序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
1 光学传感器 CN201510094995.7 2011-05-20 CN104678451A 2015-06-03 L·洛曼
2 用于监控车辆周围的监控器 CN00130565.4 2000-09-29 CN1195992C 2005-04-06 山渕浩史
3 具有信号路径监控的飞行时间相机 CN201280029614.1 2012-08-03 CN103608695B 2016-01-20 拉尔夫·威尔克斯; 贝恩德·达姆霍费尔
4 光学传感器 CN201110135581.6 2011-05-20 CN102313909A 2012-01-11 L·洛曼
5 用于监控车辆周围的监控器 CN00130565.4 2000-09-29 CN1307241A 2001-08-08 山渕浩史
6 用于选择优化轨迹的方法 CN201610915234.8 2016-10-20 CN107010053A 2017-08-04 J·罗德; H·米伦茨
7 具有信号路径监控的飞行时间相机 CN201280029614.1 2012-08-03 CN103608695A 2014-02-26 拉尔夫·威尔克斯; 贝恩德·达姆霍费尔
8 电磁波输出装置和距离测量装置 CN94114980.3 1994-07-29 CN1109968A 1995-10-11 吉田真人; 田坂吉朗; 石尾涉; 宫崎秀德
9 레이저 스캐너의 기능 장애를 검출하는 방법, 레이저 스캐너 및 자동차 KR1020187019404 2016-11-30 KR1020180091069A 2018-08-14
본발명은레이저스캐너(2)의레이저빔(12)이레이저스캐너(2)의보호스크린(6)을통해자동차(1)의주변구역(4)으로전송되는자동차(1)의레이저스캐너(2)의기능장애를검출하는방법에관한것이며, 여기서보호스크린(6)에서적어도부분적으로반사되는전송된레이저빔(12)의에코(16)는레이저스캐너(2)의수신유닛(9)에의해강도값(19)으로수신되며, 강도값(19)이기준강도값과상이한경우에레이저스캐너(2)의기능장애가검출된다.
10 모터 차량용 광학 타입 레인지 파인더 장치 및 레이다 장치 KR1019960027282 1996-07-05 KR100186628B1 1999-04-15 가타야마고우지
An optical type range finder apparatus for a motor vehicle. Dew condensation and deposition on an inner surface of an irradiation laser beam projecting window is prevented even in the environment where a front surface of the range finder is cooled down steeply, for ensuring a stable distance measuring performance. The apparatus projects outwardly an irradiation light beam (LE) from the motor vehicle and detects a distance between the motor vehicle and an object on the basis of known relation between the irradiation light beam (LE) and an echo light beam (LR) from the object existing in environment of the motor vehicle. An irradiation window (3a) includes a first light-transmissive panel (7) having a surface exposed to the exterior, a second light-transmissive panel (21) having a surface exposed to the interior of the range finder apparatus, and a heat insulation space (24) formed by an air layer confined between the first light-transmissive panel (7) and the second light-transmissive panel (21).
11 물체에 의한 자동차의 센서 장치의 차단을 검출하는 방법, 컴퓨팅 장치, 운전자 보조 시스템 및 자동차 KR1020177014953 2015-11-30 KR1020170081665A 2017-07-12 주레알렉산더; 갈리요우세프-아지즈; 루에베르트어스
본발명은물체(8)에의한자동차의센서장치(4)의차단을검출하는방법에관한것이며, 여기서센서장치(4)와물체(8) 사이의간격을특징으로하며센서장치(4)에의해포착되는적어도하나의에코신호가컴퓨팅장치(3)에의해수신되고, 센서장치(4)를위한포착영역(E)이결정되며, 적어도하나의수신된에코신호에기초하여센서장치(4)의포착영역(E)이적어도일부영역에서물체(8)에의해차단되는지가체크되며, 적어도하나의에코신호가복수의개별간격값(B1, B2, B3)으로부터의개별간격값(B1, B2, B3)에할당되며, 각각의개별간격값(B1, B2, B3)에대해서출력값(P)이에코신호에기초하여결정되며(S2), 출력값(P)에기초하여, 센서장치(4)의포착영역(E) 중적어도사전결정된부분이물체(8)에의해차단(S6)되고있는지에관한결정이분류기에의해이루어진다.
12 개선된 잡음 허용 범위를 갖는 검출 시스템 KR1019997004270 1997-11-13 KR100493982B1 2005-06-10 주드스스콧
An electro-optical detection system for detecting objects within the boundaries of a monitored zone, comprises a plurality of LED emitter and photodetector pairs. Each emitter (12) emits a beam of pulses of light energy into the monitored zone, and its paired photodetector (14) detects light energy including light energy from the beam that is reflected from an object within the monitored zone and generates light detection signals. A controller (10) operates the emitter and photodetector pairs and evaluates the light detection signals to discriminate between light energy of beams reflected from an object within the monitored zone and other light energy. The controller can selectively adjust the evaluation of the light detection signals to adjust the effective boundaries of the monitored zone.
13 의사 반사들을 인식하고 의사 반사들에 의해 야기되는 오차들을 보상하도록 동작 가능한 광전자 모듈들 KR1020167028390 2015-03-13 KR1020160132963A 2016-11-21 쿠바키,옌스; 루이스,짐; 벨로파노스,미구엘브루노; 레만,미하엘; 베어,스테판; 부에트겐,베른하드; 페레즈칼레로,다니엘; 할랄,바삼
광전자모듈들(100)은관심의객체로부터의반사들을나타내는신호들과의사반사를나타내는신호들을구별하도록동작가능하다. 다양한모듈들은전용의사-반사검출픽셀들(126)에의하여의사반사들을인식하고, 일부경우에, 또한의사반사들에의해야기되는오차들을보상하도록동작가능하다.
14 개선된 잡음 허용 범위를 갖는 검출 시스템 KR1019997004270 1997-11-13 KR1020000053287A 2000-08-25 주드스스콧
PURPOSE: An electro-optical detection system with an improved noise tolerance is provided to detect objects within the boundaries of a monitored zone. CONSTITUTION: An electro-optical detection system comprises a plurality of LED emitter and photodetector pairs. Each emitter(12) emits a beam of pulses of light energy into the monitored zone, and its paired photodetector(14) detects light energy including light energy from the beam that is reflected from an object within the monitored zone and generates light detection signals. A controller(10) operates the emitter and photodetector pairs and evaluates the light detection signals to discriminate between light energy of beams reflected from an object within the monitored zone and other light energy. The controller can selectively adjust the evaluation of the light detection signals to adjust the effective boundaries of the monitored zone.
15 전자파 출력 장치 및 거리 계측 장치 KR1019940019019 1994-07-29 KR100142634B1 1998-08-17 요시다마사또; 다사까요시로; 이시오와따루; 히데노리미야자끼
A safe distance measuring device employing an electromagnetic wave is provided. A laser diode (2) is energized to emit laser beams by a laser diode drive circuit (3) in accordance with a clock signal generated by a control circuit (29). The emitted laser beams are sequentially changed to predetermined scanning directions by a scanner (1) associated with control circuit (29). The scanned laser beams from scanner (1) are reflected by an object (19) to be received by a photodiode (5). An output of the photodiode is applied to control circuit (29) through a light receiving circuit (6) where an elapsed time from emission to receipt is computed to obtain a distance from scanner (1) to object (19). Based on data relating to scanning directions by a scanning position detector (4), a begin-and-end detecting circuit (28) can stop the radiation of electromagnetic waves around a scanning start point and a scanning end point which is danger to human bodies. <IMAGE>
Optoelectronic modules are operable to distinguish between signals indicative of reflections from an object of interest and signals indicative of a spurious reflection. Various modules are operable to recognize spurious reflections and, in some cases, also to compensate for errors caused by spurious reflections.
17 後退支援装置 JP2013220839 2013-10-24 JP6284741B2 2018-02-28 小野 幸彦; 岡田 祐子; 石本 英史; 齋藤 真二郎
18 Laser scan sensor JP2009169141 2009-07-17 JP5439684B2 2014-03-12 正仁 岩澤; 成鎬 曹
19 State recognizing method and apparatus for automatic longitudinal and / or transverse control system in a vehicle JP2001525428 2000-09-21 JP4813716B2 2011-11-09 ヴィンター、クラウス; ザウアー、トーマス; シュトルツ、クリスチャーネ; マーヒトハーラー、ライナー; マイアー、ディートマール; レーエ、クラウス
The invention relates to a method and device for identifying the state of a system for effecting the automatic longitudinal and/or lateral control of a motor vehicle functioning according to the radar principle and/or lidar principle. The invention is especially provided for identifying a dirty and/or completely obscured sensor, whereby the state identification depends on at least two indicators (In) which are formed from signals that are received and/or emitted by the sensor. In addition, the at least two indicators (In) are weighted with weighting factors (an), and the weighted indicators are associated with a single probability (V) which proposes the probable state (P) of the system.
20 Dirt detection method in Tof range camera JP2010511642 2008-06-12 JP2010534000A 2010-10-28 ジヌー、ロムアルド; ミルバッハ、ブルーノ
A method for contamination detection in a time-of-flight (TOF) range imaging system is described, wherein the TOF range imaging system receives light reflected from a scene, through an optical interface, on an imager sensor having an array of pixels, and wherein distance information and amplitude information are determined for the sensor pixels. The presence of contamination on the optical interface is determined on the basis of amplitude information determined for the sensor pixels.