申请号 EP02773534.9 申请日 2002-09-20 公开(公告)号 EP1428078A2 公开(公告)日 2004-06-16
申请人 Quartex, Inc.; 发明人 O'NEILL, Terrence, J.; GOLLNICK, Robin, W.; BIHLER, Roland, W.;
摘要 A timekeeping system having a first time module (22) operable to keep a first time, a second module (23) operable to keep a second time, and a display module (29) operable to visually display a third time that corresponds to the second time. The system also includes a control module (62) operatively coupled to the first module and the second module. The control module detects a time difference between the first time and the second time and adjusts the second time to reduce the time difference.
What is claimed is:
1. A time keeping system comprising:
a pulse generating module providing a first plurality of reference^ pulses having a first frequency and a second plurality of reference pulses having a second frequency;
a first time module operable to keep a first time and operable to advance the first time by a predefined amount in response to each reference pulse in the first plurality of reference pulses;
a second time module operable to keep a second time and operable to advance the second time by a predefined amount in response to each reference pulse in the second plurality of reference pulses;
a display module operable to display a display time corresponding to the second time;
an interruption module operable to prevent the second time module from advancing the second time; and
a control module operable to detect a time difference between the first time kept by the first time module and the second time kept by the second time module, the control module operable to adjust the second frequency to reduce the time difference.
2. The time keeping system of claim 1, further comprising:
a primary power source operable to supply power to the first time module, the second time module, the display module, and the control module; and
a secondary power source operable to supply power to the first time module and the control module.
3. The time keeping system of claim 2, wherein the pulse generating module, the first time module, the second time module, the interraption module, the control module, the primary power source, and the secondary power source are all contained in a standard clockwork that is approximately two inches long, approximately two inches wide, and approximately five-eighths of an inch high.
4. The time keeping system of claim 2, wherein the secondary power source is operable to supply power to the first time module and the control module when power supplied by the primary power source is interrupted.
5. The time keeping system of claim 2, wherein the control module is operable to detect a low voltage signal.
6. The time keeping system of claim 5, wherein the interruption module is operable to prevent the second time module from advancing the second time in response to a control signal generated by the control module upon detecting a low voltage signal.
7. The time keeping system of claim 1 , wherein the display module comprises an analog display.
8. A time keeping system comprising:
a first time module operable to keep a first time;
a second time module operable to keep a second time;
a display module operable to visually display a third time that corresponds to the second time; and
a control module operatively coupled to the first time module and to the second time module, the confrol module operable to detect a time difference between the first time and the second time and adjust the second time to reduce the time difference.
9. The time keeping system of claim 8, further comprising a pulse generating module providing first and second pluralities of reference pulses, the second plurality of reference pulses having a first frequency, the first time advancing a predefined amount in response to each reference pulse in the first plurality of reference pulses and the second time advancing a predefined amount in response to each reference pulse in the second plurality of reference pulses.
10. The time keeping system of claim 9, wherein the second time is adjusted by increasing the first frequency to a second frequency.
11. The time keeping system of claim 10, wherein the second frequency is approximately eight times the first frequency.
12. The time keeping system of claim 9, wherein the second time is adjusted by decreasing the first frequency to a second frequency.
13. The time keeping system of claim 12, wherein the second frequency is approximately one fifth the first frequency.
14. The time keeping system of claim 9, wherein the control module contains information and the first time is adjusted according to the information.
15. The time keeping system of claim 9, further comprising a power source that supplies power to the first time module, the second time module, the display module, and the control module, the control module detecting a change in the power supplied by the power source and preventing the third time from advancing.
16. The time keeping system of claim 8, wherein the display module comprises an analog display.
17. The time keeping system of claim 15, wherein the pulse generating module, the first time module, the second time module, the control module, and the power source are all contained in a standard clockwork that is approximately two inches long, approximately two inches wide, and approximately five-eighths of an inch high.
18. A method of operating a time keeping system, the method comprising:
providing a first time;
providing a second time;
providing a display time;
establishing a first series of pulses at a first pulse rate;
establishing a second series of pulse at a second pulse rate;
advancing the first time by a predefined amount in response to each pulse in the first series of pulses;
advancing the second time by a predefined amount in response to each pulse in the second series of pulses;
advancing the display time by a predefined amount in response to each pulse in the second series of pulses;
detecting a time difference between the first time and the second time; and
adjusting the second pulse rate to reduce the time difference between the first time and second time.
19. The method of claim 18, further comprising:
interrapting the second series of pulses, such that the second and third time do not advance, thereby creating the time difference; and
re-establishing the second series of pulses, such that the second and third time advance.
20. The method of claim 18, further comprising:
adjusting the first time in response to information, thereby creating the time difference.
21. The method of claim 20, wherein adjusting the second pulse rate comprises increasing the second pulse rate.
22. The method of claim 21, wherein the second pulse rate is increased to approximately eight times the second pulse rate.
23. The method of claim 20, wherein adjusting the second pulse rate comprises decreasing the second pulse rate.
24. The method of claim 23, wherein the second pulse rate is decreased to approximately one fifth the second pulse rate.
25. A system for keeping time, the system comprising:
a first time keeping means for keeping a first time;
a second time keeping means for keeping a second time;
a display means for displaying a third time, the third time corresponding to the second time kept by the second clock means; and
a control means for substantially instantaneously adjusting the first time in response to information stored in the control means, the control means further adjusting the second time and the third time over a period of time until the second time substantially equals the first time.
26. The time keeping system of claim 25, further includes a power means for supplying power to the system and wherein the power means, the first time keeping means, the second time keeping means and the control means are all contained in a standard clockwork that is approximately two inches long, approximately two inches wide, and approximately five-eighths of an inch high.
27. The system for keeping time of claim 25, wherein the display means comprises an analog display.
28. The system for keeping time of claim 27, wherein the first time is adjusted substantially instantaneously and the second time and third time are adjusted over a period of time.
29. The system for keeping time of claim 28, wherein the control means substantially instantaneously adjusts the first time ahead substantially one hour and thereafter speeds up the second time keeping means until the second time substantially equals the first time.
30. The system for keeping time of claim 29, wherein the second time keeping means speeds up to approximately eight times its normal rate.
31. The system for keeping time of claim 28, wherein the control means substantially instantaneously adjusts the first time back substantially one hour and thereafter slows down the second time keeping means until the second time substantially equals the first time.
32. The system for keeping time of claim 31 , wherein the second time keeping means slows down to approximately one fifth its normal rate.
33. A time keeping system comprising:
a plurality of time modules operable to keep a plurality of independently adjustable times;
a display module operable to keep a display time, at least one of the plurality of time modules keeping a time corresponding to the display time;
a control module operable to detect a time difference between the time kept by the one of the plurality of time modules keeping a time corresponding to the display time and the time kept by another of the plurality of time modules, the control module operable to adjust a rate of advancement of the one of the plurality of time modules keeping a time corresponding to the display time to reduce the time difference.
34. The time keeping system of claim 33, wherein the plurality of time modules and the control module are contained in a standard clockwork that is approximately two inches long, approximately two inches wide, and approximately five-eighths of an inch high.
35. The time keeping system of claim 33, wherein the time modules and display module advance the times they keep in response to a plurality of pulses received from the control module, the control module adjusting the rate of advancement of the one of the plurality of time modules keeping a time corresponding to the display time and the display module by adjusting a pulse frequency to them.
36. The time keeping system of claim 35, wherein the pulse frequency is increased.
37. The time keeping system of claim 36, wherein the pulse frequency is increased by eight times.
38. The time keeping system of claim 35, wherein the pulse frequency is decreased.
39. The time keeping system of claim 38, wherein the pulse frequency is decreased by five times.
40. A method of setting a time keeping system, the time keeping system comprising an analog display, a first clock module, a second clock module, and a battery compartment, the battery compartment being electrically connected to the digital display, the analog display, the first clock module, and the second clock module, the method comprising:
setting the analog display to a position representing approximately 12 o'clock;
inserting a battery into the battery compartment;
setting the first clock module to a set time approximately equal to the current time; and
sending signals to the second clock module and the analog display to adjust the second clock module and the analog display until they substantially equal the set time.
41. The method of claim 40, wherein the time keeping system further comprises a digital display, the method further comprising setting the digital display to represent approximately the current time, the digital display thereafter setting the first clock module to the set time.
42. The method of claim 41 , wherein the time keeping system further comprises a control module that adjusts the set time for daylight savings changes.
43. A method of setting a time keeping system, the time keeping system comprising an analog display, a first clock module, a second clock module, a control module and a battery compartment, the battery compartment being electrically connected to the digital display, the analog display, the first clock module, and the second clock module, the method comprising:
setting the analog display to a position representing approximately the current time;
inserting a battery into the battery compartment;
adjusting a first time kept by the first clock module in response to signals from the control module and thereafter adjusting a second time kept by the second clock module and a display time kept by the analog display until the second time substantially equals the first time.
44. The method of claim 43, wherein the first time is substantially instantaneously adjusted and the second time and display time are adjusted over a period of time.
45. The method of claim 43, wherein the signals from the control module are sent in response to programmed daylight savings changes.
46. A time keeping system comprising:
a processor having a preprogrammed internal clock module, a preprogrammed daylight savings time setting module, and a low power detection module, the preprogrammed internal clock module being programmed with a time, a date, and a year, the preprogrammed daylight savings time setting module being programmed with a plurality of daylight savings changes and automatically adjusting the internal clock to reflect a daylight savings time change, and the low power detection module detecting an operating power level;
a primary battery operatively coupled to the processor, and providing a primary power source to the processor;
a frequency generating unit operatively coupled to the processor, and providing a frequency to the preprogrammed internal clock module; and
a clock movement unit operatively coupled to the processor, and being configured to receive a series of timed-pulses from the processor.
47. The system of claim 46, further comprising a reserve power backup unit operatively coupled to the processor, the reserve power backup unit receiving signals from the low power detection module, and providing reserve power to the processor under low battery detection.
48. The system of claim 47, wherein the reserve power backup unit comprises a reserve battery.
49. The system of claim 46, wherein the frequency generating unit comprises a quartz crystal, the quartz crystal having a measured enor, and the measured error being programmed into the processor.
50. The system of claim 46, further comprising a standby switch operatively coupled to the clock movement unit and the processor.
51. The system of claim 50, wherein the clock movement unit further comprises a clock motor operatively coupled to the processor, the clock motor receiving the series of timed-pulses from the processor when the standby switch is closed, and the series of timed-pulses driving the clock motor.
52. The system of claim 51 , wherein the series of timed-pulses further comprises:
a first number of pulses per cycle when the low power detection module has not detected a low operating power;
a second number of pulses per cycle when the low power detection module has detected a low operating power;
a third number of pulses per cycle when the daylight savings setting module signals for daylight savings time forwarding;
a fourth number of pulses per cycle when the daylight savings setting module signals for daylight savings time retracting; and
a fifth number of pulses per cycle after an extended period of low power detection.
53. The system of claim 46, wherein the clock movement unit further comprises a digital display being operatively coupled to the processor, and the digital display displaying the time.
54. A time keeping system comprising:
a processor having a preprogrammed internal clock module, a preprogrammed daylight savings time setting module, and a low power detection module, the preprogrammed internal clock module being programmed with a time, a date, and a year, the preprogrammed daylight savings time setting module being programmed with a plurality of daylight savings changes and automatically adjusting the internal clock to reflect a daylight savings time change, and the low power detection module detecting an operating power level;
a primary battery operatively coupled to the processor, providing a primary power source to the processor;
a frequency generating unit operatively coupled to the processor, and providing a frequency to the preprogrammed internal clock module;
a reserve power backup unit operatively coupled to the processor, the reserve power backup unit receiving signals from the low power detection module, and providing reserve power to the processor under low battery detection; and
a clock movement unit operatively coupled to the processor, the clock movement unit being configured to receive a series of timed-pulses from the processor.
55. The system of claim 54, wherein the frequency generating unit comprises a quartz crystal, the quartz crystal having a measured error, and the measured enor being programmed into the processor.
56. The system of claim 54, wherein the reserve power backup unit comprises a reserve battery.
57. The system of claim 54, further comprising a standby switch operatively coupled to the clock movement unit and the processor.
58. The system of claim 57, wherein the clock movement unit further comprises a clock motor operatively coupled to the processor, the clock motor receiving the series of timed-pulses from the processor when the standby switch is closed, and the series of timed-pulses driving the clock motor.
59. The system of claim 58, wherein the series of timed-pulses further comprises:
a first number of pulses per cycle when the low power detection module has not detected a low operating power;
a second number of pulses per cycle when the low power detection module has detected a low operating power;
a third number of pulses per cycle when the daylight savings setting module signals for daylight savings time forwarding;
a fourth number of pulses per cycle when the daylight savings setting module signals for daylight savings time retracting; and
a fifth number of pulses per cycle after an extended period of low power detection.
60. The system of claim 54, wherein the clock movement unit further comprises a digital display operatively coupled to the processor, and the digital display displaying the time.
61. A method of daylight savings time keeping, the method comprising:
coupling a primary power source to a processor, the processor having an internal clock, a daylight savings time setting, and a low power detection circuit, the low power detection circuit being configured to detect a low operating power level;
preprogramming the internal clock with a time, a date, and a year;
preprogramming the daylight savings time setting with a plurality of daylight savings changes;
providing the preprogrammed internal clock with a frequency;
sending a series of timed-pulses from the processor to a clock movement unit, the series of timed-pulses indicating an operating power level, and the series of timed-pulses indicating an elapsed time;
controlling the clock movement unit with the series of timed-pulses;
adjusting automatically the internal clock to reflect a daylight savings time change; and
displaying a time.
62. The method of claim 61 , the method further comprising providing a reserve power source to the processor when the low power detection circuit is detecting a low operating power level.
63. The method of claim 61 , wherein the frequency is a quartz crystal frequency, the method further comprising:
measuring a quartz crystal enor;
preprogramming the quartz crystal enor into the processor; and
compensating the time with the preprogrammed quartz crystal enor.
64. The method of claim 61 , the method further comprising:
closing a backup switch when the primary battery is removed or being inserted; and
opening a standby switch when the primary battery is removed or being inserted.
65. The method of claim 61, wherein sending the series of timed-pulses further comprises
sending a first number of pulses per cycle when the low power detection circuit has not detected a low operating power;
sending a second number of pulses per cycle when the low power detection circuit has detected a low operating power;
sending a third number of pulses per cycle when the daylight savings setting module signaling for daylight savings time forwarding; and
sending a fourth number of pulses per cycle when the daylight savings setting module signaling for daylight savings time retracting.



This application claims priority to prior filed co-pending U.S. patent application number , filed on September 13, 2002, and this application claims priority of prior filed co-pending U.S. patent application number 10/094,100, filed on March 8, 2002, and this application claims priority to prior filed co-pending U.S. patent application number 09/960,638, filed on September 21, 2001, the entire content of which is incorporated herein by reference.


Conventional time keeping systems, such as clocks, usually require a variety of maintenance routines. The maintenance routines for power may include readjusting a pendulum in a gravity-powered time keeping system, rewinding a spring in a spring-driven time keeping system, or replacing batteries in a battery-powered time keeping system. Similarly, the maintenance steps for accuracy may include adjusting a display time periodically to properly display the current time, including advancing an hour during spring or retracting an hour during fall to compensate for the changes required by daylight savings time adjustment.

Many methods have been developed in an attempt to minimize, reduce, or eliminate these maintenance routines. For example, operating time keeping systems with electricity from a wall outlet or with solar cells may eliminate the power maintenance routine. Radio-controlled time keeping systems have also been developed to minimize or eliminate adjustment routines for accuracy and daylight savings time adjustment. However, these approaches add cost to the time keeping system, and restrict the areas or locations in which the time keeping system may operate. For example, a wall outlet must be available to use an electric time keeping system. Solar time keeping systems require a location with a significant source of light on a regular basis. Radio-controlled time keeping systems require locations in which radio signal reception is adequate. Therefore, a time keeping system whose operation is relatively independent of its placement whether for power or signal reception, and that still provides automatic time adjustment would be welcomed by users of time keeping systems.


Accordingly, the invention provides a time keeping system having a first time module, a second time module, and a control module. The first time module and the second time module are operable to keep a first time and a second time, respectively. The control module is operable to detect a time difference between the first time and the second time and adjust the second time to reduce the time difference.

In one embodiment, the present invention provides a time keeping system

', having a pulse generating module, a first time module, a second time module, a display module, an interruption module, and a control module. The pulse generating module provides a first plurality of reference pulses having a first frequency and a second plurality of reference pulses having a second frequency. The first time module is operable to keep a first time and is operable to advance the first time by a predefined amount in response to each reference pulse in the first plurality of reference pulses. The second time module is operable to keep a second time and operable to advance the second time by a predefined amount in response to each reference pulse in the second plurality of reference pulses. The display module is operable to display a display time corresponding to the second time. The interruption module is operable to prevent the second time module from advancing the second time. The control module is operable to detect a time difference between the first time kept by the first time module and the second time kept by the second time module. The control module also is operable to adjust the second frequency to reduce the time difference.

In another embodiment, the present invention provides a time keeping system having a first time module, a second time module, a display module, and a control module. The first time module and the second time modules are operable to keep a first time and a second time, respectively. The display module is operable to visually display a third time that corresponds to the second time. The control module is operatively coupled to the first and second time modules. The control module also is operable to detect a time difference between the first time and the second time. The control module is further operable to adjust the second time to reduce the time difference.

In a further embodiment, the present invention provides a system for keeping time. The system includes a first time keeping means for keeping a first time, a second time keeping means for keeping a second time, and a display means for displaying a third time. The third time may correspond to the second time kept by the second clock means. The system also includes a control means for substantially instantaneously adjusting the first time in response to information stored in the control means. The control means can further adjust the second time and the third time over a period of time until the second time substantially equals the first time.

In yet a another embodiment, the present invention provides a time keeping system having a plurality of time modules. The plurality of time modules are operable to keep a plurality of independently adjustable times. The system also includes a display module that is operable to keep a display time. At least one of the plurality of time modules keeps a time corresponding to the display time. The system further includes a control module that is operable to detect a time difference. The time difference is a difference in time between the time kept by one of the plurality of time modules keeping a time corresponding to the display time and the time kept by another of the plurality of time modules. The control module also is operable to adjust a rate of advancement of one of the plurality of time modules keeping a time corresponding to the display time to reduce the time difference.

The invention also provides a method of operating a time keeping system.

The method includes providing a first time, providing a second time, and providing a display time. The method also includes establishing a first series of pulses at a first pulse rate and establishing a second series of pulse at a second pulse rate. The method further includes advancing the first time by a predefined amount in response to each pulse in the first series of pulses, advancing the second time by a predefined amount in response to each pulse in the second series of pulses, and advancing the display time by a predefined amount in response to each pulse in the second series of pulses. Detecting a time difference between the first time and the second time and adjusting the second pulse rate to reduce the time difference between the first time and second time are also included in the method.

The invention further provides a method of setting a time keeping system. In one embodiment, the time keeping system includes an analog display, a first clock module, a second clock module, and a battery compartment. The battery compartment may be electrically connected to the digital display, the analog display, the first clock module, and the second clock module. The method includes setting the analog display to a position representing approximately 12 o'clock, inserting a battery into the battery compartment, setting the first clock module to a set time approximately equal to the current time, and sending signals to the second clock module and the analog display to adjust the second clock module and the analog display until they substantially equal the set time.

In another embodiment, the time keeping system includes an analog display, a first clock module, a second clock module, a control module and a battery compartment. The battery compartment may be electrically connected to the digital display, the analog display, the first clock module, and the second clock module. The method includes setting the analog display to a position representing approximately the current time and inserting a battery into the battery compartment. The method also includes adjusting a first time kept by the first clock module in response to signals from the control module and thereafter adjusting a second time kept by the second clock module and a display time kept by the analog display until the second time substantially equals the first time.

Other features and advantages of the invention will become apparent upon consideration of the detailed description and accompanying drawings.


In the drawings: Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of a first embodiment of a wireless synchronous time keeping system according to the present invention including a master device which receives a GPS signal and broadcasts a time and programmed instruction to a system of slave devices.

Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of the master device of Fig. 1.

Fig. 3 A is a schematic diagram of a time package structure used in the transmission of the time element of Fig. 1.

Fig. 3B is a schematic diagram of a function package structure used in the transmission of the programmed instruction element of Fig. 1.

Fig. 4 is a schematic diagram of an analog clock slave device of Fig. 1.

Fig. 4A is a schematic diagram of a clock movement box used in the setting of the slave clock of Fig. 4.

Fig. 5 is a schematic diagram of a slave device of Fig. 1, which includes a switch for controlling the functionality of the device.

Fig. 6 is a flow diagram illustrating the functionality of a wireless synchronous time system in accordance with the present invention.

Fig. 7 is a schematic diagram of a second embodiment of a time keeping system in accordance with the present invention.

Fig. 7A is a schematic diagram of an analog clock movement unit for use with a time keeping system in accordance with the present invention.

Fig. 7B is a schematic diagram of a digital clock movement unit for use with a time keeping system in accordance with the present invention.

Fig. 8 is a schematic diagram of a third embodiment of a time keeping system in accordance with the present invention. Fig. 9 is a flow diagram illustrating the functionality and operation of one embodiment of a time keeping system in accordance with the present invention.

Fig. 10 is a schematic diagram of a fourth embodiment of a time keeping system in accordance with the present invention.

Fig. 11 is a flow diagram illustrating the functionality and operation of another embodiment of a time keeping system in accordance with the present invention.

Fig. 12 is a flow diagram illustrating the functionality and operation of yet another embodiment of a time keeping system in accordance with the present invention.


Before any embodiments of the invention are explained in detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and the arrangement of components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the following drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or of being carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology used herein is for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. The use of "including," "comprising," or "having" and variations thereof herein is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items.

Referring to Fig. 1, a wireless synchronous time keeping system in accordance with the present invention includes a primary "master" device 21, which receives a first time signal through a receiving unit 22 and broadcasts a second time signal to a plurality of "slave" secondary event devices 23. The receiving unit 22 includes a GPS receiver 24 having an antenna 25 which receives a global positioning system ("GPS") signal, including a GPS time signal component. The receiving unit 22 sends the GPS time signal component to the primary master device 21 where it is processed, as further discussed below. The primary master device 21 further includes a transmission unit 26, which wirelessly transmits a signal to the secondary or "slave" devices 23. The signal sent to the slave devices 23 includes the processed GPS time signal component and/or a programmed instruction which is input to the primary master device 21 through a programmer input connection 27. The programmed instruction includes a preprogrammed time element and a preprogrammed function element which, along with the GPS time signal component, is used by the primary master device 21 to synchronize the slave devices 23. The processed GPS time signal component and the programmed instruction are wirelessly transmitted to the slave devices 23 at approximately a frequency between 72 and 76 MHz.

As shown in Fig. 1, examples of secondary or slave devices 23 include an analog time display 28, a digital time display 29, and a switching device 30, which may be associated with any one of a number of devices, such as a bell, a light, or a lock, etc. Each of the secondary devices 23 includes an antenna 31 to wirelessly receive the processed GPS time signal component and the programmed instruction from the primary master device 21. Each of the secondary devices 23 also includes a processor (not shown in Fig. 1) to process processed time signal and the programmed instruction received from the master device. As will be further discussed below, when the preprogrammed time element of the programmed instruction matches a second time generated by the slave device, an event will be executed.

For the analog time display 28 shown in Fig. 1, the event will include positioning an hour, minute, and second hand to visually display the current time. For the digital time display 29, the event will include digitally displaying the current time. For the time controlled switching device 30, the event may include any of a number of events which may be controlled by the switch. For example, a system of bells may include switches which sound the bells at a particular time. Alternatively, a system of lights may include switches which turn the lights on or off at a particular time. It will be readily apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art that the slave devices may include any one of a number of electronic devices for which a particular functionality is desired to be performed at a particular time, such as televisions, radios, electric door locks, etc. Referring to Fig. 2, a detailed diagram of the primary master device 21 is shown. The primary master device 21 receives the GPS time signal component from the receiving unit 22 (Fig. 1) at a GPS time signal input receiving unit or connector 32. The primary master device 21 further includes a processor 33, a memory 34, a programmer input connector 27, a display 35, a transmission unit 26, and a powered input socket 36. These elements of the primary master device 21 serve to receive, process, and transmit the information used to synchronize the slave units 23, as will be fully discussed below. Additionally, a channel switch 37, time zone switch 38, and a daylight savings bypass switch 39 are included in the primary master device 21. Lastly, the primary master device 21 includes a power interrupt module 40 coupled to the processor 33 to retain the internal time and the programmed instruction in the event of a power loss.

Upon powering up the master device 21, the processor 33 checks the setting of the channel switch 37, the time zone switch 38, and the daylight savings bypass switch 39. The processor 33 stores the switch information into the memory 34. A GPS signal is received through the GPS signal antenna 25 and a GPS time signal component is extracted from it. When the receiving unit or connector 32 receives the GPS time signal component, the processor 33 adjusts it according to the switch information of the channel switch 37, the time zone switch 38, and the daylight savings bypass switch 39, and sets an internal clock 41 to the processed GPS time signal component to produce a first internal time.

The channel switch 37 enables a user to select a particular transmission frequency determined best for transmission in the usage area, and to independently operate additional primary master devices in overlapping broadcast areas without causing interference between them. The GPS time signal uses a coordinated universal time ("UTC"), and requires a particular number of compensation hours to display the correct time and date for the desired time zone. The time zone switch 38 enables the user to select a desired time zone, and permits a worldwide usage. Lastly, the GPS time signal may not include daylight savings time information. As a result, users in areas that do not require daylight savings adjustment will be required to set the daylight savings bypass switch 39 to bypass an automatic daylight savings adjustment program. Manual daylight savings time adjustment can be accomplished by disconnecting the power source (not shown) from the power input socket 36, adjusting the time zone switch 38 to the desired time zone and reconnecting the power source to the power input socket 36.

Once the processor 33 adjusts the GPS time signal component according to the settings of the switches discussed above and sets the internal clock 41 to produce the first internal time, the internal clock 41 starts to increment the first internal time until another GPS time signal is received from the GPS receiver 24 (Fig. 1). Between receiving GPS time signals, the internal clock 41 independently keeps the first internal time which, in addition to date information and reception status, is displayed on the display 35. In addition to processing the time signal, the processor 33 also checks for a new programmed instruction on a continuous basis, and stores any new programmed instruction in the memory 34. As briefly mentioned above, to enter a programmed instruction, a user keys in the programmed instruction into a computing device (e.g., a personal computer, a PDA, etc.) and transfers the programmed instruction to the primary master device 21 through the programmer input connector 27. The programmed instruction is stored in the memory 34 and, along with the first internal time kept in the internal clock 41, is transmitted through the transmission unit 26 at the transmission frequency set in the channel switch 37.

The first internal time and the programmed instruction are transmitted by the master device 21 using a data protocol as shown in Figs. 3 A and 3B. Fig. 3 A shows a time packet structure 42 comprising of preprogrammed time element, and having a 10-bit preamble 43, a sync bit 44, a packet identity byte 45, an hour byte 46, a minute byte 47, a second byte 48, a checksum byte 49 and a postamble bit 50. Fig. 3B shows a function packet structure 51 comprising a preprogrammed function element, and having a 10-bit preamble 52, a sync bit 53, a packet identity byte 54, an hour byte 55, a minute byte 56, a function byte 57, a checksum byte 58, and a postamble bit 59. Each secondary slave device 23 will receive the signal broadcast by the master device 21 and including information according to the time packet structure of Fig. 3 A and the function packet structure Fig. 3B. The secondary slave device will try to match the packet identity bytes 45 or 54 with an internal identity number programmed in its processor (i.e., 62 of Fig. 4 or 76 of Fig. 5) to selectively register the program instruction. It should be readily apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art that the time packet structure 42 and the function packet structure 51 may have a different structure size so that more or less information may be transmitted using these packets. For example, the time packet structure may include, in addition to the existing timing bytes, a month byte, a day byte, a year byte, and a day of the week byte. Similarly, the function packet structure 51 may include additional hour, minute, and function bytes to terminate the execution of an event triggered by the hour, minute, and function bytes 55, 56, and 57, shown in Fig. 3B.

Referring to Fig. 4, a diagram of the analog slave clock 28 of Fig. 1 is shown.

The slave clock 28 includes a second receiving unit 60 having an antenna 31 and a second receiver 61. The slave clock 28 also includes a second processor 62, a second memory 63, a second internal clock 64 and an analog display 65, including a set of hands 66 including a second hand 67, a minute hand 68, and an hour hand 69. As with the master device 21, the secondary slave clock 28 also includes a power interrupt module 70 coupled to the processor 62 to retain an internal time and a programmed instruction in the event of a power loss to the slave clock 28.

Fig. 4A illustrates a clock movement box 71 having a manual time set wheel 72, and a push button 73 for setting the position of the hands 66 of the analog display 65. The clock movement box 71 is of the type typically found on the back of conventional analog display wall clocks, and is used to set such clocks. In setting the analog slave clock 28, the manual time set wheel 72 of the clock movement box 71 is initially turned until the set of hands 66 shows a time within 29 minutes of the GPS time (i.e., the actual time). When power is applied to the slave analog clock 28, the second hand 67 starts to step. The push button 73 of the clock movement box 71 is depressed when the second hand reaches the 12 o'clock position. This signals to the second processor 62 that the second hand 67 is at the 12 o'clock position, enabling the second processor 62 to "know" the location of the second hand 67. The push button 73 is again depressed when the second hand 67 crosses over the minute hand 68, wherever it may be. This enables the second processor 62 to "know" the location of the minute hand 68 on the clock dial. (See U.S. Patent Application No. 09/645,974 to O'Neill, the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference herein).

To synchronize itself to the master device 21, the second receiver 61 of the slave device 28 automatically and continuously searches a transmission frequency or a channel that contains the first internal time and the programmed instruction. When the receiving unit 60 wirelessly receives and identifies the first internal time, the processor 62 stores the received first internal time at the second internal clock 64. The second internal clock 64 immediately starts to increment to produce a second internal time. The second internal time is kept by the second internal clock 64 until another first internal time signal is received by the slave clock 28. If the processor 62 determines that the set of hands 66 displays a lag time (i.e., since a first internal time signal was last received by the slave clock 28, the second internal clock 64 had fallen behind), the processor 62 speeds up the second hand 67 from one step per second to eight steps per second until both the second hand 67 and the minute hand 68 agree with the newly established second internal time. If the processor 62 determines that the set of hands 66 shows a lead time (i.e., since the first internal time signal was last received by the slave clock 28, the second internal clock 64 had moved faster than the time signal relayed by the master device), the processor 62 slows down the second hand 67 from one step per second to one step per five seconds until both the second hand 67 and the minute hand 68 agree with the newly established second internal time.

In additional to slave clocks which simply display the synchronized time signal, a slave device 23 may include the switching slave device 30 depicted in Fig. 5. Instead of simply displaying the time signal, the switching slave device 30 utilizes the time signal to execute an event at a particular time. In this way, a system of slave switching devices can be synchronized. The slave switching device 30 includes a second receiving unit 74 having an antenna 31 and a second receiver 75, a second processor 76, a second internal clock 77, a second memory 78, an operating switch 79, and a device power source 80. The secondary slave switching device 30 further includes a power interrupt module 81 coupled to the processor 62 to retain the internal time and the programmed instruction on a continuous basis, similar to the power interrupt module of the master device 21 and the slave clock 28. The secondary slave switching device 30 includes any one of a number of devices 82, which is to be synchronously controlled. Depending upon the device 82 to be controlled, a first end 83 of the device is coupled to a normally open end ("NO") 84 or a normally closed end ("NC") 85 of the operating switch 79. The first power lead 86 of the device power source 80 is then coupled to a second end 87 of the device 82, while a second power lead 88 of the device power source 80 is coupled to the normally open end 84 or the normally closed end 85 of the operating switch 79 to complete the circuit.

Like the receiver 61 of the slave clock 28, the second receiver 75 of the slave switching device 30 automatically searches a transmission frequency or a channel that contains a first internal time and a programmed instruction from the master device 21. When the receiving unit 74 wirelessly receives and identifies the first internal time, the second processor 76 stores the received first internal time in a second internal clock 77. The second internal clock 77 immediately starts to increment to produce a second internal time until another first internal time signal is received from the master device 21. Additionally, the programmed instruction is stored in the memory 78. When there is a match between the second internal time and the preprogrammed time element of the programmed instruction, the preprogrammed function element will be executed. For example, if the preprogrammed time element contains a time of day, and the preprogrammed functional element contains an instruction to switch on a light, the light will be switched on when the second internal clock 77 reaches that time specified in the preprogrammed time element of the programmed instruction.

Referring to Fig. 6, a flow chart 89 illustrates a wireless synchronous time system according to the present invention. The flow chart 89 illustrates the steps performed by a wireless synchronous time system according to the present invention for any number of systems of slave devices. The process starts in a receiving step 90 where a master device receives a GPS time signal. As indicated in the flow chart at step 90, the master device will continuously look for and receive new GPS time signals. Next, at step 91 a first internal clock is set to the received GPS time. Next, the first internal clock will start to increment a first internal time in step 92. In a parallel path, at step 93, the master device receives programmed instructions input by a user of the system. Again, the flow chart indicates that the master device is able to continuously receive programmed instruction so that a user may add additional programmed instructions to the system at any time. As discussed above, the programmed instructions will include a preprogrammed time element and a preprogrammed function element. The programmed instruction is then stored in a first memory at step 94. Next, when preset periodic times are reached at step 95, the programmed instruction is retrieved at step 96 and transmitted at step 97 to the slave device along with the first internal time at step 98. In other words, when the first internal clock reaches particular preset times (e.g., every five minutes) the programmed instruction and the first internal time are wirelessly transmitted to the slave devices.

The programmed instruction and/or the first internal time are received at the slave device in step 99. If the slave device is to merely synchronously display a time, such as a clock, but does not perform any functionality, there is no need to receive the programmed instruction. In slave devices such as bells, lights, locks, etc., in addition to the first internal time, at step 100, the processor will select those programmed instructions where the packet identity byte matches with the slave devices identity. The selected programmed instruction is then stored or registered in the memory at the secondary slave device in step 101. A second internal clock is then set to the first internal time at step 102 to produce a second internal time. In step 103, like the first internal clock, the second internal clock will start to increment the second internal time. The second internal time is displayed at step 104. Meanwhile, a function is identified from the preprogrammed function element at step 105. When the second internal time has incremented to match the preprogrammed time element at step 106, the function will be executed in step 107. Otherwise, the secondary slave device will continue to compare the second internal time with the preprogrammed time element until a match is identified.

It will be readily understood by those of ordinary skill in the art, that both the first internal clock and the second internal clock increment, and thus keep a relatively current time, independently. Therefore, if, for some reason, the master device does not receive an updated GPS time signal, it will still be able to transmit the first internal time. Similarly, if, for some reason, the slave device does not receive a signal from the master device, the second internal clock will still maintain a relatively current time. In this way, the slave device will still display a relatively current time and/or execute a particular function at a relatively accurate time even, if the wireless communication with the master device is interrupted. Additionally, the master device will broadcast a relatively current time and a relatively current programmed instruction even if the wireless communication with a satellite broadcasting the GPS signal is interrupted. Furthermore, the power interrupt modules of the master and slave devices help keep the system relatively synchronized in the event of power interruption to the slave and/or master devices.

Fig. 7 illustrates the functionality of a second embodiment of a time keeping system or daylight savings time clock system 108 in accordance with the present invention. The daylight savings time clock system 108 includes a processor 110, which receives programming information through a programming pad 115 and sends a series of timed-pulses from a driver output 120 through a standby switch 125 to a clock movement unit 130. The processor 110 further includes a preprogrammed internal clock module 135, a preprogrammed daylight savings time setting module 140, and a low power detection module 145. The preprogrammed internal clock module 135 and the preprogrammed daylight savings time setting module 140 are programmed with time information and daylight savings changes through the programming pad 115 during the manufacturing process. These changes preferably include dates and times for daylight savings changes and a calendar that includes a number of days in leap years, non-leap years, and millenium leap years. The low power detection module 145 detects a low operating power level in the system 108, as will be more fully discussed below.

Under normal operating circumstances, the time keeping system 108 is powered by a primary battery 150, and the internal clock module 135 is controlled by a frequency generating unit (e.g., a quartz crystal) 152. However, if the primary battery 150 is removed, a reserve power source or a backup battery 175 is coupled to the processor by closing a backup switch 180. According to the present invention, the backup switch 180 could be closed or activated in a number of different manners. The switch 180 could be manually closed by a user, or the switch 180 could be mechanically closed upon the removal of the primary battery 150. In another embodiment, the switch 180 is electronically controlled by the processor 110. To ensure that the power provided to the processor 110 is not interrupted during the battery removal or replacement process, a capacitor 185 is operatively coupled in parallel to the primary battery 150.

In a third embodiment of the present invention illustrated in Fig. 8, a daylight savings time keeping system 200 includes a processor 204. The processor 204 includes the same modules and features included in the processor 110. However, the processor 204 also monitors the voltage of the primary battery 150 and, then, automatically performs the functions of the switches 180 and 125 in the event of low power detection or insertion of a new primary battery. When the processor 204 detects a low voltage output from the primary battery 150, the processor 204 disconnects the primary battery 150 and switches to the reserve power source or backup battery 175. Once the system 200 is being powered by the backup battery 175, the processor 204 deactivates the clock movement unit 130 to preserve the backup battery 175. The processor 204 does not re-activate the clock movement unit 130 until a new primary battery 150 is inserted and the processor does not detect a low voltage output from the new primary battery 150.

In the embodiment shown in Fig. 8, the daylight savings time keeping system

200 further includes a programming interface 208, which allows the internal clock module 135 of the processor 200 to be programmed with time information and daylight savings changes before or after the manufacturing process. The programming interface 208 allows the quartz crystal 152 to be measured for any degree of error between the desired frequency required by the processor 200 and the actual quartz crystal frequency. The internal clock module 135 is then programmed to make adjustments which compensate for the error.

The system 200 also includes a protection diode 212, which prevents the current generated by the primary battery 150 to reverse its flow. A diode series 216 coupled to the backup battery 175 decreases the voltage level generated by the backup battery 175 to an acceptable level required by the processor 204. The system 200 also includes a time setting interface 220. The interface 220 allows the user to set the time that is desired to be displayed. For an analog display 160 (Fig. 7 A), the user manipulates the position of the hands through the time setting interface 220. For a digital display 170 (Fig. 7B), the user identifies the time illuminated on the display component 170 using the time setting interface 220.

Referring to Figs. 1, 7 A, 7B, and 8 the processor 110 (Fig. 7) or 204 (Fig. 8) sends out a series of timed-pulses at a first number of pulses per cycle (one pulse per second, for example) to drive the clock movement unit 130. hi one embodiment, the clock movement umt 130 includes a stepping motor 155 and an analog display 160 (Fig. 7A). In another embodiment, the clock movement unit 130 may include a digital display component 165 and a digital display 170 (Fig. 7B).

Referring now to Fig. 9, a flow diagram 300 illustrates the functionality and the operation of a daylight savings time keeping system 108 or 200 according to the present invention. The flow diagram 300 starts with a manufacturing process in which the standby switch 125 (refer back to Fig. 7 for the reference numerals relating to the stmcture referred to in the various steps of the process shown in Fig. 9) is opened in step 310, and a backup battery 175 is inserted in step 315. During the same manufacturing process, the internal clock module 135 is programmed with a time, a date, and a year in step 320. The daylight savings setting module 140 is also programmed with a plurality of daylight savings changes in step 325 or it may be preprogrammed during the chip manufacturing. A quartz crystal 152 is provided in step 330. The quartz error is then measured in step 335 and programmed into the processor 110 or 204 in step 340 to compensate for the difference between the desired frequency required by the processor and the actual quartz crystal frequency.

A user then sets the time keeping system 108 or 200 to a correct time with a set button (not shown) and inserts a primary battery 150 in step 345. Inserting the primary battery 150 opens the backup battery switch 180 and closes the standby switch 125 to allow a reception of pulses from the processor 110 or 204, as discussed above. The processor 110 or 204 checks the time and the date on a regular basis against the programmed daylight savings changes in the daylight savings setting module 140. If both the date and the time agree with the preprogrammed daylight savings changes, the processor 110 or 204 will send a particular series of timed- pulses. For example, if the time calls for the retracting of time (e.g., in the fall as determined in step 350), the processor 110 or 204 sends a fourth series of timed- pulses, or one pulse per five seconds in step 355 to slow down the display time until the one hour adjustment is complete. Otherwise, if the time calls for the adding of time (e.g., in the spring, as determined in step 360), the processor 110 or 204 sends a third series of timed-pulses, or eight pulses per normal second in step 365 to speed up the display time until the one hour adjustment is complete.

If no daylight savings change is required (NO output path of step 360), the processor 110 or 204 proceeds to check for low operating power level in step 370. If the operating power level is not low, the processor 110 or 204 sends a first series of the timed-pulses. Otherwise, when the operating power level is low, and a new primary battery is not inserted to replace the drained battery 150 within a number of days (determined in step 375), the backup battery switch 180 is closed in step 380 to allow the backup battery 175 to provide power to the processor 110. Alternatively, the processor 204 automatically switches to the backup battery 175 when low voltage from the primary battery 150 is detected. A second series of timed-pulses will then be sent by the processor 110 or 204 to the clock movement unit 130. The second series of timed-pulses might preferably include two pulses every other second in step 382 to notify the user of the low operating power level. To avoid excessive drain on the reserve backup battery, the processor 204 deactivates the clock movement unit 130 in step 385 or the standby switch 125 is opened in step 385 to stop the clock movement unit 130. The internal clock module 135 is maintained and powered by the reserve battery 175 in step 390 until a new battery is inserted (determined in step 395). If a new battery 150 is inserted, the process starting in step 350 is repeated.

If the low power detection module 145 does not detect any low operating power level, the processor 110 or 204 sends a first series of timed-pulses in step 397. The first series of timed-pulses preferably includes one pulse per second to indicate a normal lapse of time. The series of timed-pulses then controls the clock movement unit 130 in step 398. For example, if an analog display is desired, the pulses will then drive the stepping motor 155 (Fig. 7A) and move the hands of the analog clock 160 (Fig. 7 A) in step 399. If a digital display is desired, the pulses will then trigger the digital component 165 (Fig. 7B) and in turn the digital display 170 (Fig. 7B) in step 399. Thereafter, the entire process starting in step 350 is repeated.

A time keeping system 400 of a fourth embodiment of the present invention and having multiple operational modes is illustrated in Fig. 10. The time keeping system 400 generally includes a clock movement unit 405, a processor or controller 410, a frequency generating unit 415, a primary power source 420, and a secondary power source 425. In one embodiment, the system 400 has a majority of its components residing in a conventional or standard compartment or gearbox, (e.g., a clockwork having the dimensions of 2 inches by 2 inches by 5/8 inches).

The clock movement unit 405 controls a display module (not shown). The movement unit 405 provides the mechanics or electronics necessary to advance or change a time being displayed by the display module (not shown) in response to timing signals or reference pulses generated by the controller 410. In one embodiment, the clock movement unit 405 is a clock motor, such as a bi-polar stepping motor, for advancing or changing an analog display (not shown). In another embodiment, the clock movement unit 405 is an electronic circuit for advancing or changing a digital display (not shown). Other clock movement units may be used as will be readily apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art.

The frequency generating unit 415 provides a reference frequency to the controller 410. In one embodiment, the frequency generating unit 415 is a quartz crystal. In other embodiments, the frequency generating unit 415 is an oscillator or a similar electronic device. The primary power source 420 generally provides power to the time keeping system 400, with the secondary power source 425 providing power to the time keeping system 400 during instances or time periods when the primary power source 420 is inoperable. In one embodiment, the primary power source 420 is a battery or multiple batteries, and the secondary power source 425 is a lithium battery, hi another embodiment, the primary power source 420 is replaced by a lead (not shown) operable to be connected to a conventional wall outlet and by suitable electronics (not shown) to convert the conventional AC power signal to a DC signal. In a further embodiment, the secondary power source 425 provides power to only a selected number of modules (discussed below) within the controller 410 during an event when power from the primary power source 420 is interrupted.

The controller 410 controls the operation of the entire time keeping system 400. As mentioned briefly, the time keeping system 400 has multiple operational modes which are activated and deactivated by the controller 410. In one embodiment, the time keeping system 400 is capable of operating in a normal operation mode, a faster pulse operation mode, and a slower pulse operation mode, as will be more fully discussed below. The controller 410 includes a microprocessor or control unit or module (also referred to as a processing unit) 430, a first time registering device or time module 435, a second time registering device or time module 440, and a plurality of pulse indicating flags 445.

Generally, the control module 430 receives the reference frequency generated by the frequency generating unit 415 and provides pulses to the first time module 435 and to the second time module 440, as well as the clock movement unit 405. The pulses provided to the time modules 435 and 440 and to the clock movement unit 405 are generated by a pulse generating module or driver output 450 included in the control module 430. The pulse generating module 450, in one embodiment, provides a first plurality of reference pulses or timing signals and a second plurality of reference pulses or timing signals. Each plurality of reference pulses (also, referred to herein as simply "pulses" or a "plurality of pulses") has a frequency, and the pulse generating module 450 is capable of varying each frequency. The first time module 435 is operable to keep a first time in accordance with the first plurality of pulses and the second time module 440 is operable to keep a second time, which may differ from the first time, in accordance with the second plurality of pulses. In one embodiment, the clock movement unit 405 also receives the second plurality of pulses and controls the display module (not shown) to advance or change the time displayed according to the second plurality of pulses. In this way, the displayed time (i.e., the time displayed by the display module) corresponds to the second time kept by the second time module 440, since both the displayed time and the second time are advancing on the same pulse. The plurality of pulse indicating flags 445 are flags set by the control module 430 and indicate which operational mode is activated. In one embodiment, the plurality of pulse indication flags 445 includes a normal pulse flag 455, which indicates the normal operation mode, a faster pulse flag 460, which indicates the faster pulse operation mode, and a slower pulse flag 465, which indicates the slower pulse operation mode.

When the time keeping system 400 operates in the normal operation mode, the normal pulse flag 455 is set. The control module 430 receives the reference frequency generated by the frequency generating unit 415 and activates the pulse generating module 450. Upon activation from the control module 430, the pulse generating module 450 provides the first plurality of pulses to the first time module 435 and provides the second plurality of pulses to the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405. In the normal operation mode, the first plurality of pulses and the second plurality of pulse each has a frequency that corresponds to approximately one pulse per second. When the first time module 435 is receiving the first plurality of pulses, the first time module 435 increments its time by one second on reception of each pulse. When the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405 are receiving the second plurality of pulses, the times that correspond to both are incremented approximately at the same time. That is, the second time module 440 increments its time by one second on reception of each pulse, and the clock movement unit 405 increments the displayed time on the display module (not shown) by one second on reception of the same pulse received by the second time module 440. In one embodiment, when the clock movement unit 405 is a bi-polar stepping motor or another similar motor, the controller 410 includes a pulse inverter 470. The pulse inverter 470 converts the pulses in the second plurality of pulses to a more suitable signal for controlling the motor (clock movement unit) 405.

When the time keeping system 400 operates in the faster pulse operation mode or operates in the slower pulse operation mode, the control module 430 has detected a time difference between the first time kept by the first time module 435 and the second time kept by the second time module 440. In other words, the first time and the second time in the respective modules 435 and 440 do not agree. The control module 430 activates the faster pulse operation mode when the second time lags the first time or, in other words, the second time has to "speed-up" to the first time. The control module 430 activates the slower pulse operation mode when the second time exceeds the first time or, in other words, the second time has to "slow-down" to the first time.

The first time kept by the first time module 435 represents a real time or reference time. It is a time at which events may occur (as will be discussed more fully below) and/or a time to base or compare to the second time and displayed time. The second time kept by the second time module 440 corresponds to the time displayed by the display module (not shown), since both times increment at the same rate or frequency and increment at approximately the same instances. In one embodiment, the second time kept by the second time module 440 is an electronic version of the time displayed on an analog display (not shown).

The first time and second time can differ for various reasons; such as daylight savings time adjustments, power interruptions, variances in the pulse generating unit 450 or frequency generating unit 415, changes in an input timing signal, or other miscellaneous reasons, as will be more fully discussed below. In some embodiments, when the controller 410 recognizes hand positions of an analog display module (not shown), the first time and second time could differ due to human error when a user sets the time using the hands on the analog display. Since the first time and second time are driven or pulsed independently, the control module 430 continually compares both times to determine if a variance or time difference is present.

When the control module 430 detects a time difference between the first time and the second time, the control module 430 determines whether the second time has to "speed-up" or "slow-down" to the first time. When the second time has to "speedup," the control module 430 sets the faster pulse flag 460 and commands the pulse generating module 450 to increase the frequency of the second plurality of pulses. The increase in frequency can be a single value or can be dependent upon the time difference and determined by an algorithm within the control module 430. Upon command from the control module 430, the pulse generating module 450 continues to provide the first plurality of pulses to the first time module 435 at the normal operation mode (i.e., one pulse per second), while providing the second plurality of pulses to the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405 at an increased frequency or rate. During the faster pulse operation mode, both the time modules 435 and 440 and the clock movement unit 405 increment their respective times by one second on reception of each pulse. However, the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405 are incrementing their respective times at a much faster rate than the first clock module 435, because of the increased frequency of the second plurality of pulses. After the reception of each pulse from the second plurality of pulses, the control module 430 compares the second time to the first time. If the times do not agree, then the system 400 continues to operate in the faster pulse operation mode until the time difference is substantially reduced. When the times agree or the time difference is substantially reduced, the control module 430 activates the normal operation mode. The faster pulse flag 460 is reset by the control module 430 and the normal pulse flag 455 is set.

When the second time has to "slow-down," the control module 430 sets the slower pulse flag 465 and commands the pulse generating module 450 to decrease the frequency of the second plurality of pulses. The decrease in frequency can be a single value or can be dependent upon the time difference and determined by an algorithm within the control module 430. Upon command from the control module 430, the pulse generating module 450 still provides the first plurality of pulses to the first time module 435 at the normal operation mode, that is one pulse per second, while providing the second plurality of pulses to the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405 at a decreased frequency or rate. During the slower pulse operation mode, both the time modules 435 and 440 and the clock movement unit 405 increment their respective times by one second on reception of each pulse. However, the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405 are incrementing their respective times at a much slower rate than the first clock module 435, because of the decreased frequency of the second plurality of pulses. After the reception of each pulse from the second plurality of pulses, the control module 430 compares the second time to the first time. If the times do not agree, the system 400 continues to operate in the slower pulse operation mode until the time difference is substantially reduced. When the times agree or the time difference is substantially reduced, the control module 430 activates the normal operation mode. The slower pulse flag 465 is reset by the control module 430 and the normal pulse flag 455 is set.

In another embodiment, the time keeping system 400 includes an internal calendar module 472 within the control module 430 for storing date information, such as day, month and year, and includes a memory module or memory bank 475 within the controller 410 for storing event and time information, such as daylight savings information and/or programmed functions. In this embodiment, the system 400 is capable of operating in an event operation mode. During the event operation mode, the system 400 operates similarly to the normal operation mode, but with the control module 430 executing an event. The control module 430 continually checks or compares the information stored in the memory bank 475 with the current time kept by the first time module 430 and the current date kept by the internal calendar module 472. Generally, the information stored in the memory bank 475 includes an action and a time when the action needs to occur, i one embodiment, the memory bank 475 stores daylight savings information, such as an action (i.e., advancing or retracting one hour from the first time kept in the first time module 435) and a time (i.e., date and time of day) when the action needs to occur. In another embodiment, the memory bank 475 stores alarm information, such as an action (i.e., activating a buzzer, bell, radio, light, animal feeder, or another similar device, all not shown) and a time when the action needs to occur. When the time stored in the memory bank 475 agrees or corresponds to the current time and date kept by the first time module 435 and internal calendar module 472, respectively, as compared by the control module 430, then the control module 430 reads the action that corresponds to the time stored in the memory bank 475 and executes the action.

Referring now to Fig. 11, a flow diagram 500 illustrates the event operation mode of the time keeping system 400 with respect to daylight savings information stored in the memory bank 475. The flow diagram 500 starts at step 505 with the time keeping system 400 establishing the first plurality of pulses having a frequency of approximately one pulse per second. At step 510, the first time module 435 receives a pulse from the first plurality of pulses and increments its time by one second. At step 515, the control module 430 determines if the first time held by the first time module 435 corresponds to a first time information stored in the memory bank 475, e.g., 2:00 a.m. If the time held by the first time module 435 does not correspond to the first time information (i.e., 2:00 a.m.), then, at step 520, the control module 430 determines if the time held by the first time module 435 corresponds to a second time information stored in the memory bank 475, e.g., 12:00 a.m.

When the time held by the first time module 435 at step 520 does not correspond to the second time information (i.e., 12:00 a.m.), the control module 430 reads the pulse indicating flags 445 to determine the frequency of the second plurality of pulses and, ultimately, the operational mode of the time keeping system 400. The pulse indicating flags are determined by the control module 430 during step 525. In one embodiment of the system 400, the second plurality of pulses has three different frequencies, a first frequency, a second frequency and a third frequency. The first frequency is used during the normal operation mode and is approximately one pulse per second. The second frequency is used when the second time kept by the second time module 440 is behind the first time kept by the first time module 435, causing the second time module 440 to increment its time at a faster rate until the first time agrees with the second time. During the faster pulse operation mode, the frequency of the second plurality of pulses is approximately eight pulses per one second. The third frequency is used when the second time kept by the second time module 440 is ahead of the first time kept by the first time module 435, causing the second time module 440 to increment its time at a slower rate until the first time agrees with the second time. During the slower pulse operation mode, the frequency of the second plurality of pulses is approximately one pulse per five seconds.

Once the control module 430 determines the frequency at which the second plurality of pulses are to occur in step 525, the clock movement unit 405 increments the displayed time accordingly at step 530. Approximately at the same occurrence, the second time module 440 increments the second time accordingly at step 535. The events which take place at steps 530 and 535 occur almost simultaneously, since both are triggered by the reception of one pulse from the second plurality of pulses.

Once the displayed time and the second time have been incremented accordingly at steps 530 and 535, respectively, the control module 430 compares the first time kept by the first time module 435 with the second time kept by the second time module 440 at step 540. If the first time and the second time agree, then the control module 430 sets the normal pulse flag 455 and the time keeping system 400 is set to operate in the normal operation mode. This occurs at step 545. If the first time and the second time do not agree at step 540, then the control module 430 does not set or reset any pulse indicating flags, and the time keeping system 400 continues to operate in the current operational mode.

If the time keeping system 400 is operating in the faster pulse operation mode as indicated during step 525 by the faster pulse flag 460, then the system 400 implements a subroutine after step 550. Since it was indicated in step 525 that the system 400 is operating in the faster pulse operation mode (i.e., the second plurality of pulses are being provided at a frequency that is eight times faster than the frequency of the first plurality of pulses), the system 400 repeats steps 525-540 seven more times before proceeding back to step 510. Steps 525-540 are repeated seven more times during the faster pulse operation mode, because the second time module 440 receives seven more pulses before the first time module 435 receives its second pulse from the first plurality of pulses, which would occur at step 510. Therefore, steps 525-540 need to be implemented more frequently during the faster pulse operation mode, because the second plurality of pulses are being provided at a faster frequency than the first plurality of pulses.

Similarly, if the time keeping system 400 is operating in the slower pulse operation mode as indicated during step 525 by the slower pulse flag 465, then the system 400 implements a subroutine after step 525. Since it was indicated in step 525 that the system 400 is operating in the slower pulse operation mode (i.e., the second plurality of pulses are being provided at a frequency that is five times slower than the frequency of the first plurality of pulses), the system 400 repeats steps 510-525 four more times before continuing on to step 530. Steps 510-525 are repeated four more times during the slower pulse operation mode, because the first time module 435 receives four more pulses before the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405 receive their second pulse from the second plurality of pulses, which would occur at steps 530 and 535. Therefore, steps 510-525 need to be implemented more frequently during the slower pulse operation mode, since the second plurality of pulses are being provided at a slower frequency than the first plurality of pulses.

Referring back to step 520, when the first time held by the first time module 435 corresponds to the second time information stored in the memory bank 475 (i.e., 12:00 a.m.), the control module 430 reads the action associated with the stored time information in the memory bank 475. For example, the action corresponding to the second time information is to increment the internal calendar module 475 and reset the first time held by the first time module 435 to its beginning reference point. The control module 430 then performs the action, such as incrementing the internal calendar module 472 at step 555, and the first time is reset to the beginning reference point at step 560. In one embodiment, the reference point is 00:00:00. The controller sets the normal pulse flag 455 and the time keeping system 400 is set to operate in the normal operation mode at step 565. Operation of the system 400 continues through steps 530-540, as discussed above.

Referring back to step 515, when the first time held by the first time module 435 corresponds to the first time information stored in the memory bank 475 (i.e., 2:00 a.m.), the control module 430 then reads the action corresponding to the first time information stored in the memory bank 475. For example, the action required by the first time information is to determine if a daylight savings time change is supposed to take place by comparing the date information stored in the memory bank 475 with the current date held by the internal calendar module 472. Therefore, the control module 430 reads the daylight savings time information stored in the memory bank 445 and compares it to the current date held by the internal calendar module 472 at step 570. If no daylight savings time change is supposed to take place at step 570 (i.e., the date information stored in the memory bank 475 does not correspond with the current date held by the internal calendar module 472), then the system 400 proceeds to step 520 and continues as described above. If a daylight savings time change is supposed to take place at step 570 (i.e., the date information stored in the memory bank 475 corresponds to the current date held by the internal calendar module 472), then the control module 430 determines what type of daylight savings time change is supposed to take place at step 575.

If the action stored in the memory bank 475 requires the daylight savings time change to advance one hour, as shown at step 575, then the control module 430 performs the action of advancing the first time held by the first time module 435 one hour or, in other words, sets the first time module 435 to 3:00:00. This occurs at step 580. At step 585, the control module 430 sets the faster pulse flag 460 and the time keeping system 400 is set to operate in the faster pulse operation mode. The system 400 proceeds to step 530 and continues as described above.

If the action stored in the memory bank 475 requires the daylight savings time change to retract one hour at step 575, then the control module 430 performs the action of retracting one hour from the first time held by the first time module 435 or, in other words, sets the first time module 435 to 1 :00:00. This occurs at step 590. At step 595, the control module 430 sets the slower pulse flag 465 and the time keeping system 400 is set to operate in the slower pulse operation mode. The system 400 proceeds to step 530 and continues as described above.

Referring again to Fig. 10, in yet another embodiment of the time keeping system 400, the controller 410 can further include an interruption module 600. Generally, the interruption module 600 detects a power interruption or a low-voltage signal from the primary power source 420 and provides signals to the control module 430 to activate a low-power operation mode.

The interruption module 600 includes a low- voltage detection module 605, a power source detection module 610 and a pulse limiting module 615. The low- voltage detection module is operable to detect if the primary power source 420 is not supplying enough voltage to the time keeping system 400. The power source detection module 610 is operable to detect an interruption in power from the primary power source 420, such as the removal of the battery (if the primary power source 420 is a battery) or if the primary power source was disconnected from the system 400. When the low- voltage detection module 605 detects a low- voltage signal from the primary power source or when the power source detection module 610 detects an interruption in the primary power source 420, the control module 430 sets a power out flag 620. The power out flag 620 indicates that an interruption in power or a low- voltage signal from the primary power source 420 has been detected. The pulse limiting module 615 interrupts or limits the second plurality of pulses, prohibiting the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405 from incrementing, in the event low power is detected.

Referring to Fig. 12, a flow diagram 650 illustrates the operation of the interruption module and the low-power operation mode of the time keeping system 400. The flow diagram 650 starts at step 655 when the low-voltage module 605 and the power source detection module 610 determine enough power is being supplied to the system 400 from the primary power source 420. If low voltage or power interruption is detected by the modules 605 or 610 in step 655, the control module 430 sets the power out flag at step 660. At step 660, the control module 430 activates the low power operation mode and power is supplied to the system 400 by the secondary power source 425. During the low power operation mode, power and pulses are still supplied to the first time module 435, allowing the module 435 to continue keeping time. The control module 430, at step 660, also commands the pulse limiting module 615 to interrupt or limit the second plurality of pulses supplied to the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405. This causes the second time module 440 and the display module (not shown) to "freeze" the time held in each respective module. Only a minimal amount of power is required by the system 400 to maintain the "frozen" time in the second time module 440 and the display module. Furthermore, at step 660, the control module 430 starts a power out timer (not shown) counting toward an elapsed time.

At step 665, the control module 430 determines if the elapsed time as counted by the power out timer has been met. If the elapsed time has not been met in step 665, the system 400 continues back to step 655. If the elapsed time has been met in step 665, the control module 670 sets a predetermined flag (not shown) and interrupts the minimal power being supplied to the second clock module 440 and the display module. This erases the time that was stored or "frozen" in the second time module 440. In other words, the predetermined flag indicates that there is no time or information presently stored or kept by the second time module 440. Power is no longer supplied to the second time module 440 in order to conserve power from the secondary power source 425. Once the predetermined flag is set in set 670, the system continues back to step 655.

If both the low- voltage module 605 and the power source detection module

610 detect enough power being supplied to the system 400, the control module 430 checks the status of the predetermined flag (not shown) at step 675. If the predetermined flag is not set, the control module 430 activates the faster pulse operation mode and the second plurality of pulses are restored to the second time module 440 and the clock movement unit 405 at a faster frequency. On the reception of each pulse from the second plurality of pulses, the control module 430 compares the first time kept by the first time module 435 to the second time kept by the second time module 440 at step 685. When the first time does not agree or correspond to the second time at step 685, the system 400 continues to step 680. When the first time agrees with the second time at step 685, the control module 430 activates the normal operation mode and the system 400 would continue to operate in the normal operation mode, hi one embodiment, the system 400 activates the normal operation mode and would continue to step 505 of Fig. 11.

Referring back to step 675, when the control module 430 recognizes that the predetermined flag was set at step 675, the control module 430 stores the first time kept by the first time module 435 as the second time in the second time module 440 at step 690 and resets the predetermined flag, in one embodiment. The control module 430, then, activates the normal operation mode and the system 400 would continue to operate in the normal operation mode. In another embodiment, the control module 430 indicates to a user by an output device (not shown), e.g., light, sound, a visual indicator, etc., that the time displayed by the display module (not shown) may not correspond to the first time or reference time kept by the first time module 435. This indicates to the user that a setting method should be performed, as will be more fully discussed below. In a further embodiment, the system 400 activates the normal operation mode and would continue to step 505 of Fig. 11.

Referring again to Fig. 10, in yet a further embodiment of the time keeping system 400, the system 400 can further include an input port 700. The input port 700 allows an external device (external meaning outside the scope of the controller 410) to have the capability to provide the controller 410 with information. The information could be event and/or time information to store in the memory bank 475, timing and or reference signals to store in the first time module 435 or second time module, date information to store in the internal calendar module 472, programming instructions to store in the memory bank 475 or execute by the control module 430, or various other forms of information. For example, the input port 700 can take the form of a digital display panel that allows a user to program the first time module 435 and the internal calendar module 472 with time, day and date information. The input port 700 can also take the form of a receiver that receives timing or reference signals by radio frequency. The receiver (the input port) 700 could receive a signal having a time signal component and/or a programmed instruction from the primary master device 21, as in the wireless synchronous time keeping system 20.

If the input port 700 receives timing information from an external source, the controller 410 stores the input time information into the first time module 435 and proceeds to compare the first time (i.e., the input time information from the external device) to the second time kept by the second time module 440. Depending on whether the times agree or not, the controller 410 performs the necessary steps to reduce the time difference between the first time and the second time, as discussed above.

The time keeping system 400 as illustrated in Fig. 10 generally includes the clock movement unit or module 405 and the controller 410, as discussed above. The controller 410 generally includes the control module 430, the first time module or clock module 435 and the second time module or clock module 440, as also discussed above. As is apparent to one skilled in the art, the controller 410 has the capability to include more or fewer modules or functionalities than described above or shown and described in the figures. For example, the first and second time module 435 and 440 can keep solar and/or lunar time. As is apparent to one skilled in the art, the system 400 could be capable of indicating tidal activity based on the lunar and solar times kept by the time modules 435 and 440. Accordingly, the controller 410 can perform various other functions and include different modules that will allow the system 400 to commence operation upon the conclusion of various setting methods performed by a user, as will be more fully discussed below.

There are numerous setting methods that can be used to commence operation of the time keeping system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 for the first operation (i.e., the first time the time keeping system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 is activated after manufacturing) or to commence operation after the low-power operation mode. Typically, in either case, the second time and display time do not correspond with the first time or reference time and need to be set so that both times (the display time and the second time) correspond to the first time. Setting methods need to be performed or conducted, for example, when the predetermined flag (as discussed in relation to Fig. 12) is set and indicates to a user that the time displayed by the display module (not shown) may not correspond to the first time or reference time kept by the first time module 435.

There are some setting methods that can be used with the time keeping system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 having an analog clock and display as the display module (not shown) and as the clock movement unit 405. The analog display and clock movement unit (referred to herein as "analog display 405") 405 generally includes a second hand, a minute hand, an hour hand, and hand gears or wheels to move a respective hand.

Generally, for some setting methods, the first time module 435 is programmed with a current time and date information during manufacturing. This current time and date information corresponds to a time zone, typically, the time zone where the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 is manufactured. For explanatory purposes in regard to the description of the setting methods below, the time and date information provided to the first time module 435 during manufacturing corresponds to the current time and date in the Central time zone.

After manufacturing, the secondary power source 425 supplies power to the controller 410 during instances when primary power is absent (i.e., when the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 is shipped after manufacturing or when the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 is operating in the low-power operation mode), allowing the first time module 435 to continue keeping the first time. In these instances, the predetermined flag would be set, indicating that there is no time stored in the second time module 440. The analog display 405 would not display and keep a display time that corresponds to the first time until a setting method: 1) activates the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400, once primary power is restored; or 2) commences operation of the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 for the first time after manufacturing.

A first setting method is used for the time keeping system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 that allows a user to set the display time to correspond to his/her time zone, which may differ from the time zone designated during manufacturing. For explanatory purposes, the first time kept by the first time module 435 corresponds to the time according to the Central time zone. The first setting method includes a user positioning hands of the analog display 405 to an appropriate hour that reflects or represents a time zone or location. For example, if the current time according to the Central time zone is 12:00, then the first time kept by the first time module 435 reads 12:00:00. To designate the Pacific time zone, the user would position the hands of the analog display 405 to approximately 10:00, two hours behind the current time according to the Central time zone. Approximately 11:00 would designate the Mountain time zone and approximately 1 :00 would designate the Eastern time zone. As stated earlier, approximately 12:00 would designate the Central time zone. The setting method could also include designating approximately 9:00 for time in Alaska and designating approximately 8:00 for time in Hawaii.

Still referring to the first setting method, when the hands of the analog display 405 are set to an appropriate time (i.e., the approximate time in each time zone), the user connects the primary power source 420 to the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400. In one embodiment, the user would insert a primary battery (primary power source) 420 into a battery compartment (not shown). When primary power is restored, the control module 430 sets the hands of the analog display 405 to a time which corresponds to the first time held by the first time module 435. In this method, the controller 410 "assumes" that the hour at which the analog display 405 is set corresponds to approximately the current hour or time kept by the first time module 435. When the controller 410 adjusts the hands of the display 405, the display time appropriately reflects the designated time zone as indicated by the user. When the user performs the first setting method and the analog display 405 displays a time corresponding to the first time kept by the first time module 435, the control module 430 sets the second time in the second time module 440 to agree with the first time, and the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 commences operation.

According to the first setting method, the first time and the second time will agree (i.e., both will read 12:00:00), but the display time, if set for a different time zone by the user, will reflect a time that differs from the first and second times. The display time still increments at the same frequency or rate as the second time, but is ahead or behind by one hour or more. Simply stated, the user "tricks" the controller 410 to display a time that corresponds to a different time zone. The display time will be offset from the first and second time by an hour, two hours, etc., depending on the difference in time between the time zone in which the user sets the analog display 405 and the Central time, as an example.

A second setting method is used for the time keeping system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 that includes a designate time zone switch or module (not shown) to adjust the first time, second time and/or both times. A user sets the hands of the analog display to approximately 12:00. When the hands are set, the user activates the time zone module (not shown) to designate a time zone or location (e.g., designates Pacific time zone, Mountain time zone, Central time zone, Eastern time zone, Alaska, or Hawaii, etc.). The user connects the primary power source 420 to the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400, which, in one embodiment, includes the user inserting a primary battery (primary power source) 420 into a battery compartment (not shown). Depending on the time zone designated by the time zone module, the controller 410 adjusts the first time kept by the first time module 435 to reflect the time zone designation (e.g., advance the first time by one hour if the Eastern time zone is selected, retract two hours from the first time if the Pacific time zone is selected, etc.) and the controller 410 sets the second time kept by the second time module 440 to 12:00:00. After the first time is adjusted and the second time is set, the controller 410 automatic increments the hands of the analog display 405 and the second time until the display time and the second time correspond to the first time kept by the first time module 435, as discussed above.

A third setting method is used for the time keeping system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 that includes the time zone switch or module (not shown) and a clock hands recognition module (not shown). In one embodiment, the clock hands recognition module includes clock optics or an optical circuit that optically detects a position of the hands of an analog display 405 and records the time associated with the position in the second time module 440. A user activates the time zone module to designate a time zone or location (e.g., designates Pacific time zone, Mountain time zone, Central time zone, Eastern time zone, Alaska, or Hawaii, etc.). The controller 410 adjusts the first time kept by the first time module 435 to reflect the time zone designation. When a time zone is designated, the clock hands recognition module detects the hand position of the analog display 405 and stores the time associated with the hand position in the second time module 440. The user connects the primary power source 420 to the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400, which, in one embodiment, includes the user inserting a primary battery (primary power source) 420 into a battery compartment (not shown). When primary power is restored, the controller 410 increments the display time (i.e., the hands of the analog display 405) and the second time to correspond to the first time kept by the first time module 435, as discussed above.

The clock hands recognition module (not shown), in another embodiment, is a manual push-button that a user operates to record hand position of an analog display 405. A user sets the hands of the analog display 405 within one hour of the current time or the first time as kept by the first time module 435. The user connects the primary power source 420 to the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400, which, in one embodiment, includes the user inserting a primary battery (primary power source) 420 into a battery compartment (not shown). When the primary power source 420 is connected to the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400, the system will commence operation, that is, the analog display 405 increments the display time.

In this embodiment, when the second hand of the analog display 405 reaches the "12" position on the display, the user operates or presses the push-button to identify or recognize the second hand position. The controller 410 begins incrementing the second time kept by the second time module 440 to correspond with the second hand ofthe analog display 405. When the second hand crosses the position of the minute hand, the user operates or presses the push-button again to identify or recognize the position of the minute hand. The controller 410 uses the second time kept by the second time module 440 (which corresponds to an elapsed time between operations of the push-button) to derive the position of the minute hand of the analog display 405. The controller 410 "assumes" the position of the hour hand of the analog display 405 reflects the current hour and increments the display time (i.e., the second hand and minute hand of the analog display 405) to a time that corresponds to the first time kept by the first time module 435. In other embodiments, the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 can include the time zone module (not shown) and can use the module to adjust the first and/or second time, as discussed above.

Another variation of the above setting method uses the manual push-button (the clock hands recognition module) to record the position of the second, minute, and hour hand of the analog display 405. As stated earlier in the embodiment above, a user set the hands of the analog display 405 approximately to the current time and connects the primary power source 420 to the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400. This causes the analog display 405 to increment the display time. When the second hand crosses the "12" position on the analog display 405, the user operates the push-button to identify that the second hand is at the 12 position. The controller 430 begins to increment the second time in the second time module 440 to correspond to the incrementing second hand of the analog display 405. When the second hand crosses the minute hand, the user operates the push-button to identify that the second hand is at the minute hand position. The controller 410 uses the second time kept by the second time module 440 to derive the position of the minute hand. When the second hand crosses the hour hand, the user again operates the push-button to identify that the second hand is at the hour hand position. The controller 410 uses the second time kept by the second time module 440 to derive the position of the hour hand. When the controller 410 has derived and identified the positions of each hand, the controller 410 sets the second time to correspond with the display time (i.e., the time indicated by the position of the hands) and increments the display time and the second time accordingly, until the second time agrees with the first time, as discussed above.

This setting method can also be performed in the time keeping system 20, 108,

200, and/or 400 that includes the time zone module (not shown). The controller 410 can adjust the first time, second time or both to correspond to the designated time zone as indicated by the time zone switch, as discussed above. Furthermore, this setting method can also be performed by the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 having a clock hands recognition module that uses clock optics or an optical circuit to record or identify the position of the hands rather than having a user operating a manual pushbutton.

There are also numerous additional setting methods that can be also used to commence operation of the time keeping system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400. These additional setting methods allow a user or external device to determine a current time and, ultimately, set or change the first time kept by the first time module 435. These setting methods can be used with the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 that either has a first time programmed into the first time module 435 during manufacturing (and operates and increments that first time once it is established at manufacturing), or does not have a first time programmed into the first time module 435.

One additional setting method is used with the time keeping system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 having an input port 700, as described earlier. A user sets the hands of the analog display 405 to 12:00 and connects the primary power source 420 to the system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400. Using the input port 700, the user or an external device inputs time and date information to the controller 410. The controller 410 sets the second time in the second time module 440 to 12:00:00 (i.e., the displayed time or the position of the hands of the analog display 405) and sets the first time in the first time module 435 to the time and/or date information that was provided by the external device (not shown). The controller 410 then increments the second time and the display time accordingly, until the second time and first time approximately agree. The input port 700 can also display the inputted information on a digital display or another display device or mechanism.

Another additional setting method is used in the time keeping system 20, 108, 200, and/or 400 having position sensors (not shown) or mechanical trigger devices (not shown) on the hand gears. The sensors and/or trigger devices are capable of indicating the position of the hands on the analog display 405 by sensing the position of the respective gears. When the user set a time on the analog display 405 and connects the primary power source 420, the sensors and/or trigger devices identifies the position of the hands or, in other embodiments, identifies just the position of the hour hand. The controller 410 adjusts the first time kept by the first time module 435 according to the position of the hands. In the embodiment where just the hour position is identified, this setting method allows the user to adjust the first time to correspond with a time zone that the user indicates when he/she positions the hour hand.

Thus, the invention provides, among other things, a time keeping system including a daylight savings time keeping function. Various features and advantages of the invention are set forth in the following claims.
