序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
181 JPS50144166A - JP4736175 1975-04-18 JPS50144166A 1975-11-19
182 JPS5027389A - JP4837774 1974-05-01 JPS5027389A 1975-03-20
183 JPS5027388A - JP4837674 1974-05-01 JPS5027388A 1975-03-20
184 COUPLING DEVICE FOR DETACHABLY CONNECTING A MEDICAL OR DENTAL INSTRUMENT TO A DRIVE UNIT OR A SUPPLY HOSE US16058968 2018-08-08 US20180353261A1 2018-12-13 Michael Mangelberger; Christof Baier; Wolfgang Tannebaum
A coupling device for detachably connecting a medical or dental instrument to a drive unit or a supply hose for transfer of at least one of data, energy, a driving movement and a working medium between the drive unit or the supply hose and the instrument includes a first coupling element and a second coupling element. One of the coupling elements includes a coupling recess and the other includes a coupling protrusion insertable therein. One of the coupling elements includes a positioning element and the other includes an indentation into which the positioning element can be inserted to position the coupling elements in a defined angular position about a shared axis. One of the coupling elements includes a memory unit for storage of data and the other includes a transfer unit, so that data can be transferred from the memory unit by the transfer unit to the other coupling element.
185 PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR 1-WIRE HANDPIECE US15494096 2017-04-21 US20180307797A1 2018-10-25 Robert Thomas St. Louis; Michael Carl Dunaway; Mitchell James Rutledge
A predictive maintenance system and method for a dental handpiece includes a condition sensor for sensing a condition of the handpiece to obtain sensor data and providing wired communication of the sensor data and a device identifier from the handpiece to a delivery unit. The system is configured to store sensor data, a device identifier and a time stamp in data logging equipment to obtain a usage history for the handpiece. The system determines a maintenance condition of the handpiece based on the sensor data and/or the usage history of the handpiece. In response to a severity of the maintenance condition, the system provides a preventative maintenance indication of a future failure for the handpiece or stops operation of the handpiece.
186 Interdental cleaner using water supply US14052601 2013-10-11 US10105201B2 2018-10-23 Brian J. Woodard; Jeffrey M. Garrigues
The present disclosure is related to an interdental cleaner for operably connecting to an external water supply. The interdental cleaner includes a mounting bracket having a bracket inlet fluidly connected to the external water supply and a pressure regulation assembly operably connected to the mounting bracket. The pressure regulation assembly includes a regulation outlet fluidly connected to the bracket inlet. The interdental cleaner further includes a water flosser operably connected to the mounting bracket and fluidly connected to the regulation outlet. During use, water pressure of water at the regulation outlet is lower than a water pressure of water at the bracket inlet.
187 CLEANING APPLIANCE US15573939 2016-04-25 US20180289456A1 2018-10-11 Thomas James Dunning FOLLOWS; William John BEX-RUSSELL; Stephen Benjamin COURTNEY; Jason Godfrey JONES
A fluid delivery system of a dental cleaning appliance includes a fluid inlet, a pump for drawing a working fluid through the fluid inlet, a hydraulic accumulator for receiving working fluid from the pump, a nozzle having a fluid outlet, and a valve located between the accumulator and the nozzle. The valve has an open position for enabling the accumulator to deliver a burst of working fluid to the nozzle, and a closed position for enabling the accumulator to be replenished under the action of the pump. A control circuit actuates the pump and controls the position of the valve.
188 DISPOSABLE DENTAL VALVE DEVICE HAVING A CHECK VALVE US16001087 2018-06-06 US20180280682A1 2018-10-04 Charles Thomas; Edward Arguello
A disposable dental valve device is disclosed having a valve body having a tip receiving end, a hose receiving end, a lumen formed between the tip receiving end and the hose receiving end, a partial opening formed in the valve body, and a rotatable valve sealing body adapted to being inserted into the partial opening, the rotatable valve sealing body having a bore for alignment with the lumen formed between the tip receiving end and the hose receiving end, the bore having a tip receiving opening and a hose receiving opening, the rotatable valve sealing body having a check valve positioned on the tip receiving opening, and the rotatable valve sealing body having a top and a handle portion connected to the top.
189 Oral Irrigator US15401144 2017-01-09 US20180193108A1 2018-07-12 Lisa Michelle Guenst; Robert James Andrake; Brian Michael Orme; Jeremy Mark Fallis, JR.; Daniel Shanahan
An oral irrigator has a separate high pressure water system and low pressure mouth rinse system to deliver two different fluids to a pick or other accessories. The water system and mouth rinse system are combined in a handle. The pick is connected to the handle. The water system has a blocking valve located in the handle and the mouth rinse system has a hand pump located in the handle. The hand pump sits next to a valve button for closing the blocking valve. When the hand pump is pressed, it presses against the valve button of the blocking valve to shut off the source of high pressure water to the pick. The pressure in the pick drops so that the hand pump can then introduce mouth rinse into the pick. When the hand pump is released, the blocking valve opens up and high pressure water returns to the pick.
190 Direct cooling type handpiece US15089587 2016-04-04 US10014744B2 2018-07-03 Jong Kun Lee
The present invention relates to a direct cooling type handpiece, and more particularly, to a direct cooling type handpiece that is configured to allow an outer housing and a core to be spaced apart from each other and thus to allow the core to be fixed to a PCB and a support cap, so that air flows to the space between the outer housing and the core, thus efficiently cooling the high heat generated from the handpiece while the handpiece is being operated.
Embodiments of the invention include a handpiece system including a detachable cable that can receive at least power, and a detachable cable connector, where the detachable cable connector and detachable cable are reversibly attachable to each other. In some embodiments, the system includes an interchangeable laser module, where the laser module and detachable cable connector are reversibly attachable to each other. Further, the interchangeable laser module is configured and arranged to receive at least the power via the cable connector when coupled to the cable connector, and to be removed from the detachable cable connector and replaced with another laser module. In some embodiments, the system further includes an interchangeable handpiece which is reversibly attachable to the interchangeable laser module. Further, the interchangeable handpiece is configured and arranged to be removed from the interchangeable laser module and replaced with another interchangeable handpiece.
Some embodiments include a dental laser system with a controller coupled to an electromagnetic energy source, where the controller's graphical user interface enables a user to provide input to control operating parameters of the electromagnetic energy source. In some embodiments, the graphical user interface can render a controller enabling user control of a plurality dental laser system parameters with a single action or input. In some embodiments, the user's interaction with a graphical portion of the controller sufficient to control more than one operational parameter of the dental laser system without a requirement for the user to provide an additional or substantially simultaneous interaction with any other controller or portion of the graphical user interface. Further, the graphical content has a graphic indicative of a mode, an operational status, and/or an operational parameter of the dental laser system that is displayed, updated, or animated by the controller.
193 Disposable dental valve device having a check valve US15619830 2017-06-12 US09907632B2 2018-03-06 Charles Thomas; Edward Arguello
A dental valve device is disclosed having a valve body having a tip receiving end, a hose receiving end, a lumen formed between the tip receiving end and the hose receiving end, a partial opening formed in the valve body and a rotatable valve sealing body adapted to be inserted into the partial opening, the rotatable valve sealing body having a bore for alignment with the lumen formed between the tip receiving end and the hose receiving end, the bore having a tip receiving opening and a hose receiving opening, the rotatable valve sealing body having a check valve positioned in the bore.
194 DENTAL DRILL TOOL US15687853 2017-08-28 US20180055598A1 2018-03-01 James B. Wolf
A system and method for mitigating pain associated with dentistry provides a removal apparatus for removing a portion of a tooth. A desiccation apparatus flows a desiccated gas to the portion of the tooth to desiccate dentinal tubules in a region surrounding the portion of the tooth, generally preventing nerve cells within the tooth from transmitting pain signals associated with the removal. The removal apparatus has a drill head with a body having an axial opening configured to accept a dental burr. An annular passage exists between the dental burr and the body within the axial opening. A chamber in the body is in fluid communication with the axial opening, where a channel is fluidly coupled to an external port and to a source of the desiccated gas to flow the desiccated gas therethrough and expose a drilling region of the dental burr to the desiccated gas to mitigate pain.
195 Handpiece assembly for laser treatment device US14060877 2013-10-23 US09867997B2 2018-01-16 Dmitri Boutoussov; Rolf G. Kojima
A handpiece assembly for laser treating a target surface and a laser system are disclosed. A handpiece assembly for laser treating a target surface includes a cable connector that is detachably coupled to a power supply and control module. The cable connector is configured to receive power and control signals from the power supply and control module. The handpiece assembly includes a laser module configured to receive the power and control signals from the cable connector and to generate electromagnetic energy based on the received power and control signals. The laser module is a replaceable module that is detachably coupled to the cable connector and a handpiece. The replaceable module allows a particular laser module to be removed from the handpiece assembly and replaced with another laser module. The handpiece assembly further includes the handpiece configured to receive the electromagnetic energy from the laser module and to direct the electromagnetic energy to the target surface.
196 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR ENDODONTIC TREATMENT US15657292 2017-07-24 US20170319292A1 2017-11-09 Amnon LIFSHITZ; Yehuda DARSHAN
An apparatus for endodontic treatment, comprising: a nozzle connected to a fluid source comprising: a tip small enough to be inserted into a pulp chamber of a tooth; an inner geometry which forms a flow parameters including non-axial flow direction of nozzle fluid flowing through the inner geometry such that discharge fluid discharged from the inner geometry increase rotation of root canal fluid within a root canal sufficiently to remove tissue from the root canal.
197 Handpiece with slim driving part of direct cooling type US14125471 2012-12-05 US09803931B2 2017-10-31 Jong Geon Lee
The handpiece includes; an outer housing of a bar shape; a cylindrical core inserted into the outer housing and having an air hole and a water hole; pipes respective inserted into the air hole and the water hole of the core; a rotor made with a cylindrical magnetic material and inserted into the core; cylindrical support rings forcedly fit to both sides of transfer shafts of the rotor; a pair of bearings respectively disposed at the front side and the rear side of the support rings; a coupling disposed in front of the rotor; a front housing joined to the front of the outer housing; a front cap disposed at the rear of the core; a rear cap disposed at the rear of the front cap and having a power supply terminal disposed at one side thereof; and a rear housing joined to the rear of the outer housing.
198 Dental laser apparatus and method of use with interchangeable hand piece and variable foot pedal US14737011 2015-06-11 US09788915B2 2017-10-17 Nathan P. Monty; Charles H. Dresser; William H. Groves, Jr.; Leonid A. Bafitos; Jon R. Quillard
A dental laser system for treatment of hard and/or soft tissue includes a main chamber housing optical and primary fluid supply subsystems, for directing a laser beam and fluid to a treatment area. A hand piece affixable to the main chamber, includes mating optical and secondary fluid supply subsystems. The hand piece can be rotatable or re-orientable about an optical axis within the hand piece. A lock can maintain a selectable angular orientation of the hand piece relative to the main chamber. A coupling can maintain a fluidic communication between the primary and secondary fluid supply subsystems even when the hand piece is rotated or re-oriented. A sensor and controller can sense a selected angular orientation of the hand piece and adjust the main optical subsystem according to the sensed angular orientation, to align the two optical subsystems. The laser may be controlled using a variable speed foot pedal.
199 Apparatus and method for endodontic treatment US14522250 2014-10-23 US09713511B2 2017-07-25 Amnon Lifshitz; Yehuda Darshan
An apparatus for endodontic treatment, comprising: a nozzle connected to a fluid source comprising: a tip small enough to be inserted into a pulp chamber of a tooth; an inner geometry which forms a flow parameters including non-axial flow direction of nozzle fluid flowing through the inner geometry such that discharge fluid discharged from the inner geometry increase rotation of root canal fluid within a root canal sufficiently to remove tissue from the root canal.
200 DISPOSABLE DENTAL VALVE DEVICE HAVING A CHECK VALVE US14925749 2015-10-28 US20170120036A1 2017-05-04 Charles Thomas; Edward Arguello
A disposable dental valve device is disclosed having a valve body having a tip receiving end, a hose receiving end, a lumen formed between the tip receiving end and the hose receiving end, a partial opening formed in the valve body, and a rotatable valve sealing body adapted to being inserted into the partial opening, the rotatable valve sealing body having a bore for alignment with the lumen formed between the tip receiving end and the hose receiving end, the bore having a tip receiving opening and a hose receiving opening, the rotatable valve sealing body having a check valve positioned on the tip receiving opening, and the rotatable valve sealing body having a top and a handle portion connected to the top.