序号 专利名 申请号 申请日 公开(公告)号 公开(公告)日 发明人
221 Apparatus and method for coring and/or drilling EP02252475.5 2002-04-05 EP1247936A1 2002-10-09 Moore, Terence Alexander

Apparatus (50, 51) and method for creating a hole (310) in a subsurface formation (305). An inner assembly (50), which may include a coring barrel (6), a piston cylinder (23) and a piston rod member (15), is connected to an elongate member (18) such as a wireline. The inner assembly (50) may include a member such as a packer (30) capable of engaging one of an outer assembly (51) and the borehole (200). Furthermore, the coring barrel (6) may have a cutting member (1, 6) for creating the hole (310) in the subsurface formation (305).

222 CAROTTIER EP97900510.5 1997-01-14 EP0883731B1 2002-04-10 FANUEL, Philippe
A core sampler, particularly for oil prospecting, including a coring bit (2), an outer barrel (3) for rotating the coring bit (2), and an inner barrel (5) for receiving the core sample (7) in its internal space (8) during coring, the inner (5) and outer (3) barrels being substantially coaxial, and further comprising an intermediate barrel (15) coaxially arranged between the inner (5) and outer (3) barrels and defining a first longitudinal coring fluid channel (16) with the outer barrel (3), and a second longitudinal coring fluid channel (17) with the inner barrel (5), as well as said longitudinal channels (16, 17) and means for at least temporarily selectively causing and/or cutting off coring fluid communication between the rear end (17B) of the second longitudinal channel (17) and/or the rear end (16B) of the first longitudinal channel (16) and/or the rear end (8B) of the internal space (8).
223 CORING ASSEMBLY AND METHOD EP94927337 1994-08-31 EP0715677A4 2001-04-04 ORMSBY RONALD D
Coring apparatus (10) and method are disclosed which provide for hydraulic latching of an inner core barrel (26) within an outer core barrel (12). The apparatus includes a valve face (48) disposed around the inner core barrel (26) and valve seat (52) disposed around the bore of the outer core barrel (12) that close to form a restriction in drilling fluid flow path (54). A hydraulic differential force is thereby created which holds the inner barrel (26) in place. Axially oriented bores (64) in a hanger assembly (58) and in stabilizers (62) are disposed along the inner core barrel (26) to provide a flow path for the drilling fluid after the restriction is formed. The bores are calibrated to produce a pre-determined hydraulic force on the inner barrel (26). A bearing assembly (30) is used to prevent transmission of outer barrel (12) rotation to the inner core barrel (26). The outer surface of the bearing assembly (30) forms the valve face (48) so as to form the drilling fluid restriction and also provides an axial stop that prevents further axial movement of the inner barrel (26) towards the core head (14).
224 CAROTTIER EP98933379.4 1998-07-08 EP0995010A1 2000-04-26 FANUEL, Philippe; SERRON, Paul
The invention concerns a core barrel, in particular in the field of oil exploration, comprising at least an outer tube (2) and a core bit (3) forming an outer assembly (4) and at least an inner tube (5) forming with a drilling core optionally present therein, and optionally with part of the groups arranged under the drilling core base, an inner assembly (7), suspension and/or guiding means being provided for maintaining the inner assembly (7) inside the outer assembly (4), the suspension and/or guiding means being further arranged such that the inner assembly (7) maintains at least perpendicular to these means (9), with respect to the outer assembly (4), a predetermined axial and/or radial and/or angular freedom of movement greater than usual.
225 CAROTTIER EP97900510.0 1997-01-14 EP0883731A1 1998-12-16 FANUEL, Philippe
A core sampler, particularly for oil prospecting, including a coring bit (2), an outer barrel (3) for rotating the coring bit (2), and an inner barrel (5) for receiving the core sample (7) in its internal space (8) during coring, the inner (5) and outer (3) barrels being substantially coaxial, and further comprising an intermediate barrel (15) coaxially arranged between the inner (5) and outer (3) barrels and defining a first longitudinal coring fluid channel (16) with the outer barrel (3), and a second longitudinal coring fluid channel (17) with the inner barrel (5), as well as said longitudinal channels (16, 17) and means for at least temporarily selectively causing and/or cutting off coring fluid communication between the rear end (17B) of the second longitudinal channel (17) and/or the rear end (16B) of the first longitudinal channel (16) and/or the rear end (8B) of the internal space (8).
A retractable drill bit system (10) comprises a drive sub (18) which is adapted for connection to a lower end of a drill (12), a tool (20) for installing and retracting drill bit segments (22) from the drive sub (18); and an insert (24) for selectively locking the bit segments (22) to an end of the drive sub (18) and releasing the bit segments (22). A plurality of recesses (5B) are formed about an inner circumferential wall at one end of the drive sub (18) and a landing seat (32) formed about the inner wall upstream of the recesses (58). The area of the interior wall between the landing seat (32) and recesses (58) is profiled with a series of tapered and level surfaces. The tool (20) includes a slidable cradle (176) extending from one end about which the bit segments (22) are held during installation and retrieval. The bit segments (22) being held in place about the cradle by an elastic band (198). The insert (24) is provided at one end with a series of keyways (218) which locate over the bit segments (22) when the bit segments are locked to the drive sub (18). The insert (24) is always retained within the drive sub (18). Bit segments (22) are carried by the tool (20) to the drive sub (18) and locked in place by the insert (24). The tool (20) can then be withdrawn and the drill (12) operated in the normal manner. To retrieve the bit segments (22), the tool (20) is relowered into the drill and then withdrawn a short distance to retract the insert (24) so that the bit segments (22) collapse back onto the cradle (176) and can then be withdrawn from the drill (12).
A survey process for cable core borings in which an inner core tube (3) with an autarcally operating measuring probe (24) releasably secured via a core retaining sleeve adapter (20) is fed into a core boring rod (6) and blocked in an outer core tube (4) with a boring ring (2) via a core tube coupling (10, 11, 12, 13), measurements are taken in the open borehole by the measuring probe (24), the sensors of which look forwards through the boring ring on the withdrawal of the core boring rods (6), and temporarily stored time-dependently in the measuring probe (24), the measured depth is found by means of a rod travel indicator (1) and stored in a manner correlatable in time and, after the withdrawal of the inner core tube (3) with its measuring probe (24) secured to it, the measurements are read out from the measuring probe via a portable PC.
According to a process for measuring cable drilled bores, an autonomously operating measurement probe (1) is introduced into the boring rods (3) with the drilling fluid and is stopped at the drill bit (5) by a core barrel coupling (6), then a transmission probe (2), to which is secured a bore hole measurement cable (4) connected to a laptop PC (7) is also introduced into the boring rods (3) with the drilling fluid, a wireless connection between the measurement probe (1) and the transmission probe (2) is established, the measurement probe (1) is initialized by and synchronized with the laptop PC (7), measurement values from the measurement probe (1) are recorded and time dependent temporarily stored, the transmission probe (2) is drawn out of the boring rods (3), the measurement probe (1), once the measurement is completed, is retrieved by means of a core barrel extractor, and the measurement values are read out by means of the laptop PC (7). A device for carrying out the process is also disclosed.
229 SYSTEM FOR IN SITU REPLACEMENT OF CUTTING MEANS FOR A GROUND DRILL EP94918244.0 1994-06-15 EP0702746A1 1996-03-27 MCLEOD, Gavin, Thomas; EGAN, Matthew, Vance
A retractable drill bit system (10) comprises a drive sub (18) which is adapted for connection to a lower end of a drill (12), a tool (20) for installing and retracting drill bit segments (22) from the drive sub (18); and an insert (24) for selectively locking the bit segments (22) to an end of the drive sub (18) and releasing the bit segments (22). A plurality of recesses (5B) are formed about an inner circumferential wall at one end of the drive sub (18) and a landing seat (32) formed about the inner wall upstream of the recesses (58). The area of the interior wall between the landing seat (32) and recesses (58) is profiled with a series of tapered and level surfaces. The tool (20) includes a slidable cradle (176) extending from one end about which the bit segments (22) are held during installation and retrieval. The bit segments (22) being held in place about the cradle by an elastic band (198). The insert (24) is provided at one end with a series of keyways (218) which locate over the bit segments (22) when the bit segments are locked to the drive sub (18). The insert (24) is always retained within the drive sub (18). Bit segments (22) are carried by the tool (20) to the drive sub (18) and locked in place by the insert (24). The tool (20) can then be withdrawn and the drill (12) operated in the normal manner. To retrieve the bit segments (22), the tool (20) is relowered into the drill and then withdrawn a short distance to retract the insert (24) so that the bit segments (22) collapse back onto the cradle (176) and can then be withdrawn from the drill (12).
230 Replaceable cutting means segment for use in a ground drill EP95108816.0 1994-06-15 EP0678654A2 1995-10-25 McLeod, Gavin Thomas; Egan, Matthew Vance

A plurality of segments (22) form a cutting means adapted for retention in a ground drill. Each has a cutting face (72) for engaging and cutting the ground when the segment is seated in a cutting position in the ground drill. Each segment (22) also has a shank (68) extending from the cutting face and having one side (74) for facing and bearing against an internal circumferential wall (26) of the ground drill when in the cutting position. The side (74) has a series of surfaces (76,77,78,80,82,84,86,88) arranged so that the segment (22) can slide relative to the ground drill when in the cutting position in response to the ground drill being lifted from and lowered onto the bottom of a hole being drilled by the ground drill.

Selon le procédé de mesures réalisées dans des trous forés par câble, une sonde de mesure (1) fonctionnant de façon autonome est introduite avec le liquide de lavage dans le train de tiges de forage (3) et bloquée, dans la couronne de blocage (5), au moyen d'un dispositif de raccordement (6) d'un tube carottier. Une sonde de transmission (2) à laquelle est fixé un câble de mesures de trous de forage, qui est relié à un ordinateur personnel portatif (7), est également introduite avec le liquide de lavage dans le train de tiges de forage (3). Une connexion sans fil est établie entre la sonde de mesure (1) et la sonde de transmission (2), la sonde de mesure (1) étant initialisée par l'intermédiaire de l'ordinateur personnel portatif (7) et mise en synchronisation avec celui-ci. Les valeurs de mesure émises par la sonde de mesure (1) sont relevées et stockés en mémoire temporaire en fonction du temps. La sonde de transmission (2) est ensuite retirée du train de tiges de forage (3) et la sonde de mesure (1), un fois les mesures terminées, est extraite au moyen d'un extracteur de tube carottier. Enfin les valeurs de mesure sont relevées par l'intermédiaire de l'ordinateur personnel portatif (7). L'invention concerne également un dispositif permettant de mettre en oeuvre ledit procédé.
232 Rammkernsonde für Erdformationen EP91110476.8 1991-06-25 EP0464600A3 1992-11-25 Molsner, Herrmann Dietrich

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Bodenprobensonde für Rammkernsondierungen mit einem äußeren Sondenrohr (12) das mit einer Sondenrammvorrichtung verbindbar ist. In dem Sondenrohr (12) ist lösbar eine die jeweilige Funktion der Bodenprobensonde bestimmende Arbeitseinheit (10) koaxial angeordnet und axial unverschiebbar befestigt. Zur axialen Befestigung der Arbeitseinheit (10) ist eine fernbetätigbare Verriegelungsvorrichtung (13) vorgesehen. Das als Rammgestänge dienende Sondenrohr (12) ist mittels entsprechender Verlängerungsrammrohre (30) verlängerbar. Dabei sind das Sondenrohr (12) und die ggf. zu dessen Verlängerung damit verbundenen Verlängerungsrammrohre (30) so ausgebildet, daß die Arbeitseinheit (10) bei gelöster Verriegelungsvorrichtung (13) zusammen mit der Verriegelungsvorrichtung (13) aus dem Sondenrohr und den dieses ggf. verlängernden Verlängerungsrammrohren (30) nach oben herausziehbar ist.

233 Dispositif de contrôle du verrouillage d'un carottier de sondage EP88870037.4 1988-03-10 EP0293355B1 1992-07-08 Hallez, Charles Pierre
234 DISPOSITIF DE CONTROLE DU VERROUILLAGE D'UN TUBE CAROTTIER EP85904786.2 1985-10-02 EP0232268B1 1988-09-21 LAMBOT, Honoré, Joseph
A permanent signal for controlling the locking of a cable-type sampling apparatus by providing an eclipsable lock comprised of a slide ring (32) which is outwardly slidable along a cylindrical body (33) and is provided with a bolt (34) presenting two unequal converging arms (35, 36) wherein a lug (35) integral with said cylindrical body (33) is guided and in turn made prisoner.
235 A device in core barrels EP81850183.5 1981-10-07 EP0050104A2 1982-04-21 Eriksson, Sune Wilhelm

A device in core drilling for indicating when a core barrel placed in a rotatable hollow drill rod is no longer capable of receiving a further quantity of reamed-out core material includes a valve which at said condition of the barrel constricts the passage for flushing medium flowing between the core barrel and the bore of the drill rod so that a readable flushing medium pressure increase occurs. The valve closes off said passge incompletely to allow a minor quantity of flushing medium to be taken to the drill bit mounted at the bottom of the drill rod, thereby to prevent said drill bit from being burnt out.

236 Releasing device in core barrel grapplers EP81850182.7 1981-10-07 EP0049698A2 1982-04-14 Eriksson, Sune Wilhelm; Engelöv, Kristoffer

A device for disengaging a grappling means from a core barrel, which are lowered in an engaged or connected state into a hollow drill rod, is actuated by a recess made in the drill rod bore, when the barrel approaches or assumes a working position in the drill rod, and is thereby displaced by a spring for disengaging the means connecting the grappling means and barrel.

237 FLOAT VALVE SUB US15746221 2016-07-21 US20180209245A1 2018-07-26 Yuichi SHIMMOTO; Eigou MIYAZAKI; Keita AKIYAMA; Masaki KAWAHARA; Tomoaki SUZUKI
A concave section such as an extension section, a cutting section, and a notch section is provided to receive a lid of a float valve in an inside of outer tube assembly of a drill string. Thus, when the float valve is provided for the drill string, it is made possible to collect a core with a larger diameter by a thinner drill string, by expanding the inner diameter of the drill string.
238 CORING INNER BARREL CONNECTIONS FOR CORE OF ROCK PROTECTION US15741057 2016-03-29 US20180195358A1 2018-07-12 Luis Enrique Quintana Martinez; Nuno Da Silva
Systems and methods for a protective connection for coring inner barrels are disclosed. A coring apparatus includes a first inner barrel, a second inner barrel, and a tubular extension between adjacent ends of the first and second inner barrels. The coring apparatus includes an outer connector member moveably positioned about the tubular extension and configured for releasably connecting the first and second inner barrels. The first and second inner barrels and tubular extension define a substantially continuous tubular inner structure to receive a core sample.
239 CORE BARREL HEAD ASSEMBLY WITH SAFETY OVERSHOT US15580202 2016-05-27 US20180171735A1 2018-06-21 Patrick SALVADOR
A core barrel head assembly including an upper body comprising a central passage. A pair of latches is arranged in the central passage. Each latch pivots about a pivot point at a first end. Each latch includes a latch release at a second end and an outer tube surface engaging surface between the first end and the second end. A retracting case includes a first end configured to engage at least the latch release of the latches. The outer tube surface engaging surface of each latch extends through a latch slot in an outer wall of the upper body and such that the latches rotate about the pivot point. The latches are movable between an extended position and retracted position by the retracting case with a mechanical advantage.
240 Release valve used in an inner tube assembly for use with a core barrel US14771796 2014-02-11 US10000982B2 2018-06-19 Goran Back
An inner tube assembly releasably latchable with a core barrel of a core drilling apparatus. The inner tube assembly includes a valve housing having a fluid flow port and a position guide to control a position of the valve body within the valve housing to open and close the port in response to a fluid pressure acting on the valve body.