首页 / 国际专利分类库 / 人类生活必需 / 家具 / 椅子 / 特定用途的凳;(有旋转座位的入A47C 3/18;有垂直可调座位的入A47C 3/20;脚凳入A47C 16/02;祈祷凳入A47C 16/04;专用于钓鱼的平台或座箱入A01K 97/22;{特定用途的其他座位式家具入A47C15/004}
序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
121 履物着用のための機能性椅子 JP2013543063 2010-12-08 JP5695760B2 2015-04-08 キム, ヒョン−テク
122 Functional chair for the footwear worn JP2013543063 2010-12-08 JP2013544618A 2013-12-19 ヒョン−テク キム,
The present invention relates to a functional chair, which is capable of storing articles such as shoes, shoe brushes, umbrellas, canes and the like by utilizing a narrow space effectively, and can be used as a chair for senior citizens and for children to sit and put on shoes.
123 Astronomical observation for supine equipment JP50241697 1996-06-14 JPH10504226A 1998-04-28 クリストフアー アンドリユー ヘドレイ ブラウン
(57)【要約】 天体観測用仰臥装置(10)は簡単に分解・組立ができる3つの組立体を備えている。 基枠組立体(11)は回転台(13,14)を支持する脚(12)と、基枠組立体(11)から直立する芯軸(15)を中心に回転するように動枠組立体(17)を支持する回転台(13,14)とを有し、さらに、回転台(13,14)は垂直方向に傾動しかつ簡単かつ迅速に分解できるリンク(70)により基枠組立体(11)に連結される。 動枠組立体は1対の上方へ突出するU型の支持部(19)を備えており、U型の支持部(19)に座席組立体が簡単に取外し可能に支持される。 座席組立体(21)は天体観測機を、天体観測機取付部(32,33)へ調整可能かつ摺動可能に支持する。 天体観測機取付部は簡単な伸縮枠(35,36)に連結され、伸縮枠の摺動動作により動枠組立体から外すことができる。 本構成は天体観測用仰臥装置を簡単かつ軽量化し、簡単に持ち運んで組立てができる。
124 椅子 JP2016138013 2016-06-24 JP2017225795A 2017-12-28 斎藤 孝宏
【課題】 腰かけた場合に意図的に重心が不安定な状態となる椅子に関して、不使用時には椅子が補助脚を使って自動的に自立し、その取扱いが便利な自立型使用時不安定化椅子を提供する。
【解決手段】 本発明は、使用時に不安定な椅子を不使用時に自立させるため、使用者の椅子からの抜重に伴う付勢手段と駆動伝達手段の作用を利用して主脚以外の補助脚(14a,14b)を新たな床や地面との接点とすることを最も主要な特徴とする。
125 医療用診療椅子 JP2016216878 2016-11-07 JP2017176806A 2017-10-05 杉山 公一
126 椅子 JP2016138013 2016-06-24 JP6074606B1 2017-02-08 斎藤 孝宏
【課題】 腰かけた場合に意図的に重心が不安定な状態となる椅子に関して、不使用時には椅子が補助脚を使って自動的に自立し、その取扱いが便利な自立型使用時不安定化椅子を提供する。
【解決手段】 本発明は、使用時に不安定な椅子を不使用時に自立させるため、使用者の椅子からの抜重に伴う付勢手段と駆動伝達手段の作用を利用して主脚以外の補助脚(14a,14b)を新たな床や地面との接点とすることを最も主要な特徴とする。
127 マッサージ装置 JP2014167038 2014-08-20 JP2016042896A 2016-04-04 能宗 和夫; 小木曽 隆
【選択図】 図3
128 組立式正座椅子 JP2013096117 2013-05-01 JP2014217410A 2014-11-20 OTSUKA JOJI
129 Chair device for chair equipment, especially used in virtual reality devices JP52350498 1997-11-18 JP2000510026A 2000-08-08 ラ ヘーイ,フランス デ
(57)【要約】 静止した底部フレーム(7)とその上にあって椅子部(2−5)を支えている上部フレーム(8)を有する下部構造(6)と、底部フレームに対して上部フレームを動かすように底部フレーム(7)と上部フレーム(8)との間にある作動手段とを有し、その作動手段は駆動手段(11)と決められた長さの連結アーム(9)とを有しており、この連結アームは上部ヒンジ軸(10)を介してヒンジ式に上部フレーム(8)と相互作用し、底部ヒンジ軸(10)を介してヒンジ式に底部フレーム(7)と相互作用する、バーチャルリアリティ装置において使用される椅子装置(1)であり、上部ヒンジ軸及び底部ヒンジ軸は互いに実質的に平行に延在している。 椅子部(2−5)は、上部フレーム(8)に傾斜運動可能なように連結されている。
130 Driving device for massaging chair JP36513399 1999-12-22 JP2000189478A 2000-07-11 MAIER EUGEN
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To quickly repair in a short time with a minute labor in a type of setting at least one driving axle for massage body and driving the driving axle by an electric motor by mounting the motor on the end part of the driving axle indirectly or directly. SOLUTION: A driving frame 9 composed of approximately flat plates 13, 14, and connected each other with rods 12, 15. The driving frame 9 bears driving axles 5, 6 rotatably. A driving axle 5 has one extending pin on its left end side 4 and co-operates with a reduction gear 8 of an electric motor 2. One extending pin is set on the right end side 3 of a driving axle 6, and is connected to a reduction gear 7 of an electric motor 1 with ability of driving. It is possible to change the electric motors 1, 2 or the reduction gears 7, 8 under fault conditions. It requires only pulling outsides the electric motors 1, 2 or the reduction gear 7, 8 and it does not need to put each component of the driving frame 9 out of place.
131 Mat and process for manufacturing a resilient article JP20306488 1988-08-15 JPH01206031A 1989-08-18 PEERU BUORUFU
PURPOSE: To generate a regulated instability even in a stably static state for a person in an upright attitude by forming one surface of many coupled liquid- filled compartments in a conical top state, raising a pressure in the compartment higher than 0.5 bar, and assembling a mat. CONSTITUTION: The mat comprises interconnected liquid-filled compartments with stable elastomeric compartment walls spread over by a liquid. The mat is designed so that a ratio of a static tensile stress in the wall to a tensile stress brought by a dynamic elongation is smaller than about 0.5 and a pressure of the compartment becomes higher than 0.5 bar. The elastomer has a short relaxation time of a range of 5 to 20% per time decade, and a resilient module of a 300% elongation in a range of about 50 to 110 kp/cm 2. If thickness of the wall is about 1.5 to 3.5 mm, the most suitable module is 70+/-20 kp/cm 2 of E module. And, the optimum tensile strength is 150 kp/cm 2 at the minimum. COPYRIGHT: (C)1989,JPO
132 JPS4880817U - JP48267271 1971-12-28 JPS4880817U 1973-10-03
133 FALTKÖRPER EP19154991.4 2019-02-01 EP3524097A2 2019-08-14 Bächle, Dieter

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Faltkörper (01) umfassend einen flachen, zusammenhängenden Grundbogen (02), der statische Bereiche (07, 10) und zwischen den statischen Bereichen ausgebildete Faltbereiche (06, 06.1, 06.2) aufweist, wobei die Faltbereiche (06, 06.1) und die statischen Bereiche (07, 10) so angeordnet sind, dass der Grundbogen (02) durch Verformungen der Faltbereiche (06, 06.1) in zumindest einen Flachzustand, einen Packzustand und einen Körperzustand faltbar ist. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass der Faltkörper (01) im Körperzustand des Grundbogens (02) eine Lasteintragsfläche (11) aufweist, die durch zumindest einen der statischen Bereiche (07) ausgebildet ist und unterhalb der Lasteintragsfläche (11) eine lastübertragende Struktur (12) angeordnet ist, die durch eine Mehrzahl von statischen Bereichen (10) ausgebildet ist, wobei die statischen Bereiche (10) der lastübertragenden Struktur (12) senkrecht zu dem zumindest einen statischen Bereich (07) der Lasteintragsfläche (11) ausgerichtet sind und die statischen Bereiche (10) der lastübertragenden Struktur (12) senkrecht zur Lasteintragsfläche (11) eine Kreuzform ausbilden, wobei der Faltkörper (01) im Flachzustand des Grundbogens (02) ein rechteckigen, insbesondere quadratischen, Randabschnitt (13) mit einer innenliegenden rechteckigen, insbesondere quadratischen, Innenausnehmung (03) aufweist.

134 MASSAGE DEVICE EP15833978.8 2015-08-11 EP3184093A1 2017-06-28 NOSO, Kazuo; OGISO, Takashi

A massage apparatus including: a base; a pair of air bags including a first air bag and a second air bag, the first air bag and the second air bag being vertically overlapped while being displaced from each other, the first air bag being disposed on an upper side of the second air bag, and the first air bag and the second air bag being joined to each other at an overlapped site; and an air injection and discharge section arranged to be connected to the first air bag, inject air into the first air bag, and discharge the air from the first air bag, wherein a coupling section including a through hole arranged to communicate the pair of air bags with each other is provided at a site where the pair of air bags is joined to each other, and a fixing section arranged to rotatably fix the first air bag to the base is provided in a portion of the first air bag, the portion being not overlapped with the second air bag.

135 Furnishing element having a support shelf and/or a folding support structure EP14199869.0 2014-12-22 EP2893836A1 2015-07-15 Favaro, Carlo

Furnishing element (4), such as a table, a stool, a desk or the like, comprising a support structure (8) having at least one support leg (12) which defines a vertical axis (V) directed along a main vertical direction (Y-Y), a support shelf (24), supported by said support structure (8) and connected to the support structure (8) by the interposition of connection means (28), wherein the support shelf (24), in a configuration of use, is positioned parallel to a horizontal plane (P) perpendicular to said main vertical direction (Y-Y). Advantageously, said connection means (28) comprise a first and a second joint (32, 36) independent of each other. The first joint (32) identifies a first hinge axis (X-X) parallel to the horizontal plane (P) to permit the rotation and folding of the support shelf (24) towards the support structure (8), so as to position the support shelf (24) perpendicular to said horizontal plane (P), in a folded configuration, The second joint (36) identifies a second hinge axis (W-W) which permits the rotation of the at least one support leg (12) towards the support shelf (24), so as to position the support leg (12) parallel to the horizontal plane (P), in a folded configuration.

136 Verbindungssystem EP10176911.5 2010-09-15 EP2308345B1 2013-12-04 Tietz, Egon
137 Verbindungssystem EP10176911.5 2010-09-15 EP2308345A1 2011-04-13 Tietz, Egon

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verbindungssystem, welches integriert in den verschiedensten Anwendungen, beispielsweise in Möbelstücken, eine Montage oder Demontage dieser, ohne Hilfsmittel ermöglicht.

Es ist vorgesehen, dass das erfindungsgemäße Verbindungssystem wenigstens zwei Tragelemente (10,12), wenigstens ein im Wesentlichen orthogonal zu den Tragelementen und zwischen den Tragelementen angeordnetes Stützelement (14,16) und wenigstens ein im wesentlichen parallel zu dem Stützelement und um die Tragelemente herum angeordnetes Spannelement (18,20) aufweist, wobei die Tragelemente und das Stützelement und das Spannelement in der Weise miteinander verbunden sind, dass durch eine elastische Nachgiebigkeit wenigstens eines der Tragelemente und/oder des Stützelements und/oder des Spannelements Federkräfte auf das Verbindungssystem wirken und das Verbindungssystem gegen ein Verschieben der Tragelemente und des Stützelements und des Spannelements gegeneinander gehemmt ist.

138 Antriebsvorrichtung für einen Massagestuhl EP99125538.1 1999-12-21 EP1016398B1 2004-07-28 Maier, Eugen
Chair assembly (1) for use in virtual reality devices, comprising a sub-structure (6) which comprises a stationary bottom frame (7) and situated above it a top frame (8) bearing a chair (2-5), movement means being present between the bottom frame (7) and the top frame (8), in order to make the top frame move relative to the bottom frame, which movement means comprise drive means (11) and a connecting arm (9) of fixed length which interacts hingedly by way of a top hinge axis (10) with the top frame (8) and hingedly by way of a bottom hinge axis (10) with the bottom frame (7), the top hinge axis and the bottom hinge axis extending substantially parallel to each other. The chair (2-5) is tiltably connected to the top frame (8).
140 Process for obtaining a resilient article having a static module which is stable over a long period EP88112892.0 1988-08-08 EP0303219B1 1993-04-07 Wolff, Per