Method of repairing sound attenuation structure used for aircraft applications

申请号 US509037 申请日 1995-07-28 公开(公告)号 US5653836A 公开(公告)日 1997-08-05
申请人 Jason G. Mnich; David S. Marsh; Ralph T. Werley; Robert Bowman; 发明人 Jason G. Mnich; David S. Marsh; Ralph T. Werley; Robert Bowman;
摘要 A method and product for repairing sound attenuation structure for aircraft jet engine noise that includes a central honeycomb core having an imperforate facing sheet adhesively bonded thereto and a perforated facing sheet adhesively bonded to the opposing surface of the core with a woven wire cloth media adhesively bonded to the outer surface of the perforated sheet. The wire cloth is subject to deterioration and disbonding in service use. The method provides for the removal of the deteriorated wire cloth that has disbonded or deteriorated and, after cleaning of the perforated sheet and the associated honeycomb core area, and priming of the cleaned area of the perforated sheet replacement with a polymer film that is precoated with a pressure sensitive adhesive so that the film may be easily applied to the exposed perforated sheet area in place of the removed wire cloth. The film is laser drilled to provide microporous pores to permit the repaired product to substantially retain its original acoustic properties. A polyurethane film that is adapted to be erosion resistant and ultraviolet radiation resistant is disclosed.

What is claimed as new and useful and desired to be secured by UnitedStates Letters Patent is: States Letters Patent is:1. A process for repairing an acoustic sandwich panel for attenuating a wide range of noise frequencies which is suitable structurally for use in a severe environment, said sandwich as manufactured including a central cellular honeycomb perforated facing sheet having a plurality of perforations provided therein, the outer surface of the perforated facing sheet having a thin sheet of porous woven wire cloth adhesively bonded to it to provide a predetermined flow through air resistance, a portion of the wire cloth in service becoming deteriorated or disbonded from the perforated sheet, the steps of the process comprising:removing the deteriorated or disbonded wire cloth portion from the perforated facing sheet;cleaning the immediate vicinity of the surface of the perforated facing sheet where the wire cloth portion has been removed;applying suitable corrosion inhibition and priming surface preparations to the exposed surface of the perforated facing sheet, andapplying a microporous thin polymer film coated with a pressure sensitive adhesive on one side thereof to the exposed perforate sheet portion with a pressure sufficient to cause the adhesive to bond the polymer film to the outer perforate sheet.2. The method of claim 1 wherein the cleaning step includes cleaning the outer exposed surface of the perforate sheet to remove any of the remaining original adhesive.3. The method of claim 2 wherein the cleaning step further includes removal of any debris before entering or contained within the cells of the honeycomb core adjacent to the exposed portion of the perforated sheet.4. The method of claim 3 wherein the control of or removal of any debris within the cells of the honeycomb core is accomplished by applying a vacuum pressure to perforations of the exposed perforate sheet portion to prevent entry or to suck any such debris from the cells.5. The method of claim 1 wherein the microporous polymer film is provided with pores having a diameter of around 0.002 to 0.012 inch and a uniform spacing to provide a POA of around 3-15% to provide desired acoustic performance.6. The method of claim 5 where the polymer film is provided with such pores by laser drilling with a laser to avoid damage to the pressure sensitive adhesive and plastic film.7. The method of claim 1 wherein the polymer film is composed of polyurethane.8. The method of claim 7 wherein the polymer film adhesive is a solvent resistant acrylic adhesive.9. The method of claim 7 wherein the polymer film is provided with a pressure sensitive adhesive that provides a peel strength for the polymer film when applied to the exposed portion of the perforated sheet of 10-20 pounds per inch of width.10. The method of claim 7 wherein the polymer film is chosen from a class of polymers that is erosion and ultraviolet radiation resistant.11. The method of claim 10 wherein the polymer film is not self supporting but has sufficient modulus to preclude drooping into the apertures of the perforate sheet.12. The method of claim 1 wherein the polymer film is around 0.003 to 0.020 inch thick.13. The method of claim 1 which further includes the step of applying a uniform even pressure to the polymer film as it is applied to the exposed portion of the perforated sheet to avoid any wrinkles.14. The method of claim 1 which further includes the step of trimming the polymer film after it has been applied to the exposed portion of the perforated sheet to eliminate any excess portion.15. The method of claim 1 which further includes the step of precutting the polymer film to predetermined dimensions whereby the polymer film precisely fills the exposed portion of the perforated sheet upon removal of a wire cloth portion of predetermined dimensions.



1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates in general to the field of structural noise suppression structures particularly adapted to use in aircraft jet engine housings and, more particularly but not by way of limitation, to an improved method and product for repairing sound suppression honeycomb sandwich panels.

2. Description of the Prior Art

In attenuating noise particularly associated with an aircraft jet engine a particularly efficient panel is the honeycomb noise attenuation structure disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,291,079 dated Sep. 22, 1981. The sound attenuation structure shown in this patent has been found to be particularly effective in attenuating the specific broad range of frequencies customarily encountered in and around aircraft jet engines in various modes of operation of the aircraft. This sound attenuation structure comprises a honeycomb core having a usual multiplicity of endwise directed cells therein, a thin imperforate facing sheet bonded to one side of the honeycomb core, a perforated facing sheet having a multiplicity of perforations having a predetermined size and spacing bonded to the opposing side of the honeycomb core, and a thin sheet of woven metal cloth adhesively bonded to the outer exposed side of the perforated sheet. Typically, the honeycomb core and the imperforate facing sheet and the perforate sheet are made from aluminum alloys commonly used in aircraft applications.

The wire cloth is typically made from an aluminum alloy or from a stainless steel alloy. Such sound suppression panels are exposed to a severe environment where they encounter a high speed grazing air flow and are exposed to a wide range of temperatures. Since commercial jet aircraft are operated throughout the world these sound suppression panels also encounter ground conditions that are also severe and are further exposed to the further difficulties associated with the operation and maintenance of commercial jet aircraft.

The aluminum wire cloth due to the nature of aluminum has tended to deteriorate in use and require replacement in the field. Similarly, the stainless steel cloth, while longer lived than aluminum cloth, also requires replacement in the field since even though the stainless steel wire cloth is isolated from the underlying aluminum perforated sheet by an adhesive bonding medium the opportunity does arise in manufacture and use for a galvanic coupling to occur between the wire cloth and the perforated sheet thereby causing deterioration of the stainless steel wire cloth to aluminum perforate bond interface and to cause partial disbonding from the perforated sheet. The manufacture of such sound suppression panels typically involve the use of adhesives that require curing in autoclaves under elevated pressures and temperatures.

In the field, it has been difficult to achieve a lower cost satisfactory repair including the replacement of such wire cloth media for this type of sound suppression panel since such repair requires elevated temperature cure and vacuum bag processing to provide a repair comparable to original manufacturing conditions using the same materials. Thus, a need has arisen for a satisfactory lower cost method of repairing this type of sound suppression panels on aircraft in the field.


Briefly stated, the present invention contemplates a method and product for repair in the field of aircraft sound suppression panels that have a honeycomb core which is provided with an imperforate back metal sheet and a perforated facing metal sheet to which is adhesively bonded a porous wire cloth composed of either aluminum or stainless steel. The method includes removing the partially disbonded and deteriorated wire cloth outer layer and by sanding or other methods, removing any remaining vestiges of any corrosion of the metal facing sheet and of the adhesive media used to originally bond the wire cloth to the underlying perforated metal sheet. Any debris from the removal of any facing sheet corrosion, wire cloth, and the adhesive that may be residing in the cells of the honeycomb core is removed as by vacuuming such debris therefrom through the apertures of the perforated sheet. The outer surface of the perforated sheet may then be primed as desired to enhance the bonding thereto of the new microporous media.

In the preferred embodiment of the invention, a thin film or sheet of a suitable polymer such as polyurethane that is coated with a suitable pressure sensitive adhesive and which is provided with a plurality of spaced holes typically having a suitable hole diameter of 0.002 to 0.012 inch with typically a uniform spacing to provide a percent of open area (POA) of around 3-15, as specified to provide appropriate acoustic characteristics, is then pressed into position on the exposed face of the perforate sheet. The microperforated film may be either cut to size prior to application or may trimmed to fit after application according to the needs of the particular application.

These and other objects and advantages of the invention will become better understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered together with the accompanying drawing, in which:


FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the honeycomb noise attenuation structure repaired by the method of the present invention.

FIG. 2 is an enlarged fragmentary vertical section of the structure of FIG. 1 after such repair has been made.


Referring now to the drawing in detail, the noise attenuation sandwich which is intended to be repaired by the novel method of the present invention is generally designated by the reference character 10. A common version of the structure 10 comprises a single honeycomb core 12 having a usual multiplicity of endwise directed cells 14 therein, a thin imperforate back facing sheet 16 that is adhesively bonded to the faying edges of the honeycomb core 12 by a suitable thermoset adhesive and a thin perforated sheet 18 that is similarly adhesively bonded to the opposing faying edges of the honeycomb core 12. Typically, the perforate sheet 18 is provided with a plurality of round holes of uniform diameter and which are uniformly spaced, although the size and spacing of the holes or perforations 20 may be varied as desired. The perforations 20 are typically in the range of 0.039 to 0.090 inch in diameter with a spacing therebetween to provide a percent of open area (POA) of around 24 to 36 percent.

A thin sheet of porous wire cloth 22, which is typically an aluminum or stainless steel alloy, is adhesively bonded to the underlying perforated sheet 18 by a suitable thermoset adhesive. The wire cloth is typically woven as, but not limited to, Reverse Plain Dutch weave and provides a microporous media through which the sound from an aircraft engine may flow.

When the aircraft has been sufficiently used under a variety of severe environmental conditions to cause the wire cloth 22 or the perforated sheet or the bond interface of the wire cloth to the perforated sheet to deteriorate sufficiently to require repair of the structure 10 the novel method of the present invention is employed. Initially, the wire cloth 22 is stripped away from the perforated sheet 18 to the extent desired. In some applications of the structure 10, the deterioration is found to occur more frequently in some locations than in others which is generally due to ambient environmental conditions. Also, the wire cloth 22 is removed in a manner to allow the replacement material to be easily installed.

After the wire cloth 22 has been removed to the extent desired and required for an efficacious repair, the outer surface of the perforated sheet 18 has any remaining adhesive adhering to it after removal of the cloth 22 removed by any suitable method such as scraping, sanding as well as in conjunction with chemical processing that might assist in such removal. If desired, the exposed outer surface of the perforated sheet may be treated in any suitable way, such as by priming or the like, to improve the adherence and corrosion protection aspects of the outer surface of the perforated sheet 18. Typically, such surface preparation will include sanding the perforate sheet to the bare metal and then using a suitable acid solution to strip away any corrosion products. The interior of the cells 14 of the core 12 are cleaned in any suitable manner, such as by flushing with a suitable cleaning solution or by vacuuming, to remove any debris that may be contained in the cells 14 by reason of the removal of the adhesive or otherwise. Preferably, a vacuum would be exerted on the cells 14 through the perforations 20 of the sheet 18 to remove such debris.

A suitable conversion solution is then applied to the perforate sheet to form a thin chromate layer on the sheet and then the sheet is suitably primed with a spray type primer to enhance adherence of the polymer sheet.

A thin sheet of polymer film 24 having a precoated pressure sensitive adhesive surface is then applied to the outer surface of the perforate sheet 18. The precoated pressure sensitive adhesive surface of the film 24 is a suitable solvent resistant adhesive, which adhesive is typically an acrylic adhesive, and provides a peel strength of 10 to 20 pounds per inch of width. The thin film 24 is a suitable polymer, such as polyurethane, which is erosion resistant, ultraviolet radiation resistant, and that has the desired formability and drapability attributes. The film 24 is preferably around 0.003 to 0.020 inch thick and is provided with a plurality of small apertures or pores 26 that typically have a diameter of, but not limited to around 0.002 to 0.0012 inch in diameter and which are spaced to provide a POA of around 3-15% as needed to provide appropriate acoustic characteristics. Typicaly, such pores are spaced apart around 0.013 to 0.025 to provide an airflow resistance (CGS Rayls) of around 7-20 Rayls at a normalized airflow velocity of 105 cm/sec. at standard temperature and pressure (72° F., 14.7 psi). Such pores 26 are preferably provided by drilling with a laser that precludes any damage to the adhesive and polymer film in the immediate vicinity of the drilled pore. Such microporous film having a pressure sensitive adhesive coated on one surface is available from the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company under the tradename 8681 HS-36251.

The film 24 may then be applied to the exposed outer surface of the perforate sheet 18 by any suitable manner to provide uniform pressure sufficient to permit the bonding of the film 24 to the sheet 18. Such pressure may be exerted by hand, roller or any suitable means. The film 24 may be trimmed to fit after application to the perforate sheet 18 or may be precut to precisely replace the portion of the wire cloth 22 that has been replaced.

In summary, an efficient method has been provided to replace easily the deteriorated or disbonded portion of the wire cloth outer sheet of a sound attenuation structure while still retaining the desired sound attenuation attributes over the desired range of frequencies encountered in aircraft jet engine applications.

Although the foregoing invention has been described in some detail by way of illustration and example for the purpose of clarity of understanding it should be understood that certain changes and modifications may be practiced within the scope of the invention as limited only by the scope of the appended claims.
