序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
41 Production of printing plates US27818652 1952-03-24 US2753800A 1956-07-10 PETER PAWLYK; NACK HERMAN R
42 Method and apparatus for drying and forming stereotype matrices US31604452 1952-10-21 US2708318A 1955-05-17 FRAZEE LEONARD A; EIDER DELMAR H
43 Apparatus for scorching and preshrinking mats US77035547 1947-08-25 US2542654A 1951-02-20 GADDEN EDWARD C
44 Machine for scorching or drying printing mats and the like US78369947 1947-11-03 US2501922A 1950-03-28 SUTTON DONALD E
45 Matrix drying and forming machine US30068139 1939-10-21 US2319030A 1943-05-11 BAKER CRAIG C
46 Matrix making machine US31666140 1940-01-31 US2300297A 1942-10-27 LAMPSON EDWARD C
47 Plate finishing machine US25787039 1939-02-23 US2293091A 1942-08-18 TOLLISON PAUL L; OGDEN WOOD ELIZABETH
48 Method of and machine for conditioning stereotype matrices US11489336 1936-12-09 US2188528A 1940-01-30 CLARK GEORGE M
49 Process for matrix forming and bearer for the same US10760636 1936-10-26 US2156836A 1939-05-02 BOUTWELL CLARENCE E
50 Hydraulic mat roller US12730637 1937-02-23 US2133750A 1938-10-18 MARS THOMAS H; BEHRENS HERBERT C
51 Direct pressure matrix molder US9566936 1936-08-12 US2096643A 1937-10-19 MILLS EDGAR A
52 Method and apparatus for preparing stereotype matrices US57891431 1931-12-04 US2027524A 1936-01-14 HARLAND FANKBONER
53 Press for molding stereotype matrices US65284733 1933-01-21 US1974899A 1934-09-25 KARL SCHACFLEIN
54 Matrix molding press US58253031 1931-12-22 US1944728A 1934-01-23 ERNST BROCKEL
55 Method of and mechanism for treating stereotype matrices US53875731 1931-05-20 US1935352A 1933-11-14 CLARK GEORGE M
56 Timing mechanism for driers, scorchers, and formers US48381230 1930-09-23 US1880114A 1932-09-27 FRANK SMITH; BARKER WAYNE M
57 Apparatus for drying alpha stereotyping matrix US48992730 1930-10-20 US1845914A 1932-02-16 GREEN CHARLES R
58 Matrix scorcher US33434229 1929-01-22 US1845769A 1932-02-16 TRENT HAROLD E
59 Hydraulic printing and stamping press US39487029 1929-09-24 US1845232A 1932-02-16 HERMANN BRANDENBURG
60 Matrix roaster US13316126 1926-09-02 US1843489A 1932-02-02 CHARLES ROESEN OSCAR