk.
US09575782B2 ARP for logical router
Some embodiments provide a method for a computing device serving as a host machine in a logical network. The method executes several virtual machines that are in several different segments of the logical network. The method operates a managed physical routing element (MPRE) for routing data packets between different segments of the logical network. The MPRE includes several logical interfaces, each of which is for receiving data packets from a different segment of the logical network. Each of the logical interfaces is addressable by a network layer address. The method intercepts an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) broadcast message when the destination address matches the network address of one of the logical interfaces. The method formulates an ARP reply to the ARP broadcast message.
US09575781B1 Automatic determination of a virtual machine's dependencies on storage virtualization
Disclosed are examples of observing and measuring virtual machine (VM) activity in a VM communication system environment. According to one example embodiment, an example operation may include transmitting a request from a physical host device to monitor at least one virtual machine among various virtual machines currently operating in a virtual communication system. Additional operations may include determining which of the virtual machines are actively accessing a predetermined virtual application, such as a virtual storage application. The operations may also include receiving present operating activity results regarding the virtual machines responsive to the transmitted request.
US09575780B2 Method and apparatus for generating executable file or multi-instance service
The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for generating an executable file of a multi-instance service. The method includes: performing compilation for a source file corresponding to a multi-instance service, to obtain a first-class object file, where the multi-instance service includes N instances, and N is a natural number greater than or equal to 2; performing an object copy of the first-class object file N−1 times, to obtain N−1 new first-class object files; and performing linking to the first-class object file and the N−1 new first-class object files, to generate an executable file. In the present invention, an executable file is generated by performing mirroring and linking processing for an object file obtained by compilation, thereby reducing a development cost and a maintenance cost of software source code.
US09575778B2 Dynamically configurable system based on cloud-collaborative experimentation
A system includes functional units that are dynamically configurable during operation of the system. The system also includes a first module that collects performance data while the system executes a program with the functional units configured according to a configuration setting. The system also includes a second module that sends information to a server. The information includes the performance data, the configuration setting and data from which the program may be identified. The system also includes a third module that instructs the system to re-configure the functional units with a new configuration setting received from the server while the program is being executed by the system. The new configuration setting is based on analysis by the server of the information sent by the system and of similar information sent by other systems that include the dynamically configurable functional units.
US09575777B2 Information processing device for performing contactless communication with an external device using multiple communication standards
There is provided an information processing device including a selection unit configured to, on the basis of first identification information included in a processing instruction and corresponding to a service, and first association information in which the first identification information is associated with second identification information for identifying an application, select an application to perform the service corresponding to the processing instruction, and an execution unit configured to cause the selected application to perform a process in accordance with the processing instruction.
US09575775B2 Autorun on eject
A method for automatic execution of at least one program associated with a mounted medium, wherein the mounted medium is ejected from a device is provided. The method may include determining if an automatic program initiation on eject is required, wherein the determining is based on a detection of the mounted medium being mounted in the device. The method may also include registering the required automatic program initiation on eject, wherein the registering is based on the determination of the automatic program initiation on eject being required. The method may include storing an executable program content associated with the registered automatic program initiation on eject. Additionally, the method may include executing the stored executable program content, wherein the execution is based on a detection of the mounted medium being ejected from the device. The method may include deregistering the required automatic program initiation on eject.
US09575773B2 Monitoring multiple remote desktops on a wireless device
Methods and systems configured to facilitate monitoring of multiple remote desktops in a user interface of a wireless device are provided. One example method includes maintaining image data representing a prior state of graphical displays of a plurality of graphical user interfaces associated with the remote desktops, in response to receiving a first request specifying first display information from the wireless device, preparing first update information for a first scaled image corresponding to content of a first graphical display, wherein the first scaled image contains image data defining a lower resolution version of a current state of a first graphical display out of the graphical displays, the scaled version is being sized according to the first display information received from the wireless device, and transmitting the prepared first update information to the wireless device to be displayed in the user interface.
US09575766B2 Causing an interrupt based on event count
Some implementations provide techniques and arrangements for causing an interrupt in a processor in response to an occurrence of a number of events. A first event counter counts the occurrences of a type of event within the processor and outputs a signal to activate a second event counter in response to reaching a first predefined count. The second event counter counts the occurrences of the type of event within the processor and causes an interrupt of the processor in response to reaching a second predefined count.
US09575764B1 Synchronizing branches of computer program source code
In an embodiment, a data processing system comprises one or more processors; one or more non-transitory computer-readable storage media storing sequences of instructions which, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the processor to perform determining whether first computer program source code that is associated with an upstream repository comprises a revision that is absent from second computer program source code that is associated with a fork of the first computer program source code, wherein the first source code comprises a first branch and the second source code comprises a second branch, and wherein the first branch corresponds to the second branch; determining whether the second branch in the second source code comprises a second revision that is absent from a corresponding first branch in the first source code, in response to a determination that the first source code comprises the revision that is absent from the second source code; causing outputting to a computer display device an option to synchronize the second branch of the second source code with the corresponding first branch in the first source code in response to determining that the second branch of the second source code comprises the second revision that is absent from the corresponding first branch in the first source code; receiving a selection of the option; in response to the selection of the option, automatically synchronizing the second branch in the second source code with the first branch in the first source code.
US09575760B2 Techniques for sharing priorities between streams of work and dynamic parallelism
One embodiment sets forth a method for assigning priorities to kernels launched by a software application and executed within a stream of work on a parallel processing subsystem that supports dynamic parallelism. First, the software application assigns a maximum nesting depth for dynamic parallelism. The software application then assigns a stream priority to a stream. These assignments cause a driver to map the stream priority to a device priority and, subsequently, associate the device priority with the stream. As part of the mapping, the driver ensures that each device priority is at least the maximum nesting depth higher than the device priorities associated with any lower priority streams. Subsequently, the driver launches any kernel included in the stream with the device priority associated with the stream. Advantageously, by strategically assigning the maximum nesting depth and prioritizing streams, an application developer may increase the overall processing efficiency of the software application.
US09575759B2 Memory system and electronic device including memory system
A memory system processing data according to a received first request may include a main memory and a memory controller. The main memory may comprise a first area and a second area, and may be configured to provide data from the first area to the second area. The memory controller may comprise a scoreboard configured to indicate that a first piece of sub-data of a first set of sub-data of the data has been provided from the first area to the second area. Based on the scoreboard, the memory controller may be configured to perform processing of the first request by using the first piece of sub-data before providing of other pieces of sub-data of the first set of sub-data from the first area to the second area is completed.
US09575758B2 Method for setting breakpoints, and an integrated circuit and debug tool therefor
A method for setting one or more breakpoints within executable program code of an embedded device is described. The method comprises copying at least one area of non-volatile memory (NVM) of the embedded device, comprising at least one instruction at which a breakpoint is to be set, into at least one area of overlay memory replacing within the overlay memory the at least one instruction at which a breakpoint is to be set with a breakpoint operation code, and enabling a mapping of the at least one area of NVM, comprising the at least one instruction at which a breakpoint is to be set, to the at least one area of overlay memory during execution of the program code within the embedded device.
US09575750B2 Generic annotation seeker
Disclosed herein are technologies for a generic annotation seeker to generate an index of class annotation, mapping classes with annotations during build time. Files may be dynamically registered and scanned by a registration seeker for revised and updated annotation. This Abstract is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims.
US09575748B2 Development, programming, and debugging environment
A method includes receiving hardware description code that generically describes circuitry, and translating the hardware description code into one or more configuration files specific to a programmable system. The method further includes generating program code for a microcontroller of the programmable system based, at least in part, on the hardware description code, and configuring the programmable system to implement the circuitry according to the configuration files and the program code.
US09575746B2 Computer application maturity illustration system
An application maturity illustration system is provided. Such a system may determine a maturity of a computer application, and display same. The determination may include determining an inventory score, an operational status, a management score reflective of a ratio of an actual management value to a desired management value, a risk score and a future score for the computer application. The future score may be reflective of a projected relative importance of the computer application. The processor may operate to display a GUI that includes inventory score, operational status score, management score, risk score and the future score in a vertical column. The vertical column may be located either along the right-hand most portion of the GUI with respect to a user viewing the GUI or at the left-hand most portion of the GUI with respect to a user viewing the GUI.
US09575744B2 Live updating of a shared plugin registry with no service loss for active users
Embodiments can enable the uploading of a newer version of a plugin package to a plugin service without affecting an existing user session that is using an older version of the plugin package. When a new user session begins, the plugin service can monitor one or more plugin packages and the versions used during the new user session. Throughout the user session, the plugin service continues to make the plugin packages available to the user regardless of newer versions being uploaded to the plugin service. In the meantime, multiple clients with different user sessions may be using different and possibly newer versions of the plugin packages at the same time. The plugin service can remove an older version of a plugin package when it determines that there are no longer any active user sessions utilizing the older version of the plugin package.
US09575743B1 Apparatus for updating software of vehicle terminal and software providing server
An apparatus for updating software of a vehicle terminal includes: a software information storage unit receiving latest version software information transmitted from a software providing server; an update controller receiving a software update request of a vehicle terminal transmitted from the software providing server and performing a software download and update; a battery charging determiner checking a state of charge of a battery installed in a vehicle and comparing the state of charge of the battery with an estimated battery consumption among the latest version software information; and an engine driver driving an engine of the vehicle when the state of charge of the battery is less than the estimated battery consumption.
US09575740B2 Apparatus and method for running multiple instances of a same application in mobile devices
An apparatus and method for isolating at least one of a plurality of applications included in an electronic device are provided. The method includes selecting at least one of the plurality of applications included in the electronic device, preprocessing the at least one selected application so as to be at least one modified application included in a sandbox isolating the at least one selected applications from others of the plurality of applications, and installing the at least one modified application on the electronic device so as to be executed only according to the sandbox.
US09575739B2 Performing unattended software installation
Systems and computer program products may perform unattended software installation. The systems and computer program products may include receiving a user's selection of one or more software installation files, and reading at least a portion of the one or more user-selected software installation files. The systems and computer program products may additionally include extracting, from the read one or more software installation files, questions that a user will be asked to answer during execution of the one or more user-selected software installation files, and compiling the extracted questions. The systems and computer program products may further include prompting a user to provide answers to the compiled questions, and receiving answers to one or more questions of the compiled questions prior to execution of the one or more user-selected software installation files. The systems and computer program products may additionally include storing the received answers, and providing the stored answers when requested during execution of the one or more user-selected software installation files.
US09575732B2 Providing design time projections for a visual program
Embodiments are directed to presenting multiple projections of a declarative program and to presenting partial projections of a declarative program. In one scenario, a computer system establishes a declarative program that includes various artifacts. The computer system displays a first projection of the declarative program, which includes one or more elements of a workflow. The computer system then determines that an additional projection is to be displayed in addition to the first projection, and presents a second projection based on the artifacts of the declarative program. The second projection illustrates the artifacts in a form different than that shown in the first projection, and is presented in addition to the first projection. In some cases, the computer system further receives an input and edits the declarative program according to the received input. The edits to the declarative program are substantially lossless, and can be performed using partial or full projections.
US09575729B1 Digital architecture for delta-sigma RMS-to-DC converter
Disclosed is a completely digital solution for a new type of root-mean-square to direct current conversion (RMS-to-DC) apparatus. The design is based on delta-sigma modulation (Δ-ΣM) and the direct nonlinear processing of the Δ-Σ modulated pulse stream. The only external component of the integrated circuit (IC) is capacitor C. The disclosed apparatus consists of low power consuming components which are simple, reliable and inexpensive.
US09575728B1 Random number generation security
A technique for improving random number generation (RNG) security for a data processing system includes a storage subsystem of a processing unit receiving a first deliver a random number (DARN) operation. The storage subsystem issues the first DARN operation with a first value, retrieved from a first base address register (BAR), on a first bus. The processing unit receives (from a first RNG unit) at least one of a first data and a first indication (that indicate whether the first RNG unit is functional) when a second value stored in a second BAR of the first RNG unit is the same as the first value. In response to the first and second values not being the same or the first RNG unit not being functional, the storage subsystem issues the first DARN operation with the first value on a second bus that is coupled to a second RNG unit.
US09575727B2 Methods for generating random data using phase change materials and related devices and systems
Devices and systems operable to generate random numbers are disclosed and described. Such include an array of phase change material cells electrically coupled to circuitry configured to initially set all cells in the array to a high state, send a programming pulse through the array having a current sufficient to randomly set each cell to either the high state or a low state to generate a random distribution of cell states across the array, and to read the random distribution of cell states out of the array.
US09575722B2 Software interface for a specialized hardward device
Embodiments of the disclosure include systems for performing a data manipulation function. The method includes receiving, by a processor, a request from an application to perform the data manipulation function and based on determining that a specialized hardware device configured to perform the data manipulation function is available, the method includes determining if executing the request on the specialized hardware device is viable. Based on determining that the request is viable to execute on the specialized hardware device, the method includes executing the request on the specialized hardware device.
US09575721B2 Head mounted display and method of controlling therefor
A method of controlling a head mounted display (HMD) according to one embodiment of the present specification includes performing a first operation, receiving a first voice input through an audio input unit, processing the first voice input with respect to the first operation while a first contact is detected through a first sensor positioned at a nose pad of the HMD, detecting the first contact being released through the first sensor positioned at a nose pad of the HMD, receiving a second voice input through the audio input unit while the first contact is released, and performing a second operation according to the received second voice input.
US09575720B2 Visual confirmation for a recognized voice-initiated action
Techniques described herein provide a computing device configured to provide an indication that the computing device has recognized a voice-initiated action. In one example, a method is provided for outputting, by a computing device and for display, a speech recognition graphical user interface (GUI) having at least one element in a first visual format. The method further includes receiving, by the computing device, audio data and determining, by the computing device, a voice-initiated action based on the audio data. The method also includes outputting, while receiving additional audio data and prior to executing a voice-initiated action based on the audio data, and for display, an updated speech recognition GUI in which the at least one element is displayed in a second visual format, different from the first visual format, to indicate that the voice-initiated action has been identified.
US09575715B2 Leveling audio signals
The present specification relates to systems, methods, and apparatus including computer program products for editing digital audio data. In some implementations, a method is provided that includes the actions of receiving digital audio data; dividing the audio data into first audio data and second audio data; performing on-line processing of the first and second audio data including segmenting the first audio data according to one or more partitioning parameters into discrete time partitions, sequentially analyzing for each discrete time partition the first audio data of the corresponding discrete time partition, and modifying the second audio data according to the analysis of the first audio data; and outputting the modified second audio data.
US09575712B2 Interactive whiteboard sharing
Technologies are generally described for providing interactive whiteboard sharing. An interactive whiteboard may enable two or more users to control and interact directly with an interactive whiteboard interface. The whiteboard may also enable users to interact with the whiteboard employing individual client devices connected with the whiteboard over a wireless or wired network. The whiteboard may distinguish each input method and the source of the input. The whiteboard may share the content of the whiteboard's user interface with the user's individual client device, and the user may interact with the whiteboard content on a user interface of the client device. The whiteboard may detect the input on the client device, and may update the content of the whiteboard interface with the input provided at each of the client devices such that the whiteboard may continuously reflect content updates and changes input on the interactive whiteboard and on connected client devices.
US09575711B2 Display apparatus, multi-image display system, and display control method
Each of liquid crystal display apparatuses (10), forming a multi-image display system, includes an image signal processing part (2) which determines a write speed of an image signal based on the number of liquid crystal display apparatuses (10) being aligned in a vertical direction with respect to the lines of an image display device (3) in the multi-image display system. Additionally, the image signal processing part (2) shifts write start timing of the image signal display device (3) based on the location of the corresponding apparatus within the liquid crystal display apparatuses (10) being aligned in the vertical direction with respect to the lines, thus displaying a display image of the corresponding apparatus in the image display device (3) at the determined write speed.
US09575709B2 Display device
The present disclosure relates to a display device, the display device includes a display screen, at least one laser device, a microprocessor and at least one reflection stripe. The display screen is consisted by at least two displays arranged at a matrix, and each display includes frames. The laser device includes a laser scanning system and a laser projector. The microprocessor is used to process image, then transfer the image to the at least two displays and the laser projector of the at least one laser device respectively. The at least one reflection stripe covers the frames between each two of the at least two displays, the laser projector project the image to the reflection stripe, the image displayed on the display screen and the image projected on the reflection stripe by the laser projector form a complete picture.
US09575706B2 Flexible display apparatus and control method thereof
A flexible display apparatus is provided. The flexible display apparatus includes: a display that is bendable, a sensor configured to sense deformation of the display, and a controller configured to perform an operation corresponding to the sensed shape deformation in response to the sensed deformation being shape deformation in which the display is alternately bent in opposing directions within a predetermined time.
US09575704B2 Output system and operation terminal for determining one electronic apparatus from among a plurality of electronic apparatuses
A non-transitory computer readable information recording medium stores a program therein. The program when executed by one or more processors causes an operation terminal to perform determining, based on information that the operation terminal obtains from the outside in response to an operation performed on the operation terminal, an electronic apparatus from among a plurality of electronic apparatuses connected to the operation terminal, the electronic apparatus being one which is to output electronic data stored in an information storage apparatus connected to the operation terminal; obtaining, from the information storage apparatus, electronic data from among a plurality of sets of electronic data stored in the information storage apparatus in a format that the determined electronic apparatus is capable of outputting; and transmitting the obtained electronic data to the determined electronic apparatus.
US09575703B2 Portable electronic printing device
The invention is related to a portable electronic printing device equipped with a microprocessor, comprising a data processing module and a touch display designed for the user to communicate with the device and a printer module electronically connected and integrated in a single housing with the touch display equipped with a paper tray and an opening for paper output from the printer, characterised in that the opening designed for paper output from the printer (5) extends in parallel to the edge of the touch display (3) and is a located at a distance of not more than 80 mm from this edge, more preferably not more than 5 mm from this edge, and most preferably it is adjacent to this edge, wherein the housing of the said device has a back plane located opposite the touch display (3), the said plane being parallel to the surface of the touch display (3) at least in the part comprising the housing of the data processing module (2). The invention also relates to a use of the portable electronic printing device as part of the sales system.
US09575702B2 Information processing apparatus, information processing method, and storage medium storing program having a layered structure
When printing an image displayed by the function of an application, rendering information for rendering an object is determined based on drawing information including the drawing position and size of the object of the image in a first layer constituted by a script instruction set which is translated to be able to execute the script instruction set by a processor when executing the application and is executed by the processor. The object is rendered in accordance with the determined rendering information in a second layer constituted by an instruction set which is translated in advance to be able to execute the instruction set by the processor.
US09575700B2 Image forming apparatus and method of cloning using mobile device
An image forming device and a mobile device are provided. The image forming device includes a file generating unit, which generates a cloning file including set values of the image forming device; and a wireless communication unit, which transmits the cloning file to a mobile device for cloning another image forming device.
US09575694B1 Systems and methods for managing the execution of print jobs
The illustrative embodiments described herein provide systems and methods for managing the execution of print jobs. In one embodiment, a method includes receiving a print job associated with a set of print job parameters. The print job is sent from a computing device associated with a user. The method includes accessing a set of user parameters associated with the user, and determining a print job priority for the print job using the set of print job parameters and the set of user parameters. The method includes identifying a destination printer capable of executing the print job using the set of print job parameters. The method also includes initiating execution of the print job at the destination printer in response to determining to execute the print job based on the print job priority.
US09575693B2 Image forming device, server, and image forming system
An image forming device is provided that includes a first establishment unit configured to establish a connection with a server, a termination unit configured to terminate the connection with the server established by the first establishment unit, a detector configured to detect a connection request issued by the server, and a second establishment unit configured to establish a connection with the server in response to the detector detecting the connection request issued by the server.
US09575688B2 Rapid virtual machine suspend and resume
A method of enabling “fast” suspend and “rapid” resume of virtual machines (VMs) employs a cache that is able to perform input/output operations at a faster rate than a storage device provisioned for the VMs. The cache may be local to a computer system that is hosting the VMs or may be shared cache commonly accessible to VMs hosted by different computer systems. The method includes the steps of saving the state of the VM to a checkpoint file stored in the cache and locking the checkpoint file so that data blocks of the checkpoint file are maintained in the cache and are not evicted, and resuming execution of the VM by reading into memory the data blocks of the checkpoint file stored in the cache.
US09575685B1 Data migration with source device reuse
Releasing a data set at a source device in connection with migrating data from the source device to a target device includes mapping application address space to address space containing metadata for the target device and providing additional local metadata therefor, replacing within the application the address of metadata for the source device with the address of metadata for the target device, setting a diversion flag that is part of the additional local metadata, where the diversion flag indicates a remapping of extent, and closing and unallocating the data set at the source device. Releasing a data set at a source device in connection with migrating data from the source device to a target device may also include determining if an application uses standard I/O operations. The metadata may include UCB data.
US09575683B2 Processing shaped data
Systems and methods of processing shaped data to include selectively performing a modification operation. The modification operation may be performed in response to determining that shaped data satisfies one or more shaping adjustment criteria. Shaping of data may be discontinued to at least a portion of a memory based on a health metric for the portion satisfying a threshold.
US09575682B2 Maintaining versions of data in solid state memory
Various embodiments are directed to maintaining versions of data within a solid state memory. At least one request to write at least one dataset to a logical page of a solid state memory is received from a file system. At least one physical page in a data block of the solid state memory associated with the logical page is identified. A processor stores the dataset in the at least one physical page. At least one data versioning tag is associated with the at least one dataset in a data structure associated with the logical page. The data versioning tag identifies the at least one dataset as a given version of the logical page. The at least one dataset is maintained as accessible from the at least one physical page irrespective of subsequent write operations to the logical page in response to associating the at least one data versioning tag.
US09575680B1 Deduplication rehydration
A method for deduplication rehydration is described. In one embodiment, a request to restore a backup image is received. The backup image is stored in a deduplication system. The backup image includes a plurality of data segments. The method includes determining locality information for at least one of the plurality of data segments. The locality information includes information regarding a location of the at least one data segment in relation to each other data segment of the plurality of data segments in the backup image. The method includes obtaining an identifier of each data container storing the plurality of data segments of the backup image, determining a degree to which the plurality of data segments of the backup image are processed by prefetching, and prefetching one or more of the plurality of target data segments from a data container based at least in part on a predetermined effectiveness threshold.
US09575677B2 Storage system power management using controlled execution of pending memory commands
The various embodiments described herein include methods and/or systems for throttling power in a storage device. In one aspect, a method of operation in a storage system includes obtaining a power metric corresponding to a count of active memory commands in the storage system, where active memory commands are commands being executed by the storage system. The method further includes, in accordance with a determination that the power metric satisfies one or more power thresholds, deferring execution of one or more pending memory commands.
US09575676B2 Methods for synchronizing storage system data
In accordance with one example, a method for comparing data units is disclosed comprising generating a first digest representing a first data unit stored in a first memory. A first encoded value is generated based, at least in part, on the first digest and a predetermined value. A second digest representing a second data unit stored in a second memory different from the first memory, is generated. A second encoded value is derived based, at least in part, on the second digest and the predetermined value. It is determined whether the first data unit and the second data unit are the same based, at least in part, on the first digest, the first predetermined value, the first encoded value, and the second digest, by first processor. If the second data unit is not the same as the first data unit, the first data unit is stored in the second memory.
US09575674B2 Data streaming for solid-state bulk storage devices
Methods facilitate data streaming in bulk storage devices by generating linked lists containing entries for both user data and metadata. These linked lists containing mixed data types facilitate receiving and outputting user data, and to insert or ignore, respectively, metadata corresponding to that user data without interrupting flow of the user data.
US09575673B2 Accessing a file system using tiered deduplication
An illustrative pseudo-file-system driver uses deduplication functionality and resources in a storage management system to provide an application and/or a virtual machine with access to a locally-stored file system. From the perspective of the application/virtual machine, the file system appears to be of virtually unlimited capacity. The pseudo-file-system driver instantiates the file system in primary storage, e.g., configured on a local disk. The application/virtual machine requires no configured settings or limits for the file system's storage capacity, and may thus treat the file system as “infinite.” The pseudo-file-system driver intercepts write requests and may use the deduplication infrastructure in the storage management system to offload excess data from local primary storage to deduplicated secondary storage, based on a deduplication database. The pseudo-file-system driver also intercepts read requests and in response may restore data from deduplicated secondary storage to primary storage, also based on the deduplication database.
US09575672B2 Storage system comprising flash memory and storage control method in which a storage controller is configured to determine the number of allocatable pages in a pool based on compression information
A storage system has a plurality of flash packages, and a storage controller for receiving a write request from a host and sending a write-data write request based on data conforming to this write request to a write-destination flash package. A virtual capacity, which is larger than the physical capacity of the flash package, is defined in the storage controller. The storage system compresses the write data, and writes the compressed write data to the write-destination flash chip.
US09575667B2 Shaping I/O traffic by managing queue depth in fractional increments
A method for managing input/output (I/O) traffic in an information handling system. The method may include receiving electronic I/O requests from a network-attached server, determining a queue depth limit, monitoring latency of processed electronic I/O requests, and processing received electronic I/O requests. The number of electronic I/O requests permitted to be processed over a period of time may be based on a mathematical combination of the queue depth limit and a latency of processed electronic I/O requests. The determined queue depth limit may be a fractional value.
US09575665B2 Graphics display system with unified memory architecture
A graphics display system integrated circuit is used in a set-top box for controlling a television display. The graphics display system processes analog video input, digital video input, and graphics input. The system incorporates a unified memory architecture that is shared by the graphics system, a CPU, and other peripherals. The unified memory architecture uses real time scheduling to service tasks. Critical instant analysis is used to find a schedule for memory usage that does not affect memory requirements of real time tasks while at the same time servicing non-real-time tasks as needed.
US09575663B2 Solid state drive and operation method thereof
A solid state drive in accordance with embodiments of the present inventive concepts may include a nonvolatile memory, a volatile memory, a memory controller controlling the nonvolatile memory and the volatile memory, and a power generator providing power to the nonvolatile memory, the volatile memory, and the memory controller. A method of operating the solid state drive may include designating a bank that will perform a self refresh among a plurality of banks included in the volatile memory in response to a power saving mode signal. Information of the designated bank may be stored in a register in response to a command and an address signal; and a self refresh of the designated bank may be performed on the basis of the information stored in the register.
US09575662B2 Multi-device memory serial architecture
Subject matter disclosed herein relates to memory devices comprising a memory array, a first port to interface with a memory controller directly or indirectly via another memory device, a second port to interface with yet another memory device, and a switch to selectively electrically connect the memory controller to a circuit path leading to the second port or to the memory array, wherein the switch may be responsive to a signal generated by the memory controller.
US09575661B2 Nonvolatile memory systems configured to use deduplication and methods of controlling the same
Systems and methods of determining a similarity between data units in a nonvolatile memory are disclosed. One method includes obtaining first and second data units and dividing the first and second data units into a first plurality of non-overlapping chunks of data and a second plurality of non-overlapping chunks of data. The method further includes determining a first plurality of values and a second plurality of values associated with the chunks, and determining a similarity between the first second data units based on the first plurality values and of the second plurality of values. In one example embodiment, a similarity between an incoming data unit and another data unit is determined based on the number of buckets storing an incoming index value and another index value associated with the another data unit. A plurality of buckets in a table is determined based on a selected plurality of hash values.
US09575660B2 Flexibly storing defined presets for configuration of storage controller
Storing defined presets for configuration of a storage controller may include providing a storage controller interface to define a preset associated with an action of the storage controller; receiving preset parameter values for the preset via the interface; validating the preset parameter values to check that the preset is valid; storing the preset within the storage controller, and creating one or more preset objects from the preset, the preset object being accessible by the storage controller at run time. The preset may include a human-readable name; an action name indicating to which associated storage controller action the preset applies, and a set of parameter name-value pairs.
US09575658B2 Collaborative release of a virtual disk
A method for opening a virtual disk comprises reading information from a metadata file that identifies the current owner of the virtual disk. The method further includes sending a release request to the current owner of the virtual disk to release the virtual disk, writing information to the metadata file identifying the new owner, and then opening the virtual disk.
US09575656B2 Method, electronic device, and computer program product for displaying virtual button
A method, an electronic device, and a computer program product for displaying a virtual button are provided in the invention. The method includes the following steps. First, the virtual button is activated. Each interactive object displayed on a display frame of a touch screen is detected to obtain an object region occupied by each of the interactive objects, and an initial position of the virtual button on the display frame is obtained. Next, whether the initial position of the virtual button is located within the object region determined. If yes, the virtual button would be displayed at the initial position. If no, whether a non-object region satisfies a first predetermined condition is determined so as to accordingly display the virtual button at the initial position, a first designated position lies within the non-object region, or a second designated position lies within both of the object region and the non-object region.
US09575652B2 Instantiable gesture objects
Instantiable gesture object techniques are described in which native gesture functionality is abstracted to applications using a script-based recognition interface. Gesture objects may be instantiated for different interaction contexts at the direction of applications programmed using dynamic scripting languages. Gesture objects can be configured to designate particular touch contacts and/or other inputs to consider for gesture recognition and a target element of content to which corresponding recognized gestures are applicable. After creation, gesture objects manage gesture processing operations on behalf of the applications including creating recognizers with the native gesture system, feeding input data for processing, and transforming raw gesture data into formats appropriate for the application and/or a target element. Accordingly, script-based applications may use the gesture objects to offload processing tasks associated with gesture recognition and take advantage of native gesture functionality.
US09575651B2 Touchscreen selection of graphical objects
For integrating multiple different touch based inputs, a method is disclosed that includes displaying a graphical object on a touch screen device, receiving an input of a user touch of the graphical object on the touch screen, and altering an indicated portion of the touch screen responsive to a characteristic of the touch.
US09575648B2 Application programming interfaces for gesture operations
At least certain embodiments of the present disclosure include an environment with user interface software interacting with a software application to provide gesture operations for a display of a device. A method for operating through an application programming interface (API) in this environment includes transferring a scaling transform call. The gesture operations include performing a scaling transform such as a zoom in or zoom out in response to a user input having two or more input points. The gesture operations also include performing a rotation transform to rotate an image or view in response to a user input having two or more input points.
US09575640B2 System for storage and navigation of application states and interactions
Complex collaboration or decision support applications perform complex design or planning tasks, often with the input of large groups of people over long periods of time. The combination of time and complexity can often obscure past actions, making it difficult to remember the factors that influenced earlier stages in the planning task. This is especially true if the task involves many people and different people work at different times. The application state navigation system provides an application-independent mechanism that allows operators to walk back through the history of the application in order to better understand (or remember) the application actions that were taken in the past and the triggers for those actions.
US09575638B2 Browser navigation for devices with a limited input system
Methods, system, and computer program products for browsing content with a display area and input system that may be limited in comparison to more traditional browsing systems. Movement between and selection of interactive elements generally occurs in a navigation mode, whereas interaction with a single interactive element generally occurs in an edit mode. In navigation mode, a direction input selects the next interactive element in the direction indicated. If no interactive element is at least partially visible in the direction indicated or if a selected interactive element is only partially visible, the display scrolls. Switching between navigation mode and edit mode is based on the input received, in view of the input supported, by a particular interactive element. Interactive elements may be limited to the width of available display area.
US09575637B2 Method and system for monitoring domain name registrations
Improved approaches to domain name monitoring. The monitoring of domain names, e.g., registrations therefor, is beneficial to holders of similar domain names, trademark owners, and competitors. Such monitoring can be automatically performed.
US09575636B2 Graphical user interface for tracking context
Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a user interface having a header or banner that displays information about a current context to help a user to gather information. In one example, the user interface displays information of a datacenter's health and status, including alerts that have been triggered. The user interface displays a context banner that tracks information gathered and actions taken within the context of the alert, and provides aggregate information or detailed information about the alert.
US09575634B2 Techniques for asynchronous rendering
Techniques for asynchronous rendering are described. An apparatus may comprise a layout component, a view component, and a display component. The layout component may be operative on one or more background threads to receive a plurality of layout objects and to calculate layout parameters for each of the plurality of layout objects. The view component may be operative on a main thread to instantiate a plurality of view objects, wherein a view object is created for and associated with each of the plurality of layout objects. The display component may be operative on the main thread to create a display of a plurality of placeholders, wherein a placeholder is displayed for each of the plurality of view objects according to layout parameters of an associated view object. Other embodiments are described and claimed.
US09575632B2 Content scrubbing
Navigation of electronic content using content scrubbing is contemplated. The content scrubbing may include moving from one offset position within the content to another offset position as a function of user interaction with a navigational feature, such as but not necessary limited to scrubbing pages in an e-book or frames in a video according to user interaction with a mouse, touchpad, touchscreen, etc.
US09575631B2 Method for selecting and controlling second work process during first work process in multitasking mobile terminal
Provided is a method for controlling a plurality of work processes in a multitasking mobile terminal, and more particularly, a method for selecting a second work process during a first work process and controlling a predetermined function of the selected second work process. In the controlling method, icons corresponding to the respective work processes are displayed in response to a user command, and a desired work process is selected through the displayed icons. A predetermined function of the selected work process is controlled through a pop-up menu activated in response to the user command.
US09575627B2 Display and operating device
In a display and operating device for the functions of a menu, which includes multiple functions, in a vehicle having a screen display and input device for preselection of a function by dialing a respective screen symbol, all the functions of the menu may be displayed simultaneously on the screen display and may be preselected individually in a visually discernible manner by the input device. The preselected functions are jointly activatable in response to a switch command.
US09575625B2 Communicating between a virtual area and a physical space
Apparatus transmits an identifier for association with a virtual area by an administering network service, generates output data from human perceptible stimulus in a physical space, transmits the output data in connection with the virtual area, receives input data associated with the virtual area, and generates human perceptible stimulus in the physical space from the input data. A persistent association is created between the apparatus and a virtual area. A respective presence is established in the virtual area for a communicant operating a client network node connected to the virtual area. A respective connection between each active pair of complementary sources and sinks of the client network node and the apparatus are administered in association with the virtual area. A client network node displays a graphical user interface, establishes the administered connections, and presents interaction controls associated with the object for interacting with communicants in the physical space.
US09575622B1 Systems and methods for electronic signature
Systems and methods facilitating electronic signatures (E-Signatures) are provided. Multiple E-Signatures can be provided to electronic documents through a simple command, such as a selection of a single graphical element. A user's signatures, initials, or other identifier can be added to the electronic document in the appropriate fields upon receipt of the appropriate command or command set from the user.
US09575618B2 Multi-user process management
In general, this disclosure describes techniques for managing user profiles and associated processes of a multi-user computing device. For example, a computing device executes processes associated with a plurality of active user profiles of the computing device, and determines that an aggregate memory allocation of the plurality of active user profiles exceeds a threshold. Responsive to the determining, the computing device selects an active user profile for which to stop activity and automatically stops the activity associated with the selected active user profile.
US09575616B2 Educator effectiveness
Various implementations for managing, monitoring, and promoting user development and effectiveness are described. In one example implementation, a system includes a management module, an assessment module, a content module, and a reporting module. The management module determines a goal for a plurality of users of an organization to meet and a workflow for achieving the goal. The assessment module determines an assessment of a first performance of the first user based on the workflow and personalizes an electronic resource to a need of the first user based on the assessment of the performance. The content module provides the first electronic resource to the first user for interaction and the reporting module generates a report describing the electronic resource and the assessment of the first performance.
US09575615B1 Presenting supplemental content
A user of a computing device may view an initial content item in a landscape orientation on a display of a computing device. When the user rotates the computing device, supplemental content may be presented in a portrait orientation on the display of the computing device. The supplemental content may include virtually any information in which the user may be interested and/or that is related or similar to the content item. Accordingly, rather than presenting such supplemental content upon an affirmative request or search by the user, the supplemental content is presented to the user automatically when the user rotates the computing device from a landscape position to a portrait position or vice versa.
US09575613B2 Touch-sensing apparatus, touch system, and touch-detection method
A touch-sensing apparatus includes a signal-receiving module and a control unit. The signal-receiving module includes a mechanical wave-receiving unit and an electromagnetic wave-receiving unit. The mechanical wave-receiving unit is configured to receive a mechanical wave signal actively emitted by a touch object. The electromagnetic wave-receiving unit, adjacent to the mechanical wave-receiving unit, is configured to receive an electromagnetic wave signal actively emitted by the touch object. The control unit is electrically connected to the mechanical wave-receiving unit and the electromagnetic wave-receiving unit, and decides an azimuth angle and a distance of the touch object on a sensing surface with respect to the signal-receiving module according to the electromagnetic wave signal and the mechanical wave signal, and decides a position of the touch object on the sensing surface according to the azimuth angle and the distance. A touch system and a touch-detection method are also provided.
US09575609B2 Display device with touch detection function and electronic apparatus
According to an aspect, a display device with a touch detection function includes a display area and a touch detection electrode that includes thin wire segments having first and second ends. Thin wire segments include a thin wire segment extending in a direction different from a pixel arrangement direction in which color regions having the highest human visibility are arranged. The second end is located away from the first end in a direction toward a target position that is distant from the first end in a pixel orthogonal direction by N times of a maximum length of one of the pixels in the pixel orthogonal direction, and in the pixel arrangement direction by M times of a maximum length of one of the pixels in the pixel arrangement direction. Each of N and M is an integer of 2 or larger. N and M are different from each other.
US09575608B2 Touch panel
A touch panel that includes a dielectric film and a piezoelectric film. A first capacitance detection electrode is disposed on an upper main surface of the dielectric film, a second capacitance detection electrode and a first piezoelectric voltage detection electrode are disposed between a lower main surface of the dielectric film and an upper main surface of the piezoelectric film, and a second piezoelectric voltage detection electrode is disposed on a lower main surface of the piezoelectric film. The first capacitance detection electrode includes plural sub-electrodes extending in a first direction, the second capacitance detection electrode includes plural sub-electrodes extending in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, and the first piezoelectric voltage detection electrode includes plural sub-electrodes disposed between the plural sub-electrodes.
US09575603B2 Touch device, touch panel, and method for controlling the same
A touch panel includes a substrate and a first electrode array. The first electrode array is disposed on the substrate and includes first and second touch regions. The first electrode array further includes first, second, third, and fourth electrodes. The first electrode is disposed on the first touch region. The second electrode is disposed on the first touch region corresponding in position to the first electrode. The third electrode is disposed on the second touch region. The fourth electrode is disposed on the second touch region corresponding in position to the third electrode. In addition, the first to fourth electrodes are all disposed on the same layer. The first electrode is disposed diagonally to the fourth electrode, and the first electrode is electrically coupled to the fourth electrode. Furthermore, a method for controlling the touch panel is also disclosed herein.
US09575602B1 Multi-touch disambiguation
A capacitance sensing method may include performing a first scan of a plurality of sensor elements of a touch-sensing surface to detect a plurality of capacitance values indicating a presence of multiple contacts at the touch sensing surface. Based on the plurality of capacitance values, a plurality of coordinates may be calculated that indicate a plurality of possible contact locations for the multiple contacts. In response to detecting that the plurality of coordinates indicates the presence of the multiple contacts, a resolve scan of at least a first intersection of sensor elements may be performed, where the first intersection corresponds to at least one of the possible contact locations. Based on the resolve scan, at least one of the possible contact locations may be identified as an actual contact location of one of the multiple contacts.
US09575598B2 Inputting fingertip sleeve
An apparatus is disclosed. The apparatus includes a sleeve and an inputting end. The sleeve is configured to receive a finger. The inputting end is fixed on the sleeve. The inputting end includes a supporter and a conductive layer. The conductive layer is located on a surface of the supporter. The conductive layer includes at least one graphene layer.
US09575594B2 Control of virtual object using device touch interface functionality
A virtual object can be controlled using one or more touch interfaces. A location for a first touch input can be determined on a first touch interface. A location for a second touch input can be determined on a second touch interface. A three-dimensional segment can be generated using the location of the first touch input, the location of the second touch input, and a pre-determined spatial relationship between the first touch interface and the second touch interface. The virtual object can be manipulated using the three-dimensional segment as a control input.
US09575592B1 Display device with data line precharging at boundary between touch driving period and display driving period
Disclosed is a display device including: a display panel including data lines and gate lines; a touch screen including a plurality of touch screens; a data driving circuit for supplying a data voltage to the data lines; a gate driving circuit for supplying a gate voltage to the gate lines; a touch sensing circuit for applying a driving signal to the touch sensors to sense a change in a voltage or a capacitance value of the touch sensors; and a timing controller for time-dividing a first frame period into a first driving period for sensing the touch sensors and a second driving period for performing display on the display panel, wherein the timing controller performs a control to supply a data voltage to a first area of the first driving period adjacent to a boundary surface between the first driving period and the second driving period.
US09575580B2 Matrix sensor network and method for selecting a group of rows and reading columns of the matrix sensor network
An apparatus comprising: a sensor network comprising: a first plurality of rows, a second plurality of columns and a third plurality of sensor elements wherein each sensor element is associated with a unique combination of a row and a column but not every unique combination of row and column is associated with a sensor; selection circuitry configured to concurrently select a group of the first plurality of rows; reading circuitry configured to concurrently read columns during a concurrent selection; and control circuitry configured to determine the group of the first plurality of rows that are concurrently selected.
US09575573B2 Stylus with touch sensor
A stylus may have an elongated body with opposing ends. Electronic equipment may have a touch sensor that receives electromagnetic signals from one or more electrodes. The stylus may have a touch sensor on the elongated body. The touch sensor on the body may have electrodes that gather touch input and optional force input when the fingers of a user touch the stylus. The touch input may include touch gestures in which a user's fingers move along the length of the stylus and may include rotational information indicative of how the stylus is being rotated between the user's fingers. The stylus may have a force sensor that monitors how firmly the stylus is being pressed against external surface and may have other input-output devices. The stylus may transition between operating modes based on signals from the force sensor and other input-output devices in the stylus.
US09575571B2 Contact type finger mouse and operation method thereof
The present invention relates to a contact type finger mouse and an operating method thereof. The contact type finger mouse according to one embodiment of the present invention comprises: a pressure sensor unit for sensing pressure generated between a finger and a fixed surface through a plurality of pressure sensors fixed at a lower part of the finger; a signal processing unit for determining a movement direction and a movement speed value of a mouse pointer on the basis of pressure values acquired through the sensing; and a signal transmission unit for generating control data comprising information on the determined movement direction and the determined movement speed value of the mouse pointer, and transmitting the generated control data to an interworking device.
US09575567B2 Keyboard and keys
In a preferred form, a keyboard has a single row of eight multi-position keys with the letters arranged in a standard QWERTY keyboard configuration. The eight keys correspond to the eight fingers used when touch typing; each finger operates one key, and that key contains all the letters that the finger normally accesses when touch typing on a standard QWERTY keyboard. With this design, no finger has to move to a different key while typing. When depressed at different locations on its key face, each key either moves straight down, or down while tilting slightly about one of a plurality of axes. Three-position keys have two tilt axes and six-position keys have five tilt axes. The keys utilize contacts located on the bottom of the keys which may be conductive or nonconductive.
US09575565B2 Element selection device, element selection method, and program
A selectable element or an element image associated with the element is displayed on a screen of a display unit. A representation of a person whose image is captured with a detection unit, or an indicator that moves in conjunction with a motion of the person is displayed on the screen. The element or the element image is moved so as to be driven out of the representation or the indicator thus displayed. The element is judged as selected based on a movement degree or a post-movement position of the element or the element image thus moved.
US09575562B2 User interface systems and methods for managing multiple regions
A user interface system includes a plane registration module configured to identify a first plane within an environment, and a gesture and posture recognition (GPR) module configured to observe a first allocation gesture, a second allocation gesture, a first modal gesture, a second modal gesture, and a third modal gesture within the environment. A region definition module is configured to determine a first region comprising a first portion of the first plane based on the first allocation gesture, and to determine a second region comprising a second portion of the first plane based on the second allocation gesture. A mode determination module is configured to determine different interaction modes for the various regions. A visual feedback module is configured to provide visual feedback associated with a parameter of the first region.
US09575561B2 Method, apparatus and system for interacting with content on web browsers
A method, apparatus and system enable indirect remote interaction with a web browser. In one embodiment, remote user gestures may be captured and processed to determine an action to be taken by the web browser.
US09575558B2 System and method for electronically assisting a customer at a product retail location
A method is disclosed for electronically assisting a customer through a buying cycle at a product retail location having a product oriented display. The method includes sensing an amount of time the customer is interested in the display. Another operation is determining the customer's stage in a product buying cycle based on the amount of time the customer is interested in the display and displaying product detail based on the customer's stage in the buying cycle. The display can be changed to a subsequent stage in the buying cycle having more time and interaction between the customer and the display.
US09575550B1 Method for coordinating operation of an off-grid, hybrid power system and an information technology system
A method for coordinating operation of an off-grid, hybrid power system and an information technology (IT) system comprising the following steps: powering the IT system with the off-grid, hybrid power system according to a power generation management scheme designed to maximize fuel savings, wherein the hybrid power system comprises a generator and an electrical energy storage source; monitoring tasks performed by the IT system with a processor; determining which component of the hybrid power system is currently powering the IT system; and dynamically changing the tasks performed by the IT system depending on which component of the hybrid power system is currently powering the IT system such that the IT system only performs high priority tasks when the energy storage source is powering the IT system and such that a queue of low priority tasks are held in abeyance until the generator is powering the IT system.
US09575546B2 Information processing apparatus selectively enabling or disabling packets discarding feature by its network interface card
Whether to enable a packet discarding mode is designated and, if an information processing apparatus operates in a power saving mode and the packet discarding mode is enabled, the information processing apparatus determines processing for a received packet based on a proxy response pattern, a WOL pattern, and a discard pattern, and, if the information processing apparatus operates in the power saving mode and the packet discarding mode is disabled, the information processing apparatus determines processing for the received packet based on the proxy response pattern and the WOL pattern without using the discard pattern.
US09575540B1 Power consumption management device, system and method thereof
A power consumption management method including acquiring total power consumption of a consumption object in real time, determining whether the total power consumption of the consumption object is greater than or equal to a predetermined upper threshold, determining one or more servers whose current power consumption is greater than or equal to a first predetermined percent of a full-load power as high-consuming servers, when the total power consumption of the consumption object is greater than or equal to the predetermined upper threshold, determining whether a quantity of the high-consuming servers is greater than or equal to a predetermined value, and setting a maximum CPU utilization of each server as a second predetermined percent when the quantity of the high-consuming servers is greater than or equal to the predetermined value.
US09575539B2 Virtual machine power consumption measurement and management
Embodiments of the virtual machine power metering system and method measure the power consumption of individual virtual machines. Power meter measurements for a physical host server are converted into individual virtual machine power meters that measure the power consumption of each individual virtual machine residing on the host server. The virtual machine power consumption is computed by generating a power model using the total power consumption of the host server and resource utilization for a virtual machine. Optimal power model coefficients are computed using the power model. The energy used by the virtual machine is computed using one of two embodiments. Embodiments of the system and method also can be used to obtain the power consumption for a specific activity (such as a service, request, or search query). In addition, the virtual machine power metering can be used for virtual machine power capping to allow power oversubscription in virtualized environments.
US09575538B2 Mobile device
A mobile terminal according to the present invention comprises a motion sensor sensing a motion of the user while maintaining an activation state even when the main processor is in a sleep state; a grip sensor being deactivated in case the main processor is in the sleep state and sensing the user's grip; and a sub-processor, where the sub-processor, in case a predetermined motion of the user is detected while the main processor is in the sleep state, determines the user's grip by activating the grip sensor and wakes up the main processor in the event of sensing the user's grip but keeps the main processor in the sleep state otherwise.
US09575536B2 Methods and apparatus to estimate power performance of a job that runs on multiple nodes of a distributed computer system
A non-transitory computer readable storage medium having stored thereon instructions executable by one or more processors to perform operations including: receiving a plurality of input parameters including (i) a workload type, (ii) a list of selected nodes belonging to a distributed computer system, and (iii) a list of frequencies; responsive to receiving the plurality of workload parameters, retrieving calibration data from a calibration database; generating a power estimate based on the plurality of workload parameters and the calibration data; and providing the power estimate to a resource manager is shown. Alternatively, the input parameters may include (i) a workload type, (ii) a list of selected nodes belonging to a distributed computer system, and (iii) an amount of available power, wherein the estimator may provide an estimation of the frequency at which the nodes should operate to utilize as much of the available power without exceeding the available power.
US09575530B2 Board, communications device, and method for supplying power for board
A board includes a functional module, and further includes n switch modules, where first ends of the n switch modules are connected to the functional module, and second ends of the n switch modules are connected to n main power interface units respectively, where n is an integer greater than or equal to 2; and a power supply selecting module connected to control ends of the n switch modules, where the power supply selecting module is configured to detect residual power of the n main power interface units, select, from main power interface units with residual power greater than or equal to rated power of the board, a main power interface unit with lowest residual power as a power supply interface unit, and control a switch module connected to the power supply interface unit to be switched on.
US09575529B2 Voltage droop reduction in a processor
A processor is provided having a common supply rail, and one or more processor cores, where the one or more processor cores share the common supply rail. Each processor core(s) includes a core dIPC value output and a core throttling signal input, and a chip power management logic, which has at least one input for inputting the core dIPC value, a threshold register for a dIPC threshold value, a chip dIPC register for a current global dIPC value, at least one chip dIPC history register for a historic global dIPC value, a subtractor providing an absolute difference of an average historic global dIPC derived from the historic global dIPC value and the current global dIPC value, a magnitude comparator providing a throttling signal when the absolute difference is above the dIPC threshold value, and at least one output for outputting a core throttling signal to the processor core(s).
US09575526B2 Electronic device having power generation function, control method of electronic device having power generation function, and portable electronic device having power generation function, and control method of portable electronic device having power generation function
An electronic device is equipped with power generating means (unit), a secondary battery, a device, charging detection means (unit), battery voltage detection means (unit), and a time display control means (unit). The time display control means (unit) is equipped with an operation suspension portion, an operation resumption portion, a timer, a persistence display control portion and a timer updating portion. The timer updating portion updates the remaining time of the timer to the persistence time according to the detected voltage detected by the battery voltage detection means (unit) is longer than the remaining time, and operates the timer in operation as it is when the persistence time according to the detected voltage is equal to or less than the remaining time of the timer in operation.
US09575524B1 Electronic devices with ventilation systems
An electronic device such as a portable computer may be provided with a lower housing and an upper housing. The electronic device may include hinge structures which allow the upper housing to rotate about a rotational axis relative to the lower housing. The electronic device may include a ventilation port structure with intake openings that allow air to be drawn into the electronic device. The ventilation structure may also include exhaust openings that are used to expel air from the lower housing. When the electronic device is in an open position, it may be desirable for the ventilation structure to form more exhaust openings than when the electronic device is in a closed position. The ventilation structure may form lower exhaust openings when the electronic device is in the closed position and form upper and lower exhaust openings when the electronic device is in the open position.
US09575522B2 Mobile terminal and manufacturing method for heat spreader module
There is disclosed a mobile terminal including a display panel, a frame comprising a front surface where the display panel is disposed, a rear case coupled to one surface of the frame, to form an electric/electronic control unit there between the frame and the rear case, a heat spreader module provided between the display panel and the frame, wherein the heat spreader module includes a metallic plate in contact with the display panel, a heat spreading material layer disposed on a rear surface of the metallic plate and an adhesive layer disposed between the heat spreading material layer and the metallic plate to bond the metallic plate and the heat spreading material layer with each other. Even when the frame is partially eliminated, the mobile terminal may support the display panel and securing the heat spreading performance simultaneously, using the heat spreader module having a preset rigidity.
US09575520B1 Main board assembly and server including the same
A main board assembly for being equipped with at least one of a standard expansion card and a low profile expansion card includes a base board, a first expansion slot, a second expansion slot, a third expansion slot and a switching circuit. There is a first distance between the second expansion slot and the first edge, and there is a second distance between the second expansion slot and the third expansion slot, which are greater than the width of the standard expansion card. There is a third distance between the first expansion slot and the third expansion slot, which is two times greater than the width of the low profile expansion card.
US09575514B2 Enclosure features of a portable computing device
An enclosure for a portable computing device is disclosed. The enclosure includes a top case and a bottom case. The bottom case includes a retention feature that receives a snap member. The top case includes a tapered protrusion that is received by the snap member in order to secure the top case to the bottom case. Other features may be included. For example, the retention feature may also receive a tab member that secures the snap member to the retention feature. The retention feature and the tapered protrusion allow for alternate securing means between the top case and the bottom case. As a result, fewer fasteners are required to secure the top case with the bottom case.
US09575512B2 Flexible touch sensitive display device and control method thereof
A flexible display device including a flexible display unit; and a controller configured to receive a first touch input at a first position on the flexible display unit in a flat state, store, in a memory, first position information of the first touch input that is offset a first predetermined amount from the first position, receive a second touch input at the first position on the flexible display unit in a first bent state, and store, in the memory, second position information of the second touch input that is offset a second predetermined amount from the first position, wherein the first predetermined amount of offset is greater than the second predetermined amount of offset.
US09575510B1 Precision docking station for an electronic device having integrated retention mechanism
Disclosed is a docking station for an electronic device including a port block, a first electronic connector of the port block, a retention member of the port block, a tray for receiving the electronic device, a sidewall of the tray, an interior side of the sidewall, a first through-hole of the sidewall sized to slidably receive the first connector, a second through hole of the sidewall sized to slidably receive the retention member, wherein the port block is configured to slide between a substantially open position and a substantially closed position with respect to the sidewall of the tray, and wherein the first connector protrudes from the first through-hole on the interior side of the sidewall of the tray when the port block is in the substantially closed position.
US09575509B2 Electronic device with stackable modules
An electronic device includes a host module and a first expansion module. The first expansion module has a first wall and a second wall substantially parallel to the first wall. A host connector is located on the second wall. The first expansion module includes a first coupling wall and a first expansion wall substantially parallel to the first coupling wall. A first coupler is located on the first coupling wall. The first expansion module can be stacked on the host module where the first coupling wall contacts the second wall. The first coupler is electrically and detachably coupled to the host connector.
US09575507B1 Crack mitigation in an optically transparent exterior of a portable electronic device
A cover glass including a center region and an outer region abutting the center region at an interface. The interface inhibits crack propagation from the outer region to the center region and vice versa. In another embodiment the cover glass may include mitigation voids introduced into the cover glass to inhibit crack propagation. The interface may be formed from the mitigation voids.
US09575506B2 Protecting casing for a portable electronic device
A protecting casing for a portable electronic device has a shell and a detachable actuating panel. The actuating panel has a curved clamping sheet crossing over a front edge of the portable electronic device. A lock cylinder is mounted between the shell and the actuating panel. When the lock cylinder is locked, the actuating panel is secured. When the lock cylinder is unlocked, the actuating panel is detachable. Therefore, the actuating panel increases the stability for the protecting casing to be mounted around the portable electronic device. Further, a bolt is connected detachably to the actuating panel and the shell to selectively fasten the protecting casing and the portable electronic device at a fixed position so that the portable electronic device is kept from being stolen.
US09575498B2 Low dropout regulator bleeding current circuits and methods
The present disclosure includes circuits and methods for generating bleeding currents. In one embodiment, a pass transistor of a voltage regulator receives a voltage from a feedback circuit. A negative resistance circuit is coupled to a node to produce a bleeding current that turns on when needed and is otherwise off to save power. In one embodiment, the negative resistance circuit includes stacked current mirrors and a resistor. In another embodiment, the resistor has a first terminal that receives the voltage from the feedback circuit and a second terminal is coupled to a constant reference voltage that tracks the input voltage.
US09575496B2 HVAC controller with user-friendly installation features with wire insertion detection
Arrangements for configuring a thermostat for controlling a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system are presented. A thermostat may receive information indicative of the HVAC system comprising an air conditioner and information indicative of the HVAC system comprising a multi-stage heat pump. The thermostat may modify configuration information of the thermostat based on the information indicative of the air conditioner and the information indicative of the multi-stage heat pump. The thermostat may then control the HVAC system in accordance with the modified configuration information.
US09575494B2 Mechanisms for processing wafer
Embodiments of mechanisms for processing a wafer are provided. A method for processing a wafer includes creating an exhaust flow in a fluid conduit assembly that is connected to a process module used for processing the wafer. The method also includes detecting the exhaust pressure in the fluid conduit assembly. The method further includes determining whether the exhaust pressure meets a set point. In addition, the method includes regulating the exhaust flow if the exhaust pressure fails to meet the set point.
US09575485B2 Compound machining method and apparatus
A method of machining a workpiece may include continuously rotating the workpiece, continuously rotating a tool having at least one cutting surface, and positioning the tool relative to the workpiece so that the at least one cutting surface engages the workpiece at a first discrete location at a periphery of the workpiece. The method may further include continuing to rotate the workpiece and the tool so that the at least one cutting surface engages a second discrete location at the periphery of the workpiece, and controlling a tool surface velocity VT relative to the workpiece surface velocity VW so that the first and second discrete locations are discontinuous. The tool may make multiple iterative passes over the workpiece to engage subsequent discrete locations, wherein the first discrete location, second discrete location, and multiple subsequent discrete locations may form a machined surface that extends continuously around the workpiece.
US09575482B2 Apparatus and method for adjusting a voltage in a power distribution system
The present invention relates to an apparatus and method for performing adjustment to optimize the voltage for each distribution network in a power distribution system. The apparatus for adjusting a voltage in the power distribution system adjusts the voltage by switching a switch that lies on a path in the power distribution system. The apparatus determines a switch that is to become a switching target from among switches lying on the path, obtains a voltage optimization value of the determined switching target switch, selects a switch having the minimum voltage optimization value by changing the switching target switch to another switch in order to obtain the voltage optimization value, and adjusts the voltage through switching of the selected switch.
US09575474B2 Actuating drive, actuating drive system, method for operating an actuating drive, and method for operating an actuating drive system
In an actuating drive (1) having an electric motor (2) which is driven by a drive unit (4), it is provided to determine a state of charge of an intermediate circuit capacitor (5) of an intermediate circuit (3) which supplies the drive unit (4) and, depending on the determined state of charge, to adjust electrical power consumption by the electric motor (2) such that a critical state of charge of the intermediate circuit capacitor (5) can be avoided.
US09575470B2 System for biometric identity confirmation
A biometric identity confirmation system is based on both pulse wave shape data and spirometric data for the subject. During an initial enrollment mode, pulse wave shape and spirometric data for a known subject are used to generate subject characterization data for the known subject by computing an exemplar and selectively weighting portions of the exemplar based, for example, on repeatability or distinguishing characteristic features over the population of known subjects. During a subsequent identity authentication mode, pulse wave shape and spirometric data for a test subject are analyzed using the subject characterization data to confirm whether the identity of the test subject matches the known subject.
US09575468B2 Satellite radio signal receiver, electronic timepiece, date and time information acquiring method and recording medium
A satellite radio signal receiver includes a receiving section and a processor. The receiving section receives a radio signal from a satellite and demodulates the signal to identify each received bit of the signal. The processor compares the identified received bit with estimated bits which are estimated to be received within a possible deviation range set for a current date and time acquired as a reception time of the received bit, so as to obtain information on comparison result in relation to a deviation from the current date and time. The processor detects the deviation which satisfies a predetermined match condition of comparison results for received bits. The processor acquires date and time information based on the detected deviation which satisfies the predetermined match condition.
US09575466B1 Sensor-enabled fashion timepiece
In a general aspect, an ornamental jewelry piece, such as a watch, a ring or a bracelet, includes a sensor package. In some aspects, a timepiece includes a timepiece body having an interior surface that defines a cavity. The timepiece includes a sensor package and a movement in the cavity. The sensor package includes a sensor that monitors the user and a battery that powers the sensor. The movement operates independent of the battery in the sensor package. In some instances, the sensor package tracks fitness data based on motion detected by the sensor and generates an output to the user based on the fitness data.
US09575464B2 Non-mechanical digital/holographic wide angle control of one or more lasers beams
An apparatus including a laser generating a plane wave beam, a first beam splitter splitting the plane wave beam into a first reference laser beam and at least one ideal input beam, at least one second beam splitter, and an angle-magnifying optical element. The at least one second beam splitter reflects the at least one ideal input beam through the angle-magnifying optical element to generate at least one distorted input beam. The apparatus further includes a focal plane array receiving the first reference laser beam and the at least one distorted input beam and recording at least one interference pattern generated by the first reference laser beam and the at least one distorted input beam. The apparatus further includes a spatial light modulator generating the at least one recorded interference pattern, receiving the reference laser beam, and transmitting at least one time-reversed output beam through the angle-magnifying optical element.
US09575461B2 Process cartridge and image forming method using toner having properties for high image quality
Provided is a process cartridge by which the stability of an image having a high print percentage can be obtained even when high-density loading is performed. The process cartridge is a process cartridge in which a toner having a uniaxial collapse stress at the time of a maximum consolidation stress of 10.0 kPa of 2.0 kPa or more and 4.5 kPa or less, and a total energy measured after its compression of 70 mJ or more and 95 mJ or less is stored in a toner container in a state in which the container has a loading density of 0.70 g/cm3 or more.
US09575460B2 Developer cartridge having developing roller and electrode
In a developing cartridge, a developing roller including a developing roller shaft is configured to rotate around a first rotational axis extending in predetermined extending direction and to carry developer thereon. The cartridge also includes a developing electrode formed of a conductive material and to be electrically connected to the developing roller shaft. The developing electrode includes a main part and a protrusion protruding from the main part in the extending direction. The protrusion has a first portion, which corresponds to a circumferential surface of the protrusion. The cartridge further includes a gear having gear teeth on circumferential portion of the gear. The gear rotates about the protrusion and includes a covering portion covering the first portion and being rotatable with the gear.
US09575455B2 Decoloring device and jam detection time controlling method in decoloring device
A decoloring device according to an embodiment includes a decoloring unit configured to decolor an image on a sheet. A scanner optically reads the sheet and generates image data corresponding to the read sheet. A storage unit stores a first jam detection time and a second jam detection time, the second jam detection time being longer than the first jam detection time. A first sensor detects a sheet being transported in a first transport area. A second sensor detects a sheet being transported in a second transport area. A jam determination unit determines occurrence of a jam in the first transport area based on a detection by the first sensor compared to the first jam detection time, and determines occurrence of a jam in the second transport area based on a duration of a detection by the second sensor compared to the second jam detection time.
US09575450B2 Sheet type detection device that ensures reduced trouble for unexecuted sheet type setting, sheet type detection method, image forming apparatus, and recording medium
A sheet type detection device includes an image reading circuit, a surface property determination circuit, a thickness determination circuit, and a sheet type identifying circuit. The image reading circuit reads a document image to generate image data. The surface property determination circuit determines a sheet surface condition of a sheet type detection target based on the image data generated by the image reading circuit. The thickness determination circuit determines a sheet thickness of the sheet based on the image data generated by the image reading circuit. The sheet type identifying circuit identifies a sheet type based on the determination result of the surface property determination circuit and the determination result of the thickness determination circuit.
US09575446B2 Image forming apparatus that has fixing device having light a belt that is wound around a curved surface of a lens
Provided is a fixing device including an endless belt that rotates around an axis, and transmits light, a lens that includes a curved surface having a top portion closest to an inner peripheral surface of the belt formed at one end when viewed in the axial direction, and concentrates light incident on the curved surface on a fixed object, and a light source that allows the light concentrated on the fixed object to be incident on a portion of the belt, which is different from a portion facing the top portion and has an amplitude smaller than an amplitude of the portion facing the top portion.
US09575444B2 Fixing device and image forming apparatus including same
A fixing device in an image forming apparatus includes a rotatable fixing member; a plurality of heat sources to heat each area of the fixing member in a longitudinal direction thereof; a pressure member configured to contact the fixing member and forming a nip in association with the fixing member; a nip forming member disposed inside the fixing member and opposite the pressure member to form a fixing nip; a temperature controller to detect temperature at each area of the fixing member and control the temperature via lighting control performed by the heat sources; and a plurality of temperature sensors to detect temperature of the fixing member or the pressure member in each heating area heated by the plurality of heat sources. When a sheet size set by the image forming apparatus and an actually conveyed sheet size are different, operating speed of the device is adjusted.
US09575443B2 Image forming apparatus and fixing unit attachable to image forming apparatus
The present invention provides an apparatus having a part of a current detecting circuit configured to detect current to a heater in a fixing unit so that a main body of the image forming apparatus may have one configuration for 100 V and 200 V and provides an equal resolution of current detection for an apparatus for 100 V and an apparatus for 200 V.
US09575440B2 Transfer device, image forming apparatus
A transfer device includes a conveyance belt, a transfer roller, and a stretch roller. The conveyance belt is in contact with an image carrier that carries a toner image, and conveys a sheet via a contact position with the image carrier. A voltage having a polarity opposite to a charging polarity of toner that forms the toner image is applied to the transfer roller, and the transfer roller transfers the toner image carried by the image carrier onto the sheet at the contact position. The stretch roller stretches the conveyance belt at a separation position in which the sheet is separated from the conveyance belt and which is downstream of the contact position in a conveyance direction in which the sheet is conveyed by the conveyance belt, and the voltage having the polarity opposite to the charging polarity of the toner is applied to the stretch roller.
US09575437B2 Image forming apparatus having widthwise adjustment of endless belt
An image forming apparatus includes a toner image carrying drum; and an image transfer unit including an endless belt, first and second belt stretching rollers, and an adjusting unit for adjusting belt movement in a widthwise direction by inclining the first roller relative to the second roller. The adjusting unit includes a contacting member provided between the first roller and the drum and contacting with an inner surface of the belt. The contacting member contacts the inner surface of the belt at a position in a drum side across a common internal tangent between the drum and such a portion of a surface of the first roller as is moved closest to the drum by the adjusting unit, the common internal tangent being the one contacting a portion of the drum adjacent to a drum-belt contact position and contacting a portion of the first roller adjacent to a first-roller-belt contact position.
US09575427B2 Toner containing crystalline polyester resin and method of manufacturing the same
A toner includes a crystalline polyester resin in an amount equal to or greater than 25% by mass. The toner satisfies the following formula when the toner is tested using a capillary rheometry measurement during which a pellet of the toner is pressed by a member while being heated: 0.3≦(first temperature−second temperature)/(second temperature−third temperature)≦1, where the first temperature is a temperature at which the member falls 4 mm, the second temperature is a temperature at which the member falls 2 mm, and the third temperature is a temperature at which the member starts to fall.
US09575425B2 Toner
A toner is provided including large particle-diameter external additives with sweep to the concaves of a toner particle suppressed, so that the large particle-diameter external additives function as spacer particles for a long period. The toner includes toner particles which contain a binder resin and magnetic material, and organic-inorganic composite fine particles having a structure including inorganic fine particles embedded in a vinyl resin particle. The presence state of the magnetic material on the toner particle surface satisfies specific conditions and the presence state of the organic-inorganic composite fine particles on the toner surface satisfies specific conditions.
US09575422B2 Method of producing electrophotographic photosensitive member, method of producing organic device, and emulsion for charge transporting layer
Provided are a method of producing an electrophotographic photosensitive member, particularly, a method of producing an electrophotographic photosensitive member and an organic device by which, in a method of forming a charge transporting layer, the stability of an application liquid for the layer after long-term storage is improved while the usage of an organic solvent in the application liquid is curtailed, and the layer having high uniformity is formed. The method is a method of producing an electrophotographic photosensitive member which includes a support and a charge transporting layer formed thereon, the method including: preparing a solution including: a first liquid whose solubility in water under 25° C. and 1 atmosphere is 1.0 mass % or less; a second liquid whose solubility in water under 25° C. and 1 atmosphere is 5.0 mass % or more; a charge transporting substance; and a binder resin; preparing an emulsion by dispersing the solution in water; forming a coat for the layer on the support by using the emulsion; and forming the layer by heating of the coat.
US09575420B2 Lithography apparatus and article manufacturing method
A lithography apparatus includes a cleaning unit configured to perform cleaning of a substrate holder, a detector configured to detect a foreign substance by observing a substrate held by the substrate holder, and a controller configured to control execution of a pattern forming operation on the substrate and a cleaning operation. The controller operates such that, if a foreign substance is detected out of a predetermined area including a position at which a foreign substance was previously detected after a predetermined number of executions of the cleaning operation, a next pattern forming operation is performed after executing the cleaning operation. Otherwise, a next pattern forming operation is performed without executing the cleaning operation.
US09575417B2 Exposure apparatus including a mask holding device which holds a periphery area of a pattern area of the mask from above
An exposure apparatus which transfers a pattern formed on a mask onto a photosensitive substrate placed in proximity to the mask, the apparatus including an illumination optical device which illuminates the mask with an energy beam, a mask holding device which holds a periphery area of a pattern area of the mask from above, and makes a force at least within a plane parallel to a predetermined plane act on the mask and a substrate holding device which moves along the predetermined plane holding the substrate.
US09575416B2 Lithographic apparatus, device manufacturing method and displacement measurement system
A lithographic apparatus including a moveable object (WT) and a displacement measuring system arranged to determine a position quantity of the moveable object. The displacement measuring system includes an encoder (BC) and a grid structure. One of the encoder and the grid structure is connected to the moveable object. The grid structure includes a high precision grid portion (HG) and a low precision grid portion (LG). The encoder is arranged to cooperate with the high precision grid portion to determine the position quantity relative to the grid structure with a high precision. The encoder is arranged to cooperate with the low precision grid portion to determine the position quantity relative to the grid structure with a low precision.
US09575415B2 Wafer stage temperature control
A method includes loading a wafer onto a wafer stage of a lithography system, the wafer stage comprising a heating component and a temperature sensing component. The method further includes controlling the heating component such that a temperature of the wafer stage approaches a desired point. The controlling step comprises use of a characterization curve associated with the heating component.
US09575414B2 Illumination system for a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus
Illumination systems for microlithographic projection exposure apparatus, as well as related systems, components and methods are disclosed. In some embodiments, an illumination system includes one or more scattering structures and an optical integrator that produces a plurality of secondary light sources.
US09575413B2 Exposure apparatus, exposure method, and device manufacturing method
An exposure apparatus sequentially performs exposure in each of a plurality of underlying shot regions formed on a substrate and includes a controller. The controller is configured to judge, for each of the plurality of shot regions, whether to perform one-shot exposure without dividing the shot region or divided exposure, based on information of respective shapes of the plurality of shot regions, determine a shape of each partial region in the shot region in which the divided exposure is to be performed, and control the exposure so as to perform the one-shot exposure or the divided exposure in each of the plurality of shot regions based on a result of the judgment and the determined shape of each partial region.
US09575412B2 Method and system for reducing pole imbalance by adjusting exposure intensity
A method and system for adjusting exposure intensity to reduce unwanted lithographic effects is disclosed. In some exemplary embodiments, the method of photolithography includes receiving a mask and a workpiece. An orientation of an illumination pattern relative to the mask is determined, and an intensity profile of the illumination pattern is adjusted according to the orientation. The mask is exposed to radiation according to the illumination pattern and the intensity profile. Radiation resulting from the exposing of the mask is utilized to expose the workpiece. In some such embodiments, the intensity profile includes an intensity that varies across an illuminated region of the illumination pattern.
US09575410B2 Photosensitive resin composition, method for producing hardened relief pattern, semiconductor device and display device
Provided is a photosensitive resin composition which comprises: (A-1) a resin containing a structure represented by general formula (1); and (B) a photo-acid generating agent. In general formula (1), X, R1 to R7, m1 to m4, n1, n2, Y and W are each as defined in the description.
US09575408B2 Photoresist composition and method for producing photoresist pattern
A photoresist composition comprisinga resin having an acid-labile group;a salt represented by the formula (I); anda salt represented by the formula (B1).
US09575402B2 Illumination optical system with light-compressing lens arrays having no optical power on one section and image projection apparatus having the same
An illumination optical system includes a first compression system configured to compress a light flux on each of first and second sections, a second compression system configured to compress the light flux on the first section, a polarization converter arranged so that a section that contains a normal of the second polarization splitting surface and the optical axis becomes the second section, and configured to convert non-polarized light into linearly polarized light, a first lens array arranged in front of the polarization converter along an optical path, and a second lens array arranged between the first lens array and the polarization converter along the optical path. Both of the first lens array and the second lens array have no optical power on the second section.
US09575401B2 Light source apparatus and image display apparatus
A light source apparatus includes: at least one solid-state light source configured to output light in a predetermined wavelength range; a first optical system including at least one aspherical surface configured to convert a light flux from the solid-state light source into a substantially parallel light flux; an output unit including at least one light emitter that is excited by the light and emits visible light with a wavelength longer than that of the light, the output unit being configured to output light containing the light and the visible light; and a second optical system including at least one concave reflecting surface and being configured to reflect the light on the concave reflecting surface, the light coming from the solid-state light source and being converted into the substantially parallel light flux by the first optical system, to collect the light to the light emitter of the output unit.
US09575399B2 Projector
A projector includes a shell, a projection lens, an optical engine module, a power supply module a light source module and a fan. The shell defines an air inlet, an air outlet and forms a first room, a second room and a third room. The first room and the second room communicate with the air inlet. The third room communicates with the air outlet. The projection lens and the optical engine module are positioned in the first room. The power supply module is positioned in the second room. The light source module is positioned in the third room. Heated air in the first room can flows to the second room. Heated air in the second room can flows to the third room. The fan is positioned in the third room to expel heated air from within the shell.
US09575393B2 Polynomial texture mapping and reflectance transformation imaging apparatus and techniques
An image enhancement device and related techniques in support of polynomial texture mapping (PTM) (also known as reflectance transformation imaging (RTI)) photography. The device may include a number of pod legs that extend from a camera focal plane to a base location around an object of interest. At least some of the pod legs may include one or more markers that indicate locations at which directional light sources are used to illuminate an object for the purpose of creating PTM images. A user may place a light at a number of successive marker locations, and trigger the capture of images of the object. The successive images, along with the known locations of the markers, may be used to generate PTM images of the object. The device and associated techniques improve the accuracy and reliability of PTM image capture and creation as well as provide pedagogical support for teaching PTM techniques.
US09575392B2 Electronic device with camera flash structures
An electronic device may contain a camera, a camera flash, and a display in a housing. The camera flash or the display may provide illumination while capturing images with camera. The camera flash may be formed from light guiding structures that receive camera flash light from a light source. The camera flash may be located under a speaker port mesh. A speaker port may contain a camera and a camera flash. Light guiding structures may have a ring shape with an opening. A speaker port, camera, or button may be located within the opening. A button may have an opaque portion in which a transparent light guiding structure for a camera flash is embedded. Camera flash structures may produce camera flash light to capture images and can serve as a status indicator to indicate when a message is received or other state change is detected during operation.
US09575390B2 Higher order seedless raman pumping
An optical fiber is optically coupled to an optical multiplexer. First and second wavelength-selective reflectors are formed onto the optical fiber. The first wavelength selective reflector is configured to reflect radiation of a first wavelength and the second wavelength reflective selector is configured to reflect radiation of a second wavelength that is longer than the first wavelength. A resonant laser cavity is formed between transmission fiber acting as distributed Rayleigh mirror and first and second wavelength selective reflectors. The first and second wavelength-selective reflectors and the optical fiber are configured such that Raman scattering and gain in the transmission fiber converts pump radiation at a pump wavelength less than the first wavelength to radiation of the first wavelength and also convert radiation of the first wavelength to radiation of the second wavelength.
US09575382B2 Electronic device having display with split driver ledges
An electronic device may be provided with a display. The display may be a liquid crystal display having a thin-film transistor layer and a color filter layer. The thin-film transistor layer may have diagonally opposed recesses in its edges that form diagonally opposed display driver ledges that protrude outwardly from under the color filter layer. Display driver circuitry may be mounted on the display driver ledges. Gate driver circuitry may be formed on the thin-film transistor layer. Recesses may be formed along the left and right edges of the display to form left and right display driver ledges to support the gate driver circuitry. A single display drive integrated circuit or multiple display driver integrated circuits may be mounted on each display driver ledge. The recesses may accommodate components in the electronic device such as a camera and audio jack or other components.
US09575379B2 Liquid crystal display and manufacturing method thereof
Disclosed is a liquid crystal display. According to an exemplary embodiment, a liquid crystal display includes: a first substrate; a first electrode disposed on the first substrate; a second substrate facing the first substrate; a second electrode disposed on the second substrate and facing the first electrode; a liquid crystal layer disposed between the first substrate and the second substrate; and a first silicon nitride film formed between the liquid crystal layer and at least one of the first electrode and the second electrode, wherein a first region in which the first silicon nitride film is disposed between either of the first electrode and the second electrode and the liquid crystal layer and a second region in which the first silicon nitride film is not disposed between the first electrode and the liquid crystal layer and between the second electrode and the liquid crystal layer are formed, and a first electric field generated between the first and second electrodes in the first region is different from a second electric field generated between the first and second electrodes in the second region.
US09575376B2 RGBW TFT LCD having reduce horizontal crosstalk
A TFT array substrate for a TFT LCD includes a plurality of pixels each consisting of a red sub-pixel, a green sub-pixel, a blue sub-pixel and a white sub-pixel arranged in a 2×2 matrix. Two data lines are located between each two neighboring columns of the sub-pixels. A scan line is located between two neighboring rows of the sub-pixels. The sub-pixels are driven by column inversion. The scan lines in electrical connections with different rows of the pixels are turned on successively along a vertical direction. Two neighboring same colored sub-pixels in a same row of the sub-pixels and two neighboring same colored sub-pixel in a same column of the sub-pixels respectively have opposite polarities when the TFT LCD is operated to output a screen having a color the same as the color of the two neighboring same colored sub-pixels.
US09575371B2 Liquid crystal device and electronic apparatus
In a liquid crystal device, in an element substrate, a first area, a second area, and a third area are provided in an area overlapped with sealing material which bonds the element substrate and a counter substrate. In addition, a film which is in the same layer as a first pixel electrode is provided in all of the first area, the second area, and the third area. In addition, a plurality of second pixel electrodes which are in the same layer as the first pixel electrode are formed in a area overlapped with the seal material.
US09575369B2 Manufacturing method for display module
A manufacturing method for a display module is provided. The method comprises following steps. A module structure comprising a cover plate, a substrate, and a front plate disposed between the cover plate and the substrate is provided. A space is defined by a lower surface of the cover plate, an upper surface of the substrate, and a side surface of the front plate. A holding structure comprising a holding layer disposed under the module structure is provided. A sealant is filled into the space. Portions of the package layer and the holding structure disposed outside a side surface of the cover plate and a side surface of the substrate are removed.
US09575368B2 Liquid crystal display panel and method for manufacturing the same
A method for manufacturing a liquid crystal display (LCD) panel is disclosed. The LCD panel includes a first alignment layer formed on a first substrate and a second alignment layer formed on a second substrate. A liquid crystal layer having a plurality of liquid crystal molecules between the first alignment layer and the second alignment layer is exposed using a photomask from a side of the second substrate away from the first substrate. Thus, a portion of the liquid crystal molecules are arranged at a first pre-tilt angle and the other portion of the liquid crystal molecules are arranged at a second pre-tilt angle less than the first pre-tilt angle.
US09575366B2 Fast switchable and high diffraction efficiency grating ferroelectric liquid crystal cell
A liquid crystal cell structure is provided. The liquid crystal cell structure includes: two polarizers; and a liquid crystal diffractive light modulating cell placed between the two polarizers. The cell includes: two transparent substrates treated by photoalignment; and a ferroelectric liquid crystal layer disposed between the two transparent substrates with current conducting layers, the ferroelectric liquid crystal layer comprising ferroelectric liquid crystals. The two transparent substrates treated by photoalignment are configured to provide multiple alignment domains in the ferroelectric liquid crystals with a planar surface orientation. Adjacent domains of the multiple alignment domains are oriented at an angle with respect to each other.
US09575365B2 Liquid crystal display device and manufacturing method thereof
A method of manufacturing a liquid crystal display device including a TFT substrate with display and peripheral regions. The display region has pixels each having a pixel electrode and a TFT. A counter substrate opposes the TFT substrate and has a color filter formed at a position corresponding to a position at which the pixel electrode is formed above the TFT substrate. The method includes coating, outside of the display region of the TFT substrate, a second alignment film in the shape of a frame, and coating, in the display region, a first alignment film that dries more slowly than the second alignment film. The first and second alignment films are in contact, and the second alignment film is thicker than the first alignment film.
US09575360B2 Emissive display system
An emissive display system includes an electro-optic device having a first substantially transparent substrate. A second substantially transparent substrate is spaced apart from the first substrate to define a cavity therebetween. An electro-optic medium is disposed within the cavity and is variably transmissive such that the electro-optic device is operable between substantially clear and darkened states, and includes at least one solvent, at least one anodic material, and at least one cathodic material. One or more spacing members are deposited on one of the first substrate and the second substrate and are configured to maintain a cell spacing between the first and second substrates. The one or more spacing members at least substantially dissolve upon association with the electro-optic medium. A substantially transparent light emitting display is operably coupled to the electro-optic device, which is in the darkened state when the light emitting display is emitting light.
US09575354B2 Methods for fabricating display structures
An electronic device display may have a color filter layer and a thin film transistor layer. A layer of liquid crystal material may be interposed between the color filter layer and the thin film transistor layer. A layer of polarizer may be laminated onto the surface of the color filter layer. Laser trimming may ensure that the edges of the polarizer are even with the edges of the color filter layer. The thin film transistor layer may have an array of thin film transistors that control pixels of the liquid crystal material in the display. Driver circuitry may be used to control the array. The driver circuitry may be encapsulated in a planarized encapsulant on the thin film transistor layer or may be mounted to the underside of the color filter layer. Conductive structures may connect driver circuitry on the color filter layer to the thin film transistor layer.
US09575350B2 Array substrate and manufacturing method thereof and touch panel
The present invention discloses an array substrate and a manufacturing method thereof, and a touch panel. The array substrate comprises a substrate and gate lines and data lines formed thereon. The gate lines and the data lines define pixel units, each of which comprises a display thin film transistor and a pixel electrode. Scanning lines, receiving lines and touch electrodes are also formed on the substrate. Each of a part or all of the pixel units further comprises a touch thin film transistor connected to the touch electrode, and the touch thin film transistor is connected to the scanning line and the receiving line. In the present invention, the display thin film transistors and the touch thin film transistors are simultaneously disposed in the pixel units.
US09575347B2 Base material for display device, display device and method for fabricating the same
A base material for a display device, a display device and a method for fabricating the display device are disclosed. One or more grooves are disposed on a bonding surface of the base material, the grooves are configured for accommodating at least a portion of adhesive coated to the bonding surface. The grooves on the base material can accommodate redundant adhesive, thereby effectively preventing the adhesive overflow and air bubble defects during the bonding process, and increasing the yield ratio of bonding.
US09575346B2 Support device for a display device
A support device for a display includes a support assembly, a rotating assembly, and a fixing assembly. The support assembly includes a base, a plug defined on the base, a support rod coupled to the base, and a first conducting line received in the support rod, and connected to the plug. The rotating assembly includes a connecting member coupled to the support rod, a rotating shaft connected to the connecting member, and a second conducting line received in the rotating shaft. The second conducting line is electrically connected to the first conducting line by the connecting member. The fixing assembly includes a fixing block fastened to the rotating shaft away from the base, a conducting block assembled to the fixing block and electrically connected to the second conducting line, and a rotating member rotationally connected to the fixing block.
US09575340B2 Electrode configuration for electro-optic modulators
An electro-optic modulator for high voltage applications exhibits reduced corona and arcing by utilizing dielectric-coated electrodes in conjunction with a non-centrosymmetric crystal. The inclusion of an insulative coating (i.e., a dielectric material) on at least a portion of the electrodes reduces the possibility of arcing or corona, without requiring the application of any type of coating material directly on the crystal itself. Thus, the birefringent response of the crystal is not impacted by this coated electrode configuration of the present invention. In one configuration, the exposed surfaces of the electrodes are coated with an insulative material, while maintaining a direct contact between the electrodes and the surface of the crystal.
US09575338B2 Controlled-capacitance full-depletion interdigitated pin modulator
A method of modulating an optical input with a radio frequency (RF) signal, an interdigitated modulator, and an electro-optical modulator including the interdigitated modulator are described. The method includes splitting the optical input to a first optical input and a second optical input, traversing a first region and a second region, respectively, with the first optical input and the second optical input, and modulating the first optical input with the RF signal in the first region. The method also includes controlling propagation speed of the RF signal in the first region, controlling RF line impedance in the first region, and controlling an optical loss of the first optical input in the first region.
US09575336B1 Method and apparatus of private display device
There is provided a system and method for providing privacy viewing of an output from a electronic display, including a first polarizer configured to polarize a display signal at a first polarization angle; a second polarizer configured to polarize a noise signal at a second polarization angle orthogonal to the first polarization angle; a combiner configured to combine the polarized display signal and the polarized noise signal, and a third polarizer configured to receive the output of the electronic display and polarize the combined polarized display and noise signal at the first polarization angle. The system includes first and second polarization rotators configured to rotate the first and second polarization angles of the combined polarized display and noise signals prior to being output by the electronic display and prior to being received by the third polarizer.
US09575335B1 Eyewear with chroma enhancement for specific activities
Some embodiments provide a lens including a lens body and an optical filter configured to attenuate visible light in certain spectral bands. At least some of the spectral bands can include spectral features that tend to substantially increase the colorfulness, clarity, and/or vividness of a scene. In certain embodiments, eyewear incorporates an optical filter that enhances chroma within one or more spectral bands. In some embodiments, a wearer of the eyewear can perceive the increase in chroma when viewing at least certain types of scenes.
US09575331B2 Optical image stabilizer with improved magnetic sensitivity
A lens driving device is based on a Voice Coil Actuator (VCA) structure and provides the auto-focusing and optical image stabilization (OIS) functions. These two functions can be realized by a common magnet scheme, or a separate magnet scheme. Also, the present invention provides an improved structure for the lens driving device to enhance the function of OIS thereof. By arranging a magnetic enhancement device below the OIS coils in the lens driving device, the magnetic driving force of the OIS coils and magnetic induction of the Hall sensors, if present, can be enhanced, and the magnetic sensitivity thereof may be also improved.
US09575328B2 Stereoscopic display device and cell-aligning packaging method of the same
The present invention relates to the field of display technology, and particularly to a stereoscopic display device and a cell-aligning packaging method of the same. The stereoscopic display device is divided into a display area and a non-display area surrounding the display area on the periphery of the display area, and comprises a conversion panel and a liquid crystal panel which are aligned to form a cell, a first polarizer is provided between the conversion panel and the liquid crystal panel, the first polarizer is arranged in the display area, and an adhesive lump is provided around the first polarizer and correspondingly to the non-display area between the conversion panel and the liquid crystal panel and is used for bonding the conversion panel and the liquid crystal panel into a whole.
US09575324B2 Beam guiding apparatus
In one implementation, a beam guiding apparatus includes a vacuum chamber that includes a target region arranged to receive a target material for generating EUV radiation. The vacuum chamber further includes a first opening for receiving into the vacuum chamber a first laser beam and a second opening for receiving into the vacuum chamber a second laser beam. The vacuum chamber also includes a superposition apparatus arranged to superpose the first laser beam having a first wavelength and a second laser beam having a second wavelength for common beam guidance in the direction of the target region. The vacuum chamber also includes a beam shaping apparatus arranged upstream of the superposition apparatus in the beam path of the second laser beam, wherein the beam shaping apparatus is configured to set a ring-shaped beam profile of the second laser beam, The first and second laser beam have different wavelengths.
US09575317B2 Optical guide suitable for creating two luminous imprints
An optical guide comprises at least one guiding element adapted for enabling, by total internal reflections, transporting an image taking the form of a collimated light beam from an injection zone to an extraction zone where an extracting device for extracting the image is mounted. The optical guide comprises a retardation plate and a polarization beam splitter, the polarization beam splitter being placed between the guiding element and the extracting device. The optical guide is such that each ray of said collimated light beam striking the polarization beam splitter for the first time separates into two portions, a first portion being transmitted to the extracting device so as to define a first light imprint and a second portion being reflected by the polarization beam splitter, said second portion continuing to be guided by the guiding element and thus passing twice through the retardation plate before striking the polarization beam splitter so as to define a second light imprint.
US09575314B2 Image forming apparatus having polygon mirror formed with a plurality of reflection surfaces
An image forming apparatus includes: a polygon mirror formed with a plurality of reflection surfaces, and a generating device configured to generate a pulse signal required to modulate a laser beam based on image data. The generating device is further configured to generate a pulse signal by inserting or deleting a pulse signal having a width smaller than a width of a pulse signal corresponding to one pixel of the image data into or from a pulse signal corresponding to the image data based on information associated with deviation amounts between lengths of scanning lines formed by the plurality of reflection surfaces and a reference value, so as to adjust the lengths of the scanning lines formed by the plurality of reflection surfaces to be closer to the reference value.
US09575310B2 Optical system for endoscope and endoscope
An optical system for an endoscope includes an objective lens, a relay lens arrangement, and a correction optical system disposed in an optical path on a proximal end side of the objective lens. The correction optical system corrects curvature of field caused by the relay lens arrangement. In the optical system for an endoscope, the correction optical system includes at least one concave mirror having an aspherical surface.
US09575309B2 Telescopic control of high power laser propagation
The present invention provides a reflective telescopic system, to control the generation of filamentation of ultrashort and intense laser pulses that includes: a flat mirror, an adaptive reflective mirror, a dichroic convex mirror, an off-axis parabolic mirror, and a first laser source. The convex mirror and the adaptive reflective mirror are mounted on an independent breadboard and set on a translation stage. The propagation axis of the laser beam reflected by the mirror should correspond to the off-axis of the parabolic mirror. The parabolic mirror reflects the beam at a specific angle. Finally, the propagation axis between the dichroic convex mirror and the off-axis parabolic mirror, the propagation axis between the flat mirror and the adaptive reflective mirror, and the axis of the translation stage should be substantially parallel to each other. The present invention also contemplates the boresighting of a weak laser beam from a second laser source.
US09575305B2 Digital microscope apparatus, information processing method, and information processing program
A digital microscope apparatus includes an illumination optical system configured to emit illumination light; a stage having an opening capable of transmitting the light therethrough, on which a preparation can be placed in accordance with a position of the opening; an enlarging imaging unit including an objective lens configured to enlarge an image and disposed to face the system with the stage disposed therebetween, and an imaging device configured to capture an image enlarged by the lens; a white image acquiring unit configured to open the opening, to cause the system to emit the light in a state where an image point of the system is aligned with a focal point of the lens, and to acquire, as a white image, an image formed on an imaging surface of the device; and a calculation unit configured to use the captured white image to calculate a shading correction coefficient.
US09575297B2 Projection lens and projector with magnifying function
A projection lens includes a first lens group having negative refractive power, a second lens group having positive refractive power, a third lens group having negative refractive power, a fourth lens group having negative refractive power, a fifth lens group having positive refractive power, and a sixth lens group having positive refractive power, in sequence from an enlargement conjugate side, the projection lens performing magnification by changing the spacing between the lens groups, wherein at the time of magnification from the telephoto end to the wide-angle end, the second, third, fourth, and fifth lens groups are moved, and an aperture stop is arranged between the surface of the third lens group closest to a reduction conjugate side and the surface of the fifth lens group closest to the enlargement conjugate side.
US09575294B2 Imaging lens
An imaging lens includes a first lens group and a second lens group, arranged in this order from an object side to an image plane side. The first lens group includes a first lens, a second lens having positive refractive power, and a third lens. The second lens group includes a fourth lens, a fifth lens, and a sixth lens. The third lens and the fourth lens are arranged in a specific configuration.
US09575292B2 Camera lens
A camera lens includes, lined up from the object side to the image side: a first lens with positive refractive power, a second lens with negative refractive power, a third lens with positive or negative refractive power, a fourth lens with positive refractive power, and a fifth lens with negative refractive power. The camera lens satisfies specific conditions.
US09575283B2 Voice coil motor
A VCM (voice coil motor) is disclosed, the VCM including: a rotor including a lens-accommodating, both ends opened cylindrical bobbin and a coil block including a coil wound on a periphery of the bobbin; a stator including a cylindrical yoke formed with a lens-exposing opening, a plurality of magnets disposed inside the yoke and opposite to the coil block, and a housing disposed inside the yoke to fix the plurality of magnets; and an elastic member elastically supporting the bobbin.
US09575280B2 Mounting an optical component in an optical arrangement
There is disclosed a system and associated method for mounting an optical component in an optical arrangement. An optical component (1) is provided having a circular edge region (5). A mount (9) having a circular wall is also provided, the circular wall being configured for radially-spaced cooperation with the circular edge region of the optical component. The system is configured such that one of said circular edge region (5) and said circular wall (17) has a plurality of spaced-apart protrusions (23) provided around it. The other of the circular edge region (5) and the circular wall (17) has a plurality of spaced-apart recesses provided around it. The protrusions (23) and the recesses (7) are configured such that each protrusion (23) may be aligned with a respective recess (7) and engaged within said recess (7) via relative rotation between the optical component (1) and the mount (9). The system further includes an adhesive (32) for application between said circular edge region (5) and said circular wall (17) to adhesively fix the optical component (1) in position relative to the mount (9).
US09575278B2 Splice holder
A splice holder is disclosed comprising elongate opposed members each comprising a plurality of splice receivers each comprising an inner surface defining a plurality of apertures for deceiving a plurality if different diameters of optic fiber splices.
US09575276B2 Pivotable cover for sliding tray and sliding tray including the cover
A sliding tray is configured to support one or more optical communications modules and includes a body portion having one or more mounting locations for the one or more optical communications modules, a trough projecting from the body portion and configured to support optical fibers connected to the one or more optical communications modules, and a cover pivotably connected to the tray for selectively covering the trough.
US09575274B2 Fiber management structure having a splice tray with modular elements
Aspects of the present disclosure relate to a fiber management structure including a splice tray. The splice tray includes a front side and a back side. The fiber management structure includes a first attachment module that mounts by a location-selectable connection to the splice tray at a selected mounting location. The selected mounting location being one of a plurality of different mounting locations at which the first attachment module can be mounted to the splice tray. The first attachment module includes a fiber containment wall that projects upwardly from the front side of the splice tray when the first attachment module is mounted to the splice tray.
US09575271B2 Cable with optical fiber for prestressed concrete
A reinforcing cable for a prestressed concrete structure is disclosed. The cable has an optical fiber entwined between the twisted wire ropes that form the cable. The optical fiber facilitates in situ monitoring of cable integrity by comparing optical signal transmission over time.
US09575270B2 Wavelength-division multiplexing for use in multi-chip systems
Embodiments of a system that includes an array of chip modules (CMs) is described. In this system, a given CM in the array includes a semiconductor die that is configured to communicate data signals with one or more adjacent CMs through electromagnetic proximity communication using proximity connectors. Note that the proximity connectors are proximate to a surface of the semiconductor die. Moreover, the given CM is configured to communicate optical signals with other CMs through an optical signal path using optical communication, and the optical signals are encoded using wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM).
US09575263B2 Optical fiber connection system including optical fiber alignment device
The present disclosure relates to an optical fiber alignment device that has an alignment housing that includes first and second ends. The alignment housing defines a fiber insertion axis that extends through the alignment housing between the first and second ends. The alignment housing includes a fiber alignment region at an intermediate location between the first and second ends. First and second fiber alignment rods are positioned within the alignment housing. The first and second fiber alignment rods cooperate to define a fiber alignment groove that extends along the fiber insertion axis. The first and second fiber alignment rods each having rounded ends positioned at the first and second ends of the alignment housing.
US09575261B2 Embedded optical fiber termination device
An embedded optical fiber termination device includes a fiber holder with an inner bore and an outer surface. The inner bore is configured to receive a length of optical fiber therein. A removable armature is positioned about a portion of the outer surface of the fiber holder and is removably positioned around a portion of the fiber holder. A composite structure and a method of using the embedded device are also provided.
US09575260B2 Wavelength selective switch using orthogonally polarized optical beams
The number of wavelength selective switch (WSS) units in a WSS device can be doubled by using polarization properties of optical beams propagating through the WSS device. Beams from different WSS units are orthogonally polarized at the front end, propagated through collimator, wavelength dispersing element, and a focusing element, and impinge on a polarizing beamsplitter, which directs sub-beams at different polarizations to different directing elements of a director array. A polarization diversity configuration at the back end can be used to reduce polarization dependent loss.
US09575257B2 Optical device, optical processing device, method for fabricating optical device
An optical device comprises optical fibers and a holder. The holder includes one end portion, an other end portion, and a supporting portion extending in a direction of a first axis from the one end portion to the other end portion. The one end portion includes a first end face extending along a first reference plane intersecting with the first axis from a side of the holder to cladding regions of the optical fibers; a second end face extending along a second reference plane from the one end portion to the other end portion; and a third end face extending along a third reference plane inclined at an angle of less than 90 degrees and more than zero degrees relative to the first axis. The cladding regions of the optical fibers are disposed at the second end face. The optical fibers have respective tips disposed at the third end face.
US09575252B2 Optical fiber welding machine
The present disclosure discloses an optical fiber welding machine, including a device for butt joint of the optical fiber's core. The said device comprises a base and a number of units with V-shape groove. The base and the units are shaped respectively. The said units are mounted on the base fixedly. Comparing with the traditional overall molding device for butt joint of the optical fiber's core, the disclosed embodiment splits said traditional device, which has complicated structure and high accuracy requirements, into a base and a number of V-shape groove units, thus simplifies the shape of the components, which are shaped respectively, so as to facilitate the purpose of molding mould and shaping components, and then the v-shape groove units are mounted on the base. After completion of assembly, a v-shaped slot is grooved on top of each v-shape groove unit to ensure enough precision. The disclosed embodiment reduces both the mold manufacturing cost and the molding cost of components. It also solves the long-standing problem of precision within the art of manufacturing mold and molding components, and there is a good application prospect. In addition, an electrode gland is included in the optical fiber welding machine. The said gland includes a gland body and a screw connecting the workbench through the gland body, and a rotation unit is set at the top of each screw. The rotation unit protrudes from the gland body.
US09575251B1 Optical mode converter having multiple regions
A standard-CMOS-process-compatible optical mode converter transitions an optical mode size using a series of adjacent regions having different optical mode sizes. In particular, in a partial-slab-mode region, which is adjacent to an initial rib-optical-waveguide-mode region, a width of a slab portion of the rib-type optical waveguide decreases and a width of a rib portion of the rib-type optical waveguide decreases to a first minimum tip size. Then, in a slab-mode region, which is adjacent to the partial-slab-mode region, the width of the slab portion decreases to a second minimum tip size. In addition, a dielectric layer is disposed over the slab portion, the rib portion and the BOX layer in the partial-slab-mode region, the slab portion and the BOX layer in the slab-mode region, and the BOX layer in a released-mode region that is adjacent to the slab-mode region and that does not include the semiconductor layer.
US09575247B2 Multimode optical fiber
An embodiment of the present invention relates to an MMF with a structure for reducing length dependence of optical characteristics while maintaining bend-insensitivity. The MMF has a trench portion provided between a core portion and a cladding portion and having a refractive index lower than that of the cladding portion. In a cross section of the MMF, the trench portion in at least a partial section of the MMF has a non-circularly symmetric shape with respect to an intersection between the optical axis and the cross section.
US09575246B2 Prepolymer, curable material, coating composition, non-linear optical material, optical waveguide and light control device
Provided are: a prepolymer which is capable of forming a non-linear optical material that has excellent non-linear optical effect, heat resistance, withstand voltage and transparency; a curable material which contains the prepolymer; a coating composition which contains the curable material and a solvent; a non-linear optical material which is obtained by curing the curable material; an optical waveguide which uses the non-linear optical material; and a light control device which is provided with the optical waveguide. The present invention uses a prepolymer having a crosslinkable functional group, which is obtained by reacting one or more compounds (X) that are selected from the group consisting of compounds (X1), compounds (X2) and compounds (X3), a compound (Y) that is represented by formula (Y), a compound (Z) that has three or more phenolic hydroxyl groups, and an organic compound (B) that exerts a non-linear optical effect and has a reactive group.
US09575242B2 Fixture for assembling light strip and back plate
The present disclosure provides a fixture for assembling a light strip and a back plate in an edge-type backlight module. The back plate includes a bottom plate and a lateral side, the light strip includes a base plate and an LED lamp, and the base plate of the light strip is connected to the lateral side of the back plate. The fixture includes a stopper, which includes a stopping slot for allowing the lateral side of the back plate and the light strip to pass therethrough. A bottom of the stopper is of a planar structure and is in close contact with a surface of the base plate away from the bottom plate of the back plate.
US09575240B2 Display device
A display device includes a display panel, a display area, a non-display area, a substrate member attached to the display panel with an adhesive layer interposed therebetween and including a touch panel and an operation section formed in the non-display area and used for performing an input operation on the touch panel, a step portion formed at least by a side portion of the display panel and a side portion of the adhesive layer such that a void is generated in a part between the display panel and the substrate member, and a light source unit disposed in the void such that at least a part of the light source unit is superimposed on the display panel in the step portion and configured to supply illumination light to the operation section to light the operation section.
US09575238B2 Back light module
A backlight module including a light guide plate, a plurality of point light sources and a frame is provided. The light guide plate includes a body, a positioning structure and a plurality of first micro-structures. The body has at least one light incident surface, an upper surface connected with the light incident surface, and at least one side surface connected with the light incident surface and the upper surface. The positioning structure is located on the side surface, wherein the upper surface has a first eliminating region adjacent to and surrounding the positioning structure. The first micro-structures are arranged on the upper surface except the first eliminating region. The point light sources face the light incident surface. The light guide plate is positioned in the frame by matching the positioning structure with a positioning component of the frame. A display device including the backlight module aforementioned is also provided.
US09575237B2 Light guide element and light source device using the light guide element
A light guide element and a light source device using the same are provided. The light guide element has a main body. The main body has a hollow portion with a cone shape and a microstructure pattern formed on the main body. The cone-shaped hollow portion has a bottom portion and a top portion. The bottom portion is located on the bottom surface of the main body, and has a first hollow cross section area. The top portion is opposite to the bottom surface, and has a second cross section area smaller than the first cross section area. The microstructure pattern includes high-density areas and low-density areas to improve a light distribution caused by the cone-shaped hollow portion. The light source device includes the light guide element and a ht emitting diode (LED). The LED is used to emit light into the cone-shape hollow portion through the bottom portion.
US09575235B2 Light guide element and lighting fixture
A light guide element and a lighting fixture are described. The light guide element includes a light guide body, first microstructures and second microstructures. The light guide body includes a first light-emitting surface and a second light-emitting surface opposite to and parallel to each other. The first microstructures are disposed on the first light-emitting surface in rows. The second microstructures are respectively corresponding to the first microstructures and are disposed on the second light-emitting surface. In each of the rows, each of the first microstructures laps over the corresponding second microstructure in part in a normal direction of the first light-emitting surface. Overlapping ratio of the first microstructures and the corresponding second microstructures become greater from one end of one of the rows to the other end of the one of the rows.
US09575233B2 Internally patterned multilayer optical films using spatially selective birefringence reduction
A reflective film includes interior layers arranged to selectively reflect light by constructive or destructive interference, the layers extending from a first zone to a second zone of the film. The film has a first thickness and the interior layers provide a first reflective characteristic in the first zone; the film has a second thickness and the interior layers provide a second reflective characteristic in the second zone. The difference between the first and second reflective characteristics is not substantially attributable to any difference between the first and second thicknesses, which difference may be zero. Rather, the difference in the reflective characteristics is substantially attributable to reduced birefringence of at least some of the interior layers in one zone relative to the other zone. The film may also incorporate absorbing agents to assist in the manufacture or processing of the film. Related methods and articles are also disclosed.
US09575227B2 Color filter substrate and manufacturing method thereof, organic electroluminescent display panel and display device
The present invention provides a color filter substrate and a manufacturing method thereof, an organic electroluminescent display panel and a display device. The color filter substrate of the present invention comprises a first base, and a plurality of color filters and black matrixes arranged on the first base, wherein two adjacent color filters are at least partially overlapped, and each black matrix is at least partially arranged at the overlapped position of the two adjacent color filters; and the color filter substrate further comprises a first adhesive layer for eliminating section differences between the adjacent color filters or between the color filters and the black matrixes, and the first adhesive layer is provided with scattering particles therein. The color filter substrate can be used in the organic electroluminescent display panel.
US09575226B2 Positive microcontact printing
A process for positive microcontact printing, including inking a patterned mold with a thiol; contacting the mold with a metal surface of a substrate; backfilling the metal surface with a solution containing an aromatic amine to form a backfilling layer; etching the metal surface of the substrate; and rinsing the substrate to remove the backfilling layer.
US09575222B2 Rigid deformable reflectors and methods of manufacturing thereof
A rigid deformable reflector for heating a target, the rigid deformable reflector having a reflective surface capable of being rigidly deformed, a backing surface capable of supporting the reflective surface, and a concave shape. A method of deforming a rigid deformable reflector utilizing a deforming mechanism, wherein the rigid deformable reflector has a reflective surface and the deforming mechanism has a base and an actuator, the method having the steps of: placing a rigid deformable reflector onto the deforming mechanism, and activating the actuator thereby causing a first force to be applied to the rigid deformable reflector and deforming the shape of the rigid deformable reflector beyond its elastic limit.
US09575221B2 Systems and methods reduce temperature induced drift effects on a liquid lens
Systems and methods reduce temperature induced drift effects on a liquid lens used in a vision system. A feedback loop receives a temperature value from a temperature sensor, and based on the received temperature value, controls a power to the heating element based on a difference between the measured temperature of the liquid lens and a predetermined control temperature to maintain the temperature value within a predetermined control temperature range to reduce the effects of drift. A processor can also control a bias signal applied to the lens or a lens actuator to control temperature variations and the associated induced drift effects. An image sharpness can also be determined over a series of images, alone or in combination with controlling the temperature of the liquid lens, to adjust a focal distance of the lens.
US09575220B2 Device for a motor vehicle including an optical area sensor having an optical semiaxis and an optical system having an aperture angle and use of the device in a vehicle
A device is provided, which includes at least one optical area sensor having an optical semiaxis and an entrance pupil. The device also includes an optical element including at least one pair of parallel surfaces. The device is characterized in that the optical element has a refractive index which decreases as the distance from the center increases at least along a direction in parallel to the surfaces at least between one edge of the optical element and a center of the optical element. The optical element is situated with respect to the area sensor in such a way that the surfaces are situated perpendicularly to the optical semiaxis. The increase of the refractive index perpendicular to the optical semiaxis makes it possible to situate the optical element having the parallel surfaces perpendicular to the optical semiaxis, so that the block requires minimal installation space.
US09575215B2 Method for making light blocking plate
An exemplary method for making a light blocking plate includes the steps of providing a flat plate-like light pervious member; forming a plurality of spaced ceramic power layers on the light pervious member; forming a light blocking layer over the light pervious member and side faces of the ceramic power layers; forming an electromagnetic shielding layer over the light blocking layer; removing top portions of the ceramic power layers with remaining portions of the ceramic power layers thus exposed; and removing the remaining portions of the ceramic power layers.
US09575214B2 Method for producing polarizer
A method for producing a polarizer comprises the steps of: (A) stretching a polyvinyl alcohol-based resin layer to obtain a stretched layer; (B) immersing the stretched layer in a dyeing liquid containing iodine to obtain a dyed layer in which absorbance thereof determined from a tristimulus value Y is from 0.4 to 1.0 (transmittance T=40% to 10%); and (C) removing a part of iodine adsorbed in the dyed layer so that the absorbance of the dyed layer decreases by 0.03 to 0.7, provided that the absorbance of the dyed layer is controlled so that it does not become less than 0.3.
US09575212B2 Chiral polymers for the self-assembly of photonic crystals
Described herein are copolymers constructed from chiral, non-racemic monomers, which self-assemble to photonic crystals. The difficulty of incorporating chiral elements into photonic crystals has limited the ability to generate unique bandstructures for different circular polarizations of light. The materials and methods described herein relate to easily, predictably fabricating chiral photonic crystals having desirable optical properties.
US09575211B2 Fixed snow measuring plate
There is provided a fixed snow measuring plate, the snow measuring plate that is fixed to the ground and is provided on the land to be disposed in a lower part of one end of an instrument tower in which a sensor for observing drifted snow is installed, wherein the snow measuring plate is installed such that a position thereof is fixed to the ground.
US09575208B2 Geological constituent estimation using calculated spectra relationships
A method for estimating at least one geological constituent may include obtaining a measured energy spectrum for the at least one geological constituent for a first borehole configuration, generating a calculated energy spectrum for the at least one geological constituent for the first borehole configuration, and generating a calculated energy spectrum for the at least one geological constituent for a second borehole configuration different than the first borehole configuration. The method may further include determining a relationship between the calculated energy spectra for the first and second borehole configurations, and generating an estimated energy spectrum for the at least one geological constituent for the second borehole configuration based upon the measured energy spectrum and the relationship between the calculated energy spectra for the first and second borehole configurations.
US09575207B1 Nanostructured glass ceramic neutron shield for down-hole thermal neutron porosity measurement tools
An apparatus for providing a signal indicative of a property of an earth formation includes: a carrier conveyable through a borehole; a neutron source disposed on the carrier and configured to emit neutrons into the earth formation; a radiation detector disposed on the carrier and configured to detect radiation from the earth formation due to interaction of emitted neutrons with the earth formation and to provide the signal indicative of the property; and a neutron shield configured to shield the radiation detector from emitted neutrons that did not interact with the earth formation; wherein the radiation detector shield includes a glass ceramic material having a plurality of nano-crystallites, each nano-crystallite in the plurality having a periodic crystal structure with a diameter or dimension that is less than 1000 nm that includes Li and/or Boron and a rare-earth element that have positions in the periodic crystal structure of each nano-crystallite.
US09575205B2 Uncertainty-based frequency-selected inversion of electromagnetic geophysical data
Disclosed are methods and apparatus using frequency-selected electromagnetic inversion to obtain sub-surface geophysical characteristics. One embodiment relates to a computer-implemented method for inverting an electromagnetic geophysical data signal to obtain an earth response. The method involves computing uncertainties associated with an electromagnetic geophysical data signal and selecting subset of frequencies based on the uncertainties. The electromagnetic geophysical data signal may then be inverted for the subset of the frequencies to determine the earth response. Other embodiments, aspects, and features are also disclosed.
US09575204B2 Nuclear magnetic resonance logging tool having multiple pad-mounted atomic magnetometers
Various disclosed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging systems and methods employ a plurality of NMR sensors, including atomic magnetometers, mounted on pads. Certain method embodiments include: utilizing the Earth magnetic field to pre-polarize the protons in a formation; utilizing a plurality of atomic magnetometers to obtain NMR measurements; and determining at least one characteristic relaxation time of the formation. The NMR sensor may optionally include a permanent magnet assembly.
US09575201B2 Apparatus and method for downhole resistivity measurements
A downhole tool includes a body having a longitudinal axis and bore therethrough, an array of longitudinal electrode segments separated by electrical insulators, wherein substantially an entire cross section of said body comprises at least one electrode segment, at least one longitudinal electrode configured to emit a first electrical current into said formation and measure said first emitted current, at least one longitudinal electrode segment configured to emit a second electrical current for directing said first emitted current into said formation, and at least one longitudinal electrode segment configured to receive said first emitted current returning from said formation.
US09575198B2 Seismic data acquisition using self-propelled underwater vehicles
The present disclosure generally relates to the use of a self-propelled underwater vehicle for seismic data acquisition. The self-propelled underwater vehicle is adapted to gather seismic data from the seafloor and transmit such data to a control vessel. The self-propelled underwater vehicle may be redeployed to several seafloor locations during a seismic survey. Methods for real-time modeling of a target zone and redeployment of the self-propelled underwater vehicle based on the modeling are also described.
US09575197B2 Method and device for marine seismic acquisition
Method and system for improving azimuth distribution. The system includes plural streamers towed by a streamer vessel; a central source towed by the streamer vessel; first and second front sources located in front of the plural streamers along a traveling direction of the streamer vessel; and first and second tail sources located behind of the plural streamers along the traveling direction. The offset distance between the first and second tail sources, along a cross-line direction, is larger than an offset distance between the first and second front sources.
US09575193B2 Methods and computing systems for survey data enhancement
Methods and systems are disclosed to enhance surveying techniques. In one embodiment, a virtual response is estimated that corresponds to energy propagated within a subsurface region between a virtual source and a virtual source estimation receiver, wherein the subsurface region corresponds to a survey zone including: a plurality of receivers deployed within the survey zone, a first subzone having at least one actual source, a second subzone within the first subzone; the virtual source is a first receiver disposed in the second subzone; and the virtual source estimation receiver is a second receiver.
US09575190B2 Flat panel X-ray detector
The present invention relates to a flat panel X-ray detector, which comprises a thin film transistor (TFT) substrate; a photoelectric detecting layer, which is disposed on and electrically connected with the TFT substrate, wherein the photoelectric detecting layer comprises a plurality of photoelectric detecting units and a plurality of light absorption units, and the light absorption unit is disposed between spaces adjacent to the photoelectric detecting unit; a Scintillation layer, which is disposed on the photoelectric detecting layer; and a reflective layer, which is disposed on the Scintillation layer.
US09575181B2 Vehicle optical measuring apparatus having a deflection mirror arrangement, driver assistance device having such a measuring apparatus, and vehicle having a corresponding measuring apparatus
The invention relates to an optical measuring apparatus (1) for a vehicle (6), having at least one optical transmitter, at least one optical receiver (12) and a deflection mirror arrangement having at least one deflection mirror (11), wherein the edge contour (27, 28) of a deflection mirror (11) of a reception unit of the measuring apparatus (1) matches the contour (41) formed by marginal rays (40) in a received beam (38). The invention also relates to a vehicle having such an apparatus (1).
US09575180B2 Room occupancy sensing apparatus and method
A building comprising a plurality of rooms (10) includes a room occupancy sensing apparatus. A light source (20) emits a series of light pulses (22), a plurality of waveguides deliver light from the light source to output nodes (60) located in the rooms, and a signal capture unit (30) receives output signals resulting from light reflected by objects in the rooms. The apparatus detects movement, of for example a person (40), in a room and ascertains the room concerned by virtue of (i) detecting a difference between the shape of the waveform of the signal (24 i) received at the signal capture unit (30) in response to a first emitted light pulse and the shape of the waveform of the signal (24m) received at the signal capture unit in response to a second emitted light pulse and (ii) relating said reflected light pulses to the appropriate output node and therefore to the room (10) associated with that output node (60).
US09575179B2 Object detection apparatus
An object detection apparatus is installed in a movable body and detects an object. The apparatus includes a first detection section which transmits search waves in a moving direction of the moving object, and receives reflected waves as detection information to detect the object, a second detection section which transmits search waves in the moving direction, and receives reflected waves as detection information, an obstacle determination section which determines that an obstacle is present in the moving direction, based on detection results of the first and second detection sections, and a crossing determination section which determines that the obstacle has crossed, in a state where the obstacle determination section determines that the obstacle is present, if the determination that the obstacle is present is made by continuous detection, and if a state where the object is continuously detected changes to a state where the object is not detected.
US09575176B2 Target detecting device for avoiding collision between vehicle and target captured by sensor mounted to the vehicle
The target detecting device comprises a radar sensor, an imaging sensor, and an ECU. The target detected by the radar sensor is selected under certain conditions, for example, i) a reception intensity of the reflected radar waves is equal to or more than a predetermined value, or ii) the target is moving, to be outputted externally. When a stopped vehicle is detected on a road by the sensor, and a target, for example a pedestrian, present behind the stopped vehicle is detected from the image acquired by the imaging sensor by performing image recognition using predetermined patterns of a target, the ECU makes the selection condition less restrictive than the selection condition for targets other than the target present behind the stopped vehicle, or unconditionally selects the target present behind the stopped vehicle.
US09575163B2 Laser tracker calibration system and methods
A system and method of calibrating a laser tracker is provided. The system includes a support system for quickly and easily moving an artifact to a desired position and orientation and for holding the artifact in the position and orientation. An adjustable alignment mirror is coupled to a first end of the artifact so that the more accurate ranging system of the laser tracker can be isolated to determine a reference length of the artifact. Additional measurements are then taken to exercise one or more error source within the tracker. The support system includes a positioner and a support beam for positioning and supporting the artifact. The artifact is coupled to the support beam using kinematic clamps that are designed to reduce or eliminate errors associated with over-constraining the artifact.
US09575162B2 Compressive scanning lidar
A method for increasing resolution of an image formed of received light from an illuminated spot includes measuring a y vector for measurement kernels A1 to AM, where M is a number of the measurement kernels, measuring the y vector including programming a programmable N-pixel micromirror or mask located in a return path of a received reflected scene spot with a jth measurement kernel Aj of the measurement kernels A1 to AM, measuring y, wherein y is an inner product of a scene reflectivity f(α,β) with the measurement kernel Aj for each range bin ri, wherein α and β are azimuth and elevation angles, respectively, repeating programming the programmable N-pixel micromirror or mask and measuring y for each measurement kernel A1 to AM, and forming a reconstructed image using the measured y vector, wherein forming the reconstructed image includes using compressive sensing or Moore-Penrose reconstruction.
US09575160B1 Vehicular radar sensing system utilizing high rate true random number generator
A radar sensing system for a vehicle includes transmit and receive pipelines. The transmit pipeline includes transmitters able to transmit radio signals. The receive pipeline includes receivers able to receive signals. The received signals are transmitted signals that are reflected from an object. The transmit pipeline phase modulates the signals before transmission, as defined by a first binary sequence. The receive pipeline comprises an analog to digital converter (ADC) for sampling the received signals. The transmit pipeline includes a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) generator for outputting a second binary sequence of bits with an equal probability of 1 and 0. The first binary sequence is defined by least significant bit (LSB) outputs from the ADC and the second binary sequence of bits. The first binary sequence comprises a truly random unbiased sequence of bits with an equal probability of 1 and 0.
US09575158B2 Circuit for millimeter wave signals
A circuit for millimeter wave signals, having a housing, mounted on a circuit board, that accommodates a high-frequency component, wherein the housing forms, on at least one housing wall facing away from the circuit board, a coupling structure for millimeter wave signals to which a hollow conductor is coupled outside the housing.
US09575149B2 System and method for cooling a magnetic resonance imaging device
A cooling system includes a first cooling loop containing a first cryogen, the first cooling loop being in thermal communication with a superconducting magnet and being configured to provide primary cooling for the magnet and a second cooling loop also containing the first cryogen. The second cooling loop is in thermal communication with an enclosure containing a second cryogen and is configured to cool the second cryogen within the enclosure. The enclosure is in thermal communication with the superconducting magnet and is configured to provide secondary cooling for the magnet.
US09575148B2 Method for MR-guided brachytherapy with consistent patient positioning
In a method for guiding brachytherapy radiation treatment the patient is supported on a table and an MR magnet is brought into the treatment bunker through doors for imaging while the after-loader for the radiation source delivery is stored away in a storage location outside the RF shield. A safety system controls movement of the after-loader and the magnet. Images of the patient obtained while the patient is on the table are used to locate the applicator with respect to the lesion and organs-at-risk. The MR and X-ray compatible patient support table with MR coil integration includes a removable end-extension, which provides pelvic access for applicator insertion.
US09575147B2 Nuclear quadrupole resonance system and method of using the same to remove interference components from sensor signals
A nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) sensor assembly includes an active sensor coil configured to transmit radiofrequency (RF) signals to an object of interest and receive return RF signals from the object of interest to generate sensor signals substantially representative of the return signals. The at least one reference coil is configured to receive environmental RF signals to generate reference signals at least partially representative of the environmental RF signals. The at least one reference coil is co-located with the active sensor coil. The active sensor coil and the at least one reference coil are in communication with a correction unit configured to remove interference components from the sensor signals using the reference signals.
US09575145B2 Expanded foam former apparatus and method for making the same
An MR coil former apparatus includes a body, a coil array, and a coil cover. The body defines a patient-facing positive surface opposite a non-patient-facing negative surface. The positive surface of the body includes an anatomic contour, and the coil array is disposed adjacent and conformed to the anatomic contour. The coil cover is disposed overlying the coil array and conformed to the anatomic contour.
US09575144B2 System and method for atom-modulated, low-drift sensor
A compact, high-sensitivity magnetometer, including: an optical interface to accept a linearly polarized first light; a pump light source to produce a circularly polarized pump light; a vapor cell comprising a sealed vessel containing an alkali-metal gas, a first input port to receive the first light, a second input port to accept the pump light from a direction perpendicular to the first light, and an output port configured to produce a second light; an electromagnetic source configured to apply an electromagnetic field to the vapor cell at a direction perpendicular to the first light and the pump light; a second linear polarizer, having an axis of polarization perpendicular to the first light, the second polarizer configured to receive the second light and to produce a third light; and a photodetector configured to receive the third light, to produce an intensity measurement of the third light.
US09575143B2 Single-chip two-axis magnetic field sensor
The present invention discloses a design for a single-chip dual-axis magnetic field sensor, based on magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) elements and permanent magnets integrated on a semiconductor substrate to produce two types of sensor bridges that detect orthogonal magnetic field components. The orthogonal magnetic field component detection capability results from the different types of sensor bridges that can be produced by varying the shape of the MTJ elements and the bias fields that can be created by permanent magnets. Because the permanent magnets can create orthogonal bias fields on the different sensor bridges, it is possible to use a single pinned layer to set direction for both sensor bridges. This is advantageous because it permits the two-axis sensor to be fabricated on a single semiconductor chip without the need for specialized processing technology such as local heating, or deposition of multiple magnetoresistive films with different pinned layers setting directions.
US09575141B2 Hall sensor with hall sensor elements that respectively comprise element terminals and are interconnected in a circuit lattice
A Hall sensor comprises at least three Hall sensor elements (1, 2, . . . , 94) that respectively comprise at least three element terminals (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) and are interconnected in a circuit grid with a structure that is more than one-dimensional, as well as at least three sensor terminals (EXT_A, EXT_B, EXT_C, EXT_D) for contacting the Hall sensor. In this case, each sensor terminal (EXT_A, EXT_B, EXT_C, EXT_D) is connected to at least one of the Hall sensor elements (1, 2, . . . , 94) at one of its element terminals (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H).
US09575138B1 Method for small-signal stability assessment of power systems using source side and load side perturbations
A novel method for real-time small-signal stability analysis for power electronic-based components in a power system. The method may be used to monitor a power system in real-time by perturbing the source side of an electronic-based component of the power system by injecting a current of about 0.5 to 1 percent of a nominal current of the power system at the source side and perturbing the load side of the power electronic-based component by injecting a voltage of about 0.5 to about 1 percent of a nominal voltage of the power system at the load side and varying the voltage at the load side. Time-domain results of the perturbations may be transferred to frequency-domain results and the stability of the power system may be monitored by obtaining a Nyquist contour and employing Generalized Nyquist Criterion or unit circle criterion.
US09575136B2 Apparatus and method for measuring impedance of fuel cell stack
An apparatus and method for measuring impedance of a fuel cell stack capable of accurately measuring the impedance even when a DC current of the fuel cell stack is changed depending on fluctuation of a load, by compensating for an AC voltage (or AC current) used to measure the impedance of the fuel cell stack based on a DC current of the fuel cell stack.
US09575134B2 Assembled-battery voltage detection device
An assembled-battery voltage detection device for detecting a voltage at an assembled-battery including a plurality of single batteries connected in series includes: single-battery voltage detection circuits detecting voltages at the respective single batteries; single-battery voltage detection terminals connected to ends of the single batteries; connectors connecting the single-battery voltage detection terminals and the single batteries; voltage detection terminals detecting a voltage at one of the single batteries located at one end in the assembled battery; an assembled-battery voltage detection circuit detecting a potential difference between the voltage detection terminals; a single-battery voltage sum calculator calculating a sum of the voltages detected by the single-battery voltage detection circuits; an end-battery voltage abnormality determination unit determining whether the voltage at the single battery located at the end is 0 V; and an abnormality output unit outputting an abnormality depending on predetermined conditions.
US09575131B2 Residual quantity display system
A microcomputer in a device body operates so as to store every update of a maximum discharge current value (IMAX (A)) of a secondary battery (the whole plurality of cells), and operates so as to indicate the ratio value of the remaining capacity defined in a remaining capacity definition table with respect to a discharge voltage value (V (V)) of the secondary battery while reducing the ratio value in accordance with the maximum discharge current value (IMAX (A)) when obtaining the discharge voltage value (V (V)) from a protection circuit.
US09575130B2 Method for determining the capacity of a battery cell
The invention relates to a method for determining the capacity of a battery cell. A battery cell current I is measured during a measurement period, and an open terminal voltage UOCV1,UOCV2 of the battery cell is measured at the beginning and end of the measuring period. The method has the steps of ascertaining a total battery cell current Iges from the measured battery cell current I, ascertaining charge states SOC1, SOC2 at the beginning and end of the measurement period using the measured open terminal voltage UOCV1,UOCV2, ascertaining an estimated value of the capacity Qest using the total battery cell current Iges and a difference between the charge states SOC1, SOC2, ascertaining a total measurement error of the estimated value of the capacity Qest from measurement errors of the total battery cell current Iges and the charge states SOC1, SOC2, and ascertaining a new value of the capacity Qnew using a known value of the capacity Qact, the estimated value of the capacity Q, and the total measurement error. The new value of the capacity Qnew is in a monotonic relationship with the known value of the capacity Qact and the estimated value of the capacity Qest such that the new value of the capacity Qnew is determined more strongly from the estimated value of the capacity Qest in the case of at least one first value of the total measurement error than in the case of at least one second value of the total measurement error, said second value lying above the at least one first value, and the new value of the capacity Qnew is determined less strongly from the known value of the capacity Qest in the case of the first value of the value of the total measurement error than in the case of the second value of the total measurement error. The invention further relates to a computer program, a battery management system (2), and a motor vehicle which are designed to carry out the method.
US09575129B2 Battery monitoring system and semiconductor device
A battery monitoring system includes a plurality of battery cells connected in series and including a first battery cell at a highest potential; a discharge circuit connected to a high potential side of the first battery cell through a first line; a circuit connected to the high potential side of the first battery cell through a second line; and a plurality of electro-static protection circuits each including one end portion connected to at least one of a high potential side and a low potential side of each of the battery cells, and another end portion connected to the first line.
US09575127B2 Motor control device and electric power steering device using same
Provided are a motor control device (1) for controlling a motor (2) having a plurality of phases, for quickly and accurately detecting a phase in which an open-state fault has occurred when the open-state fault occurs in a target phase. When a power-supply voltage (Vb) is equal to or higher than a predetermined voltage (Vthr), a motor rotation speed (ω) is equal to or lower than a predetermined speed (ωthr), a target x-phase voltage command (Vx*) is not in the vicinity of zero, a current (Ix) of the target x-phase is equal to or lower than a predetermined current (Iu_thr), and a state in which a control error is equal to or larger than a predetermined error is detected over a predetermined time period or longer, occurrence of an open-state fault in the target phase is determined.
US09575126B2 Item of furniture having an actuating system for adjusting at least one movable element
An item of furniture includes at least one movable element and an actuating system for adjusting the movable element. The actuating system includes at least one linear actuator, a power supply unit and a manual control device. The power supply unit and the manual control device are electrically connected to the linear actuator, which has a diagnostic system having at least one illuminated indicator for indicating the functioning of the three components. The diagnostic system allows the user or a repair service to determine which of the three components is faulty, so that only the faulty component has to be replaced. Repair costs can be reduced significantly. The replacement of one of the three components can also then be carried out without difficulty by the user or a repair service.
US09575124B2 Systems and methods for operating high voltage switches
A system for communicating high voltages for a semiconductor device is provided. One system includes a controller having an input pad and an output pad, each of the input pad and the output pad being coupled to a respective high voltage switch of the controller. The system also includes a plurality of semiconductor chips, where each of the plurality of semiconductor chips has at least one input pad coupled to a high voltage switch of a respective semiconductor chip. A high voltage that is higher than normal operation voltages of the semiconductor device is coupled from the input pad of the controller to the output pad of the controller via the coupled high voltage switches of the controller. The high voltage is further coupled from the output pad of the controller to the at least one input pad of the respective semiconductor chip via the high voltage switch coupled to the at least one input pad of the respective semiconductor chip. Methods for operating and providing high voltage inputs to one or more semiconductor devices are also provided.
US09575122B2 Interface with write strobe sequencer, first and second series registers
The disclosure describes a novel method and apparatus for allowing response data output from the scan outputs of a circuit under test to be formatted and applied as stimulus data input to the scan inputs of the circuit under test. Also the disclosure described a novel method and apparatus for allowing the response data output from the scan outputs of a circuit under test to be formatted and used as expected data to compare against the response data output from the circuit under test. Additional embodiments are also provided and described in the disclosure.
US09575120B2 Scan chain processing in a partially functional chip
A method for scanning a partially functional chip. The method may include applying a failed core map to the partially functional chip, bypassing at least one failed core scan chain, based on contents of the failed core map. The method may also include performing comparisons of scan status information to the failed core map and inhibiting movement of scan data of at least one failed core, based on results of the comparisons.
US09575119B1 Measurement of signal delays in microprocessor integrated circuits with sub-picosecond accuracy using frequency stepping
A delay measurement technique using a tapped delay line edge capture circuit that captures tap position of edges within the delay line provides accuracy of measurement to one pico-second and below. A control circuit causes latches to capture an edge of a signal delayed through the delay line at taps of the delay line. The frequency of a clock from which the signal is derived is adjusted and tap outputs are captured by latches and averaged. A first frequency is found at which the average edge position is midway between two adjacent tap positions. A second signal, which may be the reference signal that clocks the latches, is propagated through the delay line and a second frequency is found for which the average edge position lies at the boundary between the two tap positions. The delay is determined from the difference between the periods of the first frequency and the second frequency.
US09575115B2 Methodology of grading reliability and performance of chips across wafer
A system and method sorts integrated circuit devices. Integrated circuit devices are manufactured on a wafer according to an integrated circuit design using manufacturing equipment. The design produces integrated circuit devices that are identically designed and perform differently based on manufacturing process variations. The integrated circuit devices are for use in a range of environmental conditions, when placed in service. Testing is performed on the integrated circuit devices. Environmental maximums are individually predicted for each device. The environmental maximums comprise ones of the environmental conditions that must not be exceeded for each device to perform above a given failure rate. Each integrated circuit device is assigned at least one of a plurality of grades based on the environmental maximums predicted for each device. The integrated circuit devices are provided to different forms of service having different ones of the environmental conditions based on the grades assigned to each device.
US09575112B2 Test system that performs simultaneous tests of multiple test units
A test system includes row decoder, column decoder, row test controller, and test circuit. The row decoder activates one of first through M-th row signals based on plurality of row input signals. The column decoder activates one of first through N-th column signals based on plurality of column input signals. The row test controller outputs first through N-th column output signals, which are activated, when row test enable signal is activated. The row test controller outputs the first through N-th column signals as the first through N-th column output signals respectively when the row test enable signal is deactivated. The test circuit includes first through M-th row test blocks, each of which includes first through N-th test units. The test circuit simultaneously performs short test of the first through N-th test units included in row test block when the row test enable signal is activated.
US09575108B2 Compliance assessment of human exposure from wireless electric vehicle charging system using at least one phantom model
This disclosure provides systems, methods and apparatus for assessing electromagnetic exposure. In one aspect an apparatus is provided. The apparatus includes at least a first circuit configured to calculate electromagnetic exposure of at least a portion of at least one human in proximity to a wireless electric vehicle charging system. The portion of the at least one human is modeled by at least one homogeneous phantom model having dielectric properties that are representative of human tissue. The apparatus further includes at least a second circuit configured to scale the calculated electromagnetic exposure to simulate an electromagnetic exposure based on an inhomogeneous anatomical model of the portion of the at least one human.
US09575106B2 System and method for evaluating a module
In one embodiment, a system comprises a circuit arrangement and a module having a first mechanical switch and an electrode. The circuit arrangement has a terminal that is connected to the module, a drive unit that is connected to the terminal and serves to provide a drive signal, a first evaluation unit that is connected to the terminal and serves for key detection, as well as a second evaluation unit that is connected to the first evaluation unit and serves for proximity detection. Therein the drive signal is designed for driving an electrode of a capacitive proximity sensor in the module, the first evaluation unit is designed to provide a touch signal according to an actuation of the module by a person, and the second evaluation unit is designed to provide a proximity signal according to an approach of a person to the module.
US09575102B2 Dispersed state monitoring device for distributed generation
A dispersed state monitoring device for distributed generation includes a power module, an input conditioning module, a data processing module and a network communication module which are connected one after another in this order. The power is input, via a civil plug and a 220V power socket, to the power module and the input conditioning module in the device at the same time. The power module ensures normal operation of the device through conditioning of a voltage. The input conditioning module is configured to condition input voltage signals, extract voltage transient-state and steady-state signals to be analyzed, and inputting the signals to the data processing module. The data processing module is configured to analyze the voltage transient-state and steady-state signals, judge the operating state of the distributed power source, and output a judging result to the network communication module. The result is output from the network communication module via a standard RJ45 Ethernet interface.
US09575101B2 Power monitoring systems and methods
The present disclosure is a system for monitoring power that has a unified polyphase distribution transformer monitoring (PDTM) device that interfaces with at least three electrical conductors electrically connected to a transformer. In addition, the PDTM device measures a current and a voltage of each of the three electrical conductors. Additionally, the system has logic that calculates values indicative of power corresponding to the transformer based upon the currents and the voltages measured and transmit data indicative of the calculated values.
US09575100B2 Circuit arrangement and method for determining a current in a circuit arrangement
A circuit arrangement including a rectifier circuit and a current determining circuit. The rectifier circuit is configured to rectify an alternating signal into a rectified signal. The current determining circuit is configured to determine a current of the alternating signal from at least a current of the rectified signal.
US09575096B2 Systems and methods to monitor current in switching converters
Various embodiments of the invention increase current monitoring accuracy in switching converters. In particular, certain embodiments of the invention allow reduce noise associated with transients that are typically generated at transitions when power FETs are turn on and off and allow to accurately sense inductor DC current of switching converters, thereby, increase current monitoring accuracy without requiring any blanking circuitry. In certain embodiments of the invention, this is accomplished by an acquisition circuit that dynamically monitors current in various operating modes. A phase frequency detector (PFD) and control circuit in the acquisition circuit automatically align a narrow sampling window and the midpoint of a turn-on signal. Certain embodiments utilize an analog multiplier circuit to sense current in skip mode operation.
US09575094B2 Current sensor for wires having different diameters
A current sensor includes a casing including a pair of arms and coupling part, multiple magneto-electric transducers arranged on the circumference of a virtual ellipse whose major axis or minor axis extends between the arms, a support disposed obliquely relative to the major axis or the minor axis of the virtual ellipse within an angle formed by the major axis and the minor axis so as to be close to one of the arms when viewed from the center of a wire disposed and fastened between the arms, and a band wound around a circumferential surface of the wire fastened between the arms, part of the band being caught by the support, the wire being fastened by the band such that the central axis or center of the wire is held close to the support.
US09575091B2 Testing device for electrical safety using wireless communication
Devices and methods for enhancing electrical safety are provided herein. Devices testing the safety of light fixtures are provided. Also provided are a variety of testing tools for improving electrical safety. The devices are generally capable of wirelessly communicating with a computer, particularly a hand-held device such as a smart-phone or tablet. Methods for using the devices are also provided.
US09575087B2 Risk-managed, single-use, pre-calibrated, pre-sterilized sensors for use in bio-processing applications
Single-use, pre-sterilized, and pre-calibrated, pre-validated sensors are provided. These sensors are designed to store sensor-specific information, such as calibration and production information, in a non-volatile memory chip on the sensor or in a barcode printed on the sensor. These sensors may be utilized with in-line systems, closed fluid circuits, bioprocessing systems, or systems which require an aseptic environment while avoiding or reducing cleaning procedures and quality assurance variances. The sensors exhibit both their primary sensing function such as conductivity, pH level, dissolved oxygen, pressure or temperature, as well as at least one secondary sensing function of risk management or risk mitigation.
US09575077B2 TSH antibodies for point-of-care immunoassay formats
The invention relates to antibody characteristics used to design a whole blood Point of Care Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) immunoassay using an ELISA sandwich assay lacking one or more wash steps between the antigen capture, detection antibody addition and substrate introduction steps. This invention exhibits low cross reactivity with biologically similar interfering cross reacting species, such as Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Chorionic Gonadotropin (CG).
US09575076B2 TSH immunoassays and processes for performing TSH immunoassays in the presence of endogenous contaminants in restricted wash formats
The invention relates to low wash Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) immunoassays using an ELISA sandwich assay having limited or no wash step between the antigen capture, detection antibody addition and substrate introduction steps. This invention exhibits low cross reactivity with biologically similar interfering cross reacting species, such as Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Chorionic Gonadotropin (CG).
US09575058B2 Systems and methods of fluidic sample processing
The present invention provides fluidic devices and systems that allow detection of analytes from a biological fluid. The methods and devices are particularly useful for providing point-of-care testing for a variety of medical applications.
US09575055B2 Co-culture bioreactor system
Disclosed herein are bioreactor systems and methods of utilizing said systems.
US09575054B2 Identification of antitumor compounds using placenta
Provided herein are methods of evaluating potential antitumor compounds, and thereby identifying antitumor compounds, using placenta or a portion thereof and tumor cells, and compositions for accomplishing the same. In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of determining whether a potential antitumor compound is effective against a plurality of tumor cells, comprising introducing a plurality of tumor cells to, e.g., into or onto, a mammalian placenta or portion thereof; contacting said plurality of tumor cells for a period of time with said antitumor compound; and determining whether said antitumor compound is effective against said tumor cells, wherein said antitumor compound is effective against said tumor cells if said antitumor compound over said period of time reduces the number of said tumor cells or reduces the growth rate of said tumor cells.
US09575053B2 Urinary biomarker for use in test for prostate cancer
A novel method that enables prostate cancer testing that is noninvasive and more accurate than conventional methods is disclosed. The present inventors intensively analyzed urine samples from prostate cancer patients, and non-cancer subjects, who are free of prostate cancer, and, as a result, newly discovered urinary peptides that can be used as indicators in prostate cancer testing. Use of these urinary peptides as indicators enables various prostate cancer-related tests including detection of prostate cancer, discrimination between prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, monitoring of a therapeutic effect of prostate cancer therapy and monitoring of postoperative recurrence.
US09575051B2 Test strip connector contact protection
A test strip port connector of a test meter receives an analytical test strip comprising a sample chamber for receiving a fluid sample. The fluid sample is prevented from contaminating an interior region of the test strip port connector by a sealing mechanism having a seal configured to be moved into a sealing position across the test strip.
US09575044B2 Method, device and computer program product for assessing the disintegration of a dosage form in the gastrointestinal tract
The invention relates to a device for assessing the disintegration of a dosage form in the gastrointestinal tract, comprising a wall surrounding a cell for being filled with a fluid and for receiving the dosage form, further comprising a pressurizable compartment arranged exterior to the wall for repeatedly deforming the wall between a first state and a second state wherein the volume of the cell in the first state is larger than in the second state, wherein the device also comprises controlling means for quantitatively controlling a fluid flow from and into the cell, and/or for quantitatively controlling a contact force that the wall exerts on the dosage form.
US09575042B2 Ligand-modified metal clusters for gas separation and purification
Provided is an organic ligand-bound metal surface that selects one gaseous species over another. The species can be closely sized molecular species having less than 1 Angstrom difference in kinetic diameter. In one embodiment, the species comprise carbon monoxide and ethylene. Such organic ligand-bound metal surfaces can be successfully used in gas phase separations or purifications, sensing, and in catalysis.
US09575040B2 Methods and apparatus for detection of gaseous corrosive contaminants
A corrosion sensor includes a plurality of metal strips having different thicknesses. A first metal strip with the least thickness is first employed to provide sensitive corrosion detection. After an exposed portion of the first metal strip is consumed, a second metal strip having a second least thickness can be employed to provide continued sensitive corrosion detection employing a remaining un-corroded portion of the second metal strip. The plurality of metal strips can be sequentially employed as exposed portions of thinner metal strips become unusable through complete corrosion and un-corroded exposed portions of thicker metal strips become thin enough to provide sensitive corrosion detection.
US09575038B2 Universal detector calibrant
A method of calibrating a biological detector can include training a biological detector to detect a calibration compound, wherein the calibration compound comprises an odor that is detectable by the biological detector and is not used in an environment for which the biological detector is trained to detect odors, presenting the biological detector with a device comprising the calibration compound, and determining whether the biological detector will alert to the calibration compound.
US09575034B2 Method and system for immersion ultrasound inspection including within downwardly opening cavities
Immersion ultrasonic NDE is performed within cavities of inanimate objects, having downwardly directed openings, such as for in situ inspection of steam inlet sleeves and steam inlet necks within steam turbine housings. A shaft assembly has one or more single angle or phased array ultrasonic probes that are affixed on an upstream or distal end. An inflatable bladder is affixed to the shaft on a proximal end of the shaft assembly downstream the ultrasonic probe(s). The shaft is inserted into the cavity opening, and the bladder is inflated to form a fluid tight seal against the cavity. Immersion fluid is introduced upstream the bladder in the volume occupied by the probes. Immersion ultrasonic inspection of the object is then performed.
US09575033B1 Quantification of wrinkles in composite objects
A method and apparatus for evaluating an object having a wrinkle. Energy is sent into the object at a plurality of locations using an array of transmitting elements. Reflected energy is received at an array of receiving elements in response to a portion of the energy being reflected off a plurality of layers in the object. A three-dimensional model of the wrinkle in the object is created based on the reflected energy received at the array of receiving elements.
US09575032B2 Method of analyzing at least two inhibitors simultaneously in a plating bath
The presently claimed invention provides an accurate, fast, and cost effective method for determining the additive concentrations of at least two inhibitors simultaneously in an electroplating bath by using different electrical load conditions. The method of the present invention is able to determine additive concentrations of different inhibitors effectively during on-line feedback control for adjusting the amount of additives in the electroplating bath to maintain the additive concentrations within pre-defined limits during device production.
US09575030B2 Digital controller for an oxygen sensor
An apparatus and method are provided for digitally controlling an oxygen sensor. The apparatus comprises a computer and digital circuitry coupled to the oxygen sensor to convey information between the oxygen sensor and the computer. The oxygen sensor includes a pump cell and at least one Nernst cell configured to indicate the difference in oxygen content in a test medium relative to a reference medium. A pump control circuit operates the pump cell according to signals received from the computer based on output signals from the Nernst cell. A reference voltage circuit enables the computer to determine impedances of the oxygen sensor as a function of sensor temperature and pressure. A Nernst read circuit transmits output signals from the oxygen sensor digitally to the computer. Digital signals received by the computer are compared with stored reference information so as to determine the oxygen content of the test medium.
US09575029B2 Method to realize electronic field-effect transistor sensors
A transistor includes at least one conductive layer, at least one gate dielectric layer and at least one semiconducting film deposited on top of a receptor molecule layer previously deposited or covalently linked to the surface of the gate dielectric. The layer of biological material includes single or double layers of phospholipids, layers made of proteins such as receptors, antibodies, ionic channels and enzymes, single or double layers of phospholipids with inclusion or anchoring of proteins such as: receptors, antibodies, ionic channels and enzymes, layers made of oligonucleotide (DNA, RNA, PNA) probes, layers made of cells or viruses, layers made of synthetic receptors for example molecules or macromolecules similar to biological receptors for properties, reactivity or steric aspects.
US09575026B2 Systems and methods of discriminating between a control sample and a test fluid using capacitance
Methods for distinguishing between an aqueous non-blood sample (e.g., a control solution) and a blood sample are provided herein. In one aspect, the method includes using a test strip in which multiple current transients are measured by a meter electrically connected to an electrochemical test strip. The current transients are used to determine if a sample is a blood sample or an aqueous non-blood sample based on characteristics of the sample (e.g., amount of interferent present, reaction kinetics, and/or capacitance). The method can also include calculating a discrimination criteria based upon these characteristics. Various aspects of a system for distinguishing between a blood sample and an aqueous non-blood sample are also provided herein.
US09575022B2 Electronic indicator for monitoring efficacy of a cleaning cycle
An electronic indicator includes artificial soil and sensor. An electrical characteristic of the electronic indicator can vary due to a change in the volume of the artificial soil. In some embodiments, the electrical characteristic of the electronic indicator can be measured by an electrical characteristic reader and used to determine efficacy of a cleaning cycle.
US09575021B2 Piezoelectric substrate for the study of biomolecules
A method of forming extremely small pores in a substrate may be used to produce, for example, an apparatus for the study of biological molecules, by providing a small pore in a piezoelectric substrate having electrodes, the latter that may be energized to change the pore dimensions.
US09575019B2 Detecting hazardous materials in containers utilizing nuclear magnetic resonance based measurements
A method of detecting hazardous materials in containers utilizing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology. The presence of precursors (e.g., H202) and/or nitrogen in the liquid in the container is determined by placing the container in a static magnetic field, exciting the container with electromagnetic pulses having a frequency corresponding to proton NMR and 14N NMR, and receiving radio frequency (RF) signals through a probe. The excitation pulses are configured to enable detection of the presence of precursors and nitrogen in the container, and may comprise a sequence of short RF pulses. The presence of nitrogen and/or explosive precursors is determined by detecting and evaluating NMR measurement signal amplitudes and relaxation times from the received RF signals. An apparatus comprising a magnet that generates a magnetic field and a probe that generates RF pulses and receives NMR measurement signals from the sampled container in accordance with the aforementioned method.
US09575017B2 High performance Kratky assembly
An assembly for Kratky collimator is provided. The assembly may be used for a small angle x-ray camera or system requiring such filtering. The assembly may include a first block with a first working surface and a second block with a second working surface. The first and second blocks may be aligned with the first working surface pointing an opposite direction of the second working surface and the first working surface being aligned in a common plane with the second working surface. In some implementations, the first block may comprise a crystal material. In some implementations, an extension may of the first block may be configured position a beamstop.
US09575016B2 Projection method of three-dimensional imaging
A projection method of three-dimensional imaging includes the steps of respectively projecting a radiation field emitted from a radiation source with respect to one specific detector of a plurality of detectors and a three-dimensional sub-voxel onto two two-dimensional planes; rotating the specific detector to one specific axis of the two dimensional plane; performing a calculation for obtaining a sub-geometric factor corresponding to each specific detector and each voxel; and, finally, forming a geometric factor by combining each sub-geometric factor defined by each detector and each voxel.
US09575015B2 Systems and methods for x-ray phase contrast imaging using arrays of x-ray focusing elements
Systems and methods for performing x-ray phase-contrast imaging using a conventional x-ray source and detector are provided. An array of x-ray focusing elements it provided and used to focus x-ray onto a pattern of multiple different focal spots. When an object is introduced into the beam path, the focal spots will be displaced based on the x-rays being refracted by the object. A refraction angle map is produced and used to generate a phase contrast image, such as an image that indicates the electron density distribution in the object. Multi-spectral imaging can be achieved by utilizing the chromatic aberration of the array of x-ray focusing elements and sweeping the detector through different focal planes associated with different x-ray energy levels or sweeping the peak voltage of the x-ray source for a fixed object-to-detector distance.
US09575014B2 Material determination by sweeping a range of frequencies
A material-discerning device is arranged to include an antenna, a proximity sensor, a band pass filter and a processor. The antenna radiates a radio-frequency signal and a material object is located in the field created by the antenna and near the proximity sensor. Change in the amplitude of the radio-frequency signal due to the presence of the material object is detected by the proximity sensor. The change in amplitude of the radio-frequency signal is stored. The frequency of the radio-frequency signal is changed and the process is repeated until a range of frequencies have been swept and stored. After the range of frequencies has been swept and stored, the processor determines the type of material of the material object using the results of the changes in amplitude of the radio-frequency signals.
US09575013B2 Non-contact method and system for inspecting a manufactured part at an inspection station having a measurement axis
A method and system for inspecting a manufactured part at an inspection station are provided. A supported part is rotated about a measurement axis so that the part moves at predetermined angular increments during at least one rotational scan. A backside beam of collimated radiation is directed at and is occluded by the supported part at each of a first plurality of consecutive increments of movement to create a stream of unobstructed portions of the backside beam in rapid succession passing by and not blocked by the supported part. A frontside beam of radiation is directed at and is reflected by the supported part at each of a second plurality of consecutive increments of movement to create a stream of reflected portions of the frontside beam in rapid succession. The streams of reflected and unobstructed portions are detected at the inspection station to obtain electrical signals which are processed.
US09575012B2 Automated wafer inspection
In semiconductor fabrication processes, one or more wafers are often exposed to processes such as chemical vapor deposition to form semiconductor components thereupon. Often, some of the wafers exhibit flaws due to contamination or processing errors occurring before, during, or after component formation. Inspection of the wafers is often performed by direct visual inspection of humans, which is prone to errors due to flaws that are too small to view directly; to particles naturally arising in the human eye; and to fatigue caused by inspection of large numbers of wafers. Presented herein are inspection techniques involving positioning the wafer in a dark chamber exposing the surface of the wafer to a light source at a first angle, and capturing with a camera an image of the light source reflected from the surface of the wafer at a second angle. Wafers identified as exhibiting flaws are removed from the wafer set.
US09575009B2 Remote connection system for an aircraft
The present description relates to a remote connection system suitable for being incorporated in an aircraft (1A, 1B, 1C) comprising at least one engine propeller (50A, 50B, 50C) having a plurality of blades (52A, 52B, 52C) suitable for rotating relative to a stationary module (10A, 10B, 10C) of the aircraft about an engine axis (X). The remote connection system comprises: a light emitter device configured, when the remote connection system is incorporated in the aircraft (1A, 1B, 1C), to emit a light beam that emerges to the outside of the propeller (50A, 50B, 50C), from at least one emission surface (54A, 54B, 54C) of said propeller (50A, 50B, 50C).
US09575008B2 Apparatus and method for photographing glass in multiple layers
The invention teaches a new apparatus and method to photograph glasses in multiple layers for taking high quality photo images with scratch, crash, black/white defect, lack, crack, pin-hole, concave edge and raised edge, bubble and smudge defects on the surface-layer, backside-layer or/and mid-layer of the glasses. The invention also introduces flexible and expendable photographing hardware architecture that will meet various customers inspecting defects requirements and speed requirements.
US09575007B2 Route examination system and method
A route examination system includes a thermographic camera configured to be logically or mechanically coupled with a vehicle that travels along a route. The thermographic camera is also configured to sense infrared radiation emitted or reflected from the route and to generate a sensed thermal signature representative of the infrared radiation that is sensed. The system also includes a computer readable memory device configured to store a designated thermal signature representative of infrared radiation emitted from a segment of the route that is not damaged. The system also includes an analysis processor configured to determine a condition of a first portion of the route relative to other portions of the route at least in part by comparing the sensed thermal signature and the designated thermal signature.
US09575006B1 Method and computing system for evaluating degradation of an air seperation module tubesheet
A method, computing system and computer program product are provided to facilitate the inspection of an air separation module and to determine the degradation of an air separation module tubesheet. In the context of a method, an air separation module tubesheet is subjected to infrared spectroscopy by exposing the air separation module tubesheet to a spectrum of infrared radiation and collecting a spectrum of return signals. The method also includes providing a regression model based upon a multivariate regression of a representation of the infrared spectra collected from a plurality of air separation module tubesheet samples having different predefined conditions. The method further includes determining a condition of the air separation module tubesheet based upon a representation of the spectrum collected from the air separation module tubesheet and the regression model.
US09574999B2 Outdoor unit of air conditioner and method of controlling the same
Provided are an outdoor unit of an air conditioner that detects snow that piles up on the outdoor unit of the air conditioner and a method of controlling the same. When a detection device is installed in the outdoor unit and snow piles up in a snow cover detection area included in the detection device, it is detected using an optical sensor whether snow cover occurs. A value detected by the optical sensor is transmitted to a controller, and the controller compares the value with a default value, and when the controller receives a value different from the default value, the controller controls a fan driving unit to drive a fan. Wind generated by driving the fan removes snow that piles up in the snow cover detection area, a fan guard and a discharge port to prevent the fan from malfunctioning due to accumulated snow.
US09574997B2 Method for classifying seeds, comprising the usage of infrared spectroscopy
A method for classifying sugar beet seeds, comprising the steps of measuring an IR-spectrum of each seed, preferably sugar beet seeds, classifying seeds according to their IR-spectrum, wherein the seed-class differs from other seed-classes by a quality of composition, wherein said quality of composition is reflected in a specific IR-spectrum. In one embodiment the seeds are sorted according to their classification by a sorting means.
US09574996B2 Suction-type smoke sensing system
This invention relates to a suction-type smoke sensing system which detects smoke with high accuracy and rapidly and identifies a fire occurrence spot quickly.The system of the present invention is provided with a piping for sucking air in each region to be inspected, a photoelectric smoke sensor which, when air in each of the regions to be inspected is sucked, senses mixing of smoke in the air, and a control unit which sucks the air in the region to be inspected and is electrically connected to the photoelectric smoke sensor so as to receive and process a detection signal. The photoelectric smoke sensor is provided with a smoke sensing portion which senses the smoke in the sucked air, a suction port provided on the air inflow side of the smoke sensing portion, directly sucks the air in the region to be inspected, and fitted with a base end portion of a suction pipe which extends to the region to be inspected, and a fitting portion provided on the air outflow side of the smoke sensing portion and fitted with the end portion of the piping.
US09574992B1 Single wavelength ellipsometry with improved spot size capability
Methods and systems for performing single wavelength ellipsometry (SWE) measurements with reduced measurement spot size are presented herein. In one aspect, a pupil stop is located at or near a pupil plane in the collection optical path to reduce sensitivity to target edge diffraction effects. In another aspect, a field stop is located at or near an image plane conjugate to the wafer plane in the collection optical path to reduce sensitivity to undesired optical-structural interactions. In another aspect, a linear polarizer acting on the input beam of the SWE system includes a thin, nanoparticle based polarizer element. The nanoparticle based polarizer element improves illumination beam quality and reduces astigmatism on the wafer plane. The pupil and field stops filter out unwanted light rays before reaching the detector. As a result, measurement spot size is reduced and tool-to-tool matching performance for small measurement targets is greatly enhanced.
US09574990B2 SERS structures with nanoporous materials
The present disclosure describes a surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) apparatus and methods of forming and using the SERS apparatus. An example of a SERS apparatus includes a nanoporous material on an upper surface of a substrate, a plurality of SERS-active structures on an upper surface of the nanoporous material, and a Raman-active material on a surface of each of SERS-active structures.
US09574988B2 Sensor and methods for measuring particles in media
A sensor for measuring particles in contaminated media contains an optically transparent measuring cell, through which a capillary tube for conducting and measuring a medium passes, an optical detector, and a magnetic detector. The measuring cell is cylindrical, the capillary tube extends coaxially in the measuring cell and an inspection space is arranged in a center of the measuring cell. On the inspection space an optical lens system having a light source and at least one optical detector is focused. Differential coils for producing and detecting a coaxial alternating magnetic field form the magnetic detector on the shaft of the measuring cell, which differential coils are controlled in such a way that the alternating magnetic field is canceled out in the inspection space.
US09574986B2 Apparatus and process for producing acknowledged air flow and the use of such apparatus in measuring particle concentration in acknowledged air flow
Apparatus (1) for generating acknowledged flow (Q), comprising a first passage (2) with ends (3,4) for acknowledged flow (Q) inlet and outlet, a discharge electrode (5) for generating airborne unipolar ions (8) positioned inside the first passage (2), a counter electrode (6) adapted to attract said airborne ions (8), thereby being adapted to cause a net flow (7) of airborne ions (8) and thereby generating an airflow (Q) in the direction of the net flow of airborne ions (8), sensing element (12, 13), the output of which is a function of the concentration of the airborne electric charge (8, 11), means (17) for switching or modulating a parameter which affects the output of the sensing element (12,13) and means for determining the volumetric flow (Q) on the basis of the time response which switching or modulation creates to the sensing element (12,13) output. 11. Use of apparatus (1) as described in the previous claims for determining ultrafine particle concentration. Process for generating acknowledged flow.
US09574985B2 Determining conditions in centrifuged blood using measured pressure
A method for determining a condition in a blood sample includes: providing a sample of blood; providing a metering probe having a pump for aspirating and dispensing; inserting the metering probe a selected distance into the blood sample; measuring the pressure between the sample and pump during sample aspiration or sample dispense; comparing the measured pressure with a reference value; and signaling the presence or absence of the condition. A method for confirming or detecting the presence of a selected layer of blood component in a centrifuged blood sample includes: measuring a pressure of a suspected selected layer in a metering probe during aspiration or dispense; comparing the measured pressure with a reference value, wherein if the measured pressure and the reference value are substantially identical then the selected layer of the blood component is confirmed. In a preferred embodiment the reference value is a pre-selected pressure range.
US09574981B2 Method of assessing asphaltene inhibitor efficiency
Methods of assessing asphaltene inhibitor/dispersant efficiency are disclosed. Also disclosed are methods of assessing solvent/dispersant/cleaner efficacy for remediating asphaltene deposition. The methods are useful in facilitating the production, transportation, storage, and separation of crude oil and natural gas, and more particularly, for preventing the undesired deposition of asphaltene from crude oil.
US09574978B2 Sampler
Disclosed therein is a sampler. The sampler includes: a chamber accommodating a fluid or solid reagent therein and being sealed at both ends with penetrable films; a tube joined with the chamber at one side, the tube having a hollow portion therein; and a movable bar having a tip which is formed at one end and has a specimen extracting portion, the tip being guided and moved through a hollow portion, the tip being adapted for mixing the specimen extracted by the specimen extracting portion with the reagent so as to form a diluted solution while penetrating through one end of the chamber and adapted for quantitatively discharging out the diluted solution while penetrating through the other end of the chamber.
US09574975B2 Device for fluid sampling
The disclosure is directed to a device for fluid sampling. The device may have two panels that are or may be adhered, attached or otherwise connected to opposite sides of a sampling bag having flexible walls. The panels may be used for conveniently inflating or deflating the sampling bag and obtaining fluid samples.
US09574973B2 Oscillating microtome with flexure drive
A microtome method and apparatus includes a microtome blade configured to oscillate in a direction transverse to a direction of advancing a cut, and a first flexure to support and guide the blade. The first flexure is compliant in the transverse direction while being stiff in the cut direction. A second flexure operatively engaged at one end portion with the first flexure, is stiff in the transverse direction while being compliant in the cut direction. The other end portion of the second flexure is rotatably engaged by an eccentric driven by a rotatable actuator, which oscillates the blade in the transverse direction while effectively isolating non-transverse motion from the blade. The second flexure is configured to move independently of any guides or other stationary objects during oscillation.
US09574972B2 Methods and systems for evaluating vehicle steering systems
Methods and systems are provided for evaluating a steering system of a vehicle, in which the steering system includes a steering column, steering rack, and pinion. The rack is manipulated as the steering system is mounted to a testing system. The steering column is also manipulated as the steering system is mounted to the testing system. Data is collected from the manipulating of the rack and the dithering of the steering column for use in evaluating the steering system.
US09574968B2 Methods and systems for using low-emissivity slides for spectral histopathology (SHP) and spectral cytopathology (SCP)
The methods, systems, and devices may include performing one or more quality tests to determine and/or certify the quality of slides used in infrared imaging. The methods, systems, and devices may certify a quality of a slide when the average quality assessment of the slide is within the established quality value range.
US09574967B2 Wavefront measurement method, shape measurement method, optical element manufacturing method, optical apparatus manufacturing method, program, and wavefront measurement apparatus
A wavefront measurement method includes the steps of causing object light to be incident on a Shack-Hartmann sensor, capturing a first spot image under image pickup conditions, calculating data of first spot positions that correspond to the first spot image, calculating second spot positions by simulating a second spot image on the basis of the image pickup condition and information of a travelling direction of diffracted light generated when the object light passes through the microlenses, and reducing detection errors of the spot positions by correcting the data of the first spot positions on the basis of data of the second spot positions including data of a detection error due to the diffracted light.
US09574966B2 Passive wireless antenna sensor for strain, temperature, crack and fatigue measurement
An apparatus and method is provided for monitoring a condition of a structure using a passive wireless antenna sensor having a known resonant frequency when mounted on the structure. A signal is transmitted with sweeping frequencies around a known resonant frequency to the passive wireless antenna sensor. A signal is received from the passive wireless antenna sensor and a resonant frequency of the passive wireless antenna sensor is determined based on the received signal. The determined resonant frequency is then compared to the known resonant frequency, whereby a change in the resonant frequency indicates a change in the condition of the structure.
US09574962B2 Hydraulic attachment
The present invention relates to a hydraulic attachment comprising a hydraulic circuit, the attachment being a construction or demolition tool, in particular a hydraulic breaker, demolition shears, scrap shears, a pulverizer, a gripper, a crusher bucket or a compactor, which can be mechanically connected to a support device and hydraulically connected to the hydraulic system of the support device. In order to enable the hydraulic circuit to be opened quickly and safely within an attachment and, in particular, to make it possible to display the presence of a particular pressure level within a hydraulic attachment and to determine whether a dangerous residual pressure is present in the system, a hydraulic attachment is proposed that has a residual pressure display (40) which is connected to the hydraulic circuit of the attachment in a detachable or non-detachable manner.
US09574953B2 Magnetic force sensor
The present invention provides a magnetic force sensor that can precisely detect and correct variations in a magnetic field generated by a magnetic flux generating source. Therefore, a displacement magneto-electric transducer, which detects a change in the magnetic field caused by an external force, and a fixed magneto-electric transducer, where the change in the magnetic field caused by the external force does not occur, are provided to face end sides of magnetic poles of the magnetic flux generating source. The fixed magneto-electric transducer detects a variation of the magnetic field caused by, for example, changes with time and environmental variations such as a temperature rise in the interior of the sensor. On the basis of a detection amount thereof, an operational section performs a correction operation, so that a sensitivity coefficient or an offset of the displacement magneto-electric transducer is corrected.
US09574951B2 Image sensor including temperature sensor and electronic shutter function
An image capture device includes an image sensor. The image sensor includes a temperature sensor for measuring temperature measurements of the image sensor. A timing generator is coupled to the image sensor for applying an electronic shutter pulse to the image sensor to drain away all charge in photodiodes of the image sensing region prior to image capture. A reading component is coupled to the temperature sensor for reading the temperature measurements from the temperature sensor. The image capture device is configured to prevent erroneous temperature readings by the reading component resulting from substrate punch-through from the application of the electronic shutter pulse.
US09574941B2 Dispersed fourier transform spectrometer, methods and systems
A spectrometer is provided, the spectrometer having an interferometer generating an interferogram by splitting an interferometer input signal between a reference arm and a variable delay arm, and introducing a delay between the split interferometer input signals prior to interfering the split interferometer input signals. The spectrometer additionally has a controllable delay element operable to adjust the delay introduced by the interferometer and a dispersive element outputting a plurality of narrowband outputs representative of a received broadband input signal. The interferometer and dispersive element are optically connected to output a plurality of narrowband interferograms representative of a spectra of a spectrometer input signal received by the spectrometer, and the plurality of narrowband interferograms are received by a detector array for analysis.
US09574939B1 Fiber grating demodulation system for enhancing spectral resolution by finely adjusting a collimating mirror
A fiber grating demodulation system for enhancing spectral resolution by finely adjusting a collimating mirror, includes a laser pump source, a wavelength division multiplexer, a fiber Bragg grating, a diaphragm, a slit, a collimating mirror, a light splitting grating, an imaging focus mirror, a linear array detector. The laser pump source, the wavelength division multiplexer, and the fiber Bragg grating are connected in sequence, the wavelength division multiplexer is connected to the diaphragm Light emitted from the laser pump source is multiplexed by the wavelength division multiplexer and then enters the fiber Bragg grating, a reflection spectrum of the fiber Bragg grating enters the slit of the fiber grating demodulation system as injected light. After passing through the slit, the injected light is reflected by the collimating mirror, the light splitting grating, and the imaging focus mirror in sequence, and is finally converged to the linear array detector.
US09574938B2 Sampling tool with dual flowline architecture
An optical fluid analyzer tool may have an evaluation flowline which receives a flow of fluid from a geotechnical formation and may have a cleanup flowline which receives another flow of fluid from the geotechnical formation. A flow routing system may be connected to the evaluation flowline and may be connected to the cleanup flowline. The flow routing system may establish isolated flow or commingled flow for the evaluation flowline and may establish isolated flow or commingled flow for the cleanup flowline. A sample chamber may be connected to the evaluation flowline and may be connected to the cleanup flowline. A first pump module may draw the fluid from the geotechnical formation, and an optical fluid analyzer connected to the cleanup flowline and the evaluation flowline may analyze the fluid.
US09574935B2 System for generating extreme ultra violet light
A system for generating extreme ultraviolet light may include a chamber, a target supply device configured to supply a target material into the chamber, a laser apparatus configured to output a laser beam to irradiate the target material, a wavefront adjuster configured to adjust a wavefront of the laser beam, an imaging optical system configured to focus the laser beam reflected by the target material, an image detector configured to capture an image of the laser beam focused by the imaging optical system, and a controller configured to control the wavefront adjuster based on the captured image.
US09574927B2 Printed hydrostatic versatile multiple liquid level switch
A liquid level switch is provided having a first elongated substrate having one, two or three or more pairs of elongated electrical conductors thereon, a second elongated substrate having one two or three or more electrically conductive areas thereon, each electrically conductive area being positioned over an associated pair of electrical conductors positioned on the first elongated non-electrically conductive substrate for enabling electrical bridging contact between conductors of the pairs of electrical conductors, and a substrate coupler is provided for coupling the first and second non-electrically conductive substrates together for providing separation of the non-electrically conductive substrates in the absence of hydrostatic pressure thereon, and for causing contact between the first and second non-electrically conductive substrates in the presence of hydrostatic pressure thereon, producing the electrical bridging contact between pairs of conductors on the first non-electrically conductive substrate, in turn producing multiple level output signals.
US09574924B2 Meter having banded shroud
A flow meter is disclosed having a meter body that is enveloped by a shroud having a compliant band disposed at least partially about the meter body. The shroud protects transducers and transducer cables. The shroud forms a chamber between the shroud and meter body, and includes a releasable portion to allow access into the chamber.
US09574923B2 Water meter systems and methods with bypass-flow path and rechargeable energy storage
A linear water meter system may include a metering system, a ball valve, a power generation system, a wireless communication system, or a combination thereof. The linear water meter system may provide a linear pathway through the meter that minimizes pressure loss in the system. Two pathways may be provided through the power generation system. One pathway may be utilized to generate power, and the other pathway may provide a bypass that can be utilized to maintain a desired water pressure level in the system.
US09574922B2 Method and apparatus for metering of loose objects, such as granular objects, powders, or capsules
A volumetric metering device includes a hopper adapted to hold a supply of granular material, the hopper having an outlet; a rotating wheel located in communication with the outlet, the rotating wheel having an outer periphery and a plurality of metering cavities distributed around the outer periphery, each metering cavity having an open bottom portion; and a plurality of metering valves located around the outer periphery of the rotating wheel with each metering valve located in registry with one of the metering cavities. Each metering valve is movable between a loading position wherein the metering valve blocks the open bottom portion of the metering cavity, and an unloading position wherein the granular material dispenses from the metering cavity through the metering valve. Other features and related methods are also described.
US09574921B2 Dispensing devices for dispensing precise doses of liquid
A dispensing device includes: a first chamber and a second chamber, the first chamber being longitudinally movable in the second chamber; an outlet passage fluidly connected to the second chamber; an intermediate valve positioned between an interior part of the first chamber and an interior part of the second chamber. The valve is configured to allow the liquid product to flow from the interior space of first chamber to the interior space of the second chamber when the first chamber is moved in a first longitudinal direction and to limit flow of the liquid product from the second chamber to the first chamber when the first chamber is moved in an opposite second longitudinal direction. A blocking member is movable in concert with the first chamber and configured to seal the outlet passage when the valve limits flow from the second chamber to the first chamber.
US09574920B2 Storage and measurement container
A storage and measurement container for retaining a quantity of particulate material and dispensing a measured serving thereof. The container comprises an interior volume that is dividable into an upper volume and a lower volume via a slide, a sliding member that selectively occupies the lower volume, and a bottom lid for dispensing the contents of the lower volume. Pulling the slide and the sliding member out from the container causes granular material, such as flour or spices, to fall from the upper volume to the lower volume that is vacated by the sliding member. Measurement indicia on the slide corresponds to the amount of volume vacated by the sliding member. Once the desired amount of material has been deposited into the lower volume, the slide can be closed to seal the upper volume from the lower volume, and the contents of the lower volume can then be dispensed therefrom.
US09574919B2 Reducing false alarms with multi-modal sensing for pipeline blockage
A detection system includes a first sensor coupled to a pipe associated with a pump and generates temperature data associated with a temperature of the pipe. The system includes a second sensor positioned within an acoustic sensing distance from the pump and that generates sound data associated with a sound of the pump. The system includes a processing device configured to execute data instructions to store a baseline temperature signature and a baseline acoustic signature, and receive the temperature data from the first sensor and the sound data from the second sensor. The processing device is configured to, based on (1) a determination that flow through the pipe is reduced by comparing temperature data to the baseline temperature signature, and (2) a determination that the pump remains operational based on comparing the acoustic data to the baseline acoustic signature, generate an indication that the pipe is blocked.
US09574915B1 Precision calibration method for high-precise rotary encoder
The present invention mainly provides a precision calibration method for being applied in a high-precise rotary encoder system, wherein the primary technology feature of the precision calibration method is that: using a laser speckle image capturing module to capture N frames of laser speckle image from an optical position surface of a rotary encoding body, and then using image comparison libraries and particularly-designed mathematical equations to calculate N number of displacement vectors based on the N frames of laser speckle image, so as to eventually calculate N number of angle coordinates corresponding to the N frames of laser speckle image based on the plurality of displacement vectors. Moreover, a rotation matrix is further proposed and used in this precision calibration method, and used for treating the displacement vectors with a displacement vector transforming process in order to effectively enhance the position precision of the high-precise rotary encoder system.
US09574913B2 Dial plate structure and automotive meter
A dial plate structure of a vehicular combination meter includes a dial plate; a light guide disposed back side of the dial plate, the light guide receiving light from a three-dimensional scale light source incident upon a proximal end side thereof; three-dimensional scale marks protruding and disposed on a distal end side of the light guide, the three-dimensional scale marks protruding from through holes perforated in the dial plate; a dimming white print formed on the back surface of the dial plate; and a hard coat clear print formed on the back surface of the dial plate so as to cover at least portions of the dimming white print opposed to the three-dimensional scale marks.
US09574912B2 Sensor element
A sensor element may include a measuring element and a functional housing at least partially surrounding the measuring element including a plastic molded housing. The measuring element may include a hot plate mounted on a carrier substrate by means of narrow arms in a broadly thermally decoupled manner. The carrier substrate may be provided with contacts leading to the measuring element and terminating in contact/bonding points on the carrier substrate. The carrier substrate together with the contact/bonding points may be at least partially integrated into the plastic molded housing, leaving the hot plate exposed. The housing may include connection wiring for the contact/bonding points.
US09574910B2 Position detecting apparatus, and lens apparatus and image pickup apparatus including the position detecting apparatus
Provided is a position detecting apparatus, including: a scale including pattern arrays formed in different cycles in a movement direction; an obtaining unit configured to obtain signals in accordance with a the plurality of pattern arrays; a phase calculator configured to calculate a phase of signals; a synchronism calculator configured to calculate a relative positional relationship between the obtaining unit and the scale by performing synchronism calculation of the phases calculated by the phase calculator; a synchronization error calculator configured to calculate a synchronization error in the synchronism calculation; and a determining unit configured to determine whether or not the synchronism calculation is normal by comparing the synchronization error and a predetermined threshold value with each other.
US09574909B2 Method for determining a closed trajectory by means of a laser and a laser light sensor and apparatus for determining a closed trajectory curve
The invention relates to a method for determining a closed trajectory curve (10) by a laser (12) and a laser light sensor (14) having a flat field of view (16), which includes the steps A to G, as well as an apparatus (36) for determining a closed trajectory curve (10).
US09574904B2 Rotational angle detector including seat and rotary machine including the detector
A rotational angle detector includes a rotary element rotatable around a rotational axis line, the rotary element having a detected portion on an outer circumference, a detection element provided on a radially outside of the detected portion so as to face the detected portion, and a seat having a mounting surface on which the detection element can be mounted, the mounting surface extending around the rotational axis line. The seat is configured such that a distance between the mounting surface and the detected portion in a direction parallel to the rotational axis line varies along a circumferential direction of the seat.
US09574903B2 Transient multivariable sensor evaluation
A method and system for performing transient multivariable sensor evaluation. The method and system includes a computer system for identifying a model form, providing training measurement data, generating a basis vector, monitoring system data from sensor, loading the system data in a non-transient memory, performing an estimation to provide desired data and comparing the system data to the desired data and outputting an alarm for a defective sensor.
US09574901B2 Device for displaying flight characteristics of an aircraft, aircraft instruments, and related method
A device for displaying flight characteristics of an aircraft is provided. The device includes a display for the selective display of flight characteristics of an aircraft, as a function of a state of credibility assigned to measurements from static pressure, total pressure and angle-of-attack sensors, configured for selectively displaying a primary set of flight characteristics comprising at least one flight characteristic coming from a measurement from one of said sensors, when the measurements from said sensors are deemed reliable, and a secondary set of flight characteristics, distinct from said primary set, comprising at least one secondary flight characteristic designed to replace a counterpart flight characteristic from the primary set, when the measurements from at least one sensor are deemed unreliable, said secondary flight characteristic being independent of any measurement by the or each sensor deemed unreliable done when the measurements from that sensor are deemed unreliable.
US09574896B2 Navigation user interface
The present disclosure relates to techniques for managing navigation alerts. The disclosure generally describes an exemplary technique whereby a first device, such as a smartphone, coordinates the timing or sequence of alerts for a navigation instruction on the first device and on a second device, such as a smartwatch. In some examples, the second device presents an alert to a user indicating an event condition has been met before the first device presents a different alert to the user indicating that the same event condition has been met. The alert at the second device allows the user to anticipate the alert at the first device.
US09574892B2 System, method, and app for managing waste services
A system is disclosed for providing a waste management app. The system may have a locating device disposed onboard a service vehicle and configured to generate a first signal indicative of a location of the service vehicle, an input device, and a controller. The controller may be configured to receive a route assignment including waste services to be performed by the service vehicle, and to track movement of the service vehicle during performance of the waste services based on the first signal. The controller may also be configured to provide a graphical user interface for display on the input device, listing the waste services from the route assignment to be performed by the service vehicle and showing a location of the service vehicle relative to at least one location at which the waste services are to be performed.
US09574887B2 Method of calculating route, and method or device for obtaining route
A method of determining whether there is a need to re-calculate a trip route including a departure point and a destination by using traffic information according to an embodiment of the present invention is provided. The method is performed by a server and includes: receiving the current position from a terminal when the terminal moves a specific distance from a previously reported position; obtaining the current position of a third party when the destination is the position of the third party defined as the identifier (ID) of the third party; and determining whether there is a need to re-calculate the route according to a specific condition based on the obtained current position of the third party, wherein the specific condition is (1) when the third party moves a distance equal to or greater than a predetermined value from the previously reported position or (2) when the third party moves a distance equal to or greater than a predefined value from the previously reported position and the distance between the current position of the terminal and the current position of the third party is shorter than a critical value, and if one of the specific conditions is satisfied, it may be determined that there is a need to re-calculate the route.
US09574882B2 Automotive OBD-II device generating navigational information
A system includes a processor circuit and a computer readable storage medium. The processor circuit may be configured to plug into an on board diagnostic connector of a vehicle. The computer readable storage medium generally embodies computer executable instructions. The computer executable instructions, when executed by the processor circuit, enable the processor circuit to communicate with one or more busses of the vehicle and to communicate navigational information to an auxiliary device.
US09574880B2 MEMS based ring laser gyroscope with reduced lock-in
A ring laser gyroscope (RLG) includes moveable mirrors and a Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) actuator coupled to the moveable mirrors to cause a respective displacement thereof that induces a phase modulation on counter-propagating light beams relative to one another. The induced phase modulation creates an optical path difference between the counter-propagating light beams corresponding to a virtual rotation that reduces the lock-in of the RLG.
US09574871B2 Method and system for measuring length, using mobile terminal
A user measures a length of a target using a mobile terminal and measure a length, irrespective of time and place. The mobile terminal and the target are photographed together in front of the mirror, and a size of the target is estimated using a ratio of the pictured size versus the actual size of the mobile terminal. The actual size of the target is calculated by adjusting the estimated length with an error associated with a difference between a distance from the mirror to the mobile terminal and a distance from the mirror to the target, and thus, a length is more accurately measured. In addition, the error associated with the distance is corrected based on the photographed picture and data stored in a database and thus, a separate distance measurement sensor for correcting the distance is not required and the cost may be reduced.
US09574870B2 Probe for optical imaging
A probe for a three-dimensional (3D) scanning optical imaging which prevents rotational irregularity, axial runout, friction, rotation transmission delays of a rotational part by reducing occurrences of rotation transmission delays, torque loss, and the like, and can perform scanning of a certain length in an axial direction and obtain a three-dimensional observation image, in a probe for OCT image diagnosis. A fixed side optical fiber that transmits light between a tip side and a rear side of a probe and is non-rotatably disposed, a first optical path conversion means that rotates to emit a light ray in a substantially radial direction, a rotation side optical fiber which is rotated by a motor, and a second optical path conversion means that rotates and emits light toward the first optical path conversion means are collinearly disposed. In this way, it is possible to obtain a high quality 3D observation image.
US09574869B2 Integrated dual swept source alternating same scan band for OCT medical imaging
An optical coherence analysis system comprising: a first swept source that generates a first optical signal that is tuned over a first spectral scan band, a second swept source that generates a second optical signal that is tuned over a second spectral scan band, a combiner for combining the first optical signal and the second optical signal to form a combined optical signal, an interferometer for dividing the combined optical signal between a reference arm leading to a reference reflector and a sample arm leading to a sample, and a detector system for detecting an interference signal generated from the combined optical signal from the reference arm and from the sample arm.
US09574868B2 Portable interferometric device
The present invention provides a novel simple, portable, compact and inexpensive approach for interferometric optical thickness measurements that can be easily incorporated into an existing microscope (or other imaging systems) with existing cameras. According to the invention, the interferometric device provides a substantially stable, easy to align common path interferometric geometry, while eliminating a need for controllably changing the optical path of the beam. To this end, the inexpensive and easy to align interferometric device of the invention is configured such that it applies the principles of the interferometric measurements to a sample beam only, being a single input into the interferometric device.
US09574864B2 Gauge for installation of liners in substrate spin coating tools
A gauge and method of use. The gauge includes a body configured to removeably mount to substrate chuck of a spin apply coating tool, the body rotatable about an axis passing through a center of the chuck; an extendable arm having a first end mounted to the body, the extendable arm having a retracted position and a deployed position, a second end of the arm including an upper finger and a lower finger, the upper finger configured to be positioned above a rim of the coat apply bowl and the lower finger positioned below the rim of the coat apply bowl in the deployed position when the coat apply bowl is mounted in the spin apply tool; and wherein the gauge provides an error indication when the gauge is rotated about the axis and the coat apply bowl is not installed in the spin apply coating tool correctly.
US09574857B1 Trip flare with flash bang
A trip flare with flash bang has a body having a sidewall and a hollow interior, a lid releasably attached to the body, the lid including a fuse, the interior of the body containing an illuminant composition in communication with the fuse, and a flash bang charge composition in communication with the fuse and attached to the lid by an elongated flexible tether. The tether may be a coil when received within the interior of the body. There may be an ignition composition proximate the illuminant composition such that combustion of the ignition composition ignites the illuminant composition. The flash bang charge composition may have a pyrotechnic fuse proximate the ignition composition such that combustion of the ignition composition ignites the pyrotechnic fuse. There may be a first fire composition proximate the ignition composition such that combustion of the first fire composition ignites the ignition composition.
US09574856B2 Pyrotechnic gas generator component
The invention relates to a pyrotechnic gas generator component including an inlet stage formed by a pyrotechnic detonator composition and an intermediate stage disposed between the inlet stage and an outlet stage formed by at least one gas generator composition, said intermediate stage being formed by a compressed black powder layer.
US09574853B2 Removable aiming sight and sight mounting shoe with pitch and yaw adjustment for pistols and other weapons
A sight mount system for preserving adjustment settings of a removable aiming sight so as to avoid disturbing the point of aim of the aiming sight when the aiming sight is removed and subsequently reinstalled on a projectile weapon. The system includes an aiming sight foot supporting the aiming sight and a sight mount shoe for receiving the aiming sight foot. The sight mount shoe includes a non-adjustable datum surface, and pitch and yaw adjustment mechanisms that cooperate with the datum surface to establish the pitch and yaw of the aiming sight when the aiming sight foot is secured in the sight mount shoe. A foot retainer urges the aiming sight foot into contact with the datum surface and the pitch and yaw adjustment mechanisms, the foot retainer being manually operable to enable removal and reinstallation of the aiming sight foot without disturbing the pitch and yaw adjustment mechanisms.
US09574850B2 Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information
The present invention relates to target acquisition and related devices, and more particularly to telescopic gunsights and associated equipment used to achieve shooting accuracy at, for example, close ranges, medium ranges and extreme ranges at stationary and moving targets.
US09574849B2 Fire-control system
A fire-control system including a housing, a light channel, a light source, and a processor. Through the light channel, a user may directly observe a target and receive visually displayed information simultaneously. The light channel includes partially reflective optics and allows for visualization of a reticle to the user via the partially reflective optics. A measure of the distance to the target is also received by the system. The processor is for determining the adequate position of the reticle, based on the distance to the target, and for controlling the light source to emit light so that the reticle is visualized at the adequate position. The light source is an array capable of selectively emitting light in well defined locations on its surface.
US09574846B2 Receiver and collapsible buttstock for a firearm
A receiver having an integral stock connector component that extends along the receiver; two extension rod/rail apertures formed through the integral stock connector component, wherein each extension rod/rail aperture is formed so as to slidably receive an extension rod/rail extending from a buttstock, such that each extension rod/rail is slidably movable within one of the extension rod/rail apertures; wherein each extension rod/rail comprises a rod channel and two or more rod dimples/detents formed along the rod channel; and a latch that is movable between an engaged position and a disengaged position, wherein when the latch is in the engaged position, a protrusion portion urges latch elements into the rod/rail apertures a distance that seats the latch elements into the rod dimples/detents, and wherein when the latch is in the disengaged position, the protrusion portion allows the latch elements to retract from the rod dimples/detents and into the rod channels.
US09574845B1 Hunting scent and call pneumatic gun
A gun for propelling a projectile, such as a scent compound enclosed in an spherical shell, into a hunting environment comprises a frame housing a compressed gas reservoir in fluid communication with a trigger valve that is operatively associated with a manually-actuable trigger to momentarily open the trigger valve. A projectile barrel and a sound barrel are each in fluid communication with the compressed gas reservoir when the trigger valve is open. The sound barrel includes a pneumatic game call. The pneumatic game call is selectively removable from the sound barrel and replaceable with at least one other pneumatic game call that produces a different game call. A distal end of the projectile barrel preferably includes a plurality of scoring blades fixed therewithin, such that upon exiting the projectile barrel the shell of the projectile is scored by the scoring blades.
US09574844B2 Paintball marker with interchangeable firing modes
The present disclosure discloses a paintball marker capable of interchanging between a bolt action firing valve and a spool action firing valve. The present disclosure further provides a method of interchanging between the bolt action firing valve and the spool firing valve.
US09574839B2 Foldable and adjustable bipod rest
A user friendly bipod is configured to provide support for firearms, cameras, binoculars, or the like. The bipod includes foldable legs that are adjustable in length/height. The bipod also includes at least one magnetic lock for locking or releasing mechanical parts of the bipod.
US09574836B1 Firearm magazine loader
Firearm magazine loader, associated components, and methods of use. The loader can be configured to load rounds of ammunition from a stripper clip into a firearm magazine. A stripper clip ejector can eject stripper clips from the loader. An ammunition transfer tool can be used for loading rounds of ammunition not on a stripper clip into the firearm magazine loader.
US09574835B2 Firearm, in particular handgun, and method of producing a firearm
A firearm, in particular handgun, has a barrel mechanism with a barrel and a chamber, a closing mechanism with a slide and also a cylinder-piston mechanism for gas pressure-operated closure delay. The cylinder-piston mechanism has a hollow cylinder with a hollow cylinder wall. A channel is formed between the barrel mechanism and the cylinder-piston mechanism. The hollow cylinder wall is fitted with at least one reinforcing element. The firearm may be produced by the following process steps: introduction of a first portion of the bore into the basic body up to the recess; introduction of a second portion of the bore up to the hollow cylinder; drilling of the channel, wherein the drill is conducted through the bore; and introduction of the reinforcing element into the recess, wherein the bore is closed in a gas-tight manner.
US09574829B2 System for recovering waste heat
Provided is a system for recovering waste heat discharged from distillation columns, incinerators, blast columns, smelting columns, and the like at relatively low temperatures to produce hot water in high efficiency, which can be used in various industrial fields. The investment and operating costs of the waste heat recovery system are relatively low as compared with the conventional systems.
US09574818B2 Refrigerator
A refrigerator includes a cabinet having a storage compartment provided therein, a main door pivotably mounted at one side of the cabinet for opening and closing the storage compartment, an auxiliary storage compartment coupled to a rear of the main door, a sub door pivotably mounted at one side of the main door for opening and closing the auxiliary storage compartment, a locking device for selectively coupling the main door and the sub door to each other, a handle pivotably mounted at one side of the sub door for pivoting and opening the main door when pulled and releasing the locking device when pushed, and a lock control device mounted in the sub door for lock control with operation of the handle to release the locking device.
US09574816B2 Refrigerating and air-conditioning apparatus
A refrigeration cycle that is formed by connecting a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, and an evaporator and that performs cooling operation; an evaporator heating device that heats the evaporator; a drain pan that receives drain-water from the evaporator and drains the drain-water; a drain-pan heating device that heats the drain pan; a frost detecting device including a light-emitting element that emits light to the evaporator and a light-receiving element that receives reflected light from the evaporator and outputs a voltage according to the reflected light; and a control device that controls on-off operation of the evaporator heating device and the drain-pan heating device. The control device determines a frosting condition on the evaporator from an output of the frost detecting device and individually controls the evaporator heating device and the drain-pan heating device in accordance with the determination result.
US09574814B2 Refrigerator and control method for the same
A refrigerator includes a plurality of storage compartments, a plurality of cooling units to cool the plurality of storage compartments, a temperature sensing unit to sense temperatures of the plurality of storage compartments, a drive unit to drive the plurality of cooling units, and a controller to control the drive unit to drive the cooling unit that satisfies a predetermined driving condition. If at least one cooling unit among the plurality of cooling units is being driven, the controller delays driving the other cooling unit even if the other cooling unit satisfies the driving condition. The refrigerator minimizes simultaneous driving a plurality of compressors, which may prevent generation of noise and vibration, as well as excessive power consumption, due to driving the plurality of compressors.
US09574811B2 Transparent ice maker
An apparatus and method for producing substantially clear ice in a variety of desired shapes. The apparatus and method in the described embodiments generally provide for an insulated ice mold containing one or more mold cells, each mold cell with an open top, open bottom, and insulated side walls, that is suspended over a liquid water reservoir surrounded and contained in an insulated container. The top surface of the water residing in each mold cell is exposed to freezing air. The insulated walls forming the sides of one or more mold cells act to insure that each ice shape forms and grows from the top surface, down and towards the bottom of each mold cell. The liquid water reservoir, which contacts the bottom surface of the ice shape, remains in a liquid phase and serves as an impurity sink into which the impurities and gases contained in the freezing water are driven as ice forms downward in the mold cell. The liquid water reservoir acts to arrest ice growth below the bottom of the mold cell, while the water in the mold cells freezes into a solid above the ice-water interface.
US09574807B2 Thermally driven condenser unit and adsorption heat or refrigeration plant
A thermally driven condenser unit and an adsorption heat plant constructed therewith, which can be used as an adsorption heat pump, adsorption refrigeration plant, heat store and/or refrigeration storage mechanism. The thermally driven condenser unit integrates a thermal compressor and a condenser in a modular component.
US09574805B2 Motor housing temperature control system
A method and apparatus for controlling temperature of a compressor motor (170) having a motor cooling circuit in a refrigeration system (1014) is provided. The motor cooling circuit includes a second expansion valve (1043) providing fluid communication between the condenser and the compressor motor. The compressor motor (170) is in fluid communication with the refrigeration circuit (1014) between downstream of the first expansion valve (1040) and a compressor inlet. Refrigerant is provided as a cooling fluid to the motor cooling circuit. A primary PID loop (402) and a secondary PID loop (414) are used to control the temperature and the flow of refrigerant to the motor (170).
US09574803B2 Absorber with plate exchanger with porous distribution element
The system comprises a plurality of first fluidic flow channels and a distribution device fed by a flow of a first fluid, notably a liquid, and injecting the flow of first fluid into the plurality of first channels at an output of the distribution device. The output of the distribution device consists of an distribution element for the first fluid, notably formed in a porous material, configured in such a way as to be passed through by the first fluid with a pressure drop such that the first fluid leaves from the distribution element with a uniform surface distribution at an output surface of the distribution element, in a way that ensures a uniform feed of first fluid for the first channels.
US09574800B2 Absorption refrigeration system
An absorption refrigeration system can include: an evaporator configured to evaporate a first refrigerant; an absorber configured to contain an absorbent solution and absorb the evaporated first refrigerant; a regenerator configured to regenerate the absorbent solution by heating the absorbent solution supplied from the absorber; a condenser configured to condense the first refrigerant evaporated in the regenerator; a cooler configured to circulate a second refrigerant inside the evaporator, where the second refrigerant is cooled in the evaporator by evaporation of the first refrigerant; a hot water storage tank configured to store hot water that is heated by absorbing heat from the absorber and the condenser; one or more hot water consumption units configured to receive the hot water from the hot water storage tank; and one or more cold air consumption units configured to receive cooled second refrigerant from the evaporator via the cooler.
US09574799B2 Extractor and concentrator
Extraction units are constructed having at least one extraction chamber containing extractable material. The extract is continuously separated from the solvent in an expansion chamber where it is continuously or periodically removed from the unit. One or more means for fluid flow can be used to circulate the fluid through the extraction chambers and the expansion chamber, where the expansion chamber and a condenser or the output of the means for fluid flow are coupled as a heat exchanger.
US09574795B2 Solar system mounting assembly
A ground mounting assembly, system and methods for ground mounting a structure include a plurality of posts, each of which are attached to at least one stabilizing plate. The posts may be at least partially positioned underground, with the connected stabilizing plates being buried to a depth of about 1 foot. Posts in a front portion of the mounting assembly may be connected to an adjacent one of posts in a back portion of the assembly by a cross member.
US09574793B2 Systems and methods for controlling gas powered appliances
A control system for controlling a gas powered water heater includes a power system to provide electrical power, a valve control system to selectively hold a main gas valve in an open position, a valve pick system to selectively pick the main gas valve from a closed position to the open position, a safety system to prevent the valve control system from holding the main gas valve in the open position, and a controller. The controller is electrically powered by the power system and communicatively coupled to the valve control system, the valve pick system, and the safety system. The controller is configured to control operation of the main burner and the main gas valve using the valve control system, the valve pick system, and the safety system to provide water heated to substantially a set point temperature.
US09574790B2 Air duct and air flow system
An air duct of this disclosure includes: a tubular duct body formed from a non-air-permeable material; and a tubular opening end member formed from an air-permeable material. The opening end member is integrated with an end portion of the duct body so as to extend a duct wall of the duct body. D representing a diameter of the opening end member and L representing a length thereof satisfy a relationship 0.1D≦L≦1.5D. An air permeability of the air-permeable material is in a range of 0.3 to 100 sec/300 cc.
US09574789B2 Damper blade seal system
A damper comprising a frame, a first blade pivotally engaged with the frame, the first blade comprising a first end portion disposed at an obtuse angle α with respect to a first blade axis, the first blade comprising a hollow portion for receiving an insulating material and further comprising a first thermal gap for interrupting a thermally conductive path across the first end portion, a second blade pivotally engaged with the frame, the second blade comprising a second end portion disposed at an obtuse angle α with respect to a second blade axis, the second blade comprising a hollow portion for receiving an insulating material and further comprising a second thermal gap for interrupting a thermally conductive path across the second end portion, a first seal connected to the first end portion of the first blade, a second seal connected to the second end portion of the second blade, the first seal and the second seal disposed to cooperatively engage an adjacent first blade end portion and second blade end portion such that a dead air space is created between the adjacent first seal and second seal in a damper closed position, and the first thermal gap and the second thermal gap disposed within said dead air space in the damper closed position.
US09574788B2 Headliner vent housing
Systems and methods for a vent are described herein. In some embodiments, a vent may be configured to be positioned in an opening in a surface. The vent may include flexible members configured to inhibit extraction of the vent from the opening once positioned in the opening. The vent may include at least one vane. The vanes may rotate such that, during use, the vanes function to control the direction of fluids conveyed through the vent. In some embodiments, vane(s) may include at least one anti-uncoupling device on a vane to prevent overly exerted forces applied onto the vane by a vent operator from uncoupling the vane from its mating frame axle.
US09574782B2 Dehumidification system
A dehumidification system is disclosed including a regeneration air flow path, a process air flow path, and a recirculation air flow path. In one embodiment, the regeneration air flow path includes a regeneration fan and a refrigeration system having an evaporator coil upstream of a condenser coil. The system also includes a desiccant wheel partially disposed within the process air flow path and partially disposed in the regeneration air flow path downstream of the refrigeration system. The recirculation air flow path is in fluid communication with the regeneration air flow path downstream of the regeneration fan at an inlet and upstream of the refrigeration system at an outlet. The recirculation air flow path is arranged to allow for an air flow to be recirculated through the refrigeration system and the desiccant wheel by the regeneration fan. A heat exchanger may also be provided in the regeneration air flow path.
US09574778B2 Oven with door having a convex shaped surface
An oven is provided that includes an internal surface that faces a cooking area of the oven. An oven door is present that has a convex surface. The oven door is movable from a closed position in which the oven door blocks access to the cooking area from outside of the oven to an open position in which the oven door does not block access to the cooking area from outside of the oven. The oven may also include a receiving compartment that receives at least a portion of the oven door when the oven door is in the open position.
US09574772B2 Control and safety circuit for gas delivery valves
This invention relates to a control and safety circuit (1) for gas delivery valves, comprising an actuator (50) opening the gas delivery valve; a control unit (100) intended to emit a command signal (V2) to activate the actuator and switch on the valve, and a clock signal (CK); and a memory (5) placed between the control unit (100) and the actuator (50). The memory is capable of receiving the command signal (V2) and the clock signal (CK) as inputs, and at the same time emits an output signal (V3) which is a function of the input command signal (V2) and a clock signal (CK). The output signal (V3) is sent to the actuator (50) to command the same to open the valve.
US09574771B2 Method and burner using the curie effect for controlling reactant velocity for operation in pre-heated and non-pre-heated modes
Methods, burner, apparatuses, and systems are provided for controlling a velocity of a jet of gas exiting a burner when the gas is heated or not and at a corresponding second higher temperature or lower first temperature. Through the use of a temperature-sensitive magnetic valve, the flow of a gas can be redirected to maintain velocity of the gas as delivered to a combustion chamber based on the temperature of the gas. The temperature-sensitive magnetic valve can redirect flow of the gas based on the magnetic state of a ferromagnetic material. The state of the temperature-sensitive magnetic valve changes based on the temperature of the gas to maintain the velocity of the gas delivered through an outlet of the burner to the combustion chamber. Thus, heated gases and standard temperature gases can be delivered at approximately equal velocities thus maintaining flame size and shape.
US09574770B2 Start-up torch
An apparatus includes a tuyere, a plasma torch positioned to inject hot gas into the tuyere, and a plurality of nozzles configured to inject a combustible material into the tuyere for combustion of the combustible material within the tuyere. The apparatus can be used to practice a method including: injecting a combustible material into a plurality of tuyeres in a wall of a reactor vessel, using a plasma torch to inject hot gas into the tuyeres to ignite the combustible material, and directing heat from combustion of the combustible material into the reactor vessel to preheat the reactor vessel.
US09574768B2 Fuel oil provision-vaporization-pressure regulation-full premixed combustion system, thermoelectric power generating device comprising such system and method
A fuel oil provision-vaporization-pressure regulation-full premixed combustion system includes an air pump, a fuel tank, a vaporizing chamber, a preheater, a premix nozzle, an ignition device, a full premixed combustor and an intake guiding device. The air pump communicates with an air inlet of the fuel tank through a first conduit. The fuel tank is provided with a fuel inlet and a fuel outlet pipe. The fuel outlet pipe communicates with a fuel inlet of the vaporizing chamber through a second conduit. The vaporizing chamber is provided with the preheater. A fuel outlet of the vaporizing chamber is in communication with an air inlet of the premix nozzle through a third conduit. An air outlet of the premix nozzle opens to the intake guiding device. An outlet of the intake guiding device communicates with the full premixed combustor. The full premixed combustor is provided with the ignition device.
US09574766B2 Once-through steam generator
A once-through steam generator includes a combustion chamber, the walls of which comprise vertically arranged evaporator pipes connected to one another in gas-tight fashion by pipe webs, through which evaporator pipes flows a flow medium from bottom to top. The evaporator pipes are combined by upstream inlet collectors to form more intensely and less intensely heated pipe groups. A feed water supply is assigned to respective inlet collectors. At least one regulating valve regulates throttling of the mass flow of the flow medium into the evaporator pipes. To determine a control variable for the regulating valve, temperature measurement device measures outlet temperatures of the flow medium exiting the evaporator pipes. Each of the more intensely and less intensely heated pipe groups is assigned to one of the inlet collectors and to an outlet collector, and each of the outlet collectors has one of the temperature measurement devices.
US09574763B2 Multifunctional home monitoring system combined with lighting device
Disclosed is a multifunctional home monitoring system combined with a lighting device, which includes a main housing that includes a main control board. The main housing is provided therein with a detection module for detecting the environment, a control module for connection with household electric appliances, a status indicator assembly for reminding purposes, a speaker and microphone for receiving and recognition, and an LED light assembly for illumination purpose, which are electrically connected to the main control board. A lower housing is mounted to a lower side of the main housing. The lower housing includes a secondary illumination light arranged therein and being further provided with an image capture module for image recording. The image capture module is coupled to a body detection module, a biological recognition module, and a motor arranged in the main housing to be driven by the motor.
US09574759B2 Adjustable laser illumination pattern
A laser illuminator emitting a circular profile of substantially uniform intensity is presented. The laser illuminator may include a heat sink configured to optically couple to a laser light source. The heat sink may include a beam dump cavity configured to absorb light from the laser light source, and a circularizer aperture having a cylindrical, flat-top opening and being configured to shape a portion of laser light emitted from the laser light source to exit the heat sink. The laser illuminator may also include a collimation lens configured to collect the light exited from the heat sink and provide a focused beam of light, and a scatter clean-up aperture optically coupled to the collimation lens. The scatter clean-up aperture may be configured to absorb scatter laser light rays, and provide from the focused beam of light an output beam of light comprising a circular profile of substantially uniform intensity.
US09574758B2 Light-emitting diode lighting apparatus having multifunctional heat sink flange
Disclosed is a light-emitting diode (LED) lighting apparatus having a multifunctional heat sink flange, which includes an LED board on which a transmitted light cap and a plurality of LEDs are mounted, a main heat sink formed of magnesium or an magnesium alloy, an auxiliary heat sink formed of a conductive/polymeric resin material for heat dissipation, a heat sink upper case formed of a conductive/polymeric resin material for heat dissipation, and a power supply. The main heat sink includes multiple streamlined heat sink segments that are integrally formed on an outer surface thereof so as to radially protrude to allow air to flow in all directions, and a heat sink flange formed along an outer circumference of a bottom thereof such that omega-shaped wings having enclosed holes and inverse omega-shaped open holes are alternately formed.
US09574752B1 Systems, methods, and devices for providing replaceable reflector inserts for an LED light fixture
A lighting fixture includes a housing and a circuit board having a light emitting diode (LED). The circuit board is attached to a mounting bracket that is positioned inside the housing. The lighting fixture further includes a first reflector insert positioned adjacent to the circuit board on a first side of the circuit board. The first reflector insert is configured to reflect light from the LED. The lighting fixture also includes a second reflector insert positioned adjacent to the circuit board on a second side of the circuit board. The second reflector insert is configured to reflect the light from the LED. The first reflector insert and the second reflector insert are removable from the lighting fixture without removing the circuit board.
US09574750B1 Single axis adjustment for emergency lights emitting an asymmetric beam pattern to illuminate a path of egress
A light fixture includes a housing and at least one adjustable light assembly coupled thereto. Each light assembly includes a light source and an optic lens that is disposed over at least a portion of the light source. At least a portion of the lens is positioned external to the housing. The lens is rotatably adjustable about an axis extending perpendicular from the lens and includes a portion of the light source. The lens emits an asymmetrical light output. A light source holder may be included as part of the light assembly and is used to couple the light assembly to the housing. The light source holder includes a first surface, a second surface opposite the first surface, and an aperture extending therethrough. The light source is positioned adjacent the first surface over the aperture while the lens is positioned adjacent the second surface over the aperture.
US09574749B2 Adaptive multi-wavelength laser illuminator
A system includes one or more lasers, a collimator, and a controller. The one or more lasers are configured to generate laser illumination. The collimator is configured to adjust at least one of a degree of collimation, a divergence, and an intensity of the laser illumination and to direct the laser illumination towards one or more targets. The controller is configured to control the one or more lasers and the collimator in order to adjust the laser illumination directed at the one or more targets, and the controller is configured to control the one or more lasers and the collimator differently in different operating modes. Example operating modes could include a spotlight mode, a single-color dazzler or pulsating mode, a multi-color dazzler or pulsating mode, a communication mode, and an infrared-based operation mode.
US09574748B2 Illumination devices
An illumination device (e.g., an electric candle, etc.) generally includes a housing, a light source, and a pendulum supporting the light source. At least a portion of the pendulum is disposed within the housing. A support member is coupled to both the housing and the pendulum, and is configured to support pivotal movement of the pendulum and light source relative to the housing. And, a driving device is coupled to the pendulum, at a location within the housing, and is configured to produce the pivotal movement of the pendulum.
US09574742B2 Illuminated clip and methods of use
A surgical clip for illuminating tissue in a surgical field has first and second elongate arms and a connector joining the arms together. The arms are biased to expand laterally outward into an expanded configuration in which the arms engage the tissue in the surgical field with enough force to seat the clip without retracting the tissue. A waveguide illuminator is coupled to the first arm, and has a light input portion, a light output portion, and a light conducting portion extending between the light input portion and the light output portion. Light passes through the waveguide illuminator by total internal reflection, and the waveguide illuminator directs light to the tissue. Methods of using the illuminated clip are also disclosed.
US09574741B2 Laser protective device with reflecting filter on non-absorbing and absorbing substrates
A laser reflecting has a low transmittance at one or more laser wavelengths while substantially transmitting all other wavelengths in the spectral range of interest, is coated on one or both sides of an absorbing or non-absorbing substrate. A laser reflecting filter on both sides of an absorbing substrate can result in an enhancement of the absorption of laser light by multiple reflections of the laser light in the absorbing substrate. The high transmittance of the laser-reflecting filter at non-laser wavelengths results in a relatively high overall transmittance through the coated substrate. In the specific case of laser reflecting coatings on a lens to protect an eye, this allows a high luminous transmittance and good color discrimination.
US09574740B2 Device comprising light source and light blocker
Devices (100) comprise light sources (1) for producing light into directional ranges (70) and light blockers (10) for blocking the light in parts (71) of the directional ranges (70). The light blockers (10) have inner sides (11) and outer sides (12), and are made of materials having optical indices. Combinations of shapes of the outer sides (12) and the optical indices will reflect the light in the parts (71) of the directional ranges (70) at the outer sides (12), for example back to the light sources (1). The shapes of the outer sides (12) may be saw tooth shapes, the optical indices may be larger than 1.4, total reflection may take place for the light in the parts (71) of the directional ranges (70) when incoming at angles smaller than 40° with sides (14, 15) of saw teeth (13) of the saw tooth shapes. Shapes of the inner sides (11) may correspond with shapes of light output graphs of the light sources (1) in the parts (71) of the directional ranges (70).
US09574735B2 Shell integrator
A luminaire has a light source and a shell integrator. The shell integrator has a transparent dome over the light source, with inner and outer surfaces formed as arrays of lenslets. Each lenslet of the inner surface images the light source onto a respective lenslet of the outer surface, and each lenslet of the outer surface images the respective lenslet of the inner surface as a virtual image onto the light source. The dome may be substantially hemispherical. The light source and the integrator may be at an input of a collimator.
US09574733B2 Vehicle headlight
A vehicle headlight including a common light distribution unit and a variable light distribution unit and a headlight system including the headlight can form a common light distribution pattern and a variable light distribution pattern using the common and the variable light distribution units. The variable distribution unit can include a light source, a phosphor panel, a mirror reflecting/scanning light emitted from the light source onto the phosphor panel and a projector lens projecting the scanning light adjacent the common light distribution pattern. The headlight system can include a front sensor detecting a surrounding condition, and can control the common and the variable light distribution units to form an optimum light distribution pattern in accordance with surrounding conditions. Thus, the disclosed subject matter can provide a headlight system including a headlight that can form an optimum light distribution pattern in accordance with surrounding conditions and can have a simple structure.
US09574724B1 Method for converting a fluorescent light assembly into an LED light assembly
A system and method replaces a lense for a fluorescent lamp with a cap that has LEDs installed in the cap, along with suitable driving circuitry as a replacement light source for the fluorescent lamp and its associated circuitry.
US09574723B2 LED module, LED illumination means, and LED lamp for the energy-efficient reproduction of white light
An LED module, selectively comprising at least zero, one, or a plurality of LEDs from Group B and/or Group G and/or Group R and at least one or more LEDs from Group P. The concentration of phosphors/phosphor mixtures of the LEDs in Group P is selected such that the photometric efficiency (lm/W) thereof is at or near the maximum as a function of the CIE x-coordinates.
US09574722B2 Light emitting diode illumination system
In various embodiments of the invention, a unique construction for Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) with at least one luminescent rod and extracting optical elements used to generate a variety of high brightness light sources with different emission spectra. In an embodiment of the invention, forced air cooling is used to cool the luminescent rod. In an embodiment of the invention, totally internal reflected light can be redirected outward and refocused. In another embodiment of the invention, light emitted by the luminescent rod is out-coupled for use in a variety of applications.
US09574718B2 Web browser configurable and programmable light bulb
A self cooling light effects device for use in a standard light bulb socket having a socket adaptor, surface embedded LEDs as means to generate light effects, means to control light effects, and means for cooling. Fiber optic cables provide further light effects. Means to control 5 light effects may include a logic board. Means for cooling may be any combination of fans, heat sinks, heat pipes, thermoelectric cooling, a heat conductive filler, and a heat conductive housing.
US09574711B2 Method and system for regulating cryogenic vapor pressure
A vapor pressure regulation system includes a vessel including a vessel wall that defines an enclosure, and a temperature adjustment mechanism coupled to the vessel. A heat transfer between the temperature adjustment mechanism and the vessel is adjusted based on at least a vapor pressure within the vessel to facilitate regulating the vapor pressure within the vessel.
US09574708B2 Method for filling a tank with gas
The invention relates to a method for filling a tank with a pressurized fuel gas, the average temperature of the gas in the tank is estimated in real time during the filling. The method includes, before the filling, determining the initial temperature of the gas in the tank, determining the initial pressure of the gas in the tank, determining the initial average temperature of the wall of the tank and determining the initial mass of gas in the tank. According to the method, during the filling, the enthalpy of the gas entering into the tank is determined as a function of time and the mass of gas injected into the tank is determined as a function of time or, respectively, the pressure in the tank is determined as a function of time. The average temperature of the gas at the time in the tank is determined in degrees K.
US09574705B2 Hose reel mounting kit
A hose reel can be attached to a compressed air tank of an air compressor to provide pneumatic hose storage directly at the compressor. The hose reel includes a bracket that attaches to the compressed air tank with a strap. The bracket supports a hose reel about which the pneumatic hose can be wrapped. Once installed, the hose reel keeps the pneumatic hose neatly on the reel and ready for use. If the compressor is a portable compressor, since the hose reel attaches to the compressed air tank of the compressor, the hose reel becomes portable, along with the compressor itself.
US09574704B2 Furniture swivel and furniture including the same
A furniture swivel for rotatably coupling first and second furniture components is disclosed. The furniture swivel includes a base, a rotor, and a retainer. The base may have a lower end for connecting to a first furniture component and an upper end including a planar base bearing surface. The rotor may have an upper end having a first portion for connecting to a second furniture component, and a lower end including a planar rotor bearing surface in sliding contact with the base bearing surface to form a plane bearing absent rolling elements for supporting the rotor and the first furniture component on the base. The retainer may be coupled to the base for substantially inhibiting translation of the rotor relative to the base.
US09574701B2 Vacuum heat insulator, heat retaining tank including same, heat retaining structure, and heat pump water heater
A vacuum heat insulator includes a core member that is a stack of fibrous sheets and a cover member enclosing the core member. Each of the fibrous sheets includes curved chopped fibers and curved fibers.
US09574699B2 Shield for pipes carrying fluid
A shield for a pipe carrying fluid includes a pipe-engaging portion and a shielding portion. The pipe-engaging portion is configured for holding the shield in place with respect to the pipe. The shielding portion is fixed to the pipe-engaging portion and configured for blocking at least one side of the pipe and protecting the pipe against external disturbance applied in a specific direction. The pipe-engaging portion may be configured for engaging and holding in place the pipe. The pipe-engaging portion is configured for engaging and holding in place the pipe. Alternatively, the pipe-engaging portion is configured for being disposed in a vicinity of the pipe and holding the shield portion in place with respect to the pipe.
US09574696B2 Stepped load pull back using rams
A thrust apparatus for a rod string. The apparatus has a stationary frame, a thrust frame with a rod gripper, two hydraulic cylinders and two rams in fluid communication with the hydraulic cylinders. During low-load operations, the hydraulic cylinders act alone, providing the load to the grippers to pull or push the rod string. When higher loads are required, a check valve is activated, allowing fluid from the hydraulic cylinders to activate the rams. The rams provide additional force to the grippers, and may be activated without mechanical or significant hydraulic changes to the apparatus.
US09574689B2 Composite rotary union for hose reel
The present device provides a composite rotary union assembly which overcomes the disadvantages of prior art rotary union assemblies. The composite rotary union assembly of the present invention provides for supplying water or gas to a rotatable reel assembly, it also provides metal inserts for high wear areas of the rotary union assembly, including the threads, for longer useful life of the assembly while providing a resin structure for supporting and placing the metal portions.
US09574687B2 Vibration preventing intercooler pipe
An intercooler pipe that improves noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) performance is provided. The intercooler pipe includes a plurality of bellowses, wherein an exterior of the bellows is made of a soft material and an inside thereof is made of a hard material to make a storage modulus of the inside of the bellows greater than that of the exterior thereof. In addition, the intercooler pipe improves the durability of an intercooler pipe.
US09574686B2 Invisible seam laminated article and process of manufacture
The present disclosure relates to a laminated article with an invisible seam. The laminated article, in accordance with the present disclosure, is a laminate tube or lamitube. The present disclosure also relates to a process for manufacturing of laminated articles with substantially invisible seam.
US09574673B2 Valve for fire protection
One aspect of the invention provides a diaphragm valve having a plurality of sealing members disposed on the diaphragm, the plurality of sealing member and the seat define two intermediate chambers, coupled to at least one and potentially more, alarm port, to alert of leakage of fluid from the inlet side and/or the outlet side.A second aspect of the invention provides at least one angled lip disposed to improve the seal quality of any diaphragm valve. The angled lip enjoys increased sealing responsive to increased pressure of the fluid it seals against. The angled lip may be disposed on the inlet side, he outlet side, or both. In certain embodiments the lip is utilized in a diaphragm having two sealing member forming a single intermediate chamber therebetween when the valve is in the closed condition.
US09574670B2 Engine control valve with improved sealing
The invention relates to an engine control valve including a body defining an inner duct and comprising a flap (10) mounted such that it can pivot by means of a shaft (12), said flap (10) comprising a first portion (11). The flap can pivot between an open position allowing the passage of fluid into the duct and a closed position in which the flap (10) comes into contact with a flat seal (100) of the flap. The outer contour of the seal (100) surrounds the outer contour of the flap (10), said seal (1) comprising an opening (6) and a solid portion (3). The above-mentioned first portion (11) seals the opening (6) in the seal (1) when the flap (10) is in a closed position. The seal (100) includes a reinforcement area (101) in the solid portion (3) thereof, such as to prevent the seal (100) from deforming owing to the high pressure and high temperature of the gases in the valve.
US09574661B2 Controlled applied resistance multiple axis continually variable differential transmission
The embodiments disclose a method and apparatus for controlling the output ratio of the speed of operation and distribution of power/energy from a primary power source, applying continuously variable resistance using a multiple axis continually variable differential transmission to a primary power source input to adjust the rotational power level and speed output to match an operator adjustable performance speed setting at the same, slower decelerated or faster accelerated speed or power level in the same or reverse direction; and controlling the operation of the multiple axis continually variable differential transmission to match the operator desired performance speed using a programmable control system to process operator input, load stored operating parameters, and modify operating parameters based on operator input and adjusting continuously variable resistance operations.
US09574658B2 Shift-by-wire control apparatus
A shift-by-wire control apparatus includes: a first detector that detects a first vehicle state; a second detector that detects a second vehicle state; an auto parking controller that executes an auto parking control irrespective of a state of a shift range, on conditions that detection results derived from the first and second detectors satisfy respective predetermined conditions; and a malfunction determining unit that determines that the first detector is malfunctioning, on a condition that the first detector fails to detect a change in the first vehicle state. The auto parking controller executes, based on the detection result derived from the second detector, the auto parking control irrespective of the detection result derived from the first detector, on a condition that the first detector is determined by the malfunction determining unit as malfunctioning.
US09574654B2 Hydraulic control system with ETRS for a continuously variable transmission
A hydraulic control system for a CVT includes a pressure regulator subsystem, a ratio control subsystem, a torque converter control (TCC) subsystem, a clutch control subsystem, an electronic transmission range selection subsystem, and is enabled for automatic engine start/stop (ESS) functionality.
US09574653B2 Ring gear stabilization for powerglide transmissions
Systems and methods for stabilizing the ring gear in a Powerglide transmission are disclosed. Systems may include a radial stabilization member mountable to the planet carrier and individual bearing members mountable to an inner surface of the ring gear in opposition to the radial stabilization member. Axial stabilization may also be provided by an axial stabilization member configured and dimensioned to be positioned between the ring gear mid-step and reverse clutch pack apply plate. Methods include mounting the radial stabilization member on the planet carrier using attachment means and securing the bearing members to the inner surface of the ring gear in a spaced relationship.
US09574652B2 Driving device used in a paper separation mechanism
A driving device used in a paper separation mechanism includes an internal gear, an external gear sheathed around the internal gear, a shell of which an inner front face protrudes backward to form a hollow cylinder which the internal gear is sheathed around, an elastic element restrained between a front end of the internal gear and the inner front face of the shell, and a driving member rotatably on the rear of the shell. The driving device utilizes the cooperation of a guide block of the internal gear and a guide groove of spiral shape of the hollow cylinder, the cooperation of a locking arm of the shell and an outer ratchet of the external gear, the cooperation of a slope of the external gear and pushing blocks of the driving member to make a clockwise rotation angle of the driving member be greater than a counterclockwise rotation angle.
US09574644B2 Power module for use with a surgical instrument
A surgical instrument, in at least one form, includes an end effector and a power module. The power module may include a first motion conversion assembly. The first motion conversion assembly includes a first rotary drive and a first axial drive operably coupled to the first rotary drive. The power module may further include a second motion conversion assembly which may include a second rotary drive and a second axial drive operably coupled to the second rotary drive. The power module may further include a motor configured to generate at least one rotational motion to actuate the end effector and a transmission assembly configured to selectively engage the motor with the first rotary drive and the second rotary drive, wherein the motor is concentrically arranged with the first rotary drive and the second rotary drive.
US09574638B2 Transmission for vehicle
A transmission for a vehicle may include an input shaft connected to a power source, an output shaft disposed in parallel with the input shaft, a synchromesh type shift mechanism including at least two pairs of external gear pairs and a synchronous device which may be installed on the input shaft and the output shaft, and a clutch device provided on a power transfer path connected from the input shaft to the output shaft through the external gear pair and configured to connect the synchronous device in parallel with the power transfer path.
US09574637B2 Epicyclic gear train
The present disclosure relates to an epicyclic gear train comprising a driving pinion (3), driving a plurality of planetary gears (7). Each planetary gear rotates around a planetary axis (23), which has first (9) and a second (11) interconnected gears with different numbers of teeth. The first gear (9) meshes with a first ring gear (19), which is stationary, and the second gear (11) meshes with a second ring gear (25) which is thereby made to rotate about a central axis (21) of the planetary gearing. An adjusting arrangement is arranged to alter the distance between the central axis (21) and each planetary axis (23), such that gearing backlash can be substantially eliminated.
US09574636B2 Electronic semi active control engine mount having variable air chamber
An electronic semi active control engine mount having a variable air chamber includes a variable air chamber diaphragm that absorbs the exciting force of fluid due to an external force by elastically deforming. An air chamber supports the variable air chamber diaphragm with the atmospheric pressure. A fork is separated from the diaphragm to keep the air chamber into which air flows in idling of an engine, and comes in close contact with the variable air chamber diaphragm to remove the air chamber into which the air flows when a vehicle is driven. An actuator either separates the fork from the variable air chamber diaphragm or allows the fork to be in close contact with the variable air chamber diaphragm.
US09574633B2 Method for monitoring a blocking member, and electromechanical actuator
A method for monitoring a blocking member (12) of an electromechanical actuator (1). The monitoring method comprising the steps of: determining a value representative of a power supply current of a motor (11) during an off-load operating phase of the electromechanical actuator (1); comparing the value representative of the power supply current with a predetermined current threshold defined from nominal off-load operating characteristics of the electromechanical actuator (1); and detecting an accidental locking of the blocking member (12) when the value representative of the power supply current is above or equal to the predetermined current threshold. There also is an electromechanical actuator (1) comprising a blocking member (12) monitored by such a method.
US09574628B2 Radial spring for a disk brake pad and brake pads and brakes provided with such radial springs
A radial spring for a disk brake pad and brake pads and brakes provided with such radial springs, in which the radial spring is for the lug of a brake pad. The spring includes a clamp and a supporting loop. The clamp is formed of a straight arm, an undulating bottom, and an arm in the shape of a Z, followed by the loop connected by a bend, followed by a bend with a large radius of curvature connected to the pad terminated by a turn that is almost at a right angle to the extremity of the pad.
US09574625B2 Safety lock device for pump-jack
In one aspect the invention provides a safety lock device, for use with a pump-jack having a gear box and at least one rotating member, the safety lock device comprising an engagement member suitable for securely engaging the rotating member to prevent further substantial rotation of said rotating member and a mounting frame to mount the safety lock device to the gear box. The engagement member may be actuated between a locked position and an unlocked position.
US09574624B2 Method for a hydraulic system for a dual-clutch gearbox
A hydraulic system for an automatic gearbox for a motor vehicle, includes a high-pressure circuit which includes a pressure accumulator, at least one clutch and actuators, and a low-pressure circuit for cooling the clutch, the high-pressure circuit and the low-pressure circuit each containing a hydraulic cooling pump and a hydraulic charging pump that can be driven by a shared electric motor; and a controller which, when it is detected that the pressure accumulator needs to be charged, controls the electric motor to run at a charging setpoint speed, and/or, when it is detected that cooling is needed or another need exists, controls the electric motor to run at a cooling setpoint speed or another setpoint speed. When the pressure accumulator does not need to be charged and there is no need for cooling and no other need, the controller reduces the setpoint speed to zero for a specified period. At the end of the period the controller controls the electric motor to run at least at the test speed.
US09574622B2 Latching clutch control system
A system is provided for latching and draining a torque transmitting device. The system may include a clutch feed channel having an inlet portion and a clutch portion. The inlet portion is configured to provide hydraulic fluid from a pressurized source to the clutch portion. The clutch portion is configured to provide hydraulic fluid to a torque transmitting device. An inlet valve connects the inlet portion of the clutch feed channel to the clutch portion of the clutch feed channel. The inlet valve is configured to open to allow the hydraulic fluid to flow from the inlet portion to the clutch portion when the torque transmitting device is engaged. The inlet valve is configured to close and to trap hydraulic fluid within the torque transmitting device when the torque transmitting device is not actively pressurized. A multispeed transmission is also provided.
US09574615B2 Centrifugal pendulum and clutch disc having the latter
A centrifugal pendulum and a clutch disk with a pendulum flange provided thereon, rotational about an axis of rotation, and several pendulum weights distributed over the circumference and received on the pendulum flange in a pivotal fashion. In order to at least reduce noise development due to mass momentum of inertia acting here caused by the centrifugal pendulum, the pendulum flange is received on a rotational part, rotating on an axis of rotation, and a friction clutch is effectively arranged between the pendulum flange and said part.
US09574613B1 Machine leveling pedestal
A machine leveling pedestal incorporating a cylinder and piston defining an interior space, having a helically threaded outer surface, and having an upwardly facing land; a hydraulic fluid port opening the interior expansion space; a nut having a downwardly facing land and gear teeth, the nut being threadedly mounted over the helically threaded outer surface; a drive gear connected to the cylinder and piston for vertically slidably engaging the drive gear with the gear teeth, and, upon alternate rotations of the drive gear, rotating the nut about the cylinder and piston so that the nut vertically moves between a mechanical support position and a hydraulic support position, the upwardly and downwardly facing lands contacting each other upon movement to the mechanical support position, and the downwardly facing land displacing upwardly upon movement toward the hydraulic support position; and a motor connected to the drive gear.
US09574606B2 Thrust bearing for HVAC compressor
Embodiments of a thrust bearing that may be used with a crankshaft of a HVAC compressor, particularly a HVAC compressor with a vertical or near-vertical placed crankshaft (e.g. a scroll compressor) are provided. The thrust bearing may generally include a bearing header and an insert. The insert may include an insert surface, which is configured to interact with a shaft surface of the crankshaft. The insert surface of the insert may include surface features that may help create flow behavior of the lubricant by a relative motion between the shaft surface of the crankshaft and the insert surface of the insert. The flow behavior of the lubricant may help separate the insert surface of the insert and the shaft surface of the crankshaft by the lubricant in operation to form the bearing, such as a hydrodynamic bearing.
US09574603B2 Leak-proof fastening device
The present invention pertains to a washer (11) for a female fastener (12, 12A), particularly a nut or collar, said washer comprising an annular base (15) and a substantially cylindrical skirt (13) of an outer periphery of the annular base, said annular base comprising a central orifice (18) coaxial with the axis (14) of the skirt, characterized in that the annular base is at least partially covered with a layer (21) of a viscous composition capable of forming a liquid-tight coating through polymerization.When installing a nut having such a washer onto a male fastener such as a pin (33), the spreading of the viscous layer makes it possible to fill in the gaps (36) of the assembly, the polymerization of the composition ensuring its leak-tightness afterwards.
US09574600B2 Assembly for a turbine engine
The invention relates to an assembly for a turbine engine, the assembly comprising a tubular shaft (60), a nut (64) screwed onto an end portion of said tubular shaft (60), and a locking member (86) for locking the nut (64) on the shaft (60), said member (86) including means (90, 78) for coupling in rotation with the nut (64) and means (92, 68) for coupling in rotation with the shaft (60), said member (86) being movable between a position for coupling the nut (64) in rotation relative to the shaft (60), and a position for releasing the nut (64) relative to the shaft (60). The nut (64) includes a housing (72) in which said member (86) is suitable for being held when in its release position.
US09574598B1 Split nut for screw connection
A split nut and assembly steps for fitting the nut around an exposed portion of anchor bolt having no convenient access for conventional nuts to engage. The split nut includes first and second nut halves, and each nut half has an interior surface having a threaded half cylinder that, when aligned with the other threaded half cylinder and joined along joining surfaces, forms a threaded opening. The two half nuts may be connected by connectors that are inserted into penetrations that extend through at least a portion of both half nuts. At least one end of the penetration extends from the joining surface through the exterior surface of the half nut so that the connector may be inserted into the penetration. The exterior surface of both half nuts also include flat that, when the half nuts are joined, are dimensioned to form opposed parallel drive surfaces configured to be engaged by a wrench for screwing the split nut onto the bolt.
US09574597B2 Fastening device
A fastening device is disclosed. The fastening device has a vertical protrusion for fastening. A horizontal portion and an indicator are used for seating. The horizontal portion extends from the vertical protrusion for providing a clue to indicate that the fastening device is seated correctly. In embodiments, the clue is a color or a texture. In embodiments, a bellow is used with elastomeric properties. When the right load and torque are applied, the bellow covers the horizontal portion such that the color and/or texture of a perspective directed at the horizontal portion appear to be changed.
US09574596B2 Self-locking device and locking and unlocking equipment thereof
A self-locking device with continuous locking positions includes a housing with an internal cavity, a wall of the cavity including a first frictional contact face and a fourth frictional contact face; a locking member with a second frictional contact face and a third frictional contact face, which is movable in the cavity, with the second and third frictional contact faces facing the first and fourth frictional contact faces, respectively; and a first lock block and a second lock block, with the first lock block being arranged between and contacting with the first and second frictional contact faces, and the second lock block being arranged between and contacting with the third and fourth frictional contact faces. The first and second lock blocks allow the locking member to be movable with respect to the housing in a first direction but locked in a second direction opposite to the first direction.
US09574594B2 Fasteners
A pin for a blind bolt, the pin having a proximal end, a distal end and a shaft between the proximal and distal ends, extending axially from the distal end an outwardly tapered surface and an inwardly tapered surface, the pin comprising a strike portion at the proximal end, wherein the cross sectional area of the strike portion is greater than the cross sectional area of the shaft.
US09574592B2 Composite sandwich shell edge joint
A composite sandwich shell edge joint includes an outboard buildup pad, an inboard buildup pad spaced-apart and adjacent to the outboard buildup pad, an outboard face sheet extending from the outboard buildup pad, an inboard face sheet extending from the inboard buildup pad, bridging plies connecting the outboard buildup pad and the inboard buildup pad and at least one barrel nut installed in the buildup pads.
US09574588B2 Method and apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array
A photovoltaic (PV) module framing and coupling system enables the attachment of PV modules to a roof or other mounting surface without requiring the use of separate structural support members which attach directly to and span between multiple PV modules in a formed PV array. The apparatus provides a parallel coupling for securely interlocking the outside surfaces of parallel frame members together in a side to side arrangement to form an array with improved structural load distribution. The coupling may attach to a slot in the frame at substantially any position along the length of the frame thereby enabling the interconnection of adjacent PV modules along both an x and y axis. The apparatus may further provide a rotating portion and locking portion, mounting brackets for direct connection to a mounting surface, grounding teeth, and a twist-lock engagement means for interlocking and aligning PV modules in the array.
US09574579B2 Multiple fluid pump combination circuit
A method of combining outputs of a plurality of fluid pumps includes receiving an input signal from an input device. The input signal is adapted to control a function of a work vehicle. An actuation signal is sent to a first direction control device of a first actuator assembly. The first actuator assembly is in selective fluid communication with a first pump assembly. A position of a second direction control valve of a second actuator assembly is received. The second actuator assembly is in selective fluid communication with a second pump assembly. A selector valve that is in fluid communication with a cavity of a poppet valve assembly is actuated so that the second pump assembly is in fluid communication with the first actuator assembly when the second direction control valve is in a neutral position.