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Processing system for resource graphic display


专利汇可以提供Processing system for resource graphic display专利检索,专利查询,专利分析的服务。并且PURPOSE: To prevent erroneous display and a mis-moving operation from being generated, by providing a pattern storage part which stores a display position or a movement tolerance, and reading out a resource graphic in an interactive format from the pattern storage part at the time of generating an application program.
CONSTITUTION: A desired resource graphic is selected, displayed, and moved by utilizing menu display displayed on the screen of a display 2 by an input device 3. The application program 5 is generated by interaction with a picture corresponding to the display of the movement of the graphic. At this time, a pallet pattern to select the resource graphic is displayed based on the content of a resource pallet pattern storage part 7. Also, when an operator selects, displays, and furthermore, moves the desired resource graphic, the content of a resource arrangement and moving position pattern storage part 6 is read out. At this time, the content of an arrow head direction pattern storage part 8 is referred, and an arrow head is displayed.
COPYRIGHT: (C)1988,JPO&Japio,下面是Processing system for resource graphic display专利的具体信息内容。







