Document Document Title
US08248455B2 Method for creating a videoconferencing displayed image
A user can design their own custom composed view for a videoconference depending on the users' individualized needs. The view can include segments (windows) in which participating conferees' video images are presented and accessory elements such as window borders, text, icons, and the like. The content of the accessory elements can be linked to events within the conference or the content of other objects within the view. A custom composed view for a video conference can be designed off-line by a user, loaded into a videoconferencing device, and executed to generate the custom composed view. The videoconferencing device can synchronize the content of accessory elements with the content of other objects presented in the view.
US08248453B2 Call control system and method for mobile communication
A call control system and method for mobile video telephony that enables an automatic call setup between a mobile video telephony terminal and a mobile audio-dedicated terminal is disclosed. A call control method for communication between mobile terminals having different capabilities includes receiving, at a called party terminal, a call setup message, transmitting a disconnection message to a calling party terminal in response to the video call setup message and performing a call setup procedure triggered by the called part terminal.
US08248450B2 Method for establishing fast session of video call and terminal
A terminal includes a communication unit to transmit a first custom message to a called terminal according to a video call request, and to receive a connect message from the called terminal; and a connection unit to setup a session for the video call with the called terminal, and if a second custom message is received from the called terminal, to replace the session with a fast session for a high-speed video call. A method for establishing the fast session of a video call includes transmitting the first custom message to the called terminal, receiving a connect message, setting up a session for the video call with the called terminal, and replacing the session with a fast session for a high-speed video call if a second custom message is received from the called terminal.
US08248447B2 Network voice and video communication system and method
A network voice and video communication system for communicating with remote computer users via at least two chat applications. The network voice and video communication system captures voice and image data, acquires voice and image data, and stores voice and image data. The network voice and video communication system further receives transmission instructions from the at least two chat applications and transmits the voice and image data to the at least two chat applications. The at least two chat applications simultaneously transmits the voice and image data to corresponding network addresses of the remote computer users.
US08248444B2 Light scanner including lens assembling datums
Disclosed is a light scanner with improved assembling datums of optical components. In the light scanner, an assembling datum with respect to a support body of an optical component is positioned between two ends of the optical component, for example, adjacent the central portion of the optical component. Accordingly, even when the lens is displaced, the change in an optical path may be reduced to mitigate the degradation in the image quality.
US08248443B2 Laser packet marking unit
A laser marking unit for marking packets, having: a marking conveyor for feeding the packets successively along a marking path; and a marking station located along the marking conveyor, and having a laser marking device for marking a code on the outer surface of each packet conveyed on the marking conveyor. The laser marking device has a laser beam generator which emits a laser beam by means of an emitter; and a deflection box which deflects the laser beam onto the packet at the marking station by directing the laser beam along a focusing path that starts at the emitter and terminates on the outer surface of the packet.
US08248441B2 Thermal transfer printing
A support for an article onto which an image is to be printed by thermal transfer printing from a retransfer intermediate sheet has a surface shaped for engagement with the article, at least a portion of the surface being formed from an elastomeric material. Also disclosed are a method of making a support, apparatus for thermal transfer printing, a method of printing and an article bearing a printed image.
US08248436B2 Method for graphically displaying pieces of music
A Method for graphically displaying pieces of music on a screen, comprising: providing a plurality of pieces of music, each piece of music having a music attribute; calculating a mapping function that maps values of said music attribute to coordinate values of a dimension of said screen; determining, for each of said pieces of music, a respective coordinate value based on said mapping function and a respective value of a respective music attribute; displaying on said screen a graphical symbol representing a respective piece of music at said respective coordinate value of said dimension.
US08248433B2 Error accumulation dithering of image data
Error accumulation dithering is used to generate images of lower color resolution from input data of higher color resolution. A target color is received at high resolution for a current pixel of the image. The target color is intermediate between a first color and a second color at a low color resolution. One of the first color and the second color is selected as a final pixel color, based on whether an accumulated error determined from previous pixels is above or below a threshold amount. After selecting the final pixel color, an updated accumulated error is provided to the next pixel.
US08248430B2 Multi-primary conversion
A method converts an input image signal (IS) into a drive signal (DS) for driving sub-pixels (SP) of a display device (DD) comprising display pixels (DPI) having at least two sub-pixel groups (SG1, SG2) being able to contribute to luminance information displayed. The conversion comprises a multi-primary conversion (MPC) which receives the input image signal (IS) and which is performed under a constraint (CO). The constraint (CO) is determined (CD) by substantially matching local display luminances (DL1, DL2; DLD) associated with the at least two sub-pixel groups (SG1, SG2) with corresponding local input luminances (L1, L2; LD) of input pixels (IP) of the input image signal (IS), thereby obtaining a display luminance pattern defined by the display pixels (DPI) corresponding to an input luminance pattern defined by the input pixels (IP) associated with the display pixels (DPI).
US08248424B2 Writing control system
A writing control system includes a display holding medium, a reading unit, an identifying unit, a control unit and a writing unit. The display holding medium includes a display section capable of displaying and holding an image in a no-power state and a storage section having a storage area for storing information that identifies an electronic document associated with it. The reading unit reads the information from the storage section when the display holding medium is located in a predetermined position. The identifying unit identifies the electronic document associated with the display holding medium, based on the information read from the display holding medium. When the electronic document associated with the display holding medium is not identified, the control unit performs control so that a page image, which has not been written, of an electronic document, which is used in last image writing, is set as a writing target.
US08248421B2 DisplayPort control and data registers
Circuits, methods, and apparatus for registers to store information that may be used by devices in a display system. One example provides control and data registers in a display to store information pertaining to a display system that includes the display. The registers can store attributes of the display, a host device, and a branch device. The information may include an organizationally unique identifier, chip identification, major and minor chip revision information, and firmware major and minor revision information.
US08248420B2 Method and system for displaying animation with an embedded system graphics API
An animation file player can display animation files with an embedded system graphics application programming interface (graphics API). In an example implementation, an animation file comprises a Flash® animation file such as, a Shockwave Flash® animation file, and the embedded system graphics API comprises an OpenGL®|ES graphics API. The present invention is not intended to be so limited, and other types of animation files and embedded system graphics APIs can be used.
US08248416B2 Efficient ray tracing without acceleration data structure
Methods, systems and computer program code (software) products executable in a digital processor operable to simulate light transport in a scene by ray tracing (wherein the digital processor is operable to maintain an object list representing a list of objects associated with a boundary of the scene) include executing a ray tracing method that traces r rays through n objects by (1) partitioning the object list in a recursive manner to generate partitions and (2) culling away the partitions of objects from rays, without using an explicit auxiliary acceleration data structure.
US08248411B2 Image processing apparatus, image processing method, and program
An image processing apparatus includes a grouping unit configured to group rendering data into a first group that is to be rendered with a painter's algorithm and a second group that is to be rendered with a scanline algorithm, and an output unit configured to output the rendering data grouped by the grouping unit.
US08248410B2 Synthesizing detailed depth maps from images
Disclosed are embodiments of systems and methods for synthesizing a detailed depth map from a video image. In embodiments, the motion vectors decoded from a video stream may be classified into groups by the application of K-Model clustering techniques based on an affine model. In embodiments, a coarse depth map of the image pixels may be generated using the image segmented according to the motion vector clusters. In embodiments, high resolution gradient maps of the image may be generated using the coarse depth map as well as edge information from the image. In embodiments, a surface reconstruction algorithm, such as the Frankot-Chellappa algorithm, may be applied to the high resolution gradient maps to synthesize a detailed depth map of the image. A detailed depth map of an image may be used to render a three-dimensional surface, for example.
US08248406B2 Image display device, portable terminal device, display panel and image display method using the same
A three-dimensional image/two-dimensional image display device includes a plurality of display pixels, and a lenticular lens for three-dimensional display. Each display pixel is consisted of M×N number of sub-pixels to be viewed from N view points. A pitch a of sub-pixels arranged in the longitudinal direction of ridge projection of the lenticular lens and a pitch b of the sub-pixels arranged in a direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the lenticular lens satisfy the following expression. The M×N number of sub-pixels included in each of said display pixels are formed within a square area. a:b=N:1
US08248403B2 Data compression method and apparatus, data restoration method and apparatus, and program therefor
Three-dimensional data (120) is compressed at a high compression ratio without deteriorating resolution and accuracy, by computing a coupling coefficient from input three-dimensional data and a three-dimensional base data group obtained from a plurality of objects and outputting the coupling coefficient as compressed data (130). Specifically, the three-dimensional data (120) is input to corresponding point determination means (101). The corresponding point determination means (101) generates three-dimensional data to be synthesized (103) in which vertexes of the three-dimensional data (120) are made to correspond to vertexes of three-dimensional reference data (111) serving as a reference to determine association relationship between vertexes. Coefficient computation means (102) computes a coupling coefficient for coupling a three-dimensional base data group (112) used for synthesis of three-dimensional data to synthesize three-dimensional data to be synthesized (103), and outputs the computed coupling coefficient as the compressed data (130) of the three-dimensional data (120).
US08248402B2 Adaptive ray data reorder for optimized ray temporal locality
According to embodiments of the invention, secondary rays may be pooled after they are generated by a vector throughput engine. After pooling the secondary rays, they may be reordered according to similarities in trajectory and originating location. The secondary rays may be sent in the new order to a workload manager for spatial index traversal. The reordering of the secondary rays may cause rays which traverse similar portions of the spatial index to be traversed immediately following (or shortly thereafter) one another. Consequently, the necessary portions of the spatial index may remain within the workload manager's memory cache, thereby reducing the number of cache misses and the amount of time necessary to traverse secondary rays through the spatial index. The reduction in time necessary to traverse the secondary rays through the spatial index may improve the overall performance of the image processing system.
US08248399B2 Driving-voltage generation apparatus and liquid crystal display having the same
A driving-voltage generation apparatus and a liquid crystal display (LCD) having the same are provided. The driving-voltage generation apparatus includes an input node coupled to an input voltage, a voltage converter configured to convert the input voltage into an output voltage and output the output voltage, and a voltage cutoff unit electrically connected between the input node and the voltage converter. The voltage cutoff unit is configured to sense the input voltage and selectively cut off the supply of the input voltage.
US08248398B2 Device and method for driving liquid crystal display device
Device and method for driving a liquid crystal display device where a driving voltage level is varied with the temperature of an operating environment of the liquid crystal display device to improve display quality. The device includes a liquid crystal display panel, gate and data drivers for driving gate and data lines of the liquid crystal display panel, a timing controller for controlling the data and gate drivers, a power source unit for transforming an external power into a rated voltage level required for driving the liquid crystal display device and forwarding the power, and a driving voltage generating unit for adjusting a voltage level of the power transformed thus in conformity with an environmental temperature to generate a positive polarity driving voltage and using the driving, voltage for generating a plurality of driving voltages required for driving units, including the liquid crystal panel, the gate driver and data driver.
US08248397B2 Method of driving organic electroluminescence emission portion
Disclosed herein is a method of driving an organic electroluminescence emission portion, the driving method including the steps of: executing steps from preprocessing step to writing step for at least continuous three scanning time periods; applying a first node initialization voltage to corresponding one of the data lines, and supplying the video signal instead of the first node initialization voltage for each of the scanning time periods; applying the first node initialization voltage from the corresponding one of the data lines to the first node through the write transistor held in the ON state, thereby initializing the potential at the first node; and applying the first node initialization voltage from the corresponding one of the data lines to the first node through the write transistor held in an ON state, thereby holding the potential at the first node.
US08248396B2 Active matrix emissive display and optical scanner system
An active matrix emissive display (ED) is disclosed that also includes optical scanning capability. Each display pixel is independently addressable and independently internally driven for light generation. Each display pixel is also given the ability to be coupled to detection circuitry in order to sense currents or voltages that are optically generated or leaked by its internal LED when exposed to light (and thus acting in a photodiode capacity). Since the intensity of the light illuminating the diode determines the magnitude of generated currents and/or voltages or leakage current through the diode (when reverse biased), these sensed currents or voltages give an indication of the intensity of the light striking the pixel. In this manner, active matrix ED pixels are configured to serve the dual purpose of being able to generate and detect light.
US08248394B2 Electro-optical device, driving method thereof, and electronic apparatus
An electro-optical device includes a display panel having a switching transistor and a pixel electrode that are disposed in correspondence with an intersection of a scanning line and a data line, an opposing electrode that faces the pixel electrode, and an electro-optical layer that is pinched between the pixel electrode and the opposing electrode, a detection unit that detects a current flowing through the electro-optical layer, and a control unit, wherein, when a voltage of a high electric potential is defined to have the positive-polarity and a voltage of a low electric potential is defined to have the negative polarity with reference to the opposing electrode electric potential applied to the opposing electrode as a reference, a data signal of the positive polarity and a data signal of the negative polarity are alternately supplied to the pixel electrode through the data line.
US08248392B2 Light emitting device using light emitting element and driving method of light emitting element, and lighting apparatus
It is an object of the present invention to provide a light-emitting device including a light-emitting element with smaller luminance degradation by contriving a driving means. In addition, it is an object of the present invention to provide a driving method for reducing luminance degradation of a light-emitting element.In the present invention, the current density J of a current flowing in a light-emitting element is increased with time in accordance with the following formula (1), where J0 is an initialization of current density in the light-emitting element, t is an emitting time, and k and β are individually a positive parameter determined by characteristics of the light-emitting element. J=J0·exp [(k·t)β]  (1)
US08248391B2 Mobile communication device and operating method thereof
The present invention relates to a mobile communication device, method and computer program product for controlling a displayed screen using a rotary input device and an operating method thereof. The mobile communication terminal according to an embodiment includes a first input key, a second input key, a third input key, and a controller. The first input key generates a first signal when the first input key is turned. The second input key generates a second signal when the second input key is activated after the first signal is generated. The third input key generates a third signal when the third input key is activated after the first signal is generated. The controller controls a predetermined operation on a displayed screen based on at least one of the first signal, the second signal, and the third signal.
US08248389B2 Method and system for digital pen assembly
A digital pen comprising: an electric circuit, an acoustic transmitter, detached from the electric circuit, and configured to transmit acoustic signals, and a resilient holder, configured to mechanically press the electric circuit into electrical contact with the transmitter, so as to electrically connect the electric circuit and the transmitter.
US08248383B2 Multi-touch touch screen with single-layer ITO bars arranged in parallel
A touch screen includes a plurality of single-layer ITO bars having a substantially rectangular shape and arranged in parallel to each other in order to detect touches on the touch screen. The location of a touch on the touch screen in the direction along an ITO bar is determined by applying a signal on one end of the ITO bar and measuring the change in the amplitude and the delay of the signal on the opposite end of the ITO bar. Such application and measurement of the signal can be repeated with the application of the signal occurring on the opposite end of the ITO bar and the measurement of the signal occurring on said one end of the ITO bar, in order to enhance the accuracy of the measurement.
US08248379B2 Touch panel, method for making the same, and display device adopting the same
A touch panel includes a first electrode plate, and a second electrode plate separated from the first electrode plate. The first electrode plate includes a first substrate and a first conductive layer located on a lower surface of the first substrate. The second electrode plate includes a second substrate and a second conductive layer located on an upper surface of the second substrate. At least one of the first conductive layer and the second conductive layer includes a carbon nanotube structure comprised of carbon nanotubes. The carbon nanotubes in the carbon nanotube structure are arranged isotropically, arranged along a same direction or arranged along different directions.
US08248375B2 Input device for complex control signal
An input device for a multiplex control signal is applied to provide one or more input position(s) for a user, where each input position generates a plurality of control signals corresponding to a plurality of input states, and an output control unit determines the output of the control signals from each the same input position according a time parameter.
US08248371B2 Accelerometer sensitive soft input panel
A virtual keyboard may be created on the display screen or soft input panel of a portable electronic device. The virtual keyboard may be created such that it is larger than the screen size of the portable electronic device. The virtual keyboard may be moved or slid across the screen to gain access to the keys thereon. Movement of the portable electronic device may be used to cause a corresponding movement of the virtual keyboard. The movement of the portable electronic device may be measured through the use of accelerometer data. The virtual keyboard may be configured by the user of the portable electronic device.
US08248370B2 Handheld electronic device with reduced keyboard and associated method of providing improved disambiguation with reduced degradation of device performance
In view of the foregoing, an improved handheld electronic device having a reduced keyboard provides facilitated language entry by making available to a user certain words that a user may reasonably be expected to enter. Incoming data, such as the text of a message, can be scanned for proper nouns, for instance, since such proper nouns might not already be stored in memory and might be expected to be entered by the user when, for example, forwarding or responding to the message. A proper noun can be identified, for instance, on the basis that it begins with an upper case letter. The proper nouns can be stored, for example, in memory that may, by way of further example, be a temporary dictionary.
US08248366B2 Image display device and operation method thereof
An image display device for displaying digital images includes a display screen, a controller and a proximity sensor in communication with the controller. When an external object such as the user's hand is detected by the proximity sensor, the proximity sensor issues a sensing signal to the controller. The controller controls the display of the digital images in response to the sensing signal. Hence, the display of the digital images can be controlled or operated without touching the image display device.
US08248365B2 System and method for acquiring a target with intelligent pointer movement
The present invention is generally directed to assisting users to position a pointer on a target. Embodiments of the present invention provide a system, method, and computer-readable medium that guide a pointer toward a target. After the pointer is located on a target, pointer movement continues to be adjusted so that the user may easily keep the pointer located on the target.
US08248363B2 System and method for providing passive haptic feedback
Systems and methods for providing passive haptic feedback are described. Embodiments of the present invention comprise an actuator for bringing a manipulandum and braking surface into contact and thereby providing a resistance. The manipulandum includes scroll wheels, scroll drums, linear sliders and similar user input devices. The actuator may be, for example, electromagnetic or piezo-electric. An embodiment of the present invention may include a processor in communication with the actuator for providing the haptic effects.
US08248362B1 Method of manufacturing an electrophoretic display
Single particle and dual-particle electrophoretic display devices are disclosed. The display comprises a back substrate and including a substantially hollow container that includes a transparent substrate forming a cavity therebetween. The transparent substrate including one or more cathode electrodes forming a plurality of electronically and selectively addressable pixels; one or more side walls extending from the transparent substrate, the side walls defining corresponding pixels, and a suspension fluid including a plurality of pigment particles in fluid communication with each of the cells by a gap formed between the top of the side walls and the back substrate. In addition, the displays include a thin-film transistor (TFT) active matrix substrate to selectively drive one or more cathode electrodes. In addition, methods for manufacturing of the displays are disclosed.
US08248358B2 Altering frame rates in a MEMS display by selective line skipping
Systems and methods for improving frame rate in MEMS display devices are disclosed. Lines are selected for skipping during updates based on the desired frame rate and the visual effect of skipping the particular line.
US08248352B2 Driving circuit of liquid crystal display
A driving circuit of a liquid crystal display includes: a timing controller to output a gate control signal and a data control signal to control driving of a gate driving unit and a data driving unit and to output digital video data; a pair of gate driving units to be alternately driven by using at least one frame as a period to supply gate signals to gate lines of a liquid crystal panel in-response to the gate control signal; and a data driving unit to supply pixel signals to data lines of the liquid crystal panel in response to the data control signal. Degradation of characteristics of transistors constituting each gate driver can be prevented.
US08248351B2 Display apparatus and driver
A display apparatus includes a display section; latching sections configured to receive and hold display data to be displayed on the display section; input switches respectively connected with outputs of the latching sections, D/A converters respectively connected with the input switch groups; amplifiers configured to amplify and output the output gradation voltages from the D/A converters, respectively; output switches provided between outputs of the amplifiers and an output node, respectively; data line switches provided onto data lines, respectively; and a control section configured to sequentially supply input switching control signals to the input switches, sequentially supply output switching control signals to the output switches, and sequentially supplies data line switching control signals to the data line switches in synchronization with a Yth clock of the input switching control signal.
US08248350B2 Analog sampling apparatus for liquid crystal display
An analog sampling apparatus for a liquid crystal display device includes: a data driver to generate an analog data voltage; a data output bus line to receive the analog data voltage; a first sampling and holding circuit connected to the data output bus line to compensate an offset voltage in the analog data voltage and to supply the analog data voltage to a data line of a liquid crystal display panel; and a second sampling and holding circuit connected to the data output bus line arranged to sample the analog data voltage while the analog data voltage is supplied to the data line by the first sampling and holding circuit. The first sampling and holding circuit is arranged to supply the analog data voltage while the second sampling and holding circuit samples the analog data voltage, and to sample the analog data voltage while the second sampling and holding circuit supplies the analog data voltage.
US08248346B2 Liquid crystal display and driving method thereof
Disclosed is a liquid crystal display including a liquid crystal panel that includes a plurality of liquid crystal cells for controlling light transmission, a common electrode driving circuit for providing a common voltage signal to a common electrode provided in the liquid crystal panel and a first signal driving circuit for providing a first signal to a transparent electrode provided in the liquid crystal panel. The first signal and the common voltage signal have the same frequency and amplitude, but are out of phase with each other. The transparent electrode is designed to cancel an acoustic noise generated by the application of the common voltage signal. The liquid crystal panel includes two substrates that face each other. In one embodiment, the common electrode and the transparent electrode are formed in the same substrate, and in another embodiment, the common electrode and the transparent electrode are formed in different substrates.
US08248344B2 Method and apparatus for driving a liquid crystal display panel in a dot inversion system
A method of driving a liquid crystal display panel of a dot inversion system having liquid crystal cells arranged at intersections between a plurality of data lines and a plurality of gate lines in a matrix array, including supplying the data lines with (n−2)th data corresponding to the liquid crystal cells connected to an (n−2)th gate line, conducting a data supply channel for the liquid crystal cells connected to an nth gate line such that the (n−2)th data is supplied to the liquid crystal cells connected to the nth gate line, conducting a data supply channel for the liquid crystal cells connected to the nth gate line such that the (n−2)th data is supplied to the liquid crystal cells connected to the nth gate line, and conducting a data supplying channel for the liquid crystal cells connected to the (n−2)th gate line such that the (n−2)th data is supplied to the liquid crystal cells connected to the (n−2)th gate line, wherein conducting the data supply channel and conducting the data supplying channel are performed simultaneously.
US08248342B2 Reflective display
A reflective display device (2) comprises a plurality of controllable light absorption layers (8) arranged in a stack. Each of the layers (8) is capable of absorbing incident light in a specified wavelength band. A selective reflector (10) is immediately behind at least one of the layers (8) and is adapted to reflect at least some wavelengths of light within the wavelength band and substantially to transmit light of other wavelengths.
US08248340B2 Liquid crystal display capable of split-screen displaying and computer system using same
An exemplary liquid crystal display includes a liquid crystal panel having at least two pixel regions, a mode selector configured to provide a mode selection signal, and a timing controller configured to receive at least two video signal sets and in response to the mode selection signal, control the liquid crystal panel to display a picture corresponding to one of the at least two video signal sets using full-screen displaying or to simultaneously display at least two pictures, each of the at least two pictures corresponding to one of the at least two video signal sets using split-screen displaying. Each of the at least two pixel regions corresponds to one of the at least two pictures while using the split-screen displaying. A related computer system is also provided.
US08248337B2 Video signal processing method, video signal processing apparatus, and display apparatus
In one embodiment of the present invention, a video signal processing method is disclosed wherein video correction data is read from a ROM and written into an LUT, and the video correction data written in the LUT is used to perform data correction of an externally inputted video signal. The video correction data written in the LUT is updated during the horizontal blanking interval of the video signal.
US08248334B2 Method of driving organic electroluminescence emission portion
Disclosed herein is a method of driving an organic electroluminescence emission portion, the method including the steps of: applying a first node initialization voltage to corresponding one of the data lines, and supplying the video signal instead of the first node initialization voltage for a predetermined scanning time period, applying the first node initialization voltage from the corresponding one of the data lines to the first node through the write transistor held in an ON state for initializing the potential at the first node, and holding a state of applying the first node initialization voltage from the corresponding one of the data lines to the first node through the write transistor held in an ON state for holding the potential at the first node.
US08248323B2 Antenna and method of forming same
An antenna and methods for manufacturing the antenna is provided. The antenna (100) includes an electrically non-conductive substrate (102). The antenna further includes an electrically conductive strip (104). The electrically conductive strip (104) is wound around the electrically non-conductive substrate (102) so as to form an overlap (120) between adjacent turns of the electrically conductive strip (104), without creating a galvanic connection at the overlap.
US08248322B1 Wideband composite polarizer and antenna system
A composite polarizer including a first polarizer having a plurality of parallel metal vanes and a second polarizer having a plurality of parallel layers of dielectric material is provided. The first polarizer is disposed on an axis, and has a phase advance orientation orthogonal to the axis. The second polarizer is disposed on the axis and has a phase advance orientation orthogonal to the axis. The first polarizer has a first differential phase shift for a first frequency f1 and a second differential phase shift for a second frequency f2. The second polarizer has a first differential phase shift for the first frequency f1 and a second differential phase shift for the second frequency f2. A total of the first differential phase shifts of the first and second polarizers is about 90°, and a total of the second differential phase shifts of the first and second polarizers is about 90°.
US08248319B2 Broadband circularly-polarized spidron fractal antenna
A broadband circularly-polarized spidron fractal antenna is disclosed. The broadband antenna of the present invention can realize a bandwidth exceeding 70% without using a multilayer substrate to implement the broadband properties, by forming a geometric structure of a slot, i.e., a spidron fractal, which has not been used in the conventional antennas, on the ground surface of the antenna. The present invention can also induce the radiation properties of a circularly-polarized wave from the properties of the spidron fractal shape, without employing an additional secondary circuit such as a phase distribution circuit for implementing the circularly-polarized wave. Due to such properties described above, the present invention can implement a small broadband circularly-polarized antenna that costs less to manufacture.
US08248318B2 Antenna system for communications on-the-move
A small antenna system for communications on-the-move (“COTM”) with a geostationary or geosynchronous satellite to and from a land mobile, maritime or airborne vehicle is disclosed. The antenna system provides a robust and simple means of establishing communications with a satellite or remote computer device. Further embodiments of systems and methods of the various aspects of the present invention mitigate RF losses customary in existing horn antennas. Embodiments also facilitate COTM by utilizing novel antenna configurations that tightly integrate RF electronics while dissipating generated heat via an antenna compartment that may be designed to function as or be used in conjunction with a heat sink.
US08248315B2 Interchangeable slidably mountable fins for antenna assemblies
An antenna assembly for installation to a mobile platform includes a base portion and an antenna module capable of being removably coupled to the base portion. The base portion includes a longitudinal axis and defines a channel extending along at least part of the longitudinal axis. The antenna module includes a mount and an antenna element coupled to the mount. The mount and antenna element can be received into the channel of the base portion, in electrical contact with the base portion, and then subsequently removed from the channel of the base portion as desired. Further, the base portion of the antenna assembly is configured to accommodate multiple different antenna modules as desired.
US08248312B2 Antenna and wireless communication apparatus
The present invention provides an antenna that is small in size and has band frequencies corresponding to multibands, and a wireless communication apparatus including the antenna. The antenna according to the present invention has two radiation elements 12a and 12b connected to a ground plate 11 via a shorting pin. The two radiation elements 12a and 12b each have a lower arm and an upper arm that are formed through bending. The lower arm is connected to the shorting pin and is located closer to the ground plate 11 than the upper arm is. At least one of the lower arm and the upper arm has a meandered structure.
US08248308B2 Coupler apparatus
According to one embodiment, a coupler apparatus includes a coupling element, a ground plane, a first short element, and a second short element which short-circuits the second end of the coupling element and the ground plane. The coupling element includes a first conductive portion having first and second ends, and a second conductive portion which extends from a position between the first end and the second end and has an open end. The ground plane faces the coupling element and formed of a conductive material. The first short element short-circuits the first end of the coupling element and the ground plane The second short element short-circuits the second end of the coupling element and the ground plane.
US08248307B2 Planar antenna and electromagnetic band gap structure thereof
An electromagnetic band-gap structure includes a circuit board, a ground plane and a plurality of electromagnetic band-gap units. The circuit board includes a first side and a second surface, and the ground plane disposed on the first side. The plurality of electromagnetic band-gap units are located on both the first surface and the second surface and connected to each other along an edge of the ground plane. Every electromagnetic band-gap unit includes a first strip line, a second strip line and a via. The first strip line is located on the first side, including a first relative long strip line and a first relative short strip line connected to the ground. The second strip line is located on the second side. The second strip line is connected to the first strip line of the adjacent electromagnetic band-gap unit through the via.
US08248303B2 Radio control method
Provided is a radio control method for a radio communication being performed in a beam direction that is set on the basis communication quality basis, including a step of acquiring a data string formed of at least a beam direction and communication quality in the beam direction; and a step of sequentially assigning a priority rank for setting the beam direction for performing the radio communication from the beam direction in which the highest communication quality is obtained, according to the data string. In the step of assigning a priority rank, no priority rank is assigned to the beam direction adjacent to the beam direction to which a priority rank has been already assigned or to the beam direction in the vicinity containing the adjacent beam direction.
US08248298B2 Orthogonal linear transmit receive array radar
A radar system having orthogonal antenna apertures is disclosed. The invention further relates to an antenna system wherein the orthogonal apertures comprise at least one transmit aperture and at least one receive aperture. The cross-product of the transmit and receive apertures provides a narrow spot beam and resulting high resolution image. An embodiment of the invention discloses orthogonal linear arrays, comprising at least one electronically scanned transmit linear array and at least one electronically scanned receive linear array. The design of this orthogonal linear array system produces comparable performance, clutter and sidelobe structure at a fraction of the cost of conventional 2D filled array antenna systems.
US08248297B1 Phase noise measurement system and method
System that measures absolute or additive phase noise includes a power divider for dividing an input RF signal, a local oscillator, two mixers, each arranged in a path of a respective signal component from the power divider and receiving input from the power divider and local oscillator, two digital radio frequency memories, each associated with a respective mixer and receiving an input signal therefrom, and a digital signal processor that receives signals from the digital radio frequency memories and outputs a digital data stream indicative of measured phase noise. For absolute phase noise measurement, phase noise of the input RF signal is provided. For additive phase noise measurement, a unit under test is arranged in one of the paths between the power divider and the mixer. The system may be interposed between a radar transmitter of a radar environment simulator and a radar receiver coupled to a radar target display.
US08248296B2 Method and program for displaying radar image, and target object detection signal processing device
This disclosure provides a target object detection signal processing device, which includes a reception data output module, to which a reception signal is inputted, for outputting reception data indicative of a signal level of the reception data, a scan-to-scan correlation processing module for performing scan-to-scan correlation processing between the reception data and previous reception data indicative of a reception level of previously acquired reception signal to output scan-to-scan correlation data, and an output selection module, to which the reception data and the scan-to-scan correlation data are inputted, for selectively outputting either one of the data.
US08248292B2 Mobile electronic detection device with user selectable alerts
A detection device for detecting the presence of a speed detection system, red light camera, or other electronic surveillance means. The device includes a display means whereby the graphical and audible presentation changes from the non alert condition to the alert condition in accordance to a user selectable choice of options, thereby increasing awareness to the surveillance threat.
US08248288B2 Analog to digital converter with amplifier
An analog to digital converter has an input circuit, a computation circuit, an initialization circuit, and an output circuit. The input circuit is for receiving an analog signal and has a pair of outputs. A computation circuit has a pair of inputs coupled to the pair of outputs. The computation circuit has an amplifier having a pair of complementary outputs (Outp, Outn). The initialization circuit is coupled to the complementary outputs and is for biasing the complementary outputs at a time prior to the computation circuit beginning a computation on the analog signal. The output circuit is coupled to the pair of complementary outputs and provides a digital signal.
US08248286B2 Split wiper digital potentiometer and method
A potentiometer and a method for adjusting an impedance. In accordance with an embodiment, the potentiometer may be a programmable multistage digital potentiometer that has a first stage comprising a non-shunted impedance, a second stage coupled between a reference terminal and the first stage, and a third stage coupled between the first stage and another reference terminal. In accordance with another embodiment, the potentiometer receives a wiper address and parses it into sections such that one section controls the first stage, a second portion controls portions of the second and third stages, and a third portion controls the other portions of the second and third stages to produce a desired impedance between a common wiper terminal and the reference terminals.
US08248283B2 Multi-channel SAR ADC
For high voltage applications, multi-channel successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are often plagued with numerous problems that are generally associated with parasitics (which are present in high voltage components). Here, a different architecture is provided where the sampling capacitors are separated from conversion capacitors so as to have low voltage components in the conversion path. Additionally, to improve the acquisition time and reduced total harmonic distortion (THD) multiple channels can use the same sampling capacitors.
US08248279B2 History buffer apparatus and method for adaptive lossless data compression
A history buffer for use in adaptive lossless data compression comprises a plurality of memory locations. The memory locations are partitioned into two or more segments, each segment configured to detect a match sequence independently of the other segments. Control logic is provided for controlling the detection of match sequences between the two or more segments.
US08248274B2 Method for monitoring the flight of an aircraft
A method for monitoring the flight of an aircraft using two navigation screens respectively dedicated to a pilot and to a copilot of the aircraft is provided. The method includes displaying on the screens, depending on the choice of the pilot and the copilot, at least information relating to the following of terrain by the aircraft or information relating to meteorological conditions that the aircraft encounters during the flight, triggering at least one warning representative of hazardous meteorological conditions detected by the meteorological radar and liable to be encountered by the aircraft while the navigation screens of the pilot and copilot simultaneously are displaying the terrain-following information, wherein the at least one warning is triggered when the information relating to the hazardous meteorological conditions is located in a predetermined volume relative to the aircraft, and displaying the warning on at least one of the navigation screens.
US08248272B2 Detecting targets in roadway intersections
The present invention extends to methods, systems, and computer program products for detecting targets in roadway intersections. Transmit antennas transmit signals into a roadway intersection. Receive antennas receive corresponding signal reflections off objects in the roadway. The reflections correspond to two dimensional image data for the roadway intersection. The reflections are conditioned for compatibility with a processor. The processor processes the condition reflections into a two dimensional image of targets in the roadway intersection.
US08248271B2 Traffic LED lamp with internal circuit backup system
In accordance with one aspect of the present exemplary embodiment, an LED lamp is provided. In one embodiment, the LED lamp is made to be mounted in a traffic signal housing that includes other lamps, where the LED lamp can be red, yellow, green or another color and can represent a full ball aspect, an arrow aspect or another aspect. The LED lamp is adapted to be powered by an external power source and includes an input power circuit receiving an input voltage from the external power source. The input power circuit includes a power detection circuit that is adapted to determine a power state of the traffic LED lamp. The LED lamp further includes an LED load and a battery powered driving circuit. The battery power driving circuit drives the LED load if the power state of the LED lamp is in a power failure state.
US08248262B2 Event recognition and response system
An event recognition and response system includes an event sensor. An event recognition engine is coupled to the event sensor. An action profile database is coupled to the event recognition engine. The event recognition engine is operable to receive an event input from the event sensor, compare the event input to a plurality of action profiles in the action profile database and, upon determining that at least one action profile in the action profile database matches the event input, perform a predetermined action.
US08248259B2 Protection circuit with timer
A protection circuit includes a detection block, a timer and a protection enable block. The detection block is used to compare a monitoring signal with a reference signal and generate an alert signal if a difference between the monitoring signal and the reference signal exceeds a threshold for a first predetermined duration. The timer coupled to the detection block is used to generate an enabling signal for a second predetermined duration in response to the alert signal. The protection enable block coupled to the timer is used to generate a triggering signal for a first time duration determined by the second predetermined duration in response to the enabling signal so as to perform a protection function.
US08248254B2 Methods and systems for certifying provenance of alcoholic beverages
A system for certifying provenance of an alcoholic beverage includes a radio-frequency identification tag and a server. The radio-frequency identification tag, associated with a bottle containing an alcoholic beverage, periodically measures a plurality of values of an environmental condition of the bottle. The radio-frequency identification tag stores the plurality of measured values. The server receives the plurality of measured values for analysis. The server provides, via a user interface, a description of a provenance of the alcoholic beverage, the description generated responsive to an analysis of the plurality of measured values.
US08248246B2 RFID-tag fabricating apparatus and cartridge
An RFID-tag fabricating apparatus for fabricating an RFID tag provided with an IC circuit, including a substrate-accommodating device for accommodating a first substrate in the form of a tape having a printable surface and a second substrate in the form of a tape to be bonded to the first substrate, a printing device operable to form a predetermined printed indicium on the printable surface of the first substrate, a tag-tape forming device operable to form a tag tape, by bonding together the first and second substrates such that a plurality of IC circuit portions are interposed between the first and second substrates, a tag-tape cutting device operable to cut the tag tape formed by the tag-tape forming device, and a tag-tape cutting control portion operable to change a length of a segment of the tag tape to be obtained as the RFID tag by cutting of the tag tape by the tag-tape cutting device, on the basis of a length of the printed indicium formed on the first substrate, and such that the segment includes at least one of the IC circuit portions, whereby the dimensions of the RFID tag can be changed depending upon the dimensions of the printed indicium formed on the first substrate.
US08248245B2 Propinquity detection by portable devices
A point of sale (POS) terminal including a contactless transaction/identification card reader and a propinquity verifier, coupled to the contactless card reader and verifying at least predetermined propinquity of the POS terminal to a propinquity indication element.
US08248240B2 RFID tag and manufacturing method thereof
An RFID tag includes an inlay which has a base, an antenna formed on the base, and an IC chip. The IC chip is enclosed in a surface mount package and soldered to the antenna and carries out radio communication through the antenna. The RFID tag further includes underfill that fills a gap between the base and the surface mount package, and a sheath protecting material enclosing the entire inlay.
US08248239B2 Multiple radio frequency network node RFID tag
In embodiments of the present invention improved capabilities are described for a Radio Frequency ID (RFID) tag that contains multiple Radio Frequency (RF) network nodes that provide enhanced memory capabilities, redundant functionality, and multiple frequency capabilities to the RFID tag using an inter-RF network node communication connection. The inter-RF network node communication may allow the coordination of RFID tag memory and functionality.
US08248238B2 Multiple radio frequency network node RFID tag
In embodiments of the present invention improved capabilities are described for a Radio Frequency ID (RFID) tag that contains multiple Radio Frequency (RF) network nodes that provide enhanced memory capabilities, redundant functionality, and multiple frequency capabilities to the RFID tag using an inter-RF network node communication connection. The inter-RF network node communication may allow the coordination of RFID tag memory and functionality.
US08248237B2 System for mitigating the unauthorized use of a device
The invention is directed to systems and methods for detecting the loss, theft or unauthorized use of a device and/or altering the functionality of the device in response. In one embodiment, a device monitors its use, its local environment, and/or its operating context to determine that the device is no longer within the control of an authorized user. The device may receive communications or generate an internal signal altering its functionality, such as instructing the device to enter a restricted use mode, a surveillance mode, to provide instructions to return the device and/or to prevent unauthorized use or unauthorized access to data. Additional embodiments also address methods and systems for gathering forensic data regarding an unauthorized user to assist in locating the unauthorized user and/or the device.
US08248236B2 Swing ticket housing
A swing ticket holder for securing a swing ticket to an item using a lock and a pin includes a rigid housing arranged to retain the swing ticket. The pin extends outwardly from the rigid housing. The pin is insertable into the lock to secure the swing ticket holder to the item. The lock can be part of a security system hard tag and include at least one of an electronic article surveillance element and a radio frequency identification element. The rigid housing can also be arranged to retain at least one of an electronic article surveillance element and a radio frequency identification element.
US08248233B2 Location filtering based on device mobility classification
In one embodiment, a method includes obtaining location information associated with a remote device, and processing the location information. Processing the location information includes determining if the remote device is mobile. The method also includes configuring a filter such that at least one parameter indicates that the remote device is mobile if the remote device is mobile, and configuring the filter such that the at least one parameter indicates that the remote device is approximately stationary if the remote device is not mobile. The filter is applied to the location information to generate a filtered location estimate which is arranged to estimate a location of the remote device.
US08248231B2 Monitoring system
A monitoring system having a device on a person which can process and transmit signals from at least one biosensor and a receiver located close to the patient, which can receive these signals. The receiver, which may be a portable telephone, can process the signals and provide an indication of the parameter(s) being monitored and may also, or as an alternative, forward the received signals to a remote monitor. The monitoring system may further include a device for indicating when the transmitter is not receiving a signal from the transmitter and can also include a device so that when a parameter reaches a critical care level, a warning signal is given. The monitoring system is such that the person being monitored is effectively not limited to remaining within a required distance of a fixed part of the system.
US08248228B2 Method and device for optimizing the alarm configuration
The disclosure relates to a method and device suitable in which historical process measurement values are evaluated and used for the generation of alarm suppression rules. In connection with predetermined requirements, alarm configuration parameters are tested, evaluated and optimized. The historical process measurement values are further used to identify predictive alarms. Results obtained in generating the alarm suppression rules and/or evaluating the alarm configuration parameters are utilized for the configuration of optimized alarm configuration parameters and alarm suppression rules in control systems.
US08248225B2 Tire sensor module and method for its manufacture
A tire sensor module having a circuit carrier, on or in which at least one sensor element is attached for measuring a measured variable, an antenna for transmitting sensor signals to a receiving unit of the vehicle, and a housing, in whose housing inner chamber the circuit carrier is received, the antenna being provided in the housing material of the housing or on a housing side of the housing.
US08248222B2 Control of a personal transporter based on user position
An apparatus controller for prompting a rider to be positioned on a vehicle in such a manner as to reduce lateral instability due to lateral acceleration of the vehicle. The apparatus has an input for receiving specification from the rider of a desired direction of travel, and indicating means for reflecting to the rider a propitious instantaneous body orientation to enhance stability in the face of lateral acceleration. The indicating may include a handlebar that is pivotable with respect to the vehicle and that is driven in response to vehicle turning.
US08248221B2 Method and system for displaying recovered energy for a hybrid electric vehicle
An information display configured to display one or more energy efficiency values of a vehicle. The information display system may comprise an information display configured to display an energy recovered indicator corresponding to a ratio of the braking energy recovered using a regenerative braking system. The information display may include both an overall energy recovered indicator and an instantaneous energy recovered indicator.
US08248217B2 Tactile display apparatus and method thereof
A tactile display apparatus includes a plurality of stimulation pins in contact with a skin; an operating unit for vertically moving the stimulation pins; and a housing accommodating the stimulation pins and the operating unit, the housing having an opening in one surface thereof such that the stimulation pins protrude outward. Here, the plurality of stimulation pins are arranged such that a contact area occupied by front ends of the stimulation pins is smaller than an area occupied by rear ends of the stimulation pins.
US08248213B2 Deterministic method for efficiently querying and identifying multiple items on a communication channel
Methods for efficiently querying and identifying multiple items on a communication channel are disclosed. The methods preferably use radio frequency identification with interrogation devices and systems that identify radio frequency identification transponders. A depth-first tree traversal protocol algorithm, including commands and symbols, preferably is used to more efficiently interrogate a plurality of transponders in a short amount of time. The communication channel may be an RFID communication channel or a wired communication channel. The time required to obtain the identification numbers of the objects may be made deterministic. The objects to be identified may be clothing, luggage, furniture, computers, parcels, vehicles, warehouse inventory, components on an assembly line or documents.
US08248211B2 Selective RF device activation
Systems and methods for activating one or more devices are disclosed. According to one embodiment, the device listens for an activate code, the activate code having a length field and a mask field, the mask field including a mask value, the length field specifying a length of the mask field to a final bit of the mask value. Upon receiving the activate code, the length field is compared to a stored length value for determining whether the length field meets a predefined criterion. If the length field meets the predefined criterion, an address of the activate value is loaded (if an address field is present) and the appropriate bits (mask value) of the mask field are compared to a stored activate value. An activate signal is generated if the mask value matches the stored activate value. The activate signal can be used to activate additional circuitry including the entire device.
US08248195B2 Flat electromagnetic actuator
A flat electromagnetic actuator includes a solenoid, a shaft at the center thereof, first and second bearings, a projecting supporting part, a movable core having an annular projection, a cylindrical yoke, a coil bobbin, a coil and a cylindrical housing whose top is closed, wherein an axial dimension thereof is shorter than a radial dimension thereof, and wherein the second bearing, the projecting supporting part, the movable core, the annular projection, the cylindrical yoke, the coil bobbin, and the housing are disposed on a same surface perpendicular to a displacement direction of the shaft, and continuously provided in the radial direction.
US08248193B2 Electromagnetic switch for auxiliary-rotation starter
In an electromagnetic switch for an auxiliary-rotation starter according to the present invention, the magnetic bypass core is disposed at a place that is an air gap portion, in a magnetic circuit, through which the plunger moves due to magnetic attractive force produced by energizing the attraction coil and the holding coil and that is between the outer circumference of the plunger and the inner circumference of the bobbin, in such a way that one end thereof makes contact with one end of the case and the other end thereof faces the end of the core by the intermediary of an air gap.
US08248192B2 Pulse activated magnetic trip/reset mechanism for a ground fault circuit interrupter
A pulse activated magnetic trip/reset mechanism for a ground fault circuit interrupter, comprising: (i) a body, (ii) a ferrite core, (iii) a plunger, (iv) a ferrite surrounding, (v) a permanent magnet, (vi) a trip/reset coil, (vii) a reset spring positioned between a plunger block and the body, (viii) a first fixed contact holder having a first fixed contact point, and (ix) a first movable contact holder having a first movable contact point, wherein the first movable contact holder is attached to the body of the plunger such that when the plunger is in its first position (trip position), the first movable contact point is not in contact with the first fixed contact point, and when the plunger is in its second position (reset position), the first movable contact point is in contact with the first fixed contact point.
US08248189B2 Low-pass filter
A low-pass filter includes an input portion inputting an electromagnetic signal, an output portion outputting the electromagnetic signal, a high impedance transmission portion electrically connecting the input portion and the output portion to transmit the electromagnetic signal therebetween, and a pair of low impedance transmission members arranged on opposite sides of the high impedance transmission portion. Each of the low impedance transmission members electrically connects the input portion, the output portion, and the high impedance transmission portion, and includes a first low impedance transmission portion and a second low impedance transmission portion. A width of the first low impedance transmission portion is different from that of the second low impedance transmission portion.
US08248188B2 Fixation arrangement for resonator of cavity filter
A fixation arrangement for a resonator of a cavity body includes a cavity body including a base, a resonator defining a cavity and comprising a bottom, a screw including sharply arc-shaped head and securing the resonator on the base of the cavity body, and a sticky element located between the screw head of the screw and the bottom of the resonator.
US08248186B2 Boundary acoustic wave device
A boundary acoustic wave device includes a first medium, a second medium laminated on the first medium, and an IDT electrode arranged at an interface between the first medium and the second medium. The boundary acoustic wave device further includes a reformed portion disposed in at least one of the first medium and the second medium, reformed by externally provided energy, and having frequency characteristics different from frequency characteristics exhibited when the boundary acoustic wave device includes only at least one of the first medium and the second medium.
US08248184B2 Duplexer module
In a duplexer module, a transmitting signal is correctly monitored without deteriorating receiving sensitivity. The duplexer module includes a transmission line, a reception line, and an antenna common line, and performs conversion between a transmission signal and a reception signals and antenna common signals. A transmission filter is inserted into the transmission line, and the transmission filter allows the transmission signal to pass therethrough and stops the reception signal. A reception filter is inserted into the reception line, and the reception filter allows the reception signal to pass therethrough and stops the transmission signal. A first line of a coupler which detects the transmitting signal is inserted into the transmission line at a stage subsequent to the transmission filter.
US08248179B2 Circuit module
In a circuit module, a core isolator includes a ferrite and a permanent magnet that is arranged to apply a direct-current field to the ferrite. A switch outputs to a signal path a high-frequency signal outputted from the core isolator. A SAW filter is provided on the signal path. A matching circuit is provided on the signal path and provides impedance matching between the output impedance of the core isolator and the input impedance of the SAW filter.
US08248170B2 Stabilized digital quadrature oscillator
A stabilized quadrature oscillator providing consistently high signal quality is disclosed. The stabilized quadrature oscillator includes an iterative quadrature oscillator and a quadrature signal stabilizer. The iterative quadrature oscillator generates an iterative cosine signal and an iterative sine signal using a stabilized cosine signal and a stabilized sine signal from the quadrature signal stabilizer. The quadrature signal stabilizer generates the stabilized cosine signal and the stabilized sine signal based on an energy measure of the iterative cosine signal and the iterative sine signal. Specifically, if the energy measure is less than a low threshold then the quadrature signal stabilizer generates the stabilized sine signal and the stabilized cosine signal to have a greater magnitude than the iterative sine signal and the iterative cosine signal, respectively. Conversely, if the energy measure is greater than a high threshold then the quadrature signal stabilizer generates the stabilized sine signal and the stabilized cosine signal to have a lesser magnitude than the iterative sine signal and the iterative cosine signal, respectively.
US08248168B2 PID control for transmitter-receiver synchronization
Various embodiments relate to a receiver and a timing circuit for synchronization between a transmitter clock of an MPEG stream and the local system clock of a receiver. The timing circuit may implement a phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit with a PID controller to produce a control signal based on the difference between the transmitter reference clock and the local system clock. Various embodiments may use clock differential signals and an accumulated error signal to produce proportional, integral, and derivative output components for a control signal. The control signal may control a signal generator that adjusts the frequency and/or phase of the local signal clock to lock with the transmitter reference clock. Various embodiments may also include an outlier filter to remove error signals outside a defined range and/or a programmable system clock to add precision to the generated local system clock.
US08248163B2 Saturation protection of a regulated voltage
A system for preventing power amplifier supply voltage saturation includes a multiple stage voltage regulator configured to provide a regulated voltage, a power amplifier configured to receive the regulated voltage, and a saturation protection circuit configured to apply a current into a first stage of the multiple stage voltage regulator when the regulated voltage reaches a reference voltage, the applied current causing a subsequent stage of the multiple stage voltage regulator to prevent the regulated voltage from exceeding the reference voltage.
US08248158B2 Chopper stabilized amplifier
A chopper stabilized amplifier may include a modulation circuit that performs a digital conversion on an input signal so as to convert the input signal into a first modulated signal by using a modulation signal, the modulation signal being a rectangular wave having a predetermined frequency, an operational amplifier circuit that amplifies the first modulated signal so as to convert the first modulated signal into a second modulated signal, and a demodulation circuit that performs analog conversion on the second modulated signal so as to convert the second modulated signal into an output signal by using a demodulation signal, the demodulation signal having a waveform that corresponds to the differences between frequency components of the first modulated signal and the second modulated signal.
US08248156B1 Low leakage power management
A low leakage power management system is provided. An external voltage domain is selectively coupled to the internal voltage domain of an integrated circuit according to demand for the functions provided by the integrated circuit. An external voltage VDD is connected to the internal supply voltage plane of the integrated circuit when the integrated circuit is active. The external supply voltage VDD is disconnected from the integrated circuit chip during idle periods. A plurality of switch cells may be provided for connecting the external voltage VDD to the integrated circuit. A multi-step sequence is provided for connecting the external supply voltage VDD to the chip's internal supply voltage plane to prevent excessive current from flowing through any individual switch cell.
US08248151B2 Apparatus and method configured to provide electrical bias
As provided herein, in some embodiments, power consumption and/or chip area is reduced by bias circuits configured to provide bias conditions for more than one active circuit, thereby reducing the number of bias circuits in a design. Shared bias circuits may reduce the aggregate amount of on-chip area utilized by bias circuitry and may also reduce the total power consumption of a chip. Additionally and/or alternatively, bias circuits disclosed herein are configured to provide outputs that are less susceptible to changes in the voltage supply level. In particular, in some embodiments, bias circuits are configured to provide relatively constant bias conditions despite changes in the voltage supply level. A bias circuit arrangement with an output substantially decoupled from changes in the voltage supply level may provide a more stable operating point in an active circuit. In some embodiments, bias circuits are configured to provide bias conditions that compensate for perturbations caused by changes other inputs, in order to stabilize a particular operating point.
US08248143B2 Configurable switched capacitor block
A configurable switched capacitor block includes a switched-capacitor (SC) sampling circuit, a fully differential amplifier, an SC feedback circuit, and a comparator. The SC sampling circuit is coupled to receive an input signal and to selectively generate a sampled signal to a differential input of the amplifier. The SC feedback circuit is coupled between the differential inputs and the differential outputs of the amplifier to selectively control a feedback of the amplifier. The comparator is coupled to the differential outputs of the amplifier to generate an output signal. The configurable switched capacitor block has multiple modes of operation which are selectable by programming the SC sampling circuit and the SC feedback circuit.
US08248138B2 Method and apparatus for preventing phase interpolation circuit from glitch during clock switching
The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus, during a phase switching process, for choosing all of outputted phases upon the clock phases devoid of phase switching so as to avoid glitches during clock switching. Compared with the conventional approach for removing glitches by controlling a clock switching sequence, an improvement of a phase rotator is further disclosed in the present invention, which eliminates the glitches of the outputted phase clock so as to realize a glitch-less phase switching in a phase interpolation circuit.
US08248135B2 Circuit including current-mode logic driver with multi-rate programmable pre-emphasis delay element
A circuit (10) includes a circuit input (12), a circuit output (16) and a one or more delay elements (22) positioned between the circuit input (12) and the circuit output (16). The delay elements (22) each include a differential input pair (234), a latch stage (236) and a delay controller (244A1, 244A2, 244B1, 244B2). The delay controller (244A1, 244A2, 244B1, 244B2) selectively apportions current between the differential input pair (234) and the latch stage (236) to achieve a desired delay value for the circuit (10). The circuit (10) can also include a feedback loop (18) that calibrates a DC offset of the delay elements (22). The delay elements (22) can include two or more sets of resistive loads (238A, 238B) and a rate controller (241). The rate controller (241) controls an on/off state of the resistive loads (238A, 238B) to selectively switch between full resistance and half resistance. The rate controller (241) can also control the level of current (I1, I2) received by the differential input pair (234) and the latch stage (236) to control the delay value.
US08248134B2 Digital suppression of spikes on an I2C bus
An apparatus that is adapted to receive signals from an Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) bus is provided. The apparatus comprises a serial data (SDA) filter, a serial clock (SCL) filter, I2C interface logic, and operational circuitry. The SDA filter is adapted to receive an SDA signal from the I2C bus and includes a hold terminal and a disable terminal. The hold terminal of the SDA filter issues a disable signal when a transient in the SDA signal is detected. The SCL filter is adapted to receive an SCL signal from the I2C bus and includes a hold terminal and a disable terminal. The hold terminal of the SCL filter issues a disable signal when a transient in the SCL signal is detected. Additionally, the hold terminal of the SCL filter is coupled to the disable terminal of the SDA filter, and the hold terminal of the SDA filter is coupled to the disable terminal of the SCL filter. The I2C interface logic is coupled to the SDA filter and to the SCL filter, and operational circuitry is coupled the I2C interface logic.
US08248132B2 Oscillation signal generator for compensating for I/Q mismatch and communication system including the same
An oscillation signal generator for compensating for an in-phase (I)/quadrature-phase (Q) mismatch and a communication system including the same are provided. The oscillation signal generator includes a first latch configured to generate an I oscillation signal, a second latch that is cross-coupled with the first latch and generates a Q oscillation signal, and a phase compensator connected to at least one of the first latch or the second latch. The phase compensator complementarily adjusts bias currents of the first and second I differential transistor pairs of the first latch and/or complementarily adjusts bias currents of the first and second Q differential transistor pairs of the second latch. Accordingly, the I/Q mismatch is compensated for without an additional device, so that the phase match between an I signal and a Q signal is improved in the communication system.
US08248131B2 Timing generating circuit and phase shift circuit
There are provided a timing generating circuit which can generate the rising edge or the falling edge of pulses with a resolution higher than the frequency of a repeat signal generating circuit, and a phase shift circuit which can be applied to the timing generating circuit. The phase shift circuit receiving a repeat signal generates a signal of which a phase is shifted by a predetermined quantity on the basis of the repeat signal, the phase shift controller controls what phase of signal the phase shift circuit output among first to M-th signals, and the counter circuit counts the number of output signals of the phase shift circuit and generates a count end signal when the count value reaches a set value, and thereby the counter circuit outputs a synthesized timing signal of the timing of the repeat signal and the timing shifted by the phase shift circuit.
US08248130B2 Duty cycle correction circuit
A duty cycle correction circuit for correcting the duty cycle of a clock signal generated by a clock generator includes a complementary buffer chain, level shifter circuits and a self-bias circuit. A clock signal with a distorted duty cycle and its complement are provided to the level shifter circuits. The level shifter circuits reduce the magnitude of voltage of the clock signal and the complement and generate level shifted signals. The level shifted signals are provided to a differential amplifier that generates a control signal indicating the magnitude of distortion in the duty cycle. The control signal is used to correct the duty cycle of the clock signal. The self-bias circuit is used to bias the differential amplifier.
US08248129B2 Signal delay circuit, clock transfer control circuit and semiconductor device having the same
A signal delay circuit including a clock transfer control circuit configured to transmit or block a clock signal, and a pulse signal generation circuit configured to delay a first pulse signal in response to the transmitted clock signal to generate a second pulse signal which has a longer active period than the first pulse signal.
US08248128B2 Semiconductor device
A semiconductor device includes: a voltage-control-type clock generation circuit having a plurality of stages of first delay elements and whose oscillation frequency is controlled according to a control voltage applied to the first delay elements; a delay circuit having a plurality of stages of second delay elements connected serially; and a selection circuit selecting one from pulse signals output by the plurality of stages of respective second delay elements. The first delay elements and the second delay elements have a same structure formed on a same semiconductor substrate, and a delay amount of the second delay elements is adjusted according to the control voltage.
US08248125B1 RF microwave circuit and pulse shaping method
A multi-port circuit and corresponding method for simultaneous shaping of sub-nanosecond pulses (MCS3P). The MCS3P includes a coupled-line coupler, a Schottky detector diode, and circuitry for compressing the rising and falling edges of a waveform. The MCS3P simultaneously produces square wave, Gaussian, and monocycle waveforms by differentiating a sinusoidal source. The method includes the steps of compressing the rising edge of a sinusoidal source waveform, differentiating the resulting waveform to form a square waveform and a Gaussian waveform, filtering out the positive going Gaussian to produce a negative going Gaussian, differentiating the Gaussian waveform to form a monocycle waveform, and compressing the falling edge of the square waveform to produce a square wave form with both edges compressed.
US08248123B2 Loop filter
A loop filter having a first node on which to receive an input signal to the loop filter, a second node on which to provide an output signal of the loop filter, and a cascade arrangement of at least a first circuit that generates a zero, a second circuit that generates a first pole, and a third circuit that generates a second pole to form a passive loop filter of at least 3rd order. The cascade arrangement includes a first signal path coupling the first node to the second node, such that the first circuit is coupled to the first node through the second circuit and the third circuit. Further, the loop filter includes at least one transistor circuit, and a second signal path coupled in parallel to the first signal path at the first node and coupled to the second node through the transistor circuit.
US08248118B2 High-speed frequency divider and a phase locked loop that uses the high-speed frequency divider
A frequency divider includes a least significant (LS) stage, multiple cascaded divider stages, and an output stage. The LS stage receives an input signal, a program bit and a first mode signal, and generates a first frequency-divided signal and an output mode signal. Each of the plurality of divider stages divides the frequency of an output of an immediately previous stage by a value specified by a corresponding program bit and a corresponding mode signal. A first divider stage in the plurality of divider stages is coupled to receive the first frequency-divided signal and to generate the first mode signal. The output stage receives the output mode signal and a control signal, and generates an output signal by dividing a frequency of the output mode signal by two if the control signal is at one logic level. The output stage forwards the output mode signal without division otherwise.
US08248116B2 Method of driving reverse conducting semiconductor device, semiconductor device and power supply device
A technique for a reverse conducting semiconductor device including an IGBT element domain and a diode element domain that utilize body regions having a mutual impurity concentration, that makes it possible to adjust an injection efficiency of holes or electrons to the diode element domain, is provided. When a return current flows in the reverse conducting semiconductor device that uses an NPNP-type IGBT, a second voltage that is higher than a voltage of an emitter electrode is applied to second trench gate electrodes of the diode element domain. N-type inversion layers are formed in the periphery of the second trench gate electrodes, and the electrons flow therethrough via a first body contact region and a drift region which are of the same n-type. The injection efficiency of the electrons to the return current is increased, and the injection efficiency of the holes is decreased. Due to this, an increase in a reverse recovery current can be prevented, and a switching loss caused in the diode element domain can be decreased.
US08248114B2 Circuit having sample and hold feedback control and method
A drive circuit and a method for maintaining an operating state of the drive circuit. The drive circuit includes a capacitor connected to an inverting input terminal of an operational amplifier and to a terminal of a current sensitive load through a switch. The output of the operational amplifier is connected to a switching regulator which has an output terminal connected to another terminal of the current sensitive load. An energy storage element is connected to the inverting input terminal of the operational amplifier. Energy is stored in the energy storage element during a first portion of a PWM pulse which is used during a second portion of the PWM pulse to generate the error signal. A drive signal is generated from the error signal where the drive signal is used to generate a voltage that biases the current source during the second portion of the PWM pulse.
US08248112B2 Transconductance amplifier
The present invention is intended to achieve a transconductance amplifier and a voltage/current converting method which can provide a sufficient amplitude and a high degree of design freedom. The method comprises the steps of converting a first voltage signal to a first current signal; converting a second voltage signal to a second current signal; obtaining the common-mode components of the first and second current signals; and subtracting the common-mode components from the first and second current signals to obtain third and fourth signals, and further, subtracting the fourth current signal from the third current signal to generate a first output, while subtracting the third current signal from the fourth current signal to generate a second output.
US08248097B2 Method and apparatus for probing a wafer
A semiconductor wafer resting on a contact element has a spatially distributed force applied to its frontside and an equal and opposing force applied to its backside. The contact element comprises a solid immersion lens (SIL), and has an area less than the area of the wafer, but no less than the larger of the area of an optical collection area and an electrical probe assembly. The equal and opposing forces cause the wafer to conform to the shape of the contact element. Measurements, including electrical testing, optical probing and wafer characterization are performed on the wafer.
US08248094B2 Acquisition of silicon-on-insulator switching history effects statistics
A test structure for gathering switching history effect statistics includes a waveform generator circuit that selectively generates a first test waveform representative of a 1SW transistor switching event, and a second test waveform representative of a 2SW transistor switching event; and a history element circuit coupled to the waveform generator circuit, the history element circuit including a device under test (DUT) therein, and a variable delay chain therein, wherein a selected one of the first and second test waveforms are input to the DUT and the variable delay chain; wherein the history element circuit determines fractional a change in signal propagation delay through the DUT between the 1SW and 2SW transistor switching events, with the fractional change in signal propagation delay calibrated with timing measurements of a variable frequency ring oscillator; and wherein the test structure utilizes only external low-speed input and output signals with respect to a chip.
US08248091B2 Universal array type probe card design for semiconductor device testing
A universal system for testing different semiconductor devices provides a probe head with a probe pattern that may be used to test different test patterns formed on different semiconductor devices. Each of a plurality of bumps or pads of the test pattern contacts a corresponding probe of the probe head to enable the semiconductor device to be tested. The universal probe head may additionally or alternatively include a substrate design on the probe head that provides a pattern on the substrate of the probe head that may be used in conjunction with different patterns formed on a plurality of different printed circuit boards for testing different semiconductor devices.
US08248087B2 Liquid concentration measuring device
A liquid concentration measuring device has first and second switches, which are turned on and off at two frequencies. When the first switch is turned on and the second switch is turned off, a detection electrode pair is charged. When the first switch is turned off and the second switch is turned on, the positive side of the detection electrode pair is grounded so that the charged detection electrode pair discharges. The difference between the output voltages of an amplifier produced by charging and discharging the detection electrode pair at the two frequencies is used to determine an alcohol concentration in gasoline.
US08248084B2 Touch detection techniques for capacitive touch sense systems
A technique for recognizing and rejecting false activation events related to a capacitance sense interface includes measuring a capacitance value of a capacitance sense element. The measured capacitance value is analyzed to determine a baseline capacitance value for the capacitance sensor. The capacitance sense interface monitors a rate of change of the measured capacitance values and rejects an activation of the capacitance sense element as a non-touch event when the rate of change of the measured capacitance values have a magnitude greater than a threshold level, indicative of a maximum rate of change of a touch event.
US08248081B2 Calibration of single-layer touch-sensor device
A single-layer touch-sensor device having a calibration mechanism coupled therewith is described. Included is a charge measurement circuit coupled, by a pair of electrical traces, with a slider of the single-layer touch-sensor device. A pair of calibration capacitors is included, each calibration capacitor coupled, between the slider and the charge measurement circuit, with one of the pair of electrical traces. A pair of connection switches is also included, each connection switch coupled with one of the pair of calibration capacitors.
US08248080B2 Systems and methods for assessing standoff capabilities of in-service power line insulators
An electrical power transmission system includes electrical insulators arranged to electrically isolate live power lines. Measurement devices are physically incorporated or integrated in the insulator structures. The measurement devices measure and report insulator properties during live wire conditions. A method includes deploying a measurement device in physical contact with an insulator in use to electrically isolate a power transmission line. This method also includes measuring properties of the insulator in use with the measurement device at substantially within time intervals corresponding to voltage zero crossings in the power transmission line.
US08248077B2 Method and apparatus for operating a cable for wind farms
A wind energy system is provided including a geographical position sensing module and a cable for transmitting energy from the wind energy system. The cable includes a first sensing device at a first location of the cable. The first sensing device is adapted for sensing a relative position of the first sensing device. Further, the cable includes a second sensing device at a second location of the cable. The second sensing device is adapted for sensing a relative position of the second sensing device. The first and the second sensing devices are adapted to communicate with each other; and one of the first and second sensing devices is adapted to communicate with a geographical position sensing module of the wind energy system.
US08248076B2 Device and method for measuring exhaust gas with charged particles
The invention relates to a device used to measure exhaust gas having ionised particles in a motor vehicle. The device comprises an ionising device which includes an electrode arrangement and a charge measuring device. The electrode arrangement comprises at least one pair of electrodes including at least one electrode and at least one counter electrode. A dielectric is arranged between the electrode and the counter electrode in order to generate a dielectrically impeded discharge. The invention also relates to a corresponding method.
US08248073B2 Semiconductor integrated circuit and testing method therefor
A semiconductor integrated circuit comprises a plurality of cores (99) connected with an inter-connection network (1000) and a test controller (500) which is connected with the inter-connection network (1000) and which issues a test control request associated with the test of the core (99) via the inter-connection network (1000). The inter-connection network (1000) is constituted of a plurality of adapters (3000) which serve as connection interfaces of the plurality of cores (99) and the test controller (500), respectively, and a plurality of routers (2000) which connect the plurality of adapters (3000). The adapters (3000) connected with the core (99) comprise a core testing unit for vicariously testing core (99) connected to itself based on the test control request received from the test controller (500) via the inter-connection network (1000).
US08248064B2 Inductive speed detector
A device for inductive speed detection includes two planar coils which are arranged offset at a given distance from a pulse wheel and in the rotational direction of the pulse wheel, and are each part of an oscillator, the oscillator frequency of which is evaluated.
US08248063B2 Open loop magneto-resistive magnetic field sensor
An apparatus and a general method to measure a magnetic field using magneto-resistive sensors in an open-loop configuration are disclosed. A key feature is the regular in-situ normalization of the sensors to compensate for the effects of sensor aging.
US08248062B2 Rotational direction detector and method for determining the direction of rotation of a wheel
A rotational direction detector is specified which is provided for mounting to a circumferential segment of a wheel having at least one sensor, wherein a change in the output signal of the sensor occurs when the circumferential segment enters and/or leaves the wheel contact area. Furthermore a method is specified for determining the direction of rotation of a wheel, wherein the signal change is determined and a rotational direction signal is derived therefrom.
US08248058B2 Signal testing apparatus for load control system
A system for testing power line carrier signal integrity or strength in a building electrical system includes a transmitter module electrically coupled to a first electrical outlet and configured to transmit a power line carrier signal over the building electrical system. The system also includes a receiver module electrically coupled to a second electrical outlet and configured to receive the power line carrier signal from the transmitter module. The receiver module includes circuitry configured to determine whether at least one of the integrity and strength of the power line carrier signal is sufficient for a load control system installed in the building electrical system to communicate with relay modules installed in the building electrical system using power line carrier signals. The receiver module includes a user interface configured to provide an indication of at least one of the integrity and strength of the power line carrier signal.
US08248051B2 Power factor correction converter control offset
An apparatus includes a control unit to generate a control signal to control a duty cycle of a PWM switching signal that controls a switch in a PFC converter. The control unit includes a PWM converter to produce a PWM signal responsive to an output voltage of the PFC converter. A switching circuit switches a current representing an input current of the PFC converter in response to the PWM signal. A circuit generates the control signal in response to the switched current. The control unit includes an amplifier that receives a current sense signal and provides the current representing the input current of the PFC converter. An offset unit generates a variable offset signal to generate the control signal. The offset unit provides the offset signal as an offset current for offsetting a current at an input of the amplifier.
US08248047B2 Power supply circuit
A power supply circuit arranged in a circuit board to supply a determined voltage to an element is disclosed. The power supply circuit includes a single-phase pulse width modulation (PWM) signal controller, two transistors, two field-effect transistors (FETs), and two inductors. The PWM signal controller is triggered via the two transistors and respectively alternately outputs a high level voltage signal and a low level voltage signal to alternately control the two FETs to be turned on and turned off, to output the determined voltage.
US08248038B2 Synchronous generator protection
A scheme for synchronous generator protection is provided. Based on generator input and transformer output phase information, along with the energy function concept, the scheme for synchronous generator protection provides early detection of a loss of synchronism of a generator. As such, the generator with loss of synchronism can be tripped before the generator actually slips. An example for how such a synchronous generator protection schemes may function, is also provided.
US08248034B2 Dry cell battery discharging system
Used dry cell batteries having a terminal voltage less than a working voltage of a previously applied device but higher than an exhaustion voltage below which the dry cell batteries stop discharging can be used in a present provided discharging system. The used dry cell batteries are connected in series. The discharging system also includes a discharging unit, a measuring unit, a judging unit, and an indicating unit. The discharging unit discharges the used dry cell batteries. The measuring unit measures the terminal voltage of each dry cell battery. The judging unit judges if the terminal voltage of each dry cell battery is less than a preset voltage below which the dry cell battery is deemed to be exhausted. The indicating unit indicates which dry cell battery has the terminal voltage less than the preset value for replacement.
US08248033B2 Secondary battery temperature-increasing control apparatus and vehicle including the same, and secondary battery temperature-increasing control method
An ECU determines whether the ripple current is within a target range (S50). When it is determined that the ripple current is not within the target range (NO in S50), the ECU determines whether the ripple current is greater than or less than the target range (S80). When it is determined that the ripple current is less than the target range (NO in S80), the ECU reduces the carrier frequency of the boost converter that is a component of the ripple generating section (S90). On the other hand, when it is determined that the ripple current is greater than the target range (YES in S80), the ECU increases the carrier frequency of the boost converter (S100).
US08248032B2 Charging system for prioritizing load consumption in a notebook computer
A method for controlling a charging system having multiple loads is disclosed. Power is supplied from an AC/DC adapter to a first charger, a second charger, and system loads. The first charger is operated at a setting value having smaller power consumption than a setting value necessary for a first battery pack when output power of a power source reaches a first threshold value during a time when the first battery pack is required to be charged in a standard charging mode. The first charger is operated at a setting value according to a specific charging mode even when the output power of the power source reaches the first threshold value during a time when the first battery pack is required to be charged in the specific charging mode. A second charger is operated at a setting value having smaller power consumption than a setting value necessary for a second battery pack when the output power of the power source reaches a second threshold value larger than the first threshold value.
US08248030B2 Device for monitoring cell voltage
A device for monitoring a rechargeable battery having a number of electrically connected cells includes at least one current interruption switch for interrupting current flowing through at least one associated cell and a plurality of monitoring units for detecting cell voltage. Each monitoring unit is associated with a single cell and includes a reference voltage unit for producing a defined reference threshold voltage and a voltage comparison unit for comparing the reference threshold voltage with a partial cell voltage of the associated cell. The reference voltage unit is electrically supplied from the cell voltage of the associated cell. The voltage comparison unit is coupled to the at least one current interruption switch for interrupting the current of at least the current flowing through the associated cell, with a defined minimum difference between the reference threshold voltage and the partial cell voltage.
US08248028B2 Device housing a battery and charging pad
The charging pad 10 is provided with a position detection controller 14 that supplies position detection signals to position detection coils 30, and detects induction coil 51 position from echo signals output from the induction coil 51. The device housing a battery 50 is provided with a series capacitor 55 connected in series with the induction coil 51, a parallel capacitor 56 connected in parallel with the induction coil 51, and a switching circuit 57. When the position detection controller 14 is issuing position detection signals, the parallel capacitor 56 is connected to the induction coil 51. When power is transmitted from the power supply coil 11 to the induction coil 51, the parallel capacitor 56 is not connected to the induction coil 51 and induction coil 51 AC is output to a rectifying circuit 53 through the series capacitor 55.
US08248020B2 Starting circuit for single-phase AC motor
A starting circuit for a single-phase AC motor, consisting at least-of a rectifying and voltage-stabilizing circuit, a control circuit with a zero-cross detecting circuit and a counter, and a bidirectional thyristor. The bidirectional thyristor is serially connected to a starting winding and a starting capacitor, the bidirectional thyristor, the starting winding and the starting capacitor are connected a utility power AC input. The input end of the rectifying and voltage-stabilizing circuit is connected to the utility power AC input. The output end of the rectifying and voltage-stabilizing circuit supplies power to the control circuit. The input end of the zero-cross detecting circuit is connected to the utility power AC input. The output end of the zero-cross detecting circuit is connected to the input end of the counter.
US08248018B2 Motor controller, motor control system, and washing machine
A motor controller controlling a permanent magnet motor including a rotor provided with a plurality of low coercivity permanent magnets having a coercivity low enough to allow modification in amount of magnetization, the motor controller including a position detector including one or more position sensors to detect a rotational position of the rotor; an inverter circuit connected between a direct current voltage supply source and windings of the permanent magnet motor and configured by a plurality of semiconductor switching elements of multiple phases connected thereto; and a magnetization controller that magnetizes the plurality of low coercivity permanent magnets constituting the rotor by energizing the windings of the permanent magnet motor through the inverter circuit such that all of the low coercivity permanent magnets are magnetized to a uniform level of magnetization by energizing the windings twice at same timings specified based on a sensor signal outputted by the position sensor.
US08248011B2 Method and device for driving a two-phase brushless motor
A method for driving a two-phase brushless motor is disclosed. The motor includes a rotator with permanent magnetism and a stator including a first coil and a second coil. The method includes activating the two-phase brushless motor, detecting an output voltage of a disabled coil of the first coil and the second coil to generate a detection result, comparing the detection result and a reference voltage to determine a commutation time point between the first coil and the second coil, generating a commutation signal according to the commutation time point, and driving the two-phase brushless motor according to the commutation time point.
US08248009B2 Motor controller having integrated communications configurations
A motor drive is provided that includes a control circuit or board and a one or more functional circuits or option boards coupled to the control board, and a profile that includes a configuration for the option board. A method of operating a motor drive that includes loading a profile for a option board coupled to a control board of the controller, wherein the profile comprises a configuration for the option board. A tangible machine-readable medium implementing the method is also provided.
US08248004B2 Machine tool with a functional unit having a linear drive and linear drive for same
A machine tool is provided that has a linear drive by means of which a movement unit connected in motion with a functional unit is movable in two axis directions of a movement plane. The linear drive includes two drive units. The primary parts or the secondary parts of the two drive units are attached to the movement unit. The primary part or the secondary part of the one drive unit is disposed in that case on that side of the movement unit which, perpendicularly to the movement plane of the movement unit, is opposite the side of the movement unit provided with the primary part or the secondary part of the other drive unit.
US08247999B2 Time division multiplexing a DC-to-DC voltage converter
An apparatus includes a DC-to-DC voltage converter. The DC-to-DC voltage converter has a plurality of pairs of outputs and is configured to apply voltages across the pairs of outputs in a time division multiplexed manner.
US08247998B2 Reconfigurable LED array and use in lighting system
A light-emitting device capable of being powered by an AC power supply or an unregulated DC power supply is disclosed. The light-emitting device, in an aspect, is coupled to a controller, a light-emitting diode (“LED”) array, and a power supply, wherein the power supply can be an AC power source or an unregulated DC power source. While the power supply provides electrical power, the controller generates various LED control signals in response to power fluctuation of the electrical power. The LED array allows at least a portion of LEDs to be activated in accordance with the logic states of the LED control signals.
US08247991B2 Lighting delay circuit
The lighting delay circuit can keep a light being on for a predetermined time then turn off the light. The circuit comprises a thermistor to sense temperature around the light when the light is on, an electronic switch controlled by the thermistor, and a relay controlled by the electronic switch to turn off the light when the electronic switch is turned on.
US08247988B2 Compact delay line structures for field applicators for operation of electrodeless gas discharge lamps
In various embodiments, an electrodeless high intensity discharge lamp is provided, which may include a bulb containing a fill mixture for generating a light emission when excited by microwave energy; and at least two applicator arms for coupling the microwave energy to the fill mixture, the at least two applicator arms being separated by at least one delay line, the at least one delay line comprising a stripline structure.
US08247987B2 Induction lamp lighting device and illumination apparatus
An induction lamp lighting device includes an induction coil arranged adjacent to an induction lamp; a direct current power supply circuit for outputting a direct current voltage; a high-frequency power supply circuit for converting the direct current voltage to an alternating current voltage and supplying the alternating current voltage to the induction coil; and a control circuit for controlling the direct current power supply circuit and the high-frequency power supply circuit. The control circuit performs a startup preparation operation by which to control the high-frequency power supply circuit so that, immediately after the alternating current voltage begins to be outputted from the high-frequency power supply circuit to the induction coil, the alternating current voltage is gradually increased to such a voltage value as not to generate arc discharge in the induction lamp and then kept at the voltage value for a specified time.
US08247984B2 LED circuit and method for controlling the average current of the LED
An LED circuit is disclosed. The circuit senses the average current flowing through the LED. The sensed signal is compensated and modulated. The modulated signal is then used to control the ON/OFF state of a switch that supplies power to the LED.
US08247977B2 Induction coil, a plasma generator and a plasma generating method
The plasma generator of our invention comprises of the induction coil which is symmetric with respect to the reference plane between two terminal ends. Plasma processing gas is supplied to a predetermined space, and high frequency electricity is supplied to the induction coil, thereby the plasma generator generates plasma in the space. The reference plane passes between the two terminal ends and through longitude axis of the induction coil. The plasma generator can generate plasma with high quality of homogeneous.
US08247975B2 Backlight assembly for liquid crystal display device
A backlight assembly for a liquid crystal display device including an LED backlight unit including a plurality of light emitting diode strings coupled to a plurality of current balancing circuits, a backlight driver including a light emitting diode driver that supplies current to the light emitting diode strings, and a connector electrically connecting the plurality of current balancing circuits to the light emitting diode driver.
US08247971B1 Resistively heated small planar filament
A planar filament comprising two bonding pads and a non-linear filament connected between the two bonding pads. The planar filament may be wider in the center to increase filament life. The planar filament can form a double spiral-serpentine shape. The planar filament may be mounted on a substrate for easier handling and placement. Voltage can be used to create an electrical current through the filament, and can result in the emission of electrons from the filament. The planar filament can be utilized in an x-ray tube.
US08247968B2 Electroluminescence display device having electrode power supply line
An electroluminescent display device may include a display area formed on one surface of a substrate. It may further include a first electrode layer, a second electrode layer, and an electroluminescent emission layer between the first and second electrode layers. It may also include an electrode power supply line that supplies electrode power to the display area. The electrode power supply line can be located at least partially on an outer periphery of the display area, and may directly contact the second electrode layer. An electrical component may be arranged under the electrode power supply line, and may have one or more conductive layers.
US08247965B2 Light emitting display device and method for manufacturing the same
An object of the invention is to provide a display device which can be manufactured with usability of a material improved and with a manufacturing step simplified and to provide a manufacturing technique thereof. One feature of a light emitting display device of the present invention is to comprise a gate electrode formed over a substrate having an insulating surface with a substance having a photocatalytic function therebetween, a gate insulating layer formed over the gate electrode, a semiconductor layer and a first electrode formed over the gate insulating layer, a wiring layer formed over the semiconductor layer, a partition wall covering an edge portion of the first electrode and the wiring layer, an electroluminescent layer over the first electrode, and a second electrode over the electroluminescent layer, wherein the wiring layer covers the edge portion of the first electrode.
US08247962B2 Organic light emitting device and manufacturing method thereof
An organic light emitting device having a photonic crystal structure and a manufacturing method thereof are provided. The organic light emitting device comprises: a substrate through which light passes; a photonic crystal layer formed on the substrate and having a photonic crystal structure; an intermediate layer formed on the photonic crystal layer and having a large refractive index compared with the photonic crystal layer; a first electrode layer formed on the intermediate layer; a light emitting layer formed on the first electrode layer and emitting light according to current flow; and a second electrode layer formed on the light emitting layer.
US08247961B2 Field emission cathode device and display using the same
A field emission cathode device includes an insulative substrate, a number of cathode electrodes, and a number of liner electron emission units. The insulative substrate has a top surface and a bottom surface. The insulative substrate defines a number of openings. The cathode electrodes are located on the bottom surface. Each of the linear electron emission units has a first portion secured between the insulative substrate and one corresponding cathode electrode and a second portion received in one corresponding opening.
US08247958B2 System, method and apparatus for multi-beam lithography including a dispenser cathode for homogeneous electron emission
A dispenser cathode which is comprises an emission surface, a reservoir for material releasing, when heated, work-function-lowering particles, and at least one passage for allowing diffusion of work-function-lowering particles from said reservoir to said emission surface, and emission surface comprising at least one emission area and at least one non-emission area covered with emission-suppressing material and surrounding each emission area, said non-emission area comprising at least one passage connecting said reservoir with said non-emission area and debouching within a diffusion length distance from an emission area for allowing diffusion of work-function-lowering particles from said reservoir to said emission area.
US08247957B2 LED module
An LED module comprises an LED having a first optical axis and a lens fixed over the LED for refracting light emitted from the LED. The lens comprises an emission surface having a second optical axis and an incidence surface having a third optical axis. The second optical axis of the emission surface offsets from the first optical axis of the LED in a first direction for increasing a light intensity at a side of the first optical axis in the first direction. The first, second and third optical axes are in a line along the first direction. The third optical axis offsets from the first optical axis of the LED at a side opposite to that of the second optical axis.
US08247955B2 Electroacoustic component
An electroacoustic component includes a substrate that includes a quartz single crystal. The quartz single crystal has a first Euler angle λ: −5°≦λ≦5°, a second Euler angle μ, and a third Euler angle θ. A contiguous region of the quartz single crystal has the following vertices Pi(μi, θi): (23°, 20°), (60°, 17°), (110°, 30°), (105°, 42°), (60°, 30°), (23°, 25°).
US08247951B2 Piezoelectric power generation device
A small-sized piezoelectric power generation device is provided which can generate electric power even with vibrations at low frequencies. The piezoelectric power generation device includes a piezoelectric element formed in a spiral shape and having a center-side end fixed to a first fixing member and an outer-side end fixed to a second fixing member. The piezoelectric element includes a first piezoelectric body formed in a spiral shape and polarized in a radial direction of the piezoelectric element from one side toward the other side. The first and second fixing members are arranged such that the second fixing member is displaceable relative to the first fixing member in a tangential direction x, whereas the second fixing member is restricted from displacing relative to the first fixing member in a perpendicular direction y.
US08247950B2 Flexible energy conversion device
Disclosed is a flexible energy conversion device, comprising a first flexible substrate, a transparent electrode disposed on the first flexible substrate, a first nanostructure disposed on the transparent electrode and comprising a transition metal oxide or semi-metal oxide, a second nanostructure disposed on the first nanostructure, a second flexible substrate disposed on the second nanostructure, and a sealing layer for sealing the first flexible substrate an the second flexible substrate. A method of manufacturing the flexible energy conversion device is also provided.
US08247949B2 Surface acoustic wave sensor device and method of controlling liquid using the same
A surface acoustic wave sensor device includes a main body and a liquid controller disposed external to the main body. The main body includes a sample chamber, a surface acoustic wave sensor connected to the sample chamber, a first disposal chamber connected to the surface acoustic wave sensor and channels connecting the sample chamber, the surface acoustic wave sensor and the first disposal chamber. The liquid controller controls flow of a sample through the main body.
US08247948B2 Oscillator, oscillator array and an electronic apparatus
A oscillator include: a vibrator that vibrates in a thickness shear vibration mode; a first adsorption film formed in a first region in a first surface of the vibrator; a second adsorption film formed in a second region in a second surface of the vibrator opposing to the first surface; and a substrate with a surface on which the vibrator is erected, wherein the vibrator contacts the substrate in a third surface that is different from the first surface and the second surface.
US08247947B2 Coupling piezoelectric material generated stresses to devices formed in integrated circuits
A coupling structure for coupling piezoelectric material generated stresses to an actuated device of an integrated circuit includes a rigid stiffener structure formed around a piezoelectric (PE) material and the actuated device, the actuated device comprising a piezoresistive (PR) material that has an electrical resistance dependent upon an applied pressure thereto; and a soft buffer structure formed around the PE material and PR material, the buffer structure disposed between the PE and PR materials and the stiffener structure, wherein the stiffener structure clamps both the PE and PR materials to a substrate over which the PE and PR materials are formed, and wherein the soft buffer structure permits the PE material freedom to move relative to the PR material, thereby coupling stress generated by an applied voltage to the PE material to the PR material so as change the electrical resistance of the PR material.
US08247945B2 Micro-electro-mechanical transducers
A micro-electro-mechanical transducer (such as a cMUT) is disclosed. The transducer has a substrate, a top plate, and a resilient structure therebetween. The resilient structure has multiple connectors distributed over the device element area to vertically transport the top player with distributed support. The resilient structure may be cantilevers formed using a middle spring layer covering cavities on the substrate. Connectors define a transducing space below the top plate. The resilient structure enables a vertical displacement of the connectors, which transports the top plate in a piston-like motion to change the transducing space and to effectuate energy transformation. No separate cells are necessary for each addressable transducer element. Multiple device elements can be made on the same substrate.
US08247943B2 Motor/generator structure
A radial gap motor/generator has a thin annular array of magnets mounted for rotation to a stator in a radially spaced relation to at least one thin annular induction structure fixed to a stationary stator may be air or liquid cooled. Further, the motor has at least radial gap between a magnetic core and the array and may include multiple gaps and multiple annular induction structures to increase the overall power density of the system.
US08247942B2 Multi-winding homopolar electric machine
A multi-winding homopolar electric machine and method for converting between mechanical energy and electrical energy. The electric machine includes a shaft defining an axis of rotation, first and second magnets, a shielding portion, and a conductor. First and second magnets are coaxial with the shaft and include a charged pole surface and an oppositely charged pole surface, the charged pole surfaces facing one another to form a repulsive field therebetween. The shield portion extends between the magnets to confine at least a portion of the repulsive field to between the first and second magnets. The conductor extends between first and second end contacts and is toroidally coiled about the first and second magnets and the shield portion to develop a voltage across the first and second end contacts in response to rotation of the electric machine about the axis of rotation.
US08247938B2 Rotor for electric machine having a sleeve with segmented layers
A rotor for an electrical machine includes an elongate rotor core assembly comprising a rotor core and a plurality of permanent magnets arranged in a plurality of rings around the rotor core. A composite sleeve resides around the rotor core assembly. The sleeve includes an outer layer and a segmented layer beneath the outer layer. The outer layer includes a plurality of discrete, non-overlapping circumferential bands of composite material positioned orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of the rotor core assembly.
US08247936B2 Electric motor and electric motor vehicle
An electric motor includes: a stator of columnar shape including a stator core of annular shape and mold resin molding the stator core, the stator core accommodating a rotor configured to rotate about a rotary shaft; and a temperature detecting element buried in the mold resin. The stator core includes a plurality of stator teeth around which a coil wounded around respectively. The temperature detecting element is buried in the mold resin from any one of the pair of end surfaces at a position between two adjacent stator teeth.
US08247934B2 Cooling structure for electric rotating machine
The electric rotating machine includes a rotor relatable around a rotating shaft disposed horizontally, a stator core formed with slots, and a stator coil constituted of in-slot portions each of which is accommodated in a corresponding one of the slots, and turn portions each of which connects corresponding adjacent two of the in-slot portions at a position outside the stator core. The turn portions form a coil end projecting axially outward from an end surface of the stator core at each of both axial end sides of the stator core. The coil end is formed in a cylindrical shape including an axial end surface of a flat shape, and inner and outer peripheral surfaces of a circular shape. The electric rotating machine further includes a coolant supply section to supply coolant to an upper part of the outer peripheral surface of the coil end.
US08247931B2 Voice coil motor with rotation stopping means
A voice coil motor includes a stationary magnetic field generator a moveable magnetic field generator, and an elastic assembly. The stationary magnetic field generator includes a supporting frame and permanent magnetic elements mounted to peripheral sides of the supporting frame. The supporting frame has a first receiving space defined therein and includes first stopping portions formed in the first receiving space. The moveable magnetic field generator is moveably received in the first receiving space, and includes a core member and a coil wrapped around the core member. The core member includes second stopping portions. The second stopping portions are configured for engaging with the at least one first stopping portion to prevent the moveable magnetic field generator from rotating about a central axis of the core member. The elastic assembly elastically connects the moveable magnetic field generator and the stationary magnetic field generator.
US08247930B2 Acoustic exciter and speaker using it
An acoustic exciter comprises a suspension made of an elastic material, which is coupled to the opening part of a frame, and a vibrator to which a voice coil disposed in the magnetic gap of a magnetic circuit connected to the suspension is coupled. An elastic body is so disposed between the frame and the vibrator as to be pressed against the frame and the vibrator. Thereby, the exciting efficiency of the vibrator can be increased, and the performance and tone quality of the acoustic exciter can be improved.
US08247926B2 Methods and systems for wireless energy and data transmission
System and methods for wireless energy and data transmission are described. One aspect includes an emitter and receiver. The emitter may include primary and secondary emitting windings. The receiver may include primary and secondary receiver windings. In further aspects, the emitter may include a tertiary emitting winding and the receiver may include a tertiary receiver winding. In one aspect, the emitter uses driving circuitry and the receiver uses rectifying circuitry and one or more capacitors. In further aspects, the emitter and receiver are reversible.
US08247925B2 Power source stabilization circuit, electronic device and testing apparatus
A power source stabilization circuit provided within a chip of an electronic device is provided. The power source stabilization circuit stabilizes a power source voltage supplied to an operational circuit of the electronic device. The power source stabilization circuit includes an amplifier that detects a fluctuation component in the power source voltage occurring in a main power source wiring used to supply the power source voltage to the operational circuit, amplifies the detected fluctuation component, and outputs the amplified fluctuation component, and a stabilization capacitor that is provided between an output end of the amplifier and the main power source wiring and supplies to the main power source wiring a current to reduce fluctuation in the power source voltage occurring in the main power source wiring, in accordance with the output from the amplifier.
US08247924B1 Power supply and method that maintains supply voltage in communications systems during a power supply interruption
A power supply and associated method include a power supply converter having a power output and configured to provide a supply voltage through the power output to a communications device. A simplified boost circuit is connected to the power supply converter in parallel but isolated from the power supply converter's bulk input capacitance during normal operation. The boost circuit includes at least one power storage circuit and a charging circuit connected thereto and configured to charge and maintain the power storage circuit to a predetermined voltage and switch the power storage circuit into the power supply converter during an undervoltage condition to transfer the stored power from the power storage circuit to the power supply converter and maintain the supply voltage to the communications device connected thereto for a required hold-up time.
US08247914B2 Stall controller and triggering condition control features for a wind turbine
Control features for a wind turbine that control the turbine over a range of wind speeds and under triggering conditions with reduced noise, cost, and reliability issues associated with other such controls. Control is accomplished via control electronics, which adjust the torque produced by the electrical output generation device (e.g., alternator) within the wind turbine. During normal operation, torque is adjusted for optimum aerodynamic performance and maximum output of power. In winds above rated power, the control circuit regulates torque to lower aerodynamic performance, as necessary to maintain desired power level output. In triggering conditions, such as during simultaneous control circuit failure and loss of some portion of the electrical output generation device in extreme winds, wind turbine control is accomplished by increasing torque (e.g., via a separate controller) from the electrical output generation device via shorting of windings, so as to cause retardation of blade rotation.
US08247913B2 Method and system for operating a wind energy installation
A method for operating a wind energy installation and a system for implementing the method. An oblique incident flow value, which represents the difference between the wind direction and the direction of a rotor axis of the wind energy installation, and a load value, which represents the load state of the wind energy installation, are determined. A total load value is determined based on the load value and the oblique incident flow value. The rotor rotation speed is reduced when the total load value is above a first limit value. The wind energy installation is shut down when, in addition, a second limit value is exceeded. The method makes it possible to react objectively to oblique incident flows and can reduce a load on a wind energy installation without causing large yield losses.
US08247910B2 Three-dimensional multichip module
A three-dimensional multichip module includes a first integrated circuit chip having at least one first high-temperature functional area and one first low-temperature functional area, and at least one second integrated circuit chip having a second high-temperature functional area and a second low-temperature functional area. The second high-temperature functional area is arranged opposite the first low-temperature functional area. As an alternative, at least one low-temperature chip having only one low-temperature functional area can also be arranged between the first and second chips.
US08247908B2 Circuit substrate and method for utilizing packaging of the circuit substrate
A circuit substrate and the method for fabricating a packaging of the circuit substrate are provided. A plurality of electrodes are formed on the surface of the circuit substrate, the electrodes are formed with fork structures over an connection section of the circuit substrate, so that when the circuit substrate expands/contracts due to thermal processes, the probability of alignment with electrodes of an external circuit board is increased by easily detaching the fork structure overlapping an electrode of the external circuit board which is not corresponding to the fork structure of the electrode of the circuit substrate, so as to avoid short circuit. Thus, electrode misalignment due to electrode pitch variation of the traditional circuit substrate as a result of thermal deformation can be effectively eliminated.
US08247900B2 Flip chip package having enhanced thermal and mechanical performance
A flip chip semiconductor package is provided. In one embodiment, the flip chip semiconductor package comprises a first substrate having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface, a semiconductor chip mounted on the first surface of the first substrate by solder bumps, a thermally-conductive stiffener mounted above the first surface of the first substrate and around the chip to define a cavity region therebetween, one or more molding compound material disposed in the cavity region, and a second substrate mounted to the second surface of the first substrate by solder balls.
US08247895B2 4D device process and structure
A 4D device comprises a 2D multi-core logic and a 3D memory stack connected through the memory stack sidewall using a fine pitch T&J connection. The 3D memory in the stack is thinned from the original wafer thickness to no remaining Si. A tounge and groove device at the memory wafer top and bottom surfaces allows an accurate stack alignment. The memory stack also has micro-channels on the backside to allow fluid cooling. The memory stack is further diced at the fixed clock-cycle distance and is flipped on its side and re-assembled on to a template into a pseudo-wafer format. The top side wall of the assembly is polished and built with BEOL to fan-out and use the T&J fine pitch connection to join to the 2D logic wafer. The other side of the memory stack is polished, fanned-out, and bumped with C4 solder. The invention also comprises a process for manufacturing the device. In another aspect, the invention comprises a 4D process and device for over 50× greater than 2D memory density per die and an ultra high density memory.
US08247893B2 Mountable integrated circuit package system with intra-stack encapsulation
A mountable integrated circuit package system comprising: mounting a first integrated circuit device over a package carrier; mounting an interposer including a central aperture over the package carrier, an intra-stack interconnect connected between the interposer and the package carrier, and the first integrated circuit device within the central aperture; and forming an intra-stack encapsulation over the package carrier and surrounding the interposer.
US08247892B2 Arrangement comprising at least one power semiconductor module and a transport packaging
An arrangement comprising at least one power semiconductor module and a transport packaging, wherein the power semiconductor module has a base element, a housing and connection elements and the transport packaging has a generally planar cover layer, a cover film and at least one trough-like plastic shaped body for each power semiconductor module. The at least one plastic shaped body only partly encloses the respective power semiconductor module and a part of the plastic shaped body does not directly contact the power semiconductor module. Furthermore, a first side of the at least one power semiconductor module becomes situated directly or indirectly on the first main surface of the cover layer, while the cover film covers the further sides of the power semiconductor module directly and/or indirectly, and bears at least partly against the plastic shaped body.
US08247890B2 Wiring circuit structure and manufacturing method for semiconductor device using the structure
A conductor layer 2 is formed as a circuit pattern on a base insulating layer 1, a terminal 3 is formed thereon, and a supporting column 4 is formed in the vicinity of the terminal on the upper face of the base insulating layer 1. Here, supposing the protrusion height B of the bump from the element to be connected is B, the height of the supporting column is H, the height of the terminal is h, and the layer thickness of the terminal is t, as measured from the upper face of the base insulating layer as the reference surface, the height H of the supporting column is determined to satisfy B
US08247889B2 Package having an inner shield and method for making the same
The present invention relates to a package having an inner shield and a method for making the same. The package includes a substrate, a plurality of electrical elements, a molding compound, an inner shield and a conformal shield. The electrical elements are disposed on the substrate. The molding compound is disposed on a surface of the substrate, encapsulates the electrical elements, and includes at least one groove. The groove penetrates a top surface and a bottom surface of the molding compound and is disposed between the electrical elements, and there is a gap between a short side of the groove and a side surface of the molding compound. The inner shield is disposed in the groove and electrically connected to the substrate. The conformal shield covers the molding compound and a side surface of the substrate, and electrically connects the substrate and the inner shield. Therefore, the inner shield enables the electrical elements to have low electromagnetic interference and high electromagnetic compatibility.
US08247882B2 Method of forming an isolation structure
Provided is a method of fabricating a semiconductor device that includes providing a semiconductor substrate having a front side and a back side, forming a first circuit and a second circuit at the front side of the semiconductor substrate, bonding the front side of the semiconductor substrate to a carrier substrate, thinning the semiconductor substrate from the back side, and forming an trench from the back side to the front side of the semiconductor substrate to isolate the first circuit from the second circuit.
US08247880B2 Magnetic memory device and method of fabricating the same
A magnetic memory device and a method of fabricating the same. The magnetic memory device includes a free layer, a write element, and a read element. The write element changes the magnetization direction of the free layer, and the read element senses the magnetization direction of the free layer. Herein, the write element includes a current confinement layer having a width smaller than the minimum width of the free layer to locally increase the density of a current flowing through the write element.
US08247878B2 Semiconductor device and method of manufacturing the same
Disclosed are a semiconductor device with a metal gate and a method of manufacturing the same. The method of the present invention includes: preparing a semiconductor substrate having a isolation layer to define an active region; forming a gate insulation layer on the semiconductor substrate; sequentially forming a polysilicon layer, a first metal silicide layer, a metal nitride layer and a metal layer on the gate insulation layer including the isolation layer; etching the metal layer and the metal nitride layer so that the metal layer and the metal nitride layer have a narrower width than that of a desired gate; forming a second metal silicide layer on the first metal silicide layer including the etched metal nitride layer and the metal layer; forming a hard mask on the second metal silicide layer so that the hard mask has a desired gate width; and etching the second metal silicide layer, the first metal silicide layer, the polysilicon layer and the gate insulation layer by using the hard mask as an etching barrier, so as to form a metal gate with a structure in. which the metal nitride and the metal layer are enclosed with the first and second metal silicide layers.
US08247876B2 Semiconductor device
A seal ring structure is formed through a multilayer structure of a plurality of dielectric films in a peripheral part of a chip region to surround the chip region. A dual damascene interconnect in which an interconnect and a plug connected to the interconnect are integrated is formed in at least one of the dielectric films in the chip region. Part of the seal ring structure formed in the dielectric film in which the dual damascene interconnect is formed is continuous. A protection film formed on the multilayer structure has an opening on the seal ring. A cap layer connected to the seal ring is formed in the opening.
US08247870B2 Power MOSFET integration
A method for integration is disclosed herein. The method includes forming an N-type double drain (NDD) layer, and fabricating at least one transistor from a controller circuitry and a transistor switch on a single chip. The controller circuitry is operable for controlling the transistor switch.
US08247866B2 Semiconductor device
An inventive semiconductor device includes: a semiconductor layer; a drift region of a first conductivity type provided in the semiconductor layer; a body region of a second conductivity type provided on the drift region in the semiconductor layer; a trench extending from a surface of the body region in the semiconductor layer with its bottom located in the drift region; a gate insulation film provided on an interior surface of the trench; a gate electrode provided in the trench with the intervention of the gate insulation film; a source region of the first conductivity type provided in the surface of the body region; a first impurity region of the second conductivity type provided around the bottom of the trench in spaced relation from the body region; and a second impurity region of the second conductivity type provided on a lateral side of the body region in the semiconductor layer, the second impurity region being isolated from the body region and electrically connected to the first impurity region.
US08247864B2 Amorphous silicon MONOS or MAS memory cell structure with OTP function
A semiconductor device with an amorphous silicon (a-Si) metal-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon (MONOS) or metal-aluminum oxide-silicon (MAS) memory cell structure with one-time programmable (OTP) function. The device includes a substrate, a first dielectric layer overlying the substrate, and one or more source or drain regions embedded in the first dielectric layer with a co-planar surface of n-type a-Si and the first dielectric layer. Additionally, the device includes a p-i-n a-Si diode junction. The device further includes a second dielectric layer on the a-Si p-i-n diode junction and a metal control gate overlying the second dielectric layer. Optionally the device with OTP function includes a conductive path formed between n-type a-Si layer and the metal control gate. A method of making the same memory cell structure is provided and can be repeated to integrate the structure three-dimensionally.
US08247863B2 Nonvolatile semiconductor memory device and method of manufacturing the same
A memory string comprises: a pair of columnar portions; a first insulating layer surrounding a side surface of the columnar portions; a charge storage layer surrounding a side surface of the first insulating layer; a second insulating layer surrounding a side surface of the charge storage layer; and a first conductive layer surrounding a side surface of the second insulating layer. A select transistor comprises: a second semiconductor layer extending from an upper surface of the columnar portions; a third insulating layer surrounding a side surface of the second semiconductor layer; a fourth insulating layer surrounding a side surface of the third insulating layer; and a second conductive layer surrounding a side surface of the fourth insulating layer. The first semiconductor layer is formed continuously in an integrated manner with the second semiconductor layer. The first insulating layer is formed continuously in an integrated manner with the third insulating layer.
US08247862B2 Method of enhancing charge storage in an E2PROM cell
A method is provided for enhancing charge storage in an E2PROM cell structure that includes a read transistor having spaced apart source an drain diffusion regions formed in a semiconductor substrate to define a substrate channel region therebetween, a conductive charge storage element formed over the substrate channel region and separated therefrom by gate dielectric material, a conductive control gate that is separated from the charge storage element by intervening dielectric material, and a conductive heating element disposed in proximity to the charge storage element. The method comprises performing a programming operation that causes charge to be placed on the charge storage element and, during the programming operation, heating the heating element to a temperature such that heat is provided to the charge storage element.
US08247861B2 Semiconductor device and method of making same
A semiconductor device and method of making a semiconductor device are disclosed. A semiconductor body, a floating gate poly and a source/drain region are provided. A metal interconnect region with a control gate node is provided that capacitively couples to the floating gate poly.
US08247854B2 CMOS image sensor
Disclosed is a CMOS image sensor and a manufacturing method thereof. According to an aspect of the present invention, each pixel of CMOS image sensor includes a photo detector that includes an electon Collection layer doped with a concentration of 5×1015/cm3 to 2×1016/cm3; and a transfer transistor that is connected to the photo detector and is formed of a vertical type trench gate of which the equivalent oxide thickness is 120 Å or more.
US08247853B2 Stratified photodiode for high resolution CMOS image sensor implemented with STI technology
A stratified photodiode for high resolution CMOS image sensors implemented with STI technology is provided. The photodiode includes a semi-conductive layer of a first conductivity type, multiple doping regions of a second conductivity type, multiple doping regions of the first conductivity type, and a pinning layer. The multiple doping regions of the second conductivity type are formed to different depths in the semi-conductive layer. The multiple doping regions of the first conductivity type are disposed between the multiple doping regions of the second conductivity type and form multiple junction capacitances without full depletion. In particular, the stratified doping arrangement allows the photodiode to have a small size, high charge storage capacity, low dark current, and low operation voltages.
US08247849B2 Two-transistor pixel array
A two-transistor (2T) pixel comprises a chemically-sensitive transistor (ChemFET) and a selection device which is a non-chemically sensitive transistor. A plurality of the 2T pixels may form an array, having a number of rows and a number of columns. The ChemFET can be configured in a source follower or common source readout mode. Both the ChemFET and the non-chemically sensitive transistor can be NMOS or PMOS device.
US08247848B2 Imaging device by buried photodiode structure
An n-type region as a charge storage region of a photodiode is buried in a substrate. The interface between silicon and a silicon oxide film is covered with a high concentration p-layer and a lower concentration p-layer is formed only in the portion immediately below a floating electrode for signal extraction. Electrons generated by light are stored in the charge storage region, thereby changing the potential of the portion of the p-layer at the surface of the semiconductor region. The change is transmitted through a thin insulating film to the floating electrode by capacitive coupling and read out by a buffer transistor. Initialization of charges is executed by adding a positive high voltage to the gate electrode of a first transfer transistor such that the electrons stored in the charge storage region are transferred to the n+ region and generation of reset noise is protected.
US08247847B2 Solid-state imaging device and manufacturing method therefor
A solid-state imaging device including a first transfer electrode portion and a second transfer electrode portion having a pattern area ratio higher than that of the first transfer electrode portion. The first transfer electrode portion includes a plurality of first transfer electrodes having a single-layer structure of metal material. The second transfer electrode portion includes a plurality of second transfer electrodes having a single-layer structure of polycrystalline silicon or amorphous silicon.
US08247846B2 Oversized contacts and vias in semiconductor chip defined by linearly constrained topology
A rectangular-shaped interlevel connection structure is defined to electrically connect a first structure in a first chip level with a second structure in a second chip level. The rectangular-shaped interlevel connection structure is defined by an as-drawn cross-section having at least one dimension larger than a corresponding dimension of either the first structure, the second structure, or both the first and second structures. A dimension of the rectangular-shaped interlevel connection structure can exceed a normal maximum size in one direction in exchange for a reduced size in another direction. The rectangular-shaped interlevel connection structure can be placed in accordance with a gridpoint of a virtual grid defined by two perpendicular sets of virtual lines. Also, the first and/or second structures can be spatially oriented and/or placed in accordance with one or both of the two perpendicular sets of virtual lines.
US08247844B2 Semiconductor device and manufacturing method thereof
An isolation layer for suppressing a leakage current is provided at least between a channel layer and a buffer layer formed under the channel layer in the buffer layer.
US08247836B2 Nickel tin bonding system with barrier layer for semiconductor wafers and devices
A light emitting diode structure is disclosed that includes a light emitting active portion formed of epitaxial layers and carrier substrate supporting the active portion. A bonding metal system that predominates in nickel and tin joins the active portion to the carrier substrate. At least one titanium adhesion layer is between the active portion and the carrier substrate and a platinum barrier layer is between the nickel-tin bonding system and the titanium adhesion layer. The platinum layer has a thickness sufficient to substantially prevent tin in the nickel tin bonding system from migrating into or through the titanium adhesion layer.
US08247835B2 LED package with top and bottom electrodes
An LED package with an extended top electrode and an extended bottom electrode is made from a single metal sheet, one manufacturing process embodiment includes: preparing a piece of single metal sheet, forming a first metal and a coplanar second metal, mounting an LED on an inner end of the first metal, wire-bonding top electrode to an inner end of the second metal, encapsulating at least the LED and the bonding wire with a protection glue, bending an outer end of the first metal upward twice 90 degrees to form a top flat as an extended top electrode of the package, and bending an outer end of the second metal downward twice 90 degrees to form a bottom flat as an extended bottom electrode of the package.
US08247834B2 Light-emitting diode chip for backlight unit, manufacturing method thereof, and liquid crystal display device including the same
A light-emitting diode includes a substrate, a buffer layer on the substrate, a first semiconductor layer on the buffer layer, a light-emitting layer on the first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer on the light-emitting layer, wherein the first semiconductor layer is partially exposed through the second semiconductor layer and the light-emitting layer, a first electrode on the exposed first semiconductor layer, and a second electrode on the second semiconductor layer, the second electrode having a grid shape.
US08247833B2 LED package and manufacturing method thereof
An LED package includes a base, an LED chip, and an encapsulant. The LED chip is mounted on the base, and is enclosed by the encapsulant. The base includes a substrate and a blocking wall integrally formed with the substrate. The blocking wall divides a surface of the substrate into a first bonding area and a second bonding area. An electrically conductive layer and a solder are formed on the bonding area in sequence. The blocking wall can block the first and second solder to overflow outside the first and second bonding area at soldering respectively. A method for manufacturing the LED package is also provided.
US08247831B2 Side emitting device with wavelength conversion
A side-emitting light emitting device (100) is provided, comprising a substrate (101), a reflector (102) arranged spaced apart from said substrate (101) and extending along the extension of said substrate, and at least one light emitting diode (103) arranged on said substrate and facing said reflector, said substrate (101) and reflector (102) delimiting a wave guiding region (104) for light emitted by said at least one light emitting diode (103). Further, a wavelength converting material (105) is arranged at the lateral edge of said wave guiding region (104). The invention provides a compact side emitter with controlled color emission.
US08247828B2 Illumination device, particularly with luminescent ceramics
An illumination device includes an active layer, such as a blue LED, covered with a first luminescent ceramic converter layer and partially covered with a second luminescent ceramic converter layer. The first and second conversion layers convert primary photons emitted by the active layer into photons of different, longer wavelengths. The color point of the illumination device can be adjusted by adjusting the relative size of the second conversion layer.
US08247827B2 LED phosphor deposition
LED phosphor deposition for use with LEDs. In an aspect, a method is provided for forming an encapsulation. The method includes determining a geometric shape for the encapsulation, selecting a dam material, applying the dam material to a substrate to form a boundary defining a region having the geometric shape, and filling the region with encapsulation material to form the encapsulation. In another aspect, an LED apparatus is provided that includes at least one LED chip and an encapsulation disposed on the at least one LED chip. The encapsulation is formed by determining a geometric shape for the encapsulation, selecting a dam material, applying the dam material to a substrate to form a boundary defining a region having the geometric shape, and filling the region with encapsulation material to form the encapsulation.
US08247820B2 Utilizing gradient refractive index films for light extraction and distribution control in OLED
The present invention relates to an electro-optical device, wherein the device is a light source, for example an OLED. The OLED includes at least a substrate, a cathode, an anode, one or more organic light-emissive materials disposed between the cathode and anode, and a gradient refractive index film disposed on an external, light emitting surface of the device, for example on the substrate layer. Alternatively, the device may be constructed with the gradient refractive index film as the substrate, and/or the gradient refractive index film may be applied to more than one light-emitting surface of a device.
US08247817B2 Liquid crystal display device
In a bottom-gate-type thin film transistor used in a liquid crystal display device in which a poly-Si layer and an a-Si layer are stacked, a quantity of an ON current which flows in the thin film transistor can be increased. A poly-Si layer and an a-Si layer are stacked on a gate electrode as an active layer by way of a gate insulation film therebetween in order of the poly-Si layer and the a-Si layer. An n+Si layer and a source/drain layer are formed on the a-Si layer thus forming a thin film transistor. A forward current which flows in the thin film transistor mainly flows in the poly-Si layer. To decrease contact resistance against the forward current between the poly-Si layer and the n+Si layer, an edge portion of the a-Si layer and an edge portion of the poly-Si layer assume a concavo-convex shape thus particularly increasing a contact area between the poly-Si layer and the n+Si layer whereby the contact resistance against the forward current can be decreased leading to the increase of a quantity of an ON current.
US08247812B2 Transistor, semiconductor device including the transistor, and manufacturing method of the transistor and the semiconductor device
An object is to suppress deterioration in electric characteristics in a transistor including an oxide semiconductor layer or a semiconductor device including the transistor. In a transistor in which a channel layer is formed using an oxide semiconductor, a silicon layer is provided in contact with a surface of the oxide semiconductor layer, an impurity semiconductor layer is provided over the silicon layer, and a source electrode layer and a drain electrode layer are provided to be electrically connected to the impurity semiconductor layer.
US08247811B2 Thin-film transistor and display device
A thin-film transistor includes: a gate electrode formed on a substrate; an oxide semiconductor layer forming a channel region corresponding to the gate electrode; a first gate insulating film formed on the substrate and the gate electrode, and including a silicon nitride film; a second gate insulating film selectively formed to contact with the oxide semiconductor layer in a region, on the first gate insulating film, corresponding to the oxide semiconductor layer, and including one of a silicon oxide film and a silicon oxynitride film; a source/drain electrode; and a protecting film. An upper surface and a side surface of the oxide semiconductor layer and a side surface of the second gate insulating film are covered, on the first gate insulating film, by the source/drain electrode and the protecting film.
US08247809B2 Organic light emitting diode display
An organic light emitting diode (OLED) display comprises: a substrate; a display unit formed on the substrate and including an organic light emitting element; an interception layer positioned at the outside of the display unit on the substrate; and a thin film encapsulation layer which is formed with a stacked film of an inorganic film and an organic film, which has an end portion contacting the interception layer, and which covers the entire display unit and at least a part of the interception layer.
US08247796B2 Semiconductor device
A semiconductor device includes a substrate, a superlattice buffer layer that is formed on the substrate and is composed of first AlxGa1-xN layers and second AlxGa1-xN layers having an Al composition greater than that of the first AlxGa1-xN layers, the first and second AlxGa1-xN layers being alternately stacked one by one, both the Al compositions of the first and second AlxGa1-xN layers being greater than 0.3, and a difference in Al composition between the first and second AlxGa1-xN layers being greater than 0 and smaller than 0.6.
US08247793B2 ZnO-based thin film and ZnO-based semiconductor element
Provided are a ZnO-based thin film and a ZnO-based semiconductor device which allow: reduction in a burden on a manufacturing apparatus; improvement of controllability and reproducibility of doping; and obtaining p-type conduction without changing a crystalline structure. In order to be formed into a p-type ZnO-based thin film, a ZnO-based thin film is formed by employing as a basic structure a superlattice structure of a MgZnO/ZnO super lattice layer 3. This superlattice component is formed with a laminated structure which includes acceptor-doped MgZnO layers 3b and acceptor-doped ZnO layers 3a. Hence, it is possible to improve controllability and reproducibility of the doping, and to prevent a change in a crystalline structure due to a doping material.
US08247790B2 White light emitting device
A light emitting device (LED) may include a first semiconductor layer; an active layer formed on the first semiconductor layer and configured to generate first light having a first wavelength; a second semiconductor layer, formed on the active layer; and a plurality of semiconductor nano-structures arranged apart from each other and formed on the second semiconductor layer. The nano-structures may be configured to at least partially absorb the first light and emit second light having a second wavelength different from the first wavelength.
US08247781B2 Fabrication of a high performance neutron detector with near zero gamma cross talk
A fabrication method is provided for making a high efficiency neutron detector using a scintillator medium coupled with fiber optic light guides. The light guides provide light pulses to photo sensor and thereby to high speed analog to digital conversion and digital electronics that perform digital pulse shape discrimination for near zero gamma cross talk. Optionally, microwave curing techniques are used for fabricating a high performance neutron detector with high reliability and homogenous distribution of the particles encapsulated in a polymer to produce a high performance neutron detector.
US08247780B2 High density, proportional-mode, APD arrays for individual scintillator readout in PET applications
The present invention is a photodetector including improved photosensors configured of an array of small (sub-millimeter) high-density avalanche photodiode cells utilized to readout a single scintillator. Each photosensor comprises a plurality of avalanche photodiodes cells arranged in an (n×n) array of avalanche photodiode cells (where, n>1) that are coupled to a single scintillation crystal. The overall (n×n) array area as the photosensor is the same as the area of a face of the scintillator and each avalanche photodiode cell has a surface area that is not greater than one square millimeter. The photosensor is also configured to facilitate reading the output of each avalanche photodiode cell in the array. By reading out each small avalanche photodiode cell independently, the noise and capacitance are minimized and thereby provide a more accurate determination of energy and timing.
US08247778B2 Scintillator arrays and methods of making the same
A scintillator array and method for making the same are provided. The array comprises a bi-layer reflector further comprising a conformal smoothing layer and a mirror layer. The bi-layer reflector does not comprise an intervening reducing agent or adhesion layer and/or comprises aluminum. Further, the mirror layer may be deposited via gas phase metallization, allowing application to tightly confined spaces. A detector array comprising the scintillator array is also provided.
US08247777B2 Scintillator operation and control
A method and system for reducing scintillator afterglow. Methods for reducing afterglow include conditioning a scintillator by exposing it to high flux densities of ionizing radiation. One technique includes operating an x-ray tube at elevated amperage.
US08247776B2 Device and method for detecting orientation of radioactive material
Disclosed is a device for detecting orientation of a radioactive material to determine presence and position of the radioactive material, comprising: at least one first radiation detector; at least one second radiation detector, each of said at least one second radiation detector and each of said at least one first radiation detector being arranged side by side and in pairs, detection surfaces of said first and second radiation detector being in the same plane to receive radiation from the same direction in the same manner and to generate a first detection signal and a second detection signal, respectively; a shielding plate, said shielding plate being arranged between said first radiation detector and said second radiation detector arranged in a pair and extending forward beyond said detection surfaces; and a determination device for receiving the first and second detection signals from said first and second radiation detector, and determining whether a radioactive material exists or not according to said first and second detection signals and simultaneously determining the orientation of the radioactive material according to the difference between said first detection signal and said second detection signal. Also disclosed is a method for detecting orientation of a radioactive material.
US08247759B2 Projector apparatus having a light leakage section
A projector apparatus includes: a case; a light source which is provided in the case and emits light by supply of power; an opening provided in the case; an image projection unit that generates image projection light from light of the light source and emits the image projection light through the opening in order to project an image onto a screen; a shutter which is moved to a block position at which the opening provided in the case is blocked or to an open position at which the opening is opened; and a light leakage section which provides notification that the power is being supplied to the light source by allowing some light beams of the light source or some light beams of the image projection unit to leak to the outside of the case in a state where the shutter is located at the block position.
US08247756B1 Bi-directional data and signal channels in optical interconnects
In one embodiment, the present teachings provide for an efficient means to implement bidirectional data and signal channels in optical interconnects. Each optical interconnect channel may include two pairs of emitters and detectors that are imaged onto each other. Many such bidirectional optical channels may be simultaneously interconnected in dense two-dimensional arrays. The send or receive state of each bidirectional optical channel may be directly set in some embodiments by an electronic control signal. In other bidirectional optical channel embodiments, the send/receive state may be controlled locally and autonomously as derived from the output of the local detector.
US08247749B2 Application of electric induction energy for manufacture of irregularly shaped shafts with cylindrical components including non-unitarily forged crankshafts and camshafts
Large, non-unitarily forged shaft workpieces such as a crankshaft have successive shaft features inductively heated and forged without cool down between each sectional forging process. The temperature profile along the axial length of the next section of the shaft workpiece to be inductively heated and forged is measured prior to heating, and the induced heat energy along the axial length of the next section is dynamically adjusted responsive to the measured temperature profile to achieve a required pre-forge temperature distribution along the axial length of the next section prior to forging.
US08247747B2 Plasticating barrel with integrated exterior heater layer
A plasticating barrel is provided with a primary heating system having at least one laminated ceramic heater, where the ceramic heater has an electrical insulating layer interposed between the ceramic heater layer and an outer wall of the barrel, and the longitudinal length of the ceramic heater is arranged over a portion of the barrel length. A secondary heating system may also be provided and overlaps, at least in part, the primary heating system.
US08247746B2 Connector for heater
A connector for incorporation into a heater system for inlet struts includes a body having a tapered forward end and an opposite rear end. A plurality of forward electrical terminals are formed on the outer surface of the tapered end. A plurality of rearward electrical terminals are formed on the rear end of the body. The rearward electrical terminals are in electrical connection with the forward electrical terminals. The forward electrical terminals on the tapered end are in electrical contact with a plurality of electrical contacts connected to heating elements formed in a heating mat. The heating mat entirely envelops the connector. The heater mat is formed within a substantially rigid outer shell.
US08247745B2 Temperature sensor for a food holding cabinet
The temperature of shelves used in a food holding cabinet are measured using a transistor. The voltage across a PN junction being known to be temperature dependent, the shelf temperature can be inferred from a calculated temperature of a PN junction of a transistor thermally coupled to a heated or refrigerated shelf. No calibration of the measurement device is required since the PN junction voltage, current and temperature relationship is well known.
US08247743B2 Cooking appliance having a broiling element with loops of non-uniform length
An electric resistance heating element for an oven is provided. The electric resistance heating element includes a sinuous-shaped element having a front side flank portion and a front side flank portion and at least one front side interior portion. The at least one front side interior portion is disposed intermediate the front side flank portion and the front side flank portion as viewed in a width direction perpendicular to the depth direction of the oven from the front of the oven to the rear of the oven and the front side flank portion and the front side flank portion each being located closer to the front of the oven than the at least one front side interior portion.
US08247734B2 Laser beam machining method
A laser processing method which can accurately cut an object to be processed along a line to cut is provided. A modified region 7 formed by multiphoton absorption forms a cutting start region 8 within an object to be processed 1 along a line 5 along which the object is intended to be cut. Thereafter, the object 1 is irradiated with laser light L2 transmittable through an unmodified region of the object 1, so as to generate fractures 24 from the cutting start region 8 acting as a start point, whereby the object 1 can accurately be cut along the line 5 along which the object is intended to be cut. Expanding an expandable film 19 having the object 1 secured thereto separates individual chips 25 from each other, which can further improve the reliability in cutting the object 1 along the line 5 along which the object is intended to be cut.
US08247731B2 Laser scribing and machining of materials
Disclosed are systems and methods for directing laser energy to surfaces of materials via elements which have sharp points, and for reducing the adverse effects of particles which become dislodged by scribing and laser machining of materials.
US08247730B2 Method and apparatus for frit sealing with a variable laser beam
A beam shaper is implemented to seal an OLED. The beam shaper comprises a first and second lens and a beam shaper. Changing the relative position of the first, second lens and beam shaper relative to each other enables the beam shaper to generate laser beams with different shapes and intensity profiles.
US08247727B2 Arc chamber employing a number of gassing inserts to form a number of gas flow circulation paths and electrical switching apparatus including the same
An electrical switching apparatus includes separable contacts, an operating mechanism structured to open and close the separable contacts, and an arc chamber. The arc chamber includes a slot motor having a core and a housing with an opening therein, an arc chute, and a number of gassing inserts disposed in the opening of the housing. The number of gassing inserts and the housing are structured to form a number of gas flow circulation paths. The number of gas flow circulation paths are structured to drive an arc into the arc chute.
US08247724B2 Chutes for sorting and inspection apparatus
A chute for inspection and sorting apparatus has first and second flat sections, with the lower end of the first section being disposed over the second section to form a step from which product falls onto the second section. Additional sections may be included. In one variant a third channeled section is included, with the lower end of the second section being disposed over the third section forming a second step from which product falls onto the third section.
US08247715B2 Circuit breaker
A circuit breaker, comprising a locking device, a secondary cover and a tripbar operatively associated with the locking device. The locking device comprises a lock assembly and a piston assembly operatively coupled with the lock assembly. A through hole for the lock assembly is provided in the secondary cover. The lock assembly has a locked position and an unlocked position, and the piston assembly has a work position and a rest position respectively corresponding to the locked and unlocked positions. The piston assembly is configured to prevent the tripbar from moving to a relatch position when it is in the work position, such that the circuit breaker cannot be turned on. The locking device is configured to be installed on the circuit breaker through the through hole.
US08247712B2 Coordinate input device
A coordinate inputting device includes an X+ electrode having a plurality of X+ branch patterns extending from one side to the other side in the X direction, an X− electrode having a plurality of X− branch patterns extending from one side to the other side in the X direction, a Y+ electrode having a plurality of Y+ branch patterns extending from one side to another side in the Y direction, and a Y− electrode having a plurality of Y− branch patterns extending from one side to the other side in the Y direction. An X, Y coordinate position of an object is detected from, respectively, the difference between the floating capacitances of the X+ electrode and X− electrode, and the difference between the floating capacitances of Y+ electrode and Y− electrode, which change according to the surface area of the electrodes in proximity to the object to be detected.
US08247709B2 Method of making a replaceable knockout part in a metal panel and systems thereof
A product according to one embodiment includes a metal panel having a main portion and a knockout portion formed therein, the knockout portion being coupled to the main portion by at least one web of metal contiguous to both the knockout portion and the main portion, the at least one web allowing detachment of the knockout portion from the main portion, wherein the knockout portion includes at least one member insertable in one or more apertures in the main portion for allowing re-coupling the knockout portion to the main portion after detachment therefrom.
US08247704B2 Motherboard interconnection device
A motherboard interconnection device includes a top layer, a bottom layer, a first and a third electronic elements positioned on the top layer, and a second and a fourth electronic elements positioned on the bottom layer. A first end of the first electronic element on the top layer is connected to the first end of the second electronic element on the bottom layer with a first via hole, and the first end of the third electronic element on the top layer is connected to the first end of the fourth electronic element on the bottom layer with a second via hole. The second ends of the two electronic elements on the top layer are connected to a first part, and the second ends of the two electronic elements on the bottom layer are connected to a second part.
US08247698B2 Electronic device and latching mechanism thereof
An exemplary electronic device includes a circuit board defining apertures therein, an electronic component arranged on the circuit board and surrounded by the apertures, a heat spreader arranged on the electronic component, and a latching mechanism fixing the heat spreader to the electronic component. The latching mechanism includes latching arms extending outwards from the heat spreader and elastic poles. Each latching arm defines a latching hole aligned with one of the apertures of the circuit board. The poles respectively extend through the apertures and the latching holes in turn. Each pole includes a main body engaged in the corresponding latching hole and a head resiliently abutting against the latching arm.
US08247697B2 Anisotropic conductive film, joined structure and method for producing the joined structure
Provided is an anisotropic conductive film having enhanced adhesion strength to a circuit member and attaining high conduction reliability; a joined structure; and a method for producing the joined structure. The conductive film electrically connects a first circuit member with a second circuit member having a nitrogen atom containing film on a surface thereof facing the first circuit member, the conductive film including a first layer which is to be located at a first circuit member side, and a second layer which is to be located at a second circuit member side, wherein the first layer comprises a cationic curing agent and a first thermosetting resin, and the second layer comprises a radical curing agent and a second thermosetting resin, and wherein at least one of the first and second layers comprises conductive particles, and the difference in maximum exothermic peak temperature between the first and second layers is within the range up to 20° C.
US08247696B2 Cross-linking agent
A crosslinkable polymer composition of an unsaturated polyolefin having a total amount of carbon-carbon double bonds/1000 carbon atoms of at least 0.38, and at least one crosslinking agent being a carbon-carbon initiator that is free of peroxide groups and capable of thermally decomposing into carbon-based free radicals by breaking at least one carbon-carbon single bond, such as 3,4-dimethyl-3,4-diphenylhexane.
US08247694B2 Protector structure for electric power feeding apparatus
A curved wall portion along which a wiring harness is bendably extended has a foreign-matter-escape side opening, at one wall continuing to a top opening of an upward guiding cylinder of a protector. A foreign-matter-escape side opening on the other wall of the cylinder proximate to the opening is opposed to the curved wall portion. A projection on the other wall in the guiding cylinder and below the side opening of the wall has an upwardly sloping surface continuing thereto. A projection in the guiding cylinder is above the side opening of the other wall, traversing the cylinder. The protector includes one separate protector member and the other separate protector member, the former having a projection extending toward the latter to cover a joining area thereof.
US08247693B2 Magnetic light switch cover plate
A light switch cover plate with small but powerful neodymium (NIB) magnets, or other forms or types of strong magnets, located on the back or just beneath the surface of the cover. The magnets may be located 1 to 2 inches below the openings for the light switch, although other locations are possible. A user may easily and conveniently place common items such as keys, pocketknives, sunglasses, and the like, on the cover plate merely by touching them to the lower portion in the vicinity of the magnets.
US08247689B2 Ruthenium complex and photoelectric component using the same
The present invention relates to a ruthenium complex and a photoelectric component using the same, and the ruthenium complex is represented by the following formula (I): RuL2(NCS)2Am  (I) wherein L, A and m are defined the same as the specification. The ruthenium complex of the present invention is suitable for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). Hence, the photoelectric characteristics of the DSSC manufactured with the ruthenium complex of the present invention can be improved.
US08247688B2 Fiber photovoltaic devices and methods for production thereof
In various embodiments, fiber photovoltaic devices are described in the present disclosure. The fiber photovoltaic devices include an optical filament, a first electrode coating the optical filament, a continuous semiconductive layer deposited above the first electrode layer, and a second electrode layer deposited above the continuous semiconductive layer. The first electrode layer is at least partially transparent to electromagnetic radiation. The continuous semiconductive layer is in electrical contact with the first electrode layer. The continuous semiconductive layer absorbs electromagnetic radiation and turns the electromagnetic radiation into an electrical signal. The continuous semiconductive layer includes at least two semiconductive materials that are substantially unmixed and are located in separate regions along the longitudinal axis of the fiber photovoltaic device. The second electrode layer is in electrical contact with the continuous semiconductive layer. In various embodiments, photovoltaic collectors including a plurality of the fiber photovoltaic devices are described. In various embodiments, methods for production of fiber photovoltaic devices by a dip coating technique are described.
US08247687B2 Photoelectric conversion element and solar cell
Provided are a newly developed dye-sensitizing type photoelectric conversion element employing a highly durable sensitizing dye, exhibiting high photoelectric conversion efficiency, and a solar cell fitted with the photoelectric conversion element. Also disclosed is a photoelectric conversion element comprising a compound represented by Formula (1) between a pair of facing electrodes.
US08247684B2 Solar cell and method for fabricating the same
A solar cell includes a graphite substrate, an amorphous carbon layer having a thickness of not less than 20 nm and not more than 60 nm formed on the graphite substrate, an AlN layer formed on the amorphous carbon layer, a n-type nitride semiconductor layer formed on the AlN layer; a light-absorption layer including a nitride semiconductor layer formed on the n-type nitride semiconductor layer; a p-type nitride semiconductor layer formed on the light-absorption layer; a p-side electrode electrically connected to the p-type nitride semiconductor layer; and an n-side electrode electrically connected to the n-type nitride semiconductor layer. The amorphous carbon layer is obtained by oxidizing the surface of the graphite substrate.
US08247682B2 Metallic gridlines as front contacts of a cadmium telluride based thin film photovoltaic device
Cadmium telluride based thin film photovoltaic devices are generally described. The device can include a transparent conductive oxide layer on a substrate. A plurality of metal gridlines can directly contact the transparent conductive oxide layer, and can be oriented in a first direction. A cadmium sulfide layer can be included on the transparent conductive oxide layer, and a cadmium telluride layer can be included on the cadmium sulfide layer. A plurality of scribe lines can be defined through the thickness of the cadmium sulfide layer and the cadmium telluride layer to define a plurality of photovoltaic cells such that the plurality of scribe lines are oriented in a second direction that intersects with the first direction.
US08247677B2 Multi-channel data sonification system with partitioned timbre spaces and modulation techniques
A data sonification system for representing a plurality of channels of numerical information is described. The data sonification system includes a plurality of audio waveform generator elements. Each of the audio waveform generator elements generates an associated audio frequency waveform. Each audio frequency waveform has an audio frequency parameter and at least one timbre modulation parameter having a settable value. The timbre modulation parameter affects the timbre of the audio waveform. The data sonification system includes a mapping element for associating aspects of multidimensional numerical data with the timbre modulation parameter of each audio frequency waveform. The mapping element sets the value of the timbre modulation parameter in response to multidimensional numerical data.
US08247672B2 Piano muffler system and method of installation
A muffler mechanism that reduces the volume of an acoustic piano without altering the feel of the piano to a human pianist. One embodiment includes a highly configurable piano muffler kit that may be mounted into pianos of various models. The muffler mechanism includes a cushioning member, which muffles the sound of the hammer striking the string and reduces the volume of the sound made by the string's vibration. The muffler mechanism also includes shims that may be used to position the cushioning member between a hammer let-off position and the string. This may allow for muffled piano playing without a noticeable change in the resistance of the keys. The muffler mechanism is mounted using brackets with a relatively small footprint. This allows the piano muffler to be installed without removing all of the dampers.
US08247670B1 Maize variety hybrid X03A188
A novel maize variety designated X03A188 and seed, plants and plant parts thereof, produced by crossing Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. proprietary inbred maize varieties. Methods for producing a maize plant that comprises crossing hybrid maize variety X03A188 with another maize plant. Methods for producing a maize plant containing in its genetic material one or more traits introgressed into X03A188 through backcross conversion and/or transformation, and to the maize seed, plant and plant part produced thereby. This invention relates to the maize variety X03A188, the seed, the plant produced from the seed, and variants, mutants, and minor modifications of maize variety X03A188. This invention further relates to methods for producing maize varieties derived from maize variety X03A188.
US08247669B1 Inbred maize variety PH12KB
A novel maize variety designated PH12KB and seed, plants and plant parts thereof. Methods for producing a maize plant that comprise crossing maize variety PH12KB with another maize plant. Methods for producing a maize plant containing in its genetic material one or more traits introgressed into PH12KB through backcross conversion and/or transformation, and to the maize seed, plant and plant part produced thereby. Hybrid maize seed, plant or plant part produced by crossing the variety PH12KB or a locus conversion of PH12KB with another maize variety.
US08247665B2 Plants and seeds of corn variety CV516216
According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV516216. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV516216, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV516216 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV516216 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV516216.
US08247657B1 Soybean cultivar 04RM148034
The present invention is in the field of soybean cultivar 04RM148034 breeding and development. The present invention particularly relates to the soybean cultivar 04RM148034 and its progeny, and methods of making 04RM148034.
US08247656B2 Cucumber hybrid darlington and parents thereof
The invention provides seed and plants of cucumber hybrid Darlington and the parent lines thereof. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of cucumber hybrid Darlington and the parent lines thereof, and to methods for producing a cucumber plant produced by crossing such plants with themselves or with another cucumber plant, such as a plant of another genotype. The invention further relates to seeds and plants produced by such crossing. The invention further relates to parts of such plants, including the fruit and gametes of such plants.
US08247650B2 Genes for enhancing nitrogen utilization efficiency in crop plants
The invention provides isolated NUE (nitrogen utilization efficiency) nucleic acids and their encoded proteins. The present invention provides methods and compositions relating to altering nitrogen utilization and/or uptake in plants. The invention further provides recombinant expression cassettes, host cells and transgenic plants.
US08247649B2 Root-preferred regulatory elements
The present invention provides compositions and methods for regulating expression of heterologous nucleotide sequences in a plant. Compositions are novel nucleotide sequences for a root-preferred promoter and terminator isolated from the maize MSY coding region. A method for expressing a heterologous nucleotide sequence in a plant using the regulatory sequences disclosed herein is provided. The method comprises transforming a plant cell to comprise a heterologous nucleotide sequence operably linked to one or more of the regulatory sequences of the present invention and regenerating a stably transformed plant from the transformed plant cell.
US08247647B2 Transgenic plants expressing CIVPS or intein modified proteins and related method
Transgenic plants that express CIVPS or intein modified proteins, compositions of matter comprising them, products of diverse applications made from the transgenic plants, methods to construct the transgenic plants containing CIVPS or intein modified genes, methods to express CIVPS or intein modified proteins in plants, and methods of using the transgenic plants.
US08247641B2 Absorbent products and methods of preparation thereof
An improved absorbency material for absorbency applications comprised of a cellulosic fibrous material wherein said cellulosic fibrous material such as pulp is a cold alkali solution treated material at a treatment temperature of less than about 50° C.; a process for improving absorbency and other characteristics of said pulp.
US08247639B2 Absorbent article
An absorbent article 1 has an extensible absorbent member 4 and is extensible as a whole. The absorbent member 4 has three-dimensionally dispersed therein a large number of small absorbent clusters 10a or 10b containing a superabsorbent polymer 11 and fibers 12, 13, 14. The small clusters 10a or 10b are dispersively arranged in a web containing crimped fibers. The small clusters include those composed of a superabsorbent polymer particle 11 and a large number of fibers 12 adhered to the particle 11 and those composed of a helically crimped fiber 13, a superabsorbent polymer particle 11, and fibers 14, the polymer particle 11 and the fibers 14 being taken into the helix of the crimped fiber 13.
US08247638B2 Absorbent article saturation indication system and method
An absorbent article includes an absorbent body in contact with a moisture activatable shrinking yarn in the form of a metering string. The metering string includes a hanging portion that is at least initially visible to a user when the absorbent article is in use. By observing the change in length of the hanging portion, a user wearing the absorbent article can determine how saturated the absorbent article has become. The metering string may be used with absorbent articles such as tampons and diapers.
US08247634B2 Expansion units for attachment to custom patterned wound dressings and custom patterned wound dressings adapted to interface with same
A custom fabricated (e.g. custom shaped and dimensioned) primary wound dressing part that matches a corresponding, pre-mapped integumentary wound is combined with dressing extension parts to form a composite wound dressing system. The primary wound dressing part may include one or more liquid flow barriers composed for example of a hydrophobic and high viscosity liquid embedded in a layer of the primary wound dressing part. The dressing extension parts may include interconnect portals for operatively interconnecting with the primary wound dressing part so that liquids may be securely moved between primary wound dressing part and the extension parts.
US08247629B2 Monoalkylated aromatic compound production
A process for producing a monoalkylated aromatic compound in an alkylation reaction zone, said process comprising the steps of: (a) providing a first catalytic particulate material having a ratio of surface area over volume ratio greater than about 79 cm−1, (b) providing said alkylation reaction zone with an alkylatable aromatic compound, an alkylating agent, and said first catalytic particulate material; and (c) contacting said alkylatable aromatic compound and said alkylating agent with said catalytic particulate material in said alkylation reaction zone maintained under alkylation conditions, to form a product comprised of said monoalkylated aromatic compound and polyalkylated aromatic compound(s). The molar ratio of said polyalkylated aromatic compound(s) over said monoalkylated aromatic compound produced by said first catalytic particulate material is less than the molar ratio of polyalkylated aromatic compound(s) over monoalkylated aromatic compound produced by a second catalytic particulate material and said alkylation reaction zone is operated under the same alkylation conditions, wherein at least 51 wt. % of said second catalytic particulate material having a ratio of surface area over volume between 78 and 79 cm−1.
US08247626B2 Method for purifying tetrafluoroethylene
To provide a method for purifying tetrafluoroethylene by removing, from tetrafluoroethylene containing a polymerization inhibitor, the polymerization inhibitor by adsorption.A method of bringing tetrafluoroethylene containing a polymerization inhibitor into contact with a silica gel containing a metal salt in an amount of from 250 to 100,000 mass ppm as calculated as metal atoms to remove the polymerization inhibitor by adsorption, and the metal salt is preferably a salt of a metal of Group 3 to 13 of the Periodic Table, more preferably a salt of a metal of Group 8 to 10 of the Periodic Table. For example, as the metal salt, a salt of at least one metal selected from the group consisting of iron, cobalt, nickel, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum may be used.
US08247625B2 Catalytic addition of hydrofluorocarbons to fluoroolefins
A process is disclosed for making RR1R2CCR1R2F wherein R is selected from the group consisting of CH3, CH2F, C2H4F, and F(CF2)nCH2CH2 where n is an integer from 1 to 10, each R1 is independently selected from the group consisting of H, Cl, F and CF3, and each R2 is independently selected from the group consisting of H, F and CF3. The process involves reacting RF with R1R2C═CR1R2 in the presence of SbF5 to produce a product mixture comprising RR1R2CCR1R2F, wherein the reaction temperature is from about −60° C. to about −10° C., provided that total number of carbon atoms in R1R2C═CR1R2 is 5 or less.
US08247624B2 Process for producing fluoropropenes
Dehydrohalogenation processes for the preparation of fluoropropenes from corresponding halopropanes, in which the fluoropropenes have the formula CF3CY═CXNHP, wherein X and Y are independently hydrogen or a halogen selected from fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine; and N and P are independently integers equal to 0, 1 or 2, provided that (N+P)=2.
US08247620B2 Production of highly pure hydroquinone
A process for preparing highly pure hydroquinone freed of the impurities resulting from the production thereof includes at least the following steps: a) the crude hydroquinone in a liquid form and comprising at least resorcin and pyrogallol as impurities is subjected to a controlled cooling ensuring the crystallization of pure hydroquinone, b) the pure hydroquinone crystals are separated from the mother liquors, c) heating and partial melting thereof is next is carried out, d) the purified hydroquinone is then completely melted, and e) the purified hydroquinone is recovered.
US08247616B1 Method for the decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide
A method of producing phenol, acetone and alpha-methyl styrene. A mixture of cumene hydroperoxide and dimethylbenzyl alcohol is provided. The mixture is subjected to a first stage reaction in the presence of about 0.5 to 1.5 wt. % water and about 20 to 400 ppm sulfuric acid at a reactor pressure of about 450 to 760 mm Hg, a temperature of about 60 to 85° C., and a residence time of 4 to 45 minutes to produce a composition having an acetone to phenol mole ratio of about 1 to 1.5. The composition is subjected to a second stage reaction in the presence of about 0.5 to 3 wt. % additional water with a second stage reactor temperature of about 110 to 150° C. and a residence time of 0.5 to 30 minutes.
US08247609B2 Aminoacid derivatives containing a disulfanyl group in the form of mixed disulfanyl and aminopeptidase N inhibitors
The invention relates to novel compounds of formula (I): H2N—CH(R1)—CH2—S—S—CH2—CH(R2)—CONH—R5, wherein R1 is a hydrocarbon chain, phenyl or benzyl radical, methylene radical substituted by a 5 or 6 atom heterocycle; R2 is a phenyl or benzyl radical, a 5 or 6 atom aromatic heterocycle, methylene group substituted by a 5 or 6 atom heterocycle; R5 is a CH(R3)—COOR4 radical, wherein R3 is hydrogen, an OH or OR group, a saturated hydrocarbon group, a phenyl or benzyl radical and OR4 is hydrophile ester, or 5 or 6 membered heterocycle comprising several heteroatoms selected from a group consisting of nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen, with at least two nitrogene atoms, wherein said heterocycle is substitutable by an alkyl C1-C6, phenyl or benzyl radical. The use of the inventive compounds in the form of drugs, a pharmaceutical composition comprising said compounds, a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient, the use in conjunction of at least one type of cannabinoid derivative for potentiating the analgesic and antidepressant effect of the novel compounds of formula (I) and/or morphine or the derivatives thereof are also disclosed.
US08247607B2 Carbonylation process
Process for carbonylating an alcohol or reactive derivative thereof, by (a) feeding one or more feed streams to a reaction zone, at least one feed stream containing an alcohol or reactive derivative thereof, and at least one feed stream contains CO, (b) maintaining in the reaction zone a temperature and pressure sufficient to allow an exothermic carbonylation reaction to occur to produce a carboxylic acid or carboxylic acid anhydride, (c) removing one or more product streams containing carboxylic acid or carboxylic acid anhydride from the reaction zone, and (d) transferring heat contained in one or more product streams to a first heat-exchange stream. Heat is transferred from a second heat-exchange stream to a feed stream of step (a) before the feed stream is fed to the reaction zone, and the temperature of the second heat-exchange stream before heat transfer is lower than that of the one or more product streams.
US08247605B2 Method of replacing dispersion medium
A method of replacing a first dispersion medium in a starting slurry composed of the first dispersion medium and isophthalic acid crystals with a second dispersion medium. The starting slurry is tangentially fed to a vertically extending cylindrical portion of a cyclone-shaped nozzle disposed at an upper portion of a replacement tank of a dispersion medium replacement apparatus, from a tangential direction of the cylindrical portion. The fed starting slurry moves circularly along an inner wall of the cylindrical portion. The slurry circularly moving is then discharged from an opening which is disposed at a vertically lower end of the cylindrical portion and dispersed in a second dispersion medium which is fed from a lower portion of the replacement tank. The replaced slurry composed of isophthalic acid crystals and the second dispersion medium is mainly discharged from the lower portion of the replacement tank, and the first dispersion medium is mainly withdrawn from the upper portion of the replacement tank.
US08247604B2 Method of replacing dispersion medium
A method of replacing a first dispersion medium in a starting slurry composed of the first dispersion medium and a terephthalic acid crystal with a second dispersion medium. The starting slurry is tangentially fed to a vertically extending cylindrical portion of a cyclone-shaped nozzle disposed at an upper portion of a replacement tank of a dispersion medium replacement apparatus, from a tangential direction of the cylindrical portion. The fed starting slurry moves circularly along an inner wall of the cylindrical portion. The slurry circularly moving is then discharged from an opening which is disposed at a vertically lower end of the cylindrical portion and dispersed in a second dispersion medium which is fed from a lower portion of the replacement tank. The replaced slurry composed of the terephthalic acid crystal and the second dispersion medium is mainly discharged from the lower portion of the replacement tank, and the first dispersion medium is mainly withdrawn from the upper portion of the replacement tank.
US08247602B2 Antagonists of prostaglandin D2 receptors
Described herein are compounds that are antagonists of PGD2 receptors. Also described are pharmaceutical compositions that include the compounds described herein, and methods of using such antagonists of PGD2 receptors, alone or in combination with other compounds, for treating respiratory, cardiovascular, and other PGD2-dependent or PGD2-mediated conditions or diseases.
US08247598B2 Methods for the formation of hydrogels using thiosulfonate compositions and uses thereof
The present invention provides both crosslinked polymer compositions capable of forming hydrogels upon exposure to an aqueous environment and thiosulfonate hydrogel-forming components. The thiosulfonate hydrogel-forming components of the invention are preferably multi-arm thiosulfonate polymer derivatives that form a crosslinked polymer composition when exposed to a base without requiring the presence of a second cross-linking reagent, redox catalyst, or radiation. Methods for forming hydrogel compositions, as well as methods for using the hydrogels, are also provided.
US08247597B2 Continuous production of DMAEA quaternary salts
The invention provides a method of continuously producing high quality quaternized N,N-dialkylaminoethyl (meth)acrylates (DMAEA.MCQ) that has a long shelf life and which is stable in water. The method involves placing starting materials into a continuously stirred tank reactor in the presence of less than 6% water. This low amount of water causes two liquid phases to form and prevents unwanted side reactions. The denser liquid phase contains DMAEA.MCQ and the lighter phase contains the starting materials. Liquid from the denser phase is removed from a position where little of the lighter phase has been mixed in. The removed liquid then has any last traces of the starting materials reacted into DMAEA.MCQ and strips away any starting materials with a gas flow. The resulting liquid is high purity DMAEA.MCQ. Water can then safely be added to ease in the transport and use of the produced DMAEA.MCQ.
US08247595B2 Organic sulfur compound and its use for controlling harmful arthropod
There is provided an organic sulfur compound having an excellent controlling effect on harmful arthropods represented by the formula (I): wherein, R1 represents a C3-C10 alkenyl group optionally substituted with at least one halogen atom, a C3-C10 alkynyl group optionally substituted with at least one halogen atom, or the like, R2 represents a cyano group or the like, R3 represents a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom or a C1-C4 alkyl group, R4 represents a C1-C5 fluoroalkyl group, and n represents 0, 1 or 2.
US08247592B2 Method of preparing disilanol compound and method of storing disilanol compound
Disclosed is a method of storing a fluorine-containing disilanol compound represented by the following formula (3) in the presence of a tertiary amine in such an amount that a molar ratio of the tertiary amine to a silanol group of the fluorine-containing disilanol compound ranges from 0.001 to 20, HO—Z—R1—Rf—R1—Z—OH  (3) wherein Rf is a divalent fluorinated hydrocarbon group or a divalent fluorinated polyether group, R1 may be the same with or different from each other and is a substituted or unsubstituted divalent hydrocarbon group which may have at least one atom selected from the group consisting of oxygen, nitrogen, silicon, and sulfur atoms, and Z is a group represented by the following formula (2) —SiR2R3—  (2) wherein R2 and R3 may be the same with or different from each other and are monovalent organic groups.
US08247591B2 Nanoparticle and nanoparticle composite
A nanoparticle includes a chain oligomer section having a hydrophilic group and fluoroalkyl groups respectively at its opposite terminals, a three-dimensional silica network section, and an organic chain having fluorine or silicon, and is represented by the following formula (2): where R′ is independent H or independent alkyl group; X is the hydrophilic group and is selected from the group consisting of an OH group, an NCO group, an NH2 group, an NHR group (where R is alkyl group) and a COY group (where Y is a hydrophilic group); RF is the fluoroalkyl group having a carbon number of 2 to 10 and a molecular weight of 119 to 1000; 3D-SN is the three-dimensional silica network section; B is selected from the group consisting of an O, O═C—O, NH—C═O and NR—C═O (where R is alkyl group); E is O, O═C—O, NH—C═O or NR—C═O (where R is alkyl group); L is (CH2O)l—[Si(CH3)2O]k—(CH2O)l-α, (CF2)j-α or (CF2O)h-α where α is COY group (where Y is hydrophilic group), NCO group, NH2 group, NHR group (R is alkyl group), R group (or alkyl group) or H; n is 1≦n≦10; m is 1≦m≦n; k is 1≦k≦500; l is 0≦1≦10; j is 0≦j≦20; and h is 1≦h≦20.
US08247588B2 Catalyst and compositions and methods of making and using the same
Catalyst compositions for the polymerization of olefins having improved flowability properties are provided.
US08247587B2 Mono-hydroindacenyl complexes
The present invention relates to monohydroindacenyl complexes as active catalytic components in the copolymerization of ethylene. The complexes are suitable for direct preparation of ethylene copolymers having a narrow molecular distribution as well as the desired levels of low density and preferably a predetermined value of glass transition temperature Tg. The produced copolymers showing improved elastomeric performance can be prepared in a single step during polymerization reaction, thus avoiding a blending step following the polymerization step.
US08247584B2 Processes for preparation of oil compositions
The present invention is directed to processes for preparing oil compositions having a high concentration of poly-unsaturated fatty acids and oil compositions having a low concentration of α-linolenic acid. In addition, the present invention is directed to processes for preparing oil compositions having advantageous stability characteristics.
US08247583B2 3-ethyloxethane compound having hydroxyl group and method for producing the same
Disclosed is a 3-ethyloxethane compound having a hydroxyl group which is represented by the following general formula (1). (1) (In the formula, A represents an alkylene group having 3-5 carbon atoms which may have an ether bond or an alkylene group having 3-5 carbon atoms which may be substituted by a hydroxyl group.) The 3-ethyloxethane compound having a hydroxyl group can be produced by reacting a 3-ethyloxethane compound represented by the general formula (2) below, a diol compound represented by the general formula (3) below and a base. (2) (In the formula, X represents a leaving group.) (3) (In the formula, A is as defined above.)
US08247578B2 Process for production of aralkyloxypyrrolidine derivative
The present invention provides a process for producing a 3-aralkyloxypyrrolidine derivative which is important for production of pharmaceutical products and the like. In the present invention, a N-protected-3-hydroxypyrrolidine is converted into a N-protected-3-aralkyloxypyrrolidine by allowing an aralkyl halide to act in the presence of a base and at least one of a metal halide and a phase-transfer catalyst followed by deprotecting a N-protecting group to convert it to a 3-aralkyloxypyrrolidine derivative and subsequently treating the derivative in a solvent containing a polar solvent, thereby obtaining the 3-aralkyloxypyrrolidine derivative as a crystal. According to the present invention, a 3-aralkyloxypyrrolidine derivative of high purity can be produced conveniently and efficiently on an industrial scale.
US08247576B2 Pyrazole derivatives as protein kinase modulators
The invention provides compounds of the formula: (I) having protein kinase B inhibiting activity: wherein A is a saturated hydrocarbon linker group containing from 1 to 7 carbon atoms, the linker group having a maximum chain length of 5 atoms extending between R1 and NR2R3 and a maximum chain length of 4 atoms extending between E and NR2R3, wherein one of the carbon atoms in the linker group may optionally be replaced by an oxygen or nitrogen atom; and wherein the carbon atoms of the linker group A may optionally bear one or more substituents selected from oxo, fluorine and hydroxy, provided that the hydroxy group when present is not located at a carbon atom a with respect to the NR2R3 group and provided that the oxo group when present is located at a carbon atom a with respect to the NR2R3 group; E is a monocyclic or bicyclic carbocyclic or heterocyclic group; R1 is an aryl or heteroaryl group; and R2, R3, R4 and R5 are as defined in the claims. Also provided are pharmaceutical compositions containing the compounds, methods for preparing the compounds and their use as anticancer agents.
US08247574B2 Use of PT -and PD-BIS- and tetra-carbon complexes with bridged carbon ligands in OLEDs
The use of Pt- and Pd-bis- and tetracarbene complexes with bridged carbene ligands in organic light-emitting diodes, organic light-emitting diodes comprising at least one aforementioned Pt- or Pd-carbene complex, at least one transition metal-carbene complex of the general formula I and/or II, organic light-emitting diodes where the at least one transition metal-carbene complex of the general formula I and/or II is present in the light-emitting layer, a blocking layer for electrons, a blocking layer for excitons and/or a blocking layer for holes, a light-emitting layer comprising at least one aforementioned Pt- or Pd-carbene complex, organic light-emitting diodes comprising at least one inventive light-emitting layer, and devices which comprise at least one inventive organic light-emitting diode.
US08247566B2 Crystalline solvate of omeprazole sodium
The present invention belongs to the field of pharmaceutical industry and relates to novel crystalline omeprazole sodium ethanol solvate and to the process for its preparation, which acts as intermediary compound to the processes for its conversion into different crystalline forms, first of all to a known omeprazole sodium form A, with low amount of residual solvents, i.e. less than 0.5% by weight of residual solvent.The present invention also relates to novel crystalline omeprazole sodium form E and crystalline omeprazole sodium form F as well to the processes for their preparation as well, both with considerably low levels of residual solvents.Omeprazole sodium form A and both novel crystalline forms omeprazole sodium form E and form F are useful for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.
US08247562B2 Benzamide derivatives useful as histone deacetylase inhibitors
The invention concerns a compound of the formula (I) wherein Ring A is heterocyclyl; m is 0-4 and each R1 is a group such as hydroxy, halo, trifluoromethyl and cyano; R2 is halo and n is 0-2; and each R4 is a group such as hydroxy, halo, trifluoromethyl and cyano; p is 0-4; and R3 is amino or hydroxy; or pharmaceutically-acceptable salts or in-vivo-hydrolysable ester or amide thereof; processes for their preparation, pharmaceutical compositions containing them and their use in the treatment of diseases or medical conditions mediated by histone deacetylase.
US08247556B2 Method for preparing 6-substituted-7-aza-indoles
The invention encompasses a method for preparing 6-susbtituted-7-aza-indoles.
US08247544B2 Method for producing a cell and/or tissue and/or disease phase specific medicament
A DNAzyme is disclosed, which comprises: (i) a catalytic domain with a nucleotide sequence GGCTAGCTACAACGA or a modified sequence of comparable biological effect, which cleaves T-bet mRNA at every purine-pyrimidine binding site to which it is bound; (ii) a right substrate binding domain which is contiguous with the 3′-end of the catalytic domain; and (iii) a left substrate binding domain which is contiguous with the 5′-end of the catalytic domain, whereby the two substrate binding domains are respectively complementary to two regions of the T-bet mRNA so that they hybridize with the mRNA; are active in vivo; and contain the sequences td 69 GGCAATGAA GGC TAGCTACAACGA TGGGTTTCT or td70 TCACGGCAA GGCTAGCTACAACGA GAACTGGGT.
US08247543B2 Human microRNAs and methods for inhibiting same
The invention relates to isolated DNA or RNA molecules comprising at least ten contiguous bases having a sequence in a microRNA shown in SEQ ID NOs: 1-94; 281-374; 467-481; 497-522; or 549, except that up to thirty percent of the bases may be wobble bases, and up to 10% of the contiguous bases may be non-complementary. The invention further relates to modified single stranded microRNA molecules, isolated single stranded anti-microRNA molecules and isolated microRNP molecules. In another embodiment, the invention relates to a method for inhibiting microRNP activity in a cell.
US08247541B2 Plant compositions enriched in dehydrosoyasaponin I (D-I) and methods of producing such compositions
There is provided a method of producing a plant composition comprising dehydrosoyasaponin I (D-I), the method comprising the steps of extracting a plant flour with a solvent capable of extracting soyasaponins to produce an extract, and treating the extract with light. Also provided are compositions produced according to the method of the present invention.
US08247539B2 Process for preparing materials by grafting halogenated phosphorus-containing groups onto an inorganic surface
The invention concerns a process for preparing a hybrid organic-inorganic material (HOIM) with phosphorus-containing bridges between the surface of an inorganic substrate containing an element M and one or more organic groups of the covalent M-O-P-R type, said process using, as a precursor for said organic group or groups, at least one organophosphorus acid halide with formula RxP(O)Xy in which x=1 or 2, y=3−x, X being a halogen and R designating at least one organic alkyl, aryl or aryl-alkyl group.Non-exhaustive applications for the hybrid organic-inorganic material obtained by the process of the invention are in the fields of anti-corrosion, lubrication, microelectronics, nanotechnologies, composite materials, heterogeneous catalysis, supported catalysis, depollution and biomedical applications.
US08247535B2 Directed evolution of GRG31 EPSP synthase enzyme
Compositions and methods for conferring herbicide resistance or tolerance to bacteria, plants, plant cells, tissues and seeds are provided. Compositions include polynucleotides encoding herbicide resistance or tolerance polypeptides, vectors comprising those polynucleotides, and host cells comprising the vectors. The nucleotide sequences of the invention can be used in DNA constructs or expression cassettes for transformation and expression in organisms, including microorganisms and plants. Compositions also include transformed bacteria, plants, plant cells, tissues, and seeds. In particular, isolated polynucleotides encoding glyphosate resistance or tolerance polypeptides are provided, particularly polypeptide variants of SEQ ID NO:2 and 4. Additionally, amino acid sequences corresponding to the polynucleotides are encompassed. In particular, the present invention provides for isolated polynucleotides containing nucleotide sequences encoding the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO:7-28, or the nucleotide sequence set forth in SEQ ID NO:29 or 30.
US08247533B2 Beta helical peptide structures stable in aqueous and non-aqueous media
Disclosed are peptide structures that are stable in aqueous and non-aqueous media where a first linear peptide chain comprising alternating D,L- or L,D-amino acids having an N and C termini is joined by at least one turn region to a second linear peptide chain comprising alternating D,L- or L,D-amino acids having an N and C termini. The peptide chains can be joined at the C terminus of one of the linear peptide chains with an N terminus of the other linear peptide chain, a C terminus of one of the linear peptide chains with a C terminus of the other linear peptide chain, or an N terminus of one of the linear peptide chains with an N terminus of the other linear peptide chain.
US08247532B2 Deuterated hepatitis C protease inhibitors
This invention relates to processes and intermediates for the preparation of salts of deuterated, enantiomericallv enriched alpha-amino beta-hydroxy acids of Formula 1 wherein the variables R1,R′1 and R′2 are defined herein, and wherein the process may comprise the steps of forming a salt of a compound of Formula 1, and crystallizing said salt to give a compound of greater than 55% enantiomeric excess.
US08247530B2 N-alkylated cyclic peptide melanocortin agonists
A melanocortin-4 receptor agonist cyclic peptide of the formula where R1, R2, R3, R4a, R4b, R5, R6, R7a, R7b, x, y and z are as defined in the specification, and a method of treating sexual dysfunction, including male erectile dysfunction and female sexual dysfunction, and other melanocortin 4 receptor responsive conditions and disorders.
US08247527B2 Enhanced fine agglomerate mixture
A fine agglomerates mixture formed from pyrolysis of recyclable polymeric material such as scrap tires, polymeric automotive components, used rubber materials, and plastic containers. The mixture contains a carbon content ranged between about 80% to about 95% by weight of the fine agglomerates mixture. The fine agglomerates mixture has agglomerate particles averaging less than or equal to 35 nm. The fine agglomerates mixture also has a nitrogen surface area greater than or equal to 73 m2/g and includes an inorganic functional filler in a range between about 5% to about 20% weight of the fine agglomerates mixture.
US08247526B2 Process for the preparation of polyalkylene ether glycol
Polyalkylene ether glycol or copolymer thereof are prepared by contacting at least one alkanediol with a alkanediol containing cyclic sulfate.
US08247522B2 Production of non-solid-stated polyester particles having solid-stated properties
A process for producing non-solid-stated polyester polymer particles having one or more properties similar to polyester polymer particles that have undergone solid-state processing.
US08247519B1 Shaped articles fabricated from polyamides comprising fluoroether functionalized aromatic moieties
The invention is directed to shaped articles fabricated from polyamides comprising fluoroether functionalized aromatic moieties. Particular polyamides include nylon 6, 6 and nylon 6 copolyamides that comprise fluoroether functionalized aromatic amide repeat units. The shaped articles hereof are characterized by reduced surface tension and are useful for imparting soil resistant films, molded parts, fibers, fabrics, and carpets.
US08247518B2 Multi-layer polymer film for printing and copying
A multi-layer polymer film for printing and copying of the present invention comprising a two-layer polymer base film composed of layer A and layer B laminated on one side of the layer A, the layer B containing a filler in an amount of 50 to 3000 ppm and the layer A containing no filler or a filler in an amount of at least 1000 ppm and less than the B layer; an image receiving layer coated on the exposed surface of the layer A; and an antistatic layer coated on the exposed surface of the layer B, wherein the layer A having the image receiving coating layer and the layer B having the antistatic coating layer have average degrees of surface roughness (Ra) ranging from 10 to 60 nm and 50 to 150 nm, respectively, exhibits improved properties in terms of runnability, printing, optical (haze), antistatic, friction coefficient and anti-blocking properties, which can be advantageously used as an OHP film.
US08247513B2 Silicone materials which crosslink by condensation at room temperature
Materials crosslinkable at room temperature by condensation, based on organosilicon compounds which cure to give permanently resilient materials, are catalyzed by a compound of the main or subgroups I and II in conjunction with an inorganic acid as a catalyst.
US08247506B2 PTFE powder and method of producing PTFE molding powders
This invention provides a polytetrafluoroethylene powder capable of giving moldings which are improved in surface roughness Ra, tensile strength and/or tensile elongation as compared with the prior art ones and can be excellent in dielectric breakdown strength and, further, can be excellent, if desired, in apparent density and/or powder flowability as well, and a method of producing a polytetrafluoroethylene molding powder. The present invention is a PTFE powder wherein a surface roughness Ra of molded articles a1 for measurement is less than 0.92 μm.
US08247505B2 Process for preparing vulcanizable fluorine-containing elastomer
The present invention provides a process for preparing a fluorine-containing elastomer in a high productivity comparable to that of non-iodine transfer polymerization process by carrying out an iodine transfer polymerization at high pressure. The present invention also provides a fluorine-containing elastomer prepared by this process, and fluorine-containing molded articles. The process is a batch copolymerization process conducted under conditions that the reduced temperature of the critical constant is at least 0.95 and the reduced pressure of the critical constant is at least 0.80 wherein the reduced temperature and the reduced pressure are calculated using the Peng-Robinson formula from the critical temperature, the critical pressure and the composition ratio of each of the monomers in the gaseous phase in a reaction vessel, in which ethylenically unsaturated compounds containing at least one fluoroolefine are copolymerized in the presence of a compound having the formula: Rf1·Ix wherein Rf1 is a saturated or unsaturated fluorohydrocarbon or chlorofluorohydrocarbon group having 1 to 16 carbon atoms, and x is the number of bonds of Rf1 and an integer of 1 to 4.
US08247504B2 Catalyst component, catalyst for olefin polymerization, and process for producing olefin polymer using catalyst
A polymer having high catalyst activity, excellent hydrogen response, high stereoregularity and high yield can be obtained by polymerizing olefins in the presence of a catalyst for olefin polymerization comprising (A) a solid catalyst component containing magnesium, titanium, a halogen, and an electron donor compound, (B) an organoaluminum compound shown by the formula R6pAlQ3-p(R1R2N)m, and (C) an aminosilane compound shown by the formula (R3HN)nR4pSi(OR5)q.
US08247497B2 Polymer molding compositions
The invention relates to formulated compositions which can be easily formed into bottle caps, without the need for a liner, while still maintaining pressure requirements, such as for carbonated beverages. The compositions may include an ethylene polymer having a density in the range of from about 0.947 to 0.962 g/cm3, a melt index of from about 1 to about 10 g/10 min., and another ethylene polymer having a density in the range of from about 0.912 to 0.932 g/cm3, a melt index of from about 0.25 to about 6 g/10 min., wherein the two ethylene polymers have a density difference of equal to or greater than 0.03 g/cm3. In other cases, the composition may include a single component resin with a density in the 0.935-0.955 g/cm3 range with a melt index in the range of 0.3-1.2 g/10 minutes, and wherein the resin comprises a polyethylene polymer.
US08247493B2 Long acting formulation of biopharmaceutical
The invention relates to a long-acting formulation of biopharmaceutical, more specifically an aptamer therapeutics. A branched PEGylated aptamer or a hyaluronic acid (HA) derivative of which degradation in vivo is regulated is linked by the bioconjugation with biopharmaceutical to produce the long-action formulation.
US08247492B2 Polyester powder compositions, methods and articles
Powder compositions and articles and methods of forming articles from powder compositions are provided. In one embodiment the powder compositions include at least one polyester polymer powder and an amount of reinforcing particles having an aspect ratio of preferably at least about 5:1. In another embodiment the powder compositions include at least one medium-high melting temperature, aromatic and crystalline polyester polymer powder. In a preferred embodiment, the powder composition is capable of being formed, via a laser sintering process, into a three-dimensional article that exhibits one or more desirable mechanical properties in an elevated temperature environment.
US08247491B2 Water-absorbent resin composition and its production process
There are disclosed a water-absorbent resin composition and its production process, wherein the water-absorbent resin composition causes little gel-blocking and is excellent in the liquid permeability and liquid diffusibility and is high also in the absorption performances and further is strong also against the physical damage; and there are further disclosed a water-absorbent resin composition and its production process, wherein the water-absorbent resin composition has the following further advantages, in addition to the above, of involving little segregation of the metal compound and further having a dust prevention effect. One of water-absorbent resin compositions according to the present invention is a water-absorbent resin composition comprising water-absorbent resin particles obtained by polymerizing a monomer including acrylic acid and/or its salt, with the composition having a mass-average particle diameter of 100 to 600 μm and comprising water-soluble polyvalent metal salt particles and the water-absorbent resin particles that have been surface-crosslinked.
US08247490B1 Adhesion composition and textile materials and articles treated therewith
This invention relates to improved adhesion compositions and textile materials and articles treated therewith. The improved adhesion composition comprises a non-crosslinked resorcinol-formaldehyde and/or resorcinol-furfural condensate (or a phenol-formaldehyde condensate that is soluble in water), a rubber latex, and an aldehyde component such as 2-furfuraldehyde. The composition may be applied to textile substrates and used for improving the adhesion between the treated textile substrates and rubber materials. End-use articles that contain the treated textile-rubber composite include, without limitation, automobile tires, belts, and hoses as well as printing blankets.
US08247487B2 Tire with tread containing carboxylated styrene/butadiene rubber
This invention relates to a tire with a tread of a rubber composition containing carboxylated styrene/butadiene rubber.
US08247485B2 Fibrous basic magnesium sulfate-containing pellets and production of molded propylene polymer products
Fibrous basic magnesium sulfate-containing pellets comprising an olefin polymer and fibrous basic magnesium sulfate in a weight ratio of 80:20 to 20:80 and further comprising a nucleating agent in an amount of 0.3 to 8 weight parts based on 100 weight parts of the olefin polymer and in an amount of 0.2 to 4 weight parts based on 100 weight parts of the fibrous basic magnesium sulfate are favorably employable for producing molded fibrous basic magnesium sulfate-containing propylene polymer products which show high flexural modulus, high flexural strength and high yield strength in tension as well as excellent thermal stability.
US08247484B2 High temperature polymer composites and methods of making the same
A composition comprises a modified polymeric material and a ceramic antiferroelectric particle. The modified polymeric material comprises a high temperature polymer chemically combined with a polar group. A method of making a composition comprises chemically combining a high temperature polymer with a polar group to form a modified polymeric material; and combining the modified polymeric material with antiferroelectric particles to form a composite composition.
US08247481B2 Photosensitive insulating resin composition, cured product thereof and ABA block copolymer
A photosensitive insulating resin composition includes a block copolymer, a crosslinking agent, a photosensitive compound, and a solvent. The block copolymer includes a first structural unit shown by a following formula (1) and a second structural unit shown by a following formula (2), wherein R1 represents a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, and R2 represents an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms.
US08247478B2 Thermoplastic resin composition
A thermoplastic resin composition of the present invention has high impact resistance, not lowering the weather resistance thereof, even though the amount of an impact resistance improver added thereto is small. The thermoplastic resin composition contains 100 parts by weight of (A) a thermoplastic resin and from 0.5 to 20 parts by weight of (B) a graft copolymer, wherein the graft copolymer (B) contains from 70% to 99% by weight of a crosslinked core (b2) prepared through polymerization of a monomer for the core (b2), containing 70% by weight or more of an acrylate, in the presence of from 0.5% to 20% by weight of a non-crosslinked seed (b1) having a weight-average molecular weight of 40,000 or less, and from 0.5% to 10% by weight of a shell (b3) prepared through polymerization of a monomer for the shell (b3) containing 50% by weight or more of a methacrylate, and the thermoplastic composition further contains from 0.01 to 3.0 parts by weight of (C) a water-soluble polymer compound having the property of forming a physical gel, relative to 100 parts by weight of the graft copolymer (B).
US08247473B2 Colorant dispersion of recording ink, and recording ink using the same
The present invention provides a colorant dispersion for a recording ink containing at least a dispersant, a colorant, and water, wherein the dispersant is a polycarboxylic acid dispersant containing units represented by formulae (1) to (3): where R1, R2, and R4 are selected from a hydrogen atom and CH3; R3 is selected from a hydrogen atom and a C1-C3 alkyl group; R5 represents a C1-C3 alkyl group; AO and BO represent a C2-C3 oxyalkylene group; M is selected from alkali metal, alkali earth metal, ammonium, and organic amine; m represents an integer of 1 to 30; and n represents an integer of 5 to 50.
US08247472B2 Friction material and production method of friction material
A friction material including: an amorphous resin that has a chain-like polymer structure; and other components that constitute the friction material and that are components other than the amorphous resin, wherein dispersion treatment is preliminarily carried out in which the amorphous resin is dispersed in at least one of the other components, and a manufacturing method of the friction material.
US08247471B2 Polymerizable composition
To provide a dental adhesive composition which does not decrease preservation stability when reacting with acidity for acquiring dental adhesive property, even though using a filler having X-ray imaging property, and does not need the conventional mixing and kneading of two or more components, the dental adhesive composition includes (a) a (meth)acrylate compound having an acid group, and (b) aluminosilicate glass powder containing Sr and/or Ba and/or Ca, and the dental adhesive composition further includes a filler and (c) a photopolymerization catalyst, where the filler does not substantially make a neutralization reaction with the (meth)acrylate compound having an acid group as the (a) component because a filler content is 15% by weight or less in terms of oxide of Al2O3, and those coexist is one.
US08247469B2 Dental impression material
Dental article for preparing a dental impression comprising (i) a first paste composition, and (ii) a second paste composition reactive upon mixing with the first paste composition in a curing reaction, characterized in that the dental article is obtainable by forming a predetermined amount of the first paste composition and a predetermined amount of the second paste composition into a body wherein the first and second paste compositions are separated by an interface preventing mixing and curing of the first paste composition and the second past composition during storage of the dental article.
US08247465B2 Heat-expandable microspheres, process for producing the same, and application thereof
Heat-expandable microspheres include a shell of thermoplastic resin and core material encapsulated in the shell. The core material include a blowing agent having a boiling point not higher than the softening point of the thermoplastic resin and a gas migration inhibitor having a boiling point higher than the softening point of the thermoplastic resin. The ratio of the gas migration inhibitor to the core material is at least 1 weight percent and below 30 weight percent. The average particle size of the heat-expandable microspheres ranges from 1 to 100 micrometers.
US08247464B2 Method of selective foaming for porous polymeric material
A selective high intensity ultrasonic foaming technique is described to fabricate porous polymers for biomedical applications. Process variables, including ultrasound power, scanning speed, and gas concentration have an affect on pore size. Pore size can be controlled with the scanning speed of the ultrasound insonation and interconnected porous structures could be obtained using a partially saturated polymers. A gas concentration range of 3-5% by weight creates interconnected open-celled porous structures. The selective high intensity ultrasonic foaming method can be used on biocompatible polymers so as not to introduce any organic solvents. The method has use in cell related biomedical applications such as studying cell growth behaviors by providing a porous environment with varying topological features.
US08247463B2 Method of coproducing methanol and ammonia
The present invention provides a process of coproducing methanol and ammonia by using natural gas, LPG, butane, or naphtha as a raw material, having a methanol production process (A) composed of specific steps and an ammonia production process (B) also composed of specific steps.
US08247462B2 Co-production of power and hydrocarbons
A process (10) for co-producing power and hydrocarbons includes in a wet gasification stage (70), gasifying coal to produce a combustion gas (86) at elevated pressure comprising at least H2 and CO; enriching (72) a first portion of the combustion gas with H2 to produce an H2-enriched gas (88); and generating power (77) from a second portion of the combustion gas. In a dry gasification stage (16), coal is gasified to produce a synthesis gas precursor (36) at elevated pressure comprising at least H2 and CO. At least a portion of the H2-enriched gas (88) is mixed with the synthesis gas precursor (36) to provide a synthesis gas for hydrocarbon synthesis, with hydrocarbons being synthesized (20, 22) from the synthesis gas. In certain embodiments, the process (10) produces a CO2 exhaust stream (134) for sequestration or capturing for further use.
US08247460B2 Method of treatment for muscular dystrophy
The invention relates to a method of treatment for muscular dystrophies, including Duchenne, Becker, limb-girdle, facioscapulohumeral, congenital muscular dystrophies and the like using a combination of nitric oxide-releasing and anti-inflammatory compounds.
US08247455B2 Guanylhydrazone compounds, compositions, methods of making and using
The present invention relates to compounds having the formula: salts thereof; compositions comprising one or more of the compounds and/or salts thereof; methods of using; and methods of making.
US08247454B2 Liquid antibacterial compositions incorporating trichlorocarbanilide with reduced water activity
A liquid antibacterial soap comprising trichlorocarbanilide, wherein the composition includes, 0.1-5 wt. % trichlorocarbanilide, 0-40 wt. % water, 0.1-40 wt. % of a surfactant or mixture of surfactants, 10-60 wt. % of lower glycols to render the composition visually clear and stable, and 0.1-10 wt. % of a mixture of additional adjuvant ingredients.
US08247452B2 Urea- and urethane-substituted acylureas, process for their preparation and their use
The invention relates to urea- and urethane-substituted acylureas and to their physiologically tolerated salts and physiologically functional derivatives. In particular, the invention relates to the compounds of the formula I wherein the radicals have meanings described herein, and to their physiologically tolerated salts and to processes for their preparation. The compounds are suitable for example as antidiabetics.
US08247449B2 Methods and compositions for the treatment of asthma
The present invention provides methods of treating an inflammatory disorder, or a disorder having an inflammatory component, in a mammalian subject in need of such treatment by administering to said subject an effective amount of a composition in unit dosage form for delivery of a daily dose of said composition, said composition consisting essentially of: (i) an effective amount of γ-linolenic acid (GLA) for increasing dihomogammalinolenic acid (DGLA) levels in the inflammatory cells of said mammalian subject, thereby inhibiting the metabolism of arachidonic acid; (ii) an effective amount of a Δ5 desaturase inhibitor for inhibiting accumulation of arachidonic acid in the serum of said mammalian subject; and, optionally, (iii) an effective amount of a competitive inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism. Preferred formulations may be in the form of a good tasting, preferably milk or fruit based drink, or a dried powder. The compositions reduce inflammation and inhibit the increase in serum arachidonic acid associated with gamma-linolenic acid.
US08247448B2 Butenoic acid derivatives, processes for the preparation thereof, pharmaceutical compositions comprising them, and use for the treatment of dyslipidaemia, atherosclerosis and diabetes
The present invention relates to butenoic acid derivatives of the formula I: in which R, R1, R2 and R3 are as defined in the description, and also to processes for the preparation thereof, to pharmaceutical compositions comprising them and to their use for the treatment of dyslipidaemia, atherosclerosis and diabetes.
US08247444B2 Anti-tumor effect of dimeric phthalide compound
The present invention provides for the use of a dimeric phthalide compound, the dimeric phthalide compound has broad anti-tumor activity, can directly inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells and induce cell death, but also indirectly inhibit the development of tumors by suppressing neovascularization. And further, the dimeric phthalide compound can be used alone or in combination to treat cancer, as well as in combination with chemotherapeutics to increase the efficacy of chemotherapeutics and decrease the toxicity of chemotherapeutics.
US08247443B2 Small molecule antagonists of bacterial quorum-sensing receptors
A novel small molecule antagonizes two types of acyl homoserine lactone receptors: membrane-bound and cytoplasmic. A focused library of analogs and derivatives of the original antagonist was synthesized. Analog and derivative molecules harbor a range of activities. The novel small molecule and most potent antagonist protects the eukaryote Caenorhabditis elegans from quorum-sensing-mediated killing by the bacterial pathogen Chromobacterium violaceum. The saving of C. elegans demonstrates the use of these molecules as small molecule antimicrobials.
US08247429B2 Tricyclic compound and pharmaceutical use thereof
The present invention provides a compound represented by the formula wherein R1 is a hydrocarbon group optionally having substituent(s), amino optionally having substituent(s), hydroxy optionally having a substituent or a heterocyclic group optionally having substituent(s), R2 is a hydrogen atom or a hydrocarbon group optionally having substituent(s), R3 is a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom, a hydrocarbon group optionally having substituent(s), amino optionally having substituent(s), hydroxy optionally having a substituent or mercapto optionally having a substituent, Xa, Xb, Xc and Xd are each a carbon atom or a nitrogen atom, provided that any one or two of Xa, Xb, Xc and Xd is/are nitrogen atom(s), m is 0 to 2, and rings A to C are each a ring optionally having substituent(s), or a salt thereof, which is useful as an agent for the prophylaxis or treatment of a disease relating to an action of melatonin, and the like.
US08247425B2 Peripheral opioid receptor antagonists and uses thereof
The present invention provides a compound of formula I: wherein X−, R1, and R2 are as defined herein, and compositions thereof.
US08247424B2 Fredericamycin derivatives
The invention relates to novel fredericamycin derivatives, to drugs containing said derivatives or the salts thereof, and to the use of the fredericamycin derivatives for treating diseases, especially cancer diseases.
US08247423B2 Methods and compositions for the treatment of cancer, tumors, and tumor-related disorders
Described herein are compositions and methods for using these compositions in the treatment of cancer, tumors, and tumor-related disorders in a subject.
US08247419B2 Methods of identifying and treating individuals exhibiting mutant kit protein
The invention described herein relates to methods of identifying and treating individuals with protein tyrosine kinase associated disorders that have, or may, become resistant to treatment with a kinase inhibitor such as imatinib due to a gain-of-function mutation in KIT tyrosine kinase.
US08247416B2 Phthalazinone derivative
4-[3-(4-cyclopropanecarbonyl-piperazine-1-carbonyl)-4-fluoro-benzyl]-2H-phthalazin-1-one as crystalline Form A.
US08247414B2 Pyridizinone derivatives and the use thereof as H3 inhibitors
The present invention is directed to novel pyridizinone derivatives that mediate enzymatic activity. In particular, the compounds may be effective in the treatment of diseases or disease states related to the activity of the histamine H3 receptor, including, for example, neurodegenerative disorders, sleep/wake disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and cognition.
US08247411B2 Sulfonyl amide derivatives for the treatment of abnormal cell growth
The present invention relates to a compound of the formula I wherein R1 to R6, A, B, n and m are as defined herein. Such novel sulfonyl amide derivatives are useful in the treatment of abnormal cell growth, such as cancer, in mammals. This invention also relates to a method of using such compounds in the treatment of abnormal cell growth in mammals, especially humans, and to pharmaceutical compositions containing such compounds.
US08247406B2 Composition and method for treatment of MRSA
The present invention provides a photosensitizing composition for treatment of MRSA comprising a photosensitizer and chlorhexidine and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. The present invention also provides a method for reducing disease causing microbes comprising: applying the composition comprising a photosensitizer, chlorhexidine at a concentration of more than about 0.01% and less than about 2% v/v, and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier to a treatment site; and applying light to the treatment site at a wavelength absorbed by the photosensitizer so as to reduce the microbes at the treatment site.
US08247404B2 Derivatives of 2-oxoalkyl-1-piperazin-2-one, preparation method thereof and therapeutic use of same
The present invention relates to derivatives of 4-{2-[phenyl-3,6-dihydropyridin-1-yl]-2-oxoalkyl}-1-piperazin-2-one and 4-{2-[phenyl-2,5-dihydropyrrol-1-yl]-2-oxoalkyl}-1-piperazin-2-one having general formula (I): in which A, B, m, R3 and n are as defined herein. The invention also relates to the preparation thereof and to the therapeutic use thereof.
US08247399B2 Photoactive metal nitrosyls for blood pressure regulation and cancer therapy
Disclosed are nitric oxide delivery agents and methods of their use, more specifically to photoactive compounds, which are able to perform targeted delivery of nitric oxide in vitro and in vivo and are useful for medicinal applications including, but not limited, to blood pressure regulation and cancer treatment.
US08247397B2 Combinations of phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitor compounds and chemotherapeutic agents, and methods of use
Combinations of PI3K inhibitor compounds having Formulas I and II and chemotherapeutic agents, including stereoisomers, geometric isomers, tautomers, metabolites and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, are useful for treating hyperproliferative disorders such as cancer. Methods of using such combinations for in vitro, in situ, and in vivo diagnosis, prevention or treatment of such disorders in mammalian cells, or associated pathological conditions, are disclosed.
US08247389B2 Treatment of scleroderma
The present invention provides a method of treating scleroderma. The method consists in the upregulation of miR-29 by administration of miR-29 or a miR-29 upregulator which elevates circulating and/or intracellular concentrations of miR-29. The invention likewise relates to the use of miR-29 for such a treatment, and the use of miR-29 for the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of scleroderma.
US08247387B2 Methods and compositions for the treatment of eye disorders with increased intraocular pressure
The present invention relates to methods and compositions that decrease intraocular pressure (IOP) of the eye. The compositions of the invention comprise short interfering nucleic acid molecules (siNA) including, but not limited to, siRNA that decrease expression of genes associated with production or drainage of intraocular fluid. The compositions of the invention can be used in the preparation of a medicament for the treatment of an eye conditions displaying increased IOP such as glaucoma, infection, inflammation, uveitis, and diabetic retinopathy. The methods of the invention comprise the administration to a patient in need thereof an effective amount of one or more siNAs of the invention.
US08247385B2 Treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases using gene therapy
Provided herein are compositions and methods for treating and/or preventing neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer's disease. In particular aspects, compositions administered herein encode a cellular immune response element. The compositions may be prepared and administered in such a manner that the cellular immune response element coding sequence is expressed in the subject to which the composition is administered. The compositions include expression systems, delivery systems, and certain cellular immune response element genes.
US08247382B2 Method for increasing oxytocin release in the epidermis
A method for increasing oxytocin release through direct action on the epidermal keratinocytes is provided. The method for increasing oxytocin release in the epidermis includes increasing the calcium ion concentration in the epidermal cells. In the method of the present invention, the increase of the calcium ion concentration in the epidermal cells may be achieved by physically stimulating the skin. The physical stimulation may be achieved by applying a heat stimulus and/or a massage. The increase of the calcium ion concentration in the epidermal cells may be achieved by stimulating the epidermal cells by at least one agent selected from the group consisting of ATP, UTP, 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof.
US08247380B2 Alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, alpha 2-HS glycoprotein, alpha 1-antitrypsin, and fragments thereof induce apoptosis in cancer cell lines
This invention characterizes the selective apoptotic activity of specially prepared zinc charged alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, alpha 2-HS glycoprotein, and alpha 1-antitrypsin. These proteins cause apoptosis in cancer cells while leaving normal cells intact. In addition, active fragments of zinc charged alpha 1-acid glycoprotein and alpha 2-HS glycoprotein, whether manufactured from the modification of natural alpha 1-acid glycoprotein or alpha 2-HS glycoprotein, recombinantly, or synthetically, selectively induce apoptosis.
US08247376B2 NGAL for reduction and amelioration of ischemic and nephrotoxic injuries
Use of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) as a therapeutic and in a method of treating, reducing, or ameliorating an injury selected from an ischemic injury, an ischemic-reperfusion injury, and a toxin-induced injury, to an organ in a patient. The invention includes administering to the patient NGAL in an amount effective to treat, reduce or ameliorate ischemic, ischemic-reperfusion, or toxin-induced injury to the organ, such as the kidney. A siderophore can be co-administered with the NGAL. The invention also relates to administering a sideophore to enhance a response to secretion of NGAL following an ischemic or toxin-induced injury to an organ in a patient.
US08247373B2 Lactoferrin compositions and methods of wound treatment
The present invention relates to lactoferrin compositions and methods of using the compositions to treat wounds. The compositions can be administered alone or in combination with other standard wound healing therapies.
US08247371B2 Therapy with Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin to treat ovarian and uterine cancer
The invention discloses high levels of receptors for Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) have been found in ovarian cancer and uterine cancer tissue samples. In addition, successful in vivo treatment of a mouse model of ovarian cancer with intraperitoneal injection of CPE is disclosed. High levels of Ep-CAM protein is also disclosed in ovarian cancer tissue samples. Thus, the invention provides a method of treating ovarian cancer and uterine cancer by administering CPE. The invention also provides a method of treating cancer in a mammal involving intraperitoneal administration of CPE, where at least some cancerous cells are located in or adjacent to the peritoneal cavity of the mammal. The invention also provides a method of treating ovarian cancer involving administering an anti-Ep-CAM antibody. The invention also provides a method of treating cancers expressing claudin-3 or claudin-4 by administering an antibody against claudin-3 and/or an antibody against claudin-4. The invention also provides a method of protecting a mammal from CPE toxicity involving administering a protective agent that binds to claudin-3 and/or claudin-4 and inhibits CPE binding to claudin-3 and/or claudin-4.
US08247370B2 Conjoint therapy for treating fibrotic diseases
The present invention relates to improved methods of treating fibrotic or fibroproliferative disorders. Conjoint therapies are provided comprising the combination of one or more fibrocyte suppressors and one or more profibrotic factor antagonists or anti-fibrotic agents.
US08247366B2 Azeotrope-like compositions of 1,1,2,3-tetrachloropropene and hydrogen fluoride
An azeotrope-like composition consisting essentially of 1,1,2,3-tetrachloropropene and hydrogen fluoride is provided, as well as methods that involve such an azeotrope-like composition.
US08247365B2 Detoxicant solution
A detoxicant solution includes 0.1 to 50 parts by weight of at least one Friedel-Crafts reagent (Lewis acids) (I); 0.5 to 80 parts by weight of one or more of the following specific solvents (II): dimethyl sulfoxide, 1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone or octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane; and 1 to 80 parts by weight of an alcoholic solvent (III). The term “parts by weight” relates in each case to 100 parts by weight of the complete detoxicant solution.
US08247364B2 Whitening agents for cellulosic substrates
This invention relates to novel whitening agents for cellulosic substrates. The whitening agents are comprised of at least two components: at least one chromophore component and at least one polymeric component. Suitable chromophore components generally fluoresce blue, red, violet, or purple color when exposed to ultraviolet light, or they may absorb light to reflect these same shades. The whitening agents are further characterized by having a dispersion component value of the Hansen Solubility Parameter of less than or equal to about 17 MPa0.5. This invention also relates to laundry care compositions including but not limited to liquid and/or powder laundry detergent formulations and rinse added fabric softening (RAFS) compositions that comprise such whitening agents.
US08247347B2 Thermosensitive recording medium
The present invention presents a thermosensitive recording medium having excellent color development, image quality and preservation properties as well as excellent stamp receptivity, anti-scratching ability, printability and water blocking resistance.The present invention is a thermosensitive recording medium having a thermosensitive recording layer comprising at least a colorless or pale colored basic leuco dye and an electron accepting developing agent as a coating layer on a substrate, wherein at least an outermost layer among the thermosensitive recording layer and other optionally prepared coated layers contains rice starch particles.
US08247338B2 High dielectric constant paste composition and dielectric composition using the same
The present invention relates to a high dielectric constant paste composition comprising (A) inorganic particles having a perovskite crystal structure or a complex perovskite crystal structure, (B) a compound represented by any one of the general formulas (1) to (4) shown below, and (C) an organic solvent. The present invention provides a high dielectric constant paste composition for producing a high dielectric constant dielectric composition which has high insulation reliability and exhibits satisfactory resistance in a high-temperature high-humidity bias test.
US08247336B2 Optical glass composition, preform and optical element
An optical glass composition contains, in % by mole, 0% or more and 25.0% or less of SiO2, 20.0% or more and 40.0% or less of B2O3, 0% or more and 5.0% or less of Li2O, 3.0% or more and 15.0% or less of ZnO, 0% or more and 10.0% or less of ZrO2, 2.0% or more and 7.0% or less of Ta2O5, 6.0% or more and 25.0% or less of La2O3, 5.0% or more and 22.0% or less of Gd2O3, 66.5% or less of La2O3+Gd2O3+B2O3 and 26.0% or more of La2O3+Gd2O3, and has nd of 1.83 or higher and 1.86 or lower, vd of 43 or higher and 46 or lower and a liquidus temperature of 1300° C. or lower, and a preform and an optical element are formed from the optical glass composition.
US08247334B2 Moisture-vapor-permeable and water-resistant fiber
A moisture-vapor-permeable and water-resistant fiber involves a layer of base fabric, a moisture-vapor-permeable layer, and a water absorption layer. The moisture vapor permeable layer is obtained by coating or laminating the inner side of the fabric with a moisture-vapor-permeable resin, which prohibits the penetration of the water droplets but allows the penetration of the moisture vapor molecules. The moisture absorption layer with intricate and colorful design is composed of binding resin blended with fiber powder and/or inorganic powder, and which is dot-coated or dot-printed onto the inner side of the moisture-vapor-permeable and water-resistant layer. The fiber powder or inorganic powder is highly hydrophilic and highly absorbent in its moisture absorption ability, which, when the clothes are fabricated, can prevent the penetration of raindrops but allows the transmission of the evaporated vapor of sweat through the fabric. Moreover, it is capable of absorbing plentiful amount of sweat.
US08247333B2 Multifunctional periodic cellular solids and the method of making thereof
A cellular material that can provide a unique combination of properties and characteristics for a variety of applications requiring a cellular solid that possesses one or more of the following characteristics: (1) efficient load support in one or more directions, (2) excellent mechanical impact energy absorption and vibration suppression potential, (3) high convection heat transfer throughout, (4) low pumping requirements for fluid throughput, for example in a second direction orthogonal to one or more load-bearing directions, (5) a substantially linear dependence of the Young's and shear moduli along with the tensile, compressive and shear yield strengths upon relative density (6) a potentially inexpensive textile-based synthetic approach, (7) excellent filtration potential, (8) a high surface area to volume ratio for enhanced activity as a catalyst or catalyst support (9) interconnected, open porosity for device storage, biological tissue in-growth or other functionalities requiring open space, and (10) extendibility to a wide variety of materials.
US08247332B2 Hardmask materials
Hardmask films having high hardness and low stress are provided. In some embodiments a film has a stress of between about −600 MPa and 600 MPa and hardness of at least about 12 GPa. In some embodiments, a hardmask film is prepared by depositing multiple sub-layers of doped or undoped silicon carbide using multiple densifying plasma post-treatments in a PECVD process chamber. In some embodiments, a hardmask film includes a high-hardness boron-containing film selected from the group consisting of SixByCz, SixByNz, SixByCzNw, BxCy, and BxNy. In some embodiments, a hardmask film includes a germanium-rich GeNx material comprising at least about 60 atomic % of germanium. These hardmasks can be used in a number of back-end and front-end processing schemes in integrated circuit fabrication.
US08247330B2 Method of forming micropattern, die formed by this method of forming micropattern, transfer method and micropattern forming method using this die
A micropattern is joined to a substrate (W1) by: a first group of covering step and micropattern forming step by etching in a transfer step; and a second group of covering step and micropattern forming step by etching in the transfer step.
US08247328B2 Polishing silicon carbide
The invention provides a method of chemically-mechanically polishing a substrate comprising at least one layer of single crystal silicon carbide. The method utilizes a chemical-mechanical polishing composition comprising a liquid carrier, an abrasive, a catalyst comprising a transition metal composition, and an oxidizing agent.
US08247319B1 Method to enable the process and enlarge the process window for silicide, germanide or germanosilicide formation in structures with extremely small dimensions
Techniques for silicide, germanide or germanosilicide formation in extremely small structures are provided. In one aspect, a method for forming a silicide, germanide or germanosilicide in a three-dimensional silicon, germanium or silicon germanium structure having extremely small dimensions is provided. The method includes the following steps. At least one element is implanted into the structure. At least one metal is deposited onto the structure. The structure is annealed to intersperse the metal within the silicon, germanium or silicon germanium to form the silicide, germanide or germanosilicide wherein the implanted element serves to prevent morphological degradation of the silicide, germanide or germanosilicide. The implanted element can include at least one of carbon, fluorine and silicon.
US08247313B2 Method for preparing a germanium layer from a silicon-germanium-on-isolator substrate
A method for making a germanium-on-insulator layer from an SGOI substrate, including: a) depositing on the substrate a layer of a metallic element M capable of selectively forming a silicide, the layer being in contact with a silicon-germanium alloy layer; and b) a reaction between the alloy layer and the layer of a metallic element M, by which a stack of M silicide-germanium-insulator layers is obtained. Such a method may, for example, find application to production of electronic devices such as MOSFET transistors.
US08247311B2 Laser processing method
A laser processing method for preventing particles from occurring from cut sections of chips obtained by cutting a silicon wafer is provided. An irradiation condition of laser light L for forming modified regions 77 to 712 is made different from an irradiation condition of laser light L for forming the modified regions 713 to 719 such as to correct the spherical aberration of laser light L in areas where the depth from the front face 3 of a silicon wafer 11 is 335 μm to 525 μm. Therefore, even when the silicon wafer 11 and a functional device layer 16 are cut into semiconductor chips from modified regions 71 to 719 acting as a cutting start point, twist hackles do not appear remarkably in the areas where the depth is 335 μm to 525 μm, whereby particles are hard to occur.
US08247307B2 Manufacturing method of substrate provided with semiconductor films
A plurality of rectangular single crystal semiconductor substrates are prepared. Each of the single crystal semiconductor substrates is doped with hydrogen ions and a damaged region is formed at a desired depth, and a bonding layer is formed on a surface thereof. The plurality of single crystal substrates with the damaged regions formed therein and the bonding layers formed thereover are arranged on a tray. Depression portions for holding the single crystal semiconductor substrates are formed in the tray. With the single crystal semiconductor substrates arranged on the tray, the plurality of single crystal semiconductor substrates with the damaged regions formed therein and the bonding layers formed thereover are bonded to a base substrate. By performing heat treatment and dividing the single crystal semiconductor substrates along the damaged regions, the plurality of single crystal semiconductor layers that are sliced are formed over the base substrate.
US08247304B2 Method of manufacturing semiconductor device having capacitor under bit line structure
Provided is a method of manufacturing a semiconductor device having a capacitor under bit line (CUB) structure capable of increasing a gap between a bit line in a cell area and an upper plate of a capacitor, reducing coupling capacitance therebetween, and forming deep contacts in a logic area. A capacitor including a lower electrode, a dielectric material layer, and an upper electrode is formed in an opening of a first insulating layer for exposing a first part of a semiconductor substrate in a cell area. A second insulating layer is formed on the first insulating layer. The first and second insulating layers are etched. First and second contact plugs are formed in first and second contact holes for exposing second and third parts in the cell area and the logic area. A third insulating layer including first through third conductive studs is formed on the second insulating layer. A fourth insulating layer including a bit line and first and second wires contacted with the first through third conductive studs is formed.
US08247300B2 Control of dopant diffusion from buried layers in bipolar integrated circuits
An integrated circuit and method of fabricating the integrated circuit is disclosed. The integrated circuit includes vertical bipolar transistors (30, 50, 60), each having a buried collector region (26′). A carbon-bearing diffusion barrier (28c) is disposed over the buried collector region (26′), to inhibit the diffusion of dopant from the buried collector region (26′) into the overlying epitaxial layer (28). The diffusion barrier (28c) may be formed by incorporating a carbon source into the epitaxial formation of the overlying layer (28), or by ion implantation. In the case of ion implantation of carbon or SiGeC, masks (52, 62) may be used to define the locations of the buried collector regions (26′) that are to receive the carbon; for example, portions underlying eventual collector contacts (33, 44c) may be masked from the carbon implant so that dopant from the buried collector region (26′) can diffuse upward to meet the contact (33). MOS transistors (70, 80) including the diffusion barrier (28) are also disclosed.
US08247298B2 Method of manufacturing semiconductor device
Disclosed is a method of manufacturing a semiconductor device comprising: forming a first layer on a sidewall of a trench formed on a main surface of a semiconductor substrate, filling up the trench with a protective film, etching back the protective film by a dry etching method so that a height of a surface of the protective film is lower than an opening of the trench and removing the first layer exposed by the etching-back.
US08247294B2 Manufacturing process of fin-type field effect transistor and semiconductor
A constant distance can be maintained between source/drain regions without providing a gate side wall by forming a gate electrode including an eaves structure, and a uniform dopant concentration is kept within a semiconductor by ion implantation. As a result, a FinFET excellent in element properties and operation properties can be obtained. A field effect transistor, wherein a gate structure body is a protrusion that protrudes toward source and drain regions sides in a channel length direction and has a channel length direction width larger than that of the part adjacent to the insulating film in a gate electrode, and the protrusion includes an eaves structure formed by the protrusion that extends in a gate electrode extending direction on the top surface of the semiconductor layer.
US08247291B2 Methods of forming fine patterns in integrated circuit devices and methods of manufacturing integrated circuit devices including the same
A method of fabricating an integrated circuit device includes forming first and second preliminary mask structures on a hard mask layer in respective first and second regions of the substrate. Spacers are formed on opposing sidewalls of the first and second preliminary mask structures, and the first preliminary mask structure is selectively removed from between the spacers in the first region. The hard mask layer is etched using the spacers and the second preliminary mask structure as a mask to define a first mask pattern including the opposing sidewall spacers with a void therebetween in the first region and a second mask pattern including the opposing sidewall spacers and the second preliminary mask structure therebetween in the second region. An insulation layer is patterned using the first and second mask patterns as respective masks to define a first trench in the first region and a second trench in the second region having a greater width than the first trench, and first and second conductive patterns are formed in the first and second trenches.
US08247290B2 Semiconductor device and method of manufacturing thereof
A method of manufacturing a semiconductor device has forming a first conductive film over a semiconductor substrate, etching the first conductive film, forming a plurality of first conductive patterns arranged in a first direction, and forming a side surface on an outside of a conductive pattern positioned at an end among the plurality of first conductive patterns such that the side surface has a first inclination angle smaller than a second inclination angle of a side surface on an inside of the conductive pattern positioned at the end, forming a first insulation film over the plurality of first conductive patterns, and forming a second conductive pattern over the first insulation film.
US08247287B2 Method of fabricating a deep trench insulated gate bipolar transistor
In one embodiment, a method comprises forming an epitaxial layer over a substrate of an opposite conductivity type, the epitaxial layer being separated by a buffer layer having a doping concentration that is substantially constant in a vertical direction down to the buffer layer. A pair of spaced-apart trenches is formed in the epitaxial layer from a top surface of the epitaxial layer down at least into the buffer layer. A dielectric material is formed in the trenches over the first and second sidewall portions. Source/collector and body regions of are formed at the top of the epitaxial layer, the body region separating the source/collector region of the pillar from a drift region of the epitaxial layer that extends from the body region to the buffer layer. An insulated gate member is then formed in each of the trenches adjacent to and insulated from the body region.
US08247284B2 Manufacture of semiconductor device with stress structure
A method for manufacturing a semiconductor device includes the steps of (a) forming a gate electrode on a silicon substrate, through a gate insulating film; (b) forming a lamination of an insulating film and a sacrificial film having different etching characteristics on the silicon substrate, covering the gate electrode, and anisotropically etching the lamination to form side wall spacers on side walls of the gate electrode and the gate insulating film; (c) implanting impurities into the silicon substrate on both sides of the side wall spacers; (d) etching the silicon substrate and the sacrificial film to form recesses in the silicon substrate, and to change a cross sectional shape of each of the side wall spacers to approximately an L-shape; (e) epitaxially growing Si—Ge-containing crystal in the recesses; and (f) depositing an insulating film containing stress, covering the side wall spacers.
US08247283B2 Manufacture of semiconductor device with stress structure
A method for manufacturing a semiconductor device includes the steps of (a) forming a gate electrode on a silicon substrate, through a gate insulating film; (b) forming a lamination of an insulating film and a sacrificial film having different etching characteristics on the silicon substrate, covering the gate electrode, and anisotropically etching the lamination to form side wall spacers on side walls of the gate electrode and the gate insulating film; (c) implanting impurities into the silicon substrate on both sides of the side wall spacers; (d) etching the silicon substrate and the sacrificial film to form recesses in the silicon substrate, and to change a cross sectional shape of each of the side wall spacers to approximately an L-shape; (e) epitaxially growing Si—Ge-containing crystal in the recesses; and (f) depositing an insulating film containing stress, covering the side wall spacers.
US08247281B2 Technique for exposing a placeholder material in a replacement gate approach by modifying a removal rate of stressed dielectric overlayers
In a replacement gate approach, the sacrificial gate material is exposed on the basis of enhanced process uniformity, for instance during a wet chemical etch step or a CMP process, by forming a modified portion in the interlayer dielectric material by ion implantation. Consequently, the damaged portion may be removed with an increased removal rate while avoiding the creation of polymer contaminants when applying an etch process or avoiding over-polish time when applying a CMP process.
US08247280B2 Integration of low and high voltage CMOS devices
A method of fabricating a semiconductor device is provided that includes providing a semiconductor substrate having a first portion and a second portion, forming a first transistor in the first portion of the substrate, the first transistor being operable at a first voltage, and forming a second transistor in the second portion of the substrate, the second transistor being operable at a second voltage greater than the first voltage. The formation of the second transistor includes forming an extended feature of the second transistor with a photomask that is used to adjust a threshold voltage of the first transistor.
US08247275B2 Strain engineering in three-dimensional transistors based on globally strained semiconductor base layers
Non-planar transistors, such as FINFETs, may be formed on the basis of a globally strained semiconductor material, thereby preserving a high uniaxial strain component in the resulting semiconductor fins. In this manner, a significant performance enhancement may be achieved without adding process complexity when implementing FINFET transistors.
US08247273B2 Semiconductor device provided with thin film transistor and method for manufacturing the semiconductor device
A semiconductor device includes at least one thin-film transistor 116, which includes: a crystalline semiconductor layer 120 including a region 110 to be a channel region and source and drain regions 113; a gate electrode 107 for controlling the conductivity of the region 110 to be a channel region; a gate insulating film 106 arranged between the semiconductor layer 120 and the gate electrode 107; and source and drain electrodes 115 connected to the source and drain regions 113, respectively. At least one of the source and drain regions 113 contains an element to be a donor or an acceptor and a rare-gas element, but the region 110 to be a channel region does not contain the rare-gas element. The atomic weight of the rare-gas element is greater than that of the element to be a donor or an acceptor. The concentration of the rare-gas element in the at least one region as measured in the thickness direction thereof decreases continuously from the upper surface of the at least one region toward its lower surface.
US08247271B2 Formation of alpha particle shields in chip packaging
A structure fabrication method. First, an integrated circuit including N chip electric pads is provided electrically connected to a plurality of devices on the integrated circuit. Then, an interposing shield having a top side and a bottom side and having N electric conductors in the interposing shield is provided being exposed to a surrounding ambient at the top side but not at the bottom side. Next, the integrated circuit is bonded to the top side of the interposing shield such that the N chip electric pads are in electrical contact with the N electric conductors. Next, the bottom side of the interposing shield is polished so as to expose the N electric conductors to the surrounding ambient at the bottom side of the interposing shield. Then, N solder bumps are formed on the polished bottom side of the interposing shield and in electrical contact with the N electric conductors.
US08247270B2 Method of manufacturing semiconductor component, and semiconductor component
A method of manufacturing a semiconductor component of the present invention has: obtaining a semiconductor wafer having stud electrodes formed on a functional surface thereof, and a circuit board having solder bumps on one surface and having electrode pads on the other surface thereof; bonding the semiconductor wafer and the circuit board, while providing a resin layer having a flux activity between the semiconductor wafer and the circuit board, and so as to bring the stud electrodes into contact with the solder bumps, while penetrating the resin layer having a flux activity, to thereby obtain a bonded structure; applying a solder material onto the electrode pads of the bonded structure; and dicing the bonded structure to obtain a plurality of semiconductor components.
US08247269B1 Wafer level embedded and stacked die power system-in-package packages
Wafer level embedded and stacked die power system-in-package semiconductor devices, and methods for making and using the same, are described. The methods include placing a first side of a substrate frame, which includes through cavity and an adjacent via, on a carrier. A first side of a component selected from an active device and a passive device can be placed on the carrier, within the cavity. A perimeter of the cavity can be attached to a perimeter of the component. Material at a second side of the substrate frame can be removed so the via extends from the frame's first side to the frame's second side. The substrate frame and component can then be removed from the carrier so that routing can be distributed between the first side of the frame and the first side of the component to electrically connect the component with the via. Other embodiments are described.
US08247266B2 Thin film transistor, method of manufacturing the same, and flat panel display device having the same
A thin film transistor (TFT) using an oxide semiconductor layer as an active layer, a method of manufacturing the TFT, and a flat panel display (FPD) including the TFT are taught. The TFT includes a gate electrode formed on a substrate, an oxide semiconductor layer electrically insulated from the gate electrode by a gate insulating layer, and the oxide semiconductor layer including a channel region, a source region, and a drain region, and a source electrode and a drain electrode respectively electrically contacting the source region and the drain region. The oxide semiconductor layer is formed of an InZnO or IZO layer (indium zinc oxide layer) including Zr. The carrier density of the IZO layer is controlled to be 1×1013 to 1×1018 #cm−3 by controlling an amount of Zr.
US08247265B2 Method for manufacturing optoelectronic memory device
The present invention provides an optoelectronic memory device, the method for manufacturing and evaluating the same. The optoelectronic memory device according to the present invention includes a substrate, an insulation layer, an active layer, source electrode and drain electrode. The substrate includes a gate, and the insulation layer is formed on the substrate. The active layer is formed on the insulation layer, and more particularly, the active layer is formed of a composite material comprising conjugated conductive polymers and quantum dots. Moreover, both of the source and the drain are formed on the insulation layer, and electrically connected to the active layer.
US08247262B2 Method for reducing contact resistance of CMOS image sensor
A method for performing a CMOS Image Sensor (CIS) silicide process is provided to reduce pixel contact resistance. In one embodiment, the method comprises forming a Resist Protect Oxide (RPO) layer on the CIS, forming a Contact Etch Stop Layer (CESL), forming an Inter-Layer Dielectric (ILD) layer, performing contact lithography/etching, performing Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) at a pixel contact hole area, annealing for silicide formation at pixel contact hole area, performing contact filling, and defining the first metal layer. The Resist Protect Oxide (RPO) layer can be formed without using a photo mask of Cell Resist Protect Oxide (CIRPO) photolithography for pixel array and/or without silicide process at pixel array. The method can include implanting N+ or P+ for pixel contact plugs at the pixel contact hole area. The contact filling can comprise depositing contact glue plugs and performing Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP).
US08247259B2 Method for the production of an optoelectronic component using thin-film technology
On an epitaxy substrate (1), a layer structure (5, 6, 7) provided for light-emitting diodes or other optoelectronic components using thin-film technology is produced and provided with a first connecting layer (2), which comprises one or a plurality of solder materials. A second connecting layer (3) is applied over the whole area on a carrier (10) and permanently connected to the first connecting layer (2) by means of a soldering process.
US08247257B2 Method and material for processing iron disilicide for photovoltaic application
A method for providing a semiconductor material for photovoltaic devices, the method includes providing a sample of iron disilicide comprising approximately 90 percent or greater of a beta phase entity. The sample of iron disilicide is characterized by a substantially uniform first particle size ranging from about 1 micron to about 10 microns. The method includes combining the sample of iron disilicide and a binding material to form a mixture of material. The method includes providing a substrate member including a surface region and deposits the mixture of material overlying the surface region of the substrate. In a specific embodiment, the mixture of material is subjected to a post-deposition process such as a curing process to form a thickness of material comprising the sample of iron disilicide overlying the substrate member. In a specific embodiment, the thickness of material is characterized by a thickness of about the first particle size.
US08247250B2 Method for manufacturing liquid crystal display device
An object is to uniformly align liquid crystal molecules without requiring a step of forming an alignment film. A material for forming a self-assembled monolayer is dispersed in a liquid crystal material, and the mixture is interposed between a pair of substrates by a liquid crystal injection method or a liquid crystal dropping method. A silane coupling agent (the material for forming a self-assembled monolayer) injected or dropped with the liquid crystal material adsorbs to a substrate interface (or a surface of an electrode formed over a substrate) after the injection or dropping, thereby forming a self-assembled monolayer. This self-assembled monolayer serves as an alignment film, and enables long axes of liquid crystal molecules to be approximately perpendicular to a substrate and the liquid crystal molecules to be uniformly aligned.
US08247249B2 Semi-polar nitride-based light emitting structure and method of forming same
A structure and method for producing same provides a solid-state light emitting device with suppressed lattice defects in epitaxially formed nitride layers over a non-c-plane oriented (e.g., semi-polar) template or substrate. A dielectric layer with “window” openings or trenches provides significant suppression of all diagonally running defects during growth. Posts of appropriate height and spacing may further provide suppression of vertically running defects. A layer including gallium nitride is formed over the dielectric layer, and polished to provide a planar growth surface with desired roughness. A tri-layer indium gallium nitride active region is employed. For laser diode embodiments, a relatively thick aluminum gallium nitride cladding layer is provided over the gallium nitride layer.
US08247237B2 Silica-based indicating desiccants
An indicating desiccant comprises a silica-based material having impregnated thereon a source of iron and a source of bromide, the source of iron being present in an amount up to 2.0 percent by weight, calculated as Fe with respect to weight of the silica-based material, and the source of bromide being present in an amount such that the weight ratio of Br to Fe is at least 0.1:1.
US08247236B2 Detecting leucine and its isomers using differential esterification mass spectrometry
Methods of evaluating molecular isomers of branched-chain amino acids are featured. The methods can include: derivatizing one or more molecular isomers of branched-chain amino acids in a sample comprising a branched-chain amino acid labeled with one or more heavy atoms as a first standard; adding, to the sample, after derivatization, a nonderivatized or derivatized branched chain amino acid that is labeled with one or more heavy atoms, as a second standard; evaluating the sample using tandem mass spectrometry; and detecting peaks indicative of derivatized and nonderivatized forms of one or more branched-chain amino acids in the sample.
US08247235B2 Lipoprotein analysis by differential charged-particle mobility
The invention provides methods of preparation of lipoproteins from a biological sample, including HDL, LDL, Lp(a), IDL, and VLDL, for diagnostic purposes utilizing differential charged particle mobility analysis methods. Further provided are methods for analyzing the size distribution of lipoproteins by differential charged particle mobility, which lipoproteins are prepared by methods of the invention. Further provided are methods for assessing lipid-related health risk, cardiovascular condition, risk of cardiovascular disease, and responsiveness to a therapeutic intervention, which methods utilize lipoprotein size distributions determined by methods of the invention.
US08247224B2 Recombinant construct for detection of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons
The present invention describes a recombinant construct for detection of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon compounds. A method for detecting halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon compounds using the recombinant construct is also described.
US08247217B2 Thermal cycler with self-adjusting lid
A thermal cycling instrument for PCR and other reactions performed on multiple samples with temperature changes between sequential stages in the reaction procedure is supplied with a thermal block to provide rapid changes and close control over the temperature in each sample vessel and a pressure plate incorporated into a motorized lid that detects anomalies in the reaction vessels or in their positioning over the thermal block, and automatically adjusts the plate position to achieve an even force distribution over the sample vessels.
US08247215B2 Apparatus for introducing substance into cells
Provided is a cell chip for exposing to a portion of each of cells microdroplets dispensed with an inkjet printer or the like in a screening test of the effect of a substance on cells by using an apparatus for introducing the substance into cells including: a cell-immobilizing support including a substrate having through-holes penetrating from one side to the other side of the substrate and including cells immobilized in the through-holes so as to block up the through-holes; a liquid phase region present in contact with one side of the support and including a medium of the cells; and a mechanism present so as to face the other side of the support and imparting a microdroplet to a portion of each of the cells exposed in the openings on the other side.
US08247211B2 Glycopeptide antibiotics
The invention provides compounds of formula Wherein R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6a, R6b, R6c, R6d, R6e and R7 are defined in the specification. These compounds are useful as antibiotic agents.
US08247207B2 Refrigerator-temperature stable influenza vaccine compositions
Methods and compositions for the optimization and production of refrigerator-temperature stable virus, e.g., influenza, compositions are provided. Formulations and immunogenic compositions comprising refrigerator-temperature stable virus compositions are provided.
US08247205B2 Chalcone isomerase polypeptides and crystals thereof
This disclosure provides crystalline flavonoid or flavanone isomerases, isolated non-native isomerase having the structural coordinates of said crystalline isomerase, and nucleic acids encoding such non-native isomerase. Also disclosed are methods of predicting the activity and/or substrate specificity of a putative isomerase, methods of identifying potential ismerase substrates, and methods of identifying potential isomerase inhibitors.
US08247201B2 Method for producing an organic acid
An organic acid is produced by allowing a bacterium belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae, which has an ability to produce an organic acid and has been modified so that the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity is enhanced, which is selected from Enterobacter, Pantoea, Erwinia, Klebsiella and Raoultella bacteria, or a product obtained by processing the bacterium, to act on an organic raw material in a reaction mixture containing carbonate ions, bicarbonate ions, or carbon dioxide gas to produce the organic acid, and collecting the organic acid.
US08247198B2 Enzymatic processing in deep eutectic solvents
It has surprisingly been discovered that it is possible to use enzymes in deep eutectic solvents (DES). DES's are mixtures of a nitrogen salt or a metal salt and a strong hydrogen bond donor that can be mixed in proportions that form a eutectic point.
US08247194B2 Preparation of scFv antibody fragments
The invention relates to methods of preparing antibody fragments. The invention further relates to antibody fragments prepared by said methods. The invention further relates to antibody variable regions comprised in antibody fragments producible by said methods.
US08247186B2 Monoclonal antibodies and their use
Isolated monoclonal antibodies are disclosed herein that specifically bind a cell surface antigen expressed on the human pancreatic endocrine cells or a subset thereof, and/or a precursor thereof. Isolated monoclonal antibodies are also disclosed herein that specifically bind a cell surface antigen expressed on human pancreatic exocrine cells or human ductal cells. Humanized forms of these antibodies, and functional fragments of these antibodies, are also disclosed. The antibodies can be conjugated to an effector molecule, or a detectable marker. These antibodies are of use to detect and/or isolate pancreatic cells or a subset thereof. Methods of treating a pancreatic tumor are also disclosed.
US08247178B2 Thermal reaction device and method for using the same
An M×N matrix microfluidic device for performing a matrix of reactions, the device having a plurality of reaction cells in communication with one of either a sample inlet or a reagent inlet through a via formed within an elastomeric block of the device. Methods provided include a method for forming vias in parallel in an elastomeric layer of an elastomeric block of a microfluidic device, the method comprising using patterned photoresist masks and etching reagents to etch away regions or portions of an elastomeric layer of the elastomeric block.
US08247177B2 Method for sequencing a polynucleotide template
The invention relates to methods for pairwise sequencing of a double-stranded polynucleotide template, which permit the sequential determination of nucleotide sequences in two distinct and separate regions on complementary strands of the double-stranded polynucleotide template. The two regions for sequence determination may or may not be complementary to each other.
US08247162B2 Methods of forming a pattern using photoresist compositions
A method of forming a pattern and a photoresist composition, the method including forming a photoresist film on a substrate by coating a photoresist composition thereon, the photoresist composition including a polymerized photoresist additive, a polymer including an acid-labile protective group at a side chain, a photoacid generator, and a solvent; exposing the photoresist film; and forming a photoresist pattern by developing the photoresist film using an aqueous alkali developer, wherein the polymerized photoresist additive includes a hydrophilic repeating unit having an aliphatic hydrocarbon backbone and a side chain containing an oxygen heteroatom in a heterocyclic ring substituted with at least three hydroxyl groups, and a hydrophobic repeating unit having an aliphatic hydrocarbon backbone and a side chain containing a fluorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon group.
US08247157B2 Toner process
The present disclosure provides processes for increasing the shelf life and stability of resin emulsions suitable for use in forming toner particles. In embodiments, the pH of the resin emulsion is monitored, and a base is added as needed to maintain the pH of the emulsion at from about 6.5 to about 8. Maintaining the pH at from about 6.5 to about 8 prevents the degradation of the resin in the emulsion, including its molecular weight.
US08247156B2 Processes for producing polyester latexes with improved hydrolytic stability
A process for making a latex emulsion suitable for use in a toner composition includes contacting at least one crystalline polyester resin with an organic solvent and a stabilizing agent to form a resin mixture, adding a neutralizing agent, and deionized water to the resin mixture, removing the solvent from the formed latex, and continuously recovering latex particles.
US08247150B2 Carrier for developing electrostatic latent image, two-component developer, supplemental developer, process cartridge, and image forming method
A carrier for developing an electrostatic latent image which includes a core material and a resin coating layer provided on the core material. The resin coating layer includes a resin and a particulate tin oxide, and the surface of the particulate tin oxide is coated with carbon.
US08247148B2 Resin-coated ferrite carrier for electrophotographic developer and electrophotographic developer using the resin-coated ferrite carrier
Employed are a resin-coated ferrite carrier for an electrophotographic developer including a ferrite carrier core material having a BET specific surface area of 900 to 5,000 cm2/g and an apparent density of 2.30 to 2.80 g/cm3, and the electrophotographic developer using this resin-coated ferrite carrier.
US08247142B1 Fluorinated structured organic film compositions
A fluorinated structured organic film comprising a plurality of segments and a plurality of linkers arranged as a covalent organic framework, wherein the fluorine in the structured organic film may be distributed in a patterned uniform manner.
US08247140B2 Mask and method for fabricating the same
A method of fabricating a mask includes sequentially depositing a phase shift layer and a light shielding layer on a transparent substrate; forming a light shielding layer pattern and a phase shift layer pattern by selectively etching the light shielding layer and the phase shift layer; forming side walls on side faces of the phase shift layer pattern; cleaning the substrate formed with the side walls; and selectively removing a portion of the light shielding layer. The side wall can be formed of an oxide formed by oxidizing the side faces of the phase shift layer pattern.
US08247139B2 Volume holographic data recording media
There is provided volume holographic data recording media having a recording layer which is capable of recording interference fringes generated by interference of light having excellent coherence as fringes having different refractive indexes and undergoes holographic data recording by an amount of spatial shift distance of not more than 3 μm which is smaller than that of conventional media.
US08247138B2 Metal fluid distribution plate with an adhesion promoting layer and polymeric layer
In at least one embodiment, the present invention provides an electrically conductive fluid distribution plate and a method of making, and system for using, the electrically conductive fluid distribution plate. In at least one embodiment, the plate comprises an electrically conductive fluid distribution plate comprising a metallic plate body defining a set of fluid flow channels configured to distribute flow of a fluid across at least one side of the plate, a metal-containing adhesion promoting layer having a thickness less than 100 nm disposed on the plate body, and a composite polymeric conductive layer disposed on the metal-containing adhesion promoting layer.
US08247136B2 Carbon based electrocatalysts for fuel cells
Novel proton exchange membrane fuel cells and direct methanol fuel cells with nanostructured components are configured with higher precious metal utilization rate at the electrodes, higher power density, and lower cost. To form a catalyst, platinum or platinum-ruthenium nanoparticles are deposited onto carbon-based materials, for example, single-walled, dual-walled, multi-walled and cup-stacked carbon nanotubes. The deposition process includes an ethylene glycol reduction method. Aligned arrays of these carbon nanomaterials are prepared by filtering the nanomaterials with ethanol. A membrane electrode assembly is formed by sandwiching the catalyst between a proton exchange membrane and a diffusion layer that form a first electrode. The second electrode may be formed using a conventional catalyst. The several layers of the MEA are hot pressed to form an integrated unit. Proton exchange membrane fuel cells and direct methanol fuel cells are developed by stacking the membrane electrode assemblies in a conventional manner.
US08247134B2 Fuel cell and fuel cell system with the same
A fuel cell is provided. The fuel cell includes a medium member. Unit areas are formed at both sides of the medium member. The unit areas include outlets and inlets which allow a fuel to flow. First path members which have first flowpaths for circulating the fuel are disposed at the unit areas. Membrane-electrode assemblies are connected to the respective first path members. Second path members which have second flowpaths for circulating air are connected to the respective membrane-electrode assemblies.
US08247131B2 Fuel cell stack
A fuel cell stack includes a load receiver provided at an outer end of a fuel cell unit, a guide receiver provided in a box, and a pressure receiver provided in at least one corner in the box. The guide receiver abuts against the load receiver for receiving the external load. The pressure receiver protrudes toward the fuel cell unit. The pressure receiver abuts against a corner of the fuel cell unit for receiving the load. The pressure receiver has a resin receiver, and the resin receiver abuts against a curved portion of the fuel cell unit for supporting the fuel cell unit.
US08247130B2 Solid oxide electrochemical cell and processes for producing the same
A hydrogen electrode constituted of a mixed phase composed of an oxide sinter having particles of at least one member selected from Ni, Co, Fe, and Cu on a surface part thereof and coated wholly or partly with a film having mixed conductivity and a sinter having ionic conductivity is formed on a surface of an electrolyte having oxygen ion conductivity.
US08247129B2 Solid oxide fuel cell for a power generation
A fuel cell provided with a reforming catalyst is located in a high-temperature portion on the anode side to cool the high-temperature portion by means of heat absorption of reforming reaction, or a combustion catalyst is provided in a low-temperature portion on the anode side to heat the low-temperature portion by means of heat generation of combustion reaction, or both of the catalysts are provided, by which the occurrence of variations in temperature in a cell reaction region of anode is prevented.
US08247125B2 Fuel cell system
The invention relates to a fuel cell stack (10) of a fuel cell system that is to be hermetically sealed off from the environment after operation is ended so that only a finite amount of air oxygen remains in the fuel cells, thus preventing the fuel cells from excessively aging. According to the invention, locking means (26, 28; 32, 34) are provided that are disposed on or in an end plate (14) or distributor plate of the fuel cell stack (10). The locking means (26, 28; 32, 34) are therefore thermally coupled to the end plate (14) and may freeze up at cold ambient temperatures. In a preferred embodiment, the locking means (26, 28; 32, 34) comprise an elastomer body (32, 34) able to cover and uncover a channel (44, 46) in the plate (14).
US08247120B2 Fuel cell system including a fuel module
A fuel cell system includes an energy conversion module and a fuel module that is detachable from the energy conversion module. The fuel module includes a fuel tank, a fuel module identification member including fuel module data and a fuel filter member. The control module is configured to access the fuel module data from the fuel module identification member. The fuel cell stack is configured to utilize the refined fuel to generate electrical energy.
US08247119B2 Fuel cell system
In a fuel cell system, a humidifier is attached to an end plate. A pipe connector of a fluid pipe provided at the end plate such as an oxygen-containing gas inlet manifold and a pipe connector of a fluid pipe of the humidifier such as a humidified air supply pipe are connected through a substantially ring-shaped intermediate pipe. O-rings are attached to annular grooves in the outer circumferential portions of the intermediate pipe. One of the O-rings tightly contacts the inner circumferential surface of the pipe connector of the oxygen-containing gas inlet manifold, and the other of the O-rings tightly contacts the inner circumferential surface of the pipe connector of the humidified air supply pipe.
US08247118B2 Non-aqueous solvent and non-aqueous electrolytic solution for energy storage device, and energy storage device, lithium secondary battery and electric double-layer capacitor each comprising the non-aqueous solvent or the non-aqueous electrolytic solution
A nonaqueous solvent for an electrical storage device according to the present invention includes fluorine-containing cyclic saturated hydrocarbon having a structure represented by the following general formula (1) in which one or two substituents R are introduced into a cyclohexane ring; a compound having a relative dielectric constant of 25 or higher; and a chain carbonate (in general formula (1), R is represented by CnX2n+1 where n is an integer of 1 or greater, at least one of (2n+1) pieces of X's is F, and the other X's are H).
US08247117B2 Ionic liquid
The present invention relates to ionic liquids having low melting points, low viscosities and high electrical conductivities; and more specifically, to ionic liquids including at least one organic onium ion and at least one anion represented by the formula: [Z—BF3]−, wherein Z is an alkyl group, an alkenyl group, or a fluoroalkenyl group. The ionic liquids according to the invention are capable of easily dissolving electrolytes such as lithium salts, and are also nonflammable and have low viscosities; therefore, the ionic liquids are suitable for use as electrolyte solvents for lithium batteries such as lithium secondary batteries, electric double-layer capacitors, and the like. The ionic liquids according to the invention are suitable for use in electrochemical devices such as lithium secondary batteries, fuel cells, solar batteries, electrical double-layer capacitors and the like; as solvents for chemical reactions; and as lubricants.
US08247111B2 Alkaline battery and sealing unit for alkaline battery
An opening part of a battery casing is sealed by a sealing unit into which a negative electrode terminal plate, a negative electrode current collector joined to the negative electrode terminal plate, and a gasket are integrated. The gasket includes a boss part through which the negative electrode current collector passes, an outer peripheral part in contact with the opening part of the battery casing, and an annular part arranged between the boss part and the outer peripheral part, and a part of the annular part is formed into a thin part serving as a safety valve. The negative electrode current collector has a body diameter of 1.8 mm or smaller and includes at the end part thereof a collar part. The ratio of the outer diameter of the boss part to the outer diameter of the collar part is 4.0 or smaller.
US08247110B2 Battery cover latching mechanism
A battery cover latching mechanism is provided. The battery cover latching mechanism includes a body member defining a battery receiving space, a battery cover attached to the body member to cover the battery receiving space, and a button assembly. The battery cover including a clamping portion. The button assembly includes a button. The button includes a latching portion. The latching portion releasbly locks the latching portion to the clamping portion.
US08247109B2 Battery cover structure for portable electronic device
A battery cover structure includes a removable cover and a main body. The cover defines two cutouts at an end thereof. The main body includes a first housing and a second housing. The first housing defines a through hole. An elastic arm extending from the first housing and is received in the through hole. Two latching blocks respectively extend from two sides of the arm and are respectively engaged in the cutouts of the cover. The arm includes a distal portion. The second housing is integrally formed with the first housing. The second housing includes a flexible operating portion above the distal portion of the arm. When the operating portion is pressed down, the at latching blocks are detached from the cutouts so as to remove the cover.
US08247108B2 Alkaline primary battery comprising a sealing agent
An alkaline primary battery of the present invention includes a positive electrode containing at least one of manganese dioxide and nickel oxyhydroxide; a negative electrode containing zinc; a separator disposed between the positive electrode and the negative electrode; an alkaline electrolyte; a battery case for housing the positive electrode, the negative electrode, the separator, and the alkaline electrolyte; a sealing plate for sealing the opening portion of the battery case; a resin-made gasket disposed between the battery case and the sealing plate; and a negative electrode current collector inserted in the negative electrode and the gasket. Between the battery case and the gasket, a sealing agent is applied. The sealing agent includes a mixture of a hot-melt resin with a weight average molecular weight of 1000 to 3000 and a softening point of 95 to 160° C.; and polybutene with a number average molecular weight of 300 to 700 and a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of 10 to 1000 mm2/S.
US08247107B2 Battery pack
A battery pack that enhances the reliability and coupling force of a connection member electrically connecting two protective circuit boards is disclosed. The battery pack includes: a secondary battery including a positive electrode and a negative electrode; a first protective circuit board electrically connected to the battery; a second protective circuit board electrically connected to the first protective circuit board; and at least one conductive plate coupled to one surface of the first protective circuit board and one surface of the second protective circuit board.
US08247102B2 Standable portable electronic device
A portable electronic device includes a main body and a battery cover. The main body defines a recess for receiving a battery therein. The battery cover is installed on the main body to cover the recess when the portable electronic device is in a first use mode, and the battery cover is detached from the main body, placed flatly, and used to stand the main body erectly thereon when the portable electronic device is in a second use mode.
US08247098B2 Electrochemical cell
An electrochemical cell comprising: (i) an anode half-cell with an anode, (ii) a cathode half-cell with a cathode, (iii) an ion-exchange membrane arranged between the anode half-cell and the cathode half-cell, the anode and/or the cathode comprising a gas diffusion electrode, (iv) a gap between the gas diffusion electrode and the ion-exchange membrane, (v) an electrolyte feed inlet above the gap, (vi) an electrolyte drain beneath the gap, (vii) a gas inlet, (viii) a gas outlet, and (ix) an electrolyte holding vessel comprising an overflow connected with the electrolyte feed inlet.
US08247095B2 Energy assisted discrete track media with heat sink
A discrete track perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) disk and a method of fabricating the disk are described. The PMR disk may include a heat sink layer disposed above a substrate, intermediate layers disposed above the heat sink layer, and a magnetic recording layer disposed above the intermediate layers. The magnetic recording layer may have raised and recessed areas, where a heat conductive material may be disposed within one or more of the recessed areas.
US08247092B2 Coated cutting tool and a method of making thereof
The present invention relates to a cutting tool for metal machining with improved wear properties, comprising a cutting tool substrate of cemented carbide, cermet, ceramics or a super hard material, and a wear resistant coating, wherein the wear resistant coating comprises a PVD Ti—Si—C—N layer, and a method of making thereof.
US08247088B2 Emitting complex for electroluminescent devices
An OLED device including a cathode, an anode, and having therebetween a phosphorescent light-emitting layer that contains a light-emitting organometallic complex including a precious metal, a first ligand including an imidazole group and a second nitrogen heterocycle group, and at least one second different ligand.
US08247085B2 Oxide-forming protective coatings for niobium-based materials
Coatings suitable for use as protective oxide-forming coatings on Nb-based substrates exposed to high temperatures and oxidative environments. The coatings contain chromium and/or molybdenum, preferably contains silicon, and optionally contains niobium, titanium, hafnium, iron, rhenium, tantalum, and/or tungsten, which in combination form multiple intermetallic phases, which in combination form one or more intermetallic phases that promote the formation of a slow-growing oxide scale. Depending on the particular coating composition, the intermetallic phases may be: a silicon-modified Cr2Nb Laves phase and optionally a chromium solid solution phase, a CrNbSi intermetallic phase, and/or an M3Si intermetallic phase where M is niobium, titanium, and/or chromium; or M5Si3, MSi2 and/or M3Si2 where M is molybdenum, niobium, titanium, chromium, hafnium, iron, rhenium, tantalum, and/or tungsten.
US08247084B2 Aluminum alloy brazing sheet
An aluminum alloy brazing sheet includes a core material containing Si, Cu and Mn by a predetermined amount, the balance being Al and inevitable impurities, a sacrificial anode material disposed on one face side of the core material and containing Si, Zn and Mg by a predetermined amount, the balance being Al and inevitable impurities, and a brazing filler material disposed on the other face side of the core material and formed of an aluminum alloy, and the area fraction of Zn—Mg-based intermetallic compounds with 2.0 μm or above particle size on the surface of the sacrificial anode material may be 1.0% or below. Or otherwise, in the aluminum alloy brazing sheet, the number density of Al—Cu-based intermetallic compounds with 0.5 μm or above particle size inside the core material may be 1.0 piece/μm2 or below.
US08247080B2 Coating structure and method
A coating structure including an outer coating comprising aluminum; and an interlayer disposed between a substrate and the outer coating is provided. The interlayer may include a rare earth metal, a transition metal, or a noble metal. The interlayer may have one or more property of being less responsive to halogen etching relative to the outer coating; having a coefficient of thermal expansion that is greater than the coefficient of thermal expansion of the substrate and less than the coefficient of thermal expansion of the outer coating or vice versa; having a color different from the color of the outer coating; having a electrical conductivity different from the electrical conductivity of the outer coating. A method of making is article is provided. The method may include securing an interlayer to a substrate surface, and securing an outer coating to a surface of the interlayer opposite the substrate.
US08247073B2 Core-shell nanocrystal comprising a non-semiconductor buffer layer, method for preparing the same and electronic device comprising the same
Disclosed herein are a nanocrystal, a method for preparing the nanocrystal, and an electronic device comprising the nanocrystal. The nanocrystal comprises a semiconductor nanocrystal core, a non-semiconductor buffer layer surrounding the semiconductor nanocrystal core, and a shell surrounding the buffer layer.
US08247070B2 Crystalline nanostructures
The present invention comprises nano obelisks and nanostructures and methods and processes for same. The nano obelisks of the present invention are advantageous structures for use as electron source emitters. For example, the ultra sharp obelisks can be used as an emitter source to generate highly coherent and high energy electrons with high current.
US08247068B2 Coating material for forming gas-barrier layer and gas-barrier multilayer body
Disclosed is a coating material for forming a gas barrier. The coating material includes a polyalcohol polymer, a polycarboxylic acid polymer, and a divalent or higher-valent metal compound whose surface is coated with a poorly water-soluble component, or alternatively a monovalent metal compound whose surface is coated with a poorly water-soluble component and a divalent or higher-valent metal compound whose surface is coated with a poorly water-soluble component. By applying this coating material to a plastic substrate layer, a gas-barrier multilayer body having a gas-barrier layer formed thereon is obtained.
US08247064B2 Coatings
This invention relates to coating a surface wherein the coated surface inhibits foulants such as cell and/or protein and/or prion adhesion or formation. In particular, the coated surface may be part of a medical device which inhibits bacterial adhesion and colonisation, thrombus formation and/or prion, blood protein and/or protein formation.
US08247063B2 Multilayer material and related methods
A material and related methods that include a first layer and a second layer that is coupled to the first layer with the first layer disposed on the second layer, and an interface between the first layer and the second layer. The interface is configured to allow the first layer to be separated from the second layer. The first layer, after separation from the second layer, is configured to be repositioned and re-coupled to the second layer.
US08247062B2 Methodology and tooling arrangements for increasing interlaminar shear strength in a ceramic matrix composite structure
Methodology and tooling arrangements for increasing interlaminar shear strength in a ceramic matrix composite (CMC) structure are provided. The CMC structure may be formed by a plurality of layers of ceramic fibers disposed between a top surface and a bottom surface of the composite structure. A plurality of surface recesses are formed on the surfaces of the structure. For example, each of the surfaces of the composite structure may be urged against corresponding top and bottom surfaces of a tool having a plurality of asperities. The plurality of surface recesses causes an out-of-plane sub-surface fiber displacement along an entire thickness of the structure, and the sub-surface fiber displacement is arranged to increase an interlaminar shear strength of the structure.
US08247060B2 Flexible metamaterial structure based on graphene structures
A flexible graphene-based metamaterial structure is disclosed that can operate at above liquid helium or liquid nitrogen temperatures, up to room temperature or above in applications similar to those for which a superconductor-based material structure is used. The flexible graphene-based metamaterial structure is formed from a flexible substrate, and a plurality of two-dimensional graphene blocks disposed in an array on the flexible substrate, each graphene block having a plurality of graphene sheets. The lateral dimension of the face of the graphene blocks is dependent on the temperature of operation of the flexible metamaterial structure. The flexible graphene-based metamaterial structure can be used for cloaking, with application in magnetic shielding.
US08247059B2 Two-color molded product
A two-color molding equipment for shaping a two-color molded product by placing a film in primary mold tool configured by a fixed mold and a movable mold, injecting a resin into a first cavity to shape a primary molded piece, shifting the primary molded piece provided with the film to secondary mold tool configured by the fixed mold and the movable mold, and injecting a resin into a second cavity to shape a secondary molded piece, wherein the first cavity is configured to shape the primary molded piece to be smaller than the film so that a part of the film protrudes from the primary molded piece, and a wall surface located at the protruding portion of the film to constitute the first cavity is provided with a convex portion that restricts mold shrinkage of the film protruding portion in the primary molded piece.
US08247057B2 Cover tape and method for manufacture
An article includes a cover tape, which includes a base film layer, tear enabling features, and an adhesive. The base film layer has opposed longitudinal edges and top and bottom surfaces. The tear enabling features are substantially parallel to the longitudinal edges and at the top and bottom surfaces.
US08247055B2 Protective device for protecting carbon nanotube film
A protective device includes a base film, a first carbon nanotube film, and a first protecting film. The first protecting film includes a release layer. The first carbon nanotube film is located between the base film and the first protecting film and in contact with the release layer. The carbon nanotube film is capable of being released from the release layer. The present disclosure also relates to a roll of protective device, and a method for making the protective device.
US08247054B2 Adhesive backed preformed thermoplastic sheeting
The present invention relates to a system, method, and composition utilizing a pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) and/or thermal sensitive adhesive sheet for adhering sheets of preformed thermoplastic road markings, texture and design patterns to concrete, asphalt, wood or composite material surfaces. These markings may be decorative or legend type markings. The system involving the method of applying the product allows for immediate use in a traffic area upon completion of the application to any of the appropriate outdoor surfaces.
US08247053B2 Adhesive composition containing grafted polyethylene
The invention relates to an adhesive composition comprising, relative to its total weight: from 1 to 40% of a polyethylene (A) grafted with a functional monomer or a blend of a polyethylene (A1) with a second polymer (A2) different from (A1), said blend of (A1) and (A2) being co-grafted with an unsaturated functional monomer, the content by weight of unsaturated functional monomer relative to (A) being in the range from 30 to 100000 ppm; from 25 to 98% of a non-grafted polyethylene (B) having a density in the range from 0.900 to 0.965; from 1 to 35% of an elastomeric product (C). The invention also relates to a multilayer structure comprising this composition, said structure being able to serve as protection of metal tubes used for the fabrication of oil pipelines and gas pipelines.
US08247052B2 Coaxial cable
Certain embodiments of the present technology provide a cable comprising a conductor and a cable layer. The cable layer comprises a polypropylene material. The cable layer and/or the polypropylene material comprise a crystalline fraction crystallizing in the temperature range of 200 to 105° C. determined by stepwise isothermal segregation technique. The crystalline fraction comprises a part, wherein, during subsequent melting at a melting rate of 10° C./min, the part melts at or below 130° C. and the part represents at least 20 percent by weight of the crystalline fraction. In certain embodiments, the part melts at or below the temperature T=Tm−3° C., wherein Tm is the melting temperature of the cable layer and/or the polypropylene material, and the part represents at least 45 percent by weight of the crystalline fraction. Certain embodiments provide methods and processes for manufacturing the cable described above and herein.
US08247050B2 Metal-coated polymer article of high durability and vacuum and/or pressure integrity
Metal-coated polymer articles containing structural substantially porosity-free, fine-grained and/or amorphous metallic coatings/layers optionally containing solid particulates dispersed therein on polymer substrates, are disclosed. The substantially porosity-free metallic coatings/layers/patches are applied to polymer or polymer composite substrates to provide, enhance or restore vacuum/pressure integrity and fluid sealing functions. Due to the excellent adhesion between the metallic coating and the polymer article satisfactory thermal cycling performance is achieved. The invention can also be employed as a repair/refurbishment technique. The fine-grained and/or amorphous metallic coatings are particularly suited for strong and lightweight articles, precision molds, sporting goods, aerospace and automotive parts and other components exposed to thermal cycling and stress created by erosion and impact damage.
US08247049B2 Preforms for preparing lightweight stretch blow molded pet copolymer containers and methods for making and using same
An injection molded preform for making a stretch blow molded container having an overall stretch ratio of from about 12 to about 16, wherein the overall stretch ratio is a product of a hoop stretch ratio and an axial stretch ratio, wherein the hoop stretch ratio is from about 5.6 to about 6.5, wherein the axial stretch ratio is from about 2.4 to about 2.7, and wherein the preform comprises a CG PET Copolymer having a free blow volume of from about 650 to about 800 ml measured at 100° C. and 90 psi using a 25 gram weight preform designed for a 500 ml container with a maximum diameter of 65 mm and a height of 200 mm from below the container finish and having a hoop stretch ratio of 5.5 and an axial stretch ratio of 2.6. This invention also relates to a method of making such preforms and stretch blow molded containers and methods of making the same.
US08247048B2 Cylindrical molded article, injection mold and manufacturing method of cylindrical molded article
An injection mold 70 includes a first portion 71, a second portion 72, a third portion 73, and a fourth portion 79. The first portion 71 has three high-density regions H in which there is the highest proportion of the axial direction dimension accounted for by the portion corresponding to cam grooves with respect to the axial direction dimension of a cavity 71a. First gates 74b are disposed at locations corresponding to the high-density regions H, or closer to the high-density regions H than second gates 75b. The average channel sectional area of first runners 74a is larger than the average channel sectional area of second runners 75a.
US08247045B2 Inkjet recording element
An inkjet recording element is disclosed having a support and, on the support, (a) a porous base layer comprising particles of fumed silica and a hydrophilic binder and (b) an optional porous gloss layer above the base layer comprising particles of colloidal silica and a hydrophilic binder, wherein the particles of finned and colloidal silica are anionic. Also disclosed is a method of printing on such an inkjet recording element and a preferred method of making the inkjet recording element. The inkjet recording element can potentially have, in some embodiments, the advantages of improved image quality (reduced coalescence), and higher dye ink optical densities.
US08247044B2 Inkjet recording element
An inkjet recording element is disclosed having a support and, on the support, (a) a porous base layer comprising particles of fumed silica and a hydrophilic binder and (b) a porous gloss layer above the base layer comprising particles of colloidal silica and a hydrophilic binder, wherein the particles of fumed and colloidal silica are anionic. Also disclosed is a method of printing on such an inkjet recording element. The inkjet recording element can potentially have, in some embodiments, the advantages of improved image quality (reduced coalescence) and higher dye ink optical densities.
US08247042B2 Recording medium
The invention provides a recording medium capable of inhibiting cracks and also inhibiting peeling off of an ink receiving layer upon folding of the recording medium. The recording medium has a substrate and an ink receiving layer provided on the substrate, wherein the substrate is a resin-coated substrate obtained by coating a base material with a resin, the arithmetic average roughness Ra of a surface of the substrate on the side of the ink receiving layer as prescribed by JIS B 0601:2001 is 3.0 μm or more, the skewness Rsk of a roughness curve of the surface of the substrate as prescribed by JIS B 0601:2001 is 0.2 or less, and the coating thickness of the ink receiving layer is 50 μm or less.
US08247038B2 Process for the application of spin transition molecular materials in thin layers
This application relates to a process for the application of thin layers of substantially pure spin transition molecular materials while maintaining the hysteresis properties of the material. The process makes it possible to obtain a dense uniform surface with very low roughness.
US08247037B2 Use of polysilazanes for coating metal strips
A coating for metals containing a polysilazane solution or a mixture of polysilazanes of the general formula (I) —(SiR′R″-NR′″)n—  (1) wherein R′, R″ and R′″ are identical or different and independently represent hydrogen or an optionally substituted alkyl, aryl, vinyl or (trialkoxysilyl)alkyl radical, wherein n is a whole number and n is dimensioned in such a way that the polysilazane has a number-average molecular weight of 150 to 150 000 g/mol, in a solvent and at least one catalyst. The invention also relates to a method for the production of the coating.
US08247034B2 Advanced catalyst system prepared from a whiskered aluminum-containing metallic alloy substrate
A method for whisker formation on the surface of aluminum-containing metallic alloy fibers and substrates provides a support structure for many technical, medical and pharmaceutical applications. The novel surface modification of metallic alloy fibers and other metallic substrates involves heating the fiber or substrate in air at temperatures ranging from approximately 800° C. to approximately 1000° C. for a period of time ranging from approximately 10 hours to approximately 100 hours to form whiskers. The use of a metal oxide coating with large ions, such as zirconium oxide, allows the formation of alumina whiskers while preserving the structural integrity of the metallic alloy substrate. Uses of the present invention include, but are not limited to an advanced catalyst support, a highly efficient filter medium, a support for implants and the like.
US08247033B2 Self-assembly of block copolymers on topographically patterned polymeric substrates
Highly-ordered block copolymer films are prepared by a method that includes forming a polymeric replica of a topographically patterned crystalline surface, forming a block copolymer film on the topographically patterned surface of the polymeric replica, and annealing the block copolymer film. The resulting structures can be used in a variety of different applications, including the fabrication of high density data storage media. The ability to use flexible polymers to form the polymeric replica facilitates industrial-scale processes utilizing the highly-ordered block copolymer films.
US08247027B2 Composite particles
In the present invention a composite particle including: a first polymeric particle having a diameter of from 100 nm to 3.5 microns including a core and a shell: the core including, when dry, at least one void; and the shell polymer having a calculated glass transition temperature(“Tg”) greater than 50° C.; and a second polymeric particle disposed on the surface of the first polymeric particle, the second polymeric particle having a minimum film-forming temperature of greater than 20° C.; wherein the ratio of the diameter of the first polymeric particle to the diameter of the second polymeric particle is from 1 to 50; and wherein the ratio of the weight of the first polymeric particle to the weight of the second polymeric particle is from 0.1 to 40, is provided. In certain embodiments the composite particle further includes pigment particles having a diameter of from 10 nm to 5 microns disposed on the surface of the composite particle, wherein the ratio of the weight of the pigment particles to the weight of the composite particle is from 0.1 to 10. Also provided is a method for forming the composite particles, a thermosensitive recording material including the composite particles and a method for providing the thermosensitive recording material.
US08247022B2 Silicon nitride passivation for a solar cell
A silicon nitride layer may be formed with a suitable refractive index, mass density, and hydrogen concentration so that the layer may serve as an ARC/passivation layer on a solar cell substrate. The silicon nitride layer may be formed on a solar cell substrate by adding a hydrogen gas diluent to a conventional precursor gas mixture during the deposition process. Alternatively, the silicon nitride layer may be formed on a solar cell substrate by using a precursor gas mixture consisting essentially of silane and nitrogen. To improve deposition chamber throughput, the silicon nitride layer may be a dual stack film that includes a low-hydrogen interface layer and a thicker bulk silicon nitride layer. Placing a plurality of solar cell substrates on a substrate carrier and transferring the substrate carrier into the deposition chamber may further enhance deposition chamber throughput.
US08247011B2 Apparatus and method for extracting pomegranate seeds from pomegranates
Apparatus for extracting pomegranate seeds from pomegranates including a pomegranate breaker operative for breaking open pomegranates generally without cutting pomegranate seeds at the interior of the pomegranates and a pomegranate seed extractor operative to engage broken open pomegranates for separating the pomegranate seeds from other parts of the pomegranates.
US08247009B2 Biological methane production from coal, manure, sludge, wastes, or other carbonaceous feedstocks with simultaneous sequestration of CO2
The present invention provides a method for generating methane from a carbonaceous fuel source with simultaneous sequestration of carbon dioxide, the method comprising anaerobically incubating a particulate alkaline earth metal salt in contact with a particulate and/or dissolved carbonaceous feedstock in a neutral or alkaline aqueous culture medium containing a culture of methanogenic bacteria consortia and collecting methane generated therefrom. At least a portion of carbon dioxide produced during the incubation reacts with the alkaline earth metal salt to form an alkaline earth metal carbonate, thereby sequestering the carbon dioxide.
US08247005B2 Process for cosmetic treatment using ferutinine from Ferula genus plants
The invention relates to a process for cosmetic treatment, including the reduction of superficial and deep wrinkles, using ferutinine from Ferula spp extracts.
US08247003B2 Protective compositions for dermal papilla cells
Disclosed are novel protective compositions for dermal papilla cells. In an embodiment the protective compositions of the present invention comprise 0.25% w/w or above of compositions comprising at least 10% w/w and above of 1-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose (β-glucogallin). In an embodiment, the said protective composition additionally comprises 50% to greater than 50% gallates including mucic acid 1,4-lactone 5-O-gallate, mucic acid 2-O-gallate, mucic acid 6-Methyl ester 2-O-gallate, mucic acid 1-Methyl ester 2-O-gallate and ellagic acid. In another embodiment the invention also encompasses synergistic protective compositions comprising the said protective compositions and 0.5% concentrate of liquid endosperm of Cocos nucifera, for dermal papilla directed towards helping the dermal papilla cells to form sufficient numbers and to retain a healthy morphology conducive for hair growth.
US08246992B2 β-1,3-glucan-derived polyaldehyde/polyamine hydrogel
The present invention provides a combination product which comprises: (1) a polyaldehyde obtained by introducing an aldehyde group into a branched glucose in a β-1,3-glucan, and (2) a polyamine obtained by increasing the molecular weight of a poly-L-lysine. The combination product according to the present invention is useful as a material for a tissue adhesive hydrogel which can be used as a hemostatic agent or the like which exhibits low risks for viral infections and the like, high biodegradability and biocompatibility, excellent safety, a good adhesion rate and a good adhesion strength.
US08246991B2 Biocompatible and biodegradable elastomeric polymers
Disclosed herein are biocompatible and biodegradable polymers which are useful in tissue engineering; wound healing, coatings, and drug delivery, said polymers comprising one or more ECM-mimetic peptides and one or more biodegradable moieties, wherein the moieties do not comprise an amino acid or residue thereof. Further disclosed herein are methods for making and using the disclosed biocompatible polymers.
US08246986B2 Drug coating providing high drug loading
Aqueous drug coatings including at least one insoluble drug, wherein the insoluble drug accounts for about 85 wt % to about 97 wt % of the drug coatings are described. Such drug coatings may include only one insoluble drug, two or more insoluble drugs, or one or more insoluble drugs in combination with one or more soluble drugs.
US08246983B2 Encapsulated arsenic drugs
The present invention relates to methods and compositions for the treatment of cancer and for research and analysis of cancer. In particular, the present invention provides encapsulated arsenic anti-cancer compositions with improved properties.
US08246981B2 Transdermal method and patch for emesis
Provided, among other things, is a method of treating acute, delayed or anticipatory emesis for a sustained period in an individual, which involves applying to a portion of intact skin on the individual a composition of i. an antiemetically effective amount of a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist; ii. a permeation enhancing amount of permeation enhancer comprising 0.5% to 15% by weight of the skin-contacting layer; and iii. an adhesive.
US08246980B2 Transdermal delivery system
An improved transdermal delivery system (TDS) comprises a self-adhesive matrix comprising a solid or semi-solid semi-permeable polymer which contains an amine-functional drug in its free base form as a multitude of microreservoirs within the matrix. The self-adhesive matrix is highly permeable to the free base of the amine-functional drug and is impermeable to the protonated form of the amine-functional drug.
US08246974B2 Medical devices and methods for producing the same
Embodiments of the invention include coated medical devices that can elute one or more bioactive agents within the body, and methods for producing the same. In an embodiment, the invention includes a method of forming a coated medical device including depositing a coated composition onto a medical device having a roughened segment and a smooth segment. In an embodiment, the invention includes a method of forming a coated implantable medical device including depositing a coated composition onto a medical device having a body segment and a piercing segment. In an embodiment, the invention includes a medical device, a coated composition provided on the substrate surface, the composition including a bioactive agent and a polymer. The medical device includes an uncoated component wherein the edge of the coated composition is within 0.5 mm of the uncoated component. In an embodiment, the invention includes a method for disposing a coated composition on a medical device with an ultrasonically atomized spray stream including moving a spray stream in a pattern having a plurality of transverse sweeps and a plurality of longitudinal movements.
US08246973B2 Freeze-thaw method for modifying stent coating
Methods are disclosed for controlling the morphology and the release-rate of active agent from a coating layer for medical devices comprising a polymer matrix and one or more active agents. The methods comprise exposing a wet or dry coating to a freeze-thaw cycle. The coating layer can be used for controlled delivery of an active agent or a combination of active agents.
US08246972B2 Veterinary dermatologic composition
This invention relates to the use of an active compound selected from the group comprising a sphingoid base, a sphingoid base derivative or a mixture of two or more these compounds for manufacturing a cosmetic composition suitable for topical application with animals having an at least partly fur covered skin for maintaining and/or repairing the keratoseborrheaic condition of the skin and/or fur.
US08246969B2 Compositions containing aromatic aldehydes and their use in treatments
Disclosed are pharmaceutical and cosmetic compositions containing aromatic aldehyde compounds. Some of the disclosed compositions are useful as topical therapeutics for treating inflammatory dermatologic conditions. Some of the compositions are useful in transdermal and other systemic dose forms for treating other inflammatory conditions in mammals.
US08246968B2 Cancer cell targeting using nanoparticles
The present invention generally relates to polymers and macromolecules, in particular, to polymers useful in particles such as nanoparticles. One aspect of the invention is directed to a method of developing nanoparticles with desired properties. In one set of embodiments, the method includes producing libraries of nanoparticles having highly controlled properties, which can be formed by mixing together two or more macromolecules in different ratios. One or more of the macromolecules may be a polymeric conjugate of a moiety to a biocompatible polymer. In some cases, the nanoparticle may contain a drug. Other aspects of the invention are directed to methods using nanoparticle libraries.
US08246966B2 Trypanosome microsome system and uses thereof
The present invention provides cell free preparations of protozoan microsomes, wherein the cell free preparation of protozoan microsomes demonstrate the ability to translocate a protozoan polypeptide into the microsome, methods of preparing cell free preparations of protozoan microsomes, and methods of using cell free preparations of protozoan microsomes.
US08246965B2 Bacillus isolates and methods of their use to protect against plant pathogens
Bacillus isolates and compositions comprising the same are provided. Also provided are methods of inducing systemic acquired resistance to infection in a plant by applying a composition comprising a Bacillus control agent to said plant wherein said plant is capable of producing defense proteins.
US08246964B2 Antigenic protein fragments of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Antigenic protein fragments of Streptococcus pneumoniae to be used for the preparation of a medicament for the prevention and the treatment of bacterial infections and a method for the detection thereof, and related compositions using said epitopes, are disclosed.
US08246959B1 Dendritic cell-associated lectin-like molecules, compositions and methods of use
The invention provides novel dendritic cell-associated lectin-like (DCAL-1) molecules, compositions and therapeutic methods of use. In one aspect, the invention provides isolated nucleic acid molecules that are capable of remaining hybridized to SEQ ID NO:1 or SEQ ID NO:3, including nucleic acid molecules that encode DCAL-1 polypeptides. In another aspect, the invention provides DCAL-1 polypeptides and portions thereof which are useful to stimulate T cell proliferation. In another aspect, the invention provides antibodies that specifically bind to DCAL-1 which are useful for promoting maturation of dendritic cells and for stimulating an immune response in vivo. In another aspect the invention provides methods of stimulating an immune response in an animal comprising introducing into the animal an anti-DCAL-1 antibody of the invention.
US08246957B2 Lupus antibodies for passive immunotherapy of HIV/AIDS
Disclosed are monoclonal antibodies and antibody fragments which recognize antigens encoded by HERV DNA sequences, and methods for production, including recombinant antibody fragments derived from lymphoid cells of lupus patients that make antibodies which neutralize HIV.
US08246956B2 Humanized anti-nerve growth factor antibodies
Method for the humanization of the VH and VL variable regions of an animal antibody of known sequence, humanized animal antibody obtainable according to the method, in particular anti-NGF and anti-TrkA humanized animal antibodies.
US08246941B2 Detergent cosmetic compositions comprising at least one amino silicone, and use thereof
Disclosed herein is novel detergent and conditioning composition comprising, in a cosmetically acceptable medium, at least one sulfate or sulfonate anionic surfactant, at least one carboxylic anionic surfactant other than the preceding surfactant, at least one amphoteric surfactant and at least one amino silicone, wherein the sulfate or sulfonate anionic surfactant/carboxylic anionic surfactant weight ratio ranges from 2 to 12, and the surfactants are present in the composition in a total amount ranging from 4% to 35% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition. Also disclosed herein is a method for cleansing and/or caring for keratin materials such as the hair or the skin comprising applying this composition to the keratin materials.
US08246937B2 Hair and skin care composition
The present invention provides cosmetic compositions that form a durable film or coating on surfaces such as hair or skin. The compositions of the invention comprise one or more anionic silicones and one or more high molecular weight esters, the combination of which provides a durable film. Methods for treatment of hair and skin employing the compositions of the invention are also provided.
US08246928B1 Methods and compositions for the separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes
Embodiments herein describe a composition including at least one water-soluble complex having a water-soluble separation agent including a planar portion, at least one pi electron on the planar portion and at least one electron withdrawing group; and a semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube in an aqueous solution. Further embodiments describe a method of separating metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes and semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes including providing carbon nanotubes having an admixture of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes and metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes; and combining the admixture with a water-soluble separation agent in an aqueous solution to form a mixture, in which the water-soluble separation agent includes a planar portion, at least one pi electron on the planar portion and at least one electron withdrawing group.
US08246925B2 Processing of chlorosilane flows containing boron
The invention relates to a method for yielding boron-depleted chlorosilanes from a chlorosilane mixture containing boron by means of separation by distillation of a boron-enriched distillation flow. The invention further relate to a device for yielding boron-depleted chlorosilanes from a chlorosilane mixture containing boron.
US08246922B2 Four-way diesel catalysts and methods of use
Provided are catalyst articles, emission treatment systems and methods for simultaneously remediating the carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, and gaseous hydrocarbons present in diesel engine exhaust streams. The emission treatment system of specific embodiment effectively treats diesel engine exhaust with a single catalyst article.
US08246921B2 Alkylation unit
One exemplary embodiment can be an alkylation unit. The alkylation unit can include at least one alkylation reaction zone having an alkylation catalyst, at least one cooler communicating with the at least one alkylation reaction zone, a settler communicating with the at least one alkylation reaction zone and the at least one cooler, a fractionation zone receiving an effluent from the settler passing through a line, and a boot coupled to a substantially horizontal portion of the line. Generally, the boot receives an effluent portion rich in the alkylation catalyst.
US08246920B2 Method and reagent tube for reducing reagent usage
The present invention provides a method for reducing reagent usage, comprising the steps of providing a retainer, at least one group of loopholes being provided on the sidewalls of the retainer; providing a colorimetric glass, adapted to be inserted into the retainer, for receiving the first reagent to be observed through said loopholes; providing a cap, for capping the colorimetric glass and the retainer into a whole, after the colorimetric glass being inserted into the retainer. The present invention mainly uses a reagent tube with a retainer having a new structure, a colorimetric glass and a cap, storing the first reagent only in the colorimetric glass, and the volume of the colorimetric glass is far less than that of the current reagent tube, thus the usage of the reagents can be reduced effectively.
US08246919B2 Specimen sample rack
A rack for a plurality of capped tubes, including a frame having a longitudinally extending bottom base member having a row of spaced open top recesses adapted to receive the capped tubes. Vertical supports at the ends of the row of recesses fix a cover member above the base member. The cover member has openings therethrough smaller than the capped tubes. A wall is along one longitudinal side between the base member and the cover member, with the other longitudinal side between the base member and the cover member being open. Support fingers extend horizontally from the wall toward the open longitudinal side and are vertically aligned between the recesses to secure capped tubes in a generally vertical direction in a longitudinally extending vertical plane. The base member and cover member are vertically spaced a distance sufficient to permit tipped capped tubes to be moved into the frame with the tipped tubes then dropped into the recesses and tipped back to an upright vertical position.
US08246913B2 Heater coil for gas sensor, detecting element for gas sensor, catalytic combustion gas sensor, and manufacturing method of catalytic combustion gas sensor
A lead portion (25) of a heater coil (22) is constituted of a single coil wound into a coil and a bead portion (24) is constituted of a double coil formed by further winding the single coil into a coil. By constituting a detecting element (2) by burying the bead portion (24) in a heat conductive layer (21) and adhering a catalyst layer (23) on the surface of the heat conductive layer (21), improvement of the gas sensitivity and the response speed of a catalytic combustion gas sensor is facilitated. Zero point variation is reduced by improving impact resistance. When both ends of the heater coil are fixed to electrode pins, both ends of the heater coil are welded to the electrode pins using a resistance welding method, etc., with a platinum wire, etc., wound on a primary core wire, and thereafter, the primary core wire is melted and eliminated while leaving the platinum wire, etc., by a wet etching process.
US08246912B2 Optical detecting apparatus for a bio-chip
An optical detecting apparatus for a bio-chip, the optical detecting apparatus including: a light source system for illuminating a bio-chip with an excitation light; a fluorescent light detecting system for detecting a fluorescent light emitted by the bio-chip; and a light path altering unit for directing the excitation light emitted by the light source system to a bio-chip and directing the fluorescent light emitted by the bio-chip to the fluorescent light detecting system, wherein a cross-sectional area of the excitation light irradiated by the light source system onto the bio-chip is greater than an area of the bio-chip, and the fluorescent light detecting system detects a fluorescent image of the entire bio-chip with a single illumination of excitation light.
US08246908B2 Small size gene analysis apparatus
By the conventional technique for dispensing more than one reagents accurately, the system is complicated and thus a compact and inexpensive system is difficult to realize. In the present invention, the pressurized dispensing system utilizing a capillary is realized, and in addition, in order to reduce the leakage of reagents different from the reagent dispensed, by forming air layers at the tips of the capillaries after dispensing, a compact, simple, inexpensive analysis apparatus is realized.
US08246899B2 Process for the preparation of film sheets
A device and a process are employed to prepare sheets from a film tube. The process steps include extruding the film tube, laying the film tube flat and squeezing it, reversing the film tube, and cutting the extruded film tube. The film tube is cut before the squeezing step and at least one resulting sheet runs through only one reversing device before the sheet is fed to a stationary processing device or storage device.
US08246896B2 Impression composition for the preparation of precision optics
The invention relates to a molding composition which is embodied as a molding composition, a thus produced molded body as a molded body, and a method for producing said molded body comprising a surface structure.
US08246891B2 System and method for manufacturing fatty acid based material products with an injection molding process
A method manufactures molded fatty acid based material products by forming a fatty acid based material paste and injecting the paste into a mold having internal cavities. The method includes generating a fatty acid based material paste, injecting a portion of the fatty acid based material paste under pressure into a cooled mold having at least two separable shells that form product cavities, and separating the shells of the cooled mold to release molded fatty acid based material products from the product cavities.
US08246888B2 Support material for digital manufacturing systems
A support material feedstock comprising a first copolymer and a polymeric impact modifier, where the first copolymer includes a first monomer unit comprising a carboxyl group and a second monomer unit comprising a phenyl group.
US08246886B2 Chemically-assisted alignment of nanotubes within extensible structures
A method and system for aligning nanotubes within an extensible structure such as a yarn or non-woven sheet. The method includes providing an extensible structure having non-aligned nanotubes, adding a chemical mixture to the extensible structure so as to wet the extensible structure, and stretching the extensible structure so as to substantially align the nanotubes within the extensible structure. The system can include opposing rollers around which an extensible structure may be wrapped, mechanisms to rotate the rollers independently or away from one another as they rotate to stretch the extensible structure, and a reservoir from which a chemical mixture may be dispensed to wet the extensible structure to help in the stretching process.
US08246881B2 Method of manufacturing sole assembly for article of footwear
A method of forming a midsole includes the steps of placing a first mold member and a second mold member in contact with one another, injecting a first material into the first mold member to form first and second portions of a midsole preform, positioning the first and second portions in a third mold member of a second mold assembly; placing a second material in the third mold member; placing the third mold member and a fourth mold member in contact with one another, subjecting the second material and the first and second portions to heat to form a midsole preform, placing the midsole preform in a fifth mold member, placing the fifth mold member and a sixth mold member in contact with one another; and subjecting the midsole preform to heat and pressure to form a midsole.
US08246877B2 Method, apparatus and a forming part for casting a concrete product by slipform casting
Method and apparatus for casting a concrete product with a substantially horizontal slipform casting process, wherein the concrete mix is fed at least in one step through a limited cross-section moving progressively along with the cast, whereby the height of the product forming part (1) is changed during the cast. The invention also comprises a product forming part (1) having an adjustable height.
US08246872B2 Method for making composite article with expandable elastomer in compression
A method of making a composite article includes providing an elastomeric composition with a blowing agent having an activation temperature and providing at least one structural member defining a fixed gap. The composition is formed below the blowing agent's activation temperature into a solid elastomeric member approximately the thickness of or larger than the gap. The elastomeric member is assembled into the gap, which may place the elastomeric member in a state of compression in the gap. The elastomeric member is then expanded by heating it above the activation temperature. During expansion, the escape of the gas produced is limited to increase the state of compression of the elastomer in the gap by means of confining any free surfaces or by including a platy filler such as nanoclay in the composition.