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161 PROCEDE ET DISPOSITIF D'AFFICHAGE POUR UN AERONEF QUI SUIT UN PLAN DE VOL PCT/FR2006/001379 2006-06-19 WO2006136687A2 2006-12-28 ROUQUETTE, Patrice; LAVEANT, Nolween; HAVE, Didier; LE TELLIER, Arnaud

Procédé et dispositif d'affichage pour un aéronef qui suit un plan de vol. Le dispositif comporte un moyen pour calculer la position effective de l'aéronef (A), un moyen pour déterminer au moins un écart maximal autorisé (E1) autour d'une position de consigne sur une trajectoire de vol (5) issue du plan de vol, en fonction de performances de précision et d'intégrité de calcul de ladite position effective et d'une contrainte de zone de vol autorisée dans un couloir de vol (6A, 6B), et un système d'affichage (7) pour présenter sur un écran de visualisation (8), au moins une échelle de distance (9), au moins un symbole fixe (10) qui indique ladite position effective, et deux indicateurs mobiles (13, 14) qui indiquent les limites (15A, 15B) dudit écart maximal autorisé (E1).

162 PROCEDE DE SUIVI DU DEROULEMENT DU PLAN DE VOL D'UN AERONEF COOPERATIF PCT/EP2004/052761 2004-11-03 WO2005045785A1 2005-05-19 DEKER, Guy; VANYPRE, Dominique

Ce procédé concerne le système de gestion du trafic aérien ATM avec des aéronefs coopératifs pourvus d'un calculateur de gestion du vol FMS, reliés par un système de transmission de données ATN à l'autorité de . contrôle et ayant présenté un plan de vol à l'autorité de contrôle. II consiste à communiquer à l'autorité de contrôle par la liaison ATN les projections SPWPi,j sur le plan de vol (LTFP) de pseudo-points de passage PWPi,j introduits par le calculateur de gestion du vol FMS lors des transitions latérale (entre deux segments du plan de vol) et/ou verticale (entre deux cassures de pente) adoucies effectués par l'aéronef au moment des changements de consignes figurant dans le plan de vol (LTFP). Grâce à ces informations, l'autorité de contrôle estime de manière plus précise la position réelle future de l'aéronef et les changements de consigne, ce qui lui permet d'augmenter le niveau de sécurité en particulier pour l'espacement et la séparation de trafic.

163 PROCEDE DE VALIDATION D'UNE CONTRAINTE DE PLAN DE VOL PCT/EP2003/050920 2003-12-02 WO2004053611A1 2004-06-24 CHARLES, Loïc

La présente invention concerne le respect, par le calculateur de gestion de vol FMS équipant un aérodyne, d'une contrainte, notamment d'altitude, du plan de vol (Dpv) en un point imposé de passage proche de la position de l'aérodyne au moment de la mise en route de sa fonction de suivi automatique de plan de vol. Elle consiste à valider àl'avance une telle contrainte en se projetant dans un futur proche au moyen d'une prévision (Pt) du déplacement de l'aérodyne tenant compte du mouvement de l'aérodyne au cours de la transition entre les mises en application des consignes de vol prévalant avant la mise en route de la fonction de suivi automatique et celles nouvellement fournies par le calculateur de vol FMS (30) lors de cette mise en route.

A flight plan (811) is modelled by a trajectory (100) with a set of segments (140) having finite lateral and altitude extents between nominal waypoints. A terrain database stores hierarchical patches (400, 411) with maximum and minimum altitudes and pointers or altitudes for subpatches (602, 603). Linear-programming inequality constraints match segments with patches. A search finds any terrain locations that impinge upon the trajectory (100, 700) tube, indicating an error condition for the plan. Moving hazards (700) are modelled with segmented (710, 720) trajectories. Conflict with a moving hazard (700) occurs when moving bubbles (701, 703) within both of the trajectories overlap in both space and time.
165 HAZARD DETECTION FOR FLIGHT PLANS AND THE LIKE PCT/US2000/022072 2000-08-11 WO01022034A2 2001-03-29
A flight plan (811) is modelled by a trajectory (100) with a set of segments (140) having finite lateral and altitude extents between nominal waypoints. A terrain database stores hierarchical patches (400, 411) with maximum and minimum altitudes and pointers or altitudes for subpatches (602, 603). Linear-programming inequality constraints match segments with patches. A search finds any terrain locations that impinge upon the trajectory (100, 700) tube, indicating an error condition for the plan. Moving hazards (700) are modelled with segmented (710, 720) trajectories. Conflict with a moving hazard (700) occurs when moving bubbles (701, 703) within both of the trajectories overlap in both space and time.
166 AIRCRAFT FLIGHT PLAN OPTIMIZATION FOR MINIMIZING EMISSIONS PCT/US2009/030706 2009-01-12 WO2009102512A2 2009-08-20 COOPER, Mark Leonard; ALTUS, Stephen Solomon

A computer implemented method, apparatus, and computer program product for performing flight planning to reduce an effect of emissions. A method is present for performing flight planning. A set of emissions data is identified for an aircraft for a plurality of route segments in a route as a function of parameters for the aircraft including the route, a weight, an altitude, and engine data. A flight plan is generated for the aircraft based on a total of each type of emission in the set of emissions data from the plurality of route segments. A portion of the parameters for the aircraft is modified to reduce the effect of the emissions and meet a set of objects for the flight plan until the flight plan meets an objective.

A device comprises means for computing the aircraft (A) current position, means for determining at least one maximum permitted deviation (E1) around a set position of the flight path of the flight plan according to accuracy and integrity performances of said current position computation and to the restriction of a flight range authorised in a flight corridor (6A, 6B), and a display system (7) for displaying at least one a distance scale (9) on a viewing screen (8), at least one fixed symbol (10) displaying the current position and two movable pointers (13, 14) displaying the limits of said maximum permitted deviation (E1).
168 SYSTEME DE GESTION DES PLANS DE VOL EN TOUR DE CONTRÔLE D’AEROPORT PCT/FR2003/002704 2003-09-12 WO2004027733A1 2004-04-01 PAVET, Didier; GARRON, Joël; JOURNET, Jérôme; ETIENNE, Daniel; MERTZ, Christophe; VINOT, Jean-Luc

L’intervention concerne un système de gestion du trafic sur un aéroport, notamment des déplacements des avions. La gestion est faite par des contrôleurs notamment (SOL) et (LOC) chargés respectivement de la gestion du vol dans leur zone de responsabilité au moyen de supports d’informations en forme de bande dont un est associé à chaque vol, comportant les informations d’identification de l’avion et du vol et sur lesquels les contrôleurs sont susceptibles d’inscrire des informations relatives à leur action de gestion, et des tableaux de positionnement des bandes d’informations en fonction des besoins de la gestion, les bandes d’informations étant transmises par un contrôleur à un contrôleur suivant lorsque les avions qu’elles identifie quitte le secteur de gestion du premier contrôleur vers le secteur de second. Le système est caractérisé en ce que les bandes de support d’informations sont des bandes virtuelles visualisables sur un écran d’un équipement informatique d’un poste contrôleur et le dispositif de tableau de positionnement des bandes est un tableau virtuel aussi visualisable sur ledit écran. L ‘invention est utilisable pour la gestion du trafic sur des aéroports.

169 FLIGHT PLAN INTENT ALERT SYSTEM AND METHOD PCT/US1999/023911 1999-10-15 WO00023967A1 2000-04-27
Flight plan information is provided in the form of a series of waypoints having attributes which preferably include, among others, latitude, longitude, altitude constraint, and waypoint identifier. A flight path, defined by this information is modeled, and the flight plan model is checked against terrain information to locate any instances in which a potentially unsafe flight altitude exists. In flight, the flight path model is updated using aircraft position so that the path from the aircraft position to the next waypoint is reflected in the model. In the event that a potentially unsafe flight altitude is detected, an alert may be issued to the flight crew. The crew may then amend the flight plan or take other appropriate action.

A system and method for flight planning for a first vehicle. The method includes generating, based on an entry indicator, a first flight plan for the first vehicle, wherein the entry indicator indicates entrance of a second vehicle into a protected area, wherein the first flight plan includes collection, by the first vehicle, of at least two multimedia content elements showing the second vehicle; generating, based on the at least two multimedia content elements showing the second vehicle and at least one set of predetermined multimedia content elements showing known hostile vehicles, at least one hostility indicator analytic, wherein the at least one hostility indicator analytic includes at least a speed and a direction; and generating, based on the at least one hostility indicator analytic, a second flight plan for the first vehicle, wherein the second flight plan includes intercepting the second vehicle using the first vehicle.

A computer implemented method, apparatus, and computer program product for performing flight planning to reduce an effect of emissions. A method is present for performing flight planning. A set of emissions data is identified for an aircraft for a plurality of route segments in a route as a function of parameters for the aircraft including the route, a weight, an altitude, and engine data. A flight plan is generated for the aircraft based on a total of each type of emission in the set of emissions data from the plurality of route segments. A portion of the parameters for the aircraft is modified to reduce the effect of the emissions and meet a set of objects for the flight plan until the flight plan meets an objective.
172 SYSTEME DE GESTION DE LA PARTIE TERMINALE D'UN PLAN DE VOL PCT/EP2006/068456 2006-11-14 WO2007065775A1 2007-06-14 BITAR, Elias; LERICHE, Stéphane; CAILLAUD, Christophe

Le système de gestion trace la route à parcourir prévue dans un plan de vol, au moins en partie, par un chaînage de procédures de navigation publiées (a, b, c) accessibles depuis une base de données de navigation NavDB (11) et constituées de séquences de points de passage et/ou tournants (a1 à a5 ; b1 à b4 ; c1 à c6) associés à des contraintes spécifiques de vol. Il comporte une mémoire miroir (17) mémorisant les dernières versions (a') des procédures de navigation publiées (a), modifiées par l'équipage de l'aéronef au cours du déroulement du plan de vol et des moyens de substitution de ces dernières versions stockées en mémoire miroir (17) aux versions publiées (a) des procédures de navigation lors d'un changement dans la route prévue au plan de vol obtenu par nouveau chaînage de procédures de navigation (d, e, a') dont certaines (a) sont reprises du chaînage précédent. Cela permet, lors d'un changement de procédure de navigation, de prendre en compte des contraintes spécifiques de vol déjà introduites au cours du déroulement du vol mais ne figurant pas dans les procédures de navigation publiées.

173 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR FLIGHT PLAN DATA CAPTURE PCT/US2006/018817 2006-05-12 WO2006124828A2 2006-11-23 FLYNN, Lorraine; FLYNN, Mary; STEINBERG, James

A system and method for providing to a user a candidate list of flight plans that specify one or more planned routes of flight from one location to another location, such routes satisfying certain criteria. These criteria include ranking the candidate list of flight plans according to the probability that the flight plan may be allowed or cleared by a controlling authority based on historic cleared flight plans; further qualifying this list by considering only candidate flight plans cleared during specified weather conditions; or specified time periods; or requested speed and/or altitude and/or aircraft type of flight parameters. Various embodiments include providing the candidate list of flight plans to the user by means of a communication system that is composed of a combination of a wide-area network, a wireless network or the internet. Additionally, an embodiment includes providing the flight plan data to a global positioning system (GPS) of a user.

174 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR ASSEMBLING A FLIGHT PLAN PCT/US2003/001907 2003-01-23 WO2003062752A1 2003-07-31 DWYER, David, B.

Method and apparatus are provided for assembling a flight plan. The apparatus comprises a memory configured to store data associated with a plurality of waypoints that can be used in the flight plan and a processor coupled to the memory, which is configured to access the memory and retrieve data associated with a first waypoint and data associated with a second waypoint. The first waypoint corresponding to a first leg of a first flight phase and the second waypoint corresponding to a second leg of the first flight phase. In addition, the apparatus comprises a display coupled to the processor. The display is configured to produce a visual representation of the flight plan with a single waypoint designation for the first waypoint and the second waypoint using the data retrieved by the processor. The display is also configured to produce a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with a first leg identifier for the first leg and a second leg identifier other than first leg identifier for the second leg.

175 비행계획 상태관리 시스템의 상태 검사 방법 및 그 장치 KR1020130025650 2013-03-11 KR1020140111467A 2014-09-19 최병철; 이성현; 이덕규; 김용균; 한종욱; 박효달
A method for testing states in a flight plan state management system according to the present invention includes the steps of: defining a control variable for monitoring the flight plan state management system; modeling the flight plan state management system based on the defined control variable for monitoring; calculating and extracting the control variable for testing errors and stability of the flight plane state management system using the execution result of the modeling; testing errors and stability of the flight plan state management system based on the calculated and extracted control variable for testing errors and stability; and displaying the error and stability test result on a display panel.
176 항공관제용 비행계획 상태 관리 장치 및 방법 KR1020090117897 2009-12-01 KR101329116B1 2013-11-14 오승희; 한종욱; 박효달; 김도우; 이성현; 이덕규
시간 정보를 이용한 비행계획 상태 관리 및 출발/도착 전용 상태 프로세서를 활용하여 항공기의 출발 및 도착 상태를 정확하게 관리하도록 하는 항공관제용 비행계획 상태 관리 장치 및 방법이 제시된다. 제시된 항공관제용 비행계획 상태 관리 장치는, 입력되는 비행계획을 근거로 비행계획 리스트를 생성하고, 비행계획 리스트에 포함된 비행계획의 비행계획 상태를 설정하는 비행계획 관리장치; 및 비행계획 관리장치에서 설정된 항공기의 비행계획 상태에 근거하여 출발 예정 항공기 리스트 및 도착 예정 항공기 리스트를 생성하고, 출발 예정 항공기 리스트 및 도착 예정 항공기 리스트를 근거로 항공기의 출발 및 도착을 관리하는 출도착 관리장치를 포함한다. 비행계획, 반복비행계획, 비행계획 상태, 항공관제, 항공관제 시스템
177 항공관제용 비행계획 상태 관리 장치 및 방법 KR1020090117897 2009-12-01 KR1020110061292A 2011-06-09 오승희; 한종욱; 박효달; 김도우; 이성현; 이덕규
PURPOSE: A flight plan state management apparatus for plan control and method thereof are provided to accurately manage a departure state and an arrival state of flight by using a departure/arrival-only state processor. CONSTITUTION: A flight plan management device(200) generates a flight plan list based on the inputted flight plan. The flight plan management device sets up the flight plan state of the flight plan included in the flight plan list. A departure/arrival management device(400) generates a departure/arrival flight list based on the set flight plan.
178 비행 전문 관리 방법 및 그 장치 KR1020100104167 2010-10-25 KR1020120042465A 2012-05-03 오승희; 한종욱; 박효달; 이성현; 이덕규
PURPOSE: A flight plan management apparatus and a method thereof are provided to increase internal efficiency of a system by distributing a flight plan through AFTN. CONSTITUTION: A flight plan classifying module(210) classifies a flight plan through an AFTN(Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network). A flight plan generating module(220) generates the flight plan and adds distribution information to the generated flight plan. A flight message verifying module(230) detects error within the flight plan. A flight message distributing module(240) distributes the flight plan to the AFTN.
179 飛行計劃意圖警告系統及方法 TW088117871 2000-02-25 TW477962B 2002-03-01 胡伯特L.奈摩; 派翠克G.克隆; 派翠克K.柯拉茲
180 Emergency flight plan US11785674 2007-04-19 US20080167763A1 2008-07-10 Simone Duranti; Erik Petrini
An emergency flight plan useable for an aircraft provided with a navigation system wherein the flight plan includes a pointer matrix including a number of cells. Each cell of the matrix has a unique identification and each cell corresponds to a geographical area, and wherein each cell of the matrix includes an identification of a cell corresponding to a next waypoint in an emergency route.