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Method for fabricating honeycomb rolls


专利汇可以提供Method for fabricating honeycomb rolls专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且An improved method for fabricating honeycomb cylindrical rolls of the type wherein the honeycomb cylindrical structure is made of thin corrugated strips of metal. Adjacent strips are bonded together at intervals and groups of adjacent strips are swaged together at both ends forming integral, composite end pieces which are then positioned into slots in circular end members of each cylindrical roll. The improved method of fabrication includes encircling the swaged and positioned end pieces with a strip of brazing material and then uniformly heating each of the end members, while slowly rotating the roll on its longitudinal axis causing the brazing material to melt and flow freely, by capillary attraction into each slot, thereby brazing the swaged end pieces to the circular end member.,下面是Method for fabricating honeycomb rolls专利的具体信息内容。

1. In a method for making honeycomb rolls of the type formed of a pair of circular end members, each having radial slots of uniform dimensions spaced around the inner periphery thereof, and a honeycomb mesh open work made from alternate strips of straight and corrugated thin metal, adjacent strips being bonded together to form integral end pieces fitting into the slots in the end members, the improvement comprising the steps of: bonding the end pieces by swaging them to closely controlled tolerances and inserting them into said slots to form a honeycomb roll with an axis of rotation, encircling each end member with a strip of brazing alloy, the strip being in close proximity to the slots in which the end pieces are inserted; slowly rotating said roll on said axis while applying heat evenly to each end member, thereby melting the strip of brazing alloy and causing it to be free flowing; flowing the free-flowing brazing material into the slots in the end members, thereby brazing the end members to the end pieces when the brazing material has solidified.
2. A method as defined in claim 1, wherein: the end members are heated to from 1,600* to 2200*F.
3. A method as described in claim 1, wherein: the end members are evenly heated by rotating the roller in an oven.
4. A honeycomb cylindrical roll manufactured by the process defined in claim 1.
5. A method as defined in claim 1, wherein: the step of flowing the free-flowing brazing material into the slots comprises forming a narrow gap of predetermined close tolerance between the end pieces and slots to thereby cause the brazing material to flow by capillary attraction.
6. A method for making honeycomb cylindrical rolls which comprises the steps of: forming a pair of circular roll ends each having radially extending slots of uniform predetermined dimensions spaced around the inner periphery thereof; assembling a honeycomb mesh open work of straiGht and corrugated strips of thin metal in a half hexagonal pattern and with one straight end and two corrugated ends of said strips juxtaposed into a single three-piece member all around each opposite side edge of said open work, said strips being bonded to each other; mechanically swaging the said three-piece members into integral composite end units of predetermined dimensions; then inserting said swaged integral end units into said slots in said end members and establishing clearance gaps therein of predetermined tolerance to form a honeycomb mesh cylinder; then encircling the said end units, while seated in said slots, with a band of brazing alloy extending circumferentially around said clearance gaps at each end of said roll; then rotating said roll and applying high temperature to said alloy band while wrapped around said roll ends to cause it to flow freely and fill said clearance gaps between the inner walls of said slots and the outer faces of said swaged ends by capillary attraction to braze the same uniformly.
7. A method as specified in claim 6, wherein: said step of applying high temperature to said alloy bands encircling each opposite end of said roll includes the step of heating said roll in a box furnace which is uniformly heated and the step of rotating said roll slowly during said heating step.
8. A method as specified in claim 7, wherein: said box furnace is heated at a temperature of 1,600* to 2,200*F and wherein the free flowing temperature of said brazing alloy is 1,600* to 2,200*F.
9. The method of attaching a slotted solid end ring to a honeycomb open work cylinder which comprises the steps of: mechanically swaging the projecting, terminal, juxtaposed ends of the strips forming said cylinder to a thickness tolerance of + or - 0.002 inches; milling said slots to a uniform predetermined width 0.002 inches greater than the largest thickness of said swaged ends to provide each slot with 0.004 inches clearance; positioning said swaged juxtaposed strip ends each in one of said milled slots to form a cylindrical roll having a central longitudinal axis of rotation, the clearance gaps between each said end and its slot being of predetermined tolerance for capillary action; then wrapping a band of high temperature brazing alloy around each opposite end ring of said roll to cover said clearance gaps; then rotating said cylindrical roll on its central longitudinal axis of rotation and simultaneously uniformly heating and melting said alloy into free flowing condition to flow from outside said gaps into said gaps by capillary attraction to fill the same.






