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Laser-cooling system


专利汇可以提供Laser-cooling system专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且A minimum volume and weight, integrated laser-cooler system comprising a single integrated unit enclosing a closed loop containing a primary coolant fluid. The loop includes a flowing coolant, a laser cavity, a primary coolant circulator and a coolant heat exchanger all in close proximity in concentric, coaxial, parallel or orthogonal configurations within a continuous housing enclosing the laser-cooler system module.,下面是Laser-cooling system专利的具体信息内容。

1. A system for cooling a laser comprising modular housing means formed of an integral structure and having first and second substantially parallel tubular recesses therein each with first and second ends, and each with a longitudinal axis, said first recess including an optical laser cavity and said second recess including a heat exchanger portion, first and second means positioned respectively at the first and second ends of said recesses and including first and second paths for interconnecting said recesses to form a closed loop having a circulating gas coolant under pressure therein, longitudinal fin means positioned annularly around the internal circumference of said heat exchanger portion for transferring heat from the circulating gas coolant in said second recess to said housing means, and coolant circulation means coaxially positioned in said second recess for circulating said gas coolant through said closed loop.
2. The combination of claim 1 in which heat exchanger fins are provided around the housing means at least in an area substantially including said heat exchanger recess for receiving heat from the heat exchanger portion.
3. The combination of claim 1 in which a longitudinal laser rod and flashtube are provided in said laser cavity, electronic means are provided to control said flashtube, optical switching means is provided at a first end of said first recess coaxial with said laser rod, and window means is provided at a second end of said first recess substantially coaxial with said laser rod.
4. The combination of claim 3 in which access means are provided at said first end of said laser cavity.
5. The combination of claim 1 in which said gas coolant is compressed nitrogen gas.
6. A laser system comprising a modular housing structure including a closed-loop path therein for circulating a pressurized gas coolant, said closed-loop path including a first and a second tubular recess each having a longitudinal linear axis substantially parallel to each other, said first recess including an optical resonant cavity, and said second recess forming a cooling cavity, an annular finned heat exchange structure positioned in said cooling cavity in contact with the inner surface thereof, coolant-circulating means positioned substantially entirely in the cooling cavity for circulating said coolant under pressure through said annular finned structure and through said optical resonant cavity, a laser rod having a longitudinal axis and positioned in said optical resonant cavity with the axis of said rod substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of said optical resonant cavity, window means provided in said housing structure at a first end optical resonant cavity to pass an output beam from said laser rod external to said housing structure, and removable laser Q-switching means attached to said structure at the other end of said optical laser cavity and having an optical axis parallel with the longitudinal axis of said optical resonant cavity and coincident with the axis of said rod.
7. The combination of claim 6 in which said annular finned structure includes longitudinal annular fins mounted to the annular surface of said cooling cavity.
8. The combination of claim 7 in which an external finned heat exchanger is mounted on the surface around said modular housing structure including said cooling and laser cavities.
9. A laser cooling system including the following eleMents integrated in a single modular unit, housing means defining a closed loop having a path for circulating a coolant, a laser cavity having a longitudinal axis, said laser cavity having first and second elongated openings therealong substantially parallel to said longitudinal axis for forming a portion of the loop, said longitudinal axis being substantially orthogonal to the path of said loop, a heat exchanger recess forming a portion of said loop, and coolant circulation means disposed within said loop for circulating the coolant through said recess and said laser cavity.






